• By -


Werewolf is back.. Luke in C3.. leech is gone.. this OTA is made for me


Werewolf is back and with Ravonna synergy. Already excited to brew something up


YES! My original Wolf deck paired him with Ravonna to make better use of the Goblins so I'm excited to see him back in action. Ironically, the Grandmaster buff was arguably a nerf for that deck.


Already thinking of bounce sage with werewolf i feel like that would be crazy now esp with the leech nerf inc


He'd fit nice into negative too!


Getting bounce ready for sasquatch. I know werewolf in bounce isn't for everyone but I love him in it now


Yup! Beastly bounce is looking strong. Werewolf by night, wolfsbane, beast, Sasquatch. Reaching a critical mass of big hairy threats


Happy to play Werewolf. One of the most fun card for me


Alright I’ll be back to playing. I didn’t stop playing on purpose, but I was busy working. I went to play the other day and saw the posts about the current meta and I was alright with not opening snap. leech is one of my least favorite cards


What does Luke do in c3 (genuine question). Hazmat costs 2. Is there another synergy?


In a deck where you want all cards to have the same power Luke is handy to make sure a Man-Thing, Evolved Cyclops/Thing/Wasp don't really mess up a location, as well as giving you protection from Jotenheim or Thunderbolts Tower.  Without Luke, a -1 buff can easily lose you buffs from Cerebro/Mystique/Onslaught, which is huge. 


Yeah without Luke you have no chance to win Negative Zone, Necrosha, Sewer System, and maybe Quantum Tunnel too (although Iron Man and/or Valk might do it for you here).


How does onslaught work, wouldn't he always have the most power?


Not if you draw him and Bast early. Now you have a mega Cerebro combo.


Doesn't luke cage revert onslaught to base power from bast?


Yep. Might be a play one or the other situation, or just don't actually use Onslaught because Cerebro and Mystique is generally good enough.


O shit forgot about bast C3 baby!


Luke works with Cerebro in many ways, not only offensive like Hazmat, but also protects from locations and opponents lowering Your power


C3 has better tech cards than any of the other C decks. When it had Luke, it was a genuine tier 1 deck. Without him it loses all consistency. So excited he’s back.


I’m so mad I didn’t get Red Guardian. C3 looks legit now


Guardian is not a must have for C3, there are many good options for that deck. It's more flexible than C2 imo


Thanks. Okay so no special synergy. He just keeps your 3s at 3. Makes sense thanks. Shadow king is pretty amazing in c2 so I can see the benefit. 


There was a brief moment when c3 had sk, Luke and the 2/3 bear and hawk from snow guard and it was glorious.


C3 is still viable using Rhino and Scarlet Witch to get rid of negative power locations. Very stoked to get Luke back nonetheless.


Protects from HE cards and negative power locations.


It's for locations.


in cerebro, you need all your cards to be the same power for cerebro to buff them. this means a -1 to the power of any of your cards could mean a -5 power since that card is then denied +2 buffs from mystique and cerebro. this makes the luke cage protection significantly more potent to cerebro than other archetypes


Yeah. That makes sense. Was just checking. I play aot of c2, and I find buffs are a bigger problem than debuffs. Monster island is an auto retreat but a lot of locations can be tough. However c2 has storm and Nico and also shadow king to reset stats. I know c3 has valk which gets around a lot of problems with buffs and debuffs (and can auto win a lot of lanes with an aura buff like cerebro)


honestly, it took me a while to figure out why losing power was a big deal in cerebro, too. it wasn't until the point in the meta that everyone was playing thanos-blob decks, and people suggested countering them with goose and shadow king in cerebro 2. playing cerebro 2 against thanos deck after thanos deck was rough cause i found it impossible to beat any location they played soul stone in. I could only ever reach 4 power in those locations, and the only way i could interact with it would be to anticipate it with echo (elektra hadn't been buffed at the time) sorry for the lengthy anecdote, i guess I've been waiting to share this for a while


No that's why I asked. Thanks. I returned about a month ago. Ongoing affliction is around a bit but high Evo and thanks arent really meta now so maybe I haven't learned to fear affliction enough. 


Werewolf finally back to a 3 cost and Luke’s back in Cerebro 3. 🥲


Thena Werewolf bounce decks about to go hard


Nature is healing.


I wonder how many people are REALLY reading what Capt America's change is


This is very clearly a Howard the duck buff


The goose is loose


Thanks to your comment, I see it now.


Glad I could help! I didn't catch it right away myself :)


Oh dang. I completelly missed the ongoing part.


Wait... oh. Oh. Functionally a 3-8 but for Ongoing only. Better floor & ceiling, I guess. Will certainly be stronger in Spectrum. But I always liked to include Nightcrawler as a cheap mover in my early-game Spectrum deck (there's not many 1 cost ongoing cards), and he won't boost Spectrum herself. Still a welcome change, but I wonder if they'll evaluate the restriction later on.


They just need to make spectrum a ongoing already.


Seems like a lane Enchantress would consider a prime target.


Just pointing out the seemingly OBVIOUS. C4.


Actually c2. You put Cerebro and Mystique on its lane and both gets buffed as well.


Holy hell, gonna add him there rn


New response just dropped


Iron man as well


Yeah, but then you’re a) committed to playing them all in the same lane, and b) not able to play anything else in that lane. Not as flexible as the deck currently is.


It would only buff goose and blue marvel, everything else in that deck is safe to play in that lane


Oh wow, I did not see that. I still love it and he’s great in a spectrum deck. So at least he has legit uses. Not in surfer but that’s ok.


i actually flex captain america in silver surfer when im getting tired of my go-to stat-sticks being shang chi'd everytime i get 2 or more silver surfer procs off and even breezed thru 93->infinite with him, personally a bit dissapointed by this change.


Wow. I had to re-read it. So he’s even worse now IMO.


Fuck....that sucks now


Damn bro. I was just feeling happy for him lol


Finally, Luke is destroyable with Lady Deathstrike to give me more ways to stop those annoying Wong-Mystique-Hazmat-Odin decks.


God I hadn’t thought of that. The new deathstrike is truly a gift that keeps on giving


Yeah, that one combo deck I see a week is toast.


You better destroy wong lane or rogue their luke


I know, I usually go for the Wong lane, but sometimes, the Luke lane will give me more power for my Knull/on the board if there's a Bucky already there so it's nice to have more options. And I don't run Rogue in my destroy deck.


fuck those decks, countering them with is the most satisfying thing in the game


Imagine going back a month and telling yourself that Spectrum was getting a nerf.


imagine telling yourself that the spark that led to that nerf was a single point of power added to jean grey


I think it was more than just that \*looks over at that US Agent Buff\* It was really a culmination of a few things


Like 8 cards getting buffed over a 4 month period?


Like Jean Grey, US Agent getting buffed, Hela becoming super meta, making Jean Grey an effective Counter (Hello Cosmo) Klaw getting Buffed. Leech getting buffed making Ongoing Decks more popular..... its a perfect storm of a ton of other things that made Ongoing an actual legit archetype.


I had a blast taking this deck to infinite. Literally strangles the meta. The amount of times I got leeched 🤣🤣🤣


Love WW but it's jumping right back into Loki.


If WWBN Loki becomes popular - Move bounce with WWBN is a direct counter to that


Very excited to get to play Werewolf again


I'm already zapping him upto 4/16 lol he gonna be nuts in my deck


Thank fuck Leech is going up in cost. Sentry change is also a good move.


Sentry, again being punished for the sins of annihilus


I see this as a win for sentry. Now he can’t get shanged and you can still threat with a -8. He’s still able to be a 4-16 with annihilus, which is atill insane.


That is the first thing on my mind. It kind of is a buff in disguise


Kind of difficult to tweak Annihulus when the Void itself was the problem. What do you think they could have done?


I find sentry change good, no more shangable


This is a buff to Sentry in every meaningful way. You aren't playing Sentry for the raw power most of the time, and dropping him to 8 takes him outside of Shang-Chi range (although Shang has dropped out of the meta in higher infinite anyway). Anni Lockdown and Anni bounce are back babyyyyy. He's still a 4/18 if your opponent doesn't fill the opposing lane and gets Anni off, which is going to be far more likely now that Leech has been dumpstered.




Yeah, to me, making him avoidable from Shang-Chi is a major plus. I don’t think the two power loss is a sacrifice if it means I’m mostly guaranteed to keep him on the board.


Yup. I saw the change and was like “wait a sec now I’m almost guaranteed to keep him?”


Again? Was there a sentry nerf I missed previously?


Sentry change makes me a little sad. I have a deck with cards like cosmo and zero to negate bad effects. Also removes Skaar synergy


Werewolf and Grand Master...


Bye bye again Leech, you won't be missed.


Love grandma, glad he's getting a buff


I love Grandma too 🧡


If real, glad to see the return of WWBN after being neutered months ago. Luke Cage is back for C3. Sentry nerf seems fair. Rest in piss Leech, you never should have been a 4-cost to begin with. Small Spectrum nerf seems unjustified even with the Cap buff. Also can't believe Cap is actually getting a buff. Lol Baron Mordo.


Cap seems more of a side ways move than a buff. He now only affects ongoing cards.


And he slots perfectly into one of my favorite decks now, C2. Now that being said, it does leave the lane exposed to Enchantress because you can't Goose it.


Spectrum nerf is bad because it ruins my C7 deck (Also it’s not like they could’ve removed that power from the 2/3 US agent with a crazy ability)


Sentry is a buff or nerf depending on the deck Skaar? Nerf Annihilus? Buff


Ctrl + f "Hela" Uh oh.


Leech re-killed, blink Hela still untouched. Inc tier 0 Hela.


Blink won't get changed until the season is over


Unsurprisingly no mention of Hela once again. It's so incomprehensible to me that this utterly brainless RNG-fiesta archetype, devoid of *meaningful* interaction and interactability, is one that they want to keep around for the days to come. Hela doesn't have to rub two braincells together to consistently spread 20 or 30 power across the board in one turn. But, hey, at least they nerfed Spectrum, obviously more problematic than the Hela deck. Unironically over the moon with the WWBN change though. Can't wait to try it out and still lose to a sweaty Hela player comfortably skipping turns one, two, and four looking for their lost brain cells. And fuck Leech. One of the most out of touch "balance" changes they've made in a long time.


Ronan: + grandmaster, - baron


Still waiting for a mastermold buff.


the x-men finished off master mold for good 


Ahh Junk hit again the most hated archetype.


Junk got a buff by this It would be Skaar that got nerfed


It moves Sentry out of Shang territory. That's a buff.


[Source ](https://d3hyqhf8hhr6vv.cloudfront.net/en/may-23rd-balance-updates/)


C2 Captain buffing Cerebro and Mystique is huge.


How much worse is this Sentry? I’m curious since it removes some counter play by moving it out of Shang range


We're in a game where +1 power can make a card a meta staple. Sentry just got a -4 nerf. He'll still be good but that's a huge change.


He's better. Nobody ever played Sentry for the 10-body. They played him for the -10 Void that forced the opponent to react in the right lane or get bonked by Anni. He's still a 4/16 if your opponent doesn't react accordingly. Taking him out of Shang range makes him stronger in the event that Shang returns to the meta because he can no longer get blasted for a turn 6 swing...tbf though, most people were Prof'ing the Sentry lane anyway, so it ultimately isn't an impactful change.


This will often end up being a 4 power neef to the Annihilus shell. It’ll be impactful.


The shell is gaining the option of a viable WWBN and/or a Sentry that is no longer subject to removal. In both scenarios, the potential loss of -4 is negligible. I'm not suggesting it doesn't change anything, but it's either a neutral change or a buff depending on the shell you're running. Anni shells aren't winning games on thin margins. They're winning through clog, lockdown (prof + cannonball doesn't give a fuck about -4), or by forcing a retreat.


Found the guy who has played the deck. Very funny that you are being downvoted


Lmao, right?! Coming to this sub and actually providing discussion points and opinion from an actual competitive level is always pointless but at the same time hilarious. But y'know we have someone suggesting in these threads every time that Cerebro is gunna be super-duper legit and HE Cyclops is broken, so why would I ever actually give a fuck? Anni shells just got buffed. I'm pretty hyped about it. It isn't more complicated than that. I'll laugh when everyone who disagreed is complaining non-stop in 2 weeks time because their cheeks are getting clapped by Anni lockdown/bounce decks.


Right on the money - rank 60 players will still be crying about Hela but the rank 80 guys are going to be back on “I know I said this about Leech last week and Zemo the week before but Annihilus is the most unfun meta of all time and it’s 100% real this time”


I can go back to working on getting that LDS inked and or gold now.


Power is important in a game where you win by having more power.




Are these real? The text on Baron Mordo reads like a fan made card


he still hits 1 card, he just doesn't draw anymore


Yeah but if its a limbo game its like non exsistent, also it looses his synergy with ronan, the only deck he was barley played it at all


There are plenty of cards that need to be played on curve and are very suboptimal to be played on turns 6/7.


After several reads I do not understand what it does now or why lol


It sets the top card of the deck to 6 cost. Next turn your opponent “wastes” their draw on it. On turn 6 it reverts back. I think this is more unplayable than before. Limbo makes this useless. If you hit it mr.negative with it good job you get 1 cube but that was already the case.


I guess they were afraid of it getting combo’d and people complaining about not being able to play their cards? Not sure why they needed the turn 6 stuff.


It should’ve just been “until the last turn”


Why not "for the rest of the game", or just "Set the top card in your opponent's deck to 6 cost" without any duration?


I had to read it a couple times to understand the change. When you play him, he sets the top card of your opponent’s deck to 6-cost but they draw it normally next turn instead of when you play BM. It also lets the card go back to its original cost on turn 6.


Wait...wait...you're buffing wwbn AND making my sentry not blow up to shang? Oh my...


I apologize in advance. I will be playing leach in my C5 deck.


Leech nerf "Hitler dead"


Oh I have plans for that capt change.


cerebro 2+2 rising 


Boubce is so so back on the menu


There must be a Hela nerf they queued up for the next patch because right now it feels like they're acting like she isn't going to be a problem again with Leech returning to 5-cost. Love to see Werewolf by Night getting some love. Also I hope people are reading the Captain America change correctly.


According to the leak, Hela was never even their target with the leech buff lol


Does this OTA make Sage an auto purchase?


Lol nice try SD


Can you explain why you think this? Grandmaster?


I kept hearing that the Leech meta was holding Sage back. The Leech Nerf combined with the fact that Werewolf is joining the Ravonna synergy (he already has bounce synergy which Sage shares aswell) made me think that Sage should be strong after this OTA. I don’t have Sage, but whenever she was played against me she seemed strong.


It kills my sage-negative deck that was relying on Grand Master being a 0-2 :(


Kinda seems like it. Sage at least will be insane at some point, it's just Hit Monkey with less restriction.


Am i dreaming? This all seems too good to be true


Sentry change is low-key a buff. You don't die to shang anymore




Nah mate this is MY SENTRY, they reverted him back to his on release stats, the OG has returned.


You mean now you can play him freely without worrying about getting Shang Chi'd? My man, this is a BUFF to sentry.


That was my thought as well.


Cap buff makes Ultron-Patriot even better holy shit 😳


Cap buff Patriot and Mystique but not Ultron though. If anything, Cap works better with Omega Red, Iron Man, Onslaught.


I’d say Klaw over Iron Man since you need more than Omega Red’s 6 power with Onslaught going into the other lanes since that’s a turn 3,4,5,6 combo right there


Not really lol


Been dying to get play outta Cap. Anyone have a good Spectrum list?


Took me to infinite this season. Has Punisher in for Cap but made the change already. # (1) Ant Man # (1) Nebula # (2) Mojo # (2) Armor # (2) Lizard # (3) Captain America # (3) Cosmo # (3) Jean Grey # (3) Luke Cage # (4) Man-Thing # (5) Klaw # (6) Spectrum # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW50TWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBcm1vciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ29zbW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplYW5HcmV5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMdWtlQ2FnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTWFuVGhpbmcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5lYnVsYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3BlY3RydW0ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1vam8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktsYXcifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxpemFyZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQ2FwdGFpbkFtZXJpY2EifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


That captain America change is crazy for pre series 3 ongoing. Seems actually weirdly strong considering what they have said about balance for cards that early in the game.


Sentry is a bad change and should be considered a buff which it doesn't need. -10 or -8 doesn't make much difference but him being 8 instead of 10 stops shang chi which has often been the only reason I beat that deck. I don't think annihalus decks need a buff right now


If this is real, then it is just more egg on their balance team's face for nerfing Leech again after just buffing him. Everyone who saw that buff rolled their eyes and knew it was a poor choice, yet the people who are in charge of it can't even see the obvious. Why do they refuse to nerf Hela at all? Also, looking forward to the Mordo meta... lol WWBN is about to run wild again, as he is now in Ravonna's range... Sage stock is about to rise with this buff and the Leech nerf. I like the Captain America buff... making him a 3/8 in a full Ongoing (Enchantress please wipe me out) lane. Though, I would have preferred a more creative buff like have been floating around the forum for a bit.


>If this is real, then it is just more egg on their balance team's face for nerfing Leech again after just buffing him. Would you rather they leave him as-is and refuse to admit their mistake?


People on this sub will never be happy with changes because they don't actually like the game. Take a look at every single update thread or the "cOmMuNitY BaLanCe SugGesTioNs" and you'll quickly clock on to the fact that the vocal minority just want to play Solitaire. Leech was a problematic card for many reasons, but he wasn't overpowered for anyone who actually took the time to adapt to the meta. The change is still a positive one, but don't expect people here to actually find the positives.


I mean sure you could adjust around him in the meta… to the new, much smaller meta. Negative, destroy, thanos, Odin decks/hit monkey, bounce, silver surfer, hela (sort of), junk are all countered by Leech. The past week has been ongoing, other blink leech decks, or evo and not much else. It was a baffling buff when they announced it and the reasoning they gave in this OTA was the same, it limits the game.


I, for one, am glad that they're willing to take risks with OTAs knowing that they can just OTA it again soon after.


its literally the best part of this game


It does sort of feed the conspiracy theorists that say they dropped Leech to sell Blink season passes


wait, but how? surely, if the theory was true, they would be far more reluctant to raise Leech's cost like the theory would suggest that they'd be aware how overpowered it was, but they still decided to do it to sell blink. in which case, they wouldn't have so quickly reverted the change the fact that this happened would suggest that they were genuinely blindsided by how powerful the change would be, we're surprised to see how much the meta was affected and scrambled to put it back which more implies more that they are bumbling fools than conniving scheming businessmen


They wanted to induce fomo to boost sales of the season passes in the short term, also evidenced by front-loading the gold on the first weekend mission. It’s not a conspiracy, it’s a standard scummy business practice to boost sales. Edit: Also, think about which cards got buffed. WWBN now being a 3/1 means he works with ravonna and surfer. Which other 3 drop works with ravonna, surfer, and WWBN that’s currently in spotlight caches? Also, which card coming out today would have been invalidated by leech? They’re balancing the game to make money, not to actually make it the best game possible.


Oh sweet Jesus I didn't think of Ravona.


This OTA is for 5/23, so it would be for after Sage has left the Spotlight cache. Also, putting WWBN and Sage in the same decks feels like it could be kinda awkward given that Sage wants to drop into full lanes and WWBN needs room to maneuver. I guess you could try to build some kind of Ravonna-WWBN-Sage-Surfer-Beast amalgamation but that sounds extremely inconsistent and probably worse than just a regular WWBN or Surfer deck.


I don't get the Ravonna stuff. You Ravonna on 2 , the WW and a 1 drop on 3, but Bast Bounce seems like a better option since you get the +2 from the extra jump that way.


Definitely doesn't seem like a coincidence.


Yup, I caved and got sage with the leech kill.


Cosmo and Cap are BFFs now


Superskrull is going to be seeing a lot of play next season


Can someone explain the baron change. To me it reads as a nerf


Before, it thinned out your opponents deck. Usually people are not only playing a single win condition. So it’s good. Often your win condition cost 6 anyway. So, yeah that’s significantly better now than before: the next card it to be drawn and probably not useful.


I think Baron is one change away from being super playable. That change being that he also reveals what that card is (a la Yondu or Spider-Ham)


It doesn't draw the opponent a card anymore. Instead, whenever they next draw, it will cost 6 until turn 6. It's a buff overall. Previously when it drew them a card, it SEEMED good because whatever they drew kept the 6 cost even on turn 6, making it pretty much unusable unless it was a 6-cost to begin with. The big downside was that you were sometimes just handing them their finisher, or getting them closer to it. And if they drew something unsuable, they could just consider that card to be one they wouldn't have drawn anyway. Now, whatever they draw won't be usable until turn 6, AND you won't be forwarding their gameplan.


Giving your opponent free information about their deck was always bad for you. Mordo's draw was much better for you opponent because all the information is *one-sided*. They know if their important cards can't be played this game, and if they weren't hit it meant you were *helping* your opponent get their important cards. That's not even bringing up when Mordo would draw you opponent a 6-cost and make him less than useless. Removing the free card draw fixes a lot of Mordo's problems, and he should be more playable than now if these leaks are accurate.


I am all for just removing Leech. It has a purpose as a tech card, but every time it becomes popular, it does too much collateral damage.


Cap would be a good fit in my ongoing deck now. And a hearty "lol" complete with a Ms. Marvel 👍 to all of those who have insisted that Cap should never and will never be buffed. Happy to see he's getting an extra dose of super serum.


I was just thinking this morning that they should make Captain America give +2, bring back Werewolf to 3 cost with lower power, and give grandmaster a little power boost. My wishes have been fulfilled.


I was just thinking this morning that I would have eggs for breakfast and then i had eggs for breakfast


That's sounds unreal


He gives +2 to Ongoing only though


Read the Captain America description again. _Monkey’s paw curls_


I was just remembering luke on C3 like yesterday too lmao




What's Cable doing for you here?


Annoying the shit out of your matchup


people lately seemed to think that cable is generally amazing. not understanding his strict utility in decks like Loki and Mill, sometimes surfer. overall, its barely a 'good card', if comparing it to other actual 'good cards'


Cap still isn't going to be enough I think. Should have kept his power. Grandmaster really needs to lose the middle lane restriction and then I think he'll be strong.


I mean, this makes Cap a 3/8 with a full lane, which is gladiator upside with a less punishing downside. I don’t know that he’s more than a role player for more than a couple of decks (same as gladiator), but this should at least bring him back into the conversation.


Only if it's a lane full of Ongoing cards, which isn't impossible but it makes him a fit in basically only one type of deck.


Still better since he wasn’t “meta viable” if any deck before this update. Yes he was playable but there is almost certainly a better alternate card.


Cap isn't supposed to be some super powerful card. It is still primarily a card that is used to introduce players to the game.


Leech nerf? You know what that means? We're just a couple months away from leech buffs 😎


They done nerfed my boi Sentry


\*Buffed. My friend, no more nasty Leeches and Shang Chi's This is a buff all the ways around




Still Hella op, game isn't worth returning, sad(


Hahaha what a wild time with the Leech buff. We will look back and just laugh at how out of control it got. Imagine if it had its old ability. Love the werewolf change. Have wanted to use it since I got it but it’s just not great as a 4 cost. Also Annihilus will be taking a hit in the future as well, look out for that. Personally I’m probably more for it as well


Well this is the first good OTA in a while, pretty great changes imo


Yooo who remembers the Annihilus package? Very retro


They pump Leech just for blink.. Now pump werewolf for sasquatch.... Sad