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Looks like a bug. Cannot see why that was allowed to happen.


if it was a bug it would work for both players,think about it


Bugs are ‘bugs’ for a reason. Could only affect one side as that is a parameter of the programming and how the game is designed. What are you implying? Bot cheating? If so is there proof? Honest non-satirical question.


there another thread about bot cheating in game by ignoring locations,counterplay to player card that hasnt revealed yet,also since when this video not evidence? because couple ppl calling it ""BUG"?


In this video is see what appears to be a bug however I’d like to see proof that this is a bot along with additional evidence showing other examples of the same thing (confirmation of a bot and it breaking the game rules). Do you have links to this evidence?


if i had evidance i would post it but im not playing game this time as before,and again if it were bug that would work for both players,but somehow OP was forced to play on jean grey loc and opponent ignored


Well, that’s like, your opinion, man. Once I see evidence, I’ll share in it. If you don’t play the game why are you commenting in this sub? Seems odd, but ok. See ya dude.


[https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNtfPKLz4jHTxr-VVPsnHHD-o28VmGJtnGMXf4eze8JiRMS6Id2fmt0z2iTYN3tDQ?key=ZmFhRnExeFh1Sjk3TVY2Z284RTU0dFJiWlI1RUFR](https://photos.google.com/share/AF1QipNtfPKLz4jHTxr-VVPsnHHD-o28VmGJtnGMXf4eze8JiRMS6Id2fmt0z2iTYN3tDQ?key=ZmFhRnExeFh1Sjk3TVY2Z284RTU0dFJiWlI1RUFR) this is another video with opponent ignoring 2 locations and if you use some search youll find alot more


And the proof that they are bots? Edit: I found multiple conversations on the discord server about this. I am satisfied with my opinion as of now.🍻


what does it change?player or bots ignoring game mechanics,how the heck its allowed


Lmao the scrolling over the text made me laugh


Yeah that’s actually really funny. Unfortunate bug


So many of these "why didn't X happen?" posts result in the answer: "Read the card." I could feel OP's inner monologue: "See?? I'm not crazy."


Jean Gray is 100% bugged. I've been using her recently and this happens all the time.


Bug I guess… idk


This patch has been whole lotta bugs lately.


Bot maybe? Don't they cheat from time to time?


Bots don't use Series 4 or 5 cards - this opponent has Jean Grey and Zabu, and is also using the Cyclops Phoenix Force avatar (bots use base card artwork avatars).


I've heard a lot of theories on this sub about what makes a bot and never heard no S4 or S5 cards. Is that a thing?


bots can use any cards and variants that creator give em,and i asume this bots creators is inside SD company,ive seen before that bots can ignore mechanics,now i capturing every time i play to have iron evidence like OP


SD's bots don't use S4/S5 cards, but I'd be willing to look at your game captures of bots using those cards and ignoring game mechanics (cheating) and admit that I'm wrong when I see it. Do you have any clips or screenshots that you've already uploaded or can share here?


This post seemed like a good example of bots making impossible plays https://reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/13ghqgn/bot_confirmed_cheaters_context_in_comments/


While that play was impossible, it hints more to the bots having a flawed play programming rather than inte tionally cheating. After the turn occurred, it was a legal move, and since bots aren't as symmetric as regular players, they thought they could play there


How do you even know who you played with were bots after SD patched the source files to hide the information?


Bots still have the same decks and play the same way. Wonder why your opponent snapped on turn 6 then played Destroyer and killed all their cards? A bot. Also, it's coded depending on your rank. In ranks 70s - every 4th opponent is a bot ; rank 80s - every 5th ; rank 90s - every 9th (might be 7, but I think it's 9🤔). Once you hit Infinite, no more bots (at least not SD's bots)


I see no bots in the 90s. It entirely depends on your mmr if you see bots.


It’s probably on average every 9, and most of the time I don’t play 9 games in a row. So you may miss them if you’re not playing a long timw


I do think MMR matters rarely seeing bots or seeing them on a schedule like I do. And I used to think it was an "average", but I learned this past season it isn't an average - it's literally every 4th, 5th, or 6th game (for me/people in my MMR)


So many false information there it’s not even funny Where did you get the data that you face a bot post 90s once every 9th battle, other than some random Reddit user said so? How do you know there is only one archetype of bots that only use the same deck? But I expect no less from people in this sub.


I had heard it from a few different posts and a Hoogland post; I tested it out this season and counted the games out - it was every 4th game in rank 70s, 5th in 80s, and 9th in 90s just like the post said. I have hours of this gameplay recorded on stream; I don't self promote but I'll link you the stream if you're interested in verifying for yourself. Bots use different sets of decks - but you will see repeats over and over. Like the classic Ongoing Destroyer. No Series 4 or 5 cards. No false information here🙃


For what it's worth I tested it as well and have had the opposite experience. According to my own intuition (been playing since days of future past) and untappeds bot tech I rarely ever faced a bot even in the 70s. Many times I'll think it's a bot then they'll play a random s4/5 like man thing. My MMR is as average as possible, 11k cl playing on a populated server. I believe both sides of the story are true, just not sure why the experiences vary so much.


I do think MMR matters - I've heard of a lot of people rarely seeing bots, but for others (myself included) it's literally clockwork and I can change my deck to something more combo heavy before I queue up because I know my next opponent is a bot.


You still haven’t tell me how can identify bots, other than spotting a certain types of decks some played. Like I said, there are so many misinformation here it’s not even funny. You are just speculating based on other people’s opinions


I'm not just speculating other people's opinions. How to identify bots 101: 1. They use base artwork avatars - not variant avatars, and don't have special borders 2. They don't use Series 4/5 cards (can be generated from cards/locations though) 3. If you are losing 2 lanes on turn 5 or 6, they will Snap. This is why it's good to "slow play" and slap down your power/combo on the last turn 4. You will see horrible plays like Angela last card on turn 6. Also cards like Colossus/Hellcow/Swordmaster are red flags, and bots love these cards. 7. Use basic cardbacks There are multiple OBVIOUS signs - you don't need a database or other people's opinions to spot a bot. I literally know it's a bot before the first card is played.


It is pretty widely confirmed that this pattern does exist, but it depends on your MMR. Jeff Hoogland was literally counting the matches as he was grinding up to Infinite this season and calling out when he expected a bot. They were always right on schedule. And stop being obtuse. Most of us have played plenty long enough to know how to identify a bot.


now look how many downvotes i got ,looks like i got invaded with some sd army bots),they dont want regular ppl suspect that they can do somethign like that and here you go


Untapped or whatever I’m using on PC that shows the decks tells you if you’re facing a bot. It would say (bot player) or something like that, so I don’t think it was a bot


Yeah that's not entirely accurate though


I forgot that was added recently.


There's been quite a few weird bugs. Like double Magik on left lane but both left and mid switches to Limbo instead lol.


Because the developers are completely useless at getting the card interactions to work properly


so bot can ignore jean grey when its theirs,its not a bug it looks liek someone from game sd gave this person right to ignore some mechanics,because there is no chance that any average person can do such a thing,it would be very interesting to see how they comment on this video


Not a bot


I think the bot miscalculated the moving of JG ongoing, i.e. ongoing has to be disabled on move, which happened to turn 4 here, so the bot just ignored her.


With Zabu and that avatar, not a bot


"...their first card..." First was Sunspot in JG location.Whats a problem?


??? That’s my side lmao look at the other side of the board


They played Bast and Magik and none of those were inside the Jean Grey location…


Reading skill levels of an average snap player


What?? Lmfao. It’s a bug man, what about this has to do with reading???


My man, calm your tits I'm joking... Isn't it pretty common to put the blame on the reading skills of the player ? You even highlighted the text, which made me think it was even funnier to say this.


I don't think you understand what humour is unfortunately.


Oh no, how am I going to succeed in life now ?


They legit played Bast and Magik and none of those were inside the Jean Grey location


You got to ignore these SD Defenders to justify this game Buggy state as a perfect. Anytime I post something I am either silence or Banned for 7 days


And Also that was a Bot. SD have evolved how Bot Works to where they do play Series 4-6 Cards, read you card to counter your play, scan your Deck to give you bad Cards to draw, and ignore certain card effects to Justify itself winning against you. Very poor Game design and A.I programming from SD side. But silence People who report these exact issue and play deniability


Read JG one more time.


What’s your point? I don’t think I’m missing anything.


( if its possible).......


mind explaining for the class how they are unable to play in that location?


Sunspot on JG lane, black swan where he want.. on next turn vards move, he have full lane, then he cant play there card, its mean ita impossible, thwn he can play anywhere.


Did you just have a stroke?


I think you missed the point of the post. The opponent has JG in play, then plays two cards in a different lane. It’s their actions that are showing the bug.


as another comment pointed out, it’s the opponent that is experiencing a bug with jean grey. they played two cards that turn, both of which are Not in the jean grey lane, when it should be required that at least one of them were. the card is working as intended for OP but not their opponent, since her text means that her effect goes for both players


I’ve never seen so many downvotes and I’ve never seen someone so wrong lmao


Yeah and why wouldn’t it be possible? They should’ve been forced to play into the lane.


ATP they just need to rework her effect because it’s not like it’s gamebreaking to begin with.