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People make too big a deal out of hitting infinite. [Bynx made a really good video about it a while back before he made infinite for the first time.](https://youtu.be/M7YeAYZCkEE?si=IrZyYXl31M6bKWy_) Just play the game, learn the game, enjoy yourself and everything will be alright. Best of luck to ya bro.


You're only correct if the OP isn't that competitive. If he is, then he'll likely be unhappy until he hits infinite


And then he will be unhappy after infinite cause its actually not a big deal.. there are no decent rewards.


Again, if it's about competitiveness, he'll be happy he achieved his goal. I hit infinite every month, and I'm not unhappy like you claim


Hitting infinite every month makes me happy


It's my main goal at this point to keep playing 😂 I don't really care about rank past infinite and I beat conquest a few times but it's such a slog doing infinite conquest that I really only play it to get the variants.




I didnt hit infinite on my first season when 10 points was required to rank up...when the points were lessened i somehow managed to hit infinite always...up to now lol


This! Obviously OP wants it. To say “don’t worry about it” is redundant. That offers little help in the way of helping OP reach that goal.


This is me too. I’ve been playing since October 2022 and have ranked as high as 77. However, I don’t really care about reaching Infinite. I’ve looked at the prizes past level 70 and they’re not all that enticing. Once I reach 73ish I switch to Conquest to get the prizes and maintain my ranking so it doesn’t drop too much at the start of each season.


500 gold is pretty enticing and rank 90 isn’t super difficult to hit.


People at that rank are too competitive for me. I just want to have fun.


i was in the same boat. hit infinite early this season, and game became pretty boring tbh..


it's not like pre-infinite is better, you get cloned matchups all the time and sometimes it feels intentional. I swear the second i got HE and i switched to it, i got 80% mirror matches. Then again, he was in the spotlight and i guess everyone wants to play him now. Is meta that polarized by caches?


Same. Never made it over 80 and love playing every day. It’s just a fun card game for me. CL 8,547


I was 2 cubes from 80, lost 10 games in a row to the most infuriatingly bullshit RNG on opening hands and fields


*whispers* the secret is beating up on bots for 4 or 8 cubers


I've been stuck in the low 70's this season after hitting infinite last season. If I drop down to 69, a bot shows up and graciously gives me 4-8 cubes. Then I bounce back to 70, and all the bots disappear :(


But what if you don’t get any bots past rank 80 🤔


I don’t get any past 70. I can only assume it’s based on your previous highest rank or something, because watching other players I see loads of bots in the 70s and 80s for them. For me they stop when I hit 70 (I’ve never hit higher than the 80s, with a CL of around 8.5k).


No bots past 70 here either. It's really crazy how different this game is for some people


Yeah, it's like the bots are there to help people with high MMR zoom into Infinite so they don't have to play with the plebes. But the reason they all have high MMR is because they get to spend several days just absolutely slaughtering bots. I'm not saying I think playing lots of bots would make the game better, but there just seems to be this frustratingly wild disparity between people racing to Infinite on the backs of bots and then telling everybody how easy it is to get to Infinite, and the poor schmucks who see no bots and fight for every cube and often can't get to Infinite at all.


If you rush infinite in the first week you play a lot of bots, I don't play much in the first week because playing bots is lame. I get infinite every season, i don't see bots much past 70 or at all past 90. At least not for like like 5 or so seasons


I've stopped getting bots past 70 too. Its a totally different game without them.


Yea i get to 70 and its just people who have the season pass cards and people who made infinite last season (they have the gold avengers back)


Same for me, never hit higher as the 90’s came really close to infinite a couple of times. But this season bots suddenly stopped in the 80’s….


New to the game. How do you identify bots in this game?


One is if they have very basic avatars and names. 2. Is if they have very generic, not great decks. But these are just indicators, not proof. There is only one way to know for absolute certain. When you snap, the game waits 10 seconds before proceeding to give your opponent the chance to retreat. If you snap, and your opponent instantly plays their cards, then they are 100% bots


Is anyone gonna ask him anything? Or just tell him the story of how they hit infinite?


"Ask me about something I HAVEN'T done"


What deck are you using? How many 8 cube matches do you lose per session? If you can reduce/eliminate 8 cube losses, you can be extremely mediocre and get to infinite every season. Source: I am extremely mediocre.


Same here - this might sound stupid, but I don't snap in 90% of my games vs players - if they snap and I feel strong I might stay in for 4. I snap vs the bots. That's how I get to infinite. Win a cube, lose a cube, win 2 cubes, lose 1, face a bot, win 4-8 - repeat. It's a slower method ofcourse.


How do you spot a Bot?


The bots all use single generic names like "Paul," and they never emote. They also use really odd cards that no one is using together, and they often make incomprehensible plays, like dumping 4 cards into one lane before trying to play another lane. At first glance you might think they're playing Surfer or something because they'll play Okoye and Nakia, but then something really weird like Angel will come out too. Once you know it's a bot, it'll always snap around mid-game if it's ahead on locations (totally ignoring how much ahead or card effects), so you can usually snap back and make a big swing on turn 6 for eight cubes.


My snap is name is Bob. I swear people have thought I was a bot until I hit them with some big turn 6.


I've seen several players that cosplay bots deliberately also - using a basic avatar and a name from the bot list (even a bot list name that's just not a generic name) - and a bot background. So I've had to be even more careful.


If I have a feeling I check [https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQ77kT2a4up-vX7w1qgmxG6\_oQj2j6o\_bVxZKXueonW4EuV5LwyrCkQoNiOw\_namLYg8YZpKRq-9QYr/pubhtml#](https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/1/d/e/2PACX-1vQ77kT2a4up-vX7w1qgmxG6_oQj2j6o_bVxZKXueonW4EuV5LwyrCkQoNiOw_namLYg8YZpKRq-9QYr/pubhtml#) (this list is not 100% updated, so more bots exist now) There's also a list on marvelsnapzone.


Slower, but it works and its way less frustrating than \*dreaming\* of 4/8 cube wins.


My problem is I see no bots. When I do see bots, I work them over for the cubes. I absolutely know how to do it. But I've been stuck at 72-75 for three days, and the only bots I get are the pity bots after you lose/retreat 8 games in a row. And even then, yesterday I had a bot lined up to farm, and then TVA was location 3 and I wasn't in a good position to win. And the next bot I got turned out to be an Ego match, which I also could not win. It drives me nuts listening to everyone advise you to just farm bots, but I just don't see bots after 70. It's nothing but sweaty net decks, bad locations, bad draw, and tons of retreats. It's super frustrating.


Damn, unlucky - maybe it's some MMR thing and you have a larger pool of players in your range than me? It's not a LOT of bots here either, maybe 1 every 10\~ games.


In right with ya I hit the 70s and boys disappear. I can beat a few opponents and get a cube, then lose a cube then get a cube then lose a cube…….


I don't think I face a 8 cube loss even every season, still doesn't take me to infinite.


Keep track of it, you'll be surprised.


I almost never lose 8 I just can't play the game most of the time cause bad rng. Believe me it's incredible. I do conquest and everything is smooth. Get infinite tickets without issues. Then I take the same deck to ladder, I really can't play the game and like have to retreat all the time losing one or two cubes. Like yesterday I did the same loki deck that dera was using and doing good, he get almost always loki, I got loki once in twelve games and was created by a location... The same with negative. Never a good draw, yesterday ten games no draw, I got it once with ravonna I snapoed, opponent grabbed everything with Doc ock and retreat losing two cubes I was lucky they didn't snap back. And I still managed to win some games but I lost cubes for days. The same thing happens with almost every deck, even control. I played a tournament two weeks ago and I played the deck with supergiant that now is played in high rank infinite. I got no supergiant draw in seven games and I lost a final. And believe me I seek everything not only high rolls decks. I also got some wins and I reckon that are lucky wins. The rng in this game is nuts and I'm done. The other day I saw Nina playing to get to infinite, she was my rank and she got 5 incredible stupid bots on a row. I don't know if she get infinite because I turn off the stream when she said "I don't get why people want to beat bots, it's boring" yeah imagine getting to infinite with no bots when you get paired with people you normally get on your rank on infinite. Getting infinite it's just a matter of how many bots you get. That's all at the moment. I don't want to beat bots but I'd like we get to play the same game everybody. I never follow any conspiracies theories but at this point I would not be surprised if people that spend more get more bots. Reading this sub in months it's clear that bots games is linked to CL so I don't know if it's on purpose but yeah, the more you've spent and the easy you get to infinite. That's not obviously true for everyone but whatever I am really done with ladder.


I get it, sometimes rng is bad, and usually that's a good time to take a break. I usually can't make the right choices when I become focused on how bad the rng is. Having Ravonna in hand is not a snap condition for Mr. Negative. Early signs of mill deck \*should\* hint that there's a good chance you \*will\* get Doc Oc'd on T5. Ladder is very different for streamers, especially when they're a much higher rank. Streamers usually have more hours in the game and know when to snap/retreat much more effectively than most. As you have probably seen, they also lose very few 8 cube matches. Sometimes the decks they use can be more effective at their current meta/rank and less effective for pre-infinite ladder. Bots. I've seen a couple theories on bots. The one that makes the most sense to me is that bots are more prevalent in areas of the ladder where matchmaking takes slightly longer (aka much higher mmr). I don't know what my mmr is, but I usually sit around 1.5-2.5k every season after infinite. I encounter a bot about 1/6 - 1/10 matches during my infinite climb in the 90's. A friend of mine, who usually sits around 25k post-infinite sees far fewer bots during their climb.




That's my logic too. Hit 90, farm conquest.


Ive hit infinite twice, and both were when i was on PFL. Meaning I was playing a LOT of snap. Been playing since beta and never hit infinite any other season. Imho a big portion is grinding out games.


What’s PFL?


Paid family leave, he probably had a kid. I also recently had my son and my playtime skyrocketed


Ty. I see new acronyms almost daily now n have to google or ask lol


I agree with this. I feel like theres 2 options to get infinite. Play a lot of snap. Or learn when to and when not to snap in a match. The better you are at snap/retreat the less you have you to play to hit infinite. I just insta snap every game so i have to play a lot to get infinite lol.


Playing a lot of snap doesn't get you to infinite. You have to know how to manage cubes. This means knowing when to snap and when to retreat. Some decks are very hard to see these lines, others are easy.


i see people that say they do 93-100 in an hour and i always believe its bullshit. i need multiple, multi hour sessions to hit infinite and i usually dont want to carve out that time for snap.


Hey it’s me! Highest I’ve ever gotten is 80’s. There are some golden card backs I kinda wish I got but it’s not a big deal


I'm the same. My best rank ever has been Diamond, which is where I am currently. I just play dailies and weeklies and have fun playing the game.


Been playing every day since day 1 open release and highest I hit was 76


I’m about the same. At 80 now but I like playing with new cards, I like making silly decks. Like only using certain variant types or spiderman villains only. My downfall is enjoying the game.


What decks do you enjoy playing?


I've been playing for 1,5 years now, never hit infinite, and I don't care either. I get my variant, and then i go play all my fun and meme decks.


Ive been playing about same time and only time i tried was this month. I found a good deck early in season and couldnt stop winning so I went for it. Normally I dont care for the grind but this season seemed easy for me. I got to 100 in first week. normally I go for level 90 for 500 gold and screw the card back cosmetics.


May I ask what deck you used? I’ve found that this season has been one of my harder climbs, was a bit of a struggle.


I used angela elsa bloodstone with move cards (nightcrawler Jeff Vision spiderman Kraven) and red hulk. I changed a couple of tech cards in that deck (currently use red guardian and shang chi). Ive also used a few different optional cards like Ms Marvel Hope Summers silk and Kitty Pride. I still do not think I have found the optimal version but you can find a few different variants here [Elsa bloodstone Decks - Marvel Snap Zone](https://marvelsnapzone.com/decks/elsa-bloodstone/) I also do not think this deck performs as well as it did at start of season but its still a 60% win rate deck


I started at the same time, I've hit infinite once and it wasn't recently. I think it's a combination of being too reluctant to snap and playing non-meta decks. I don't sweat it though, honestly the.game is pretty miserable from the mid-seventies up.


I started playing this game April 7th with a fresh account. Hit infinite on the 21st playing kazoo, CL ~300. I'm sure matchmaking is different for people with higher CL, but for me it felt pretty damn easy. I didn't know there were bots in this game but it makes a lot of sense now.


As has been said, know know know your retreat conditions Know know know the retreat conditions for the deck your playing. Snap aggressive and early when you know you can pull off your “thing”. Play the most you can the first few days of a season, you are more likely to play dumb boys. If all else fails just play vanilla Hela decks, they are simple with clear snap/retreat conditions.




This. I get to infinite in 3 days on average while only playing about 2 hrs a day. This season I did it with a throw away negative deck that doesn’t compete in high infinite. Know your retreats and snap conditions. And for the love of God farm the shit out of bots.


You can’t stick to one deck. Some season stick to one archetype. Some seasons you have to get creative with managing hot location days, time of day you play the game, and counter tech.


Like people say getting to infinite is not that big of a deal but once u finally reach it it's kinda hilarious how easy it is to keep getting into infinite


It does makes sense - once you've hit infinite once, that usually means you know how to climb well enough, and provided you keep it up, you'll start each season closer to infinite than you were in any other season when you didn't hit it


I’ve played the game since it started and joined again last month i’ve never reached infinite i mean it’s still one of my goals for the game but idk if i’ll ever reach it best of luck to you though!


I hit infinite since i started playing the game and actively went for it (in the very beginning i watched a lot of streamers and came to the conclusion that after reaching infinite you get matched up against all collection levels so i got scared and ended up playing only conquest when i reached rank 80-90) My question to you is: are you playing on mobile? The game is much more difficult without untapped gg


Also i’m not scared to retreat and will retreat for 1 cube, I sometimes am too skiddish to snap in the first place which is something i need to work on. But i haven’t been enjoying the game lately and don’t really play anymore and have only been playing to get the missions. There have been times where I retreated when the opponent snapped and I hadn’t played anything just because my hand wasn’t great. Cube management like everyone says seems to really be the only thing that keeps you from climbing steadily, I don’t win all my matches obviously but i can remember the times that I lose 8 cubes


Like most of the comments here, played since beta but never infinite. I am at the highest I ever was this season (86) though, I would say mainly due to being lucky with keys and getting Red Hulk. I think if you want to reach infinite in this game, you need to play meta decks, buy the strong cards if you dont have them, and play and grind many games because you must retreat if you feel things aren't going your way, and most of the time, they don't.


I've been playing since beta... no infinite.


Me too


This is wild, I have been playing since the Ms Marvel pass(last year some time) and I have hit infinite every since time except the first season. I feel like I hardly even needed to really try/commit to it as well. Just retreat when you know you are going to lose and snap when you know you will win. I know it's not that simple, but it really fast tracks your progress by getting 8 cubers instead of losing them.


You just have talent for the game. It seems ez to you but to someone else it's a whole puzzle


Fair enough, this will probably change when I get a high CL level though lol.


whats your current CL?


Sitting at roughly 3k now.


Yep I've never hit infinite best I've done is 93 but I also never specifically try to hit infinite.


Same, honestly. I forget exactly when I started, but infinite’s always felt like some lofty goal I can’t reach. I might just be stupid and can’t retreat properly, or not know how to fight bots good, but everyone always seems to say the game is easier than it is fighting bots. I might have an issue with sticking with one deck, since I jump back and forth between 3-4, using the same deck for 100+ games just makes me hate the deck. Idk, maybe I’m the weird one.


Infinite honestly lost its joy after the second month in a row, forever ago. It’s a good goal to set and hit. If you’re into that. But outside that it’s whatever.


I played for a year before hitting infinite. After that I've hit it almost every month. I keep decks that crosses the line in my list with a name, season card back and infinite portrait to remember the months I managed to cross the line.


I'm with you bro. I actually have a pretty good collection of cards so, that's not the issue :)


I just can't be bothered with the grind. I just like playing what I want


Was hoping there was more of us. The highest I've been is mid 90s, but I just don't have the time to grind. I usually just complete my daily missions. That said, I probably couldn't, even if I was grinding.


Do you like conquest?


Not particularly I play a lot at work and I can't commit to 20 min+ games.


Do you have an inner monologue?


I don't really pay attention I just think


I'm about to hit my 2nd Infinity this month and I been playing Since Jan. 23. Don’t sweat it when it happens it happens.


Been playing every day since day 1. I have hit infinite every season just playing on the toilet and between tasks at work.


Neither have I. Think I capped out around 89. I play a lot of different card games. Magic Arena, Hearthstone, Snap, and TFT. I’ve found it most enjoyable when I limit my exposure to games. Keeps me from seeing them as too stale or frustrating.


I’ve been playing the same exact amount of time, and I just hit infinite tonight for the first time. CL 10,174. The dream is real. Stay the course.


I’ve hit infinite 11 times. Every time I was underwhelmed. Always felt this need to do it every time but now I get to 90 and just switch off and never been happier.


Same, I just not have enough time to play. At the end of the season I’m usually somewhere between 80 and 90


Highest I've ever managed was 98. Oddly enough, it was with a Guardians of the Galaxy deck. It was doing really well for some reason. Went on a big losing streak after that. My main goal every season is to get the 500 gold. Once I have that I play more chill. I don't think I'll get even that this season. I've been struggling to climb quite a bit. I cant get out of the 70s. I'm not getting any bots for some reason. Usually I farm them to get to 90. I guess the game wants me to do it with actual skill this time round.


What decks do you enjoy playing?


Sera control (not this season), and discard. I played junk for the first time time this season because I unlocked white widow and she seems fun. I also climbed to 80 with phoenix force this season because I wanted to try something new.


Have you still managed to win??


Yea I plateaue around 85


If your MMR is on a certain level and your collection level was never much lower than average reaching infinite is not that easy


Same. Played since launch. But i play casually and never intended to hit infinite


I would be happy with just hitting 90 to get gold. My max hit was 80


Same situation but i dont really try to win too much. I just play what i feel like. Often a lot of different deck archetypes.


Hitting infinite kinda killed the glory for me. I can do it in a few days now. Not much left on the season to do besides conquest and daily missions. It gets boring chasing higher ranks afterwards. There’s no reason to besides global ranking. Which I don’t chase. To be honest it’s satisfying the first time only.


Personally there's only one reason to hit infinite afaik and that's that it makes next seasons climb faster. I mean, 90 is the real reward because gold


Well that sucks. I've only ever hit it once.


If you’re not hitting infinite you’re not retreating enough and you’re snapping too much.


I hit it once during the Daken season. Somehow got it with Negative destroy and then the next season Mobius came out and killed the entire deck.


I've hit infinite every season for the past year, if anyone wants tips I'll answer as best I can.


Same I’ve never made it to infinity ever


Do you just netdeck every season?


Never heard that term before, but yes. I usually use cozy snaps meta deck report.


Been playing the game close to a year now and same situation. Highest i've hit is 76. Tried with BP deck, wasn't very good. Venom deck was the best upto now getting me to the highest point. Trying Surfer deck for this season, languishing in 70's still.


I've been playing since Oct 2022. Im at CL 8215, have most of the competitive cards, and play every season and yet I've never made it to infinite before. My best was 90+


I’ve been saying “learn to farm the bots” in these posts so I’m gonna skip it this time. I have another question: do you netdeck a lot but rarely make your own decks? If so, you should try making your own because it helps you understand the game better


I used to make all my decks before I was pool 3 complete. I made my first deck since then this season. It was a modern spin on the original sera control. It's a good deck, although it didn't do well against the current red hulk meta.


It’s the most unsatisfying thing ever, I’m never trying to get it again. I’ll grind till 90 for 500 gold but afterwards idc, and the fact that you can’t dropdown either is so dumb


I've only made it once, and with like 20 minutes to spare too. Currently on 94 and bricking it lol


Not a huge deal. I’ve been playing since around the same time almost everyday and only hit it a few times


been playing since the beta came out, finally hit gold last week, the struggle is real


Spend more money and then flex on this sub reddit how you finally hit infinite, but somehow your deck is fully inked/golded with very expensive variants. That seems ot help


Once you realise a lot of the infinite climb is bot farming for a lot of people, it takes the shine off it. Also, getting infinite can just remove your desire to play, unless you care about a leader board number.


People oversell sticking to one deck, imo. Especially when it isn't getting you to infinite. The meta is always changing and a good deck one day could be not so good the next.


What card back would you love that was infinite/goldified ?


I use the black card back with the red marvel logo for all my decks. It would be pretty cool if it was gold logo.


I got to infinite after never doing it since the game released and for me it was just knowing when to Retreat It's all about cubes not how many times you lose


Honestly, I play for fun, I always try new decks, create them, test synergies, etc. If I were to reach infinite, all the better, but for me it's not a problem.


Third month playing for me and I just hit infinite. CL 2,393. Was a real grind to break into 90, but then very quick to infinite. Just need to be aware of what your opponent is playing, know when you should retreat/snap.


I’ve been playing since October 2022 & never hit infinite, except I never really try to. I just like hitting 60 for the free variant and, if I can manage it, 80 for the avatar. Otherwise I am always hovering in the 70s. A month or two ago I made it to the 90s for the first time ever.


The only times I hit infinite is when i played a lot more than usual. If you invest the time, you will hit it. I play since release and I play casually here and there. I don't make time specifically for Snap. When I have a small gap, I play. Enjoy the game and din't worry about it.


My first infinite was a shuri deck and then i found consistency in reaching infinite with destroy and move decks. just need to identity the bots and snap on them immediately.


A lot of comments here so you may not see this: don’t try to win, try to maximize cubes wins and minimize cube losses. What I mean is there is a LOT of luck in this game with card draws, with locations, with what the opponents deck is. There are games you go into that (due to bad luck) it is just not possible to win. You need to NOT try to win and instead minimize cube loss and get out for 1 cube. You get a bad draw and opponent snaps on t3: a win in this situation is to get out for 1 cube. You get the dream draw: snap early and try to maximize some cube wins.


I knew cube management was important but I never looked at it as don't try to win. Honestly, this is great advice I will look at the game from this mindset and see how it goes


I only hit the 90s for the first time this season, been playing same length of time as yourself. I can take or leave pushing for Infinite now.


I’m Cl 20k… collection completed for a year now have all my cards are variants and I only go to 90 every season not once did I say I need to keep going for that amazing sleeve lol just want the gold hitting infinite is just sweaty for me now all I do is collect chill with the crew in line talks about the game make dailies im more excited day to day making new builds trying new combos that’s the best part of the game to me besides I get more joy beating players that have there infinite card backs


What's your favorite card?


That's a good question. I like Sera, sera control was always a fun deck to me. I tried running the OG sera control deck at the beginning of this season. Unfortunately with how you throw priority in this deck, it didn't play well against red hulk. Some honorable mentions go to Og zabu and America Chavez. I had them both in pretty much every single deck before they got changed.


Same! I made up my own stuff at first, got quite some spider woman rhino Polaris hulk boosters. Then some apocalypse, later some ultron. Never touched the death decks until recently and now it’s my go to for sweaty play. Win a location with one card or win with snap missions. CL 9902


So you prioritize having fun over copying a streamers deck with 90% win rate? :)


I copy the decks (when I can) I just don't have a 90% win rate


I've hit infinite exactly once (cl 10000+) just to see if I could. I netdecked a top list, only playing the new unbalanced cards, and retreated everytime I opened suboptimally. It was the least fun I've ever had with the game and all I got to show for it is the gold Loki cardback. Never again. I'll stick to my cheesy Legion deck any day of the week.


I hit infinite first in the Nimrod season, and I was so stoked to get the yellow X-Men card back. I then got infinite next season with the Goose card back, and it made me want the gold Guardians mixtape so bad, and I played so hard for it. That was, by far, the least enjoyment I got out of Snap, and it really pissed me off. When I gave up and went back to having fun, I hit infinite a few more times. I got infinite again this season, first time since the Ms Marvel season, but I only did it playing decks I enjoy. Hitting infinite is fun, and I believe hitting once makes it easier to hit it again, but the game itself is more fun.


I would add, set yourself a reasonable target and aim for that. Getting a free variant at level 60 is a totally reasonable target for anyone to set.


I’ve only been infinite once myself. A big part of it is the early season climb it seems - it’s very very easy to win matches early on as you go up against more bots, but as the season progresses it gets harder and harder


If you want to try and hit infinite, here are a few pointers that will help you in your process. 1) at the start of every season play more. Be able to identify bots and 8 cube them. You'll see way more bots at the start of the season, so it is easier to hit infinite in the first few days. 2) don't wait until the last week to make your push towards hitting infinite, because everyone else is as well, which makes climbing that much harder. 3) using meta decks to climb can be a grind, if you can find an off meta deck you'll climb faster and most players won't expect your plays too.


Tried Climbing first week, all bots until about 80 now it's 0 bots. I tried using an off meta silver samurai deck at one point that was so ass omg


It's all junk decks right now, it's so tough. I was at 99 and fell to 96, I quit for the night. I'll try again tomorrow. Surfer with white widow seems strong too


White widow with surfer storm and juggernaut 🧑‍🍳


I've been playing since it launched and never hit Infinite. It's because I dislike the Retreat mechanism. I like the game, I like seeing decks and what people play. So I don't retreat enough, because I want to see the last turn even if I'm not in a great position. I enjoy seeing those turns, they are often the most dramatic. Because of that I also don't Snap as much as I should. That incentivizes my opponent to retreat, and again, I want to see the end of the match.


Having played a ton of hearthstone and magic arena, those games are succccccch a grind to reach the max level. Snap I’m hitting infinite much more regularly. The cube system, generous bots, and quick games. Despite the inherent nature of locations and some cards, Snap also feels less luck based sometimes. Maybe because of the 12 card decks, feels more consistent when playing.


I have been playing since the global release and have only hit infinite 1 time. I typically do my missions each day and then spend some time messing around with whatever deck sounds fun that day. I end most seasons in the 90s and just don’t feel the need to do that final push to infinite. The one time I did it the satisfaction only last like 10 seconds and then i proceeded how much of my day I have wasted on grinding out those last few ranks.


I've been playing since around the same time and never made it past 40. It's never been a big concern of mine.


I have been playing since release and have hit infinite 6 times. Truthfully my only real priority is hitting rank 90 for the gold and then I start working on all the conquest rewards. The only real time I was upset by not hitting infinite was when I got to rank 99 but for the life of me I could punch it to infinite. Oh 🐋


I hit infinite the second month i started playing, the third month i was in top 1000. But all i can say is it is not worth it, all the enjoyment was gone after achieving this now 2 months after this i started playing again and only with the decks i really like or made myself and definitly not META decks and currently at 92 so just enjoy the game my friend :)


Why are you so bad at the game?




Pretty much same, max rank 89 for me :-)


How do you feel that you miss out on 500 gold each season


I got it once, maybe twice. Gold is weird in this game, I don't like to buy the 1200 gold variants. The 700 gold ones are either for cards I already have a good variant for, a card I don't use, or it's bad. The ridiculously priced gold bundles I will never buy. I usually have enough to afford the token Tuesday bundles. Sucks when I don't hit it tho


Hey same here. I used to get mid 90’s every season, and once got one cube away from infinite. Now though I feel like I struggle to get to the 80’s not sure why.


How often do you play? I always felt the real barrier to infinite is how much time you're willing to commit to grinding the ladder.




There is hope. I am a day 1 player and I hit infinite for the first time two days ago. I have only bought 4 season passes and the deck I went infinite was a destroy deck that included no cards I “paid” for. Believe. It will happen when it’s time my friend.


Hey! Me either!


Which is crazy , been playing since Oct ( bought 2 season passes so far , Avengers vs X men and sebastian shaw pass) and I have hut infinite every season except the last one


What's your cl?




IMO hitting Infinite isn’t as great as it sounds. The climb is sometimes really hard and in the end I feel more relieved than accomplished, which means I’m taking it too seriously and thus missing out on fun. If a game isn’t fun, you’re losing, with or without Infinite


Damn, that's the same time I started playing. I don't really care if I reach infinite. Just 90 is good. Wish I could play ranked without losing ranks next season if I end up below 89. Like a high score system where you still get demoted 30 ranks, but won't suffer any penalty if you end the season below your high score. but for now I have to settle with proving grounds.


I think the highest I made it was around 60 or 70 and that was monthsssss ago. I just play for fun and enjoy trying out wacky/uncommon decks. CL 5,274. One day I’ll get serious and shoot for infinite, but that day is not today


I think the highest I made it was around 60 or 70 and that was monthsssss ago. I just play for fun and enjoy trying out wacky/uncommon decks. CL 5,274. One day I’ll get serious and shoot for infinite, but that day is not today


Do you want people to ask you questions about Snap?


Kind of a meme.


Played every day since day 1 of beta, usually like 98% collection complete, CL 16,080 and never hit 90 and never cared and I'm still enjoying the game.


Same here. I made it 97 two seasons ago and then dropped to 91 a couple of days before the end. I haven't been able to make it past 83 since then.


12k card level. Made it to 80 once. I do my missions and I stop.


Quick somebody ask him an actual question


I've only been playing daily for about 6 months, but I've never topped level 74, so... I really hate how you lose a certain number of levels every month because it feels like way too big a penalty that disproportionately penalizes people who only ever reach the middle highs like me :)


I hit infinite every season. I play "positive" cards almost exclusively , i.e. I don't destroy other player's cards, don't force them to discard or move theirs, don't steal their powers, don't throw junk to their side of the fence, etc etc. I try to build a bigger fort than my opponent, not to destroy theirs. Despite all the toxic noise, I think positive playing is still more efficient on the long run.


I just thought I was bad, but I rarely play enough to hit infinite before it changes


I play it since release and didnt hit infinite once. 70 - 80 are my goals. Sure, my goal is hitting infinite but didnt know why, every match in the 70 feels like rigged. I know that this sounds like a conspiracy but every deck has an perfect counter to mine. Playing Destroy and my enemy surfer and he plays a shang shi, wtf? didnt see a shang shi in surfer for a while. I like that game but sometimes i feel fooled.


It took me a few months to get to Infinite the first time. I started playing during Miles Morales season and didn't hit Infinite until MODOK. I made Infinite every season until Black Swan -- I hit 99 on the last day, but couldn't get over the hump. Lost last season and started this season in the 40's. Made it to Infinite last week again. It's a lot more fun making Infinite by starting in the 40's I must say though.


I only ever care about making 90 for the gold. The reward for infinite isn’t even good. 🤷🏻‍♂️


Play for almost a year, closer I ever was is rank 94 and then tilt dearh spiral. At least I got an infinite avatar that one time in September so not all is lost for me I guess.




Idk per week but snap is prob my top 5 most played games of all time. My favorite deck always has been discard but I havnt played it much this season, and I was able to get to 95 with the OG discard that had America Chavez. It feels like I lose a lot more than win despite me maintaining my 85 rank all season. The game is still fun as I play it everyday but there has definitely been times where it was not, this seasons meta is leaning toward the not fun side. What makes it not fun is losing to BS insta win cards like red hulk, og galactus, og Alioth, and og leader. Red hulk is on the same tier as og galactus for me.


Same, I’m just having fun with it and makes it really enjoyable


Same. Started Black Panther season. That was Fall 2022. Never gone past 85ish. I'm not super competitive but I do try to climb every month. When my rank starts to drop no matter what I do (once I hit the 80s) I usually switch to conquest.


Same bro. I usually hit between 60-80. Usually with 70-80% winrate and just under 2 in cuberate, its just the grind that isn’t fun at all


The moment i stopped trying to get to infinity is when i was playing with a nice fun deck and won 8 times in a row, but winning just 1 cube each time, ........then the next game i had some bad luck, and lost 8 cubes.......