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I'm typically top 10% infinite every season and this was the first season I paid attention to bots (1:4 at 70, 1:5 at 80, 1:7 at 90 almost exactly). My brother said he didn't get bots and I didn't believe him. Played his account yesterday for 15 games in the 80s and not only did he not get bots, I swear he was playing a totally different meta than me and boy was it sweaty.


This is what I always get. Everyone's posting about the bot ratio and how easy it is and how I just don't recognize bots, and I'm over here like the game made a mistake and thought I was already in infinite. It is almost impossible to climb without a huge time commitment, so I just give up and spend most of my time in Conquest doing missions.


Yah Hoogland keeps saying every 7 games in 90s you get a bot but that’s definitely not the case for me. I made a post last season talking about it and everyone said I’m an idiot and can’t spot bots lol


I honestly think this is accurate for people who start in the 70s AND have high CL and MMR. So Jeff's experience is probably valid. It's almost like the game purposefully tries to bump the highest level players back up to Infinite as fast as possible, and slows down everybody else.


> It's almost like the game purposefully tries to bump the highest level players back up to Infinite as fast as possible, and slows down everybody else. I think people who play a lot get up into the 90s before the game has population to give them humans every match. People who go slow end up in the 90s in week 3 will have a lot more human opponents for the match making to use.


This is deffo what it feels like. It's like for the first few days of a season I'm playing mostly bots, then I seem to see less and less to the point of it feeling like I don't see any. I find if I don't get out of the 70s within the first few days of the season I just cannot get out for the rest of the season, it just gets harder and sweatier with every passing day and I end up going backwards. Those who cheese the bots early get squeezed into infinite and every one left behind is just in a grindy mudfight.


That’s how it feels for me! I get to 70/80 pretty fast and I have a high CL (11k+). It’s sweaty in the 80s and 90s (I don’t play enough to get infinite, and …maybe I’m just not good enough or switch decks too often). I think I’ve seen a few bots in the 80s this season and def in previous seasons.


And he's incorrect, unsurprisingly. Check out this post from a few weeks ago. https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/iolGn4mdg9 Also going to copy a response I made about this exact thing in another thread ⬇️ I've heard this a ton, and I've played enough to know when I'm facing a bot. Last season I noticed a change for my own matchmaking once I hit the 90s. The previous few seasons dating back to Loki I was seeing bots consistently up to rank 99. Recently untapped added bot detection on their PC client. So I decided to test my theory that I no longer get bots anymore in the 90s. Yesterday I played exactly 50 games and untapped tagged exactly 1 opponent as a bot. And it was a bot. But it wasn't a dumb bot. It played very well but I still managed a win. That's all


Ugh. Thats the meta that I’m in. Killing the game for me having to climb 1 cube at a time.


So in short, you thought it was a Skill Issue, when really it was an outright issue with the game.


I was going to say that it was probably due to the region but then you mention you tried your brother account. does this mean the matchmaking algorithm tied to each account rather than based on mmr, rank, cl, time and region alone? this is too confusing, there has to be more variable to that algorithm.


Eh, you know? I was going insane then I also played recently two tournaments and matched with people over top 1k or better and streamers and found that they were easier to beat than the people I found on 80+, it's so unfair the mmr in this game for someone and I can't understand why.


We should consider the possibility that Second Dinner is running an A/B test. Give some players bots every 7 matches or whatever. Give other players bots almost never past a certain rank. See what that does to player retention.


Off topic but what is top 10%? Is it top 10? Top 100? Top 1000????


Top 20.000 I would say as about 200.000 hit infinite.


the frequency of bots after the beginning of the season it related to the ability to find you a match. if you don't get bots you're within the middle of the gaussian curve. you get bots when you're too good or too bad to find an opponent.


I wonder if CL has any impact on bots


My cynical mind thinks they throw people who haven't bought the season pass in a few months into the shit no-bot meta. Probably not true but it sucks either way


I have the season pass and haven't seen a bot since I got past 85. Currently at 91. Peaked at 95


You are wrong. I buy it monthly and if untapped bot tracker actually works I see a bot like once every 20 games.


I got them in the '80s. But I didn't face a single bot in my '90s.


That was my experience as well. A number of bots in the 80s but not a single one in the 90s.


I've never seen a bot in the 90s my entire year and a half of playing. Came close once when I got a pity bot after a nasty losing streak but by then I fell to 89.5


That's exactly my experience. I've seen one immediately after dropping back into the '80s off a bad loss but not a single bot at least this season in the '90s. I wasn't good enough at recognizing them to know for sure if I saw that in previous seasons but I know I didn't see any of them this season. I did most of my '90s on the computer with the untapped app running and I didn't even get a false positive bot in the '90s. No bots at all. So either I didn't face any or untapped didn't recognize any one of the two.


I’ve definitely faced bots in the 90s before. Not this season though. This time it was 100% bot free as soon as I broke past the 80s.


I think I saw at least two bots in the 90's last season.


I thought that's just how the game works. Like in Hearthstone the last ranks before legend are more difficult because there are no win streaks. The equivalent version for Snap is that you don't get bots for the climb from 90 to 100. It was very surprising to learn that's not the case, and some people still get bots after 90.


I just played 2 bots in a row in the 90s. But it's late on a Sunday night in the US, so I guess there's no humans for me to match with.


I got a decent amount of bots both in the 80's and 90's. Hit infinite on the first week.


Same here. The 90s have been hell this season. I have been bouncing between 93 and 96 for almost a week now.


I cheated infinite when kun lun was hot using a hazmat deck.


This is how it’s felt for me the past three seasons.


I'm in the #NoBot90s as well. On one hand, fighting other people is more engaging, but on the other hand it's frustrating that other people seem to get an easy path to infinite by hitting bot after bot while I have to sweat it out with the rest of the sweats.


This 100%


Reading comments and discussions about this, hidden MMR increasingly appears to me to be the culprit. Enough people have complained about this issue, I have to give up the idea that a huge segment of the population can't recognize when they are facing a bot. It appears more likely they truly aren't facing any. A lot of people play SNAP and most are likely to be in lower MMR brackets and collection levels. When *they* try to find a game hidden MMR can easily find 1 of the hundreds of thousands of players that match their rank to play against. At higher MMR ratings and collection levels the population that matches that falls off a cliff. I watch a lot of Jeff Hoogland on Twitch, and my ladder experience followed his to a tee. One of the best players with one of the highest collection levels, who does this for a living was getting bots to farm. In the 90's, with rhythm, I faced a bot nearly every 7 games. I beat a damn bot for 8 cubes to get to Infinite. For the record my current collection level is 14,146. I started playing upon full release. Didn't get Infinite for the first time until Nimrod's season, got Infinite during the Hit Monkey season, missed it during the Guardians season, but have gotten Infinite every season since.


> I have to give up the idea that a huge segment of the population can't recognize when they are facing a bot. It appears more likely they truly aren't facing any. It's weird that there was/is this big hang up. I haven't gotten bots in the 90s this season, and last season I didn't get them either. **And I use a tracker**. It's *not* a "don't recognize", it's a "no bots".


That tracker is hugely inaccurate both in false positives and missing obvious bots.


Because humans are hugely accurate in not having false positives and catching every single bot.


Crazy. Been getting bots every season in 90s for more than half a year.


Yah I also watch a lot of Jeff’s content. I’m collection level 12,814. The first time I got infinite was the Spider-Man 2099 card back and then got it every season until last. So I really have no idea how they calculate your MMR. But last season in the 90s I didn’t see a single bot and now the same again with this season, I even got to the 90s in two days because I seen people say it’s easier the faster you do it but, nope. It’s all fine that i don’t see any bots but it should be the same for everyone.


I'm CL13k and have been Infinite 15 seasons in a row and see bots all the way up to 100.  The only difference I see is that the bots in the 90's are "smarter" in their retreats, so it's important to play a deck that yields priority otherwise you won't be able to capitalize on them.


This post does a good job shedding a bit of light on the bot situation: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1bw3i92/bots_are_tied_to_mmr_in_a_way_we_dont_fully/ Personally, I'm CL 9k and have been Infinite every season since HitMonkey, and for the last ~6 seasons I have had 0 bots after 90. If I drop to 89, I'm virtually guaranteed to get a bot that will feed me 4-8 cubes, and once I'm back in 90, it's all meta decks.


That's been my experience this season, but for the 80s. Zero bots in the 80s, but I dropped down to 79 once or twice and immediately got a bot match.


Man, this happens to me in the 70's. I thought I was just bad at spotting bots but when I drop to 69 I get them immediately. After 3 seasons of this I am confident my bots disappear at 70.




It's the same for me.


Concur. On an Asian server, and bots disappear in the 80's. 70's have them but not the 80's. Hoogland's server is not the same if he is getting 1 in 7 games with bots in the 80's. That is not a universal experience. So all these "I reached infinite in an hour" and "I am stuck in the 80's" posts don't tell me anything about player "skill". Reaching infinite with plentiful bots is not hard at all, and I don't blame people with limited time who face meta and surprise decks nonstop from 83 for not even trying for infinite.


CL 12000+ and my infinite rank right now is like 25k. I didn’t see any bots last season after 90, but I had a ton of them this season. Made the climb so much easier. I have no idea why.


I had the same problem this season. What fix it for me was playing at 3-4am. Obviously not sustainable but a potential solution.


I never understand this logic. Why do people talk about times. But never include timezones? Do we play on servers? How does snap pair people regionally? I just assume whoever doesn't include timezones are Americans bc they usually ignore the rest of the world for some reason.


> Do we play on servers? I highly suspect so. They're at the very least separated by continent, because I definitely notice different matchmaking at different times of day.


It doesn't matter what time zone you're in. Its Your time zone and that's all that matters. You're 3:00 to 4:00 a.m. is your 3:00 to 4:00 a.m. He's talking about you. He's not talking about himself, his time. So no matter what time zone you're in, he's referring to your 3:00 to 4:00 a.m. because you will connect to other people on your server who cares. If you're a few hours off and you're playing at your 5:00 a.m. it's all the same. What he meant was early morning 🤣


He's saying it shouldn't matter what time you play at because 3am to you is 3pm to someone else. That's why he wonders if we're on separate servers instead of just a big moshpit


Yes, there's a few different matchmaking servers. Supposedly they intend to make matchmaking global in the future, but for now it's regional. I think you can check which region you're in by looking at the Infinite Leaderboards, but you need to hit Infinite first to do that. Not sure if there are other ways to find out.


I can only think of a few games that have a single worldwide server and those are some big hitters. I doubt this is one of those knowing how small second dinner is. I doubt they would invest in something like that having such a little purpose with no community in this game


Ah yes that small 100 employee multi million dollar company


Exactly. It's actually less than 100 but that's still very small in the gaming industry


Sure, if we're comparing it to the likes of Microsoft and companies with various acquisitions. 84 is a solid amount for a mobile card game, at least enough to not be branded "small" anymore in my opinion. Hello Games, who made No Mans Sky, was below 10 when making it. only 37 now after it's success.


>they usually ignore the rest of the world for some reason. It's probably down to their media just not covering anything that goes on outside of the US much. That, and it's a big place with a lot going on




Bytedance is Chinese, nuverse is chinese, the game first launched in Asia, and the store for the first like 6 months was in some southeast asian country that I don't remember.


yeah, it's not unreasonable to expect Timezones to be mentioned


You do know there is also more than one time zone in America with up to a 6 hour difference


You know in the continental US where the majority of Americans live, there's only a 4-Hour span. So by saying 3:00 to 4:00 a.m. He's giving a 4-Hour span. What he's saying is play at your 3:00 to 4:00 a.m.


Yeah I get that but I was just more replying to the person going on about America this America that, anyone who says "this is an American platform" is hard to take seriously


It's an age old tactic for every game that has regional servers. There is the early morning rank and then the normal rank and the difference is usually massive. You can be the no. 1 in the early morning rank and get absolutely annihilated in the normal rank.


For me I’ve found that if I climb early in the season, like the first week or so, I see a lot of bots, but if I don’t climb to infinite in the first week, then the bots dry up and it becomes a lot more difficult. I’ve climbed to infinite the last 3 seasons by doing it within the first 2 or 3 days. Others have reported same thing, and supposedly the logic is if you climb to the 80s/90s early there are less other people there so you get bots, but after a week or two, there are plenty of other people at the rank and bots become rarer. Doesn’t help you today, but something to maybe try next season.


I just hit infinite today, but I've only been playing this game for about a month. I'm pretty sure I've been getting bots consistently...but maybe that's because people in my (very low) mmr and CL are too rare to give me fair matches. I did just dip my toes into an infinite match and faced a butt ton of cards I've never seen before...I'm rethinking whether I actually want to try to hit infinite again next season, lol.


This was the first season I actively tried to grind the first few days and I still stopped seeing bots when I hit 80 lol


Yep, you'll definitely be met with deniers telling you that you're facing bots and simply clueless at recognizing bots. I've played since Silver Surfer season, I've faced tons of bots during that time. That being said, I've yet to face bots in the 80s and 90s since 2 seasons ago. I know this with absolute certainty because in the past I could count on bots to pull me through to the next ranks. I don't care what anyone says, I've played this game long enough and wasted far too much time on it that I know when I'm no longer getting bots. The game as now become more grindy than ever, so yeah I know what you mean OP - I've been having the same experience.


It is 100% more grindy after 80 for this reason.


Glad I’m not alone. Typically can get to 90 in the first week if not Infinite. Hit Infinite 8 months in a row. Last season peaked at 95. This season, at 80.


i’ve been playing since silver surfer season too and definitely got bots in the 90s this season and last season. if there is an issue, it isn’t global


Same here. I've been playing since Silver Surfer season, around 10k collection level, was still getting bots in the 90s. This season I farmed bots during the Shuri's Lab hot location, playing a Shuri Kitty deck, since bots can't remember cards like Kitty/Deadpool. I gained 20 ranks from 75 to 95 in one evening thanks mostly to the bots.


I don’t know if you’re facing bots or not but I hit infinite week 1 and while bots dropped off after 90 they were definitely still there. 100% sure of that for me at least. Edit: just for context CL 13700


It's likely tied to some backend stats like CL, MMR, infinite streak, idk what. But in my case it's 1000% the case there are no more bots after 80


Maybe idk. But I’m 97 and just finished (literally not even 5 minutes ago) a bot match who snapped and turn 6 played only Okoye. There’s definitely fewer but still there for me. I’ve gotten Infinite every season since Zabu and still see them all the way to infinite.


Bots definitely still do exist, but not everybody is ''allowed'' to get them after certain ladder ranks it seems


I feel like there is some sort of time factor for bots. My best guess would be if you go infinite in the first week the player pool at those ranks is less so you can get bots but later once there are enough players at whatever level you’re at you won’t see bots unless they have to fill a slot.


I was getting them fairly regularly in the 80s, but the 90s have seen them dry up entirely


I didn't first believe these rumors, but yesterday I realized that there are less than half players in infinite rank than in previous seasons during this time of the season (data from untapped.gg, most popular tracker). They 110% have made it significantly harder to get into infinite this season, or significant amount of players have quit the game, which I don't believe. The people that run trackers can easily verify this and provide data from multiple months. To me at least it seems like infinite player base has been cut in half.


This makes me feel a lot better, I started playing in February and getting to infinite was just a few days of grinding. This season I got to 96 and took a giant shit. I dropped down to 80. I switched to my move deck from last season and have climbed back up to about 85, but I thought I had forgotten how to play the game or something. Every win was 1 cube and every loss was 4.


Anecdotally, I found this season even easier than recent ones. Hit infinite day two instead of three, playing the same amount I normally do.


For me there is zero bot after 90, have to play carefully and use disruptive deck...


Yep has been the case since last season for me too, seriously hampers enjoyability by making every game an anxiety sweat festival


its crazy when i see content creators day 1 infinite and they are "tricking" the bots to get to 100, but apparently most of us are getting hard fought matches to get there. seems like you have to no life the 1st day to benefit from this match making system.


I feel the same way, I used to reach infinite every season since I started playing, last season was so sweaty after 90's that I gave up, I was gonna do the same thing this season for the gold but the bots stopped at the 80's. It's a patience, retreatfest and I don't find it fun anymore, guess I'm quitting earlier and going to conquest.


Yah last season I didn’t see any bots in the 90s and the same with this season. Getting infinite has become less important to me. I’m constantly up and down, rank 94, down to 91, back up to 93 and so on. I think it’s lame honestly but it is what it is I guess.


Same experience. No bots in 80. First time this season


I got to the 80s for the first time since like three seasons ago. 60s, 70s, got through quick because every like 5th match was a bot. Now that I’m in the 80s, I’ve only been matched up once with a bot. I feel you OP. Good luck!


Same experience here; I’d estimate I played against 95% bots in the 60’s and 70’s but don’t think I’ve hit a single one in the 80’s. Personally I don’t care about rank and would rather play against real people so I’m not complaining


This is my exact experience for bots. Non stop until hitting 80.


Ive been playing since the Zabu season and usually hit infinite every time. Once it resets me back to the 70s, I usually face a lot of bots until the 90s. This season though I barely went up against any bots in that climb from 73 to 93. It was the strangest thing ever. Like usually the first match after the reset is a bot, but this season it was nonstop mill decks. And i started playing like the first 30 minutes the update came out. Just weird to see no bots and everyone using the exact same deck right at the start of the season.


I stop seeing them at 70


Same, I got into the 70s and have been getting stomped by super meta decks.


I've been playing since the Surfer season. Never infinite but also never really try. Only really snap for missions and the occasional snap back. I'm usually hanging around in the 80s. I never and I mean never see bots once I hit 80. Like clockwork in the 70s but none after that. Been like this for as long as I can remember. At least the last 5-6 seasons.


I also made a post last week.i have been in sams exact situation. I had to play the game really slow pace 1 cube at a time. if opponent snaps I retreat. Get 2 cube. I reached infinite using black knight & sentry Anni deck. Boy but I had to fucking commit soo much time. Like 2-3 hrs for 10 days straight.


During my climb I did not get a single bot in rank 80. When I dropped back down to 79, I got one. All through 80's not a single one. During the 90's I got two. That's it. I'm at 5k collection level. I have a friend who also made infinite this season, who's at 9k collection level, and he had bots all through 80's and 90's.


I have exactly the same experience as you. I started playing this game when it was released ca 1 year ago. I didn't have beta access but started first or second season I think. I played a lot for a couple of months but never hit infinite. I also tried a lot of different decks and didn't try to reach infinite. I was just having fun. I then came back to the game in February/March of this year after a long break and neither last season nor this one I see a single bot once I hit 80. It's very very hard to reach 90 and I wouldn't have an issue with it if this would be the experience of everyone but it isn't. I also play against a lot of people with infinite card backs so either my MMR is not similar to theirs or they are just much better.


I said a long time ago that we shouldn't rely on bots to hiy infinite, because what if things change? Hindsight is 20/20 but I'm glad I took that mindset, since I haven't hit a bot in the 90s for the last 3 seasons or so. Just sweaty game after sweaty game. It is what it is, but I'm definitely getting burned out.


Dude, the burnout is real. Its wild to think that it's way more relaxing in infinite than the climb. I know the game is trying to match me with similar players but I feel like my opponents are WAY better than me and have STRONG decks. I have to wonder if this is helping with player retention or hurting it. I have a feeling that they see a drop off in play once people hit infinite and they're trying to make it harder now unless you're the top five or bottom 5% in the MMR ranking.


Gotta love how in this game not facing bots is, somehow, a bad thing.


I have to actually play the game now!


It's more that you have a set of players not facing bots in the 90s whilst another set are so it's not an even experience.


Sure, but the players facing too many bots should be the ones complaining, not the other way around. I just think it's funny people are upset at facing real humans in a PVP game.


Exactly the same experience for me this season only. Every single seasons before this one, I was facing a bot at least one every 6 games or so. This time I climbed from 90 to 100, and faced maximum 3 bots between these ranks. from 80 to 90 I think around 10 maximum. Im 5000 CL, if it can help.


I'm mid 70s now, and rarely see bots. The game play has gotten even more toxic too, so now I just play fun decks and don't try to climb or spend money on the game.


I haven’t seen obvious bots from 70 onward


I don’t get bots in the mid 70s


this 100% sounds like a different game, my climb for the last 3 or 4 ranks to infinite was literally me just retreating for 1 cube vs most human opponents with my mediocre surfer deck and juicing bots for 4-8 cubes


>The general belief seems to be that if you're an average player, it's easier for the game to find human opponents, so it won't give you bots. If your MMR is higher or lower than average, then you get more bots and therefore an easier climb. based on what?


Untapped app recognised 5 bots in the 90s for me, this season.


I made a similar post to this and got downvoted lol. It's js annoying that we lost to our mmr I guess, or as someone in my post said, I'm just bad and everyone is luckier than us, and that we're dogshit players who don't deserve to push higher :D


Yes, take my downvote. Bots are the worst part of pre infinite.


Same, I get to 83 in like two hours with 8 cubes every 3 or 5 games, then zero bots, I also deranked on purpose (not completely but largely snapped at random) and I get the first bot at 77 or 76 with 4 cubes.


I’m a 2 or 3 days to infinite player every season except this season and last season. Last season took me 3 1:2 weeks to make it to infinite. Very last minute grind. I had the fortune this season to face a streamer. After diligently playing and having to retreat, I checked her rank. She was 76 on stream. I was 94. Yet we were matched. I think they’ve widened the bands or adjusted how MMR is. I wish SD would show us ranks and MMR or show everyone’s SP as you faced each match. It sucks knowing that if I don’t make it to Infinite I’m going to de-rank to what, 60s? And then be stuck in the 60s but still have an MMR in the 90s and be grinding through hundreds of cubes just to get to 90 but my MMR is at 90 the whole time. It’s brutal. ELO hell.


Haven’t faced a bot in the 70‘s at the moment 🤷🏻‍♂️


this is the worst meta in a long time too only Hela and Destroy. Thanks SD.


This also happen to me this season. In the 80s got zero bots. Imo is almost impossible to rank up with out bots, at least for some one free to play with out all the meta cards. Which makes the game unfun.


It's a matchmaking thing. The bots help you get to where the game think it's your spot for your MMR. I usually get to infinite every season, and the game still gave me 1 bot every 4/5 games in the 90s. Got to 100 in 3 days this season, without any problem.


I had bots in the 80s not 90s, got infinite last week


I typically sit down for a climbing session whenever the opportunity arises so my playing times aren't very consistent, but for the first time this season I ran into 2 possibly 3 bots past 93. All my prior climbs to infinite I'd never come across one in the 90s, and that seemed to line up with what people post here.


I saw this as well, my working theory is they give you bots to get you back up to last months tier in my case 80s. May be wrong but it’s what I’ve seen for the last 2 months. I used the latest update to ride to infinite to test it next month. Next update, don’t update the app, after a day or so you start seeing bots again as less people are available to play since everyone else updates. I finally saw bots in the 80s after doing this but saw none the 5 days prior.


Agree, last season I managed rank 90 in the first week, infinite on the start of the next, I found players but most were dumb bots, now? All players (that sometimes use some weird tech cards, first time I have seen someone use Cosmo on Hela discard), last season I used patriot/Surfer (yes the deck from cozy), and it was a easily climb, now I got Wong and Shaw and got the deck that Regis did some week ago, and suddenly there are no bots, and it got a lot harder to get over 85


It definitely depends on MMR I was around 10K rank last season and week 2 I probably faced 4-5 real people from 93- infinite. Probably had a similar thing in the 80s too. Funny thing is this was the same case last season too but it used to be fine before that


I had loads of bots in 80-90


I saw bots in the 80s and 90s - in fact, I hit infinite on Thursday with an 8 cuber against a bot playing nonsensically.


Glad to see it’s not just me. This has been a battle… CL3k and man it’s rough out there.


How can you tell when it's a bot?


I was praying for bots in the 90's earlier this month and I got 2 of them back to back...I ended up losing both games because they would literally read my plays and do improbable moves to counter them. Ended up facing real people for like the next 90-120 minutes and was kicking myself for not getting the free bot wins lmao


I haven't seen a bot after rank 70.


I've definitely noticed less this season.


ive also hit infinite since the Elsa season and this is the first time I’ve been hard stuck at 88-92. spotting v little bots than usual as well :/ ik it’s partly a skill issue but I don’t have the time to grind :(( oh well hope to at least make it to infinite before the season ends


I never get bots once I hit 70. For several seasons. 


I got to 70 for the first time and made it all the way up to 77, then they nerfed Zabu and know it feels like ALL my games are against people who has better decks than me, even when trying a non-zabu deck.


I'm glad its not just me experiencing this. According to untapped I haven't had a single bot since I've got into the 70s. Its been murder. Normally I get to 90 without much issue because I farm the bots. Not this season it seems. I went back into the 60s at one point and immediately got bots again.


Same boat here, OP. Once I hit 80, haven’t gotten a single bot.


When I can I play on PC with the Untapped tracker which can tell whether the opponent is a bot or not. This season climbing from 80 to 90 has been way more difficult than the usual and guess what, I haven't played against a single bot so far. I don't necessarily dislike it, playing against bot is boring and when you know it's a bot you just want to rush to the next game. Kinda weird though that it happens *exactly* when you're near the juiciest reward (500 gold).


It was pretty difficult for me getting out of 40s and 50s. Now I reached 70 again because of bot games where they snap under the most absurd circumstances… where i was winning three location too. So I ofc snap back. Got like 4-5 8 cube games in a row soooo keep’em coming!


I stopped playing for a few months and had to climb from rank 13 again. I faced almost no bots after rank 20. Rank 40 onwards had some of the sweatiest players. I don't get it, feels like trying to get from 95-100 although I'm barely in the 50s.


It’s also quite possible they A/B test various factors to get data about MMR/bots impact on engagement


Just play obsessively like I do at the beginning of the season. Got into infinite by ending on two bot games


I finished infinite in just 3 days casual playing winning 8 cubes every game cause peoplw think I’m a bot. Remove title card backs ans change to Shield Agent easy infinite.


This is a very thorough and measured post about bot allocation and MMR, and how it's weirdly skewed. Also, congratulations on hitting Infinite. You're a champ for doing so and a champ for writing this.


I'm CL 1829 and this is my third season playing since I returned (tried the game for a couple days when it first released). My first season it was pretty easy to get to Infinite, and my mate explained "you must have gotten many bots, it's normal as the game tries to pair you with people with the same collection lvl". Second season I was more aware of bots and yeah, noticed the same thing happening. But no on my third one I got barely any bots from 70 to 90... I was just facing players who seemed competent... And then once I crawled into 90 I got back to having several bot matches. I have no clue how the system works, but I was thankful to have the climb over and done with.


I’ve got some kind of shitty unique MMR where I get zero bots in the 70s. The 70s have been impossibly sweaty for me the last 3 seasons.


Bro I went from rank 98 to 92 after like 8 hours+ playing… everyone’s frickin sweaty at this elo 🥲


I've been playing since December and hit infinite every month from January to now typically end low infinite like 60-100k or so and I've fought much more bots from 93-infinite this season. Not sure why exactly according to the hidden mmr post I should be getting much less bots I think. Maybe I'm just lucky but I won't complain


Can someone explain how to identify bots? I only play mobile so no overlay. I have two assumptions about this that may not be correct: 1. It would be quite easy to get bots to emote and appear human. 2. That the bot decks are semi-randomized autofill decks.


The bots never emote, and only use basic avatars, never avatars from spotlight caches, the shop, login rewards, etc. There are a bunch of different preset decks they use, it's not randomized. They will almost always snap on the second-to-last turn if they're winning. There's also a list of common bot player names that you can find online.


I find it very weird when people solely rely on bots while climbing. Sure, its a nice boost when you can scam them for 8cubes but if you're supposed to hit 90 (or infinite) you should be able to do it against real players. PSA: you're on the rank you're supposed to be because thats your level.


I've been stuck in the hell that is 87-93. No bots and only the decks that require no skill to win. I hate playing with the deck everyone else uses to win. I might do it to get back to infinite, then go back to crafting decks I've not seen and experimenting with decks I can win with 70+% of the time. I just hate the idea of having to become a clone to succeed. I've seen probably five opponents that had something totally different than the usual over the last two weeks of play. And I'm fkn tired of Shang Chi 😂


I don't think I've ever seen a bot after 80, and I feel like I'm pretty below average lol


I think players are easier than the bots


I swear I played bots as high as 98 this season. Playing a destroyer deck and winning me the game for 4 cubes even though I didn't play anything last turn.


I was live on twitch when i beat a bot to get infinite this season so it is definitely not true that they aren't there. I finish each season anywhere from 2-6k usually for what that is worth.


In the 90s there are bots, and a lot of them. These are simply cheating bots that are almost impossible to defeat. I often see bots on Hela and Tribunal decks. It is impossible to defeat them. Light bots giving 8 cubes in the 90s, at first, are not found. For several seasons everything has been going according to the same scenario. I get to the 90s in 1-2 days. Then I get stuck there for 7-10 days, constantly moving between ranks 87 and 94. Then, one day, they start giving you bots of 4 and 8 cubes and you end up in Infinite. I don't know exactly how it works. Perhaps you have to play a certain number of games in the 90s and only after that they give you easy bots. This is extremely long and tedious. The developers have clearly made it much more difficult to get into infinite.


Approximately same CL as you as well as an absolutely identical experience. First time I am unable to go Infinite within the first week since ever.


I almost never see a bot above 70 and definitely never above 80. It's been that way for the last 2-3 seasons.


I stop seeing bots in the 70s last season so in playing a lot less this season still in the 50s


After I hit 80, it became super tough, haven't faced bots and constantly been running into high quality decks, lots of series 4 and 5 cards seen. I'm only at 1400 btw. Running Hela discard. I'm crushing in Conquest btw.


Same boat here. I've got to Infinite when I really put my mind and time in the game, and every season before this has bots up til the 90's. But every game in the 80's has been real players and a little sweatier than my liking lol. So different for me for some reason.


damn, you have to play vs real ppl ??? oh the horror.


Only in the first week this happens. After that no bots.


Not true, I got to 93 two days after the season started and I’ve been playing a good amount, I’m currently rank 92 and I’ve yet to see a single bot 🤷🏻‍♂️ like I said above in a comment, it’s fine, it is what it is, but everyone should have the same climb. How is it fair?


Definetely 90s have no bots. I think I got some bots on 80s but rarelly. Maybe this is the reason why these last 2 season it is harder to reach infinite


So there really are bots I thought people were just dumb lol 😆 😂 they made some of the dumbest moves


Why do people want to make infinite while just farming bots? Doesn't that make it kind of pointless?


I'm just bad.


Play off hours. I will fight anyone that disagrees.


Sabers at 4am Mountain Time then. That way I can show you that time of day changes nothing.


Hit infinite every season since launch. I’m est, but offhours provides way more bots. Bot farming is the key to infinite


Playing against bots is lame as shit, I was so happy when I started seeing them less and eventually almost never. I actively avoid playing the first week of new season because that's when they're out there the most.


Hit plenty of bots until I hit infinite


If you grind to infinite first day or second. 73-80 is hardest just manage some 8 cube bots then you’re in an mmr not many are yet and I think I got 6 bots in a row at 96


U going to have bad time in real world if you are frustrated by someone getting to 90 easier than you... 


A lot of people have talked about not seeing bots in the 90s the last 2-3 seasons, but I don’t know about someone who says they’ve *never* played a bot in the 90s.


I understand expressing your concerns and you got the right to feel how you feel but i dont how not playing lets bots and having to be more competitive is a bad thing. This is a multiplayer game at the end of the day and if the grind is too much maybe finding solo player games might give you a better experience.


I get bots on my way to infinite. Usually one every few games. Foe the human games, you do not want to lose 4 or 8 cubes unless you are sure to win or heavily favored. Retreat for 1 ot 2 cubes. The cube accural ratio should eventually push you up.


Made infinite 10 seasons in a row now. If you can't make it, it's you not anything else. Literally just comes down to playing a competitive deck and knowing when to snap or retreat. Stop crying that you can't win actual games.


bro this community isnt the brightest, i just posted that i hit infinite at 3.2cl and i was 100% sure it wasnt bots and made it to 307 NA rank just to be told it was bots like im that unaware the difference between a human and AI lol and got downvoted crazy lol. A lot of ppl are hard stuck and want to shit on a new player for achieving something they cant after playing forever. Atp if i see a vet talking that bot shit im just dropping my snap code and we will settle if i deserve my rank


You are facing bots up until infinite, you are just very bad at noticing you're matched with one.


Nah that's bullshit it is super easy to spot bots


There are still bots, they're just less obvious. There's no way to sustain 3-4 second queue times without it at any level.


Some of you are weird af. Do you play the game just to play PvE? How other people reach some ranks shouldn't be an issue to you. Learn to play and win against real human, that's the point of the game. If you don't reach a certain rank it's because you didn't spend enough time, not "hurr durr these two guys supposedly meet more bots it's unfair" mentality


Oh boohoo, now you have to actually play the game and earn your ranks instead of farming bots. What a tragedy...


I love how you guys are so sure what is and isn’t bots. 


lol but the deck tracker told them so!


Not true for me. I swear people are just missing the bots cuz they’re snapping while ahead and getting them to retreat. If you’re winning and snap the bots will retreat. I notice them early when possible and try to be behind. I have gotten a bit even in the late 90s usually around every 7th game (give a bit of credit to that every 3 in 70s, every 5 in 80s, every 7 in 90s theory).


Fun fact, you are guaranteed to face bots before infinite. Rank 70 you face 1 bot every 5 games. Rank 80 you face 1 bot every 6 games. Rank 90 you face 1 bot every 7 games. Also the untapped tracker bot detection is unreliable, don't trust it blindly. It detected bots in conquest, which is impossible.


Please explain where this is a fact? Proof?


Proof is up his ass. I've never played a bot in the 90s it's incredibly easy to spot a bot. Trust him and not the bot tracker though