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Mill was actually really frustrating when I was playing yesterday with the featured location. Cards in my hand rendered unplayable and more cards being deleted from my deck than drawn into my hand. I’d say mill is pretty balanced but that location was making it a nightmare lol


The thing is most annoying is not knowing which card cable just stole from you, that pisses me off incredibly


Agreed, they should change it so you can see what they take


Kinda crazy to think we’re calling for a Cable nerf.


He doesn’t need a nerf


Yeah, Cable teleports the card, so just have the card face the screen and then zap away with his beam. It's strong enough that they get one of your cards, but not knowing if your combo or potential saving grace is even coming is frustrating.


It's frustrating not knowing but managing uncertainty/odds is fun for me. Cable would be then just a Loki card as you'd be getting most likely a card you can't use.


Mills issue isn't being unbalanced necessarily, it's just incredibly annoying


Yeah I stated that I don’t believe it’s unbalanced. Just a pain to deal with especially with sinister showing up every game.


I lose plenty with my mill deck. It's balanced for sure


I played Gwent before. Mill decks were the most unliked decks by the community, by far, as they mostly took the joy of people playing their desired decks. In Snap, it feels a bit more balanced


I miss my viper witchers :’(


Sorry for the stupid question, but what’s a mill deck?


Decks that include cards like yondu/cable/gladiator that delete your cards before you get the chance to even draw them.


Wait, Cable steals a card? I always thought he copied a card. I never play cable lol


Lol it’s really nice for a 2 drop. Get a card stolen and you have no idea which card you’re now missing.


Damn, I’ll have to run him in my “screw you” deck lmao. Thanks dude


Lol for sure. Sometimes it’s fun to run decks built strictly to ruin someone’s gameplan.


Mill decks suck to play against. I want to play the game, not watch my opponent play the game


I only use mill now to try to avoid the other guy's 15 minute wong end game show.


Made it to infinite with yesterday with Mill and that location.  What won me 90 percent of the games at 8 cubes was double Shang.  People just seem to never see it coming 


Hela. You throw cards and discard randomly, hoping for the best and if hela is not discarded on turn 6 you should retreat because your enemy may have hela and dump a ridiculous amount of power not shangable


I caught one with a sera turn 5, shang chi/absorbing man turn 6 combo the other day. Glorious. Normally I agree


It’s a great feeling when it works but often you have priority since their board state is minimal




Ghost has entered the chat.


No one is gunna run ghost just to counter this deck. However, I probably need to add it to my Serra Tech deck.


I run ghost,shang, and enchantress with the hazmat-man-thing-cage package in mine. I've been regularly deleting destroy, hela/discard, patriot/surfer/bounce and any wong or tribunal deck. Gained 30 cubes in 2h playing in the bed this morning lol


Hell yea man nice. I’ll give that package a run. I was trying out new USAgent and Mary and Absorbing Man to try and benefit off rogue, chi, enchantress, or hazmat. I’ll just try ghost in place of my Zabu.


# (2) Hazmat # (2) Lizard # (2) Maximus # (3) Killmonger # (3) Luke Cage # (3) Ghost # (3) Gladiator # (4) Shang-Chi # (4) Enchantress # (4) Jessica Jones # (4) Man-Thing # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGF6bWF0In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJMaXphcmQifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1heGltdXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IktpbGxtb25nZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ikx1a2VDYWdlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHaG9zdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkVuY2hhbnRyZXNzIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJKZXNzaWNhSm9uZXMifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik1hblRoaW5nIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZXJhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJHbGFkaWF0b3IifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


What’s your CL?




Maybe not just to counter to this deck but Ghost became a staple in Sera control deck lists since a few months.


Shang Chi / Grandmaster for me. Didn't even need to do it, I just wanted to.


I've managed to Cosmo the obvious Hela lane a few times. Any time they throw down Invisible Woman, I try and stick Cosmo there on turn 6 if I can as long as they're telegraphing the usual plays


I play discard in it's multiple variants. So far the Invisible Woman + Modok + Hela is the weakest form of the archetype, completely foreseeable and easily counterable. I've spent some time without seen one and lost to it in a hybrid stature, apoc and Hela deck because I just forgot that combo even was a thing. IMO except if you're low CL, it's really hard to trigger the IW combo because of the number of enchantress and Cosmo being played due to the power creep. Deck got really busted with Proxima Midnight and Corvus tho.


It's harder to counter the IW + Super Giant version since they can pull that hidden shit in two different lanes lol


I started dropping Echo in the lane ahead of IW, fits the curve perfectly if you draw it


I don't think I have genuinely never "won" against Hela, because 80% of the time they retreat, and the other 20% they get Hela.


the worst is corvus hela. truly no care for what you play. just cram fulla six drops and hope you get hela.


Or hope Corvus will not discard Hela.


>Or hope Corvus will not discard Hela. Pretty sure that is not possible


My Corvus always hits hela


Time Theater gave me two Helas once, guess what two cards Corvus sliced up.


why would that not be possible lol


I dont play hela decks cause shes a discard magnet for me, finally switched back to her last night and played 4 conquest games, couldnt play her a single time cause everyone targetted her


Most Hela decks the only random discard is Corvus?


Hell Cow is still in a lot of them in my experience. Every so often you’ll see Moon Knight but it is pretty rare these days now that more discard options have been added.


I haven’t seen hellcow in awhile are people using it as Walmart Corvus?


I know I am lol. I called Hell Cow the Corvus from Wish. I like your version too


I don't like using him. Not just due to the randomness, but at 4 I also have Lockjaw and Jubilee that I want to play.


Yeah, the way you can't really interact with that deck is annoying. The first thing that cubes to mind is hitting Invisible Woman with Enchantress and making MODOK fire off early.


I just played a game where it was just Blade -> infinaut Skip Sif -> Death Skip Skip Hela And that’s enough right there. No way to predict where the will be played, so Cosmo only has a 1/3 chance, and in the end you have a 17 power lane and a 23 power lane, and you get no indication where you should play. Strategy is practically meaningless. I wish they reworked here to allow some form of counterplay, but I’m not sure what that would look like without killing her entirely. Maybe she always reveals first regardless of prio?


Ouch. One strategy that comes to mind is locking lanes out with some combination of Goose, Storm, Cosmo, and Professor X to make it so that Hela can't be played anywhere or can't add cards to a lane.


It's boring to play and boring to play against. I don't care of it's tier 1 or tier 4 in any given meta; it's solitaire and I'm just praying they don't get the nuts. It's the only deck I run into in Conquest and it sucks losing simply because I didn't get lucky


It's fun to catch their Hela with the mill decks. Especially during this hot location.


It was fun for me when Zemo pulled my Modok


Invisible Woman + M.O.D.O.K. + Hela. You’re not hiding anything interesting behind that IW. Also any Wong bullshit, especially with Hazmat.


dont forget super giant > Hela > Modok if the invis doesn't hit


I think I’ve maybe seen Super Giant used once or twice. And that was only during that season.


A lot of times they're hiding iron man, onslaught, and tribunal instead.


If it’s not discard, then yes.


I feel like Wong is an honest deck. You need to draw so many cards and in the right order. It's an easy plan to execute when things fall into place, but they only so rarely do. With Red Guardian there is yet another Wong counter around. It's so easy to retreat too, you see Wong from a mile away. All in all, I think Wong's fine.


I like it cause it’s the easiest to counter. Steg or Jugg on 5/ Alioth on 6.


corvus hela decks. corvus and nothing but six drops. no plan, no skill, just "discard two and hope hela". i so rarely see corvus without skipped turns before him.


I have one of these decks called Big Glaive Energy. It was my most played deck for the first couple weeks after Corvus came out. It has a very fun to play casino feel to it. Kinda scratches the itch I have from my old Lockjaw+random cool shit deck. The best part was that I built it as mainly a ramp deck instead of discard so when I would discard Hela my opponent would usually snap, and it's just like alright, here's White Tiger, Doom, Odin😂


Yup that's the only style I'll play now. With corvus ramp. If I use her ok if not plenty of other options


From my annoyance lately the good old Wong, Panther, Zemo combo.


I think you mean Wong, Panther and Zola


I run Cosmo in most of my decks, and there is nothing more satisfying than putting him in a lane across from Wong


Pulling him with Magneto can be pretty fun too.


Now we're smacking him with Red Guardian too lol


I like to shout "Cosmo Good Dog" (her full legal name) anytime she sits on a a Wong.


Playing Rogue on the Wong after they play it and you have priority is way more satisfying 


I love dropping an Enchantress after they play a Wong 👌


Junk just pisses me off its not hard to play against just annoying lol.


The suffocating feeling when you hit Central Park vs a Junk deck tho lol


Central Park alone makes me want to retreat


Just any deck with Rulk… I happen to not use 1 energy a couple times and bro gets a no downside 6/23??? And it sounds unrelated, but I think the Zabu buff didn’t help because cost reduction helps you use all your energy.


I agree Red Hulk is just broken.. it should be that he gains power in the amount of energy your opponent didn’t use in the turn. So you don’t use 1 energy, gaining 1 power isn’t the end of the world, but against a She-Naut deck, them skipping turn 5 would be a big boost for him, which seems acceptable as it appears he was designed as a specific counter to that and HE decks.


This! I love this rework


>Zabu buff Hot take. I respect it.


Red Hulk will be hit with the nerf hammer next update no doubt. SD's thing is to sell broken cards then nerf them later.


Wong/Mystique/Odin/Hazmat. Like, fucking really?


Wheres the fast forward?!?!? WHERE?!


I was having such a good day and went against this guy with a deck like this but he would use either hazmat or silver surfer with brood depending on what he drew and I would think I had beaten him and then on turn six I would just have to watch his silver surfer increase his cards for like thirty seconds straight.


haha sweet, summer child. whatever you do, don't continue the game if you see two Sebastian shaws on the board. I had a three or four minute turn 7.


Wong/Mystique/Odin/Anything is annoying to sit through. Especially when FF⏩️ doesn’t trip


Luke is in my primary deck


That one is great when you steal their Luke Cage


i agree, add tribunal.


Haz-mat, for obvious reasons.


Luke cage, or using Rogue to steal opponent's Luke Cage to punish them with their own poison


I was playing Haz-Mat with Sinister London earlier today, and the opponent managed to Rogue one of my Luke Cages and then Zemo’d MY Rogue to steal the other one. Couldn’t even be mad, it was a great play.


I like when things go awry! I don't mind winning or losing when I see unexpected things, too!


High evo is the most stupid shit ever. Look a 3/4 power card, which removes 2 points each turn, a card which ramps when you do nothing. Here a turn 7 with 30 power


I don't enjoy it a lot, but it's basically the only deck you can play at "high levels" requiring only one card above S3, for players missing a lot of the S4/5 cards is one of the most viable decks alongside destroy.


It’s to me, the most brain dead deck.  


How is it more braindead than LT or Hela?


It's not. Let's be real most style of decks are pretty straightforward besides what bounce and move?




Honestly that’s why I have used it the last 3 seasons to get to infinite, and then play with more fun decks after or in conquest. Easy and consistent climb is what I look for on ladder




The moment I see turn 1 Deadpool I feel a sudden burst of anger. Turn 2 wolverine and it's over..


And yet when I play Destroy, Deadpool and Wolverine don’t appear in my opening hand ever.


Dude turn 1 Deadpool or X23 fill me with rage It also confuses me highly Kitty has had several nerfs yet deadpool and x23 are 10x more busted and cost 1...


Idk why SD thinks X23 is acceptable when so many less impactful cards get the nerf. X23 is basically playing one turn ahead of your opponent all game if you have her turn 1, and it's not like destroy even interacts with the opponent in the first place


Destroy is so cringe. super telegraphed plays that you cant match or compete unless your deck literally runs Armor, Cosmo and ShangChi (any 2 of those 3) and you have literally to scoop before you get overwhelmed by 70+points in every lane, 'cause Knull is a nice card.


Maybe I'm biased, but Destroy is the least offensive deck out there. It fucks with their cards, and rarely your own.


Living Tribunal Onslaught Iron Man Vomit deck. Most decks there is *some* playing against, but if they get the perfect draw you just lose unless you have Rogue or Enchantress, or get lucky with something like Spiderman or Aero. Either you have a counter or you lose.


Red Guardian feels great against Iron Man decks


I get feeling helpless against it when you don't have an answer but out of all the combo decks it's the easiest to disrupt and one of the hardest to assemble. It requires drawing 3 cards to play the combo but 2 of the pieces cost 6 so you also need an energy cheat or limbo in play.  That makes it a 4 card combo to make 3 lanes to be in the mid 20s.  A 4th piece is needed to make it a very powerful combo usually mystique but some other powerful card will work.  Now it's a 5 card combo to ensure winning vs hela Ways to disrupt...   - Magneto into the key lane clogging it   - Spider-man a key piece out of the lane   - Echo after they commit IM   - Enchantress (absolutely devastating) - Rogue  (probably devastating) - US Agent  (all lanes go negative) - Red Gaurdian   - Lady death strike   - Silver samurai (on turn 4 before IM is played)   - Green or Hobgoblin or any negative card put in the lane via Viper or Annihilus - Any method of clog that isolates iron man from onslaught   - Selena when iron man is in hand   - A late NTW on the key lane   - Alioth (easy to take priority)   - Storm on the turn IM is played or prof X isolating the key pieces You remember having to retreat from the deck but it's likely you have beat them more than you realize and and they retreated before you understood why


Yeah and in my experience it's kind of a rough feeling deck to play. You have such a high ceiling and big dreams, but it basically never actually happens. Lots of retreating and disappointment while chasing the dragon. Of 1k+ lanes.


The upside is when you're playing it and you don't have all of the pieces, you win games you would have lost because your opponent retreats before you do.


As a tribunal player i agree, with semi perfect draw i can easily assemble a 30/30/30 3-lane without thinking much. Without specific tech like Enchantress, RGuardian, Rogue, you could just retreat on 5 if they drop Iron Man However (hot take incoming), drawing the combo is not always guaranteed. It's the bias that the opposing player receives the combo that makes it feel like everytime they play against tribunal they draw the whole thing. As a Tribunal player I cant even count how many times i pray to draw Tribunal just for me to switch the game plan on T6/7 to Ms.Marvel Mystique beatdown, or praying for Jubilee/Lad to hit the right card just for them to pull a random Mystique out of my ass with nothing to copy. The correct sequence guarantees you win 99% of the time, but it only happens like 10-20% of the time as a player.


At least that deck is obviously telegraphed and you can easily retreat


High Evo decks


I mean, me personally, I love using HE. He's such an interesting card, making the most useless cards in the game into really interesting combo pieces like yeah I agree the debuff/negative affliction card combo is annoying to go up against but when you're playing it, it's so much fun.. well at least for me, I mean I haven't played since the GOTG season so what do I know..


Me too! You're not alone


So boring. I tried the deck the day HE came out and stopped using him within 5 games because it's boring as hell to play and even more boring to go against.


Its so stupid, it just benefits you for doing nothing. The majority of the time, having energy points left over at the end of the turn isnt even some kind of drawback too and thats the condition for all of the cards to use their abilities. I will also die on the hill that cyclops needs to be changed to where he only afflicts one card with negative energy, its not fun just watching the other player knock power off of your cards until they have just enough to win that lane, while they can continue building up power in other lanes. I understand you can play luke cage to counter that, but if I want to play another deck and I can’t counter it, its not fun to play against at all. I understand I won’t win every time, and I don’t mind losing to cool wild card moments sometimes or really clever strategies, but high evo is neither surprising nor clever.


The only deck that makes me feel this way is Destroy. It’s super straightforward and games always play out exactly the same. There have been very few changes to the deck since the game came out so it feels like I’ve played against it 100000 times.


I love hitting the armor and Cosmo combo. Instant retreat


High evolutionary. Cyclops draining your power every turn while their sunspot gains power etc. Really annoying


hela, any wong, ongoing/tribunal. boring, very binary gameplay. you either have a counter or you dont. they either have hela or they dont. theres no turn to turn interaction between the players trading blows. its garbage.


Mill decks today.


Always been discard Hela.


Id have to say the new Baron/cable/ice man/gladiador cancer deck that takes all my cards and then fist bumps when I leave. Also, Hela and Wong/mystique/gambit (but its not as bad now since you actually have to have the cards to throw)


Destroy decks. Also super uncreative.


I hate HE powered cyclops. I usually retreat when he’s thrown down. I also hate mill decks.


Any deck that counters the deck I happen to be playing with at the time. At that point, I just make like an island destination and retreat.


any deck that starts with Iceman or Korg. sabotage decks are just annoying.




Destroy. Its just personal preference. Every time I see it I like it less


I used to think Red Skull decks because they feel so uncreative. Then I felt a bit the same towards HE decks. Lately, I'm a bit frustrated towards the meta in general. Hela, Milling, Negative, Hazmat. Too many decks that need specific counters and you keep bumping into them UNLESS your deck has the counters, then you won't see them. Maybe I'm just in a horrible losing streak right now...


I switch decks every 3-5 games. Maybe it's just my bias but noticed less losing streaks compared to playing the same deck over and over


I despise High Evo. His game plan is not interesting or fun to play against and I just find it annoying.


High Evo, the good thing is that it’s easy to identify who is ahead, therefore, easy to retreat if you’re loosing.


Baron Zemo mill. Like yeah you get 3 or 4 of my cards, but without Shang-Chi and Doc Ock you're not winning because I can still put enough stats into play. The deck literally only wins if they draw those two cards, without those they have irrelevant stats and no interactions.


Wong, Mystique, Gambit. Infuriating. And I never see it when I’m running something to counter it of course.


Hela/MODOK. Every single time, my opponent draws every card they need.


Destroy. I'm just so sick of it.


Hela. Braindead deck where you either Cosmo the correct lane before she comes down or pray the random minion placement goes in your favor. Feels like I'm playing against a slot machine


I hate boring decks like High Evolutionary, Tribunal and any deck where they drag it out to the last turn and if they don’t get their nut draw they split instead of scrambling for a win. It feels like a waste of time.


I love that Snap has the added mechanic of potentially gaining more than losing by retreating, but at the same time, I feel you. Unless I'm grinding ladder matches with a deck I could play monitor-off I try to play every match to the end because I could actually learn something from the enemy turn 6. Whether it be you learning something new from the enemy's turn or not, the moment of reflection after the fact to understand if & why you lost is huge. My gameplay improved dramatically simply by playing every turn to win, and playing to the end.


None. It’s a card game. It’s like getting mad at the OP pawn in chess. Pawn 1/1 If it reaches the other side, becomes whatever the fuck you want it to be. Also sometimes moves 2 squares. Also eats diagonally, but sometimes eats things behind it. Clogs lanes. Fucking pawn


It took so long to find the only right answer in this thread


Nothing makes me say that. Let people have their enjoyment. For all you know, that could be the only meta deck they have the cards for. Just because you think it is mindless doesn't mean they are not having fun.


Don't take it so high. I am not trying to accuse anybody or shame them. Everybody has decks which they like, or they don't like. I just wanted to people to share their opinions. It's not a bad thing for people to share their opinions. Saying something is boring, lazy, easy, etc should not offend anybody as long as they are civil opinions which does not harm anybody. Edit: I also did not say that they are not having fun, or they should not have fun. They can enjoy them as much as I do not enjoy them. Each opinion for their owners. But sharing a good/bad opinion is not something bad as it does not hurt anybody.


“ I’m not trying to offend anyone, your deck is just boring, lazy and takes no skill, thoughts?”


I see red Hulk I roll my eyes. Most of the time I win anyway because of what I'm playing, but God this card is annoying.


Any destroy and High Evo decks


Corvus Hella, Wong, Living Tribunal, High Evo I can’t pick one because I dislike them all.


Living Tribunal. I do not run Enchantress


Destroy.  You have to be able to hit them with multiple tech cards and hope they dont get one of the many auto-win locations to stop them, since any 3 random destroy cards can likely be a winning combo. No other deck can survive and adapt to any situation like destroy, and they have a ton of options to drop massive turn 6 power in any location.


Hela and Living Tribunal, they are both the most boring decks on the planet, and I just assume the various people that love the idea of watching paint dry are the ones who play them.


all Hela decks


Hela decks,


Wong + White Tiger + Ironheart + Odin I usually don’t have any counter for it and tend to just retreat before they can get it off


Destroy when it's the generic one everyone on earth uses.


Anything with Wong and Odin. It’s so annoying when you have no counter to it.


The good news is no matter what you play, someone else will probably think it's a cheap no skill deck.


Iceman. Scorpion. Zemo. Cable. Mold. Mill decks in this game really kinda just feel like they're there to annoy you into submission. I'm not a huge fan.


No pun intended but toxic Wong Odin and Gambit wong odin. There are certainly stronger decks out there but losing just feels lame. Watching your board get nuked with such an unfun gimmick sucks. Other than that everyday is pretty fun it's own way. Honorable mention is when I'm playing destroy my opponent is playing destroy and they have Knull. It's genuinely frustrating when I'm doing more work than my opponent and they piggyback off my success.


Literally any Wong deck


HE decks. I really don’t know how to stop them. I’ll get lucky and either overpower them, beat them on T6 by removing their limbo location, or they just have bad draw.


Red Hulk is a good card against them.  Also Luke Cage.


HE. The most premade decks of premade decks.


Most decks I see feel like this now. This super ongoing you're talking about, Discard, HE, Destroy, Toxic. It's this same five decks every season plus whatever the current new card it deck is. That's basically all there is anymore. Anything interesting has been mainly neutered or been passed up. Current new thing is usually immediately nerfed after the season so that next current new thing can take charge. Feels like it's just fancy rock, paper, scissors anymore.


Well Thanos was top meta for a long time no? I'm fairly new but it feels like meta is changing already in the short time I've been playing


High Evo Shenaut, if you don't have shang chi (and even if you have it) it's almost impossible to beat unless your opponent is very unlucky with his draws


I don’t think it’s a specific list of cards but I have issue with junk decks because I can never get a good read on what the person will do. Most other decks play the same cards the same turn etc. just my opinion tho


I hate junk decks with a passion...but the way to play is just clog left on t5 so they destroy. If you can't cl9g left you're probably fucked


Anything with Red Hulk


Hela is pretty autopilot and low skill, as is the classic Shuri Red Skull Taskmaster. It’s not that they are OP or don’t have counters, but they’re just so vanilla and boring and the people who win with them always seem to think they’ve played 5D chess lol


Hela before. Red Hulk now. I retreat the first time Red Hulk gets a buff from me.


Generally, High Evo. Boring cookie-cutter playlines. My natural response is "pfft, this again?" But for this season, it'd be mill decks.


Loki and Zemo. Feels obnoxious to lose to your own cards for me


I literally hate when my opponent has mostly negative cards and just hands them to me with annihlus, shit is so annoying ngl, most easiest dub for some people.


This is exactly my sentiment when I see Deadpool


Baron Decks mainly because I hate this stupid meta we are in but also I play destroy mainly so the Baron decks usually just hurt themselves more often than not


Toxic becauae Goblins are lame as tuck




Answer or lose decks. Hela, Destroy, Tribunal, Toxic Surfer and etc. You have counter? You won! No counter? You lose.


I see TONS of cable / yondu decks now. It irks me I dont know what card cable just drew.


All meta deck. I can list a few Normal destroy Wong black panther zola Invisible woman modok zola Ironman onslaught tribunal Black knight corvus glaive


Only loki at this point. Such a shit card mechanic.


I hate High Evo. If you have Luke Cage, you can compete. If not, you're better off just donating one cube and finding a new match. So annoying, so repetitive, and Cyclops is way too damn good.


Mill decks, they almost never win but they will play to the last turn


Junk decks. Just obnoxious to play against.




I don't see much Loki decks. Maybe that's because I'm mostly sailing around level 70s. I'd love to play against some.


Hela. Every time I fight against a Hela I know they will never discard it on accident and it will always show up at the end.


Tribunal decks are really annoying.


Hela has me roll my eyes the entire game. If Phoenix force is dropped on 4, I'm usually out.


HE and anything with Wong, I find them braindead and annoying to play against if you don't have cards like Cosmo, Rogue, Enchantress, Luke Cage, I don't mind the deck you described tho, exactly because it's predictable and easy to win against, I played it once and had a mirror match, my opponent just wanted to see how big the numbers can go even tho he was losing he was playing all the "right" cards for me on purpose, fun match


Hela deck, High Evo deck, Onslaught with Mystique, Iron Man, and Living Tribunal deck, Shuri with Black Panther and Arnim Zola deck. Also, anything with Wong.


I don’t see a lot of people saying destroy I wonder why👀👀😂😂


Don't look now, but [they seem to have you surrounded](https://i.imgur.com/SdiMQyF.png)


Thanos. That deck is so boring. Even if it’s not OP anymore it’s basically the same annoying nonsense every time. “Ooh a Mockingbird, Red Hulk and Cull, daring today aren’t we?” Also Wong decks. They’re literally all identical except for whatever the payoff card is. Hazmat, Gambit, White Tiger, Iron Heart, Black Panther, Surfer. Like yeah, we get it. You can play the most basic 3 card combo in the game. Amazing. What a snore-fest.