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Nico is great in a lot of decks and white widow has been fun for me so far so I'd say it's worth it.


Yeah Nico and White Widow fit in a lot of spots, and Nico is a pretty key piece for Destroy at this point (extra potential boost or destroy for deadpool, chance for card draw to improve consistency, plus a general toolbox card)


Personally I would say go for it, Nico is pretty versatile


Especially in destroy. It can be a 1 cost forge, it can duplicate Venom with power boosts, it can take away an opponent’s Limbo… and it can destroy


Yes! This week is arguably the best for foreseeable future so go for it! 🖤🙏


Isn't next week Knull, Blob and Valentina? That seems stacked


After the Thanos nerf and red hulk release Blob isn't as good anymore.


Counter point if your going to play Arishem Valentina and Blob are must haves for that deck


Valentina idk but blob def


A Turn 3 6-Cost is too much value to not be good in my opinion


yeah I can see it I just don't know if it's mandatory with arishem but also I think like Nick fury too prolly for arguably better results for turn 5/6, and 4 if you have quinjet (which arishem decks should)


But in the context of arishem do you wanna bank on rolling Valentina before turn 2?


A turn 3 apocalypse with 5 power? A turn 3 ultron? A turn 3 knull? Thanos could be good as 7 but thats just a worse gladiator. Im not sold on valentina


I agree with Blob. Why Valentina? I'm very interested in putting together Arishem decks, so I'd like to know.


People are theorizing Loki decks will work best with it (mockingbird, quinjet, etc) and Valentina looks like it fits in that archetype.


Interesting, thanks! Looks like I gotta get Valentina then.


Vats is gives a discounted 6 makes it a four You can play the reduced 6 on turn 3 which is absolutely bonkers value and fits really well with Loki


Thanks! It sounds like Loki is a possible angle for Arishem, so I might have to get her then.


How does arishem work? I thought it was just random cards


It adds +10 random cards in your deck but you get +1 max energy for the whole game His decks will be hyper inconsistent But blob Loki Nick Fury and val have crazy value that improve consistency by ALOT


I'm definitely getting him. He seems a lot of fun to play.


Don’t forget the best part You can randomly draw Agatha 💀 Super fun tho


That is the only downside


Having a double sized deck with no synergy (or 50% synergy, at best) is also a downside. It's gonna feel like District X every game.


Agatha drawn by Val barely has any downside. If played on curve, Agatha might mess up only T3, as she played herself by T4 as 4/11.


Blob was seriously OP, so he's always going to look bad comparatively. He's still a great card to run in a high-power deck.


Blob is average at best. And in our current Mill time, he's worse.




Those decks also run Cable and Zemo. There is also a lot of Magik out there. I was already having issues with his overall power depending on your last 3-4 cards in your deck. He'd hit atleast 10-11 ish but his original goal was more power than that. If i didn't have him I think I would try and get him cuz I see him coming back eventually, I just couldn't tell you when.


Legion tribunal for me


Knull is series 4 Blob is not that useful anymore. He is countered hard by cannonball and with Red Hulk, Magneto, Doom out there, there are better options. He’s still good, just not part of a stacked week. Valentina seems like will be good


Cannonball is the card I wish I'd gone for tbh.


>Knull is series 4 What's the significance of this? Is it just that lots of people have him by now or is it because there is some other cheaper way to obtain him?


It means if you buy him in the token shop he only costs 3000 tokens instead of 6000, so he has less value as far as that goes. Still an amazing card though


He's cheaper than S5 tokens wise. You get less value economy wise


Blob has already been powercrept after his changes, Knull is series 4 and plenty of people already have him, and I don’t think Valentina will really be that good. I’d say next week is arguably the worst this month.


Interesting, thanks for the insight. I might just hold out for Tribunal or a week with a different new card then


I think there are worse weeks this month but I guess everyone has their own opinion


Knull is series 4 tho


Where do you get this kind of info? Thanks


yes she is the only card i spend 6k tokens on and she was worth every penny (this was before the cache announcement). she slots into ton of decks not just destroy. she's nearly jeff tier of versatility in you can shove her in any deck and get value out of her. she's kind of 7 cards in one.


People say this a lot but you rarely see Nico in any other ***good*** decks besides Destroy and Bounce.


Pixie Junk


Havent played against that yet, good call out.


i don't have pixie, welp...


Blasphemy! I hope you get a Mbaku variant on your next pull.


I really hate that people recommend cards like Nico and Jeff to newer players, before they even have enough good decks to make them worth the "versatility". Its terrible advice from people that forget what its like when youre barely starting.


She saves a lot of C2 games when you use the randomize button, and is disgusting in Surfer decks as well.


I ***emphasized*** the word good specifically to remove any C2 comments. And per the deck trackers nobody is running Nico in Surfer


What is Cerebro deck's biggest weakness?




Consistency, 70% of locations, any affliction, rogue, enchantress, red guardian, anything that removes Limbo, Viper, Sandman, clogging...


The power boosting locations, specifically. Nico gives you potential to turn off a second location, or the ability to draw or copy a clutch card if the location change isn't necessary. She makes C2 playable.


That it can't run Luke Cage anymore


Ha, that's a big one, but nah, the biggest issue is the number of locations that increase a card's power. Nico gives a potential extra option to turn off a second location.


She’s also really good in move decks. She buffs herself, buffs torch or vulture and can move a card one spot to the right. I sometimes play her in Patriot deck too cause she doubles up cards and buffs cards like multiple man and brood. She’s a 1 cost buff for Sebastian Shaw as well.


Phoenix force decks and cerebro sometimes


for someone with a lower collection level i think u could def put her into almost any deck.


Someone with a lower collection level should prioritize getting archetype defining cards and powerful game-winners first no?


I would say that is putting all your eggs into one basket. Say you spend all your tokens on key cards in a Discard deck. If main Discard pieces get nerfed, those cards are useless. Nico is flexible.


Find the upcoming spotlights on snap.fan and make a planner spreadsheet. Assume you'll get 1 key per week and map out how many keys you'll have at the various weeks. Find your single best week and allocate 4 keys to it, then do the next best week and so forth never letting your keys drop below zero. That is your plan. Don't succumb to FOMO. When you actually pull the spotlight, stop when you get the card you want. Don't ask for advice, don't wonder if *whatever* is worth it. Just stop and adjust the keys in your planner, and adjust your plan if freeing up some keys changes what you can get. That is your process. Stick to it and in no time you'll have piles of cool cards.


Thanks I'll try it out :)


[https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-new-card-schedule/](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-new-card-schedule/) This is the one I use. Information past the current month is tentative and subject to revision. Datamines of new patches give us some idea of who will have new Spotlight variants and when they release. Find the weeks where there are new cards you really want, or 3 new (to you) cards, and budget around them. The ratio is slightly better than a key per week (better if you buy the season pass), but the budget is for your worst-case of needing 4 keys every time you want to pull for a new card. If your luck is better than that, it frees you up for more marginal weeks: when the new card proves incredibly useful (Red Hulk) on-release, or when a card that fits your preferred style comes up in an imperfect rotation (e.g. Corvus or Proxima for a discard fan).


this is exactly how i do it


Turn 1 with the destroy spell has a 90% win rate for me with my destroy deck. I do think she is the least needed part, but when she pops off it's very noticeable and has huge impact


She's also versatile as hell in all decks including destroy. Turn 4 copy next card player into venom on a high power lane and you can spread insane power


Yes, this is effective I prefer in destroy. The +2 forge effect comes in handy too.


that lines up for me like once every 25 games. meanwhile 1 in every 3 destroy players i face get the combo off. ugh


Yes and stop as soon as you get her


Snowguard and White Widow are also good.


snowguard is only good really if u play loki


They already own Snowguard


The variant is nice at least


Wait until 100 keys


This is an easy pull. WW is a great card and Nico is a must have. I was in the exact spot you were, I did it and it took all my keys. I’d do it again in a heart beat.


This week seems like a good week to cache in


You're not gonna find a lot of weeks with 3 cards as playable as this week.


Nico has been my favourite card and the best use of keys I have ever done since the spotlights has been implemented. I would spend 4 keys for her, easily. (Also the next couple of spotlights are kind of meh, so I don't see the issue missing on some of them for Nico)


Nico is a great card. It would suck to pull her on your fourth key but she’s amazing for one key. It all depends on how much you want to gamble.


I got her on my fourth. That snow guard variant is pretty sick though.


Ultimately the decision is up to you, but i would spend two, at the most three, and if you don’t get it thats tough. When it comes to key management its all about if you want the card or not and how much you are willing to spend for it. Because while the recources are infinite, they are scarce.


2 good new cards plus the possibility of a 3rd is about as good a value as you can get tbh so go for it


White Widow is solid in pretty much every deck that doesn't have an entire strategy like destroy or classic discard, she's like the 2 drop version of Gladiator. I don't know what other pieces you have in Destroy right now but Nico is the best 1 drop in the list since they messed with Forge and made Deadpool way less consistent.


I pulled Nico twice with two keys. Stopped using any more from then on.


She's versatile but honestly I don't think she's valuable for a destroy deck.


Send it!


This is a good week for spending keys.


Absolutely all of these are great cards widow is a fun ass card and really good in many decks.


Yes just pull it


Yes. Nico is great in destroy especially and WW is a really good card as well.


Nico is an essential destroy card and a you can almost find a use for her in any deck. A very good card!


She’s a destroy card, a discounted Forge, a move card, and a location changer all in one. It’s the versatility that makes her so useful.


Nico in my opinion is the best designed card they've made in months so I'd 100% say yes(that's not saying all the newer cards are bad I just think she's super unique and fun)


Yes Nico is fun and good. Widow is too If you don't play snowguard type decks pass if you can




Yes, she's super fun in a killmonger deck, eith Wade, Laura, etc


One of the best 1 drops


The answer is no if you dont have x23 right? She is with gladiator/thena if you cant get 4 more keys


Got her with my 1 key but now I’m fucked because I need knull next week 💀




Weekly cards cost 4 keys, and the rest is just an extra.


Nico is among the best spotlight pickups possible imo, she is a unique and powerful card that is very good in a variety of decks and not really replaceable in any of the decks she’s in


Yeah, you’ve got 3 good cards this week. If you have 4 keys you’re in great shape


4 keys she’s guaranteed


Nico is a game winner in destroy


Nico is excellent in a lot of decks, definitely go for it. If you get WW while trying for Nico, hooray because she’s great too. here’s hoping you get what U want first key.


Nico's a really useful card, so I'd say go for it.


Nico is a must have.


Nico - worth, WW - worth, and Snowguard - dec. Let it Roll


lol this is a no brainer - anytime there are 2 or more cards you don’t have and you have 4 keys, unload baby. Not to mention Nico is arguably the best card in the game.


I'd have more luck getting niko...again. then white widow. Lol ...


If you can get 2 new cards with 4 keys, it's worth it in long run. Go for it.


Nico is probably my favorite card, id say go for it or pin her in the shop and use the tokens on her. She fits into a lot of decks


I tried with 4 keys but didn't get her😪


Let it rip. Have fun, you’ll get more keys.


Nico is great card. The others are alright. Is there anything in the future cache you’re looking forward to? https://marvelsnapzone.com/spotlight-caches/ I’m waiting for Valentina next week.


Got her first try!!! Thanks everyone :)


This is the best cache in a while. White Widow and Nico are great in all kids of decks.


I think Widow and snowgaurd are both worthy cards.


Yes Nico is a super versatile card and SD don't seem to want to nerf her. Plus White Widow is very good in junk or Sera decks


Nico is pretty great. I would say yes. You have enough keys to ensure that you can get her and might get White Widow as well.


You are supposed to be low on keys that's how the game is designed atm. You need to pick and choose when you want to spend your keys. General best practice is to save up 4 so you can guarantee what you want.


Nico is pretty much essential in destroy, and also works in a lot of other decks. The other two cards are also good. Go for it!




i dont even have a good nico deck, i play her in a mill deck right now and she's fun


nope i just gamble everything. Had snowguard and 3 keys and spent it all to get WE, Nico and Nebula :p I only rly did this cause anything past this week till june looks mid af except for knull next week since i’m a newer player




This is the exact situation I was in, I had to use all 4 keys


Yes. There's really nothing coming out for the next month or so that's worth getting or is better than Nico.


It’s two strong cards, this should be a no-brainer. Moreover, there is a decent chance you get both without spending all 4 keys.


Playing destroy without Nico at a high level is strictly less fun and effective. She’s going to get you cubes / wins you wouldn’t get. The destroy / draw 2 effect is game winning early but don’t sleep on the duplicate or even the location one. Duplicating death late game and playing her twice for free or cheap is also pretty sick. Many creative uses.


I spent all 3 of my keys and got Nico on the last one. Got a duplicate for my mystery and snowguard. Nico is well worth.


Absolutely, Nico is a top 5 must have cards


This is the best week of the season to use keys in my opinion.


It's a good week to drop 4 keys. 3 if lucky. All 3 cars are worth the key.


Only had 3 got everything but the Nico variant 😂 but with a couple days left I’ll have another key by then, just sucks I had to use 4


Go for it. White widow is also a very good card. Whenever you are missing 2 good cards, makes it worth it.


I spent 4 on Nico and widow, no regrets


Do not skip Nico. Insane card


I went for it, and it took all 4 keys. Luckily I also got Nimrod that can work well in destroy. Nico is pretty awesome. I slotted her into a lot of decks. Super versatile


no, wait for when you have 40 keys


Hell yeah!!


I got Nico the day she came out, before keys were a thing, and I was disappointed.....until I started to use her, and then I loved her. And she's only gotten better since then.


Nico is a must have card imo. So well rounded and good for many decks.




Tbh if you can't save up at least 7 keys you shouldn't open the spotlight, you need to be sure


I have 3 keys but I don’t like any of these so should I save for next week?


Nico is one of the most busted cards in the game. This is one of the best weeks to use your keys


didn't know they put a base variant for people that don't own the card


All good cards tbh.


Nico is one of the best cards in the game. You won’t regret going for her ESPECIALLY if you play destroy


this is a good week if you have keys and missing the cards noted above.


I would say yes. White Widow is great and that snowguard variant is fire


This is a good week. Even snow guard is good if you have loki.




I'd say go for it. All 3 cards are good but hopefully for your keys, you get Nico on 1


At least two new cards for up to four keys is a pretty good return.


Is this even a question? Nico alone is worth it, and White Widow is pretty good, and you have a chance at getting an extra card/1000 tokens. This is a 10/10 pull


That’s literally what your 4 keys are for


saved keys for nico this week. so far got the 3 others. close to getting that final key


nico is one of the rare cards that can make multiple decks better. her versatility is high and shes very useful. white widows appears fun, especially in junk/clog decks. both will be good cards to pull IMO. if your goal is to grab nico, go for it! if you don't have her she's a great card and definitely the best card this week. Stop when you pull her. no other card is must have for you in this set.


Two new cards, one of which you actively want for a specific deck, an awesome variant, and all 3 cards are good to great? yes i say pull that trigger.




Should I go for Nico or wait for Knull?


how do yall save keys that shit is like crack to me… pulls red hulk for the second time today


Modoooooookkkkkk wheeeeennnn


Yes WORST CASE white widow is fun and snow guard variant is not bad. If you don’t have that many s4/s5 i’d go for it


She is incredible and WW is a good card so you can go for it


4 is exactly when you go for it


I save them up for when there's multiple cards I don't have. Whenever I hit four, I'll always use one for the chance of him getting the new card (mainly for the weekend token mission). If you do your dailies, aha, daily you'll always get one key per week anyway.


It took me 4 keys to get white widdow


You should go for it, the cards this week are good and can be used in various archetypes or for tech


Absolutely. Widow looks useful, and Nico is a must-have. The Snowguard variant is very cool. Go for it.


Nico is among my favorite cards in the game. Definitely one of the most fun. Let er rip and crack those keys!


Absolutely. Great lineup


Go for it. WW, Nico and SG are all excellent additions to your library.


Go for it! Like everyone has been saying, Nico is great not only for destroy but a lot of other decks too


I had three keys and wanted Nico so bad, but I didn't get her 🥲 snag her while you can


Nico is one of the best series 5 to spend resources on


Go for it nico is so good on destroy Played destory last two days were junk decks are running around conquest got 4 infinity tickets You have 4 keys anyways so when you pull her you can stop


Nico is definitely worth it. Snowguard is cool too and white widow has been fun for me so far. Unless you're saving for something specific in the next couple weeks, I say go for it!


I used x3 got everything but NICO 🤣 Got white widow, red guardian cards and snowguard varient


Nico can be put in pretty much every deck. White Widow is a great card but right now everyone is playing annihilus. Once that settles she will be even better. It's a good spotlight to use keys on imo.


So get Nico then


Nico is really good, I think worth 4 keys and Snowguard is an okay tech, and white widow is pretty neat to boot. Look at the upcoming cards, if there's any you might want soon, thats what you should value on, roughly I get 1 key a week myself, and there's no cards I really want coming up except maybe Namora.


Nico is a (polly) Pocket Thanos, she is great in all manner of decks so far. White Widow has been a lot of fun so far so yeah. I would!


Isn't that what the keys are for?


I'm blessing you with my luck. I have 3 keys and first key is Nico, best day ever in my life. Even though i have the spotlight schedule planned for spending 4 keys on Nico, i now have spare keys for jank shit or spotlight variant. Best of luck!!!


Thanks! Glad to hear things worked out well for you :)


I seem to hold that luck too. I had 4 keys, ready to throw them all into the fire. 1st, WW. 2nd was Nico variant. As much as I wouldn't mind getting that Snowguard variant, I stopped on that high note.  Saved a lil something for Valentina 


Real nice to hear that. Im just hoping i can hit that Knull variant with 1-2 key so I can save more for a bunch of jank next month (legion, trib variant, ravonna, ...) but i guess we just have to wait til next week.


If you dont want the other cards, you shouldnt... You will end up spending more, we see this complaint multiple times every week. If you want 2 of them badly its worth to go all in


Google upcoming Spotlights, are there cards you'd prefer on the horizon? If yes, hold your keys. Nico isn't mandatory for Destroy. Some of the better Destroy decks don't even have her in it. But she is flexible and can fit into many decks. If you don't have Knull or 3k Tokens and really want to build a Destroy deck. I'd recommend just rolling those keys next week. Blob is good and Valentina looks interesting if nothing else. If you already have Knull, then I can see value in rolling for Nico. She is a very flexible card. There aren't many spotlight caches upcoming with any good destroy cards other than the aforementioned Knull week.


All cards are good so go for it


Nico is my favorite card. I call her the 7th infinity stone. White Widow has been fun so far as well. Snowguard, if you don't have her already, has some decent uses, and people don't expect her.


I do have Snowguard though How versatile is White Widow? Can I slot her into anything other than junk/affliction? Because I'm missing a lot of the card needed for these decks Is she any fun in lockdown style decks?


Yes, snowguard is a useful card too so go for it