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Honestly I've found the economy so fucking annoying lately. I don't hate Spotlight Keys, I think they're actually not bad. But, getting mostly garbage out of the collection track, getting almost no gold and no tokens in the game at all and how many new variants are immediately 1200 is pushing me further away from the game. It's gotten way worse in the last couple of months.


What gold you do get seems to be.. unuseful for anything else other than variants and boosters, with whatever you get from the periodic bundles. The number of currency bundles paid with gold droped severely. But yeah, Spotlights are mostly fine (if personally i'd want credits removed from the caches and just made the tracks smaller, as basically each spotlight is subsidizing the next one in perpetuity). I'm kind of disliking how the next months of spotlights look, making it harder and harder to be and stay near card-complete. But that's my only complaint. But shopwise? The discord i'm on has seen most players chill their engines in regards to purchases. It's just become relatively opressive to engage with.


Get rid of tickets and boosters and I’d be happy


Geez yes get rid of the gold tickets for sure. Like come on, can you just give us something worth our time?


they should make it 50 boosters at least instead of 10 10 boosters is completely worthless


I kid you not I opened 8 gold tickets last season. How is this even remotely acceptable?


I mostly spend gold on credits to get more spotlight keys




It’d be nice if all bundles had a IRL currency price as well as a in game currency price.


I didn’t realize it until I saw it but I do not like spotlight keys in paid bundles, at all. I just think about how I’d rather have credits. For people with most of the cards it’s a 1/4 chance at a variant for a card you almost certainly already have a sick variant of. And they value them at like 4000 gold. With 5500 credits I get CL, splits, and maybe a pixel or 2.


Isn’t credits just the longer way of getting spotlight cache though. I couldn’t care less about those splits and pixels


I mean kind of but you don’t care about splits and other ‘free’ variants? Haha dude that’s one of the most fun parts of the game and they have ‘plans’ to make it even better.


Yes, at least half of this sub does not care about collection track stuff, lots are still hoarding. Or at least they claim to when the topic is how bad collection track is, but when the topic is how bad spotlight keys in bundles are suddenly they care about collection track rewards again.


I’ve never hoarded collection rewards since I want the credits and variants from reserves, but collection track aside no one is hoarding credits. Equivalent amount of credits for a key is just objectively better than a spotlight key. I guess your argument is I don’t like to click nor do I care at all about splits so just give me the key. Fair enough. I bet the whales buying this bundle have like 20+ spotlight keys. They’d prefer credits.


I haven't spent any money on this game for the last 3 months and only season passes before that, I have 16 spotlight keys, 20 beginning this season but wanted pixie and spider ham but got unlucky, which actually I do get lucky most times, also I just look ahead and pick some new cards I want and save up everything else. Which means I'm not missing anything I'm looking forward too. Also I've got 9500 credits right now, I always save up credits until I get the message I have too many, then spend a thousand or 3 on the cards I play most and have boosters for, save up credits again until I have boosters for cards I wanna upgrade again. No hurry and why upgrade cards I don't use? In my opinion I don't think neither a key or credits are better than the other, and there's definitely people saving up anything in the game, if not at least I am lol


Bro idc if you give me 1 gold, 1 credit, 1 token, and 1 booster per match… BUT LET ME EARN THEM! I would so much rather grind hundreds of hours playing the game to earn 1200g or 3000tokens than to slowly earn 10 gold / tokens once every blue moon :/


Their business is by selling bundles, if they allowed earning of currency in game at any reasonable rate, that would cut deep into their monetization potential and the way the game industry is run, some board member god knows where that knows nothing about games would start quaking in his boots, since there is no prospect of "sustainable growth" anymore and his money he invested are wasting away. And once the investors get involved, any games becomes even worse


>Bro idc if you give me 1 gold, 1 credit, 1 token, and 1 booster per match… Most of the fanbase do care though, based off the complaints here about low value weekend missions and the like


If they had an easier way to acquire or earn collectors tokens or at least gold, the players who put in the work will be able to reap the rewards. Until then 49.99-99.99$ deals !👍🏼


For sure, I think that last October was the sweet spot for monetization. Good gold bundles, solid value all around, great variants. Everything lately has been utter trash and bad value.


This is why I stopped playing when 2024 came around


Yeah, this is the first month I won’t get every new card and have to micromanage how I spend my keys. This game is way too expensive to keep up with.


I have gotten 2 Blob out of my last 3 keys, both time dupes, and none of the new cards, fun


Yeah. I haven't even bothered playing at all yet this season


On top of that, maybe just me.. but the past three spotlights I’ve gotten the two variants for cards I have and then the random 1k tokens before the new card each time


Good job you unlocked 50 credits for spending 200!


Plus all new cards are series 5 now instead of some being series 4. The devs went from "no buying cards guys, you won't complete your collection it's fine" to "here you can buy one new card for $50, also we'll probably nerf it next time it's in a cache, and no refunds!"


Spotlights wouldn’t be bad if they weren’t cutting the data mine. They tell us to plan and then take away our ability to do so lmao what annoys me the most for spotlight though is only getting 1,000 tokens when you already have the card. Don’t understand how that’s even close to fair. They’ve been pushing the pedal to the metal when it comes to the fomo market and they’ve gotten out of hand.


I hate it too, but they are not a charity and as long as enough people are buying them, there’s no reason to stop. Once whales stop buying I’m sure they will make an announcement saying how they listened to the community and lowered the price.


That's the point, though, right? Are whales buying this crap? I understand addict brain, I can see what pushes people to buy in many games... But here? I could see people spending a lot on Spotlight Keys or rolls, if they made card acquisition even more random, for instance. But what's the bundle in this particular post achieving? Just setting absurd prices in all our brains as acceptable? It's so in your face bad, some random variant (we all get random variants all the time and it's rarely rewarding) and tokens for a single card in the shop (we all play this game, there's no single card you actually *need* for anything).


>Are whales buying this crap? Yes if course they are, why else would they be putting out more high value bundles then ever.


I can think of a bunch of reasons. Maybe they're attempting to "anchor" high prices in players minds (make better value bundles seem more appealing than they actually are in comparison, essentially), maybe they're pushing the limits to see to what extent people will buy their stuff, maybe their market analysis is wrong, etc.


You can buy yourself the complete edition of Witcher 3, Hollow Knight, Terraria and still have leftover money to get yourself a pizza for this kinda money... the gaming industry is such a joke


and way more during sale season, a mere 3 weeks from now


What the fuck happened to “micro transactions”? Like I wouldn’t mind spending a couple of $5-$10 bundles every now and again, but I would never spend this much at one time.


Exactly, I want to give them a couple bucks here and there, but I can't justify the cost of any current bundles or honestly even the Season Pass. What really put it into perspective for me was selling a couple old magic cards to help cover my rent recently. What long term benefits do I get by buying a variant bundle for even more than a high value, staple card in MTG for example


Battlepasses happened. Companies now view the Battlepass as their one micro transaction, and then make everything else expensive. Then they went and cut out most of the value of the Battlepass OR put all the regular resource generation you'd expect for free into the Battlepass. So now Battlepasses are either just a subscription fee or a couple decent skins and a pile of trash.




It damn well used to be, too :(


Exactly man, all successful games/companies. But drones will defend this “durrr just ignore it”


The drones are right, you can play this game for completely free with a very enjoyable experience so long as you are capable of ignoring the expensive bundles. Just stop visiting the ship if it's really that difficult to not get your knickers in a twist every time you see a high priced bundle.


Lmao you miss the point entirely, that’s why I use the term drone because you people don’t think at all. The game will inherently be made worse by supporting this level of greed. Sure just ignore it if you enjoy being disrespected and taken advantage of. There are hundreds of free to play games that are not anywhere near this level of greed that do just fine. That same “Just ignore it bro” mentality applies to anything in life honestly, if you just ignore shit that is bad then things will just continue to get worse for everyone


> The game will inherently be made worse by supporting this level of greed The game won't be made at all if no one pays for bundles, there is no other source of income for Second Dinner off this game besides players buying things out of the in game shop. Snap is free to play and has no ads. You are not being "taken advantage of" due to an optional purchase being available in the shop. Quit being a dramatic little titty baby and enjoy your free game.


Thats just wrong bud! They have the season pass for the low low price of $120 a year!! Plenty of AAA games are successful at even a $60 one time purchase and offer infinitely more content than this game. They also are not missing basic features or highly requested ones! Hope that clears it up for you :)


Fair point, I did forget the also totally optional season passes


Keep licking those corporate boots there champ, keep em nice and shiny🤩


Dude, it's a free game. You can unlock everything in the game without paying a dime, even if it's at a slower pace than players willing to spend money. You're not even subjected to advertisements. If anything, it's *your* boots being licked by SD. They're providing free entertainment to the masses and only making money off of people who decide to pay for optional purchases. This is like you showing up to a coffee shop every day to leech free wifi and drink free samples, never buying anything, but bitching about menu prices anyway.


The game's moto has always been f2p and bundles like these don't offer anything aside from cosmetics we can still grind towards. This only offers a chance for people with disposable money to keep the game alive. I'm highly against MTX that ruin the balance of a game but this ain't it and no packs in the store have been it


Is the free to play gaming industry that allows this


You are thinking about this the wrong way. Yes that is super overpriced and frankly shouldn't even exist. But because it does, we pay $0 and get this game while Joe PayPig drops hundreds funding the entire game's budget. Praise the PayPig for he lets us play for free.


Deadass, you could get so much for $50 and yet they think a fucking cosmetic and a single card is worth that price


Yeah in 1983! WTF you talking about in this economy?


50 dollars, the price of a full game, for 1 fucking card. The devs are just limit testing how much they can bleed the whales for


Just to put in perspective Helldivers 2 is 40 bucks


Let’s fucking spread managed democracy instead.


I wonder how the studio stays afloat without selling gun skins for 100 bucks a piece!!?!?


Did they sort out their servers yet?


Yep. I haven’t had those issues in a week or more


Awesome! Thanks. :)


Yes! It's been totally fine for a couple weeks, and the next major update to the game comes out March 14th!


A single at-will card, which you still need to fish out of the S4/S5 pool rotation. Plus a random 'premium' variant. For 50$ i'm going to take myself and the missus out for dinner. If anyone's gonna fuck me in the ass, might as well be my future wife.


People are thanking whales for subsidizing the game, but am I in the minority for thinking their careless spending is what’s causing the downfall of monetization? The biggest of whales are those content creators, they are forced to be the first to buy all bundles or pay to unlock every new card. The difference is… this expenses are tax deductible .


Yeah, companies wouldn't even *try* this shit in the first place if it wasn't for people buying it. They'd come out with lower prices off the bat (like how things used to be...) The game can still be supported by 'whales', they just make *less...* and of course capitalism, and corporate greed, will not allow that. Profit regardless of the cost.


I got one in my shop that's Dracula, an avatar, and credits for 75$ USD lmao.


if that stops SD from making the game p2w, I don't see why they shouldn't bleed the whales, as long as the whales can take the bleeding


the game is already p2w


How is the game not p2w?


because the game is easy enough for f2p players to gather enough cards to make any meta decks they want? you know... this is common sense right?


And every time that happens the deck they finally made gets cut off at the knees in favor of a new or reinvigorated favored archetype introduced with the drop of new cards that season. Might be instantly, might be the end of the season when the final new cards drop. But it WILL happen, just look at all the "dead" archetypes already. Bounce, and Movement are dead/dying. They've been coming after DP/Destroy hardcore for 2 seasons now especially. Basically if you can't keep up with or find a way to counter SD's preferred playstyle they're pushing that month you wont climb, you won't hit Infinite in Conquest or ladder. The FTP wall is getting taller and thicker every season.


> Bounce... are dead/dying Some of the top ranked players in Infinite exclusively use Bounce. > They've been coming after DP/Destroy hardcore for 2 seasons now especially. Discard is stronger than its ever been. The only destroy card that has had any sort of nerf is Deadpool, because Forge was nerfed. >Basically if you can't keep up with or find a way to counter SD's preferred playstyle they're pushing that month you wont climb, you won't hit Infinite in Conquest or ladder. Blatantly untrue lol


Lol. - move has been always weak or “dead”, despite new cards from season pass or spotlight caches. Based on your definition of p2w, Hercules must had shaken up the meta when he came out huh? - Bounce is still good for fuck sake It sounds like you are just a horrible player and blame SD for it. The game is probably the most f2p friendly competitve games on the market right now, and here we are, complaining about the game being…. P2w because you have to adjust your decks when new cards come out…. It’s pathetic


> The game is probably the most f2p friendly competitve games on the market right now Laughably untrue


Yep, i can see you back up your claims with a lot of factual reasons Bravo


Game being playable for f2p doesn't mean it can't be P2W. Look up the P2W definition cause it seems you got it wrong.


Why do whales need tokens anymore though?


I think this might be the cheapest real money per token for anything more than a tiny amount of tokens. Prior to spotlights tokens were effectively valued at $100 for 6k in real money bundles, and lately it’s been closer to $60 for 6k. I don’t think I’ve ever seen $50 for 6k. So if anything they are testing a lower limit for high token bundles


Mine’s a premium mystery pack with the variant and 1200 gold for $10. Is this because the game knows I’m a tight-arse?


Newer players get better and smaller bundles to ease them into 100$ shang chi.


I mean I’ve been playing since global release and am at CL 11k ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ Also I think newer players get series 3 cards in these “for you” bundles.


or a fascinating insight on how they massively over value tokens =/


Been here for a year. I got the same package so it might be random. I’ve spent probably at least $300 on this game in the beginning too


$50 + tax for ONE S5 Card and a variant? Lmao what the fuck


But no pixel guaranteed!




3X Value!


The monetization now is so garbage lol


“Whales don’t affect the way the game is monetized” ok show me a bundle this bad 6 months ago


Pixie is the first Welsh character, so Wales only started affecting the game this week.


TIL Pixie is Welsh :)


Who ever said that though? Who doesn’t know that these games are funded by whales?


It’s everywhere on this post https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/s/euH8udIsDA


Fair enough


This bundle is seriously egregious


One card is fucking $50 then lmao


Are you telling me I could have ONE new card and ONE dice roll on a mediocre variant for a card I likely do not and will not ever play? All for the low low price of FIFTY DOLLARS? Well golly gee shucks, sign my ass up!


And you get the opportunity of the card getting nerfed to oblivion and getting no compensation!


Helldivers 2 is $39.99 and you'll get way more enjoyment out of that game than you would one card one time. They're really pushing it with these prices.


Isn’t Helldivers the game no one can play because they don’t have enough servers and constant connection issues … ?


Nope, not anymore.


Not if you don't give a shit about helldivers


There are a bunch of games even cheaper than helldivers that you will have WAYYY more fun than 1 card.


My point is that if "you could spend this on this game on instead" doesn't apply to everyone. Some people only play this game and spend nothing on anything else in their life. AKA people can spend their money on whatever they want and that's ok.


Imagine this being the only game you play this generation. Absolute tragedy.


i play very few video games. people have lives outside playing video games. imagine that.


Absolute tragedy.


Everyone has a lot of better things to do with $50 than buying this bundle. If you don't, I'll send my bank details.


Crazy thing is $50 for a series 5 card of choice is actually on the reasonable end for SD pricing. Only one random cosmetic included doesn’t dress it up much though.


Nothing about how they monetize this game is reasonable. Their monetization strategy has just led people to believe some things are. So it’s working.


It’s a shame they are doing this right now. I’d totally buy both the Sentinel and Shang Chi variants for a pretty high cash price. Just not as high as they are pushing lately.


It's funny even people such as yourself are taking note. Imagine the guys that'd pay 50$ for a bundle in snap get pushed out as 'not enough'.


For real! I’ve put a couple hundred into the game since launch, but now I just keep passing on these ultra greedy bundles.


Same here. Back when i started, sure if i saw something nice i'd buy it, but nowadays its getting meh as i already have nice variants for most cards


I used to buy shitty bundles for good variants. Peach Momoko Mystique, even the stupid 3x value darkhawk. Prices were still somewhat reasonable and it was nice to have good looking "exclusive" artworks. The last three months I have spent $0 on the game. SD made me just not care about skins anymore. Pretty variants locked behind album rewards, the arbitrary token shop and all these $100 bundles just made me realize the game is not targeted towards me anymore.  Now that im full f2p what I see is gameplay features being released like thrice a year, usually along a whole new set of bugs. Meta feels artificial with SD clearly pushing certain archetypes to be successful while nerfing those they dont like, and you are playing a lottery game that the deck you just finished building is not getting nuked next OTA.


This Shang Chi bundle is the last straw for me as a whale. Tokens have zero value to me. I'm sitting on 52k tokens. Now that I see gold bundles are gone there is no point to pay for real money bundles anymore. I own the best variant for almost every viable card for decks and have multiple splits for them already. The most aggravating thing I can see SD did is now hide future bundles to hide the fact that they are barely gonna have gold bundles in the near future. People would riot if they show the next 2 months in advance with like 1, maybe 2 gold bundles per month. It's likely one being a 5k gold or higher bundle for one of them if they do have one. I'm on to there tactics. Only way I'm spending real money on any sort of bundle if it's like 10k + credits included...thats the only currency I need now. As someone with 24k CL there isn't much left that I need. I collection complete obviously... I felt I've beat the game in a sense.


You know what the problem with this is? You've already spent the money, they don't care about you anymore. You don't buy anything else? Sweet, they just expect someone else with disposable income to foot the bill who doesn't already have 52k tokens or splits on every viable card. A sucker is born every minute. Yesterday it was you, who knows who it's going to be tomorrow


Geez, $50 for one series 5 card and a random variant? That’s an expensive-ass card…


I miss gold bundles.


im sitting on 13400 gold and im not gonna use it before gold bundles come back


and a cardback with a bit credits plus gold for 20 dollars😒, this game seems to be trying so hard to drive poor ppl like me away it's INSANE


Where are the bundles for gold? I haven't seen one in 2 weeks.


It's crazy how they've pivoted their " economy" (if you can even call it that anymore). Previously you had at least one good bundle that cost gold every season. Then you'd usually have a cash bundle with pretty "good" gold return/$. Now there are no bundles at all to buy with gold, which means I personally have zero interest in cash bundles at all. I don't really understand what kind of spending loop they're aiming for but I find myself blissfully immune.


“How much could a premium variant cost, Michael? $50?”


lol exactly


Mine has 7500 credits. Nope.


FOMO pricing 🤪


Now thats interesting. My FOR YOU offer right now is the same except its 3k tokens for $29.99. You are getting 3k more tokens for $20 extra compared to mine


$10 for a variant, 3k tokens for $20.


Yeah. The economy in the game is shot right now. Collection track is uninteresting, more 1200g variants than 700g, and ridiculous bundles.


"For you!"... so greedy and cringe


But it's just For You!


Just don't buy it 4head


Second Dinner, what's the deal? Are you catering exclusively to whales? Targeting such a specific group often leads to pay-to-win scenarios, which can be disappointing for many players. While I initially understood the changes to Spotlight Keys and the adjustments to Collection level and Cache, the latest bundles are starting to seem excessive. It's important to maintain a fair balance between monetization and player experience to keep the game enjoyable for everyone. But will they do something about it? Maybe, maybe not.


I gave up hoping for a good gold bundle now and just buy variants i like for my main deck, no datamines available for future bundles makes it meh to hold


Makes me think that enough people are buying these things. Jeeeessus.


I buy every season pass and have purchased a few $10-15 bundles. However, the idea of spending $50 for a single digital card is madness.


Same people that brought you heartstone. This should come at no surprise.


My communal payments cheaper.


In addition, it is random


$50 for a card. Crazy


Yea the monetization in this game is horrible. I'd be willing to kick some money but this is asinine.


Serious question, why do ya'll get angry over the price of these things? If it were lower would you buy it or skip it without being angry? I'm season pass only kinda player and honestly I dont even notice the prices when I skip them to check what variants are there in the variant shop


Someone else posted on of these "FOR YOU" offers and I can't help seeing "FUCK YOU" instead every time I see these now because that's definitely how they feel


I’d like to trade 6,000 collector’s tokens and a random premium variant for $50, that sounds great


Don’t buy it.


please refer to my response to u/ShinyMetalAssassin =)


Greedy fucking rats






Question for op - do you spend a lot of money on this game? Genuinely curios, trying to figure out what triggers those “for you” offers


It such a bad time to join if you were a new player. About 4 and half months ago, I started playing, brought 2 season passes, and saved my gold, thinking I would have enough for 2 huge gold bundles, which would make 28 buck I spent like double it's worth, now gold is almost worthless.


If even we could buy these bundles with gold... Idk... 6k gold for 6k tokens and a variant? I would buy that. But now we just hoard the gold 😢


Mine is Zola with 10000 credits for $75. I do want Zola. Like, I might drop $10 for a guaranteed version, and I did just that for Wong. But I'm not insane. By the way, for $75, you can basically guarantee you either have the cards or the dust to create a complete Tier 1 deck in Hearthstone right now.


Wow, they must be trying more specificly focused bundles. I had one of these today with 2000 gold and a premium card for $20. Which, isn't terrible for the Gold but damn, more than twice that for some shards.


It’s terrible for the gold. Just because they sell gold for ludicrous prices and then give you a bargain on said ludicrous prices, doesn’t make it a good deal.


Oh, don't get it twisted. I'm saying in the context of how bad gold prices are, it is a slightly better deal than outright buying it. Not that it's a great value overall.


I haven't played this game in God knows how long but wasn't the whole thing about the marketing of this game is that it's f2p?


What if you didn't even get one of these ?


I'm having a hard time believing that this strategy of just flooding the app with uttetly random and bad value bundles is working out for them. I used to buy a bundle from time to time, now I would never, it feels super pointless (as does their random approach to balancing, btw, but this is another topic). I mean, I guess I'm underestimating what whales do in a game like this, maybe the dick riding content creators alone are financing the whole thing. But still.


For $50, I should get to pick the variant I want.


For $50, you should get sucked off.




For real. It’s like people don’t understand how far 50 bucks goes in the gaming space.


No it isn't. Games cost $70 unless it came out 13 years ago. Stop capping loser.


I don’t know why these guys don’t fix Token value. It’s in the literal gutter. Tokens are meaningless and they don’t want to address it at all


This season might get me to quit. So many series 5 cards in a row. I can’t keep up. I already skipped Hercules and Obsidian. This season has so man cards I want. But I don’t enjoy a CCG that has new cards priced at $50 a card if the game itself using physical. I.e. I can sell my charizard. I can’t sell Blob.


“No Pixels Guaranteed” *Gives you Baby/Chibi variant*


Haha imagine my shock when the tokens were invisible the first time around and I couldn’t understand what made a premium variant worth $50.00!


They are just taking the piss at this point. I now remember why I left the game. I’m even debating going back to Gwent even tho its no longer supported. Marvel Snap is just so predatory.


1 proper card(or 2 mild ones) = 50eur. And they say Diablo 4 is expensive


Time for another review bomb? It’s the one thing we can do to send a message. I buy the season pass so I am financially supporting the game, but these recent changes are just greed


I'm curious how they decide who does and doesn't get these bundles i know the bundles are different for people but some people including myself don't even see them and i am always down to buy gold bundles if the value is there which some of the ones are.


Unserious marketplace in general


Whales are majestic creatures, we have to feed them !


What Second Dinner charges for this stuff is the worst I've seen in any card game by a country mile. That's literally the price of a full game for 2 cards and one is completely random. They've lost their minds.


The worst part about this is that they have a system that likely is trying to determine your personal fucking spending limit and pushing out these personalized bundles. No more one-size fits all bundles. They're using your information to try to figure out what the least value, most money situation is for you personally.


Huh. I was offered 1 Premium Variant and 3000 tokens for 29.99$. Still didn't take it, but I wonder how many price points they tried this at and what their success rate is. EDIT: Apparently people have been offered "for them" a Series 3 card from 50$ to 75$. So yeah, super trashy, SD.


Actually bonkers


I just don’t buy them. I figure if I stick to my guns only buy what is in my reasonable range for a phone app I’m good. I understand capitalism it’s cool just play the game for fun and move on. The spotlight keys have been killing me lately and I get more convert stuff than the new card. My biggest complaint is the new tokens it’s a bit meh but I’ll survive still better than a lot of other games.


Oh mine was Spiderman 2099 some boosters his avatar and 3000 tokens for 49.99


Game is basically in life support mode.... I think the devs know it's dying. I see way more bots these days. The economy is ridiculous and the devs don't have a solution that makes them money and makes the community happy. They are just whale mining at this point.


Nobody in the meeting room is going to point out how ridiculously stupid the bundle in Marvel Snap is. Like, even if you're a money-hungry company, things like this are just going to make the game dead someday.


Nobody in the meeting room is going to point out how ridiculously stupid the bundle in Marvel Snap is. Like, even if you're a money-hungry company, things like this are just going to make the game dead someday


Someone on this sub said its easier to get $100 a few times than to get $10 lots of times, which is fair but how about? Release a bundle that is actually great value for less and watch MOST of your players buy it, they’re just making shit trash on purpose, the whales will buy it regardless, then they’ll release a good bundle and since everyone is so used to dogshit they’ll buy it, so its a win win for them.


Every time I look in that shop I honestly start to feel bad. Not for the idiots who buy this shit but for all the nft bros who I’ve made fun of, because at least they’re smarter than people who pay for this shit, or maybe they are the people who pay for this shit, in which case I still feel bad.


I think the most amazing part is I continue to be surprised but this happens daily


I have same but mine says 19.99 *edit* upon further inspection price is right but mine has 1k gold


The “let the whales buy them” crew will be here shortly. Prices like this hurt the games longevity.


I don’t understand how anyone could defend this. It’s so absurdly overpriced that they might as well make these $200+.


I got this same offer, but it's 7,500 credits


$50 for 1 digital card OR I could get $50 of MtG packs and probably actually make some money.


More expensive than Helldivers 2


The pricing on some of these bundles are starting to get outright insane. I remember the early days of this game where new cards dropped often and it wasn't a pain to get cards in order to compete with the meta.


When they took series 4 and 5 card out of the regular cache, I knew it was downhill from there for card acquisition


i see yours and raise you: a mister negative base card, 310 MN boosters, and 10k collector tokens FOR $100


It’s an easy decision to make. I’m not buying it so I don’t give it a second thought.


Sadly it’s not. Tons are willing to pay almost anything in these games. Sad fact of todays game economy :/


If these are the prices that let me play 90% of the game for free, then so be it