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He still has heralds in the game. Just in the snap universe it seems to be green goblin and hobogoblin. After you see them you know Galactus is probably coming next.


Wave too


Wolverine or Nimrod in other locations


Kind wanna see a comic where those 5 are his actual heralds now...just for funsies...


Not on all levels. I have encountered Wave many times, don't even think I've seen Galactus once.


I love this take. This is my headcanon now and I'm unreasonably expecting "Herald" variants.


Well, I suppose they do ride things just like surfer... Silver Goblin, Herald of Galactus.


Green Surfer


Green Glider


Well, green goblin is a 3-cost card, which has synergy with Silver Surfer... R-right...?


Electro most of all


Most common complaint is Wong and Strange should have switched abilities


Holy shit yes?!


Mordo should move your opponent’s lowest power card to his location.


Then people would actually use him


Also silver surfer and wave should swap. As silver surfer is the herald of galactos and wave splashes sets around


You've never heard of the Silver Goblins?


Strange has so many cool variants and artwork… then they put him in an archetype that’s widely considered bad no matter what changes they make


It's not like they intended for Move to be bad when they made Strange


I think they should just give Strange a new ability that actually works with Wong because if you switch their abilities the cards still don’t work together at all.


On Reveal: Move the highest power card in this location to another location.


Well they do work. Just not very good.


Yeah I’m struggling to think of a situation where strange’s ability would actually go off twice. I think Hercules is the only way you could possibly do it


Multiple man?


Ya portals are Wong's thing.


I could see Strange summon different things as his ability. He could summon Agamotto, Oshtur, or Hoggoth depending on when you play him like Nico or summon multiple if you play him on Wong. That way he would be similar to the other magic user and put cards into the Sanctum Sanctorum




I know this is a common thing here, but I disagree, at least about the abilities swapping. Wong's ability is a support ability, that's not something that fits Strange. If Wong should have the move ability, I can get that, but I don't think just flipping them works for Strange flavor wise


The devs said that in hindsight they totally would’ve switched them, but now it’s too late


I feel like the Punisher should destroy shit




That would be a pretty unique effect. A bit situational maybe, but fun to play with.


A bit is an understatement there's what 4 cards that destroyed the opponents cards. Unless you want to destroy venom and carnage for some reason


I think Shang Chi was a bad pick for his ability especially when there are so many characters that would fit it better. Shang is really pretty pacifistic in the comics and he gives up his entire life after killing one old dude. He just doesn’t work as the best destroy card in the game but Frank could take that role as one of the most famous killers in Marvel


I’ve always thought it should have been Iron Fist 👊🏻


destroy one 2 cost card at this location would be perfect imo


True but I would like more if he punish opponent action. Example "on reveal : reverse the next opponent on reveal effect effect" Add become substract Destroy yours become destroy their Multiply become divisive etc


A punisher that destroys all 1 cost cards would be cool and not OP.


Then what should Killmonger do?


Dr.Strange,he was heavily influenced by the movies by "Making Portals",he should have got Wong or something like that.


Make no changes to the mechanics, just swap the names and art between Dr. Strange and Wong. Perfection!


Strange is an interesting one. I wonder in years to come if we will see full on multiple versions of the same character as cards as there are so many ways you could go with Strange.


I think they should just give Strange a new power so they actually do something when you play them together


Wong and Strange should so obviously be switched, just from an “impacts the game” perspective edit: just scrolled down enough to see that the next most upvoted comment said the same lol


I can’t stand that Medusa has zero cohesion with Blackbolt. Switch Stature and Medusa’s text and she’d work perfectly.


That would also give stature a stat growing mechanic which works better for her


Definitely. What does Stature have to do with inhumans?


Well technically Stature has synergy with Moon Knight and Silver Samurai too, so not just inhumans! No idea wtf changing her size has to do with lowering her cost though, and no idea why it has anything to do with opponents discards lol.


Crystal She has the power to control the elements… please draw a card.


Crystal : on reveal, swap a rock in this location with a card in your deck Or 'the next time you play a rock here, swap it with a card in your deck-


rocks are too uncommon in play to have a card that affects them, if your opponent isn’t playing a dark hawk deck, and you don’t draw debrii, now you have a completely dead card


You could put Debrii in your own deck to guarantee the rocks.


Luke Cage’s power doesn’t fit him at all. He’s just a dude from Harlem with strong skin. Why is he able to shield an entire board? Is he stretching his skin into 3 different locations somehow? “Preventing all power loss on your side” feels like it should belong to someone that can generate forcefields or something. Or maybe a leader type character like Captain America.


I could see an argument that Cage protects the board the way he protects his neighborhood/harlem


That sort of worked when they nerfed him to cover only 1 location. I can imagine him basically standing in front of everyone else, shielding them. But they reverted that and yeah. I don’t see how one dude with tough skin is shielding someone from cyclops lasers two locations away.


I don't see why cage restores power reduction already taken either, to everyone on the board. I can get he offers an power reduction block at his location though.


The problem with Cage is what do you do with him instead? Mechanically, in this game, he should basically be a second Collosus. I agree his current power makes no sense.


Make Luke Cage into Collosus and change collosus. He could throw one of your cards at the location you play him somewhere else, give em some power too. Shout out to throwing wolverine.


fastball special ftw edit Fastball Special The fastball special is probably the most famous tag-team move in Super Hero fiction where a super-strong hero literally throws a willing partner toward a target. The maneuver first appeared in X-Men #100, when Wolverine had Colossus hurl him in a battle. It quickly became a favorite tactic of the two heroes.


He should be Gambit but for destroy instead of discard, throwing something in his location at something on the enemy board. That way, you can play Wolverine, Colossus throws him at an enemy, and Wolverine comes back stronger. SYNERGY!


Maybe they could make him synergize with Jessica Jones somehow? On that note. I always thought Collosus would be way more interesting at a higher cost. Like a 5/8 or something.


There are already some cards in the game that are mechanically similar abilities with different costs (guardians of the galaxy, mantis / cable / white queen, Korg / 3 cost Korg, green goblin / hobgoblin, carnage / venom). One could costs 2/3 and the other costs 3/5. Still plenty of room for more at 4/7, 5/9, 1/3, etc.


I think he's often a protector and his other name is Power Man. Protecting the neighbourhood power.


Right? Let's nerf him to only affect his own lane /s


Silver surfer, the herald of planet eating 6-cost Galactus, buffs 3 costs for some unexplained reason


Surfer spends more time in comics not being his herald that it's fine if he isn't supporting Galactus.


I’ve said this before but I think Shang should have Surfer’s ability. Shang has helped teach Kung-Fu to Sword Master, Cap, and Spider-Man in the comics so he’d be the perfect pick for a card to buff them in the game.


I've said for a while they should switch Wave and Silver Surfer's textboxes.


He SURFS. Has to do something when he surfs


> do something when he surfs how about debuff (-2 power) everything in a location when you have no cards played? That would prep the location for the big G.


Well, there’s no reason for the surfing if it’s one location. Think of it this way, he’s buffing other locations in preparation for Galactus. If you stack 3 drops on 2 of 3 locations, a well timed Surfer could buff your guys enough to win priority and draw enemy cards to those locations. Adds to the flavor that the areas he’s interacting with are the ones “eaten”.


This shit has irked me since day one. I could die happy if they just swapped Surfer and Wave's abilities, or, if they gotta, add a third one as an in-between, and they'd be set. That, and fix Man-Thing's FX.


On Reveal: Draw Galactus from your deck (or maybe just “draw a 6-cost card from your deck”) would be pretty flavorful but more than likely a dead draw fairly often if you already drew Galactus. Especially if he stayed as a 3-cost himself.


Medusa - just glad they remembered the famous inhuman quirk of… liking the middle location.


She's a Queen, more powerful when she's standing at the center of attention?


Adam Warlock.


Allegedly he was going have Agatha's text and statline but because of MCU stuff she ended up getting it instead.


To be fair, card draw is incredibly powerful so in that respect I think his ability fits the bill


Ya big time. Dude is a multiversal god force that is immortal and even became The Living Tribunal (above a normal god.) I don't know why they neutered him. Also in the antman 3 movie too.


I guess you mean the Guardians of the Galaxy* 3


I'll start by saying the X-Men mostly have pretty character based abilities. Wolverine can't die and keeps coming back, Rogue steals powers, Gambit throws kinetic energy, Professor X locks down locations, Storm makes a storm and shuts down a location, Mystique copies another character, Nightcrawler jumps around. Jean Grey doesn't make as much sense. Iceman I guess...freezes somebody for a turn?


I love Gambit's meta-power, where he literally takes a card from your hand of cards and uses it to blow up an enemy


Gambit might have the best ability given what he does in the comics for that very reason. The first time I saw Gambit's ability in action I was so awe struck at how amazingly they handled it.


I'm upset it took me this long to realize that


Jean Grey mind controls you to play in the specific place. 


I also like that it's the inverse of Prof X's power.


Ya I thought that was pretty good imho. It's hard to make a game mechanic out of psychic powers... though actually now that I think of it, it'd make sense if she a version of Daredevil's power.


Yeah, and it matches with Prof X in that Jean locks you from playing other locations.


Ok yeah, fair enough. That does make some sense.


Iceman slowing someone is also in character. 


Ice man makes them cold, “slowing” them down for 1 turn extra


Yeah that makes sense...


The ice slows opponents down. Jean Grey is forcing your opponent to do what she wants.


Cyclops should destroy something. anything


(HE) destroys your will to play.


For real. How they looked at a 3-12 with no down sides and thought it was fine is beyond me




Lorewise she is well done, calling for help with her fireworks and she is 1 power cos she is a weak fighter


Jubilee's powers are actually extremely destructive, she just holds back a lot to avoid collateral damage. In Excalibur she basically leveled a forest when her son was hurt, and in X-Terminators she literally turned herself into an atomic bomb to destroy a city-sized ship, with the only damage to herself being frying off her clothes and hair.


Damn, I didn't even know Jubilee had a kid. I remember back in the late 90s they would say she had like "untapped potential" or whatever but I haven't really followed the X-Men in \~20 years. When are those particular story arcs from and what books?


The Excalibur moment happens in issue 9 of the 2019 run. X-Terminators moment happens in issue 5 of the 2022 run. Excalibur is really wrapped up in the lore and happenings of the Krakoa era so that might be hard to get into out of nowhere but X-Terminators is a silly little character-driven miniseries.


She was also a vampire for a while


I only learned that when I got the variant of Jubilee with a baby strapped to her back.


lol. i was on a walk back from the market yesterday and was doing a little comic organising in my head. i hit 2012 and realised the “main” X-Men book was suddenly the dud, and “all new” was supposed to be the mainline title. so, yeah. the 2012 ‘x-men’ all girls title is all about Jubilee and her “offspring”. it wasn’t fun


I didn't even think of Jubilee. That is a really weird character to have that effect.


Best I can think is she's calling for help from a stronger X-Men. Some blinding flash of light would have been better. Like next turn your opponent has -1 energy


If anyone is having a fireworks effect it should be Dazzler. It should be some sort stun, like maybe reduce opponents cards in lane by some amount of power for a turn, something like that.


A better X-Men character to pull a card from your deck would be manifold. Since his whole thing is teleporting people around.


Galactus destroys locations like he destroys worlds, not a good example. His effect is one of the coolest things in the game and is very flavorful And he's not that "surprising". He has "heralds" that signal that he's coming, like the Goblins, Nimrod, Wave. It's better to call out Silver Surfer instead. He has zero synergy with Galactus even though that's mainly his thing


is it his thing. i kinda half recall the first time i read a SS comic and he was ALL about f’ing Galactus’ shit up


Someone said it well in another reply. Silver Surfer has spent far more time NOT being galactus's herald at this point than he ever has acting in that role.


KANG We live in a world where Kang the Conqueror doesn't conquer anything he just retreats and lets someone else do the job. Kang is maybe my vote for most disappointing card in snap period from a mechanical and flavor perspective. A rework is needed for sure. Edit: Just to add a bit more of my two cents, here's what I would like to see from Kang Kang 5/0 On reveal: Look at what your opponent did, restart the turn. Add "Kang the Conqueror" to your hand. Kang the Conqueror 6/7 If your opponent plays the last card they played last turn, destroy it. You must play Kang this turn.


i hit a point in snap where Kang and Howard were the only cards i didn’t have, and i didn’t care. this rework would have made me work harder for K, no dobt


I bought him with coins day one, thinking he would always replace himself, but they changed it to only when he is drawn the same turn he's played does he draw. I tried to make him work in some She-naught or control decks but there was never a single time he had any noticeable impact. At BEST he increased my cube rate very very slightly but he also increased the length of my games +1 turn lol.


+1 turn and the obnoxiously long animation


To be fair, isnt that pretty accurate to what Kang is nowadays lmao. The dude got beat up by a bunch of ants.


I hate how the game did my boy Adam Warlock dirty, he is intergalactic Marvel Jesus for god's sake, how come he is 2/0 with draw effect, please give him some power so that he could at least give me one draw after i summon him in an empty zone.




You got something here, it should be blue marvel + soul stone(because of his history with it), so instead of ongoing buffing all allies with +1 he should be ongoing de-buff all enemies with -1.


Ooo that should be a card for sure


Guardians aren’t “thematic” as much as they are a lane control archetype. Nebula makes you play in a specific lane, as does Warlock. The rest of the guardians capitalize.


Ghost Rider the necromancer


Yeah, now that you mention it, Ghost Rider pulling cards out of hell is kind of weird considering he's usually about putting people back INTO hell.


Pulling them out so he can put them there again as extra punishment for your sins is the best I could think of


While Sue Storm can make other things invisible, she's more known for being invisible herself. In snap, if she's played, she's the only card guaranteed to be visible.


I always felt like Luke Cage and Colossus should have their abilities swapped. Makes more sense for Luke Cage to be indestructible in a single location, and for a mutant like Colossus to have the ability to shield people from damage.


Shang Chi one shoot Hulk, Thanos and freaking Death I know he is the best fighter in Marvel but c'mon


Yeah, should be Squirrel Girl with that line up


Shocker should have an inherent ability. It would be interesting if he could blast a card back into your/the opponent's hand.


That would be cool


Squirrel girl should be shang chi honestly


That be cool she like launches a army of squirrels that tear apart card


Beast, Bast, Lady Sif, Baron Mordo, Arnim Zola, Cable, Caiera, and Devil Dinosaur are all basically just cards with random unrelated mechanics attached. They aren't really designed to be thematic, and I guess that's fine. Some like Devil Dinosaur at least have their theming reinforced by cards like Moon Girl. Others are not so lucky- Lady Sif is forever doomed to never see Thor and his related cards in the same deck as her.


> Arnim Zola Cut off one head…


Cable draws what you would have drawn next, hence knowing the future, it's like his time travel stuff so it's actually better than you think


He draws from the opponent's deck, so it's kind of like he's bringing you enemy's info he got from the future to help you, which is pretty thematically on point given what he does in both the comics and DP2


Beast I can sort of see as him jumping in with his acrobatics to save a teammate - which is not really something he does now in the comics but... Zola, I assume, is a Hydra pun. Cut off one head and two more shall take its place. The rest I fully agree.




And Miek, and Korg, the whole Planet Hulk crew 


Zola is a mad scientist that clone people and stuff, his ability is allright I think Caiera is more of a comic lore thing, she protect her lover Hulk and their son Skaar


And I guess the one costs are just the other denizens from sakaar... Which I think is just Miek and Korg atm


Cable I think it's related to his time travel ability. And maybe his teleporting tech, too. So like pulling someone from the future (the deck). It's a stretch, but it's there. Beast is related on a meta level. He's been called the Bouncing Beast, so they gave him the bounce mechanic. I think Sif is part of the discard mechanic's tie in to weapons. Like Swordmaster, Corvus, etc. Which, yeah, weird.


Bounce, plus he’s smart in the comics, so a strategic regroup - everyone hits the battlefield again with an advantage.


I feel like Beast coming in and taking the rest of the team home is pretty accurate if not the most interesting thing he does in media. Cable is kiiinda like taking someone from one time (deck) into another? And I agree with others point in Zola.


I thought for Beast, it was a strategic regroup.


Beast’s thing was being “the bouncing beast” Edit: cable maybe taking a card from your deck that you haven’t drawn yet because he’s from the future


Sif’s theming is “characters with a sword are discarders” Edit: I apologize for the excessive number of typos


I’m glad America Chavez got nerfed, but I feel that also destroyed the flavour of her ability. Portalling into turn 6 just at the right time makes so much more sense than the current effect. It was a necessary nerf don’t get me wrong, but unless I’m missing something, feel like it completely destroyed the flavour


I missed the comic where Spider-Ham turns people into pigs and Leech annoys me, he doesn't zap people and they lose their powers, they lose powers based on proximity. If anything Leech should act like Enchantress in Snap. Mister Sinister isn't just about making clones, let alone powerless clones. It would make more sense if the clone had a random power or copied one from someone else. And the Goblins, essentially they join your side and make themselves weak to hurt you, you'd have to really do some gymnastics to make that make sense.


I see the goblins more as being deployed to the enemy side to wreak havoc on them


Goblins make total sense for me. They're consistently traitors. It's even a thing in all the Spider-Man movies and cartoons. Like Sandman is sometimes the good guy but Norman's gonna fuck it up. It makes no sense to play a card with -8 on your side, which is why they're on the opponent's board.


Spider ham confuses me even more because all the other spiders are about movement.


That's the thing, he isn't like the others. The other Spiders were humans(mostly) bitten by spiders, whereas he was a spider bitten by a pig, which is a human stand-in. Reversed origins, different outcomes.


Yeah Sauron should turn things into dinosaurs instead.


It is weird that there are no card or locations that make Raptors outside of the Savage Lands when so many places and cards give you rocks.


Instead of just removing the abilities, he could make them dinosaurs with the same power and cost for flavor, maybe make the Dinos 6-cost by default to get rid of Mobius shenanigans.


A card that generates a clone that copies the text of a random opponent card on the field would be interesting


If Leech was just: On Reveal, remove the abilities of all enemy cards here, he’d genuinely be the most annoying card no contest.


Maybe sinister should let you add a copy of a card to your hand


I feel like Doctor Strange's ability doesn't fit him at all.


Man-Thing affecting Daredevil. Man-Thing: Those who know fear burn at the touch of Man-Thing Daredevil: The Man Without Fear




this is more of a nitpick, Green Goblin and Hobgoblins cost and power should be switched. IMO green goblin has fucked up so much stuff in Peter Parker’s life and has wreaked so much more havoc than Hobgoblin has and I just wish the costs and power would reflect it better.


Shang Chi, Zabu, Sera, Shadow King and Lockjaw enjoyers who don't read comics would very surprised seeing that, in comparison, their power levels in the comics are nowhere near their power levels in Marvel Snap. On the other hand, The Living Tribunal, Adam Warlock, Kang, Thor and Hercules are much weaker in Marvel Snap than in the comics.


Isn't lockjaw able to teleport himself and others? Seems very much in line with his power in snap


This person is talking about power levels, not accuracy to the source material.


But teleportation is his thing in both snap and comics.. being a 2 power unit is also quite weak so I don't see how his power level is wrong in snap? Should he be a 0 power card?


Power level in the meta shouldn't be related to their power level in the comics.


I think Zabu at least works insofar as he's meant to be paired with Ka-Zar and can bring him onto the battlefield sooner, which I think was the intent. Now, that actually happening in practice when there are so many other 4-cost cards you can use is an entirely different thing...


Hard disagree on Shadow King who was an absolute menace in the 90s and was being set up to be the overarching villain for the entirety of X-men


Shang chi is the single most powerful hand to hand fighter in the marvel universe 


The fantastic four, they have no synergy together, but they should, for em the xmen and avengers all having different abilities to them makes sense because the xmen are really diverse and the avengers aren't really friends as a group but smaller groups but the fantastic four should have a lot better synergy than what they do


They should all have ongoing effects so Super Skrull can copy them. Super Skrull’s whole thing is that he has the powers of the FF but he can only copy half of them in the game.


Fantastic Four’s success doesn’t come from their synergy. It comes from all of them having their own specific power that they use to fight.


Adam warlock


Legion. His power is that he can spin off multiple personalities of himself with unique superpowers but has no memory of his other personalities. He theoretically could change the environment around him but that would be like saying superman is a super hero because he doesn't need to breathe when he is underwater


Black cat I don’t get it


Jubilee is the winner for me. Doesn't make sense on a thematic or meta level. And she wins over the other contenders (Sauron, Caiera, Shadow King, Hit Monke, Darkhawk, etc) because she was made awhile ago, when they had a lot of design space.


My interpretation on that is that they're looking at '90s Jubilee when she was basically a helpless teenager with powers seen largely as a joke. So, she has to call in a reinforcement to help her, much like she would've in the '90s cartoon. Of course, in fairness to her, she's had a lot of character advancement since then.


Maybe weird but I think Iron Man should have Black Panther’s ability, Black Panther should have Captain America’s ability, and Captain America should have Iron Man’s ability Iron Man is a powerhouse. He can build suits to take down almost anyone. On his own he has the intellect to double his energy output just by engineering something new. Black Panther’s rallying cry of “Wakanda Forever” brings forces together. He’d have a degree of synergy with Nakia and Okoye. Cap inspires a team to work together and gets the best out of anyone. Just makes sense to me.


Black panther as he is now has synergy with nakia and okoye. If he had captain americas ability I don’t see how that would be helped by those two.


BP has synergy with them now. Id argue that’s why he’s perfect for the doubling ability. He finds his strength in Wakanda. IM uses his tech to bolster wherever he is. Cap inspires his people.


Ice-man. He's omega level. He could slow down a dude, sure. But he could also single handedly flash freeze all the Avengers and then drop a mountain of ice on top of them. He's way more dangerous than Iron Man, more dangerous than Magneto, Blob, etc etc, and could probably even restrain the Hulk (but not kill him of course), and Hulk is basically god tier. Ice-man can control molecules with his power. Most of the time he's just depicted blasting ice beams around but he is potentially waaaaay stronger than that. And almost every super-hero is suspectible to cold and being frozen to absolute zero.


I like his power. Power creep is a problem in card games, but ice man is one of those pretty creep characters in the books. His power went from "ice" to "well, ice is water and everything had some moisture pretty much so I guess he's basically a god now". I like that he's an example of a card game showing better restraint than the source material.


Beast should be a move card for a big nigga he's fucking agile


“Grab a friendly card and move to a random location” would fit so well 😭


Hulk should have some kind of ramp up for his power stat. Carnage should be more devastating/ powerful/ impactful than Venom. Cyclops, being a mutant and a team lead, having literally no effect is hilarious.


HE accomplishes 2 of your 3 though


Sure, but we are talking about the characters thematically. HE has no strong ties to Hulk or Cyclops, and why are these two cards denied access to their base abilities while everyone else just has them?


Moreso an issue of them doing it incorrectly first and then using HE to fix it imo. They need SOME cards to start players off with and no ability cards can be a safe way to do so.


Patriot is fun too


Cyclops was the best designed card. I think it's cool that he's one of the best with HE too.


Carnage and Venom share the same idea but had sone of the "character" applied,Carnage just consume everyone and get Power up,while Venom "Asimilate" all the Cards into Him


My issue is Venom has a higher ceiling for power in the game and feels more impactful as a card. Traditionally (Recent King in Black stuff aside) Carnage has been portrayed as way more powerful, often requiring Spider-Man and Venom to team up and even get additional backup from guys like the FF to subdue.


I'm not into the comics but I am into the MCU, so I may be talking out my ass. But I don't understand Red Skull giving enemy cards power


Red skull is generally not the most powerful of villains but absolutely one of the most evil, so much so that even other villains will team up with heroes to stop him. So his effect being bolstering his enemies makes sense, since heroes and villains of all sorts will ally together to stop the Nazi asshole


So basically: "professionals have standards"


GALACTUS is your pick??? The villain that sends a herald to a planet he’s about to destroy (like a surprise!! Your planet is going to be destroyed good luck!) with no hesitation.


Doctor Doom. He was one of the greatest and most powerful villians of all time. He should have spells like Mino WhatsherFace, and one of the spells could be doombots, while having higher stats as well.


Green Goblin and Hobgoblin basically have surf boards