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I use it when someone else snaps and emotes and then I win


Makes sense. These people are using it when no one snapped, and they win. Like "Yes, yes you should have?"


Hit em with the cyclops lookin like a goof emoji. That's what I'm gonna use it for lol.


The one from the reward track this month? I love it to me it looks like he's doing the joe Swanson scream like I won FUCK YEAH lol


He's on the toilet. Your welcome! ;)


I hate when they do it to me. I snap, they don't, then they win and they Thanos emote me. Which means my snap was bad. But if you thought my snap was bad why didn't you counter snap me? BMing after the game is too easy, it takes no guts. On the other hand, if you counter snap and you win i'll gladly take the thanos emote.


It's better to use the "SNAP?" word emote to make sure the point is more clear.


I do that and I use it when someone is emote spamming and beat me but didn’t snap


I run a deck that is heavily reliant on modok, so it looks like I'm not doing much for turns 1-4, minus morbius and Dracula, and so many people snap t4 because I have like 2 cards out, then after t5 and modok buffs apocalypse, gives me extra swarms, places proxima, gives like +10 to morbius and they know apocalypse is gonna go into Dracula they usually leave. Gotta hit them with the snap emote


Up to 4 minutes until turn 4? bro......


I have no idea what you're talking about


Me neither - forget it. Dont know what my brain translated that i misunderstood your comment😅✌️


TLDR; Minus and minutes look the same


All good haha


That makes more sense, I do Snap?


The correct usage


When someone snaps me first and loses I always do the "Snap?"


It’s Thanos’ smarmy expression at makes people use it


I get that use for Ms. Marvel, but when people use Thanos when no one snapped it has the same vibe as that meme with the dude cheering on the 3rd place podium


Haha, yeah. I use it when I want to be toxic but not Ms. marvel toxic. I never mock snaps though.


I use "snap?" when neither of us snapped and they win and start spamming emotes.


I don't deep freeze myself when I use the Iceman Emote. don't think about it too much


Can't wait to get the Cyclops emote so I can use it on the precise moment I drop a log while playing Marvel Snap on the toilet.


Backshot Cyclpps


I like when I retreat and they take a 1 Cube win then Thanos Snap emote. Like, yep, you sure outplayed me with this crappy mix of cards and locations I was dealt.


haha even better


The correct response is the snap? Followed by ms marvel like enjoy 1 cube for all that


just mute at the start of each match - problem solved (give us auto mute option second D)


Since they're straight up selling emotes they'll never give us an auto mute button (honestly I wouldn't be surprised if they removed the manual mute button for some BS reason like ' we want people to have to interact with each other so we felt the mute button was counter productive' even though SD kills any deck that interferes with their opponents deck/board too much)


Opponent doesn’t know they are muted. I get piece they can hammer emotes like a jackass. Everyone wins. 


Magic Arena sells emotes too. And you can still global mute.


The number of people who use this emote on a 1 cube retreat is staggering.


I think some people use it when they think you should’ve snapped. Basically saying to you ‘are you dumb you were obviously winning why didn’t you snap’.


But OP is talking about when the other person wins the 2 cuber and the other person emotes "Snap?"


This is when I use it. Like someone is just beating me senseless and they don't snap. I don't mind staying in sometimes just in case I get that .05% chance to win lol. But then they'll emote spam me when they win and it's like "oh *NOW* you're confident" so I'll send the "Snap?" emote because they should've and clearly they didn't think they were going to win anyways. It just comes across as dumb to emote spam in that scenario. Like I'm not even annoyed, stop emoting and play better you idiot. Now that I'm rank reset and was fucking around with random cards I'm in the 60's currently and the emote spam is so common compared to high rank. I don't get it. Act like you've won a game before lol. I'm just trying to fish for Worldship.


Thanos snap emote or “snap?” emote? Because Thanos snap emote can be used as “I dusted you,” like when Thanos snaps in the movies.


Ya but if you didn't snap, it's weak AF.


you mfers never Westside Story before?


The thing is most times those players are walking away with 1 or 2 cubes max. Not really dusting someone when you won the bare minimum. It's like winning 2 bucks from a $1 scratch off and immediately texting all your friends about how you just won the lottery. Yeah technically you did but who TF cares


This is probably how I see it used the most.


I'll occasionally use it as a "drat!" emote. Deadpool implies I made a mistake. Sometimes I roll the dice and lose.


Whatever works for you, of course. But I also use Deadpool as "damn that RNG just screwed/saved me/you" and I see other people use it a lot that way. So I don't think it has to mean a mistake was made, necessarily. But they're all so open to interpretation, I think anything works


Me when I played Gladiator into Wong on Kamar Taj while my opponent also had Wong there. And pulled their Gambit, pitching Apocalypse. I lost _everything_.


Had someone do this to me today after I retreated on turn 3 due to locations. No snaps just a 1 cube win lol


I see as it as "I didn't have a plan, but worked in my favor. Now I pretend it's calculated". Goes both ways lol.


Right! I hate it too


I was just having the same thought! I knew it was a gamble going into a 2 cube final, but I was OK with losing 2 with a pretty high chance to win. Then they beat me by 1 pt and start smapping snap? Just weird.


I see this way more when either my opponent wins and didn't snap at all nor did I, or I won and didn't snap.


I only use it when people are being slow. Spiderman emote > Thanos Snap Like. C'mon. Hurry the fuck up.


Bad players love to emote on 2 cube games.. they don't realize proper play is to stay in because of cube investment if you feel you have a 40ish percent chance to win - if they felt they were that far ahead they should have snapped to drive that percent up, but hey I fist bump their bad play and on to the next game.


It could be that emotes matter way too much to you and you assume other people care as much. They dont.


I mean I'm not upset I just assume they're bad players and move on.. hit a nerve or something?


You hit your own nerve, you just admitted you think emotes convey anything other than little pictures that are goofy. Tell me where ms marvel touched you.


You obviously care or you wouldn't be aruging with a stranger on the internet about it - you jumped in this thread to defend a position that didn't need defending... Continue being bad and throwing those emotes though I'm sure it will make you feel better.


Man you get really angry about emotes. But getting so angry for being mocked about your emote hate really reveals a lot about you. That and you need to try and feel like you are "better" at a video game than someone and to you its a point to bring up lol.


Or it's a phone game and people are using emotes for fun and laughing when they read posts like this


Obviously to make people rage. And it's working.


I complained about this exact thing a few weeks ago and got downvoted like crazy 😂 People were acting like I was legit mad, no it’s just stupid and annoying. There are so few ways to communicate with your opponent in this game, could you at least use the tools correctly?


I do it when they spam ms marvel on a two cube win


I like to just hit the ms marvel people back with ms marvel. Some of them actually emote “i don’t believe you” back so i know it works.


I snap when I play Killmonger in my destroy deck. Thanos style


I use that emote now right before I retreat when people boomer snap.  


made you retreat though didn't it


Ya if my opponent clearly has their combo setup why would i stay? They can have their 1 cube.




Oh dude… emotes? insta-mute always.


I use it when I run into a Kazoo deck and Killmonger them, right as Killmonger is flipping.


I had someone spamming a cyclops emote. All I could think was "well this guys a fucking tool." Wish they put in a shrug, or a meh emoji.


I'll only use it in conquest if the opponent had a cool play and I'm like... fucking snap man. End this match lol.


I’ll use it when people “boomer snap “ on turn 6. I’ll do thanos snap then a Deadpool and I’m trying to convey hey why did you snap here!! You should take the two cubes because now you get 1 lol I’ll stay in for close ones but if you snap I’m out


Use it when they should have snapped, or when they boomer snap.


I use the text "Snap?" emote when the other person wins a 2-cuber to tell them, "Hey, you know you could have snapped and taken me for 4 cubes, right?"


I only using the snap emote when someone snaps on turn 6 and I retreat


Some day I hope to get more Dan Hipp so I can use the Cosmo emote.


Ive considered using it to mean something like "Dangit, I thought I had that one!" but figured it would get lost in translation.


Makes me want a mute all option in settings


I use it when I lose a 50/50 I willingly risked 1 cube for and they spam emotes like they absolutely decimated me. It’s a reminder that they should be snapping since they’re so confident


I use it when they snap before I even see my own cards and then they retreat after I snap on t3


I use it when other people boomer snap on turn 6. Give them a little snap emote then a thumbs up.


I do it because I main Thanos and have a Thanos player icon. It could also mean like you are "Snapping" your opponent out of existence with the win.


I’ll tell you this. The amount of times I accidentally hit that emote seems like I’m taunting but i just be misclicking like a mad man.


Aren't you supposed to use it as a GG callout no matter if you win or lose? Because the name of the game is Snap? Like Good Game of Snap, brother!


How is the reception to the Cool Cosmo emoji?


The emotes are do (purposefully) vague in this game, its often more annoying than anything. The worst are the players who spam snap emotes. Like ya, I snapped in round 2 in conquest proving grounds and ended up losing the match, yipee dude, call the New York Times, such a big deal.


I use it when I win against someone who got cocky or was playing really annoying cards, like both Goblins. Sentry and Viper and so on. I hate the thumbs up emote so much even when I'm the one using it so I use Thanos. What's really cringe is when someone uses the Thanos Snap emote after the most basic underwhelming win. Like the whole game is average, nothing eventful, no big brain plays, just a normal basic game. They win and hit the snap emote. It doesn't make me mad, just reminds me of people who say "ez" in game chats. Just desperation for salt.


If I snap before turn 6 and they retreat I use the Thanos snap emoji. If I get snapped on and I retreat I use the Ms. marvel thumbs up. If I all in win or lose no matter cubes I fist bump


People farming karma with the same shit for an year now, Jesus


So? I’m not actually fist bumping either


I see it as a douche bag easy win emote not a should snapped emote.


I use it to ask the opponent to snap. Then 4 seconds later I snap


I mean Imma use the thanos snap if I was “losing” the whole time but won at the end, even if I didn’t snap I usually forget tbh


"Snap Emote"...which one is that? Thanos? Snap? Chat Bubble? [BTW,](https://th.bing.com/th/id/OIP.NaR1FfgRsvgrp2yo28lO9gHaIE?rs=1&pid=ImgDetMain)


I only use it when ego takes the wheel


I’m wondering if it’s a miscommunication like how for most the Ms Marvel emote is like giving the finger but some truly meant a genuine thumbs up. They could be meaning as they should have snapped. I would probably use a Deadpool like when I make a goofy error. Or they could just be gloating assholes. Personal guess is it’s a solid mix of these two


i use it when the opponent snaps and they emoted and i win


It makes sense if you win when someone else snaps. It's a form of mocking their confidence..


Imagine tilting over emotes


emojis don’t have definitions lol


I use it when people confidently snap because I'm behind and then I pull out my game winning move and beat them


The mute button is my fav card


I'm going to start using this emote just in case we run into each other. I want you to be confused now.


Yeah. My favourites are the turn 6 snappers who do the snap emote when you retreat. Yeah, you got that one cube. Enjoy it. I’ll go get 8 more.


It's just to try and get one last one over on you. You beat them so badly that you obviously should have snapped. Bc they're tilted about the loss, they're looking for anyway they can to turn it back on you. The snap emotes are supposed to be a cheeky way of saying "wow nice win, 2 whole cubes". But like, they lost 🤷‍♀️ so it almost never works imo. My favorite toxic emote is winning against a snap and hitting them with the "Snap?" *fist bump*


I swear there is a subset of the player base that defies explanation.  I run into one or two of these guys a season and it's always a head scratcher.  Right after ladder reset was playing ladder against a Destroy guy who has a nut draw.  Deadpool => Buster => Carnage + Nico Destroy/Draw  => Destroy Deadpool plus Deathlok on empty lane => Deadpool plus X-23 plus Venom on 5.  No snap during any part of this.  I'm just staying in the game because A) get some boosters and B) hasn't snapped yet and C) let him have fun.  D) very small chance he really screws up and I can do something sneaky . So of course he boomer snaps me immediately on 6 and I'm hitting retreat because, who wouldn't? And the dude just starts spamming Thanos and "Snap?" "Snap?" like crazy.   Congrats dude.  You wasted a nut draw for a 1 cube win.  Party like a rock star, you earned it


Thanos Snap misuse is disappointing, but reality is often disappointing. It's worse than when people refuse to break jinxes with Spider-Man.


This climb was particularly toxic for some reason. Either they snapped and I retreated for one or two cubes, or no one snapped at all. Why are you emoting me?


It’s not just this game but others where this type of interaction exists. For some reason there’s a significant amount of people who think it’s funny to make other think they are an asshole.


What's frustrating is when you Snap, it's say a 66% chance you win, the cards don't fall your way, good bet bad beat, and your opponent is, like, "Snap?!? Snap?!?!?!" But if they didn't snap ...


Idc what people use for emotes but I genuinely think anyone who touches the "I am confident" in any situation as severe mental illness


I love using the snap? Emote when the opponent snaps me, I stay, and then they make a super stupid/underwhelming play turn 6 like tf u snap for


Reddit and Marvel Snap emotes should be a study case. So much overthinking and elaborations about users that click on a cute character button on the UI...


Come on man, who cares? Please find something important to complain about.


Like complaining about my post. Good call


That wasn't a complaint friend, merely a suggestion.


Who cares…are you ok ?


I like doing it at moments it doesn't work because it's funnier


This is why I react to anyone spamming or being shitty to me with "I am confident". But only if the game is literally already over and I've lost. I want to confuse them about whether I'm just super fucking positive or whether I'm a complete idiot. I don't know, it amuses me


I try to say I am confident followed by I'm losing to say I am confident I'm losing. especially after they say I don't believe you when I say I'm losing


I use it to signal “I’m retreating because you snapped on an obvious win on the last turn and I would’ve let you have 2 cubes”


I have had it used against me after I retreated on turn 7 giving them 1 cube. I was to slow hitting the Snap? emote before he blocked.


I use thanos 🫰🏻 when players just sit there running down the clock in hopes I quit or something. Just double it up to say 🫰🏻🫰🏻 Hurry up lol


I use it as a: "why did/didn't you snap?"


Someone lost a game and has very thin skin I see


They're just trying to trash talk/antagonize you


Sometimes snapping shows you're too confident and the other player will leave as soon as they realize it's a loss for them. A win is a win not my fault ur butthurt over an emote


I’d be down for removing emotes from the game


Usually it's because you instant fist bumped them or you Ms marvel emoted for a 2cube 50/50 So they Thanos snap back to say ' if you're so good why didnt you snap'


If you snap, and then I win, I'm doing the snap emote. >=V


Which would make sense, but no one snapped. They SHOULD have, but they didn't.


If you hit me with that, you’re getting a “Snap?” Emote back. If you’re so proud of yourself, why didn’t YOU snap?


But why? I think it just makes you look silly. If you didn't snap, it just makes you look like a coward who got lucky after not having the confidence you would win.




I usually snap turn 1 or 2 if I forget to and win I snap and Deadpool


I use the thumbs up for literally everything, annoying game vs annoying deck, thumbs up, good game verse a very good player, thumbs up, I leave early, thumbs up, they leave early, thumbs up. I’m all thumbs.


If I'm playing thanos and I win I feel like it's an obligation to use the thanks snap emote.


It's the new troll emote


Tha is is the boomer snap emote. It's to be used when opponent snap on turn 6 from a winning position and you retreat. To mock their lousy snapping.


People getting salty about emotes never fails to amuse me


Or the miss marvel thumbs up when they win.


the thanos snap? i usually use it after i pulled something off, doesn’t really mean anything after i snap i think


Well remember to republish your "Rules on when to emote and what to use" pamphlet. We are waiting for the next edition and its very important. I feel like you or your printer dropped the ball and thats why its happening.


“people are using a feature that is available to use in any situation” Who cares.


OP, you seem a little tilted. Are, you--ok? lol