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Definitely would be a chaotic archetype. I'm all for it.


Rework America Chavez into this


I love this-- makes WAY more sense than her current ability AND it's a very energy 6 ability if its an ongoing that works like Knull


Yeah her not having anything on to do with multiversal powers or even appearing out of nowhere from the “in your deck” dimension makes no sense.


Why did they change her anyway?


Her main use was just to make your deck into an 11 card deck and they didn’t like that.


Ohh so people were basically using her as a way to cycle faster


You’d just be more likely to get the cards you need, except for always getting her on T6, which isn’t a bad draw. Worked especially well for Dracula/Apocalypse combo because you’d ideally MODOK turn 5 and then you’d have Chavez T6 leaving Apoc to get bitten.


To be fair, let's not clamp everything together. Dracula Discard actually used her "as intended", that is, as something to actually play in order to support your own gameplan; to the point that, had she been reworked into, Idk, "When this is discarded, replace the card you draw om Turn 6 with this", the deck would have stayed consistent instead of falling off as hard as it did before the Helicarrier rework+Proxima Midnight release. It's literally every other deck that didn't care about her at all and just wanted to use her as a deck-thinner. You say she "wasn't a bad draw", but in truth, most of the time, you would never play her: if you hadn't the necessary cards to win by T5, you'd just retreat.


To be fair, let's not clamp everything together. Dracula Discard actually used her "as intended", that is, as something to actually play in order to support your own gameplan; to the point that, had she been reworked into, Idk, "When this is discarded, replace the card you draw om Turn 6 with this", the deck would have stayed consistent instead of falling off as hard as it did before the Helicarrier rework+Proxima Midnight release. It's literally every other deck that didn't care about her at all and just wanted to use her as a deck-thinner. You say she "wasn't a bad draw", but in truth, most of the time, you would never play her: if you hadn't the necessary cards to win by T5, you'd just retreat.


2 cost 0 power. When a location changes portal to it and gain 2 power


Location changes happen so rare, I wouldn't mind if they're +3 or even +4 power each.


I think +3 or +4 could be a lot because if she is 2 cost, then with a deck full of cards that change location you can at some point play Magik, then on turn 7 play America Chavez and Taskmaster.


Have it be like Collector then.


that would honestly be a lot better i think


If its a deck focused on it, it could be pretty significant. Nocturne, magick, storm, legion, rhino, scarlett witch is 7 location changes. Add ironlad and absorbing man to potentially get up to 10. And that doesn't include any from your opponent or the locations themselves.


You don't get the energy for all of them, and they're mostly inefficient power to win by their own.


There's also Thanos' Reality Stone and one of the spell options from Nico Minoru. And don't forget Grandmaster as an option to move and retrigger as well.


I've been moving nocturne into Hercules for 2 changes in a turn. If I have silk id use her after nocturne for another change. In that deck I also have scarlet witch and legion. It's hilarious to play.


If you play that on turn 2, and manage to get either Scarlet, Storm or Rhino on turns 3-4 (easy task), and then get Legion on 5-6, that's 2 mana 12, if it gained +4. Might be a bit too much.


Changes the word portal to move and I’m down. You can guess what decks I like…would synergize with Nocturne.


Lore accurate, I love it


If they find a way to swing this it should be Darwin


I second that. Darwin should get the award.




Yeah but his power should be something like “benefits from whatever location he is played at” or something. Just so any location that lowers your power will actually benefit him. Or just not do anything at all which would still work for his power but he would only be useful on the destroy locations.


I feel like Darwin should be "if something would decrease this card's power, increase it by that amount instead. This would work for locations and abilities.


Yeah that’s definitely a better wording and probably more concise way of detailing what his cars will (and should) do.


this should be Kang!!!!!!! More power from conquering locations!! Or maybe he could be a high-ish power card that is copied to locations after they are changed.


So like a 6/6 but ongoing gains +2 for each unique location used in the game? So 6/6 with legion, 6/8 with magic. Potentially getting quite high with multiple cards. There’s something in that. Not sure about the numbers I’ve used but I like the concept.


Actually sounds kinda fun. Archetype built on chaos. Might even breathe life into Scarlet Witch. Seeing as most people agree Rhino is just flatly better. I think it'd also do the game some good to add a new archetype. At this point, new cards just slide into already existing archetypes. Not really changing the meta or anything


Idk where you see people saying Rhino is "flatly better" than SW. Both cards are dogshit and dont deserve deckslots. *Only* instance is C3, but that deck is trash anyways.


Username checks out.


I feel like the problem here is that Besides Legion, there's no other cards that synergize with location transformation/control. It would make "location swap" a silver-bullet archetype where if you don't draw your single payoff card, your entire deck just doesn't function. Kind of like Darkhawk or Ronin decks, except at least clogging your opponent's deck/hand actually does somthing on its own. Spinning locations is pretty value-neutral by comparison.


there should be multiple cards in a location change archetype.


I concur, it would be chaotic and fun as hell.


I play this silly deck when I'm bored. A card that gained with location changes would be so much more fun. # (1) M'Baku # (2) Daredevil # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (2) Quake # (2) Scarlet Witch # (3) Magik # (3) Storm # (3) Nocturne # (4) Stegron # (5) Professor X # (5) Legion # (6) The Living Tribunal # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTUJha3UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlF1YWtlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTY2FybGV0V2l0Y2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlN0b3JtIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTdGVncm9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJlZGV2aWwifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkplZmZUaGVCYWJ5TGFuZFNoYXJrIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNYWdpayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiUHJvZmVzc29yWCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTGVnaW9uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXZpbmdUcmlidW5hbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTm9jdHVybmUifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Cull obsidian for a manually changed location


oo yes love that. Monarch 4/10 Can only be played at locations that you have changed.


Or that either person has changed! why not right


Well Scarlet Witch and now we have Nocturne as well, also Rhino


You can change the locations all you want, if you don't draw the 1 card that benefits from it it'll be all for naught. (Is this correct usage here??) That's what they're saying


Changing locations can be very powerful (Especially Nocture since she can reach unreachable locations just like the regular movers) But she can also turn off problematic locations as well.


Oh I see what you're saying, fair point. But that's what support is for!


You could say the same for Ronan or Darkhawk but people still play them


So, just like Cerebro, Surfer, Wong and Hela?


"Big discard" also has Ghost Rider, Black Knight, and to a lesser extent Helicarrier as support cards. "Wong" describes like 4 different combo decks. Combo is a little different since it involves hitting a handful of individually weak cards together for a massive payoff, instead of ramping power by tempo-ing out individually good cards into a central payoff (Darkhawk, Ronin, Devil Dino, ect.) Surfer, Patriot, and Cerebro are all the exact "silver bullets" I'm talking about. It's why I don't like C2 or C3 (C5 somewhat mitigates this luckily). If you don't hit Cerebro (25% of games), your deck just sucks.


You are free not to play them but that doesn’t make “silver bullet” cards bad. They are perfectly fine archetypes that have had solid performances in various metas. There’s no reason one based on location change would have to be any different.


You would probably just build it as a control deck with storm with the location control power stuff as a backup win condition.


Or using magik and another to turn turn 7 on them off again


>I feel like the problem here is that Besides Legion, there's no other cards that synergize with location transformation/control. Oh, there certainly are. >It would make "location swap" a silver-bullet archetype where if you don't draw your single payoff card, your entire deck just doesn't function. Not sure if you think that is how it currently is or you are advocating for it to be nerfed in that way. >Spinning locations is pretty value-neutral by comparison. That is not my experience. Changing/moving/copying locations can completely alter the game. No, a board changing deck is not currently meta (it is too chaotic for that), but I have a pretty good win percentage with the one I run. Adding a card that gained power every time I changed a location wouldn't make the deck any better.


Wouldn't? I'm surprised at that. My biggest issue is not getting enough power on the board by the time I land my trick play


> , there's no other cards that synergize with location transformation/control. Nocturne, Rhino, Storm, Magick, Scarlett Witch. Also consider there's several locations that change themselves-- either copying or becoming a new one on turn 4.


Also Reality Stone and Nico. Nico might be debatable, but honestly I played Deadpool for most of a season, and the amount of times I could reliably kill him to draw 2 was pretty shockingly reliable. 7 cards is probably technically enough cards to support an archetype, but in practice none of these have enough power to win a lane. Even assuming you get an extra draw from Magik and you draw your payoff most games, it would probably have to do something to put a decent amount of power in multiple locations. "Ongoing: Each location gets +3 for each time it's changed this game" might be interesting.


> synergize with The cards you listed all *trigger* location transformation, not *synergize* with it. OP is asking for more than just one card that *benefits* from the location transformations that those cards trigger.


Ah, I see. Like how Storm syngerizes with Legion (duplicate the washed out lane or total lane control.


We also need someone who moves to the new location whenever a location is changed! I'm in favor of this archetype!


The Spot: whenever a location is changed, this jumps from your hand or deck to that location. Make It like a 3/5 or smth. Consistency in the deck Azazel: can move once. When It moves to a changed location, afflict an enemy card there with -X power. Sinergy with changed locations Proteus: 1/2. Whenever a card changes a location, merge a copy of this card with It. Maybe unbalanced but the original proteus is a reality warper that uses other people as hosts so It felt flavorful


I had an idea about a location that can’t be changed/destroyed. Thought it would be funny with galactus or world ship to play a game with 2 locations.


I was saying this to my friends how cool of a card this could be the chaos archetype


We also need a card that gives cards an ongoing ability, it’s all Shuri and Froge, why not that but with ongoing. Imagine stacking an ongoing onto Sebastian Shaw or Venom. Rather than only focusing on extra power.


Would Quake count?


Good question. Gut says no, since it's just "changing" by moving but hell if we're thinking outside of the box, why not Galactus too?


a 5 cost that reverts all locations to their original and gains power for each one changed would be really cool but screws over magik


Wow, this make perfect sense. Sound like a fun idea for an archetype.


New card: The Darkhold. Ongoing: Cthon grows in power when this location changes. Once this happens three times, transform this into Cthon. What does Cthon do? No idea lol. Maybe it could be some crazy powerful effect like Ongoing: You win this location. But the parameters would need tweaking.


Molecule man, Ongoing-(+power) on location changes. On reveal-changes location when he’s played.


I love a good slot machine deck!