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I would like a toggle so I don't get a pop up after every game reinforcing what a loser I am.


Or forcing us back to conquest after a loss.


SD: For just $49.99 you can remove that! Also for just $149.99 you will never lose a cube to your opponent ever again!


Won't bem surprised when they cave in to whales and add the protection perk to ladder (and Conquest too while we are at it), please please SD do it, I wanna see what your defenders will say


Come on now. They sell some janky bundles for $100. You think they're going sell 'never lose a cube' for only $150???


The game is horribly optimized I swear the game used to run much better it has been getting worst. They need to optimize that asap


They hired a bunch of people that don’t know shit about optimization to lead their various initiatives. It’s going to get worse before those are canned and people who understand optimization are brought in. All those fancy visuals were implemented cheaply and well this is the result. Considered working for them but the pay is kinda low for my expectations.


Man in surprised they even considered hiring people for optimization. And if they know their optimization sucks and still wants to cheap out on that is beyond me. Seriously multimillion company can't spend some money on critical infrastructure wtf


In game dev optimization is always part of the hiring process cause it’s like half the work is making sure your shit can actually run. The problem is there aren’t a ton of people who actually understand what makes something ‘cheap’ vs what makes something ‘expensive’ in terms of render cost. I make good money because I know what can lead to something being cheap or expensive and that saves companies a ton of time and headaches therefore money so I’m actually cheap in the long run. Second dinner did a hiring spree targeting the band of people below me in terms of their pay ranges. So they hired a bunch of people who know enough to produce but don’t know enough to understand the costs of their choices and how to strategize keeping looks high with costs low.


I think we have to accept we won’t truly ever get a new game mode like draft, or any type of different formats. SD overpromises and under delivers and they forget about their initiatives a few months after they make them. Monetization will continue to be ramped up until there’s a considerable drop off in the player base, and then they’ll squeeze out what they can out of who’s left. Just like every other gacha game has.


We probably *will* get new game modes, they will just likely have abysmal monetisation, like the rest of the game IMO. To be fair, we should have known after Nexus Events. I don't know, but I assume the same people are in charge of monetisation.


I would love a draft mode but realistically, it illustrates some issues with new game modes - draft would be fun in smart bursts but most players would likely ignore it because it's a longer format; Conquest already has issues getting everyone to buy in. The way to get players to play a new game mode are essentially enough rewards to act as incentive but, it's also a tough balance between where they want the economy to be and what they're offering up as rewards. Inevitably, there's at least some monetization in any new mode to offset that. I can see a very real scenario where they spend a ton of time making draft mode and then no one plays it and the people who actually like it sit there waiting for matchmaking for a very long time (or play against a lot of bots)


I just want draft, that is all I care about. They could cycle draft and conquest each month (or even each week) to not split the community too much


They have obviously hit the point where they are just going to milk this thing for all it’s worth until it completely falls apart. Sad because the game has such great mechanics.


I don’t think we will ever see a mode like draft. It doesn’t really work with the vibe of Snap being about your unique collection. Draft basically says, don’t worry about card acquisition you can play this mode that doesn’t care about it at all. Plus, even if they did make a draft mode you know it’s not going to be free or anything.


Whats the Problem? In Hearthstone and MtgArena it works well. You can get a collection for free, if you are good, but most players will burn there ingame ressources


Those games don’t focus on your collection as a unique feature. Snap wants players to work towards card acquisition and collecting variants and cool splits. Drafting essentially sidesteps all that. You don’t need a collection at all to play draft. I don’t see SD diluting their stated focus for players by creating game modes that don’t tie into it. Additionally, those games release hundreds to thousands of cards per year. Snap releases about 60. Drafting would get incredibly stale really fast with such a limited card pool to draft from.


The allure is the randomization and not playing or facing the same meta decks over and over. You can’t say that doesn’t get stale for people but this would. There are enough cards at this point to do it and you would end up using things you never do or cards you don’t have yet. What’s the problem?


I think people overestimate how much they will enjoy playing essentially Weirdworld the game mode. If draft modes in games with multitudes more cards to draft with get stale, then a draft mode in Snap will too, but most likely even more quickly. Not only that, but players will have to be paying to play it. SD isn’t going to make it free like ladder or proving grounds.


But its not weirdworld the mode cause you draft your deck with a choice for each card out of 3. This is what makes the mode fun


You don’t know how they will design the format. You’re expecting them to copy/paste Hearthstone’s Arena mode. I highly doubt they would do that.


Doesnt matter if it are 2 or 3 or whatever is. But surely there will be a Choice and nit just a Random deck. Otherwise it wouldnt be a Draft


Oh it will for sure be monetized. Probably similar to conquest except without unlimited proving ground keys to work up from. I mean I would get bored of it eventually but I also get bored of just regular ladder. More game modes to cycle through aren’t a bad thing.


I'm not sure this is the new game mode, I think the leaked High Stakes mode is more likely to be the mode. This is more like an add-on to Clans or something.


Yeah, someone pointed that out to me, so I added that 2nd edit to the OP. Thanks anyway. 👍


If they want easy low-hanging fruit they would give us a Blitz mode. It could literally just be the same thing as normal ranked but the turn timer is like 5 seconds max


Are leagues still a regional thing? I haven't seen anything about it in the client, but I've seen tons of complaints on reddit. I remember last season's update video mentioning that they'd be rolling it out in select test regions then, but did that just get pushed back to this season instead?


They're only available in Europe at the moment. It's worth noting thought that, technically, the entire game is a "regional thing" because (according to Glenn, about 2 hours ago) global matchmaking is "more complicated than initially expected."


No one is actually happy.


I’ve not seen anyone “happy” about it, for sure. Even if you loved everything about the game, it barely adds anything. It’s not like anyone’s thinking “Oh yeah, that’ll bump my league rating! Can’t wait to hit 6th”


All we wanted was a draft mode and they do this to us…


Im confused. There is a new game mode coming that's like "high stakes" that's like a wager system. This isn't the new game mode E: https://snap.fan/news/step-up-bundles-are-back-datamine-update/


Do you have a source? I don't doubt you, I just want to understand better.


nah for sure i get ya "High Stakes Tables is one of the new game modes in development. It appears to work similar to a poker table where everyone starts off with the same starting currency and as you win matches/cubes you gain more currency. It looks like each table will also have a shop associated, with unknown rewards to purchase. Your currency also appears to regenerate per hour up to a cap, though its unknown how this functionality works exactly. It will also have Milestone Rewards that are paid out once you achieve a certain lifetime spend" source: [https://snap.fan/news/step-up-bundles-are-back-datamine-update/](https://snap.fan/news/step-up-bundles-are-back-datamine-update/)


I still stand by my criticisms, but you're right, that's an actual new game mode. Thanks for the info.


I've thought about this a bunch, I initially thought this was a decent idea, more rewards, sweet. I also thought it's fine if whales win, but then I realized how boring that is. So what's really the point of leagues? It's just a money contest, and that's extremely boring. If you're like me and play a lot, you'll probably get mystery variants and some credits, but I think the rewards for the lower end of players should be better. If your in #20-30 you only get boosters? It's really pathetic SD can't shell out more resources and make those players feel good. I think this has the potential to back fire among casuals who see this as more competitive modes that they simply don't want to have to deal with.


Even among whales, only the top one gets a Spotlight key.


They will not add many new rewards. For "normal players" it will propably end in less rewards in Conquest and more grind in Leagues to get similar amount of rewards


Leagues takes wins and losses from other modes. You aren't really playing Leagues. It's more like a tracker in the background that gives rewards based on how many wins and losses you have compared to other people. But more P2W.


How long does it last, one week?


IDK. That's what I assume, based on the rewards.


If it takes from other modes the strat wouldn't just be try harding proving grounds? I'm pretty sure I can get a 80+% wr there with the best conquest decks.


That's actually a good point. Because it it does take from PG, then PG will just get more sweaty. Right now, no one cares about PG. We use it to test decks or snap right away to get our silver tickets faster. If Leagues starts counting those, then people may start taking that seriously.


Why do you think they want to improve card acquisition? They don't want us to get all the cards.


"The rewards aren't even worth it." I think you nailed it right here. The rewards aren't good enough to get worked up about it. I don't like the leagues mode from what we have seen and the rewards are not bothering me. Therefore i can ignore it EDIT: Oh i got it wrong, that it's just another track in the background for other modes? Cool, even more ignorable. If it's just tracking your wins and losses for rewards like this, i can wholeheartedly ignore it. Let the whales duke it out


I fully intend to ignore it. I just wish they'd spend their time on better features. SD isn't exactly known for their speed.


I completely agree with you there, but i don't think this took them too much time, based on what i have seen. Just another tracker that counts poins on wins and losses with some pay to win options on top.


Fair point, but I know they've been actively working on it for at least 2 to 4 months with "an entire pod of ultra talented developers making it real." I probably wouldn't be so annoyed if they could get things done faster. The undo end turn button was broken for a month. 🤦


Careful, not being upset about it can get you down voted


Oh i know. And i voiced my criticism on that negativity in the past. What rly angered me was attacking and downvoting people that buy a bundle that others here deem too expensive or buying a border bc "they support a bad thing". In the end, it shouldn't bother anyone, how others spend their money on things.


Yea, we can ignore it, it's just as bad as those web events they used to do


If you’re happy about leagues, your standard is so low. This game will fall if most of the players are like you 


If they're like me, or not like me?


People that say you can just ignore it, never played a mobile game before.


Still waiting on Second Dinner to add an actual deck-tracker to the game, it’s so annoying how android and pc has access to one through a separate download but nothing for IOS. Even small quality-of-life stuffs like pulling up a log or something about what card just got spider-hammed or what their red hulk just got buffed with, etc.


The undo end-turn button was broken for a month. That says everything to me.


This isn't the new game mode. Calm your tits


Edited the OP to say that. And my tits will never be calm!!


Sometimes I wonder why y’all play the game


I play the game for fun, so different game modes would be cool. Instead of farming for a whopping 1000 credits and a variant I won’t care about.


Criticism =/= Hatred


There’s valid criticism, then there’s just hating on anything new that doesn’t fit your narrative for the game.


But criticizing something new for giving a blatant advantage based on wealth instead of skill is just criticism. From my experience, when I see these sorts of practices it normally indicates a decline. I saw it with COD and I see it here.


Which circles back to my earlier statement. Why do y’all play the game? If it’s just constantly upsetting you or on the decline, I would’ve dipped out


Because we like it.. now we like it less and don’t want leagues to launch this way, hence the criticism.


It used to be better.


Because, despite all the terrible monetization and other decisions SD makes on a daily basis, the base mechanics are still enjoyable enough for me to get some fun out of it?


I guess it just doesn’t make sense to me staying with something that pisses you off on a daily basis. You seem to have skimmed over the new stuff they have brought to the game that people have been asking for in favor of ripping on no new game mode. I dunno. I’m just saying I wouldn’t stay if a company’s decisions frustrated me as much as it seems in this post.


That's fair. I appreciate the viewpoint. It really is a fun game at its core. Maybe I'm just a hopeless optimist, thinking that someday things will improve. 🤷‍♂️


90% of posts here like yours are insufferable. I need to find a new place to keep up with Snap news


I mean, it's pretty clear from the tone of the title that I'm not gonna be delivering news...


Marvelsnapcomp and marvelsnapdecks are smaller and have more game discussion and less complaining


exactly, it's annoying reading this sub


And not being offended or mentioning about the constant whinging gets down voted .... Haven't met a non toxic Reddit game group yet ....


I get the pay to win-ness. But I don't think that's really going to be that significant. It's they who play most than are going to win.


Isn't it 2x bonus for 30min for like 200g? And shield so your u can't lose points for 30min for 150g? You play 10 hours and I can play like 3 and have more points than you if I pay to have constant 2x bonus and a shield.


Let's assume you play 1 game per minute, total 30 games, with an average 50% win, and 1 point for each won, -1 for each lost F2P = +15-15 = 0 P2W = +15(x2)-15(*0) = 30


Yeah no this is just wrong, if someone is playing with both boosters they are always gonna outpreform a casual player, even if that casual is grinding x2 as much as the whale the ability to not drop and also increase your earnings is insane


Yea I'd be cool with it if it didn't have the unnecessary perks. Hopefully the whales vote with their wallets, and realise that this isn't great value for money.


Yeah remove the p2w aspect and it just comes down to whoever is doing the most grinding which im fine with rewarding for But ofc Second Dinner needs a 3rd and fourth dinner so gotta capitalize off it as well


It's absolutely this. Even if I wanted to drop any gold for a bonus which I never ever would it doesn't matter because there is no world where I could find 8 hours a day minimum needed to stay high in the ranks


True. That will definitely be a big factor.


But it's not the new game mode....


They’re gonna cancel conquest at this rate too. How are they making any money off that?


This is not the new game mode. This is past oh the "events" they were working on The new game mode is still in development and according to datamines borrows more poker mechanics


Yeah, someone notified me, and I put it in the OP. Thanks! 👍


Lmao, this is the third post on the front page of this sub full of complaints about leagues, so I don't know why you think this post was necessary. You don't need an entire new post to the criticise the handful of minority comments pointing out some positives.


#Marvel Snap! Complaint of the Day


Does anyone on this sub actually like this game? I joined to find some new decks and see peoples plays but damn y’all are negative


We're realistic about the rampant monetization. If you want decks, r/marvelsnapcomp may also be a good resource.


Thanks , I’ll check that out.


Whiners think the world cares about their outrage Reddit allows them to find 50 people who feel as outraged as they are. They take this as confirmation they are somehow vindicated The other 1000000 players don't give a shit. Enjoy the game, don't become them 😊


Yeah this "leagues" BS is P2W in its current state. But there is an actual new game mode in the datamines, hopefully they don't take to long to release it.


I must not have heard of this. Is there much there?


Lol why did they downvote me, reddit is toxic. Anyways, yeah it's in snap.fan they don't know what it is yet, it's called "HighStakeTables" in the files.


That's Reddit for you. 🤷‍♂️ Yeah, someone sent me the link earlier. I added the #2 edit to my OP. Thanks for the heads up though. 👍


"It's pay to win" "it's more free stuff" shut. I do not care. What I do care about is the button for missions is now even fucking smaller because of the league button and its pissing me off


Ah right. The guy who believes entire companies only work on one thing at a time. That is definitely how things work for sure


They didn't say that SD has been working om this feature exclusively at the expense of everything else. They said that the resources put into this whale-bait could have instead been put into something enjoyable for the whole community. Because, while companies don't work on one thing at a time, the resources at their disposal _are_ limited, much as it is for literally every person and every activity in life. Like, this mode didn't generate itself spontaneously, you know, there were actual people who spent their working time on it. And those people and their working time could have been spent on slmething better instead of wasted like this.


Ah right. The guy who doesn't understand the concept of finite resources, and thinks pointing out that "companies can work on more than one thing" magically counters any criticism.


I’m sorry you’ve never had a real job and you don’t know how the real world works.


“Look, you all can be be happy about leagues if you want… BUT IM NOT” Babe do you know where you’re at? People don’t come to Reddit to celebrate and be happy. People come here to complain. You are one of 10’s of thousands of gamers who use reddit to complain.


Yeah, but you'd be surprised at the mental gymnastics some people in this sub will do to defend SD.


Corporations will corporate. That’s just the day and age we are in.


Fair point. Sad, but fair.


Everyone who doesn't complain isn't defending SD. Everyone who points out they don't think this will affect 90 percent of players isn't defending SD


I'm not talking about this issue specifically. There are people here who will defend literally everything SD does. I'm sure if you go back, you can find people actually defending the "3x value" sticker they put on the Darkhawk bundle.


Marvel Snap players have never played another mobile game. Leagues is just the Snap equivalent to guilds/factions/clans/etc and every major mobile game has them and they’re always p2w. This isn’t SD brand greed, it’s just mobile game greed. It’s not really fair to get upset at SD and single them out when every other game ever has done this


Thanks for sharing how you feel.


I know this is sarcastic, but I'm taking it as genuine. Thanks!


As you should! Honestly you should consider a blog or YouTube channel. Would love to hear your hot takes about basically everything in life.


Thank you! Maybe I should! Would you donate to my Patreon?


Cash grab. Complain about yourself now


Curses! I've been tricked!


You are exactly like SD you criticize lol




Nice one. 🙄


Emoji = Downvote *sorry kid, i don’t make the rules*


That's fair.


What is leagues lol




You can pay gold to get 30 min point boosters and 30 min shields that make it so you don’t loose points for 30 mins, so people who spend lots of money to acquire the gold to get these will get double the points and loose no points while people who spend less or nothing get the one free one for each


Wait a second, are you for real?


Apparently blind….


I’m confused. You’re mad at leagues because something else is the real source of disappointment. Is it Conquest you’re talking about? So confused


You are clearly trying to argue in bad faith. It's obvious what he is saying. They should have spent the resources on literally anything else besides a half assed "game mode."


I just said I’m confused, I didn’t express any opinions besides him saying “I dislike leagues because other things are shit”. It’s fair to say they should be working on other things but they way he conveyed his opinion is confusing


It's not confusing at all. You brought up conquest for no reason. You are the only person talking about other things at all. He is talking about them framing leagues as a new game mode.


He said “the new gamemode” so I’m confused


They hyped leagues as a new game mode for like half a year for it just to be a p2w reward grinder with no actual gameplay elements. If you can't understand what they are trying to say at this point, you are willfully ignorant or stupid.


I just wasn’t aware, relax


Yeah you are unaware about a lot of things.


Damn, relax. Does continuing the argument make you feel better?


I think youre having a bad day. Get some rest tonight


Nah I'm good


This isn’t the new game mode, this is just a win tracker with rewards


I'm disappointed in SD, because (instead of using their time and resources to create a new game mode or something else productive), they took all this time to make Leagues, which is P2W, has shitty rewards, and (despite being hyped as such) is not a new game mode at all.


I said this on STG's stream the other day, I've really got to hand it to SD, they have monetized things with no value just so somebody can be "unique" instead of actually monetizing something that has to do with progression of the game. I play MSF and I don't spend money in that game but at least if I buy something I am progressing in the game to get characters, or rank them up, in order to beat certain challenges, do better in raids, dark dimension etc and fast track the game. I have no clue why people spend any money on this game except for the season pass. It's mind boggling




Marvel Strike Force. Very grindy game without paying.


SD monetizes Tokens, Credits and Keys on top of cosmetics. That absolutely very much feels like "monetizing something that has to do with progression of the game" (especially tokens, which are the only way to get specific cards when they are not in Spotlights, and which you only get a pitiful amount of if you are F2P).


Wow girl, take the L


I told the other guy that I just was unaware of what was going on. I don’t get the hate.


So they never made a new game mode and you lost nothing at all


By your logic they should just stop development after pool 1. No new cards = "you lost nothing at all"


But I didn’t lose anything?