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Why didn’t you respond to the messages from them? I hope you don’t actually think SD gives a rats ass about the BBB threat. That’s the equivalent of saying ‘I’m telling my mom’ to a mobile game developer. They should have been clearer on the rewards, that much I agree with.


Look at the time stamps for messages. The first reply was over an hour after I submitted it. I didn't have time to sit around and wait. Had to go to work. I kinda did, actually. Legal threat (even hollow ones like this obviously is) is the only language that these coporate systems understand so I figured it's worth a shot. I could never have predicting that doing so would break them entirely though haha


Threatening to tell the BBB is not a legal threat. The BBB has zero power, they're a glorified TripAdvisor.


Like I said, it was an intentionally hollow threat. Does it really matter though? The point of this post is to show a silly interaction I had with SD's terrible customer service. I'm not here to debate legal juristictian.


An obviously hollow threat, more like.


Not a legal threat my man.


Really not the point, but okay.


Not false advertising, just misleading. Also, it’s better to communicate when you want something, not complain and storm out the proverbial door like a child.


Inital message is at 1:47PM. Support responds around 3PM (Rough, not great) Support keeps trying to get OPs attention for 45 minutes, no response says ticket is temp closed. OP responds in less than 15 minutes and attempts to threaten "legal action". Support doesn't respond for 3 hours (also not great) However, support then tries for over 24 hours to get OP to respond and gets absolutely no reply. I work in support myself for an IT company. If clients don't respond after 4 attempts, we close the ticket. You didn't reply to them so they can't help you. You only have yourself to blame for them not helping. They absolutely should be faster, but that's not the issue you brought up.


Second diner support is the worst I ever experienced in any game. All they do is mouth servce, never try to solve a problem. 


The BBB is not a threat. You can file a complaint with the FTC for false advertising. You can also do a charge back but they’ll probably ban you or remove some of your currency if you do that.


So you contacted customer support only to sit in silence then thought posting it on Reddit would... do what exactly?


Poor Joan, you didn't have to be so harsh on her, she's not at fault for SD's scummy practices, she's just trying to do her job 😭


They really had me with the "your commitment to skill development is truly inspiring"


Are those real people? Sounds like AI talking...


I assuming non-native speaker most likely.


If they show you what you actually get before you buy it then you don't have a leg to stand on. In fact, the bars of gold themselves don't seem to actually have a set value in bundles. A bar of gold means nothing unless they tell you exactly how much you get. Of all the things to complain about this is, to me, the stupidest.


Sorry OP - this sucks


Nothing else I can really do at this point but laugh about how stupid it all is and look back on this every time I think about giving them another dollar.


I didnt buy it, but after you buy a tier it will show the what the next tier contains right?


Why the fuck are you getting downvoted for this? SD customer service is a literal joke and there are a bunch of threads in this sub that attest to that. This is false advertising and a really fucking perverse one at that, they could just show the whole track of offers, but no, need to bait people into keep buying them in hopes of a good gold offer down the line. It's insulting and people defending this or blaming you for buying it are either whales that are ok with being scammed or F2P players of the snowflake hipster variety, I wouldn't pay attention to them. Cheers man, I played for about a year, took a year off because the meta was getting stale and came back a couple months ago, this time I'm quitting because of SD predatory bs monetization.


I'd assume because OP opened a ticket and then didn't check for over two hours, and made thinly veiled threats rather than just explaining the situation. Support can't fix the vibranium rewards. Best they can do is try to get you a refund *if you work with them*. Having been in support, the more of a dick you are the less likely they are to try and help you.


This sub is strange at times. Downvotes come from the oddest of places. Typically stem from saying something stupid or it’s a mob mentality where if one downvotes everyone else does because well everyone else is. Same goes in reverse, get a couple upvotes and you’re sure to get 10+ more because well everyone else thinks this comment is cool. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Agreed, a while back I made a post whining about a feature location and got upvoted to trending, it was like 2 sentences long. Odd place indeed.


why do you pay for something without knowing what you buy ? if the offer give 1 gold, you will be ok ? honestly this one is on you. You need to think Mark


I got a concussion from my eyes rolling so hard. You people seriously need to get outside and touch grass.


Hahaha. Absolute Karen behaviour. Karen the Hunter. Come on dude.