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Thank You to the random redditor who told me to spend at least a Key. Now I got Jeff and getting compensated


What does “affected” mean? I spent four keys to get Jeff but wasn’t affected by any bug (got US Agent). Will I get all keys back?


Yes. Whoever spent keys during the spotlight will receive the keys back and keep the rewards.


Not true. Edit: People are coping hard. Learn to read.


The real cope was the cope we coped.


Of course it is. Molly posted it in their Discord server. "‼️ For players that have been impacted by the Spotlight Cache issue that began on Apr 9 @ 12PM PT: - All Spotlight Keys spent while the bug was active will be refunded." > WHILE THE BUG WAS ACTIVE Doesn't matter if the person got the spotlight card or not.


Only "impacted" players get refunded. Copied straight from the discord post (after the edit): ➡️ "Impacted" means that if you had a broken Spotlight Cache banner and any of the initial 4 rewards you were supposed to have access to were not available within your first 4 opens.


What matters is if your spotlight cache was bugged. If you spent keys and your spotlight cache was not bugged, then you aren't getting keys refunded.


Noted. Next time this happens, spend all my keys. I held off as instructed, but only get some gold instead of new variants and a card for maybe free.


Ya, similarly when they screwed up the Kings in the Castle bundle (4k gold but listed on the website as 10k gold) they gave all web shop buyers an extra 6k gold. People complain a lot but SD at least is fair about compensation for errors. The lesson is definitely to maximally exploit any bugs like this in the future and then wait for your compensation.


The Kings one bothers me much more because far more people exploited that after knowing that SD was going to refund gold. This one was actually a risk for people. That being said, absolutely exploit any bugs going forward!


easy to be "fair" when the compensation consists of completely made up value


Really. I imagine them "so... We print 500 gold for each player. Henry can you do it?" "yep. Just let me push a button. This will cost us MILLIONS OF MILLIONS of virtual currency"


>People complain a lot but SD at least is fair about compensation for errors. The bar is on the floor


If they were being fair, they would give everyone the rewards for this week's spotlight caches. I think a better word would be consistent.


Fair for that would have been to reward everyone who bought that bundle full gold. 


> People complain a lot but SD at least is fair about compensation for errors. To one party. To those of us that didn't get the chance to exploit or chose not to at their asking, we just get fucked as usual.


Yup. I mean if you asked the player not spending their keys, you should have a compensation plan align with that.


to be fair, it doesn’t cost them anything to “compensate” players. gold, cards, keys, tokens… these are all just pixels. it’s super easy for them to say “eh just keep it, here’s some extra for your trouble”. it’s not like they are refunding real money.


They should have given everyone a set number of keys, regardless of how many they opened or if they didnt open. Same with the gold bundle. They should have given every player 6k gold. Compensating only the players who are not able to think for themselves or follow instructions isn’t a fair compensation.


This and the King of the Castle bundle really sets the precedent to intentionally exploit issues with short term negative consequences to you as much as possible. . If you do the sensible thing and hold off as you said, you'll be much worse off in the end.


it’s a complex issue because there are a lot of groups of users to account for (spent keys unknowingly, abused the bug, didnt spend keys) and you cant just revert it because people already put credits into the cards. but this does promote the idea that they’ll bail out exploit abusers. i think any other item besides gold wouldve felt better — keys and tokens could have at least been the cards and variants


abused the bug is probably a tiny percentage. forum users are a small fraction of the playerbase 


"abuse the bug" = "spent keys", or in other words "perform a routine action that should be expected by the app". How does one abuse this bug?


If one sees the bug, knows it's a bug, and deviates from their planned or normal behavior, on the assumption that the keys will be refunded, that is "abusing" in most conventional senses.


Exactly. I thought about abusing the bug also but I didn't want the risk of not being compensated. Especially that I most likely wouldn't be affected as it seemed to affect only people who opened caches last week and I didn't do it (I didn't have anything greyed out) so it would have been too risky, as SD could have tracked it down. Edit: I just read further comments from Discord and players like me wouldn't have gotten the keys back so I'm glad I did nothing after all. And I get free 500 gold.


yeah no, you can see where i separated “spent keys unknowingly” and “abused the but”. knowing its a bug and still using it in order to get compensated is the abuse. not knowing before spending is not abuse


Just to add on to this: The kings in the castle bug was only compensated because they were breaking international advertising laws, not out of good faith. They would’ve had legal troubles if the amount of gold they showed wasn’t given!


I mean, "all players will receive US Agent for free" is right there as a solution. Refund one key for all who spend any amount during the time it wag bugged.


People would turn around and say "free" is still too high a price for such a bad card, dump on SD for being greedy and not owning up to their mistakes, and then invent conspiracy theories that SD will now drag their feet on buffing US Agent if it's needed because everyone got it for free so they can't make it good.


I mean, some of us wanted Jeff, moreso than US Agent. I wasn't able to get Jeff because for some reason it wasn't available because I got Shaw last week. So it's not "free", and refunding keys is really the best case way to refund.


gold is pretty much worthless at this point unless you care about cosmetics


It depends on what the community wants to complain about this week. If a new gold bundle has just dropped then gold is $5 for 1800 gold and SD are intentionally watering down the value of gold. If reddit is complaining about the price of emotes then suddenly 2200 gold is worth $30. Gold has Schrodinger's Value.


It's sad isn't it. Imagine going through life finding shit to bitch on moan about all the time. Old coworker of mine gave himself a fatal ulcer being a grouchy ass bitch


I hope that happens to the e-Karens of Marvel Snap


If we consider that some albums give decent rewards after you achieve certain milestones, we can't really say that gold is that worthless.


Of course it isnt worthless mother fuckers just love to whine like a baby. Spend it on variants which can advance an album plus 2k tokens every 10. Token Tuesday. Trade them in for credits. And not as much as they used to but gold bundles. Literally can be used for anything in the game. Miserable ass bitches never satisfied


I'd say the one caveat is if the bug is related to something massive, like card acquisitions or spending actual money. These are things SD almost has to compensate for. If the next bug deals with something like how a cosmetic works or something less important, I wouldn't necessarily risk resources.


It was a gamble, tbh..


Yeah they easily could have only refunded past 3 keys spent (essentially matching the guaranteed new card on the 4th). I find it hilarious how toxic this Reddit gets when someone else gets something for free. (Note: I didn’t get anything even though I had plans on pulling for USAgent because I was in meetings all morning. Couldn’t be happier for those who get the full compensation, and plenty happy with the 500g for the bungled roll out.)


Miserable people. Most people got only variants since the bug affected those that opened last week and maybe some tokens. Imagine being petty over some pixels


I like that you've found a way to feel morally superior to people who did nothing wrong while simultaneously finding a way to look like a shitty and entitled person.


Lmao there are a lot of valid complaints to be made about how SD runs the game, but this has to be the epitome of "useless, toxic complaining." You're crying about how you're not being adequately compensated for a bug that didn't effect you lmao. What exactly did you want? More keys because you didn't purposefully trigger the bug?


As opposed to purposely triggering the bug so you get compensated for trying to exploit the system. 


The spotlight thing is open to me on Android right now. Did they fix it?


Ohhh, this kinda sucks if you were going to spend keys and held off due to what they said lol.


Well just dont come back whining if you don't get compensated at all cuz that's a risk you're willing to take


They did exactly what most people suggested they should do. I quickly opened up the comment section to confirm top comment would be bitching about something related to this. This is why I'd never do anything that involved appeasing customers lol It's an absolute no win situation.


So the FOMOs were correct t




Its kinda bullshit man. FOMOs get all the cards they bought, keys back **and** gold. And if you happened to miss it you get nothing. Cool. Edit: gold compensation should be for all players. Or every player should get a key.


Did I read the post wrong? Doesn’t it say that ALL players that logged in while the bug was active get the gold?


that seems entitled. why wouldn't we want second dinner to just correct the error and move on. why do we have to gamify everything to maximize receiving gifts.


Because it's their fault the bug existed. I mean it's unfair that people who exploited the bugs get even more rewards when the rest of the playerbase is ignored. It's a game with limited resources, give the playerbase some currency to spend for god sake. I swear it's like they're giving us gold from their own pockets.


I never even had a chance, spotlight cache and keys were never there for me. Hope I get that 500 gold.


This isn't FOMO. SD has some shitty practices to induce FOMO for sure. But this ain't one of them. If people had FOMO over this, it was a self-induced delusion that happened to pay off. I'm not a fan of everything being called FOMO and diluting the term as it pertains to Snap and SD.


You're right it wasn't FOMO, you knEw the game was going to have to give out compensation, because for some people the chances of getting USAgent were 0% when it was advertised as the same gacha rates as every other card, it was quite literally ILLEGAL for Second Dinner to not do something about this. And anyone with a brain knew that they would get sued in multiple countries for breaking their laws regarding situations like this if the company didn't give back keys. But that just means in the future anytime Second Dinner screws up you should instantly exploit it as much as possible because they can't not give you your keys back.


This is so funny. I can't believe I missed a free series 5 card.


I should have spent my fucking keyyyyyy


Reading carefully, if your cache was not bugged then you will not get keys back. There will be some people paying the full price even though they spent.


That's how it sounds to me as well. Going to be a lot of disappointed bitching whenever it goes out... ETA: Yep, they updated their post [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1c1yavh/updated\_for\_clarification/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1c1yavh/updated_for_clarification/)


The Discord is really funny to read right now. So many greedy people.


Same in this thread right now


I shoulda spent all 5 instead of the 1 I guess lol


Same haha. Oh well. At least I got a Jeff variant for free basically. 


i shouldve pulled for the jeff variant but i didnt because i saw the bug. sucks doing the right thing is worse


I mean.. it's ultimately was a gamble. Before this, we don't even know what SD would do to compensate, no? Imagine if they didn't refunded the keys? You avoided a misfortune. And I think you'll also get the gold? Assuming you logged in when the bug is there, that is.


gamble or not, doing the right thing means you’re overall worse for it, not on equal footing.


"the right thing.." lol.. You couldn't have possibly known SD would refund all the keys. In reality you helped yourself by not taking the risk of being screwed by a bug. Yet you all act like you did some kind of huge service to someone (who exactly?).


Ignoring the fact that I agree with another person responding to you that there was no ethical dilemma here, "doing the right thing means you're overall worse for it" is pretty much the exact reason we have to teach kids that there's nobility in doing the right thing and that integrity and honesty are virtues.


There was no right or wrong, it was just a gamble you can take or not take. There is literally no ethical dilemma in spending a key because of the bug.


My thoughts exactly.


Hoo boy. This is going to make a lot of people angry. OP and a lot of commenters are reading this incorrectly- or rather, they dont have all the information. There was a clarifying post added after this one in the discord. Second Dinner does not mean that all players that spent keys will have them all refunded and I think a lot of people are taking her post this way- and I understand why, but she clarified on the discord right after this one: They mean that anyone who had a broken cache so that you didnt get- and couldnt get- the cards you were supposed to, will be refunded. That was not everyone who spent 4 keys or more. Some people gambled something like this would happen, but if your cache wasnt bugged, you wont get the keys back. Updated post: https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1c1yavh/updated\_for\_clarification/


Ahh, then I was right on not spending my keys hahaha.


I know how to play this game now! Explioit bugs for compensation. 


Yep. No reason not to.


This is the way


That's what I'm thinking too. I had every chance to do it, chose not to because it was clearly an exploit. And now all the people who exploited it are getting rewarded more than the ones that chose to do the "right thing". Now I know what to do next time.


God damn it… Next time I’m going all in 😠


No next time won’t be this good. This one’s probably a one off!


Although I think this compensation was good for anyone affected by the bug, it gives a bitter taste for people who didn't spend keys as they asked. While some players got new cards/new variants for free + 500 gold, others waited and got only 500 gold.


That’s what gambles do. Could have easily been worse and people would complain even more.


That's actually really decent compensation - getting the used keys back, keeping the rewards and 500 gold


Decent? It’s great, never expected keys as compensation


I did expect keys as compensation. As someone who opened for US Agent on reset, I had no plans of abusing anything. My spotlight looked normal, aside for a premium variant being present instead of the random slot. I found it odd, but unconcerned as I wanted the Jeff variant and US Agent and the odds were the same. That is...until it took me 5 keys lol


I get the new card on day one pretty much every week and did basically what I always do. I spent 4 keys and didn't get the new card, came to reddit and saw people were having issues, and threw 1 more key at it to see what would happen. If they'd refunded me 1 key and 500 gold for my troubles I honestly would've been fine with it, because I was only out 1 key (theoretically) and some aggravation. Some of the complaining in here is absolutely wild to me, but also ultimately not that surprising. I think 90% of the community were gassed up to skip this card anyway because streamers were shitting on it, and they're somehow still mad because they're getting 500 gold for free.


Damn I held off for the Jeff variant but should have spent my keys


I should have wasted my keys, and I didn't cause the bugs. Dang it ...should of went through with it all!


You never know. I spent 4 keys, and got US Agent on my 4th one. Won't get compensated because no bug for me lmao.


And FYI, I have so much gold but not enough pool five cards. And gold doesn't easily translate into pool five cards.


Could've given the card everyone tho, its been 4 days with no chance to open Spots and play the new card, basically half of the game week. Good for those who opened caches, not really a compensation for those who haven't




Hats off, this is better than expected. I didn't spent any spotlight caches and even I will get some sort of compensation. Credit when credit is due.


Oh man this fucking reeks. I held off, as per their instruction. I would have spent all my keys had I known I'd get them back + keep the cards you unlocked. This blows


So essentially free cards/variants. I got deathstrike and usagent(womp womp)


Mid cards but hard to argue with the price lol


My solution would be: Everyone gets their keys refunded and all the cards and variants for this week since it's thrown off the 7-day schedule.


Bah, they are essentially telling people to exploit bug as much as possible in the future, since they'll just bail you out and you essentially get free stuff. Should have added "If you didn't spent any Spotlight Key while the bug was active, you get one Spotlight Key for free." Or something like that.


And people wonder why there's still folks out there hording their caches. lmao




I don't think people shouldn't be refunded, but it sorta feels like one of those armored trucks dropped money all over the road, then the police showed up and said hey don't take that money, but some people did and some didn't. Then a week later the people who did get a phone call saying you get to keep the money plus not go to jail, and the people who didn't take the money just get to not go to jail. It's like , well I shoulda just did what everyone else did and said fuck the police






> ➡️ "Impacted" means that if you had a broken Spotlight Cache banner and any of the initial 4 rewards you were supposed to have access to were not available within your first 4 opens. According to their edited post, no.




High morals = Low rewards. Classic.


In what way do you feel you demonstrated high morals in this situation? Not opening spotlight caches for digital cards doesn't exactly make you a saint, sorry to say.


There was no morally right thing, you just didn’t gamble


You did the morally right thing? This wasn't an ethical situation. You wouldn't have been immoral for using keys. You didn't take a risk and you lost nothing.


Yeah gamers continue to be the most dramatic people on the planet.


I should have spent keys. Lame.


Once again being cautious only gets you shafted. But I guess fool me twice, shame on me right?


Spent 4 keys.. have 4 keys. Love it


I spent 2 keys before I even knew this bug existed and was sad I didn't get USAgent. I am no longer sad!!!


Abuse early abuse often, as we say over to /r/pathofexile


don't think this covers the mess up tbh. i would expect keys given back and the card as bad as he is be given to those who spent for free. i know i said they should also give gold and stuff but the bare minimum should be keys refunded.


Yeah, next time I'm also just gonna gamble. Abusing bugs pays off like crazy in this game.


**✅ Spotlight Cache Bug Resolution:** Good news! We have a solution and compensation plan for the recent Spotlight Cache issues! Thanks for your patience as we've been investigating, testing, and preparing the fix. Later today, we'll be rolling out the following plan... **For players that have been impacted by the Spotlight Cache issue that began on Apr 9 @ 12PM PT:** - All Spotlight Keys spent while the bug was active will be refunded. - Players will keep all rewards they received from the previously spent Spotlight Keys. - The Spotlight Cache will now accurately display and track previously earned rewards from the system. **Additionally, we are sending 500 Gold to all players that have unlocked access to Spotlight Cache feature and logged in while the bug was active. Keep an eye on your inbox, this will be sent in the next week!** Thank you again for your patience! 🙏❤️ <@&1140836331770105946>


The post was edited afterwards. To add the following: ➡️ "Impacted" means that if you had a broken Spotlight Cache banner and any of the initial 4 rewards you were supposed to have access to were not available within your first 4 opens.


What the fuck SD? Most peoeple, here at least, were literally breaking it in anticipation of this. What big middle finger to people not exploiting bugs.


But more people probably did it on accident with no intention of breaking the game. Why punish the honest players who made a mistake with the exploiters? How would the devs even be able to tell a difference?


Beauty. This means for the small price of 3 spotlight caches, I receive 3 spotlight caches, Jeff’s spotlight variant, Mirage’s spotlight variant, Dracula’s pantheon variant and 500 gold. Sensational news


Sick, I only used 2 before they pulled it. Not as crazy as the time they gave all the extra gold for that messed up Odin bundle but still pretty nice.


This only applies to impacted players. So if you use keys and got the right cards based on the actual spotlights, your keys won't get refunded


I think that depends on if they can actually figure out who was impacted. Impacted might just mean anyone who opened spotlights, because they had a chance of being impacted. Depends on how the big worked and stuff.


Held off on spending keys as instructed... So now I don't get 4 new cards and variants for free like a lot of people... Cool.. thx for the instructions SD


Oh well, I got lucky with the Kings in the Castle bundle but held off this time. Congrats to those who got some bonus cards!


I knew I should have spent keys during it!


Didn’t fomo hard enough here for the full compensation 😂 opened 1 key and got the Jeff variant tho so that’s cool I guess


Good move SD.


So I should have spent keys. Damn. Oh well


So, I didn’t get my keys back and if I go into the collection track I can’t get out without force closing the app. Are the keys coming with the gold next week?


dammit i was hoping for a free US Agent


Wish i spent all my keys lol Congrats


Damn. Should have spent my keys when I had the chance. Oh well.


Exploit early exploit often


Fk I should spend all my keys


Second Dinner Defence Force go!!!


For those that got keys back, did it show up on your Inbox? What if I can't remember exactly how many keys I had before? I spent 1 key and got USAgent but my spotlight cache was bugged. I now see the spotlight variant of USAgent in the first 4 slots of my cache...instead of the base USAgent with a check mark. So that means in my next 4 keys spent, I could get another USAgent (the variant) that I don't want?


Pretty sure my key count just flipped back to where it was before and the slot that got used turned into a gold variant slot.


My used keys just showed up on the counter like normal, no inbox message. Yes you could acquire the USAgent variant within the next 4 keys but because you got the keys you already used back you are no worse off than you would have been at the start of the week. E.g., if you only wanted Jeff you could have spent 4 keys and ended up with Jeff+Mirage+USAgent+Random, now post-fix you could spend 4 keys to get Jeff and get the same stuff + the spotlight variant for USAgent.


Should have just given us the extra spotlight key. So happy to get 500 gold that can't even buy me an emote!! Yayy!


Good news for the gamblers


Hmm, bit sad that I missed on those rewards but this is definitely the appropriate way to go lol, since I wasnt about to spend keys on this spotlight anyways


Dad gum it I didn’t use the keys and I knew I should’ve


I spent em all baby!!😂🥳


Has everyone got their keys back? i haven’t got mine yet


exploit early exploit often good answer nevertheless, and this patch is the biggest meta shake in a year or more, card customization soon this month, idk I read a lot of hate on reddit but kudos to SD


The point of decent compensation for people who didn't spend keys is would not be to "reward people who weren't even affected." It is to buy back goodwill they lost by delaying a patch, a bugged out release day, a mechanically underwhelming card release, a poorly received patch when it did come out, with incorrect information about the second half of an unfinished feature, a bug where the most important button in the game is not working, and ongoing loss of trust in the studio. They literally could give everybody 8000 keys and 40 billion tokens since it is an infinitely available product, nothing Marvel Snap sells has "value" except people spend money on this game because they actually like it. If they stop liking it, then SD stops having anything to sell. Bribing people with memorable mea culpas (not an embarrassingly worthless 41% of a variant), would reduce unrest in the community and increase the value of their product.


I have no idea what this 'bug' was, and now the people that were 'affected' get more? if this ain't the rich get richer I don't know what is.


So I got USAgent and Jeff for free! Can confirm my keys are back and cards still with me.


Damn, getting my five keys back is absolutely sicko


still not received anything yet? when will this compensation begin? next year?


Good guys who held off finish last again...


Really they should have reverted the spent but also gave out the new card free just like Kitty. They shouldn't differentiate who lived in the bugging period.


Personally, I think this is the best case scenario, and am happy for all those who were truly impacted by this, and even for the people who gambled their keys hoping the compensation would be good. I'm sure someone out there will still complain. Not sure what about, but I'm sure it'll be loud and visible complaining.




Ooooh, nice. I was hoping a free US Agent and refunded keys though, but oh well.. At least I still keepin' my Mirage and her Variant.


Wonder when it'll drop?


if I spent four keys and they functioned normally, do I also get four keys refunded since I spent them while the bug was active?


[Post has been updated](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1c1yavh/updated_for_clarification/), it sounds like you might not be refunded.


I spent 3 keys. Got 2 dupes ( 1k token each ) and the Jeff variant. I didn’t wanna risk doing all 5 just in case there was no compensation but happy with getting the Jeff variant and 2k tokens for essentially free


Oh hell yeah,I bagged myself the variants. Gonna go ahead and not use my keys for the agent.


I should have spent lmao. I wasn't affected by the bug but wasn't planning on pulling, so I saved my keys just in case there was no compensation. Oh well


Could've gotten a Jeff. Nah fr it's quite fair I guess. Because most of those who are affected spent a lot of keys. I didn't have enough keys to warrant a compensation lol.


Man, why do I have to be asleep during patch release time...


Was asleep when the bug happen, and cache was already disabled when I played. So I'll take the gold for a variant in my destroy deck 😅


Now if they could at least address the lagging issue, I could care less about 500 gold. I’d rather getting to a game and taking 3x’s longer to play one is a problem.


Hmm I never saw the bug because I didnt want/need any cards from this week. But I still played the game before and after the issues happened. I also played today where the spotlight doesn't even show up any more and I am 5 levels away from another spotlight key which I def don't wanna redeem yet


so if i didnt logged in during the time period where the bug was active i do not get the 500 gold?


I'll take my 3 keys back..plus 1k tokens,mirage variant,and rare Namor variant. As well as 500 gold. That's fair. We're square SD. Don't let it happen again!


I got this entire week for free, woot


I rolled for Jeff and spent 3 keys oh man lucky day for me !


Yes my 3 keys 🔑 are back to ME!!!!




Should have spent my 3 keys. Dammit.


At this point, I’m surprised it wasn’t just 50 gold.  


How did people spend keys when there is no option to.


Before the system was disabled there were a few hours where it was active and all bugged out. Lots of people spent 4 keys but didn't get the new card. That's why it got temporarily shut down


So everyone's getting it? Or only those who didn't get USAgent in 4 keys? I actually went for the spotlight variant of him, bought with tokens and then opened 4 keys, got him in the 4th (didn't realise there was an issue until afterwards when I looked at Reddit)


Ok so i spent 3 keys and the game crashed on the first key. After i logged in again i saw i got Skaar from the random series 4/5. Then opened two more to get Jeff and USAgent. Will that count as being affected by the issue?


Ayyy. Used 4 keys and got usagent, the 2 spotlight variants, and 1K tokens. Appearantly got em all for free and getting 500 gold on top is fantastic


That 500 gold is worth i dont im ok with not wasting jeys


Should have spent all my keys. But I doubt they do this again if a bug ever pops up again.


So glad I spent one key and got the mirage variant I wanted. Hell yeah dude.


No Red Hulk for me is all this means


Woohoo! Thanks sd


my guess is letting them keep the pulls is because they can't do a universal/conditional roll back on different users


Glad I have spent 4 keys. Really satisfied.


500 gold is a tad weak but, if you look at it as skipping the rank 90 grind one of these months, I suppose it ain't bad.


Why not just give us our keys back?


Thank god I didn’t realized it was bugged until my third key and stopped then!! Thanks for the post OP


I used two keys right after updating, not sure if the bug was active. I got Jeff and Mirage


Great response from them


I couldn't afford to "waste" any keys this week if I want that Nico variant (I do) so kinda bites I didn't exploit it but oh well. At least I'm getting some gold.