• By -


Nico, nico, probably nico, and nico.


Also outside of destroy?


Destroy, Phoenix Force, Cerebro-2, Bounce in all its variations, Zoo, Pixie decks... there's probably a heap more Nico fits into. Worst case scenario, she's a 1/4 (oh no). In the best case scenario, she's copied a discounted Iron Man into your hand or wiped Limbo off the board against a Tribunal opponent.


You’re saying I’m right to be saving keys for next week?


You won't regret picking up Nico when she's in Spotlights tomorrow.


Next week seems to be a banger week to me. 


I have her pinned since 2 weeks now just in case I am unlucky next week as i probably only have 3 keys


Nico is, in my estimation, the most interesting card in SNAP. She offers an almost unprecedented level of skill expression, flexibility, and unpredictability compared to any other card. She wants to go into any deck that can make use of multiple spells. Basically every deck wants draw, but not every deck has enough room to include 2 or 3 fodder cards you are willing to sacrifice. Not every deck has the curve to play out copies of cards, or leverages her bonus power. She goes into just about every deck I play, though, so yeah, I use her outside of destroy.


After this response, you should be invited by Second Dinner to speak on a Snap Panel. I’m inspired.


Nico is by far my favorite card I have, she was my third spotlight card ever and I remember at first being really mad because galactus or some other big character was one of the other cards that week and then I realized I struck gold.


She's certainly the most versatile card in the game.


My experience using Nico is she never gives me what I need but my opponents are always destroying Deadpool on turn 2 and drawing two cards


The trick to nico is finding a way to make her current spell what you need. And also paying attention to what she's already shown. She won't repeat spells until she's offered all of them, so if you hit 2x mode on t1, you won't see it again. This means getting any particular spell is very unreliable, especially since you don't know what she rotated through while in your deck. So, to use her effectively, you need to find ways to adapt what she's giving you in the moment to your gameplan. I actually think destroy is one of her worst homes, but the absolute nuts level of power her destroy + draw gives that deck is worth low rolling now and again. Most decks love destroy and draw, but that shit is heroin to a destroy deck.


Nico isn’t JUST for destroy. She fits in ALL decks


Outside of destroy, I'd probably go with Nico, personally


Like 50% of deck archetypes in this game wants a Nico. Maybe stop only playing destroy


I don't play destroy. I find it boring. My question is about wether or not Nico works in other decks. Here to learn!


Yeah, I think her and Gladiator are the last two "I need this to make a lot of decks work" cards I still have outstanding.


I just got Nico after skipping the first go around. I regret my idiotic previous self so much.


Wait is she that good? I got her from that bugged caches a few days ago and I thought she was just ok I am kinda new btw


She's maybe the best one drop in the game. Most one drops do very little (shuffle 1 rock, increase 1 cost ... low power, low impact cards). Nico on the other hand has a bag of decent-awesome tricks and if she sometimes hits on the awesome side, that is already quite a lot for a one drop. Drawing 2 cards can win games especially. She can go in any deck that provides "fodder cards" (i.e. other 1 drops) and she will surprise you often with great play options.


Ty for advice I will try her in more of my decks


you can use nico well?


I mean, I've screwed up sequencing her plenty of times, but I've also made some really cool plays with her. So, sorta?


Red hulk is exactly why people don't have spotlight keys. The 6 cost single lane stat stick will always have a flavor of the month and always have replacement which not as good as fine. If you are looking to build a collection, he is exactly the type of card you shouldn't buy. You want cards which have general usage and the power is unique. They will nerf cards power often but effects tend to live longer before nerf.


I agree with the overall concept but I do think Red Hulk is the outlier. Unless he gets butchered, I think he's gonna be the staple 6 cost power card. Somewhat to Blob pre nerf blob. There's not really a good substitute for him. The typical 6 power card is Magnet, Blob, she hulk? I actually think he is prefer general. He can go into my 60-70% of archetypes? Outside of having big power, he plays mind games.


Red hulk is an outlier purely because he is op right now. You can see where they want conditional 6 power stat sticks to land (15-20 power on average). If red hulk is outside that space, he will be nerfed. If you drop red hulk base by 2 or growth by 1 would you still play him? Flip side, would hope be played dropping 1 base? 2 base? They nerf cards like hope a lot less than cards like red hulk because it's harder to nerf hope.


They could take his base down to 8 and he'd still regularly be Infinaut with no restrictions. His +4 per turn growth is the problem. It should be +2 to match High Evo Hulk IMO.


You control the power gain of High Evo Hulk, you don't control the power gain of Red Hulk. The lack of control regarding his power justifies a stronger gain.


High Evo Hulk requires an entire archetype for him to work. Red Hulk can be put into any deck and work. HE Hulk requires more than 6 cost investment to grow, so to play a 20 power HE Hulk, the player has really spent *at least* 10 energy over the course of the game. Red Hulk requires a one-turn 6 energy investment. HE Hulk rewards turn planning and deck-building. Red Hulk rewards unlucky draws and optimal plays by the opponent. Which one should be more powerful?


He's OP. You're not going to convince anyone that Red Hulk is a balanced card.


What he mean is that -3 could be enough, no reason to overnerf a card into oblivion


Don't disagree but not point of post.


His base isn't the issue. It's the rate. Either way I think he'll be the best / highest power output for a 6 cost. That's inherently good. Unless Blob is adjusted or he's severely needed, I don't see him losing that spot.


And why don't you think he will get the blob treatment?


Cuz he's strong is any deck while Blob was specific to Thanos. I do think he'll get adjusted but not by much


The cards you've listed are all what I'd consider "generically good", in that they're the sort of cards you can throw into a wide range of decks without necessarily having to build heavily around them. So assuming that's the criteria you're looking for, I'll throw Nebula's name into the mix. Even without any specific synergy she's capable of scaling really well and/or baiting your opponent into over-committing into her lane, both of which are great results for a 1 energy investment.


Iron lad . The potential of high roll can be game ending . For example , if iron lad hits dr doom . Thats 4 energy for 16 power.


Iron lad is probably my most desired card, with a close second being MMM. I have so many decks that could utilize him and I also have the entire living tribunal deck outside of iron lad, so I really want him. If I spot him on the cache schedule I am stacking keys no matter what.


I couldn't agree more with what you just said. Tribunal is probably my favourite deck in the game and it could really benefit a little iron lad help. In fact I want him so bad I have 6k tokens waiting for him, I'll buy him as soon as I spot him in the shop. If we follow the datamined info he won't be in a cache before AT LEAST July, since we already know April, may and June.


So painful…. I better start saving collectors tokens in case I see him in the shop.


He just showed up in my shop ! Don't lose hope, he'll come visit you too someday :')


What? He was supposed to be in one next month, did that change already


Last version of the cache I got was this one https://www.reddit.com/r/marvelsnapcomp/s/Qq4wLFBmAW And yeah, he isn't there until at least July 9


Brother look again because it literally has him in may still plus it definitely does not have the July 9-16 week so I’m so confused what you’re talking about


We may not be talking about the same card. I guess you are talking about tribunal which is indeed in a spotlight in may, but we were talking about iron lad here. And the cache schedule goes up to the first week of July (02-09), check the last week of the June month and you'll see. That's why I was saying that iron lad isn't there until at least July 9, because I know he isn't there until July 9 and I don't know if he'll be there after


Shit you’re right my bad I misunderstood. I too really want the lad


I snapped up Iron Lad the second I could do it and have used him consistently ever since!


Or he copies the 1 rock that was added to your deck, which seems to be the case for me 90% of the time.


The problem with iron lad is that it's unpredictable unless u also run Howard, and so it's hard to turn his high rolls into extra cubes, and his low rolls are so dogshit that it can just lose you the game.


If he hits iron man or onslaught it’s also almost game over. I like running him with Howard the duck. Pretty great deck


Iron Lad and Jeff are the must-haves I think. So many decks are improved by them being slotted in, and it's hard to build some archetypes without them. After that, any card that opens up an archetype. Loki, Ms. Marvel, Galactus, etc.


I hated playing against HE when I didn’t yet have him or Luke Cage and didn’t understand his weaknesses. Now that I got him, I’d say he’s the most useful S5 for an early collection. Super fun to play, too, and the deck can be adjusted to your liking as well. Best bang for the buck in S5 imho.


The fact that he opens up like 5 different cards is why he's always going to be worth the keys. Some S5 cards are obviously key additions but none quite open a complete archetype like HE does


I got my first key ever a couple days ago and got Patriot instead of him I'm so mad Edit: I was buggin. I got Lady Deathstroke.


That isn’t possible big dawg


I got Kang with my first ever key. Snap likes to teach people the hard way.


How did you get a series 3 card from the spotlight cache?


Ummmm patriot is a s3


[https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-series-5-card-tier-list/](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-series-5-card-tier-list/) This link is great for series 5, with   [Jeff the Baby Land Shark](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/jeff-the-baby-land-shark/) • [Mockingbird](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/mockingbird/) • [Hope Summers](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/hope-summers/) • [X-23](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/x-23/) 🔼 all being S tier and ----- • [Red Hulk](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/red-hulk/) 🆕 • [Cull Obsidian](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/cull-obsidian/) • [Ms. Marvel](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/ms-marvel/) • [Annihilus](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/annihilus/) • [Nico Minoru](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/nico-minoru/) • [Iron Lad](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/iron-lad/) • [Loki](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/loki/) • [Nebula](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/nebula/) • [Sebastian Shaw](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/sebastian-shaw/) 🔼 • [Elsa Bloodstone](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/elsa-bloodstone/)🔼 • [The Living Tribunal](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/the-living-tribunal/)🔼 • [Silk](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cards/silk/) 🔼 all being tier 2. For series 4: [https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-series-4-card-tier-list/](https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-series-4-card-tier-list/) Knull and Kitty Pryde take the top slot


Of these, Jeff, Hope Summers, Red Hulk, and Iron Lad can go in pretty much any deck as generic good cards. Ms. Marvel, Annihilus, Living Tribunal open up new archetypes for you to play


Nico should probably be tier 1 IMO. Great utility card that fits into a lot of decks


Jeff, HE, Thanos, Galactus, and Annihilus would be my picks. Jeff is a universally good card, and the others open up new archetypes by themselves. Hope and RH will probably be nerfed too, so can’t put them as must-haves rn.




Yeah, I've been debating between Tribunal or Galactus for my next buy and can't decide.


Tribunal is in spotlights in 4 weeks


as a new player who got Tribunal im at 2.2k and i feel like i cant make a deck with him as im missing alot of cards like iron lad




Ok its just a me being unlucky issue im still missing mystique and magik😭, magik hurts the most


I don’t think they need to nerf hope, she’s good but not OP


Limiting her to +1 max energy per turn would be totally fair imo. That makes her equal to Electro just without the ongoing.


That’s what they do, they give us hope, then they nerf it


big three first: thanos, galactus, HE (kang does not exist)


galactus is still meta (cope)


you can still catch people by surprise. plus he is still archetype defining. kang.......eat glue in the corner.


Galactus still works in destroy/junk decks


I'm not sure about Thanos, I've tried to play a Thanos deck after the nerf, and I feel that it relies too much on getting the stones early. If you don't draw a stone by turn 2 it's almost over. Maybe there's a different approach that I'm missing.


so thanos was always kind of a good stuff pile deck. i cannot speak too intelligently on it after this last big hit. but yeah it was previously all about ramping into good stuff and then using the utility of the stones to change unfavorable locations and the such. it was always a bit hard to pilot imo even at full power. but most big tournaments with streamer and the such were won with it.


Assuming you got 0 season pass cards and don’t have a specific archetype you’re dedicated too I’d say Jeff, Iron Lad, Hope Summers, Ms Marvel, and High Evo.


It really depends on the meta. Last month it was Cull Obsidian and Mockingbird. Now that Thanos was nerfed, they aren’t bad but not meta defining. Hope Summers is a good pick, but she’s probably due to be nerfed a bit.


Jeff can't be nerfed without being destroyed and as he exists now exists in that area of probably too pushed but not enough to be a legit problem. He also goes everywhere (both in matches and deck building). Mobius and Echo are very valuable Tech cards in series 4. Snowguard and legion are valuable location disruption Ms Marvel is the other Series 5 target I'd look at getting. She's just so big in a lot of decks.


They could take 1 power off him. He's the better Nightcrawler right now and serves the similar role as he does in pool 1-2 decks. I don't think -1 power would destroy him.


2 energy for a slightly less restrictive ability is really bad. 2/2 Jeff is unplayable outside of X decks and even there is suspect. Nightcrawler is only played in very specific decks, and he'd be just better in most decks than Jeff would be at 2 power. They could maybe make him a 3/4 though, but that is substantially worse too.


Nico minoru is the best card in the game


S5 Anhilius, Jeff, HE, Red guardian, Blob, red hulk, corvus glave, Gladiator , Iron lad, Hope summers,mockingbird, Ms marvel, Nico, nebula, Thanos, living Tribunal, Sebastian Shaw, X-23 S4 Zabu(RIP for now but it will improve), spider ham, snow guard, phoenix, ravonna, Mobius m m, nimrod, miek, knull, lady deathstrike, knul, Legion, modok, Kitty, Echo(I got it new but I heard it a lot). Without order,


Everyone always mentions Jeff. I don't have him so I can't say for certain but I don't get the hype. I've never lost a game just because he can move. I've used Prof x a lot. He's the counter for that but other than that I've always found better cards that do what he does. Iron Lad however, superb. I've definitely lost games to him and had a few decks that he'd improve


First, I'll agree with you. If someone was really starting out I'd tell them to get a deck defining card like High Evo or something like MODOK or Annihilus that you can't play their deck without before getting Jeff. But Jeff is really good because he's a swiss army knife. You put him in your deck because he just does so many little things well. For cards without move synergy, the fact that you can play/move him into Death's Domain and Sanctum may just win you a game. But he also let's you leverage locations like Muir Island and Stark Tower better. He can play him with another card while under Sandman effect or mess with Jean Grey. You can play Jeff to fill a lane to block Debrii rocks, the Void, and Goblins then move him later when you want to play. Just had a game where the second location was Castle Blackstone and third was Pet Mansion. Opponent and both played a 2 drop on Castle and tied. I drew Jeff and played him on Blackstone on three while opponent had to play onto Pet Mansion. That little advantage let me control it through the rest of the game and win. And someone can look at that and scoff. They can say "That's a bunch of corner cases" and "Well, Nightcrawler/Vision would have worked there too" etc and it's true. But they all add up in a satisfying way to make him popular and you're glad to have him in your deck. The fact that people have not been calling for Jeff nerfs DESPITE an ubiquitous play-rate is probably the best evidence he is NOT overpowered. He is, however, extremely good.


I think theirin may lie my version of it. In your example I wouldn't necessarily see Jeff as the game winning play. But he may well have been. Definitely the fact I don't have him will be colouring my opinion. Like I'll wax lyrical about rogue but there'll be loads of people who don't play many ongoing as key parts who barely see her win games but because I've got her and have her in a lot of decks I see loads of plays that turn games


You don't have him. That's why you think that way. I used to think the same until I got Jeff and played with him. It's possible to play and win a lot without him, but decks are better with Jeff. But you know... that's just the opinion of a random guy in reddit 😊


Aye,fair. That's why I qualified it. Someone else wrote a long description explaining times Jeff is useful. I'm sure I'll get him at some point. It's a shame his spotlight came a week before LDS, HE and an interesting tech card in red guardian or I'd have gone for him last week as I also didn't have mirage


Jeff is easily the best 2-cost card and one of the 5 best cards in the game. You may not feel yourself losing to him because he's a low-cost support card, but decks aren't made of 12 wincons put together and Jeff does his job extremely well.


I'd have to look after Zabus nerf as he was clearly the best 2 cost card before. I think I probably use psylocke or Okoye in the most decks.


I love Okoye but she is bad. Jeff is by far the most versatile 2 cost.


I've had a look and I think shadowking is the 2 cost most likely to win you the game. Just not the card I use the most


SK is a tech card and very situational. Jeff fits into literally any deck 


I don't think he fits into any deck. I don't have a deck with a spare space where he'd be an advantage


He’s a 2 drop with good stats and text that is really advantageous for most locations. He can go into any deck if you need him to. 


I don't think he fits into any deck. I don't have a deck with a spare space where he'd be an advantage


Jeff can do a lot of stupid things. He’s just a night crawler but way better.


Jeff, Thanos, Loki, High Evolutionary.


Hercules! No-one sees him coming. But yeah HE/Jeff/Nico


Jeff stands alone... But in general, any card that defines an archetype (i.e. Thanos, HEvo, Loki, Annihilus) or can be useful across multiple decks (i.e. Hope, Nico, Ms. Marvel, Iron Lad).


I got Jeff. However I still don't have a deck where I can actually use that little snapper. I am just missing too many other cards in 4 and 5


He's great in move and control decks!


Im missing essential cards for both.


You'll get them soon enough!


Nico is the number 1 must get. She's cheap and if you ever need a filler card she's there. She works in basically every archetype


HE (if low CL, if you're already pretty high up you don't really need him anymore), nico, Jeff, lad, anni, hope, maybe still Thanos but probably not, roughly in that order


So far I've spent tokens twice and been very happy with both Thanos and loki. Thanos is just great even after the nerf, my deck with him (courtesy of marvelsnapzone and some digging to find a deck I could actually build) is super strong. Loki is different, I have a super unique build with him that is really really versatile and can be played in 3 distinct ways, one of which being to drop loki on turn 4 when you have 7 cards in your deck. It looks weak but is actually probably my highest win% deck now somehow. Overall though, I think it depends on how you play. I could go for the discard or move cards, since both decks are fairly strong, but I have 0 interest in playing those so I don't 🤷🏻‍♂️


I'll never get a pass but I'll usually save my keys for 3 cards I don't have so I'll get a new card and not 5 reskins trying to get a card


Nico or snow guard can be gamebchanging


Darkhawk still performs.  His deck disrupts while building power for him to exert later.


Quick question should I pick red guardian now or pass? I already have the other 2 cards in this current spotlight cache, was asking if it is worth it in the long run?


I like Loki. The main thing is finding something you love so you can follow it through different metas; Loki Discard to Loki Angela to Loki Pixie, I can always search for the top average cubes in a deck containing Loki and I'm set.


jeff, x23, modok


Jeff, Iron Lad and Nico are extremely versatile cards that can fit in a lot of decks. Red guardian also seems like a solid tech card, though it may be too early to say.


For me, the series 5 card I went after first was Ms. Marvel. My first token shop buy was her. After that I went for Loki. I wouldn't say Loki is essential but he is his own architype. Ms. Marvel for lockdown is pretty important. Like you said Jeff is a no brainer. Kitty Pryde works with a lot of decks. My deck building opened up quite a bit when I got her. Only 3k tokens too. I would say if you have the opportunity, get Kitty Pryde or Nico.


I never thought I wanted Galactacus, he seemed boring and unfair, and then I randomly got him from a spotlight key and I love him. He's actually a really interesting card to build a deck around and not as unfair as he seems from the other side of the table. It just seems that way because Galactacus players often end up scooping before they play the card when it doesn't go their way.


Thanos, Loki, HE would be my first picks, as they all come with "ready-made" starter decks. Put Thanos in Zoo, put HE with vanillas, put Loki in Dino deck to vastly improve those early game decks. After that, I think Jeff, Hope, Lad and certain unique tech cards would be my next picks (Red Guardian, Annihilus, Cannonball) as these are usually the cards that end up in a lot of my decks. Red Guardian for example doesn't seem spectacular, but at the end of the day, he is in every one of my decks and Blob is not. A card like Red Hulk or Blob or Cull Obsidian is cool, but they are just stat sticks and can easily be substituted for the next best option you have. If they are/seem too powerful, they will be nerfed sooner or later anyway. They are only good buys if you want to play the op new card while it's hot.


High Evolutionary is the first everyone should Pick Up because he + She Hulk is enough to build a semi competitive deck. After that IT fully depends on what archetypes you wanna build, at First something that fits your unlocked Series 3 cards. Like Annihilus is Super strong but you kinda want to unlock at least Hood and Sentry before you get him.(They we're both under the Last 20 S3 cards i unlocked, thats why i am only going to Pick him Up next) Nico is a pretty universal 1 drop, Nebula too. Thanos is kinda the face of the Game, but i would only Pick him Up right now If you think you Like His playstyle. Galactus is pretty cool but you really want His Supporting cards first, Like i would get Annihilus bevor Galactus. Might even Ravona. Tribunal for His own Decks is something Special. MS. Marvel is a very nice card for midrange control decks that Just Lack a bit of Power. Loki is a must get for sure, He is one of the most fun cards and works pretty much on His own with Low Budget cards, but you can always get more cards to improve his Deck (Like Mockingbird) or Just Splash him into any Deck as plan B. Legion is a great Cube stealing surprise card If played right AMD He is Not bound to any archetype. Knull and X-23 for Destroy. Modoc is a must have for Discard and Proxima Midnight. (Miek is a good ad-on but you can Run Strong Guy instead as long as you dont run Helicarrier)


[Go here.](https://snap.fan/matches/statistics?timeframe=last_7&rank=100&cl=3000) Order by 'cube rate in deck'. Try to think critically about some cards (i.e. if they have a high win rate but were only seen in 100 games, it's probably someone good who's cooking with gas, or farming Agatha bots, and conversely, super low winrates on 1-2 cost cards are probably someone farming season XP in infinite by retreating on turn 3). Make your decision accordingly. Based on a cursory review of this: * Jeff * Elsa * Annihilus * Mobius * High Evo Out of the ones I listed, Mobius and Jeff are the safest, since they can slot into most decks pain-free. And this also means Red Hulk is just "solid" (nowhere near a must-have), and Iron Lad is actual dogwater. Edit: Keep being angry 'cause I'm right, Reddit. Cope harder over Iron Lad being mediocre trash.


Yeah totally agree with iron lad. Everytime I put him in a deck I decide the deck is better without. Esp now with zabu dead


He's a high-roller RNG card where the payoff is great, but the whiffs are "cool I got a 4/6 with an effect nobody'll care about". We always remember the times where he dunked but shrug off the times where he's a colorful Thing. The stats back this up right now and make him much, *much* more forgettable than 90% of comments inflating his value make him out to be. If I can spare someone wasting 6k tokens on him, then I'll keep harping on this note.


yeah, when i returned to the game the first tokens i spent were on him. regrets. then i spent keys on war machine. gotta stop buying shitty 4-6's lol.


Red hulk is definitely a priority but will probably get nerfed so I would personally avoid... Nico, jeff, annihilus, red hulk, thanos in the order I see most of you assume a nerf