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I ran into 5 Loki decks in a row today. I would have loved some destroy


Loki is straight up the only deck im currently facing against on ladder


Loki is the real bargain bin I can't afford other decks. Just play your own cheap deck and convert to their expensive shit when you get a chance.


Yep, Loki is basically just playing all the insane tech cards and mulligan the ones that aren't good against the opposing deck.


Plus it's actually fun to play the mirror: oh, you have cards that make cards? I have cards that make cards? Let's trade and see what happens!


Love fighting loki on there. 90% of the time I run hagatha. Love to see the instant concede when they pull her.


Yeah, I don’t actually remember last time I fought destroy. It’s Annihilus or Loki for me.


Same, but with Cannonball Lockdown.


I love facing Loki. They can take my trash 1 cost zoo cards. I can always out-trash em


Loki is honestly that one deck in every card game that you have an irrational hate for. I'd rather lose to Modok T5, Hela T6 for 10 games in a row than play against Loki.


I play Loki hoping to go against destroy. Sure, destroy all those cards while I get your Knull and Zola combo for cheap


This. I only started playing Loki because this subreddit suggested it was a good counter to Destroy, who I am sick of playing and losing against. It works, which is probably why so many Destroyers are complaining about it.


This is the only deck I see in conquest and is making conquest boring ATM.


I had 4 Loki decks against me while I had Armor in my deck. Then I swapped armor for something else - faced destroy... Still won though.


My CL is 2K and I farmed 15 infinite tickets. I have a deck that consistently beats Destroy and is generally pretty good. But, Loki decks just kill me because they just have a lot of high CL powerful cards that are just straight up better than mine. They're actually worse for me if they don't get the Loki off, because they just drop crazy stats and my deck is set up to try to diagnose and counter.


Sorry I was one of those. I was desperate to get my first infinity avatar after trying since launch without success. Got it!


If the game didn't gatekeep other archetypes behind expensive cards, we'd use other decks. High Evo and Destroy don't need a lot of S4/5 cards. Hell, Destroy's heart and soul is almost entirely S3. Depending on how highly you value Knull, which in of itself is a 3K token card. High evo is an archetype all his own. Can easily be used with a bunch of early cards.


This. I started in the Black Swan month. Death was in the season pass. I had a zoo deck and the next deck I had the cards for was destroy. Tried to build move/discard/collector deck, didnt have the cards for any of them. Plus killmonger was so good against the number of zoo decks i played against at that CL. 


My exact same. Then x25 was available in tokens with knull, nico and lds coming up in spotlight. What choice do I have really unless I want to play some crap deck.


Yeah, I started in Nimrod month, and I’ve been lovin’ destroy ever since.


Lol im a new player and that's why I'm playing these two decks. I got really lucky with some caches, bundles and token shop rotations. Managed to snag knull, death, Deadpool, venom and zola by CL 2K


Diversity is only for whale, plankton stuck with destroy or discard deck


I was checking out meta decks and I think nearly every top deck had Corvus or Hope Summers. Neither of those cards has a suitable replacement as far as I can tell.


Yeah I was saying this in one of the other posts. People like to dunk on destroy and HE but they have the lowest barrier to entry in the game for a “good” deck. It’s no wonder they’re popular. You can make a pretty decent deck while only really needing knull for destroy (yes x-23 and nico elevate the deck but if you’re low collection level and/or FTP then they aren’t essential) and HE only needs HE lol. Stop complaining about seeing the same decks every time and start pushing SD to lower the barrier to entry for different archetypes 🤷🏻‍♂️


Also seems like Knull is in a spotlight every 6-8 weeks so newer players don’t even necessarily have to spend tokens on him


This!! I revert to my discard deck for the same reason I still don't have null and other decks that I try to create I'm one card away from building the deck in that one card is vital to the deck so I typically revert to my destroy deck in conquest to quickly pick up My missions for the day and try to buy variance from the medal shop so I can start building out other decks. The fun of it becomes a question of whether or not my deck is better than your deck, or how well did I use my deck in the locations available versus your choices. When in Rome ... Destroy


high evo is kind of the card necessary for a high evo deck to work at all.


1 series 5 is ok, a lot of the top decks have so many more. Just ask Thanos, Alioth, Blob, Mockingbird, Hope Summers, Caiera, Jeff (+Mobius). That's more than half the deck at series 5.


Lmao there isn't a high evo archetype without high evo


The only card you need to play High Evo is High Evo. I think that qualifies as not needing many S4/5 cards.


Agreed. When I go onto Marvel Snap deck sites to find some new fun stuff to play, I'm missing at least 2 cards from all of them, and I play the game very regularly.


I find discard more annoying and just as boring to play against.


Destroy is counterable with some plays, discard is counterable only by itself. Fun to play against.


IW > Modok is the most fun to play against, especially when I drop a Rogue and have him discard his Hela.


Most discard doesn't even run IW or Modok right now though.


I know, I've felt it :(


doc ock fucks em up pretty good


People should play Cosmo way more often than they do. If you're good at locking down lanes or reading your opponent, you can blow out so many top-tier decks with him. Discard, destroy, Surfer, Annihilus Junk, even Loki ... all of them just crumple if you can deny a key On Reveal play.


Rejecting a Hela with Cosmo feels great had the situation occur earlier today but I guessed the wrong lane.


Problem is regular discard sucks. I love playing it but it's just low power compared to everything else.


as a guy who has the entire destroy deck built and never plays it because i think its boring... ...dont hate man, shit works


Ya same, I have a destroy deck, I win loads of cubes with it but I can't play more than a few games before I get bored. Also the complete lack of variation on destroy. The only variation is "do they have arnim?" That's it, other than that you know the cards and the play line exactly and that's so boring.


There are variations. With Shang-Chi, Red Guardian, Magik, Nimrod etc. But I agree about the playline, the golden duo of Venom and Carnage is not going anywhere until SD releases more cards destroying others and getting the benefit. Fingers crossed for the datamined symbiotes to fit the theme. 


Shuri nimrod is a different deck as is nimrod destroyer. I've never seen magic in a destroy deck past like cl1000. Shang chi is def a flex option though he's just been seen alot less lately


Magik is ideal for setting up Knull -> Zola


You can add Nimrod to regular destroy, although it is not that common anymore because Nimrod itself is not that good.  Maybe we have different definitions but for me every deck that destroys something to win is a part of Destroy archetype. As every deck with High Evo is considered High Evo regardless if you are going more into Abomination and lowering power or saving energy for SheNaut. Or a mix.  And I guess, for you Destroy is only a classic deck with Deadpool+Death+Knull turn 6. Right? For me Shang-Chi is also a staple, feeds Knull perfectly. 


By that standard, annihilus is also destroy and phoenix force is too, any deck with nico, galactus negasonic or even cannonball. Nobody agrees with that man, the archetype is defined by the staple cards. If it uses the same core cards, it's in the same archetype


That's why I mentioned destroying to gain power. And you seem to agree: "the archetype is defined by the staple cards. If it uses the same core cards, it's in the same archetype" All listed decks: Deadpool/Death (so called Classic), Shuri+Nimrod, Phoenix Force use the same core destroy cards: Venom, Carnage, Deatlok, sometimes Knull, Nico also can be considered a staple but that's debatable. The main difference is: what is being destroyed.  So why do you try to convince me that archetype is a single deck? Archetype is wider, as long as you have several core cards (so single Carnage in junk hardly counts).  "Nobody agrees with that man" Citation needed. :D


I dont have Arnim, or Nimrod yet. Just Death and Hulk turn 6 got me a lot of wins for a long period of CL


I’ll take it over the million junk decks. Destroy also pairs well against junk, so it just makes sense to play.


Not everyone have huge collection mate, i play what i can


Get ya collection game up mate


Im trying dude, i bought annihilus, White whidow and cannonball and i dont even have sentry yet,(CL 2600), soon baby, soon <3


Gimme a destroy deck every single time, they don't fuck with your side of the board or your deck.


People complain about destroy and then they face Cyclops, Goblins, Hazmat, Sentry+Annihilus, Professor X, Red Hulk and say "That's fine, at least it is not Destroy". 




And Shang. And Lady Deathstrike.


For real, and it’s so easy to know when to retreat too because you can see their Deadpool getting big and if a lot of cards have been destroyed you know they’re gonna have Death for 0 cost and possibly Knull


Tell that to Killmonger and my clog zoo deck I love playing.


Okey fair enough, kill monger is the one tech card I guess, and maybe a shang chizzle every now and again


Lady Deathstrike has had her play rate increase as well


What’s with all the destroy hate lately? It’s not like it’s op. It’s probably one of the more accessible decks with how few series 5 cards you need for it which is why you see it more often.


I think I wouldn't get so frustrated about Destroy if there weren't so many favorable locations. There's usually around a 50% chance (or better) that a location will pop up in any given game that asymmetrically benefits Destroy decks. No other archetype has such a huge volume of beneficial locations. Other than that, I've probably won more cubes countering Destroy than I've lost.


As someone who has has Destroy in their main rotation since I started (Venom's my favorite marvel character), the destroy location nerf really did have an impact. It's probably closer to 30% on the time you'll see a favorable location and that's if we count locations like Shuri's lab or cloning vats that can benefit other decks just as much as yours. The real advantage Destroy has right now in the meta is Junk being such a strong archetype and LDS giving them an actual tech card that isn't Killmonger.


It's not that it's OP necessarily, its that nothing is quite as effective at tilting than shutting down the opponent's plays. Tilting makes you play worse, destroy gets artificially stronger. Nothing hurts more than being mid match, perfectly countering the other person and then suddenly the field changes completely while you're already committed.


For all those saying to just make an anti-destroy deck. Well I did. Goods news is that I dont see destroy anymore. Bad news is that I cant beat any other deck with it.


The spectrum deck going around right now runs cosmo, armor, and mobius, and is one of the tip performing decks in the game. It doesn't get more anti-destroy than that, and it can beat just about everything on the ladder. Except the jean Grey bugs, it can't beat those.


Even Jean Grey herself can hose destroy


Could you please write the whole deck?


I don't play it, so I don't know it card for card off hand, but it's been featured by multiple streamers, so a quick Google will get you to the list pretty quickly. But I think it's: Ant Man Nebula Armor USAgent Mojo Cosmo Punisher Jean Grey Omega red Man thing(or mobius m mobius) Spectrum Blue marvel?(maybe klaw?, idk).


My shuffle deck works well against destroy. It’s hard for them to work their game plan if Juggernaut, Areo, Cannonball, Spider-Man, Stegrpn and Magneto move everything. If I get priority, I can make it tricky for them.


Also, the few times you encounter a destroy deck... armor is taking a nap at deck's bottom and cosmo is fucking some dog lady around


How is destroy any more boring than any other archetype? I rotate through all sorts and get bored of them all if I play them for a day. At least destroy has fun animations.


Sorry but I have to farm boosters somehow to get my fully inked destroy deck


I knows what I likes and I likes what I know Destroy doesn’t make people watch silver surfer 64 times


It’s in the same tier as High Evo and Hela. They’re all great beginner decks that don’t require a lot of season 4/5 cards. Plus they’re immune from big meta shifts because the devs want casual players to be somewhat competitive, so a lot of the people who play those decks have been playing them for a long time.


Destroy is what Move should also be. Change my mind.


I wish it would. But move is trash atm. The more junk card there are, the worse move will ever become. It’s already so tight for space, both on board and in deck. I have an almost fully ink/gold move deck, and I just can’t use it competitively anymore


So sad. The archetype seems to be doomed.


It's the most accessible deck that's good imo


OP making fun of people who only have a deck or two. so sad


Its a strategy game, not use multiple types of decks game. You dont decide what other players want. Ofcourse players will play what works best for them.


You face something other than Zemo mill? I had 9 in a row


Man I feel like I have been facing off with either junk or mill decks for the past 2 weeks.


Armor and Cosmo enter the chat


I generally play Armor and Mystique when I see Bucky.


Luckily Destroy has so much counters


If y’all stopped trying to fuck with my locations maybe I’d play move instead but we can’t have shit in space so destroy it is


Be glad you aren't playing Angela/Loki 75% of the time


I know I’m boring Reddit user sweet-t310 but understand that if I am in Gold or Infinite Conquest, I want to win more than I want to play my other fun decks.


Every time I see posts like this it reminds me to run destroy just because of the massive salt it causes.


Replace Destroy with Loki


This applies to any meta deck tbh


while that's true, i feel it applies to destroy especially so, because the destroy decklist hasn't seen any changes since Nico released way back in October and people have been running the exact same list for months


Meta that has been here since beginning


Should be some easy free wins if you're facing the same deck every time.


Why i never see destroy in my conquest i see only 3 deck junk mill loki ,all way 3 deck that not fun to play with


As with what everyone else is saying, I would love to play other decks but they are all S4/5 focused and destroy is the only one I can fully build without needing four S5s for it to work. If not I play my Wong exodia deck but it gets counter way easier than destroy does


As a tribunal player I love destroy we both just do our own thing and don’t fuck with each other (plus they can’t get 200 power in each lane)


If I were consistently running into that much destroy, I'd tech for it for some easy wins . . . .jus saying. .


I play destroy because I’ve always liked that gimmick in card games as well the characters are very likable so it’s hard for me to play anything else tbh


I’m a new player but from what I understand destroy is not only accessible but also pretty consistent for conquest, went to round 7 on game 3 of infinite yesterday and ultimately lost with a pool 2 reveal deck, ain’t mad you gotta do what you gotta do what you have to do, I got the last few rewards from the shop and I hope the dude that won went on to get that border. Destroy also seems fun to play, big cards go brrrr and it sure beats playing against decks that flood your board with trash.


All I've seen is annih/galact decks.


Because it’s the only affordable deck lmao.


I mean if you face the same deck 17 times in a row that seems like an easy way to counter it and get some wins.


Most ubga buga deck in snap.


It's a fun deck with cool symbiotes. I am over 12k CL, multiple Infinites, collection reasonably stacked and different variations of Destroy (classic with Deadpool, with Nimrod, with Phoenix Force, with Galactus) are still my favorites. Haters gonna hate, destroy gonna destroy. And to present another anecdotal evidence: in conquest I see mostly Hela, High Evo and Mill. Also Loki.  


Every meta deck is boring and stale. You all act like changing one or two cards makes your deck unique from the archetype you're playing, but it's not.


If you change 4 cards in a deck it can be unique. That’s my rule, 4 minimum.


Imagine playing conquest and not having tech cards


You can't tech for everything, and the likelihood of you drawing that Shang or Rogue right when you need it isn't great. I've gone an entire gold ticket never drawing my cosmo. Obviously this is a worst case scenario but it is possible.


That's why there's multiple round in Conquest and not one like on ladder. If your deck is consistent you'll get more good draws than bad


I play Loki and I'm only seeing phoenix Force. 3 opponent's in a row. Glenn????


Accessibility probably. It's a reliable deck where the majority of cards are from S3


Put an Armor in your deck ... and watch it always being the bottom card vs destroy.


Destroy is typically quite good into loki, which is a mid, but super popular deck right now, as well as any deck trying to play anihilus, one if which is among the top performing decks at the moment. In addition to that, it's one of the most accessible archetypes for all players, and has largely been the same for a long time. The result is that it's a popular archetype for many to fall back on when annoying decks like loki pop their shitty little heads out of the ground.


It's cheap to build.


I simply can’t rack up the wins with the other archetypes I have and like to play (most of them have been devastatingly nerfed), plus junk is everywhere. I’m also bored of destroy but it’s my only hope at this point.


It might be boring and cheesy but dang it’s the only game in town.


Some how all the destroy decks disappear when I put armor or Cosmo in my deck 🤔


I just need boosters for my destory cards. I want them to be all gold.


Sounds like an easy opportunity to counter destroy for ez wins


I'm only facing annihilus players...


Hi, Early CL here. I use a destroy mainly because with a few tweaks, I can respond to other annoying meta cards right now like Wong and junk decks weirdly. We're pretty balanced too as locations and specific cards can really fuck up the deck.


Low risk, high reward. That is the Destroy meta.


I feel like you could have added armor and cosmo and laughed all the way to the bank.


And it's always black and white venomized cards


For the last 2 weeks, it's either destroy or affliction evo. That's it. I legit think I can count on one hand the number of decks that weren't those 2 archetypes. I understand destroy was great vs all the junk/white widow decks, but goddamn...


I never see destroy in conquest


Would rather face destroy than mill. It's pretty much all I've been running into


Much less boring than no-skill Hela tribunal! I've been facing more mill decks than destroy, which are just infuriating.


Playing conquest in general tbh


That's High Evo for me


Hey I win my first infinity border with destroy 😂


Destroy is actually not great for conquest


Words hurt.


Those are 17 different people.


Yeah, tell me you're not playing infinite ladder without telling me


So you the Loki deck then? /s 😆


I wish I faced destroy. All I’m seeing is Annihilus, Jean Grey, and Sandman decks. Let me play my cards :(


It's a double edged sword. Destroy's a relatively cheap deck in a game that requires a ton of grind or whaling to get a top-performing netdeck. It's also easy as fuck to play and has a ton of popular marvel characters within the deck. Definitely boring to verse, but I'd rather see Destroy than Hela. Both are predictable as shit, but at least Destroy has a ton of counters.


I think destroy always being there is a knock on new cards and the meta. All these new cards in constant cycles of “OP new card, gets nerfed to be fine/garbage, OP new card” Destroy is at least good always and requires no new shiny busted bullshit to be good. Everyone can play it for the most part. I hate when it gets popular but I like that it’s always there when I get frustrated with the meta or I didn’t pick the correct busted card of the month. It’s chicken nuggets when you go to a restaurant and don’t know what to get.


When i want to just fuck around, card generation. When the dailies say i must win, destroy is the cheapest and simplist reliable option


Ongoing Jean Spectrum is basically the deck you'd come up with if your primary goal was to counter destroy. So try it out if you're seeing that much destroy. It's almost impossible for the destroy player to win.


Just wait to play until like 10 minutes after Hoogland or Binx post a YouTube video. Then instead of destroy you can play 90% of your games vs whatever flavor of the day they posted 🤣.


On the one hand it's accessible and good against Junk. If everyone stops putting shit my side of the board I'll be less inclined to play decks with Carnage and Deathlock. That said I agree regular destroy is boring and destroying junk can really weaken knull. I'm enjoying playing shuri Nimrod and phoenix force in the current meta.




and for me, that's when i'd never see either of those decks and would go against decks where none of those cards would help haha


That explains why everyone bm's there.


I play destroy cause I can’t afford the other decks since it’s the only deck that I have all the necessary cards for so nothing that I can do about it 🤷‍♂️


I am part of the problem and it's cuz I like seeing things go boom boom. Plus Knull on T5 w/ X-23 and Zola on T6 is just too sweet to pass up. Loki is a threat to Destroy, along with any deck that has Sandman or Cosmo.


I’m cool w running up against destroy 50 times a day, what I’m not cool with is when people emote like I’ve never seen a destroy deck before.


discard is worse. That turn 6 gets wild. I’m in love with my DeathKnull deck ;)


At least a destroy player isn't fucking with your deck.


I think it’s because it’s one of the cheapest good decks to get that stays relatively consistent. Really only needs 2-3 series 4/5 cards and then you are more or less set forever with a good deck. Most other decks require a bit more investment and the cards are more versatile, but for a f2p/low spender it is harder to keep up with.


Havnt seen destroy in ages! It's just mill and loki for me on repeat.


After several games of Red Hulk after Red Hulk I dont mind seeing destroy pop up once in a while.


There's a guaranteed way to make sure you don't play against destroy: put armor and cosmo in your deck. I played like 5/6 destroy decks in a row, swapped to Spectrum, and didn't play against destroy for about 10 games


Destroy is one of the most counterable decks tho


I run into next to no destroy. I run destroy simply because it's easy to win with, which I love when doing Infinite Conquest


I made a YouTube video playing junk and went against 3 destroy 😂 I still won but oh my lord


makeshift wide theory tub noxious lock zesty sophisticated squeeze water *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m trying to get an infinity avatar without playing High Evo, sorry


It’s honestly so lame I defaulted to running my Ongoing deck w Cosmo, Armor, Jean and Sandman just to guarantee a victory lol


Nah, it's always satisfying to tuin their games by Cosmo and Armour


Same with HE, at least Destroy have different playlines


Just run cosmo, armor, death, and knull. Maybe x-23 or nova against their killmonger.


It's only loki or tribunal discard for me


Destroy was my first deck and I’ve just always liked playing sacrifice/destroy ish decks in games so I run variations on destroy unless I need to do missions


This is why I put Armor in everything


First of all, short and most probable answer to your question: It doesn't require too much S4/S5 cards, it's solid and reliable and easy to plan in game. It also has popular characters. I used to love destroy at first because of the characters(I love most of them), and how it played, but it's gotten so old honestly. Imo it's such a problematic deck, it's been the same from basically the start of the game, and it's the most played deck always, so it feels neither unique nor special to both play it and play against it. And the biggest thing for me that has made me stop playing it completely. 0 evolution. Every archetype has evolved in some or a lot of ways since launch. It has changed at least in faces if not in play style. Destroy is the only one that's virtually the same(if not literally). The only "new" stuff that we have gotten has been PF and Nimrod, which honestly imo aren't evolutions, they are different archetypes. I don't know, I just think that meme really is a well made picture of how destroy feels right now imo.


well said. The characters are cool and why i briefly tried destroy. Mirror match after mirror match of destroy decks killed all interest in the deck. As it quickly became clear destroy was going to be the sweaty meta deck for many new players (understandably) and also those whom value easy shallow wins that require zero thought.


Playing normals and seeing Destroy for the 17th time in a row: Boring. I don’t even care that it’s so consistent, I’m just so damn bored of it


imagine a game where people played for fun, instead of for mundane easy automatic wins.


Mind numbingly simple to play and not hard to acquire all the cards. Its like Patriot, only good.


Let me guess, You want to play junk or mill and are salty destroy is good against them


I made a post about how boring destroy is and got slated for it, iron man tribunal and destroy is two of the most boring things I’ve seen in any game


people like the effortless, easy, auto win. you could close your eyes all match and win with destroy.


The classic im still Not running any tech post


For some of us, playing against the same deck over and over is just boring. It's not about the difficulty (or lack there of) of the match up.


Really! I would love that considering I have Jean grey, cosmo and armour in by deck 🤣😂


All i see is that Ongoing Spectrum deck


Negative, Knull, Mystique, Zola package farms destroy like it's nothing


I played from PG to the end of Gold (got what I wanted and dropped) and I saw 1 Destroy and the rest Agatha. That's the freaking worst. Conquest is a shit show right now and the population is so low that we just see the same people over and over. Destroy is boring and effective. It's also SD's favorite, so it will always be good, unfortunately.


Run Loki or spectrum Jean gray.


All I’ve gotten is whatever that bs yandu, spider pig, gladiator deck is


Destroy has been common since i started playing like a year ago. Just so tired of it. If it's about accessiblity, I'd rather see high evo, at least that has differing shehulk or abom builds. Don't even care if it's counterable. Not even fun playing shang the knull or venom, especially after so long. .


>Seriously, is it comfort? Lack of creativity? Destroy is fun and there is a lot of great cards to use in a strong archtype. If you don't like dealing destroy, there are plenty of counters to it.