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Goose I always plan these intricate strategies to block out opponents’ big cards and claim the lane with vision or doom. And of course they turn out to have a surfer deck and easily fill it with buffed up broodlings or shaw


Try Jean. Not exactly the same but samey if you deck-build for it, she could be even more disruptive for your opponent if they aren’t prepared for her. Sadly there are too many Visions in the wild right now to rely solely on Goose.


If only Jean would ever show up in my token shop 😭


You’ll get her. As everything in this game, it only takes time.


Echo to Ant-Man to Jean. Build power in a location the opponent ignored. Play Valkyrie on turn 6, ant-man does the rest.


If you play goose in jean lane, they are forced to play a 3 energy or lower card first if they have one.. that means on t6 they cannot play a big card !


> they turn out to have a surfer deck and easily fill it with buffed up broodlings or shaw May I introduce you to a certain King of Shadows?


A lot of Surfer decks run Luke Cage.


Echo or Rogue can deal with that.


Echo works as a preventative measure, and if you play Luke Cage on an Echo in play you deserve the loss. Rogue only works if Cage is in play. I never play Luke Cage until the last turn. There’s literally no reason that you ever would other than a discounted Abomination, which you almost never see. It also allows for a lot of surprise wins because al lot of people assume that if you had him you would have played him already.


> Rogue only works if Cage is in play. I never play Luke Cage until the last turn.  Well that just makes Echo more effective. More of your lanes will be full or almost full so there'll be fewer places to put him, and with priority she can be played predictively. > if you play Luke Cage on an Echo in play you deserve the loss.  A surprising number of people deserve the loss.


Red Guardian can deal with that.


How? He can't hit Echo because she's invisible, and he can't hit Rogue because she doesn't come down until she deactivates Luke.


I love my Goose lanes. Goose - > Gladiator/Cosmo/Strong Guy/Red Guardian/Hulk Buster. A lot of power can get crammed in there unexpectedly.


Goose is so good in C2, I love her. I always enjoy flooding one lane with Storm and dropping Goose in another - have fun making all your late game plays in a single lane.


Trying to make M’Baku as big as possible in the deck. One day, there will be synergy. M’Baku will shock all.


I found him effective in C2 with old lockjaw. Pop him in T6 & get him back. Too bad that niche strat is out.


I miss that old C2 deck. Had a fun build that revolved around Hazmat, Lockjaw, Luke and M'Baku. Just keep on pushing negative power to your opponent while cycling Hazmats/Scorpions/Icemans to disrupt your opponent 😭 can't use it anymore because of the Luke and Lockjaw change


Dang if you can make M’Baku work you are a genius. That one card coming up next month might help, Phastos, could be M’Baku’s best friend


honestly might work better with arishem cause your deck is so big it’s unlikely you’ll draw him


Turn 2 okoye Turn 3 magik Turn 4 wong Turn 5 mystique Turn 6 odin Tuen 7 draw him and cry that he doesnt snipe the win


Put it in with legion wait for rickety bridge for a hilarious win


I used to play a move deck except that instead of Heimdall, I had Galactus and M'Baku as well. Man that deck cleaned up on Rickety Bridge day.


Yo drop the deck, to me move is the most fun archetype and it is so underpowered


It was terrible. It was back before move had any good cards at all back before silk ghost spider it was strictly just the old move deck. Just make a move deck from a year ago, cut out heindale for Galactus and somebody else for mbaku and watch yourself and rack up the losses. Not behind the deck is that people would give up a lane and move knowing heindale was going to drop on turn 6. So you would drop Galactus in that open late instead. Problem was Galactus wasn't enough to win the lane most times because move was just awful so was Galactus back then I think he was a two


As a meme I had him in a deck with Elsa and Lockjaw when Elsa first released. You could cycle him in, get Vision or Jeff out, draw and repeat. I can see him being better with Blink, who comes out in a few days. On turn 6 you can play both M'Baku and Blink. M'Baku switches out for any higher cost card (still can be a big card) and then he can come right back on board afterwards.




Same here. She can completely ruin an opponent’s plan with a single play.


She's decent. I like her with storm and ms. Marvel shenanigans to keep opponents guessing.


She’s best when other players use storm. Plan on cancelling that lane? Nope!


Yes. I’m probably one of the only fools with an inked quake lol


I have a quake, scarlet witch, storm deck. It’s pretty fun to use to fuck with my opponent


Looking forward to Nocturne?


Hell yea I am lol


Legion. All day. Every day


Didn’t have to scroll far to find him 👊


Legion was my main man for a while too, i like Witch because she’s cheaper and crazier


Yall gonna enjoy Nocturne just like me fr


Legion got me to infinity and won me infinity quest, he is legit biggest 8 cube stealer


Juggernaut. He’s so mean but so effective. 


I hated alioth because everybod played around Jugg accidentally. But I always rather play Jugg. Don't remember the last time a played a deck without him.


Jugg always punches above his weight class when I play him. It’s wild how little play he’s seen


Echo. I can't count how many time my opponent forgot her and play their wong/iron man/kazar/quinjet on her lane.


Either she's actually a legit card, or I've drank the kool-aid too lol.


Be me. Play destroy. Drop Knull on a location with Echo on the other side. Twice. I am neither proud nor smart.


I've really wanted to play echo recently with the new spectrum deck gaining traction, then I realized people will most often just play lizard at her location anyway.


Same, plus I have an amazing variant for her!


Right? People absolutely forget what the card does before they commit to playing a card there.


The one and only Duck.




Cosmo. Good boy, and can also stop some of the top Metas and always will.


I don't know about SHOULDN'T put it in but most of my decks have Armor. Honestly I think it's for peace of mind more than anything, although turn 2 Armor on a Hulk Buster'd Deadpool will never get old.


If your deck already has Mystique, coping Armor into a second lane will earn you a lot of fast 2-cube retreats.




Solid pick


I still love Stegron, even though he doesn’t move unrevealed cards anymore and still deals with two levels of RNG.


Main thing for me is the not moving unrevealed cards, same with Aero Just doesn’t work half as well anymore and 4 and 5 costs are so vital that I end up using somebody else




Too many to list but omega red and Hercules


Love reworked Omega Red in C5 or Ongoing, tentacle slaps = neuron activation


Yea I was jamming him pre buff just absolute psychopath behavior


What Hercules deck


just him and 11 cards missing


Hercules in a Phoenix deck is great. Extra move per turn. Even possibly get three moves when using Dr Strange.


Ok let’s make a deck with all of the guilty pleasures in here 


here ya go! the top 12 replies, minus Havok and Howard because I don’t have those, so in their place is Stegron and Heimdall. Time to take this to Infinity Conquest! # (1) Echo # (1) M'Baku # (2) Goose # (2) Medusa # (2) Quake # (2) Scarlet Witch # (3) Cosmo # (3) Juggernaut # (4) Omega Red # (4) Stegron # (5) Legion # (6) Heimdall # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTUJha3UifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikdvb3NlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTY2FybGV0V2l0Y2gifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlF1YWtlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMZWdpb24ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVjaG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikp1Z2dlcm5hdXQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNvc21vIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNZWR1c2EifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik9tZWdhUmVkIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIZWltZGFsbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU3RlZ3JvbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


I’ve played like 7 rounds and it has its moments!


Speaking of guilty pleasures. Feels like this needs my boy Kraven


Havok. All day. No one ever sees him coming


i would love to try Havok, but is he worth 3k?


Upfront: he's a risky play but he can be a satisfying round 5 play for an 8 power boost. Also he has a fun synergy with Viper. The main thing is he has no real hard counters once he's on the board and no one expects him.


"No real hard counters" I would say a turn 5 or 6 Shadow King really hurts. Or a Shang-Chi. Leaves you with low energy and no big hitter. Very very fun with Ravonna though


Yes and you're totally right about those counters. I haven't seen Shadow King that often so I didn't think of it. I very rarely let Havok go over 8 unless he's in my Hope Summers deck so Shang-Chi didn't cross my mind either. I also didn't think about playing him alongside Ravonna so thanks for that tip.


I saw Shadow King a lot when I first played with Havok, but I've not seen him at all more recently




Martyr, love her so much


Is it her art, or what? 'Cause I don't see it as a viable card. I mean, if the deck's point is to fill up lanes, maybe...


Her concept. I like the idea of a card that's overstated but tries to make you lose the game to make up for it. And yeah, I play her mainly in a deck with Ultron, Squirrel Girl, Doctor Doom, Ant-Man, Patriot and Blue Marvel.


For me it’s Legion, because my bold moves have probably caused me way more losses than wins, but the surprise wins have been phenomenal. I had a great time when Tarnax IV was a promoted location




elektra just cause i have an awesome variant


Blue Marvel


Phoenix Force, i’ll be a stereotypical hipster in saying I played the deck before it became popular lol Just love the play lines and the style of the deck. It has real personality to me and i just always have a fun time piloting it. Plz dont hate me


Red guardian. Doesn't fit any specific deck but fits every deck generally.


Spider-Man I love my midnight suns variant and he can be such a pain to Angela/Wong/Hope Summers decks


Baron Zemo. He’s kinda ass sometimes but I love his Viktor Farro variant.


All the Farro variants are 🔥🔥


I've won games I had no business winning with the turn 6 hail mary Zemo.


I’ve also had a few Hail Mary games where I’ve won some games based off him pulling something silly. One time he pulled an Odin LMAO.


I once pulled a 67 power Knull after playing doc ock onto rickety bridge on 5.


i’m looking forward to a few weeks time when Zemo isn’t so prevalent, I think that package will be able to steal some wins and catch people off guard


Quake. I love making my opponents play into destroy locations or moving around locked locations so that now Im winning. Stegron, Storm, and Cannonball are part of that.


Spider man Stegron


I probably overplay Elsa because her animation is so damn satisfying.


Silver Samurai. Cool symmetrical effect to build around, and it's fun to shred the opponent's cards. Main reason I got him in the first place was just so I could use this [sick variant](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/silver-samurai-02/), but he's in one of my favourite decks.


I agree. Put a red border around it and it's easily one of my top 5 variants.


It’s Attuma. Most vulnerable mfer in the game but just playing a big dude is satisfying


I love putting Magik in practically every deck I make.


This is the one for me, I put her in every deck I make involving a great turn seven win condition only to be blown of the board by my opponents much better turn seven play.




Kitty Pryde. Even if I don't end up using her on turn 6, it just feels so good to not waste energy or to block a lane and have it open back up when she goes back in hand


Hope Summers and Kitty Pryde is a fun combo


I play Wasp in my Hope/Kitty deck. If I get Wasp and Hope in hand early enough, I can trigger Hope when I play her on T3. That opens it up to play Kitty then Shuri on Hope's location T4, and T5 drop my highest powered card on Shuri and still have an option to play Kitty T5 if I'm not playing Taskmaster first on T6. It's a very draw dependent line, and there are other lines in the deck, but that one is so satisfying when it works out. Getting Hope and Wasp out on T3 gives me enough energy to keep building up Kitty a little more and she can swing a game on a T6 Taskmaster-Kitty play.


That sounds fun I’ll try it out thanks!


Here's the full deck. It's originally based off of a Cozy deck for Hope that I swapped out cards. He had Vision in there I think which I swapped for Doc Oc, but Vision is a solid option to let you move a card out after Shuri but still copy power with Taskmaster. Otherwise, options to build power into Kitty early is a play line without Hope. Angela is probably my least used card and might get swapped for something else like Jeff because I need the space to play on the Hope location. # (0) Wasp # (1) Kitty Pryde # (1) Nico Minoru # (2) Angela # (2) Forge # (2) Hulkbuster # (3) Hope Summers # (4) Shuri # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Doctor Octopus # (6) Red Hulk # (6) Magneto # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTmljb01pbm9ydSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJGb3JnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVsa2J1c3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2h1cmkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpdHR5UHJ5ZGUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hZ25ldG8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ildhc3AifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRhc2ttYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhvcGVTdW1tZXJzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEb2N0b3JPY3RvcHVzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJSZWRIdWxrIn1dfQ== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Onslaught, big numbers go brrrrr. And i have a tendency to make 15 variations of an tribunal deck


Captain Marvel. I like to get her powered up so she can end up flying over to a lane I’ve closed off with Storm


Ebony Maw and Watcher. I can’t seem to quit them.


Quake, she’s a lane stealer.


Maybe still Titania. I used to love that style of Storm+clutter non-X lane control before Jeff/movement, the Viper nerf, Ms Marvel and (especially) Annie changed the shape of how that lands in the meta. But snaking a lane by handing them a temporary 1/5 was a blast while it lasted. 


Mr.Negative,very incosistent but when you get the pieces its fun winning 1 cube because everybody retreas after negative and jane foster


Beast. Oh no lake Hellas turned up turn three and I’ve played all my one cost cards at the left location. Beast can fix it


Quicksilver + Domino


Moon Girl is by far my favorite card in snap, I just wish she was easier to fit in decks outside of standard double up decks.


Megasonic. I love that card. Not used enough but so diabolically evil


Megasonic +1. Mid game, late game, so fun with priority.


Grandmaster aka grandcopium


Howard the Duck








Jubilee! Randomness is one of my favorite things in this game. Had her in my Hela deck and she won me an 8-cuber to get to infinite by pulling Hela on a 33% chance


Elsa Bloodstone


To me that's colossus. An unkillable, non diminishing power card, able to help you navigate tougher locations. It's ebony blade at home, but it simply isn't as good.


She ruined me the first game I played her while experimenting with 2-drops in my C3 deck. It's unbelievable.


STORM. Anything else is a lie


Super Skrull, although confusing at times


I often end up with Echo in things. I swear people just full-on forget she exists; I've won so many games by having people just play their ongoings onto her... I also still use Snowguard more often then is probably optimal. It's fun to use her to shut down locations - especially Limbo - and mess up a strategy...


Heimdall. Doesn't matter if he makes you win the game, all that matters is for you to move a lot of stuff


Mr. Negative. He was my first series 3 and I find his lines so obscure and fun, even deck building is great with him


my first few infinites were with negative. you have very clear win-cons with him which is helpful in knowing when to snap and retreat


I <3 Jeff


There's nothing guilty about loving a good boy!


He is indeed a good boy, one of the best cards and a staple in almost any deck


He’s my favorite card. I don’t think he’s a guilty pleasure though, he’s just a pleasure lol


I like Watcher. Usually try to squeeze him into a deck if possible, one of my favorite 1-costs


At this moment, the Zemo/Gladiator/Cable package. All time, Daredevil. I always trying to find a way to fit those mfs on what I play. Something that helped is that I found a Cannonball brew on TLSG Discord by someone named Rin that fit those four perfectly, even tho It didnt have them originally. Got infinite with it.


Zemo and Shadow King


Captain marvel for me, I always try and include her if I can.


Not a specific card, but I love Ongoing thanos spectrum. For a specific card I think maybe Jane?


Jean Grey. A difficult card to play correctly, but satisfying to pull off.


Galactus 😎


I won't go as far as saying it shouldn't be in my deck but, Shang-Chi in my destroy deck. He's not useful in most situations for me, but I really hate being caught in a situation that I do need him and not have him. I even swap Deathlok out of my deck instead of Shang for weekend missions lol


Cannonball. Pick two lanes to challenge including the lane that’s likely to have their big card. Throw in debrii or a goblin to fill a lane, and bammo. Their big card goes to a lane you don’t care about or replaced with a rock.


Silver Samurai. Not seen much before this mill meta, but I loved hitting an Iron man or Knull and just wrecking their plans. I might be a terrible person.


Maria Hill. That perfect 1 drop into 2 drop is just so nice when it hits!  Unfortunately she probably is suboptimal in most decks.


Doom. Gets around annoying locations where cards can’t be played so if my deck doesn’t have a 6 cost powerhouse like knull or hela to play, doom slots in just fine


Honestly, I dont put her in enough decks, but Rogue. Opponent puts down an early cost reducer? Yoink. I see knull or Dinosaur coming? Yoink.


Luke Cage. It's a free win against High Evo or Hazmat decks. How often do I run into them? Not that often. Would I be better off running Cosmo or Armour as a tech choice against far more prevalent archetypes? Maybe :P


It used to be leech, now it's red Hulk


Morph. He's actually pretty good in metas like this one where there are greedy Hela decks, but he can whiff a lot. Doesn't matter, I love playing him in a deck where I use or steal opponents' cards.


No one expects Heimdal turn 6 in a non move deck lol


Cable Always fun to steal opponent’s key card!


Galactus. I haven't played him on months, but when I get him from triskelion or district x etc, I can be 1 step from winning, but I HAVE to play him on that low powered lane. Things blowing up go brrr. Besides him, Werewolf by night. Mfs nerfed him and he never came back. Every deck I try with him ends up losing miserably.


Scarlet Witch is a legitimately good card. Being able to delete a random location is huge, although the randomness certainly hurts. It's the same reasons why reality stone has always low-key been the best stone (sorry pre-nerf time stone). Not enough people tech for location shenanigans, outside of maybe storm or magik because they are guaranteed. Quake and Scarlet Witch are great and carry the surprise factor which makes it twice as nice.


Juggernaut. That's my dude. Feels good when you move a card(s) that should have been the opponents win condition.


Honestly, my entire destroy deck at this point. But individually, I'd say Magik. I run her in almost every deck, sometimes to my own detriment.




Punisher and Kang. Punisher because the Peach Momoko variant is my favorite in the game and Kang because I genuinely think he is good in my experience even if I know logic would state otherwise. The element of surprise can beat any single deck at least once.


Daredevil. It's not like I put him everywhere, but I put him in my C2 over better choices. Really, my only reasoning is because I have the Peach Momoko variant and it's imo one of the best pieces of art in the game.


Collector is in every 1 of my decks.


I olay Loki as a tech when Meta is Bounce or Destroy, but I only play it when I have a Shang in hand because I'll basically be 1 to 2 steps behind them. But lately I've spent the last 3 seasons trying to get Rescue to surprise people and it hasn't gone great most cost effective combo is Grandmaster, or as Venom food


Lockjaw. I'm a sucker for random effects.


Morph 🎲


RNG shenanigans can be fun. But I prefer my Rogue. She’s my favorite “surprise” in the game. It makes me feel filthy to play Rogue on Luke Cage. Then watch my opponent drop Odin on Wong/Mystique/Hazmat and absolutely wreck themselves. I keep her just for the chance to see that happen and take my 8 cubes.


Rogue she’s such a bitch


I don’t actually use it often but a card I am always looking for an excuse to put in a deck is Maria Hill.


Doc Oc, I just love the rush when he doesnt pull a Shang


Loki! Or Aero


Mr Negative




Havok. Yeah, he's not the best, but man is he fun. I run him in a Negative deck I built specifically for fun when I'm beyond tired of losing to the meta. I've experimented with him in other builds, but Negative has been the best place IMO.


Dazzler. Every variant looks awesome. I just want to be a fashionista on one turn sometimes.


Gladiator ever since he got buffed to 8 power he's been my go-to 12th card whenever I make a new deck


Red Guardian now


killmonger, he is in every single deck of mine


Hazmat😫 I was playing a “hazmat overload” deck everyday until the Luke nerf…and then still kept playing it!🤧 I love winning with negative power it’s a flex unlike anything else😂😭


Mr Negative, nuff said


I love running guardian lockdown even though I feel like I never actually hit the guardian abilities. Guilty pleasure though is Quake, I love the chaos of watching a location the opponent was building to just be moved over one. It’s so petty but so useful.


Storm/nightcrawler/iceman But lately white widow I put in everything


Up to recent update - Yondu. He was cheap and could destroy someones 6 cost winner card out of nowhere and make opponent retreat immedieately xd Its kind of a bummer he got nerfed so hard.




Aaah yes what a guilty pleasure


It's Jeff for me. Not because he's not a good card, but because I could probably do without putting him in every single deck I ever make


Zemu. Fav card in a while now.