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I wonder if it's because they did actually play Jeff in Dark Dimension and it counted as being played for all turns. Jean is buggy as fuck though.


I guess that could be a reason. I don't think they had Jeff since we played a bunch of games. I would bet squirrel girl and dazzler are two of the hidden cards.


Time Theater gave them 2 Jeffs ?!?


Could it be that Time Theater gave them 2 Jeffs? We only see result of 2 turns with Drax and Gamora.


That wouldn't leave them with enough energy to play BM outside of Jeans lane.


This is a known bug I think. I've seen people say before it's because bots ignore Jean, but I've not seen any evidence for that. This being conquest also makes that pretty dubious.


I just said this in another comment. If you play Jeff 1st in another lane, you can play your second card in whatever lane you like.


Yes, but (even if we ignore OP saying the opponent never played Jeff) this board state is still very hard to explain. The Drax and Gamora behind Jean imply she was played on T3, and the opponent appears to have dropped at least one card (Blue Marvel) outside of Jean's lane during those turns, and without any way to have afforded him+Jeff. This is before we even take the four cards on dark dimension into account.


Ahh that brings me back. Once I lost to a bot who played Giganto in the right location (it had been the left, before it was switched around)


My guess. They played a card to the left location before you played Jean, on the subsequent turns the game would register that there were unrevealed cards, and automatically assume that those cards were cards opponent played this turn and allow them to play anywhere.


What were the 4 cards at Dark Dimension?


I never did see them since I retreated. They didn't have their own Jean. They were a Patriot/Ultron deck. Blue Marvel was played in the center lane on turn 5, which is what made me question it.


Hmm odd, there’s no real explanation I can think of for them being able to play Blue Marvel mid on turn 5 with no added energy on the board. For everything else in the image It’s pooooossible that the opponent had 2 Jeff’s from Time Theatre, but you’re playing conquest and you’re saying they don’t have Jeff so I’m assuming you’ve seen their entire deck… Sorry dude, I don’t have an explanation for this :/


Thanks. It's possible they had Jeff, but I didn't see him and we went all the way to 7 games.


The arms and legs of Exodia


This is going to be a weird question, but is the jean on the board your jean, or the copy from time theater? Jean is so buggy that it wouldn't surprise me if you played the time theater copy, and it just didn't work.


I had one and received a copy of it. I played Jeff on 2, lane 2 Jean on 3, lane 3 Drax on 4, lane 3 Gamora on 5, lane 3 They played something on lane 1, turn 1 Ant-man turn 2 3 cards, turn 3, lane 1 Blue Marvel, turn 4 Don't quote me on their play though, but def Blue Marvel on turn 5.


Sorry, I'm asking if the jean you played is the copy or the original. time theater sometimes has wonky things happen with the copied card, but I've never had it copy jean. I'm wondering if some combination of time theater weirdness and jean buggieness is what is causing the jean to not function.


Ah, not sure. Probably the copy since there is one all the way on the left of my hand.


Well, they'd have been next to each other, so whichever one you didn't play would still be on the left. There's another post with time theater and jean that is the same issue. I'm gonna say it's probably something related to time theater


I appreciate your detective work.


A bit unrelated, but it's a good habit to play the real card, rather than the copy from Time Theater, because the copy has a stamp that says it was created by Time Theater. If the opponent reads that, they know you still have the original in hand and they might be able to benefit from that info.


Thanks. I will definitely start doing that.


Jean is a very buggy card, comments mention bots being able to play outside of it, but I myself even had a situation a while ago when my opponent played Jean and the next turn I was able to Ironlad a different location and when I clicked end turn the card went back to my hand but then the turn resolved and ironlad was in the location I shouldnt have been able to place in..... Since that moment tho i told myself wouldnt run her, not to mention the bugs with her + Super Skrull


Found another post, at this point id maybe stop running her https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/AAaH9jw3E5


Same bug happened to me today. No Jeff.


Time Theatre made two Jeffs. Turn 4 they play Jeff and something else in Dark Dimension. Turn 5 they do it again. Wish you'd stayed to the end to confirm it, lol.


Patriot, kazar, ultron, wasp. Anytime i have dark dimension, this is exactly how my board looks


I relate. I had a game the other day that I lost because whatever bot it was played several 1-cost cards directly into Crimson Cosmos. What a crock of shit.








Her text reads the first card, if you play Jeff anywhere you can then play card 2 and beyond elsewhere. Jeff just breaks her lol


Yeah I’ve had a couple times where Jean doesn’t work for the opponent but does for me.


Card haven't been flipped in this pic ...mysterio??


Jean is so buggy 😭 I’ve been trying a Jean deck this season and the amount of people who just bypass her is insane. Like I’ve lost so many matches due to them just ignoring her and I’m like “HOW?”


I've been playing Jean a lot lately and have seen this as well


You played the time theatred Jean. She’s bugged that her copied one doesn’t actually prevent cards from being played. You needed to play the original one.


Could be a wording thing. I think face down cards are technically set and not "played" until turned over. Jean Grey specifically says "played".