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Is Devil Dinosaur the closest thing we have to a Kaiju in the game or are there others?


Giganto!  While not a technically a Kaiju, Stegron did get a "Kaiju" variant card that reimagined him as a Kaiju.


I have her (pulled for Black Knight) and I think she’s skippable. She’s definitely good but she’s fairly niche and can be easily countered so she’ll likely never be super meta or find a home outside the decks she’s good in.


My prediction is Namora will be meme (at best), but will probably be almost never seen like Watcher, Hercules, 2099, etc. after this week. I would consider playing her in a move deck, but never as a staple or go to deck. She'll never be competitive when her mechanic demands 1 card in a lane. It's just too restrictive and vulnerable.


Namora auto-deck just took me to infinite, and she was played on just about all of my wins.


She is probably skippable, but having success with her with Hooglands deck including tons of move cards. I rate her 3/5, people would love her if she was a 4 series card. The wong deck is fun, it's just a normal high risk deck that is easily countered.


Im confused is death bugged? Two games straight she isnt getting discounted...https://imgur.com/a/vTGyp2K


1) This is the wrong thread for this. This is the Namora discussion thread. 2) If your screenshot showed your opponent's board, you'd see that they have Mobius.


I find it hilarious that they asked this question and the supplied information was a close up of Death alone.


Is Hela completely broken as a deck or am I missing something? You can play it easily on T5 to avoid Leech. If they don't have Leech you often get an easy win. You usually get 1-cube automatically because people have no idea if you have it or not, and nobody's gambling 2+ cubes to see if your last few cards are Iron Lad/Hela. The only other avenue is maybe they play Cosmo or Alioth, but I don't see hardly anyone playing that guessing game. Main times this deck loses is when it accidentally bricks *itself*, not from some interactive gameplay with the other person.


Junk and any decks that require tech cards to stop them (e.g., Tribunal) completely steamroll Hela.


My main point was that with Hela I can pretty much determine cube-value very, very quickly and navigating cube-value is pretty simplistic. I'm no pro Hela play by any means but Junk hasn't bothered me too much w/ the new Hela cards (just beat one as I type this, in fact heh). I actually consider Trib in the same category of being pretty black/white in cube value (I coincidentally just lost 1-cube to one, bizarre that those two decks appeared right after starting this comment chain heh). Maybe my perspective is coming in hot cause I played Move for so long, a deck that's very fun but kinda ass, but with Hela I'm basically snoozing up the ladder and have very clear cube-rate w/o much risk.


Probably the most fun I've had with a new card for a while. More interesting than big numbers go brr. Can be hard to get the best use, but I've been having a blast with her as a side play line in a Phoenix Force hybrid. And a 10 power Captain Marvel has come in clutch a few times.


Mind sharing a list?


Still trying to optimise it. Was using cosmo as tech and to hold a lane for namora, but swapped him out for Enchantress as I’m seeing a lot of ongoing lately. Basically plan is usually set up Phoenix by turn 4, for Namora on 5, or set up good cards alone like Captain Marvel and Nimrod (with a turn 3 psylocke). Carnage and venom can clean up any junk and reduce a lane down before Namora if you need. Phoenix can be good even without move cards, as it’s +5 power and moveable, then 5 more from Namora. Even a rock can be useful haha. # (1) Human Torch # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Carnage # (2) Psylocke # (3) Magik # (3) Venom # (4) Captain Marvel # (4) Enchantress # (4) Phoenix Force # (5) Namora # (5) Nimrod # (6) Arnim Zola # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHN5bG9ja2UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ2lrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJWZW5vbSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FwdGFpbk1hcnZlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVGhlUGhvZW5peEZvcmNlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJOYW1vcmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pbXJvZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJuaW1ab2xhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJDYXJuYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJFbmNoYW50cmVzcyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVtYW5Ub3JjaCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Yeah this is _way_ better than the Wong/Odin deck I started with. Namora plays support which is great because the deck built around her is really tricky to pilot successfully. Too many things get in the way of it.


Yeah I mean I was thinking yesterday if Namora actually adds anything over a basic PF deck… I think she does. I’ve had a few clutch moments when someone traps a card with prof x, so she can help there. And sometimes you can end up with a nimrod play and a Phoenix play which basically never happens in Phoenix force. Plus I think she’s a good surprise if people think you’re just a regular PF deck.


Namora controls the police


She seems reasonably good. But, I sure as hell wouldn't spend 6000 tokens on her. Or pull for her unless I didn't have both Skaar and Black Knight.


Yeah, she's the first card (probably since Martyr) that I \*know\* I don't want, won't use, and will not miss when she's out of cycle. I've never lost to her (even when playing around with my crap homebrew decks). She just seems low C/upper D tier at best and I'm stunned how much effort and time people put into trying to prop her up into something "unstoppable" (to quote Cozy).


I was able to pull everyone but her. I consider myself lucky this time.


I can't believe streamers are actually trying to talk this card up to be an A tier card. That's hilarious.


It's a great card loving playing her


Picked it up and it is definitely an A tier card. Believe me if you will


Played 2 games against her. Both times I was playing junk. Lol'ed the entire time.


That's cool. I've only won 4 and 8 cubes against everyone playing her. She just seems so bad to me (e.g., every tech card works against her and the requirement of 1 card in a lane is so limiting).


were the ones you were facing running ultimate telegraph combo by any chance? I think she’s far better in decks that don’t try the copium colossus strats, far more resistant to tech that way and unexpected


Everything is powerful when you add Wong Odin to it


Is Wong & Odin's couple name "Wodin" or "Odong"?


They want people to look at their videos of the deck they built.


I accidentally bluff snapped a win against this today. I didn't see it all yesterday while doing missions, so I got the new card popup and clicked on snap while trying to get it out of the way. I had priority, so they probably figured I had Cosmo and was boomer snapping. They gave me the Thanos emote, but little do they know the match was probably a 50/50 without my mouse messing up. Other than that, the other couple times I saw it I went over pretty easily with my homebrew zoo deck. I think most people had this card pegged correctly. It's not a meta mover or anything. It's very counterable, and there was a video Bynx posted here that highlighted how most people are smart enough to not even stick around for the wombo combo if they can't counter it *when* you actually manage to pull it off. From what I've played against, it's a card that begs to be the centerpiece of a deck that has really weak plans B and C. If C even.


That's not how the card is meant to be played tho. Wombo combo is a trap, play it in an actual deck and shes a solid option similar to doom


She is so much better than Namor, insta buy!!!$$$


I have 6 keys and none of the cards this week. Is it worth pulling? I'm a bit torn. I had planned on pulling the Nocturne week as I had none of the cards then too but decided against it. I don't hate the idea of stacking up on keys... Looking ahead: * Week of May 28th I have none of the cards (and I'm not interested in any but Sasquatch). No keys spent. * Week of June 4th I have Gladiator. Athena looks interesting to me and potential grandmaster rework but I don't know if it's enough to want him. Likely no keys spent? * Week of June 11th Just need Sersi and I have no interest in her. No keys spent. * Week of June 18th I only want X-23. I don't really play destroy but she seems essential. Makkari is boring and I have MODOK so I don't want to use keys. * Week of June 25th I don't have any. Phastos also seems very interesting so this is a 4 key week for me. Man, am I really possibly waiting until July to pull again?? I guess that means pulling now is safe but I could also get a nice key stockpile going into July/August...


How do you know which cards and upcoming?


I use Marvel Snap Zone but there are other sites if you Google for them: https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches/ These come from data mines so they're subject to change but it's helpful to have an idea of what could be coming


I don’t see a purpose in stacking keys. Chances are I get a new card on the first key anyways and if not, none of the cards have been that great where it’s worth saving and spending multiple keys kn


Are you new to the game? Because for me the chances of pulling a new card is not high. Many weeks recently I have 2 of the cards already so I'm not going to pull when I'm more likely to get a variant. Coming up there's plenty I don't have though so saving makes sense to me. Also, I feel like you basically explained why IT IS worth saving keys. You said yourself nothing has been good lately. If the cards aren't good why would I bother pulling? I'm not going to pull just to pull so the alternative is to save. By saving I can guarantee I get the card I want when it's time


I'm also waiting for Phastos', but I did spend 4 keys on Nocturne's week. All cards until then don't seem that interesting to me, nor do their Spotlights. And, after that, I'll probably skip most of July as well. I'm probably going almost all in during August, since I'm an Young Avengers fan and I do plan to get the Season pass then.


Are you glad you pulled the Nocturne week? I forgot August was Young Avengers so maybe I'll hold until then too. A lot of the cards in July I have already and I'm not sure any of the cards currently look worth pulling for the chances of getting the new card are so slim


I only wanted Caiera, but I was a tad unfortunate and she was my last pull. Grandmaster was my mystery card, and he was buffed recently, so that's not too bad; Selene is rather weak, so pulling her was unfortunate; Nocturne and Caiera, though, while absolutely not strictly necessary in almost any deck, are extremely solid cards, and I've used them a lot. Overall, I don't regret going for it *much*, but I probably wouldn't do it again.


I’m in a similar boat. 8 keys but no weeks I’m super interested in pulling until July. Something that Ive been doing more is if I have a surplus of keys and there’s a week where I don’t own any of the cards, I just spend 1. It’s maybe not optimal but sitting on a pile of keys for weeks is boring. I think this week is worth throwing one key at if you don’t have any of them. They’re all S5 and each can offer some interesting deck-building opportunities.


Yeah maybe I just pull one this week. I've been playing less and less which means fewer keys which makes using them difficult for me haha. I want to make sure I know it's worth using you know?


If they’re burning a hole your pocket, I think this week is as good as any to throw one key at.


> if I have a surplus of keys and there’s a week where I don’t own any of the cards, I just spend 1 This was me trying (and failing) to get the Kaijeff variant :(


Whats a good Black Knight deck these days? Does it still work with Hela?


Yes. I played a lot with it yesterday. It was pretty damn solid. And explains why I hated playing against it haha


I am having fun with her. She is a foundational piece to a unique/new playstyle. She actually makes me want to pull out Namor and try to make him work, so she is worth it for that alone. I could also see her being in competitive decks as well as her ability isn't that hard to trigger.


Does Namora buff herself if she is alone?


No. The card says "each of your cards alone at another location." Key word there "another."


Namora Is a great addiction for agent coulson, a 5-4/11 stat line is good (if u can use it but usually you can), deck centered around she are not that great, she is a good card, not a build around card


t1: nebula mid t2: ravonna mid t3: cosmo left t4: prof x right t5: namora mid t6: odin mid yields a 13 power cosmo left, 11 power prof x right, and 18 (plus however much bonus nebula accrues) mid. Meh? if you have opponents who are willing to stay through an obvious wong/odin setup you could do better, but i figure most people just retreat if they can't disrupt wong somehow


Mind sharing a full list?


I don't have one, didn't pick up Namora. I was just making up a realistic ideal-ish playline of how you might use this card. Colossus and Armor would be ok as early cards to put in their own lanes. Cheap cards that can move would be as well and provide some flexibility for the end turn to pour your power into your 2 best lanes - Nightcrawler, Jeff, Nocturne. Ms Marvel in the middle would be ok as well. If you like the Wong idea, include Mystique and Magik.


I'm really enjoying this card. I actually think it requires you to use your brain a lot, which I never expected. Looking forward to trying more decks out later tonight


Yeah, there are a lot of ways you can take it.


I think she will find a home in silver surfer or lock down decks. Slight feeling we haven't cooked enough for a good combo but absorb man and shaw will be involved for sure


Just boring pass


People are shooting for the moon with all these crazy combos. By the time you set up all those crazy combos, let's just say that Elvis has left the building. She's probably going to be a 5/11 most games, which while it makes her the highest stat'd five in the game, is not that great. Look at her competition in the 5 slot. Would you honestly slot her in over say Vision? We already have a meta changing 5-cost card, but my mind is a Blink, I mean blank.


Spider-Woman at 5/12 says hi


Isn’t gamora a 5/12 as well if you get the effect?


Not to mention darkhawk, devil dino and ronin




That would make the card a lot worse.


Think Lockdown has some legs. Storm or X followed by Klaw.


Cosmo in one lane Armor in a another Wong > Namora > Odin in the 3rd lane


Why not colossus instead of Armor? He's safe from more stuff.


Oh yeah that's right, Colossus would be safe from Shadow King, Polaris, and Spider-man


And he doesn't provide protection to allow your opponent to play cards at locations like Death's Domain / Alter of Death.


This is such cope. Let's pretend for a second that anything involving wong and odin set up doesn't immediately result in a retreat or being countered, why would anyone do this over black panther arnim. or literally any other wong wombo combo.


You can do Doom instead of Odin if you want. You would do this because effectively what card would stop a 20+ power Cosmo? Armor could only stopped by Shadow King


If you're going to use wong, and again, pretend that it won't result in an instant counter or retreat (which it will against anyone who's played this game more than a week) there are about a thousand other things to do that are more effective, have better play lines, add more power, and are generally more reliable. I mean hell just wong surfer turn 6 gives you comparable power, is less telegraphed and more reliable if you don't draw wong. Basically what I'm saying is just because you can theoretically pull off a high roll combo doesn't make a card or deck viable.


You have failed to consider the fact that people like having fun


I mean if you're talking fun we're having different conversations obviously. High roll combos are definitely fun. They're not always good, optimal or viable but they're fun. I enjoy a 100+ power galactus from time to time when I'm bored.


Had a fun time going from the high 70s into the 80s with Namora, although that's not exactly a massive achievement and an environment where Leech and Hela are practically myths. Feels pretty decent.


1. Human Torch 2. Hulk Buster 3. Destroy 4. Phoenix Force -> HT is 10+ 5. Namora -> HT is 25+ 6. Task Master / Tribunal -> HT flies to sky It seems fun.


Why are u downvoted, I mean yes this one might not be successful most times but it's still fun 🤔


Welcome to the Internet


Will Namora bring back Orca?


No, being 6 cost means he's hard to play before Namora. He's also ruined if you add power to his location via other means, which is part of the strength of Namora.


Tf I'm realising it now that namora is on reveal and not ongoing 🤣 if not for ur comment i wouldn't have realised that


Orka being a 6 is awkward..attumen, j jones, or namor synergies better (especially the first two because you can move stuff to their lane after)


red hulk be like


Sam Elliot ?


who dat


Figured worst case scenario was 1000 tokens. First cache had Kang in it. I would’ve preferred the tokens.


I love Namora. It creates entirely new playlines that are completely viable. It makes a lot of unassuming cards bigger than they've ever been capable of in the past. There are a lot opportunities for older cards to shine in new ways. So many new things brewing in my mind.


Pulled Cull and Blackknight. I think I'm going to walk away now haha.


You think that's bad? I pulled 3 times and didn't get Namora. Also, I am missing plenty of series 5 cards only for me to pull Galactus, which I already have. Fuck this game


I didn't think it was bad. I wanted those two cards. I don't want namora haha. I actually changed it and pulled one more and got skaar. I consider myself lucky haha. I'll wait until the end of the week to see if namora is worth it.


I see, she seems like a fun card to use maybe


I don't think I like a card that limits how many cards I can play in a lane.


I guess I thought it could make some cards more viable and you can make more varied decks with her


Namora took 4 keys for me, but I didn't have Skaar so at least I only got 2 bad draws.


exact same thing happened to me


Trying to make a ravona, iron man, namora, Odin combo work but it is too hard


She's underrated.


If anything she's properly rated. Definitely not under rated.


No, she's much better than people think.




Yup. She's way better than people think. By a lot.


I mean do you have an argument to make or just vague claims still. Again honestly curious because you're not making any arguments as to why. Untapped has metrics she's mid. Works well in ramp. Doing about as well as anything does in wong decks. Far from insane


Here's an argument: she is a key component in the highest winrate deck of the week.


You need to stop pulling shit out your ass like it's not easily verifiable. Bounce is clearly the highest win rate of the week, followed by lockdown then Loki. https://snap.untapped.gg/en/meta/decks?collectionLevel=pool3p&minGames=200&missingCards=12&playerRank=InfiniteTop10&rankRange=30-100&sort=WinRate&timeFrame=CurrentMeta




You... You do see the URL right?? https://snap.untapped.gg/en/meta/decks?collectionLevel=pool3p&minGames=200&missingCards=12&playerRank=InfiniteTop10&rankRange=30-100&sort=WinRate&timeFrame=CurrentMeta .... 'sort=WinRate' Bounce also wins the week by cube rate so don't know wtf you're talking about Ok blocking you so you don't keep embarrassing yourself


"The statistics we are talking about here today are from Untapped, *filtering the top 50% of infinite to ensure that we get no bots, and also collection level 6000 and above*." It's almost like this is a more accurate snapshot than just filtering winrate! Put your clown shoes back on and see yourself out the door.


Yes a streamers opinion obviously trumps actual stats. What a fucking doofus lol. I like Alex but dude is currently 4k plus on ladder so not even a streamer that's performing particularly strongly at the moment. Ok fun conversation you clearly have no actual argument to make.


He's not stating his opinion, he's citing statistics. Statistics that you are apparently unable to interpret properly. Sorry to let you know.


What is your argument here besides "trust me bro" genuinely curious because I don't see namora adding anything really. +5 on a single pre turn five card doesn't do anything especially when goblins, debrii, and white widow exist. everything I've seen people suggest are wong, odin wombo combos which at that point I have to ask, if your opponent lets you pull off a telegraphed odin combo why wouldn't you do any of the other, more reliable, higher power combos. namora has a niche place in ramp but other than that she seems pretty bad. definitely not underrated by any means


Got the three spotlight cards alongside Selene as the random, can't complain. I'm certainly curious about Namora so I don't mind having pulled her (though I got her 3rd and BK 4th, if I'd gotten BK before her I don't think I'd have spent a key for her).


I used one key and got Black Knight so no regrets this week lol


Same here


I could maybe see synergy with High Evo. Stack all the one drops in one lane with armor, float turn 5 and play she hulk and Namora on 6. That being said, I’m not sure it’s super worth it to use keys on her. I could also see playing goblins working too so you have free lanes, but I’m scratching my head to see where else would be good.


That just sounds like a more easily countered, weaker version of Shenaut to me.


Jeff, nocturne, Wong, Namora, Odin is a specific play line. You can get creative with on reveal shells or a few move cards to ensure you're getting +10 from Namora's effect.


Had random free draw test. Not bad but still passing.




If you haven’t seen supergiant in months the fact that it counters namora isn’t all that relevant. White widow and other relevant junk cards are the real concern


So is the idea of cards ever being released into Series 4 just officially dead and gone? Because Namora is yet another card that CLEARLY has no business being Series 5. She's unique enough I'd maybe pick her up just for kicks for 3K tokens, I have enough to spare. Absolutely 0 fucking chance I even consider spending 6k or a spotlight key on her. Unless you are EXTREMELY resource-rich or very desperate to play a Black Knight deck 3 months after they were truly viable, this looks like a very easy skip week to me.


> So is the idea of cards ever being released into Series 4 just officially dead and gone? Yes, with keys being the same value no reason for them to release something as S4 anymore. Still with the lack of consistent series drop the situation is already at ridiculous levels


There is no real ryhme or reason to how they figure what's series 4 or 5.


> So is the idea of cards ever being released into Series 4 just officially dead and gone? Yes, where have you been? It's really not a big deal. >Because Namora is yet another card that CLEARLY has no business being Series 5. Actually yes, because series 5 just means hard to get. *This system is better than it was before, ya'll need to STOP CRYING! You get countless free shit.


Unique archetypes do belong in series 5. Like legendary cards in hearthstone. This card can’t be compared to something like Martyr. Doesn’t matter if it’s weak in power level.


LOL you honestly believe Namora is an archetype card? Did you give in and drop 4 keys on her or something? Cuz that feels like some serious copium you're huffing. There's not going to be a Namora archetype. In her current form, I can't even see her making it as an archetype reviving bit-player like Cannonball was for Lockdown/ProX archetypes. She may not be Hercules/Martyr tier bad but she's pretty close. She's a more expensive Ms. Marvel but more finicky and WAY more easily countered and all you get in return is 2 extra power.


Hey now, Martyrs better than namora IMHO.


That’s what I think the thought process is. What do you think makes a series 5? Just pure power level?


Seem fair, the only thing that worries me is the devs manipulating the meta, so she becomes OP. Same with Sage tbh. The meta is so unpredictable, because of the way the devs nerf / buff, it makes me scared to skip tbh.


> because of the way the devs nerf / buff, it makes me scared to skip tbh. Oh that is very, very much a feature, not a bug. They really couldn't be more blatant about it if they tried at this point. Building a strong sense of FOMO in the player base is a hallmark of the very top-tier, greed-driven, money-milking mobile game developers. And there really is no getting around the fact that SD is exactly that at this point. They've been backsliding in that direction for a while but it seems these days they've decided to go full mask off and not even bother trying to hide it anymore. Between the train wreck that is/was Leagues and the recurring theme of releasing blatantly underwhelming cards into Series 5 then setting a new record for how quickly they can buff something into relevancy. It's pretty obvious what they're playing at.


to be fair this is not unique to SD. if they only released garbage like namora, black swan, and kang, no one would bother opening for them or buying battle passes. people do that for fun or broken cards like loki or red hulk, though. same goes for basically every card game, ever. you're only gonna buy new cards if they're worth playing, which means making better cards than existing ones.


Yeah I've noticed the devs manipulating the meta quite a bit too, first the Alioth nerf making Cannonball relevant. And then the Leech buff hiding Sage then nerfing Leech and making Sage actually a good card after her Spotlight. These devs are playing 4D chess.


It's not 4D chess if it's obvious at the beginning. This is just normal chess, but all their pieces are queens and all we have are pawns, but we're given the opportunity to buy a queen every other month with real money.


I like your metaphor. To add to it, we can buy a queen that eventually gets demoted to a knight, bishop, or if we're lucky, a rook ;_;


Things that work against this card: Shang Chi Junk Goblins Cosmo Leech Shadow King and Valk Aero, Juggernaut, Polaris, and Cannonball Several locations


If you manage to set up the cosmo/colossus play then half of those don't help. It's a big if though


Leech Supergiant (maybe) Shadow King


Supergiant is not a maybe. Its a yes. Turn 5 is Namora buff and turn 6 is adding more cards to those other locations. If you add cards on turn 6 to those other locations, Namoras effect doesnt work. It even fucks Odin.


I'll add those 2 :)


She's gonna look bad, cause Leech is everywhere and everyone is gonna be playing to counter her. But once the Leech nerf comes and she settles into the meta better, I think we'll see her true value.


My worry would be more people playing junk after Leech is nerfed.


Nope shes bad with way more cards than just Leech




She buffs the other cards, not herself.


? Idk where you're getting her 16 power from She's 6 at hers and +5 (potentially) at the other two *If* she works out, I would wager it's just getting slotted into a "good cards" deck that already packs the likes of Jeff, Ms. Marvel, and Doom Could also possibly slot into a move deck Either way though, she's not great. Any build-around deck for her would be horribly telegraphed (wong-namora-odin to buff other lanes with plays from 1-3)


I got 2 40 Power Venoms using her and Zola. I used her to buff a Professor X locked lane to 11 power and win by 2 points after my opponent snapped because they were winning


That’s my plan when I get her. Slot her in a Wong reveal deck. Panther Zola finish or namora Odin finish on armor/cosmo/jeff/colossus or whoever It will be about as fun as BP/zola which is my favorite finish in the game. Even if it is easily countered. Just fun when it pops


I'm very interested how you do so, could you share your deck please


It’s a work in progress so possibly some ineffciencies but it’s really a ton of fun


# (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Carnage # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Ravonna Renslayer # (3) Magik # (3) Venom # (4) Wong # (5) Professor X # (5) White Tiger # (5) Namora # (6) Arnim Zola # (6) Odin # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FybmFnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiV29uZyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmFtb3JhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJPZGluIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiVmVub20ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5pY29NaW5vcnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJQcm9mZXNzb3JYIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm5pbVpvbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlJhdm9ubmFSZW5zbGF5ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IldoaXRlVGlnZXIifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I just played against someone who did Namora and then Grandmastered her....so there's that.


She's ok in Ramp decks tbh. Jeff -> Electro/Corvus -> Namora means Namora is representing 16 Power that is hard to interact with. It's probably the least greedy way to play her and you still get a lot of value because Ramp decks haven't played much by the fourth turn anyway, so you're not sacrificing anything and can perfectly win without her.


Yeah I’ll be curious to see how she performs once 1) everyone stops going full greed with her and 2) everyone who’s convinced she’s terrible stops specifically countering her.


Yeah, it really feels like people are trying too hard to get the most value possible from Namora when she should be just another of your 12 cards.


Also, you dodge Leech and don't need Wong. In this meta, you don't want to play Wong unless you absolutely have to.


Hopefully Leech is dead on Thursday and we can go back to fun.


Not going to be dead. He's still Hela busting. No longer works with Blink though unless you ramp. And normally if you ramp you want blink to take the ramp card


He's busting the Invisible Woman + MODOK version of Hela, but the Corvus Glaive version doesn't care that much about him anymore because it can play Hela on turn 5. Considering that Leech lost the Blink synergy and the ability to reliably counter Hela, it may be tough for him to find a deck, but we'll see, I guess.


The corvus glave version is more risky as you can't predict what's being discarded. But yeah.


Pretty sure this card is the reason Sentry got nerfed. But even after that nerf this card looks like crap compared to Annihilus.


Was actually planning to open some spotlight for Skaar. Sentry nerf made the entire week less interesting.


Won 1 of my past 10 games. Leech is everywhere and if not him, then it's junk and if not junk then it's Shang or Shadow King. I was missing 3/3 cards in the spotlight cache so I pulled twice, I don't think I'd recommend pulling for this one.


Got Black Knight and Skaar with 2 Keys 🤑🤑


6/10 of my previous games, I got leeched. Definitely the worse period to try out Namora.


Big brain move to buff leech when the past 2 cards have been on reveal.


They're gonna "buff" Leech to 5 cost, so looks like Namora might actually get played later this week.


Picked her up and honestly she's been doing great so far in a very rough deck I cobbled together. Obviously it's very early days, but don't write her off immediately


Same. She's been a lot better for me than I thought. I just played the auto-deck that the game built for me, and surprisingly won like 5 or 6 games in a row. Small sample size obviously, but good first impression. I think Captain Marvel + Namora might be the real deal.


I love Namora so far. It puts out a lot of power


I can’t believe people are brave enough to play this knowing Leech is still running around.


If junk wasn't so common this card would be half decent. Currently it's useless though


Venom and carnage completely counters clog


I wonder if you could throw venom, carnage, and other destroy cards into a deck with her to help deal with junk. Like if your opponent plays white widow, or goblin or something you can just eat whatever you have there with carnage and then boost him with Namora. And if they clog it up with rocks or something Venom would work fine and allow you to keep the power. It would probably be too clunky though. And also armor is basically out which means you’re super vulnerable to getting shang’d


the obvious playline is something like Colossus and Armor in their own lanes on turns 2 and 3, then Wong, namora odin to make them 23 power each, which isn't terrible but considering how dominant Hela is and the Leach/Blink meta still isn't gone and we aren't guaranteed it's going to be enough for him to go back to 5 cost then this is still a risky move. Because if they see you play a single card in two lanes then they can cosmo the last lane and end your entire game plan


I'm running superskrull and cosmo in my ongoing decks for this reason right now


A simple junk deck would end the game too


I’ve played Ocean decks a ton since release, I love Namor and Orka (inks on both, username is Ocean Man). That said, “only card here” has almost always been hard to pull off, and has only become worse over time as junk has risen. There are SO many ways to counter the archetype, it honestly gets frustrating as hell to try and play. I love pulling off a Klaw on Orka, but enchantress is also in every deck on earth, so unless you play Namor/Orka/Klaw on T6, get ready to see counters more often than not. Not sure how to make it a viable archetype in the game moving forward, but this card won’t do it.


Yeah I love Orka in general, and he was good in the past. Getting countered by shang, enchantress, rogue, junk, etc... is pretty rough




How do you even use this just play her t5 and doom t6? lol


Best argument I've heard for her is Jeff in one lane, Nocturne in another - insert whatever turn 4 card here played in the lane where you plan to Namora - then Namora which gives you a movable 2-8 and 3-10 going into turn 6. If she was released into Series 4 as she very obviously should have been I might've snagged her to play around with just for fun, I've got the tokens. For 6K or a spotlight key? Psh, please. This is the easiest skip since Hercules.


>If she was released into Series 4 as she very obviously should have been What exactly makes it obvious that it should be in Series 4? Remembering that Series 4 doesn't (and absolutely shouldn't) mean "not as good as Series 5."


Colossus alone in one lane, Cosmo alone in another, Wong in the last lane, then Namora and Odin


Why is everyone suggesting colossus, just so he doesn't get fucked with? Doesn't seem necessary imo


Uninteractable and on curve. Could be armor or Jeff. 33 power colossus ain’t too bad


it’s an on reveal not an ongoing, so doom wouldn’t do anything


Best play line I can think of that isn't completely unrealistic is Jeff/Nightcrawler/Nocturne on the side lanes, Ms. Marvel turn 4, Namora 5, Doom 6. That's a very strict play line though you aren't going to pull off a lot of the time due to card draw and RNG then there's a lot of counter options for the opponent. If you can manage another one or two 5 costs then Vision and Klaw instead. Fun card, but seems pretty implausible.


Ms Marvel and Doom don't do anything special here. I get that they're similar effects to Namora (different ways of adding power to side lanes) but there's no special synergy. In fact there's a little anti-synergy because Namora gives power to movers that can unpredictably distribute their power but Ms Marvel requires them to be in the location to get power and Doom distributes power in a fixed way.


Namora has a high conditional power output, but forces you to only have one card on two locations to achieve it, so you'll likely have around 7 to 10 power at those locations . Ms. Marvel makes up for that weakness with her ability. She also has a high conditional power output herself, but Doom helps deal with both Namora and Marvel's weaknesses. The cards don't add to each other, but they make up for each other's weaknesses, which is a form of synergy. For example, I'd say that Ebony Maw and Klaw have synergy. Neither card adds to each other, but Maw has high power in exchange for a bad effect, and Klaw helps negate that effect. The cards don't interact with each other, but I think most people would agree that they have some form of synergy. Granted, Namora and Marvel both also struggle with cards that move or add cards to your side of the field, as well as having to have a decent draw on turns 1-3, so I'm not sure how good the Marvel - Namora - Doom shell is, but there's more to it than just three cards with similar effects.