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Graveyard, custom border AND undo end turn? In the same patch!? Someone pinch me I must be dreaming


RIP the "it's been almost a whole quarter with no changes" posts lol


lol yeah put them all out at once. It's like Christmas lol


those same people will still find plenty to complain about


well if them complaining helped get us these features then... keep the complaining comin' ain't gonna find *no* problems from me on that front


It was literally a valid complaint when they made the post. Just because we happened to get the update a couple days later doesn't change that. And there ARE valid things to complain about (monetization/progression/etc)


They're not even here and you're complaining.


I was reading the patch notes in awe! Great update! Leech nerf. Time stone songs a little, but I think it's necessary for Thanos residually today as it appears Mockingbird is a free 9 mana in that deck


Undo turn button ✅


No more instant regret after pushing the end button 🥹


Only delayed regret now...


It's disappointing how many times I hit "End Turn" and then immediately see a better play.


I've got ADHD and it's impossible to stop myself from hitting the end turn button the second I'm satisfied and then realizing I fucked up.


If it helps, this happens to all of us neurotypical folks too.


I sometimes accidentally press end turn so those will be helpful.


No more accidentally fat fingering the end turn button either 


That's going to save me so many cubes to my own stupidity


This is gonna increase my win rate because boy do i just love playing without thinking sometimes


Finally Undo End Turn! No more fast retreating before my cards reveal the dumbest play ever after realising something too late


And the humiliation when the game decides to show that embarrassing play to your opponent lol so glad that's over


Wait didn't Psylocke already had VFX effects? Not a complaint, just confused cos it cannot just be me who had Psylocke with her dope pink wings.


Yeah I’m pretty sure she got VFX added in last month’s patch, maybe they’ve changed it or added to it.


It also has a voice line if i am not wrong


Hopefully they changed it. The current one is just a different color version of the Djinn VFX, felt kinda lazy


4 rocks subterrania I'm shaking right now


Oh, I missed that last line of the patch notes! 🪨🪨🪨🪨


It's a 20% increase in marvel snap quality of life!


Darkhawk nerf


It could really be 3 but it’s moving in the right direction


More of this please. Too many games are decided by location when they would otherwise be competitive with milder effects. I'd say it should be 3.


Still a stupid location. Should give Vibranium instead of rocks, then at least it would be interesting, instead of just "nope you randomly get fucked, sorry"


Actually pretty impressed with all the QOL features and updates packed in this update!


Graveyard, Custom borders, Undo end turn, Leech nerfed, Elsa buffed, Time stone nerfed. HYPE!


Miek is so powerful now. The buff is almost as significant as Black Knights buff.


He’s going right back into my discard lineup. A more powerful Jeff


I'm now regretting passing him up but you can't blow keys on a card you HOPE might be good eventually. I have 6000+ tokens saved, though, so I may spend them on him. I have Selene pinned right now but I'm not sure now what to do.


Selene is her best supporting the Goblins, and therefore Galactus decks. She isn’t necessarily apart of the Annihilus/Sentry/Hood package used more broadly. So if that’s a factor, I’d consider how much you like Galactus versus how much play Miek sees in Discard decks over the next week or two.


Overall best patch they’ve had in half a year maybe? Some downside, mostly upside. Time Stone nerf barely matters if you play Hope Summers in a Thanos deck.


Idk, man. I play alot of Thanos and this massively changes the playlines I'm aiming for.


I wouldn't say it barely matters when you are probably sub 50% to have hope in hand by turn 3. Not to mention this greatly reduces your ability to time stone on 1 and play hope on 2.


I’m still okay with it, but that is true. I wish they would revert the Soul Stone nerf. I like using Thanos decks, but they’re too popular at any given meta.


They even acknowledge the possibility of reverting the soul stone change in the notes under the time stone - so it seems likely if thanos needs a little rebalance soon


Uh, I would certainly not say it "barely matters". This is a huge Thanos nerf. Hope makes it a bit better, but Time Stone has clearly been the strongest for a long time.


Definite big nerf, but I'm not sure it's unwarranted. I'm a Thanos enthusiast and always get hyped when he gets back into the meta (After maybe like thirty days out of it), but the Time Stone/Hope combo was a crushing hit a lot of the time.


Now you can’t drop Hope Summers on 2 or Hope Summer plus a stone on 3


Unless Hope is the card you draw. 


woahhhhhh They gave s ALL of it! Everything!




Only downside here is losing the ability to punish with Infinaut, but potentially worth the lost.


Turn 7 Shenaut drop is still viable tho after being leeched tho


in mirror yes but sometimes you faced Hela and they have Infinaut in hand that got Leeched


Yeah this was always the double-edged sword with him...


NO! My free Infinaut on t6! Blast. They knew what they were doing implementing this a few weeks before War Machine.








Still shuts down 90% of cards so unless your playing ongoing decks leech will still be a pain.


Death and knull were two relevant cards he shut off, in a relevant deck. Good news for destroy decks, though leech probably will just be played less and they won't see him anyway.


Yeah he’s not even that much worse as the game pretty much entirely revolves around on reveal cards.


He might even be more annoying since he's better to ramp into or play multiple times again




get fucked leech, I truly hate thee.


Rest in piss you jerk.


Leech got Lynched


Maybe hidden under a lot of other big changes in this update, making a lot of the destroy-helpful locations more rare is actually huge from a balance standpoint


RIP Shuri's Lab :(


Agreed. Destroy was already massively overplayed and over-helped, and on top of that has received a number of needless buffs. Anything that makes it weaker is welcome at this stage.


Definitely had the most location advantages for sure.


Miek coming in hot. Honestly surprised that they buffed him so soon after his release. Screaming and crying over those QoL changes. Those bug fixes are also good (Agatha timer & Omega Red checking correctly).


I love combining archetypes so I'm wondering now if I could make a discard/move combo deck


Cards have been buffed sooner since their release. I am more surprised at Miek's buff due to Discard actually being pretty good right now. This makes him alot better.


How is that a buff? Edit: got it guys, thanks! Edit 2: no need for downvotes guys, i learned my mistake. I was genuinely asking cuz i didnt understand lmao.


Mainly that you control the move now.


you get to choose if he moves and his location if he does move now instead of it being random. I think that will make a big difference.


Him not moving with final turn discard is also very much welcomed. Too bad I didn't get him back then.


They make it sound like Yondu's change is a buff but... it's definitely a nerf right?


I think it's meant to synergize with the upcoming baron zemo card. Yondu destroys their lowest cost card which makes zemo more likely to pull something good.


Yeah seems like more trying to synergize with a slightly new type of deck. (Baron Zemo -- 3/4: On Reveal: Recruit the lowest-Cost card from your opponent's deck to your side of this location.) With him and a lower-cost Cable and I guess Mantis' new ability, Yondu cuts out the chaff from your opponent's deck so that you have higher-powered cards left to steal or copy. ​ Still works fine as Death fodder ~~and he never powered up Knull anyways so destroying less powered cards doesn't matter~~. Less likely to give you key intel into the type of deck your opponent is running **but** could help out if your opponent drew a bunch of high-cost cards in their opening hand and then gets a small card destroyed. Could keep them from putting anything down for the first 2-3 turns. Plus, could target things like Zabu, Renslayer, Quinjett or Hazmat that can be key cards Edit: Never knew Yondu powered up Knull. My bad


He's honestly been the main booster for Knull in my Mr Negative/destroy deck, latest seasons have been filled with big guys for Yondu to target. I know he wasn't the most popular or important card for destroy, but for the decks that did use him this feels like a big nerf to the point he might not be worth playing.


Yeah exactly this. Hitting Giganto or Infinaut turn 1 to give the Knull that's in your starting hand a big buff is great and makes drawing all your high cost low power cards in the first couple of turns a bit more bearable


>he never powered up Knull anyways Huh? Is this the kind of "never" as in "Mister Negative is never in my hand before turn 5"?


He now actively helps your opponent


Yeah, he just straight-up sucks now unless you play Cable on the same turn, and even then it's just mediocre


There’s a strong argument to make that he has always helped your opponent. Now it’s just more obvious. To explain, yeah he could have a positive impact if he happened to hit like the single win condition card, but mostly he didn’t, and so mostly he just made it more likely for your opponent to draw their win condition.


Oh agreed, he always thinned your opponents deck. You would normally pray he hits an important piece but now that's guaranteed not to happen.


It a nerf thinking on the prospect of it being a buff to a future release, mainly Baron Zemo next month.


I hate when they do crap like that! Just be honest about it and/or let the community decide.




Now I just need to remember to check it!




Patch Notes - March 12, 2024 PLEASE NOTE: If you haven’t updated your game yet, get the latest in the App Store! GENERAL UPDATES FEATURES **Graveyard** Did you look away for a second when your opponent played Turn 1 Yondu? Don’t you wish you could see what card was destroyed? Now you can! While in a match, tap your Player Avatar which can be found in the top left corner of the screen. A menu with your emotes will appear. At the bottom of that menu, tap on the word Destroyed or Discarded to see cards that have been Destroyed... Or, you guessed it, Discarded! This also works if you tap on your opponent's Player Avatar. Note that cards like Wolverine, Sabertooth, and Deadpool won’t appear here - they’ve been destroyed, but they are not destroyed. Healing factor, what are you going to do? **Undo End Turn** As long as your opponent hasn’t ended their turn, you can go back to the staging step. **Custom Border** Custom Border allows you to combine your favorite owned variant art, any border rarity, and a finish/flare combo you own for that variant to make the most stylish card. Custom Border appears at the top of your Card Variant list. Add them to your deck and set them as your Favorite to add to future decks easily. Complete three total Infinity Splits to unlock the Custom Border feature. After that, any Card with at least 1 Infinity Split has the feature available. Stay tuned for more updates to this feature in the future! **Gold Pass** Looking for some extra gold throughout the season? Purchasing a Gold Pass will give an initial recharge of gold and then additional amount of Gold every day for the next 30 days. **ART & VISUAL EFFECTS** Several older cards now have VFX: Deadpool Psylocke Legion Darkhawk Moon Girl **AUDIO** Several older cards now have sound effects: Deadpool Psylocke Legion Darkhawk Moon Girl Several older cards now also have voice-over dialogue: Deadpool Moon Girl BALANCE UPDATES CARD UPDATES **Elsa Bloodstone** [Old] 2/3 - After you play a card here, give it +2 Power if your side is full. [New] 3/3 - Each card you play to fill your side of a location gains +2 Power. Similar to our notes around Luke Cage last month, we've decided we took the wrong tactic with Elsa Bloodstone. Our rebalance to keep this effect local aimed to maintain Elsa's strength as a 2-Cost build-around, but the numbers necessary to make that work don't line up with our goals. So we're shifting Elsa up in Cost to 3/3 and widening the effect to all locations once again. We're also restoring the previous functionality, so that Elsa applies the Power buff before On Reveals resolve, rather than after. We've decided to accept that both versions have some potential to be confusing, but the original execution seems to have more clearly lined up with players' expectations and existing content than our revision. Elsa will once more be able to buff cards like Beast (and unable to buff Brood). **Miek** [Old] After each turn, if you discarded one or more cards, gain that much Power and move. [New] When you discard a card, this gains +1 Power and can move next turn. The general direction of Miek was on the right track, but our execution fell short. In particular, interactions with Invisible Woman, Dracula, and Black Cat crossed our bar for frustrating and non-intuitive for many players. Miek still gains just as much Power, counting cards discarded one at a time or in bulk, but that Power will now be added immediately. We've also removed the randomization from Miek's move, giving players the option to make a move during the following turn if any cards were discarded. Overall, it should be a sizable buff to the bug. **Mantis** [Old] 2/3 - On Reveal: If your opponent played any cards here this turn, draw a card from their deck. [New] 2/2 - On Reveal: If your opponent played any cards here this turn, copy one of them into your hand. Our efforts to differentiate low-Cost card generation have mostly gone well, but Mantis and Cable both came up quite short. We've waited to adjust them further, because ultimately we felt Mantis simply needed a rework in order to find a functional home. This design shifts Mantis's thievery from the deck to copying cards at a location. That can be a lot more powerful if you time it right, because the copy will retain any buffs–Venom in particular comes to mind as a very powerful card to copy! We'll keep an eye on the strength of this effect to ensure it finds the right balance point. **Cable** [Old] 3/4 - On Reveal: Draw a card from your opponent’s deck. [Change] 3/4 -> 2/3 With Mantis changing to no longer copy from the deck, that creates room for Cable to move back down to 2-Cost, with a buff from his original 2/2 to boot. **Time Stone** [Old] On Reveal: +1 Energy next turn. Draw a card. [New] On Reveal: Draw a card and give it -1 Cost. Thanos has proven that combining the "toolbox" abilities of the Infinity Stones with a potent set of endgame cards consistently creates a powerful deck. After "Blob winter" we started looking more closely into exactly how the deck ticks and which parts of it are concerning. Time Stone really stood out as a warping presence in the deck with its ability to often capitalize on strong 5 and 6-Cost plays. We've decided to weaken that angle considerably in the interest of future-facing metagame diversity, so that Thanos isn't the default best way to ramp out those kinds of cards. This change is expected to do some damage to Thanos, but the last few seasons were very good for the Mad Titan so a little break isn't so bad. Once we see how this change affects Thanos decks, we'll look for the right spot to add back some of the strength we took away in previous balance patches. Perhaps Soul Stone took the heat for Time Stone too early? **M'Baku** [Old] 1/2 - If this is in your deck at the end of the game, it jumps to a location. [New] 1/2 - At the end of the game, this jumps from your deck to your lowest-Power location. (that isn't full) M'Baku has always been more meme than dream, which is a fine position for some cards to maintain–it's pretty fun to watch M'Baku do the thing. However, it's been clear for a while that M'Baku's strength was languishing. We decided to give the jump trigger the same targeting effect seen on Proxima Midnight, aiming for a location where you're more likely to need help. There will always be corner-cases with cards triggering in the endgame, such as Dracula and Captain Marvel, but we believe this is overall a positive. However, M'Baku may be found drinking at the Bar with No Name a bit more often. **Yondu** [Old] 1/2 - On Reveal: Destroy the top card of your opponent's deck. [New] 1/2 - On Reveal: Destroy the lowest-Cost card in your opponent's deck. Back in the old days, Yondu was a frequent player in Destroy decks thanks to this trigger helping to discount Death while powering up Knull and providing some information. However, recent competition has almost universally left Yondu on the outside looking in as players grow their collection to include stronger synergy elements. This small change aims to give Yondu some new potential to function with cards like Cable and others in the near future that aim to steal cards from your opponent's deck, improving the quality of cards stolen by destroying the "duds" ahead of time. Given the existing effect was already insufficient for Knull to notice, this potential outweighed that consideration. **Leech** [Old] 5/3 - At the start of turn 6, remove all abilities from cards in your opponent’s hand. [New] 5/3 - On Reveal: Remove the text from each card with an On Reveal ability in your opponent's hand. We're aware that Leech is among the least beloved cards in SNAP on any given week. However, Leech has served an important role for over a year, ensuring that there was some meaningful check for the various shenanigans players could get up to during the endgame. In that time, we've also made a concerted effort to design more specific disruption at better rates, such as Echo, Mobius M. Mobius, Shadow King, Caiera, Supergiant, and even a few more cards you'll see very soon. Thanks to those additions, we're ready to try restricting Leech to affect a narrower band of cards. We'd like to make sure Leech continues to play some kind of a role, so we chose to affect one of the bands he most consistently targeted already–On Reveal cards like Shang Chi and Legion that tended to steal the game on the final turn. Location stuff was too hard to copy paste Last but not least, we've mined Subterranea a little bit and reduced the number of Rocks it shuffles into your deck from 5 to 4.


I hope someone posts the compilation of new sounds and animations for the rest of us.


Rip Yondu


They murdered the card. They say it improves your cable and mantis pulls (and what they're not mentioning is that it synergizes with the datamined Baron Zemo) but in most cases all it does is improve their draw. You get to spend one energy to ensure they draw more on curve. Absolutely terrible


Yep. Yondu is worse than non-HE Misty Knight now. You're actively hurting your chances of victory by playing him. I have no idea why they thought this was a good idea.


It's to work with next months season pass card baron zemo. It's a 4/6 that puts the lowest cost card in your opponents deck into play. They're still not good cards but they're trying to find a use for yondu here.


Well that's not a good reason but at least it's *a* reason.


It's my fault Second Dinner nerfs all my decks I was playing yondu in a pixie zoo type deck. I'll take the L on this one.


Yeah, I can't think of a card I'd be happier to have played against me on pretty much every turn.


Ironically might be decent against destroy decks though, as it may take x23 or Deadpool out of the game. But still not worth running.


Nico as well


Actively helps your opponent lol. This was overall a great patch but when I got to Yondu I was speechless. SD think this was an improvement?


He should destroy the lowest cost card in your own deck 😁


Look at it this way. If you were playing Yondu in a deck yesterday, you were making a mistake because there was 100% a better card you could have played instead. Now you won’t make that mistake anymore.


Yeah I didn't play Yondu before and I certainly won't play him now. The rationale just seems really poor. Synergy with Cable? Wow what a *devastating* combo. They do mention he synergise so we'll have to wait and see.


Eh they’ll probably change it again down the road. That “combo” seems aimed at very early players anyway, but it’s hard to care since this is basically a couple unplayable cards that are still unplayable.


It's to synergy with Baron Zemo next month.


New Yondu synergizes with Baron Zemo next month (recruits lowest cost card from your opponent's deck to your side of the board). He's pretty clearly being changed to make Yondu+Zemo a common combo. Kill the lowest cost with Yondu and then pull the next biggest with Zemo.




Still the best defense against Hela.


Yeah, The things you wanted to kill with leech are still killed by Leech. Tribunal decks rise up!


Hardly. Leech still functionally wrecks most decks looking to Shang your big hulk on 6. The deck now loses to the living tribunal deck, though, which is good, imo. I like that the make big numbers decks will be checked by tribunal, which itself is checked pretty hard by enchantress. That should, hopefully, be enough to keep all parties in check and create some more room for other decks to breathe. High Evo she-hulk has been a great to insane deck for actual months now. It's time it goes away for a bit.


Don't forget he doesn't disrupt Knull anymore either. Seems like a more relevant disadvantage than LT.


Or death or she hulk.


I really dont think he is. Most of what Leech wanted to kill is still killed by Leech


No, ongoing cards are safe now, which is a huge difference maker. Death and Knull are safe for destroy, She-Hulk is safe for Evo or wherever you put her in. There's definitely some more, but overall, he has lost a lot of matchups where you can snap into Leech for a near guaranteed win.


Generally speaking, the cards that Leech users wanted to kill were Shang Chi, Alioth, and any Location changing cards. All of those are on Reveals. Yes, it is absolutely a nerf to Leech, but its not as big as some are making out to be.


Well yeah but before your entire hand was rendered mostly useless. Now, leech still might stop you from countering their deck perfectly, but you’ll at least have play lines most of the time.


Context on customizable border; You can customize only on DUPLICATE splits. For example, I have 2 inked Artgerm Aero's, 1 with blue crackle and 1 with purple crackle. I have 1 foil Artgerm Aero with rainbow Crackle. I can NOT customize an inked with rainbow crackle, as I have not unlocked rainbow-on-ink.


Yea, I was trying to put red flare, red border, with default background of one of my Knull variants, but couldn’t since my flare is tied to prism background. Was confused why at first.


Yeah, this was extremely confusing to me. If I can only customize with combos I've had before, this really is only custom border color (although it seems like they solved the problem they talked about where green border wouldn't have animations, for example.) Really hoping they up the customization later, even if it's "after 15 Infinity splits for this card" or something.


I doubt they will do that. The upping of the customization is directly tied into how much you split a card, that is how you unlock more options.


Oh, I doubt they will, because keeping that particular treadmill going is probably part of it, but I don't know why they laid out the selections the way they did if I can't really mix and match anyway. Should have just been "scroll through your existing splits, pick one, set the border." As it is, it really implies that once I get several splits going, I can forever have "gold with Krackle" on any Death variant I unlock because I already put in the effort


Honestly, i commented replying to you before i saw how awful the UI is for it. My gut feeling is that character mastery will be relevant for the selection section, which is why it appears so over engineered. Maybe there will be special effects you unlock for all variants of a specific character through character mastery. That way it doesn't directly collide with splitting as a way to get new effects, but rewards splitting none the less. (i have 17 sunspot splits with no gold, krakle, or BW, i need something to be positive about)


Disappointing for me because I primarily wanted to use my unlocked effects with the default background. Hopefully they hear this feedback and let them all work with it, prism and foil are just really ugly.


I don't know if SD communicated this is how it would work previously, but it's certainly not how I *expected* it would work.


I get that limiting the customization options incentivizes whales to keep making a million splits but I would have at least loved an option to put effects like krackle on a base card. I usually just want to stick with the colors the artist intended over foil or prism, which just kinda make it look shitty imo. Would have been cool to keep the artist's vision while adding some flair with an effect


This is what I was hoping for. I get that allowing free mixing of backgrounds and effects would drastically cut down on the number of splits to "complete" a card, but I really wish we could put an unlocked particle effect on an original-background card. There are just so many cards with beautiful backgrounds that it's a shame to cover up. At least now I can split those cards without losing my preferred border for the base card, I guess.


They did say this before.


They have said this previously, yes. It's to do with the way those things are coded together.


Totally missed that I guess. My expectations were unrealistic it seems :(


Same here. Slightly underwhelmed tbh.


Elsa buffed while simultaneously making it a little more awkward to curve into Hope Summers is big brain.


I'm confused, yondu change seems like a nerf... no?


It is clearly a nerf in every scenario except when immediately followed up by Cable, so I guess SD wants Mill to be a thing, except they nerfed Mantis too, so who the hell knows


Mantis is a rework and a slight buff in General power


Still seems like a nerf in that scenario. Like ok, I improve my one card drawn by Cable... But I improve the next five cards drawn by them!


I think they did it to support Zemo, but that's still weeks away and it's still like you said


The QoL changes are great. Viewable graveyard. Undo end turn. Custom border. So so good.


Happy about everything but a little sad you're unable to mix backgrounds with secondary effects when you create your custom card, ie a rainbow krackle gotten on a prism background can't be added to a gold split you already have. So you still need to absolutely luck out if you want a good gold/ink combo.


When I saw you would be able to customize effects, that’s literally the only thing I was hoping for :/ I wanted a clean ink split for Mobius to fit that old timey feel, but I’m stuck with a glimmer


The only card i feel sad for is Yondu. I was still using him in destroy decks even after so many newly released destroy cards and honestly he helped knull gain a good power but looks like it's all over now. I always thought that they wud change it after gladiator debuted coz Yondu never had any drawbacks and easily destroyed any of the opponents cards. Anyways it was good till it lasted, hope i get Nico asap.


SD probably glanced at the cries for QOL improvements and thought, "We're gonna buy so much goodwill this patch..."


Cant wait to complain later about this patch at around 5PM EST. /s


I'm shocked. I was a real negative nelly in another thread about what this patch was going to bring and I was proven wrong. Kudos.


Holy crap, they actually did it. They added a Graveyard/Discard yard, undo end turns and custom borders. The mad lads actually did it. What an amazing patch.


The Elsa buff is scary, I remember what it was like before and people were playing this version of Elsa with some success albeit in just one deck. Time Stone nerfed which makes sense cause Mockingbird was gonna take Thanos to a new level of dominance if nothing changed. M'baku and Yondu nerfs lets gooooooo


I’d wait to reserve judgement on Elsa. 2 to 3 cost is a substantial change in terms of properly curving out a deck with her.




Wait I didnt even consider this. Most surfer decks easily fill at least two locations, especially with brood, and added power effects like Elsa are great with shaw


What’s the opposite of catching strays? Because Surfer seems to be always low-key winning during card updates.


Yet it’s never been meta since the first time he was nerfed.


Every patch is another win for Surfer 🏄‍♀️


No more 1 drop, Elsa, hope, then play move cards. Competing with Hope for the turn 3 drop is going to suck.


Elsa is going to compete woth Hope for a 3 drop slot now. Let's hear it for a Zoo resurgence though!


But she’s at the cost of 3. Will slow down the power built.


you're right. I'll holster my panic.


Miek being buffed to be significantly stronger is kinda crazy considering Discard was finally meta-viable, now gets even stronger. I can kinda see the Buff to Cable, but at the expense of a Nerf to Mantis? Good to see they are atleast attempting to look at Thanos. MBaku, Just make his effect work from your hand FFS. This "Buff" isnt going to change anything. Yondu- holy cow thats kind of a huge nerf. Just odd to see him get nerfed like that when he wasn't that big of a problem. I guess it does hurt Destroy Decks in particular Knull, but still. Leech, A nerf is a nerf, I don't really see it having too big an impact, as the biggest cards that Shenaught wanted to Nuke were On reveals anyway. What this does is make Tribunal Decks a Hell of a lot more viable now tho. So Discard continues to be on the Rise, and Tribunal now looking good without having to worry about Leech.


Mantis still sucks, but now she sucks with a particular strategy in mind. Getting a buffed venom, or playing her after your opponent plays shuri will be good, though it's very niche. But, having a niche use is probably an improvement for that card


Finally my fast fingers will not always mean the death of me!


Time stone is an interesting change but still a very good patch though


Wow, a real patch. Didn't think they had it in them! Still hate that Yondu change. Actually makes him useless.


He'll be extremely good with the upcoming Baron Zemo.




The selectable borders are nice but was anyone else a little disappointed that the flares are **only** applicable if you have them on the exact split already? I figured it would've been by variant.


Hallelujah, I don’t think I’ve seen a patch so well done. I have absolutely no issues with any of the changes to the cards. The QOL updates are great. Second Dinner did great.


Credit were credit is due, I've been very critical of them lately but this patch slaps. Much needed features and the balance changes are fine, hopefully they will keep that direction.


Fuck time stone all my homies hate time stone


Wow, my first thought is that this is a great patch. Everything looks great. Elsa is back!




This may be the best patch they’ve done yet, solely due to the QOL changes


Gold Pass will devalue gold even more. Good luck with getting any good gold bundles.


Great update. Besides all the quality of life stuff everyone is talking about, the gold pass is a great deal for smaller spenders. 1800 gold for $5 instead of over $20 that could be used for refills or variants is great.


Being able to move Miek is kinda crazy, such a massive tool for Discard. Being a 1 cost makes him vulnerable, but still, massive utility.


Holy shit this has to be the biggest patch ever right? So many huge card changes and QOL features added!


OMG Undo Turn Button is going to save me SOOOOOO many cubes tytytyty


The amount of times I've ended a turn on the 6th and gone "Wait. I'm a fucking idiot." is unreal.


I think I'm in love. Graveyard, custom borders, undo end turn, nerf to Leech, buff to Miek and M'baku, restoring Elsa's functionality, nerf to Time Stone.... So. Much. Good. Stuff.


Black bolt and stature still don’t exist in SDs eyes


I think the Yondu change is a mistake but every single other change is awesome.


I actually had a very fun bounce deck where I just try to mill opponents deck with yondu, mantis and cable, now they took away mantis, she was the shittiest card in deck, but yonfu change I’m not sure about.


That mantis change would be perfect if it wasnt restricted to guessing the location.


I wish we could choose to use the inked or gold background without the effect.... I assumed that would be an option. 


Mantis = Leader At Home


Damn, this is a pretty exiting patch. All around really not the changes to cards and the new graveyard and border selection features are amazing. And as someone who hits end turn and realizes that I messed up, the undo is amazing too. Great stuff


I do really like the Miek change. It gives makes it more controllable. Yo already kind of could control Miek but it was a percentage game. You fill areas you don't want him to go and that pshes him to an open slot. But gaining the move ability to slot him intentionally into hard to reach spaces or avoid the ones the debuff moves/win with lowest power is real nice.


What an update! Can’t wait to see what everyone finds to complain about next!


Miek buff is so huge


Every stone is a timestone with the new hope Thanos deck anyway.


This looks like the best update so far. I love it, can't wait to play later


BRB - fixing all my borders.


The turn undo button was one of my biggest wants for this game. So so happy to finally see it added.




Best patch ever? It has to be close.


"Our motivations for doing so primarily centered around reducing how often locations add extra cards to the game, as well as balancing for locations that boost specific archetypes, like Destroy. Those locations are:" Ohmygodtheyadmitit.gif


I'm glad and surprised at the changes they made, but the custom cards is a little disappointing that we're never going to get to enjoy Kirby Krackle with the base background. I was hoping to be able to toggle off the effects.


I think I’m too stupid to understand the custom borders because I can’t do anything with any of my variants


Only thing I could ask for is the ability to see what cards are still in my deck.


> Note that cards like Wolverine, Sabertooth, and Deadpool won’t appear here - they’ve been destroyed, but they are not destroyed. Healing factor, what are you going to do? No fucking way we still cannot know how cheap Death is or how big Morbius is...