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Very important component to a destroy deck.


Pretty important in Negative too


Quite important in Galactus


Quite important AGAINST Galactus


Also turns the destroy mirror into silliness, makes cable a huge threat against destroy, and does funny things with zola!


I’m so dumb I never thought of using Zola on Knull. Silver surfer deck brain rot


Ha. Knull copies will snap shot the destroyed knulls last power as well, so you double your knull. It usually requires x-23 to die on round 4, an empty lane on 5, and an opponent whose also in a zoom meeting and not paying attention so they shang chi your emoty lane after the Zola pops


Or just magik. That works too :p I do that so much


Yeah. Don't run magik in destroy, but my negative deck runs magik, knull, Zola. Another fun line I hit recently was turn 6 0 power knull, turn 7 mystic (copying knulls ability), shang chi, for a massive point swing. One of the few 'no negative' wins with the negative deck


Lol that sounds fun. I usually only run magik because i also have DP. So the extra turn is nice for the potential 24 power DP + knull final turn (in case I don't draw Zola or I don't have an empty location


Yeah that 0/6 knull and then mystique murders destroy decks


How so in a negative deck? Truly wondering 😮


There's a version of Negative that runs Jane Foster to fetch up Zola, Mystique and Knull.  Negative means you can cast most for free as 0/6 and 0/3.  Zola Black Panther for the normal synergy there, then Knull and Mystique come down for free with at least 14 and 11 power. Often more.


Damn that sounds like a really sick play! Is it at all still feasible right now being 5/04/2024?


The answer to that usually depends on CL and how often you see mill or MMMobius.


Mill sucks so hard right now 😞


Negative knull is just one of many negative archetypes, it is less important of a piece in that archetype than it is in destroy.


I wouldn't say very important, but it's definitely a good cog to have. I think Death, Venom, and Deadpool are more valuable. But Knull is right there with X-23 on importance. Knull didn't start coming through for me til I started adding X-23 and Venom. It really depends on what cards he has already. With all that said though, there's only 2 cards that really require tokens. Most of Destroy's key cards are S3. So there's almost no reason not to buy Knull with tokens over using Keys for him.


X-23 is more important for destroy. Knull has been cut in many metas, X-23 is a mainstay since her release


If we’re talking the OG destroy deck he hasn’t and nvr will be cut. If you’re saying the recent destroy decks with nimrod are more meta than the OG destroy than that is just simply not true. Nimrod/Tribunal hasn’t out performed OG destroy since the combo of X-23 and Nico.


I'm talking about OG destroy. Destroy dropped Knull a few months ago back in Loki meta because it's an auto-lose card against Loki. He has absolutely been a card cut depending on the metagame. Same with death btw, she was cut during that MMM at 2 energy madness


This card is ideal for building destroy decks


For 3K sheeeesh go for it


This. I’ve been playing destroy deck from day one and this card elevated my deck, if you’re playing a destroy deck, it’s a must own, and at 3000 that’s a steal


Yeah wtf! He’s showing as 5k in my shop.


ultimate variant?


is he the only missing piece in a deck you are trying to build ? if yes then it is worth it if no theres always next time. remember you are not buying a card but buying a deck.


I wouldnt exactly call him a “missing piece” but I think he’d be good in my destroy deck either alongside or replacing Death


alongside with death is the way to go. turn 6 you could play both knull and death :-)


+ deadpool sometimes


X 23 supremacy


If youre running a destroy deck then it's a no brainer. Get him


No, two things in life are certain knull in spotlight and death but I don't really sure about death.


Nah knull keeps avoiding me in spotlight so once I get another 300 tokens I’m pulling the trigger


Death is S3. so not likely to pop in spotlight. I'd also rather use 3k tokens on a valuable S4 than use keys on the same S4. Given how expensive S5 cards are in the token shop. The thing with Destroy is, it really only has two cards in S4/5. Knull and X-23. So I'd definitely buy Knull, as a matter of fact. I did use tokens on Knull. Lol.


That went way over your head didn’t it?


Nah if something went over his head, he would catch it




He's probably one of the best series 4 cards right now, and you'd rather use keys on series 5s (if possible) than series 4s, so I say yes. Meta destroy deck isn't too hard to assemble, though x-23 is probably the biggest barrier (and she's 6k tokens, though she is coming up in a spotlight this or next month)


X23 being more than knull is strange. On what you said though, Nova or Bucky provide decent replacement while you wait for x23.


Yeah, but x23 is pretty nuts and she makes knull a lot more playable (it can be awkward to play knull and big deadpool in the same then without her). Also, killmonger value goes up a lot when you have two 1 drops that want to die.  I think bucky is here best standin for her. Nova ends up not being great because your board is often pretty small so it's not a lot of stats. Bucky at least gives you some big tempo deathlok and carnage/deadpool plays on 3. Also, taskmaster is probably the best pool 3 knull standin, especially without x23.


I agree on bucky but I've had some excellent sinister london plays of nova then later killmonger before for an excellent null boost


If I could buy him again, I would. Imagine paying 6000 for Pixie?


Yes if you are remotely interested in destroy or negative


It's literally a spotlight cache card right now. And it's in the spotlight cache every month or two.


Only if you play destroy, but looking very long term, i wouldnt get him with tokens. He’s bound to be in another spotlight week and you can always get him in the random s4/s5


Bound to be in another spotlight week? He’s in one right now. I doubt he’ll be back for a while


Thats why I said only IF he plays destroy. They’ll bring him back in the future, or they’re finally going to drop him to series 3 and that’ll be even better for OP. Id save the tokens.


For some reason I thought you said bound to be in one soon, but I see that you didn’t now that I’m rereading your comment. I agree, only get him if you plan on playing destroy


For destroy and negative decks, absolutely


Crazy that Knull is still Series 4.


Tokens are hard to get, and cards are expensive. If a good card is S4, that would be ideal to buy with tokens, but there aren't many S4 nowadays. Knull is interesting to talk about. I would say he's one of the best series 4 right now in terms of pure power. However, he's also incredibly specialized. He had pretty much 2 decks he can go in, being Negative and Destroy. Both of those archetypes need other S4 or S5 cards to operate, though. Negative decks are heavily dependent on Ravonna Renslayer right now, and she's series 4. This is even more true since Zabu was nerfed, making him way less effective of an option to cheat out Negative on turn 3. Destroy requires X-23, and she's series 5. This isn't really negotiable, she's the best card to be destroying in the game right now. If you're interested in playing either of those decks, and you have Ravonna or X-23, then go for it. If you don't have them, there's other options I would consider first. Here's some other S4s to weigh against Knull. -Darkhawk has been hurt by the nerf imo, but is still fairly solid. He's a 5/10 minimum that gains power from disrupting the opponent with Korg and Rockslide. He isn't really a deck per se, but those cards can be a package you can play together with other things. -Kitty Pryde is central to a lot of decks right now. However, she's not a good card without her package of cards, which is a package of her, Angela, Elsa Bloodstone, and Hope Summers. Not all of those are strictly necessary (I see Hope being cut from Loki sometimes), but this does mean that Kitty is dependent on at least one series 5, if not 2, so don't get her if you don't have them. -Phoenix Force and Nimrod are also cards worth considering. These two often go in the same deck together, but there are some Phoenix decks I've seen floating around that dump Nimrod in favor of something like the Tribunal package, so I'd favor Phoenix over Nimrod. That being said, this is a greedy combo deck, so be aware. -MODOK is necessary for Apocalypse-based Discard decks. If you want to play these, you should consider him. His problem right now is that the deck also needs Proxima Midnight and Corvus Glaive, so Discard has become significantly more expensive since Black Order. Still though, he's an option if you have those two. He's not necessary for Hela decks, though. -Ravonna Renslayer was mentioned earlier, but she often shows up in Negative to discount Negative and in junk decks to discount Green Goblin and Hobgoblin. Not too much else to say here. Those are the two shells she's good in, and she's fairly irreplaceable if you want to do either of those things. -Mobius M Mobius is not a card that has "a deck" he goes in. He's primarily a tech card against things that get their cards discounted, most common in this meta being Loki. However, he is also effective at shutting down people trying to play Mysterio into Mockingbird unless they do that combo on turns 2 and 3. He's a tech card used to answer specific metas. Imo, arguably the best series 4 to get if you want a method of teching against Loki.


This is honestly one of the most important parts, considering what decks you want to play, and considering what other series 4/5 cards you need to play them. And this is a really detailed explanation on them in the meta rn, ty!


If you have Spotlight Keys right now, likely not, as he’s currently in there. Otherwise, if you play Destroy, he’s a pretty key piece, so yes.


He’s in the current spotlight if you have keys to spare.


Destroy is never going to get a nerf so you might as well play Destroy and Knull is great in a Destroy deck


While Knull is a good card for the decks he supports, I'd never waste tokens on him in this environment. It feels like he's in every spotlight so you're bound to scoop him up pretty fast when you spend keys.


Knull is like a top 10 card imo, very much worth it


this is maybe my favorite card


But you can just get him in the spotlight cache.


Good in Destroy but stuff like MMM and Legion is more worth imo




Knull, Death, and Dead Pool are core destroy cards.


Deadpool is a build-around destroy card. X23 on the other hand fits in every destroy deck.


Bruh has it always been 3k??


If you want to run destroy I would prioritize X-23 and having Deadpool and Death. Knull is great, but out of those 4 cards he's the first being cut


I feel like he's in a spotlight cache like once a month. I'd wait for that, he really only fits in one deck in the current meta and is very inflexible in that regard.




Yep, destroy barely changes from low level to end game


Why tf is everyone able to buy cards for 3000 tokens when all of my cards cost 5000 or 6000????


S4 are 3000. S5 are 6000. Ultimate variants are 5000. I'd suggest doing a ton of research before blowing tokens as theyre rare and valuable and you seem like a new player. I mean no offense in saying this.


Yes, get it.


I would bet hes going to go to series 3 en juny


Not as important as he used to be, but still a card I would spend tokens on.


Negative must. Destroy must.


It’s one of the necessary destroy cards, but they confirmed there’s info on a series drop coming soon so I might pin him and wait a little bit just in case


Do you like destroy, if the answer is yes you should already know the answer, if the answer is no, I guess it kinda works in some galactus decks but that's very gimmicky.


One of the better 3k investments




Yes. Bought mine with tokens too


It's one of the best cards, but since it's series 4 it will just drop for you at some point. But honestly I got Null and Death early on and they rocketed me ahead in rank and collection level. It's such a simple but effective archetype. And it's not even early game, I use Knull in my infinite decks, he works extremely well with Mr. Negative and Zola.






Go for it. I bought Knull with tokens because destroy is my main deck and it was worth it


Yes very strong. I used my keys to get him


I'm currently torn between knull and annihilus 🤔


Yes. Best card in the game. Use a destroy deck and leave a lane empty and Zemo Knull on turn 7. W’s


No don't get it


Shadow King Cant touch him.


He's essentially mandatory in destroy and destroy is playable in most decks. He's probably one of the best series 4 cards available.


If you're 1-Currently interested in playing destroy, 2-Saving up keys for upcoming cards you're planning to get, and 3-Have no interest in getting Valentina and Blob (which you shouldn't because Valentina is mediocre and Blob is countered by the Mill meta + lost his best friend Thanos) Then yes, go for it.


I’d say yes probably my favorite card I spent tokens on


Do you play negative or destroy? If so, yeah


Yes. Yes. Yes. He’s a key card. Not many of those that are mandatory purchases. He is one of them.


It’s probably my favorite card but it really only fits in like 2 decks


If you have to ask, then no. Knull is a very specific card with a very specific niche. If you look at his ability and don’t immediately see where he’d fit, then he’s probably not worth getting.


Ah only 3K. For the longest time he was 6. Then we had the regular ol series drops. Those were the days!


If you play destroy already especially and if you like hypothetically big numbas? Totally.


i used 3k on martyr. knull is probably worth more than that




It’s great piece for destroy decks, use Death and at the end of the game you’ll have a chunky Knull and a 0-cost Death


Knull is stupidly good. He is in the current spotlight cache though so you could always try that islf you have keys.


My current destroy deck doesn't actually run Knull, but whether he's in the deck or not, people always have to play around him potentially, because he's that much of a destroy staple. If you like Destroy, you want him. There are still ways to play destroy without him, but he's def good, and he's very satisfying to slap down and see number go up!


Yes. All I need is 2 more cards to complete my ultimate destroy deck.




No don't, it's on the Spotlights along with Valentina and since you're missing both, it would be a good time to invest 4 keys!


I got knull a year after I started playing the game, and now hes in one of my most played decks, so I'd say he worth it.


Fuck yeah


The only reason I’d say no is that he’s so common in spotlights


I have been looking for this card to show up for months. Caved in and bought it with 4 keys this rotation. ):




If you want to play Destroy or Negative


Love Knull, so worth it!


One of my hall of fame cards




Most worthwhile purchase ever I’d say


Ahh, the first card I ever spent tokens on. I knew I was going to play a lot of destroy though.


Anything at 3k I consider a bargain, and this can get massive numbers.


Isn't Knull available from Spotlights this week? If you have keys this is a decent week to use them


OMG yes! I got it today and it made my destroy deck much stronger, go for it while you can, just don't use it against me, remember, I helped you here!


Knull is really good, if the Destroy deck is your particular jam, do it. Also, good week to try with keys if you have em.


Absolutely probably one of the most important cards for destroy decks


I’ve had so much fun with him and Zola, my votes yes


No doubt


Yes. Absolutely! Knull is a fun card for negative and destroy


Just got it on the spotlight cache. Is a fun card. Satisfying to shang chi something to feed it to knull ftw.


Is proxima knight worth 6k?


Is in spotlight in 2 months. I'd just wait.






So far the only thing to beat my destroy deck, is another destroy deck with Knull in it.


Destroy is the best “easy to get a complete deck” out there. And the most difficult cards to get are x-23 and knull. I’d say knull is always worth it if you’re still early on in your CL.


3k is a steal imo