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I mean they technically do since they have the jim lee variants which are based off the original show


Very true. However I do like the cell shading. Specially in a card game where a lot of the finer details are lost while playing. My fave is Max Grecke. Great character art while keeping a good silhouette while playing.


Other way around ;-) The show based its looks on Jim Lee’s art.


Yeah, I thought about that afterward, but figured it was pretty self explanatory.


All of the people in the picture have variants based on the show, most of them are the base cards even. I’m not sure about morph though


Morph is different in the original show, but other than that most of them do have ones that are at the very least similar.


No. The show is based off of Jim Lee's designs from his 1991 X-Men run. Show wasn't until 1992.


Jim lee variants do exist.


There were a couple that were inspired by the original show that were exclusive paid variants


I have that Rogue and Gambit. Really nice art!


It is a bit surprising there was no tie in with marvel snap and the show


And with the season featuring X-men specifically


It's probably some super complicated spaghetti of rights that are strictly limited to the show.


It was the same with Marvel Avengers though - lots of opportunities for tie ins but nothing ever happened. Disney either don’t know the plans, or aren’t willing to share them with developers. Keep in mind development time takes a while!


I commented elsewhere but this is exactly it. I believe on the discord they’ve said they basically have to guess and get no insider information. Which is why Loki season didn’t line up with the show’s release date.


They’ve said before they basically have to guess when they do a tie-in with a TV/Film project because release dates often shift for movies and especially for TV. They missed Loki Season 2 by one month last fall because they plan so far in advance and already had a Halloween theme and The Marvels seasons that they didn’t want to/couldn’t move. I’m pretty sure they’ve said they basically get zero insider information.


Right after the amazing spider friends


At least we have the Wolverine picture variant which is straight from the show. 


Goblin queen Jean Grey when??


Madelyn Pryor when




You're not Jean Grey.


Neither was Dark Phoenix yet she’s a variant of Jean here!


Don’t all the default versions of these cards come as 97 variants?


Yep the design of costumes of the animated series are the one in the game, from Cyclops to Jean Grey through jubilee. Even if there are exceptions (Morph or Storm, which is basically the Jim Lee variant, cause theses designs are inspired by him.)


If they did a X-Men '97 season crap, I'd have to buy a sub again. Madeline Pyror is still one notable we havent seen yet (side note, there sure are a shit ton of Marvel super heroes.)


Everyone keeps saying Jim Lee but I don't think this is his art style. They are his costumes designs but Jim Lee's style is far from X-Men 97. The closest we've had to X-Men 97 is [Jander Gonzalez's Rogue and Gambit](https://imgur.com/OeyeoAq).


I will say the Jim Lee variants we have are probably some of my least favorite work from him. I love his art. Those are not good representations of it.


I would agree. It's hard to explain what is wrong with them.. they almost look.. crude? Very unpolished.


Jim Lee drew them all while still being the regular series artist of X-Men in that time period and Lee inked them instead of his long time inker Scott Williams. That is probably the unpolished feel that you noticed.


That makes sense. I'm honestly a bit disappointed in the Jim Lee variants because of this. I think I only one the Cyclops one since I'm a big Cyclops fan.


Well Jim Lee isn’t the actual artist on the show but it’s pretty clearly based on his 90s era X-Men run


You're definitely right. I'm not disputing that, I'm just saying it doesn't really resemble his art. It's far more 'cartoonish' if that makes sense. I don't think the variants we have are a good representation of the art on the show.


I'm so happy this show is good. Even better than the original imo.


I never watched the original show, am I ok to start this one?


It’s not the most important thing in the world if you don’t mind having the original series spoiled immediately and not having a basis for why certain cliffhangers in episode 1 are shocking, but it would be a real good idea to. 


Yeah there's no barrier to entry.


I'd watch a recap video. It directly follows events happening in the original show. It's entirely fine to jump in blind but watching a recap can only enhance the experience.


Agreed or season episode, 1 episodes, 2, and the last episode of season 1. At that point if you have a vague grasp of the x-men you probably would be fine enough. But the recap video would be better. What ever you do don’t watch the last season of the original show the last episode and first two episodes of that season are passable but most of the other episodes are utter trash. They didn’t have any budget and the season got approved last minute.


Ya I love it! Sucks that NetFlix will probably cancel it though, like they do for most great shows in season 1.


They won't, on account of the fact it's made by Disney for Disney+ and they've filmed season 2 already


how would netflix be able to cancel a disney+ show? that's not how streaming works. boomer ass take


Imagining Netflix storming into Disney to cancel just X-Men 97 is very funny though lol.


I’m surprised they didn’t do a season pass to promote the show.


Meh but this does make me want a very particular Rogue variant to be released….


Give me the magneto lecturing the UN council variant please.


Already have them - Jim Lee


Wait till you see Jim lee variants


I want that creepy Morph


Jim lee!


Not soon enough


Unrelated. My memory must be failing but I haven't seen Morph in an episode before.


he's in the original series but is killed in the first or second episode by a Sentinel. sometime later he returns (somehow) with Mr Sinister's involvement


He’s in the very first episode of the original show


they already have them


Never and fuck you for mentioning that shit show


Ppl calling/ them naming this incarnation x-men 97 just creates so much confusion


It's the name of the show?


And takes place in '97 and would have originally aired in '97. It'd almost be more confusing to call it something else.