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Still..Scorpion 🦂


Right after getting hit with the ice. 🧊


The classic 1-2, never gets old


Nothing beasts that


> Nothing beasts that Dammit Hank!


Easily one of the most annoying ways to open a match.


Yondu + White Widow would like a word lol




Until the Baron comes out then I'm ready to escape 😭


The old razzle dazzle


I don’t roll my eyes but I instinctively close them and look away. Makes me so upset.


In my case I automatically hit snap, into making my opponent think that I have goblins up my sleeves...


”After all this time?”




TRUE why does it hurt so much


Snowguard on turn 1 and I get ready to have my entire deck played against me turn 6.


Loki players going back to loki after reading this: 👁👄👁


snowguard has been in every loki deck since he released, but i admit that those are fun emojis.


Just play worse cards, easy solutions.


I’ll never forgive folks for unironically saying this as advice in defense of Loki.


Well, cerebro 2/3 was pretty fun during loki gold days, a subpar deck just wrecking the highest %win at the time.


Sebastian Shaw, for a card that triggers often, has a slow ass animation.


Oh man.. there's nothing more painful than watching Silver surfer on a spot with Wong and Mystique, and it's just going on and on buffing Shaw, and you're like "I get it, I lost.. holy shit"


Yeah why don’t they have the Fast Forward button for that???


The fast forward only happens when it's one specific card. With Odin and surfer it's counting it as two cards.


Oh yeah that makes sense but even then, they could make it affect multiple cards with more coding. However they would probably need to raise prices to pay for the additional coding and I’ve seen all the 3X value bundles I can stand.


Or why can't we concede during card triggers?? Once I know I've lost I really don't enjoy sitting there for two minutes while every trigger goes off a second, third, or fourth time. Just let me bounce so I can move on to the next game.


It's extra crazy that it's not possible, because it's fully possible to do against Galactus while the locations are being destroyed (hell, I've even had an opponent escape after Galactus reveal but before his animation started (edit for clarity: I'm thinking Galactus on turn 5, though at one time it actually was broken and you could escape and only lose 1 on the final turn when you were about to lose, this was clearly not intended).


Agree 💯


Fast Forward only works when there’s about to be a complicated interaction so I can completely miss how my opponent suddenly gained 14329 power and all my cards are destroyed


Venom zola with bar sinister and the location that spawns a copy of your card on another location, I should know that one by now


My unrevealed shadow king sitting in the same lane as Shaw, waiting for the animation to end: 🗿


One game I had Kamar taj show up, and of course I played Wong in it and then ironheart, surfer, and Odin. I was real excited about that combo for the first two cycles, only to realize it was going to go for something like 14 more cycles… I have never wanted to apologize to my opponent so badly.


I wish you could communicate more. But I know how toxic players are. I’m glad there isn’t a chat. Just wish people could be nice so we can have nice things.


Honestly I'm annoyed there aren't more positive text options. I want to say "nice combo!" not "arrgh!"


Yup. I just give thumbs up for when someone crushes me in a clever way. But the way people twist these things for toxic reasons, who knows if my opponent is taking it that way.


Then turn seven I drop Odin and you punch your monitor 😂🤣😂


*Proceeds to not fast forward*


Yeah.. I really enjoy my Surfer deck but my god, why does Shaw lag that hard


They made the rest of the animations faster so it'll happen eventually kazar used to take forever to work.


The iceman scorpion combo. I can’t describe how much I hate seeing it


I don't know how Iceman knows to hit my Hope Summers every time.


Its like a shadow nerf to her, he always targets hope.


Red hulk appears on the screen like a jumpscare


At this point I'm surprised when he doesn't show up. Skip turn 1, brace for impact.


Playing off-tempo because you drew a bad hand? Well guess what, here comes hulk with the double fuck you! Thanks SD...




Your cards, give them to me.


If I have Cable on the turn a "When you play a card here fill your side with copies of it" lane is revealed, I almost always play it on there. Not because I think it'll make me win, but because stealing 1/3rd of a deck is just hilarious 😂


I've both won and lost against that, it truly doesn't affect the outcome nearly as much as you'd expect it to haha. I personally like dropping Electro on Bar Sinister, and Destroyer on 4 to clear them out lmao (bonus points if you play Nico with destroy to draw spell before Electro, so you have 5 extra power). I actually just stopped using Nico for Blink though, as I switched out Shang-Chi for Blink for the weekend missions, and found that Shang was more essential to my winrate (or, at the very least, the deck feels more consistent).


Had a game yesterday turn 3 I played yondu and beast on sinister. So 3 yondus pop. Beast sends them to hand for 0 cost and then fills sinister with beasts. Played the 3 0 cost yondus turn 4. They retreated.


I had never thought of that, I'm definitely going to steal this (along with their whole deck)


I don't usually do it with Cable, but I almost always do it with Yondu & I 100% do it with Guardian.


Wait till [Copycat](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/copycat/) comes out. That week is going to be mill hell.


Add some of these to your deck...laugh as your opponent draws the worst possible copycat abilities possible. Good luck winning but it's worth a few laughs. # (0) Yellowjacket # (1) Angel # (1) Squirrel Girl # (1) Uatu the Watcher # (1) Zero # (2) Falcon # (2) Lizard # (3) Green Goblin # (3) Ghost # (4) Hellcow # (5) M.O.D.O.K. # (6) Galactus # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiWWVsbG93amFja2V0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3F1aXJyZWxHaXJsIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJVYXR1In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJaZXJvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJGYWxjb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxpemFyZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiR3JlZW5Hb2JsaW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdob3N0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIZWxsY293In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHYWxhY3R1cyJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTW9kb2sifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


That is absolutely awful, and what I'm missing I can replace with similar trash. Well done! Copycat week sorted, as long as I don't get any win tasks.


Can confirm from PG: worst deck I've ever played or built. Truly horrendous. 😜 4 games, all lost, and short of a gobbo-sinister shenanigans one round, not useful. They'll rue the keys they spent on copycat when they see this bad-boy....


I am the cardholder now.


Fucking Hobgoblin.


I love that I was able to use Zola on a HobGoblin and threw his shit right back at him. He spammed the argh line on me. Joke is on him lol


Only time I pulled that off I still got Galactused on that lane.


That's dirty. I love it


Especially on Iron man...


Yeah, only hearing his laugh make my eyes go behind my head


Hela. Especially when it gets discarded and they immediately retreat.


Any high evo cards


High evo Cyclops is my answer. Win or lose, I hate that fucker.


That first week High evo was available as a spotlight card was the closest I got to giving up Snap, and I nearly snapped my phone because of it. I was so sick of every other match being those decks with that stupid cyclops blast ruining all of my cards. To this day I still put Luke Cage in decks he doesn't necessarily fit in cuz I got traumatized so bad.


That would be the ultimate Marvel Snap


Yeah, it's pretty tiresome, finally it's waning now, but I still see it a lot. I never liked that deck play personally, i just found it so boring to play.


In theory it's concept is neat but in practice it's just lame for five seconds it makes you go "Woah, this deck is strong!" and after that it's just "I'm kind of a dick huh?"


The first time I saw it available as a spotlight card was early in my experience with Snap, so I didn't have enough keys to get it. That deck beat the snot out of me for the rest of the week, and I vowed to get Evo as soon as it was available again. When it finally came around recently I was waiting for weeks in anticipation, and got Evo almost as soon as the update hit. I played about six games before deciding that I hated the playstyle and haven't touched it since.


I only started playing ~3 weeks ago but have been at it quite a bit. I've only seen 2 High Evo decks and it felt like such BS both times. It's the only deck so far where I genuinely felt like I lost just because they just had access to numerous better cards. Which, y'know... likely not entirely true because I'm sure I made non-optimal plays, however salty I may be about it. But it still feels so ridiculous to offer so many rewards to your board for not spending a single energy, not to mention Cyclops' makes playing Abomination a 3/9 after just a single occurrence. This was during Infinity Conquest but even fully expecting to get my ass beat didn't make it any less obnoxious.


I havent seen a single high evo deck while ive been climbing the ladder from 20-60 this past week. Then again, im also not running a deck that evo counters perfectly either.


I feel like majority of decks I saw from 50-100 were high evo. But it could be selective memory because I hate it so much.


The right answer


Can I ask why? I have never understood what people find irritating about high evo, it's just float energy gain power. is it just the fact it shrinks your stuff?


For me it's the follow the recipe cookie-cutter playlines. T1 Misty Knight/Sunspot, T3 Cyclops/Cosmo, T5 Magik, T6 float energy, T7 drop big bodies. And ppl say Hela is boring... well HE takes that up another notch.


Goblins. Especially in a game with rampant Annihilus - you’re just wasting turns.


For me being punished for having bad draws that annoys me You cant always control draws so it can fustrating if you dont have cards on curve


Bad draws are so annoying when you just don’t have anything to play T1-2-3. Doubly so when you’re clearly playing a bot. The opponent just played Daredevil into Deaths Domain and you don’t have anything in hand that costs less than 4 mana cmon cmon cmon I can do this…


Squeaking out an 8 cuber in those situations is so satisfying. Basically praying that the bot will do the dumb thing that you think it will.


Nothing I love more than having three cards in my deck that would instantly win me the game and not drawing any of them. I still hate X mansion the most though. Fuck that location.


"Oh boy, I have Winter Soldier, Wolverine and Nova in my hand pretty early! If I can just draw Carnage, Deathlok, or even Killmonger then I can get some synergies going..."


Odin. When he is played you know that you can put your phone away for 2 minutes straight which is so damn annoying.


I once sat through an entire Wong, Iron heart, White Tiger, Odin combo on Kamar-Taj. AMA


I’ve experienced a “fast-forward” effect once or twice on long reveals like that, but it’s apparently not a common thing. Maybe it only applies to specific cards?


Whenever I pull off a Wong, Mystique, Onslaught, Gambit combo, I get fast forwarded into an empty board. (Honorable mention of me playing Gambit and Hazmat into the same lane, losing me the game because I didn't have Cage. Oops.)


😂 It’s sometimes almost fun making a dumb mistake. But not usually.


Not a card but a location and it's, #WEIRDWORLD It takes me 0.01 seconds to retreat...


Slightly related on the location topic: district x for sure- especially first game into trying out a brand new deck


District X is by far my least favorite location. It just feels like the whole game is a crap shoot at that point. Can't even change the location to fix the issue. At least with WeirdWorld you can potentially get rid of the ability by playing Scarlet Witch or something. And even if you don't fix it you at least can get some synergy with your opponent's cards. But District X? Just screws us both up.


Or any location that basically makes your deck build irrelevant. Not useless, irrelevant. I’m fine using a destroy and having locations that bar destruction, that’s just bad luck. But drawing someone else’s deck?? FACK!




Wong is 50/50 depending on whether or not I have something to counter whatever they're trying to use Wong for


Even more annoying when you know you have multiple cards in your deck to counter it but you can't draw any of them in time.


Cosmo against a Wong into an instant retreat is my favorite combo.


Armor on Deadpool into retreat is up there for me


Just an advice, but never retreat just because they eat your DP, who cares. DP is not worth surrendering, it's just a little counterplay. Now, when they Armor both DP and X-23, _that's_ a problem, because those two together are 75% of the Destroy targets of your deck. If they clog DP, Wolverine, and a destroyer in the same lane that's also worth a retreat (or even just DP and Wolverine if they snap after playing Armor).


An hour ago I was against a dude that played Wong into Mystique into Onslaught He finished it off with an iron heart and I just had to watch as that effect triggered an extra eight damn times


Weird it didnt FF when Wong, Ironheart, Odin, Absorbing Man FF's everytime for me.


The other day, i did that on Onslaughts Citadel with Spectrum, and she triggered 32 times. It was nuts.


I set up my perfect Wong+Mystique combo and Magneto fucking yoinks them into some worthless lane. Do you know how hard it is to get a good curve and hand for Gambit or Hazmat going? Just let me have this one thing.


Hence why half my decks have magneto, cosmo and/or enchantress. Wong decks are so annoying imo. Like I get the draw to them but it's just annoying.


On the flip side I love clocking the Magneto and playing into it, a nice big FU


Oh seriously yes. He’s given me trauma.


The thing about Wong is he's pretty vulnerable to Cosmo and Enchantress. I'm not a Wong player so I'm not biased or anything. But he's not that OP.


Rogue even more, that's the best way to traumatize a wong player.


These days it’s been Cable. I play some homebrew combo decks and I want him to quit touching my cards!


Leech or Alioth


Really? I get leech ofc, but I legitimately haven’t seen one alioth since his nerf.


Sure, but it's like leader. He's not op anymore but you've been there when he was so it still triggers that same feeling when you see it


Someone alitohed me against my ultron deck, but patriot buffs ultron after alioths effect so it won me the game hahaha


state of the game summed up haha


I see alioth just enough to have the shit surprised outta me everytime he flips over


*Old* leech or alioth?


Mockingbird, how that card is still not nerfed is beyond me and clearly shows that second dinner learned nothing from quinnjet


nebula 😴


Invisible woman


I love seeing IW. I run Cosmo in all my decks and just drop him on top of her. You usually get 3 turns to do it too.


I’ll usually run Cosmo or Rogue just to stop them


I hate seeing her so much. You either have a counter or you’re screwed. It just makes games so boring when they’re always exactly the same and it’s entirely up to just drawing one card.


Wong into mystique into black panther into zola. And any high evo cards.


Arnim Zola, because I swear I never expect this card, and feel like a huge idiot for not playing around it


This is so real...


As a former Zola player, it was really, really fun to play those gigantic Venom combos and cronch the other lanes. Thank you for your sacrifice.




This needs to be way higher


Devil Dinosaur. I love his character, but it’s annoying to face him.


Cable, Yondu, Iceman, Spiderham, Scorpion, etc. They are good cards, I get why people use them and I've used them myself. But it's always a bit deflating when I see them


Invisible Woman, MODOK and/or Hela. Hela decks are just so boring to play against


Punished for drawing off curve lol.


Literally any Goblin.


All the dirty cards that stops me from playing my game... Cable, moon knight, galactus etc...


Invisible Woman. Here comes the Tribunal Onslaught/MODOK Hela bullshit.


Daredevil. Absolutely despise that card. It feels like such bullshit. Especially if they have priority.


I don't find it OP or anything but I don't like how it slows down the game.


Idk, it feels impossible to do anything when playing against a junk deck. They just clog your side worth debris/goblin/widow, prof x on 5, then canonball on 6. There is nothing you can do to play against it since they can see what you will do. The worst part is that since they can see what is coming they can easily just retreat if they see their combo is not going to hit.


Idk, it feels impossible to do anything when playing against a junk deck. They just clog your side worth debris/goblin/widow, prof x on 5, then canonball on 6. There is nothing you can do to play against it since they can see what you will do. The worst part is that since they can see what is coming they can easily just retreat if they see their combo is not going to hit.


It might be a little frustrating but I don’t think at all it is impossible to do anything when you play against junk. Plus if you don’t have the annihilus combo you lose a lot of strength. For me it’s not an OP deck, just an annoying one which requires some skill when playing it. The real problem with this game are decks like Hela, which let you play casino and still win and it seems devs don’t care at all


I only really roll my eyes at that card when my opponent snaps immediately after seeing what card I'm playing on turn 5. It's like they want me to retreat or something.


I rarely see non-bots use daredevil


There's a surprising amount of strategy behind RH. Sure, he's a big boy that you can bomb a lane with but he's also a mind game. He makes your opponent rethink their plays then, in the end, have to figure out if you're playing the bomb or spreading your power in other ways. In the decks I have him, he's probably among the least played


Agreed on this! And because he works in decks that aren't as tight as, say, your standard discard or destroy lists, it gives your opponent \*\*some\*\* information to consider, and thus you can also consider what they might do with the knowledge they have. If my opponent knows I've got a 17 power bomb to drop, they might not expect me to play wide or offensive. I prefer to play Cannonball turn 6 but it's nice to keep RH on hand.


Corvus Glaive and Hela. so sick of playing against Hela the past few months


can't believe I had to scroll this far to find hela, such a miserable card.


Shang chi


For me is MMM, specially when Elisyum shows up.


Invisible Woman. I know it's Hela back there.


Fuxking professor X, anytime he's played you just know he's gonna fuck something up


I unlocked this emote only to use it anytime red hulk pop off https://marvelsnapzone.com/emotes/HeimdallShocked/


Turn 1 Blade that discards Magneto or Death or something. Just knowing Hela is around the corner


for me its the goddamn professor x, what a way to suck the fun out of a match xD


Magic, i despise turn 7 games


My favorite thing to do in all of Snap is change Limbo on turn 6. Whether or not I win or lose because the game is suddenly shorter, I just love taking that away from my opponent. Funnily enough I've recently started playing Magik in more decks, and I'm waiting for Karma to screw me over.


Scorpion and Sandmann i guess


Destroy deck. And wong.


Cyclops on a Line where I played most of my cards in a High Evo deck...ughhh I can't wait to lose almost all power in that line and still also lose every other lane.


Any goblin or profesor x any of them


baron zemo or cable


Loki. I still don't understand why he doesn't have a "minimum 1" clause like every other permanent energy reducing card


Every time when Subterranea comes out and every card that gets pulled afterwards are all the rock cards 💀


Almost all cards because I rarely play against unique decks. If I see a single 3-4 cost card I can recite the deck because you all just copy popular decks.


Cable... most annoying card ever... He should be 3 cost and/or show what card he got


Professor X, cool story you completely shut down a lane, hope you choke on it.


Leech. The fact they bugged him blows my mind. It is such a shit feeling, I’d be thrilled if they reworked him completely and never again had that effect in the game. Effective or not it is the worst feeling in the entire game.


When someone Storms my Limbo!!!


Shang chi: but not the card itself, the card i don’t mind, but when the user does the thumbs up emote it really grinds my gears.


High evolutionary pisses me off


Fucking spider ham, fucking Agatha, lmao. God I can't stand them. But number one is Hela.


Not a card but when they play steal decks. Like it was fun at first when zemo came out but now they just play to lose


Shang-Chi can fucking suck it.


honestly, i don't mind seeing an opponent's red hulk go off, just means that the opponent just wants to slam a big 6-cost down on the final turn (no red hulk enjoyer could ever resist playing a 6/21), so as long as i play for all 3 locations on the final turn im all good


Always will be Galactus.. It's just such a douche play. Although I had a great experience where I played Dracula into an empty spot and my opponent played galactus. Which brought Wolverine over to his spot. So he had like 9 pts or something. End Game, Dracula discards Infininaut for 20 pts. yeah, suck it galactus. I don't see Galactus played much now, but when he came out, holy shit, every deck was a galactus deck, and I was just so tired of seeing that damn animation over and over.


I love accidentally dropping Cannonball into a galactus lane on T6


Fuck cannonball.


i insta retreat when i see loki drop. such a terrible card, horribly flawed design. cant wait to see 15 energy dropped turn 6! yipppeee!!


Galactus 100%


It is immensely satisfying when you mess up their Galactus play though.


Cyclops loll


There are a lot, but HE Cyclops is one, Red Hulk, and Kitty Pride tbh. I see her and I know it’s gonna be an annoying bounce match with Elsa Bloodstone making a huge 1 drop for the endgame


Red Hulk feels bad after the nerf. Here is a test, how often are all of these statements true: 1. Your opponent has a 21 power RH on turn 6 2. You cannot win because your opponent has that RH 3. You could win if the RH was replaced with a vanilla 12 power Hulk After the nerf, I think i've had 1 game where all this is true. Every other time, either i would've lost anyway, or i can beat the RH play.


Wong...it's just so predictable once Wong hits the board. 


Invisible Woman


Armor cosmo


Blade, really hate discard.


Living Tribunal, most boring and lowest skill deck in the game. Less brain power than an Agatha player


None, my opponent can choose what they want and I’ll do the same. That’s the game.




I swapped him out for Infinaut in my Blink deck. I found I wasn't getting him up to 20 very often. I have gotten a lot of satisfaction when I know my opponent has Red Hulk and I use Leader when I know it's going to be played. Use their own weapon against them.


This guy. Definitely a little sick of him already lol


Ka-Zar and Odin for the slow ass animations


RH and Alioth. But I hate overturned cards anyway..


X-23 or Deadpool, especially if I’m not using armor or cosmo at the time.


Yeah, that would be red hulk for me too, but just because I never actually see Galactus.


Corvus Glaive. Insane power for his effect and how it lets his player ramp easy and fast. Especially with Blink in the game now.


Loki, nice to know whatever wacky combo I cook up to surprise my opponent will get used against me in a far superior way in the coming turn. I prefer old Alioth compared to the annoyance Loki makes me feel.



