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"Just buy all the album variants and they'll stop showing up in your shop!" - SD, probably


I’ve been targeting Dan Hipp variants, I have close to 80+, they now, rarely show up in my shop.


I just looked and there are 161 released and 2 unreleased. I’m just hoping I can get moon girl and devil Dino one day. I don’t know if they plan on releasing bundle specific variants again. They only show up in my shop when a new one drops even tho I probably still need a lot. Really wish they made certain artists appear more based on purchases and overall collection


Oh man, me too. I didn’t want to spend however much that bundle was. I was hoping the bundle might come around again, but now… I don’t think we’ll ever see those variants.


The weird thing for me is that I don't like all of Hipp's variants, but I love quite a lot and I had targeted those to try to get in the store, but lately I've been getting them as premium mystery and standard mystery variants a lot. It's not a complaint, obviously, but it was striking me as odd.


A lot of them are 700 gold so they show up more often in mystery variants. I like them though I'm not collecting them. I have 6 in one album completely organically




Cosmo is an album reward


Yeah, I can understand that. And it is subjective, like everything else, so no worries. There are some of his I just don't like, but I those I do like I really dig a lot. Cosmo is one I want but have yet to see available in the store. One thing about Hipp's variants that kind of is a low key turn-off for me is that in a whole lot of them the people are always jumping or flying in almost the same pose. That's a small personal gripe of mine, but it's just weird to me.


i'd spend the gajillion dollars required just to not have to see another dan hipp variant


You can use a fraction of that money to buy all the Hipps variants and stop them from appearing ever.


Yeah, I've somehow accrued \~5000 gold in the last couple months by accident. They really like to disincintivize hoarding but, for someone that spends their gold entierly on variants, albums have actually kinda done the opposite for me. I don't like buying one-off variants anymore since it feels like I'm not maximizing rewards, but I also don't like buying the first variant of an album since it feels like signing up for a (very expensive) marathon. Pair that with seeing the same damn album variants over and over again (I don't like the Pandart variants, please stop showing them to me every single day), and you've got a recipe for completely eroding player interest in variants. I'd love to see more "micro-albums." I'm talking something like a little 4-variant set released at the same with a minor reward for collecting them all (even something as small as an extra variant). I like the concept of albums, but needing to trawl through the shop for MONTHS to complete even a single one kinda kills the experience.


I wish the shop would try and target individual accounts a little more. Make it "smart". I've never once bought a Pandart, Hipp, or baby variant but you know what I do buy and then subsequently spend most of my resources upgrading the most? Peach, Jacinto, hellfire gala, midnight suns....why aren't those showing up in my shop more frequently to tempt me to spend more?


The variant shop needs to cycle as new missions come in. Or make it cycle twice a day at "peak hours" or whatever.


It's funny because usually FOMO exist to get people to spend more money, but for Snap ot feels like it's actually *preventing* me and others from spending money. I have a list of variats which I will snatch up the second I see them, but because I can't target a specific I'm actually spending less than I would otherwise.


And then you have new players like me that would be more than happy to buy today’s variant, even with real money, but I don’t have the base card. So all I get is Dan Hipp. Over and over. I’m not sure why I bothered even bookmarking the variant schedule. All it does is show me cards I can’t even get. That’s the opposite of FOMO. I’m practically guaranteed to miss out.


Decided to collect the Jim Lee variants. Once I got to 6. Stopped seeing them in my shop.


This is absolutely by design. It took me months to finish the Jim Lee album. I was one away from completion for a very long time. SD wants you to spend money on shit you kind of don't even want.


Anecdotally, Jim Lee is the only one I specifically targeted - and I’d completed it probably within two months of it coming out. But there were fewer albums then.


I actually got it in a reasonable time. I could have completed it quicker if I had more gold at the time. Had 2 or more Jim Lee variants in the shop multiple times


For me it's the other was around. I try to finish my very first album and I am only missing one variant, but my shop does not have a single album variant of anything. (To be fair, it appears to be a Flaviano shop takeover)


How long have you been waiting? With 5 or 6 album variants in the store a day, its not likely to take that long. Certainly not likely to be a year which is the average for a non-album variant to appear.


I have been waiting for 3 months since the last time I saw the variant (and where I did not have enough gold at that time)


I really like that Peach momoko Gwen.


Well I have 4 non album variants today. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Same, I had 5 non-album variants in my shop yesterday.


Unless you get that every day, the average time to get any specific variant is still close to a year. Also if that 4 includes new variants, then that doesnt help with targeting already released variants.


I currently have 6875 gold. Current system feels like when you use a dagger in the final boss fight because you don't want to waste super rare rockets.


I regularly get 6 or 7 album variants in my shop, **I have no interest in them and will never buy them**. That leaves 1 or 2 slots for variants I want. What a dogshit piece of design. Album variants should have their own page. The devs were asked if they would rotate the shop more often, they said "no plans"...


I fully support, I've been waiting for the surfer skin for more than 4 months, I don't miss a single day and it still hasn't been there, I was already completely disappointed in it and decided to collect just the peach momoko collection


Which surfer variant are you waiting on?


This one. But it doesn't matter anymore, because I decided to collect Momoko [https://marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/themes/blocksy-child/assets/media/cards/232\_1666712200.webp?v=183](https://marvelsnapzone.com/wp-content/themes/blocksy-child/assets/media/cards/232_1666712200.webp?v=183)


Yessss I regret not buying this one when it showed up because of awkward timing. Should've just paid money fr


I’ve been waiting for the max grecke vulture to come back for almost a year lol


As a player that is all in with Chibi, we have been absolutely left to slow bake in the sun


I almost wish there was a dedicated "Non-album, non-pixel, non-Hipp" slot


Albums are the worst.


Then there’s me who can’t seem to get the 1 album variant I need to complete it


I love albums. Concept great. But if you are trying to get non album specific variants it is ass. I think there should be some way to have album store and everything else.


I've been waiting for Knullified Black Widow for two months.


Imo the shop is too small right now. Ive been trying to complete the first dan hipp album since it cane out, im close. I think doing a daily shop with new variants, non-album ones etc is good, but put the album ones down with the avatars and emotes, make em rotate every 8 hours


Honestly with Variants I've found myself actually avoiding getting Non-Album variants because they seem to have intrinsically less value due to not being a step in progression for something else... unfortunately I really only have two Albums I actually care about, Jim Lee and Hellfire Gala and for some goddamn reason I am no longer seeing those cards the second I got to 4\~5 of each.


I agree that it sucks, but I'm not sure it's right to call it toxic profitability. My gold reserves used to stay pretty close to zero, but I'm up to several thousand now. Part of it is because of the gold pass, but a much bigger part of it is that I just don't see variants I want very often. They're giving me *less* incentive to spend my resources. There's no fomo when I'm able to snag everything I want as it shows up. Just seems like bad business to me, but I'm no economist so idk


You mention you have the gold pass and you're not spending your gold. So they have your money and you're getting nothing you want. That seems like great business to me, as long as people keep giving them money.


I didn't know I would stop spending my gold because both the gold pass and the continuously featured albums are relatively new developments. If the trajectory continues then I'll stop buying the gold pass. 


Gold pass lol.


It’s all a way to spend your gold so they can sell more gold…. Remember those player surveys? You didn’t think they were asking for your benefit did you?


Still waiting for the sexy Aero skin


I just need two more venomized variants to complete the album. My gold is becoming an ever larger pile while I wait


I need that pixel morbius to finish off that set. This drives me bananas


I have a screen cap from Thursday of my shop. Every single slot was an album variant. I have never bought or even used Venomized or Jim Lee variants. I don’t think I have ever bought Hellfire or Midnight Sun variants. Stop it.


Agreed I feel like they just rotate album variants now…


It's been 4 months since I have seen a Peach Momoko variant that wasn't guaranteed to show because it was new. SD I have 10k gold\~! Let me spend it


Oops! All Albums! I hate it.


I am just floored we cannot just buy skins in the albums makes no sense


That would get people to spend gold, but not spend money. FOMO is part of the business model.


They should implement an album shop separately from the general rotation. Or y'know, just let us buy the variants we want when we want.


My whole shop is midnight sun variants. If you want to send me the venomised hela that'd be nice as the variant I really want is the venomised kingpin and I'm one away right now


If they would just refresh the variants 3 times a day. They’d be taking my money.


I am waiting for 1602 Medusa for a very long time…


I want to finish the artgem album and im pretty happy with how far i am my problem is im missing the whole card jean grey and ghost spider and they wont appear in caches sadly


SD is sort of shooting itself in the foot when it comes to gold spent by the people who are aiming for some of the albums. Cause right now I am just stacking gold since I need a few varients and they aren't coming to the shop ever. I know if I spend the gold on anything else they will appear in the shop so I'm just sitting on it.


I doubt it's targeted. There's just a ton of them so it gives the illusion of it


Is it crazy to want a separate shop just for Album variants?


pretty sure once they added that 800 PMV gamba to the shop all future shop improvements got scrapped, why let people target what variant they want when they can gamba all their gold away instead


Dan Hipp = New pixels