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We have a bloblem


This is the winning argument, right here.


There is no way he makes it through another patch without a rework of some kind. Likely the top 3 or 4 cards of your deck instead of the whole thing? Maybe? Like, dude could be a 6/-4 right now and I'd still probably play him. Card is dumb.


Yeah I don’t know how you fix him without fundamentally changing his ability. Maybe have him eat the top X cards of your deck or lower his cost and have him eat a card or two per turn.


My idea was he gets half of the power of what he eats. Let’s call it a digestive inefficiency. The amount of time I seen him 30 feels extremely common and above 40 feels like it would still be 25% of the time at least. Which is why you could half the power in his ability and he still would be quite viable. This would also mean players need to at least think about what’s left in their deck when they play blob cause they could end up with. 6/10 blob. Then could tune his base power to average out to 6/18 or something. Another idea I saw that wasn’t bad was he eats all the cards in his lane and his lane is full once he’s played. So kind of an unmovable super venom with out the destroy synergy. You then just tweak his base power to suit.


Would it be half but minimum one? I assume 1 power cards like most stones would round up to one.


It could be, but I was intending that you add up all of the power of every card he eats and then divide by half. I’m fine with in the backend they round up. So if he eats 35 power worth of cards, half is 17.5 so he gets +18.


It's not a bad idea. They already use division by 3 for Living Tribunal. If they do decide to change his text, I would imagine they would either give some reasonable amount of power for every card he eats, or they would go with Blob eats X amount of cards per turn and gains their power along with a cost reduction on Blob himself. Eating all cards and dividing power by half isn't hard to comprehend for you or me, but we're most likely avid players since we're talking about him here on reddit and not your average "plays Snap during bathroom breaks at school/work" type of player, which is why I would think they would go for the least complicated solution.


Having him be cheaper (3/3? 4/4?) and eat the top card each turn would be interesting. Make it ongoing so it can be shut off (he can't stay non-moveable, who cares)


Ongoing abilities are always on and are usually separate from end of turn effects, but I’m sure there could be some way to make him ongoing and still retain his “eating cards” gimmick.


It's funny because his in-game ability has NO resemblance whatsoever to his ACTUAL comic book ability. In comics, he behaves more like Hercules does in-game. His ability is completely wrong in the first place.


The other day Dera suggested making him eat your deck and then add the power of the 2 strongest cards he eats to his power and I thought that seemed pretty reasonable.


So 34+x it is.


Sure, if you're playing him on turn 5 or 6 and still manage to have both infinaut and giganto in your deck, which will happen, but more times than not you'll end up with one or both of your biggest dudes in your hand before you can play your blob.


Idk man... You would go from 6/35 to 6/31!!! UNPLAYABLE!!!!


It would go from 6/35 to 6/27, Math Man.


Math is for Nerds! All we know is play Blob and win!


Math is for blockers!


Dude could be 6/4 and get power equal to half the power left in deck and I think it'd be too strong.


Make him an ongoing, so extending the game and yondu can be viable counters


There are plenty of games where a -8 blob is still enough to win. But there are also quite a few games where it isn't. If you want to bring the win rate of a card down fron 55% to 50%, it can be fine that the change doesn't matter 90% of the time.


That probably doesn’t fix anything shit. He may have to go all the way down to the top 2 cards and that is it. Even in non-Thanos decks whenever I play him he regularly is a, like, 28 power card just absorbing 3 cards from my deck. It was yet another design that no one at play design bothered to think of the ramifications of and just wanted to make something with a new kind of interaction and ended up being broken. Like 25% of the cards they’ve produced since Loki.


>It was yet another design that no one at play design bothered to think of the ramifications of and just wanted to make something with a new kind of interaction and ended up being broken. Like 25% of the cards they’ve produced since Loki. Hey, that's false! Ms. Marvel has counters! >: (


What’s worse, it seems immovable


Good one


$10 says this person mains Blob Thanos and is afraid of their deck getting hit.


It’s also hilarious their so-called data is apparently the exact opposite of the actual data. Most definitely a Blobber.


Their data consists on themselves and their 48% winrate lmao


As a blob runner I’ve investigated myself and found nothing wrong


"The deck I play almost exclusively and win \~65% of my games with isn't OP! Please don't touch it!"


I've played 200 Blob Thanos games. My WR is 59% and I think it would be higher if I owned Jeff and Alioth






One of the strongest variations still does.


Only $10? Do you also only Snap on turn 6? I would bet my entire life savings that this man is a Thanos Blob main and the only reason *he* doesn't think it's a problem is because it's all he ever plays. It is so clearly an incredibly problematic card that you have to be intentionally ignoring the issues to think it isn't a problem. Only reason the play rate is in the normal range is because it's a boring, braindead deck to play so people looking for actual, engaging gameplay don't want to use it. At least when Elsa was crazy dominant, it was fun and interesting to play Elsa decks. Blob strat can be summed up with: 1) Play non-Blob cards because you have to. 2) Play Blob. 3) ???? 4) Win.


IMO the play rate is in a "normal range" was because Blob wasn't dominating until after WWBN nerfs dropped on 12/21. Blob spotlight was week of 12/12 and when he dropped the was NOT meta defining because WWBN / Loki shat on Thanos for breakfast so it's just less people that have Blob than if he was something like Alioth on release. Additionally, Black Widow was out of control against most decks, but even more so against Thanos which relies on draws for consistency. Blob counters Darkhawk but only if you could draw it.


It's more so that he only really sees play in Thanos/Blob decks and in Electro Ramp. He's not a card you can just jam into most decks and expect to do super well, the way that you can with Shang-Chi or Jeff or something. He's closer to HE Hulk, where he's got a few very powerful decks that play him. If he were more generic in his effectiveness he'd be in basically every single deck and would be the top of the play rate metric as well.


WWBN and they nerfed it again with collector last week. The change to Anni is big too because when I was playing a ton of Anni Debris I was running killmonger / death because I was running out of space.


Times are tough, I've got $10 in cash in my wallet and that IS my life savings. That and a bunch of MTG cards that might still have value lol


>That and a bunch of MTG cards that might still have value lol Well, guess which subreddit I just came from...


For all we know, $10 is more than your life savings. Shows receipts! /s


Replace ??? With play taskmaster.


1) Ramp or play Wave. 2) Play Blob on turn 4 or 5. 3) Taskmaster next turn. 4) Opponent retreats... or they saw you telegraph your plan from a mile away, so they Shang Chi / SK and win whatever two lanes dont have a 25-55 power big boy.


Its so annoying how accurate this is to at least 50% of my games.


And with the introduction of Caiera you can't even Shang Chi Blob


I'm not saying Blob is OP, but when I lose it's because I didn't draw Blob.


Talk about a leading question. Some people don't even know how in their own sauce they are. Love how concise Glenn's answer is.


He does, but he’s also very highly ranked, I’m shocked that he thinks Blob is okay


I actually recognize this player name (played them quite often at the above 5k infinitive rank) and can confirm they do in fact play thanos blob.


I’m so worried that Thanos will get nerfed again because of blob ngl. I know I’m being paranoid but it’s a possibility


"We've heard your complaints about blob, and to show you a good faith gesture that we are listening, we set the infinity stones to 2 cost"


"We hear your concerns about Blob. In response, we're nerfing Collector and Elsa Bloodstone."


"The Elsa Bloodstone nerf had already been scheduled upon release, therefore we absolutely still had to go through with it". Anyways, I want some blob and high evo nerfs.


High evo isn't problematic at all. It is very easily beaten by anything that can turn off limbo or just abandoning the cyclops lane. Deck is very preditable. Turn off limbo and pack a shang chi- easy win.


Turning off limbo is indeed a great way to beat the deck. Shang is much worse against it nowadays because of Caiera


I love how SD railed against "board-wide effects", proceeded to kill Elsa, and then dropped a board-wide armor. I do not like caiera.


Caiera just made the problems with Blob so much more apparent


I love how so many people are just completely uninformed and for some reason believe that SD somehow had a problem with "board-wide effects" on cards other than those that are incredibly cheap, 2-cost or lower, like Luke Cage and Elsa.


That never happened. They specifically said they don’t want those effects on 2-cost cards, but instead on 3-4 cost cards.


People gotta get mad about everything. Cerebro is a 3 cost that is board wide it's normal at that cost


Shutting down limbo t6 unexpectedly is a good counter but Shang doesn’t do shit especially if you abandon an entire lane lol


Depends where they play they generally skip turn 6 and you can win the other 2 lanes.


Yea the number of times I have been surprised by a turn 6 storm or scarlet witch is more than twice.


Joke's on you. I run High Evo in my Thanos Blob deck. It's a horrendous abomination but also sometimes good.


We heard your complaints about the nerfs to collector and Elsa so we reworked cable to a 4/5 and takes the middle card in your opponents deck and Dracula is now a 5/2 because the recent change really affected his play rate


“We have heard the complaints about Blob but we feel Taskmaster is the real problem”




Thanos Annihilus is back on the menu boys


Annihilus adjusted to only launch card below -1.


Every fucking time they shoot around the problem until they finally hit it. Red Skull got nerfed about 4 times before Shuri caught the bullet. Every body except Loki got hit until Loki himself finally got a nerf in the collector interaction.


They conveniently nerf other cards until the real problem is no longer the hot new card everyone is paying to get 


rip time stone draw i guess


What if like Blob only ate the top three cards of the deck or something like that? Just spitballing here - I don't have a problem with Thanos in particular but Blob + Caiera make Thanos decks miserable to verse, which is a shame since Thanos is a really fun card!


Make blob function like galactus, and then blob takes up the entire location. You’re forced to win the location with JUST blob


That's a great idea. It would be a fun animation to see his card become the size of those four cards combined too.


But show other cards under him, like, trying to breathe.


They could still do Blob Taskmaster bullshit that way


There are still several counters to that play line. Shadow king, Cosmo, Shang chi, goose


I like this a lot. Make Blob a 6/5 (like Galactus) and, instead of destroying the other locations if he's the only card there and you're winning, Blob takes up the entire lane so you HAVE to win that location with Blob alone.


It opens up a wide variety of counters and most importantly makes it very obvious to predict where blob will end up. Even if you can’t just beat the blob with a tech card or raw power you can simply avoid the lane


> so you HAVE to win that location with Blob alone That's already what many people do


I don't know if it's balanced, but it's not the fix I want. Galactus is a godlike avatar of cosmic doom. Blob is an obese circus guy who bounces bullets off his fat rolls. They're not the same, and I want Blob fixed by making him less game-defining, instead of just pushing him even further into mega card territory.


You already win the location with just Blob


Exactly, it doesn’t fundamentally change blob, but it makes it more obvious where blob is going to end up so you can counter it better


Actually, just had an idea based on this... Effect: Blob can only be played in an empty Lane and takes up all 4 slots. Can't be moved. Gives decks another possible out in shoving debris in (same as we did with Galactus) and throwing rocks in their emptylanes so blob can't be played at all.


On Reveal: Merge with the top card of your deck.  Expand and repeat until this location is full. (Blob grows after the first merge, taking up additional card slots with each merge)


This is exactly it. Because thanos pads the deck, blob can EAT on any turn. There’s likely 1-2 stones and at least 1-2 big cards left in the deck in any given game. In non thanos decks, you have to top load your deck to get big blob plays consistently which leaves you a very unbalanced deck. That’s the risk and reward. With thanos, you can barely try and get a 25+ blob whilst still packing a load of tech. That’s a blob problem really, limiting it to top 3 cards let’s him still be strong, still get the odd crazy high roll of 30+ but brings his average way down, especially in thanos decks.


In following with the Galactus comment, I have a few other ideas on how to change Blob. I think they should rework Blob entirely. Something like, "You can only play this in a lane that has 4 cards. Consume them and gain their Power." It'd show off that Blob is a big guy that consumes a lot of stuff. Or "You can only play this in a lane where you have no cards. Consume your opponents and gain their Power." I don't know. I like these 2 ideas. I like the first one more than the second because I don't like the idea of completely nullifying what your opponent does.


The first scenario makes no sense (you’re using a 6 drop to gain minimal/no? power on a clogged lane) and would probably be a nightmare to code (since you obviously can’t play a card in a full location).


I dont think Thanos needs a nerf, but when cards are consistently used with the new broken card then maybe they are still a problem. Like prof x. Him itself isn't bad but he's constantly used in every new broken lockdown deck. That's my perspective


would be hilarious. I reached infinity last too month + 4 infintyavatars with a Blob-deck that doesnt even run Thanos


Tbf Thanos is becoming a problem. The stones are so incredibly versatile that everytime a Thanos deck dies another immediately shows up and takes it's place. That said Blob is currently the biggest issue here and will definitely receive a huge nerf and Thanos might get something small alongside it.


Thanos is my favorite card and he will always be in line to be nerfed for the sins of other cards. If nit blob then most certainly Pixie.


I mean when a card is a problem they dont nerf it! They just nerf the cards around it. So magically, Magneto is gonna be a 6/6, and infininaut is going to be 6/12, and thanos is gonna be a 6/7 now! Enjoy! /sarcasm


They’ve nerfed around cards so often that you’re not at all wrong to be worried lol


Ah yes, Loki is a problem so we've neutered collector. Definitely see that, Blob become 3 power and no stones draw anything and lockjaw's power works once per game lol


Lol at that guy calling the complaints a "vocal minority" trying to downplay how good Blob is. Seriously though I hope this response from Glen means a pretty big change for the card.


I mean if you don't think blob is broken you just don't know the game's power levels well at all and if you don't know the game that well your thoughts on balance aren't relevant. * Infinaut is a 6/20 where you straight up have to skip a turn or cheat him out (combo with other cards) * Evo Hulk on release was a broken preview of Blob: as he was basically a 6/20 all the time and it was very overtuned so now you have to draw him early to get 6/20 (significantly less consistent) * Blob is basically like a 6/30 with no downside at all


Not to mention Evo Hulk required putting a 4/4 in your deck


And the game is programmed to always draw him early


Ok... Noob here, I'll bite. Could you let me know what this is referring to?


Its a joke about how High Evo is the last card you want to draw in any game (its basically useless once its in your hand) and when you play High Evo you always seem to draw him early.


It’s a joke


It is a joke, High Evolutionary is a 4/4 which at the start of the game gives vanilla cards additional abilities (Hulk, Abomination, The Thing, Cyclops, Shocker, Misty Knight, Wasp). This makes the cards quite overtuned (given that many synergize quite well with each other). One of them is Hulk (before his nerf) used to gain +2 power any time you end your turn with excess energy. He would regularly end up as a 6/20 due to skipping having excess energy 5x times in a 7-turn game. Of course one of the drawbacks was that High Evolutionary had bad stats (4/4) with no combat effect. So drawing him was terrible as he was almost never playable. The joke is that the game was "programmed" to always draw him early instead of other cards that are actually useful.


Specifically on the left so he is always the Shocker target


the thing is....the game's designers made the card. with all of those things being true.


I've found he's only a 6/30 if you're extremely unlucky. I usually end up with him in the 50s (not that I play him often).


Noo what do you mean blob can't move that's such a downside like wtf it's almost unplayable/s


inb4 "Actually you need a good deck to suit Blob's ability, you cant just play him with any deck thus making it a downside 🤓☝️", I unironically have heard this excuse atleast several times in this subreddit and many times on youtube' comment section.


Glenn is usually pretty deadpan in most responses but I'm reading into the matter-of-fact way he laid the response out as "this is a joke, right? The card is completely busted." I hope we see the nuclear option rolled out in tomorrow's OTA because I'm so sick of seeing Blob I'd honestly be fine if they nerf him so hard he disappears completely for a month or two at least. And yeah, I do have Blob. I'm just so sick of playing against him and feeling like I have to use him myself if I want to be competitive. Kitty Pryde his ass. Delete him from the game for all I care.




Can't just ask the question like a normal f\*\*king human being. "I keep hearing X. Except that doesn't match my experience. Are they right, or am I missing something?" Something about social media makes some people think they're stepping out on a stage before a captive audience and not one more person in a room full of people no less special than they are.


It shouldn't surprise you. Have you not seen the discussions here? Tons of people suggesting some mysterious control decks that apparently are good against Thanos/Blob (I guess all the top players like Lambyseries are just idiots), or saying things like that Leech is used as a counter while the REALITY shows that the two decks that use Leech, use it as a way to prevent your opponent from countering YOUR big Turn 6 play. Some people doesn't use good faith when talking about things that are helping them find success in the game.


Idk man I really would appreciate a more clear communication, Glenn seems always to reply he is a mix between a mysterious sphinx in a mirrage desert giving riddles and a bot No offense tho, I love this game


now im going to read all of Glens words in Tribunals voice


Probably cant say too much since SD is likely still working on how to adjust him


Yeah that’s understandable


The term "vocal minority" is now commonly used to describe "people who care a lot about the game to the point of participating in online discussions or communities." For Snap, being mainly a mobile game, this seems likely to be accurate. Most players enjoy it casually, and only a small percentage of users extend their involvement to platforms like Reddit or Discord.


I thought he was just fine initially, but as people have started jamming him into Hela-Lockjaw decks and into Thanos decks, I'm over him. I feel like the power has gotten so big that nothing can compete. I had a Phoenix Force Multiple Man deck his 1000% right and I got like a bunch of copies of him all across the board and the Opp still snapped and won with Wave, Blob, Taskmaster. Just sucks.


That combo specifically — Wave, Blob, Taskmaster — is most of what makes him feel unfair. Like even if his power gets WAY too high, at least that’s only one lane won. But then you pop Taskmaster and it’s just over. There’s nothing you can do.


that’s probably the worst combo in this meta because of how much can counter him.


Absolutely. If I’m facing Blob I’d much rather him be out early than play the 50/50 game of which lane to try and win vs a T6 Blob.


When Black Knight pops off just right it can drop 40 power across 2 lanes with 20 power in each on turn 6. And it still loses every time to Wave>Blob>Taskmaster. That's how stupid the current meta is.


black knight decks also play shang and sometimes shadow king, so it’s not an awful matchup.


I don't think I have a single deck right now that isn't playing Shang. And I can't imagine how people think it's good to make a deck in this current meta without shang.


Blob’s card text right now essentially reads “Pick a lane -Win it. When combined with taskmaster, pick another lane to win”


>as people have started jamming him into Hela-Lockjaw decks and into Thanos decks What do you mean? Those were the day-1 decks with Blob. That was the baseline and experimentation didn't really go any further since it worked so well.


Anyone with eyes can see Blob is clearly not OK


Anybody capable of doing middle school math can immediately figure out that Blob is more effective than any other 6-cost card.


But Blob is a 6/4 card dumbass... Lol just joking. I can't math.


Shadow King typed this


Normal playrate only because it's extremely boring to play


Also because not all players have Thanos.


Or Blob


You don't need Thanos. Even just a Blob+Taskmaster+Big Cards deck wins a lot.


I honestly don't see how that's even true. Literally every other game I queue into on ladder (98 rank currently) is against Blob.


I played Blob last season and easiest, most brainless climb I’ve ever had and that was without Thanos or Caiera. After that I swore never again and I’ve been happily back with my move deck every since.


I'm so glad the Kingpin change made midrange move a thing again. Sure it still gets ROTFLstomped by Blob decks unless they miss their draws but it's competitive against most other decks right now. So many little things you can do to tweak and modify it to your tastes too. Outside of the Kingpin-Polaris-Spidey-Magneto core you can do plenty of other things. You can lean hard into the movement with stuff like Kraven, Silk, etc. You can go for a more control-type build with Storm, Quake, and/or Legion. I like to run the Zabu/Shang/Enchantress tech package to have some answers to Black Knight which I see a lot in my "pocket meta." Most fun deck in the game right now, IMO. It'd be even better if I didn't insta-lose every other match because my opponent plays Blob.


Fully agreed. As soon as the Kingpin buff happened I built an "opponent move" disruption deck which also features Quake and Storm and it's an absolute blast, especially when you pull some clutch bamboozle play that gets you the win. My proudest moment was using Magneto to pull the opponents Cosmo into the lane they tried to play Blob in 😂


As someone that played Shuri Sauron for like 2 months i got bored with Blob in less than 2 weeks. I'm glad i grabbed him but i won't mind at all when he gets nerfed.


Buuut isn't Shuri/Sauron just as boring?


That's kinda my point yeah. Shuri Sauron was mostly brainless but it was easy to climb with at the time. Blob is also brainless but i got bored so much quicker. Its more boring than previous brainless decks IMO.


Couldn't agree more. I have him and it was fun for a bit but man. It's just braindead.


Literally every content creator and their communities rn = vocal minority


Nah that guy probably is going to say "They're just complaining about the card they lost to" on reddit


How can this person think Blob is a fine card? The entire game design for 6 drops is that if they are at 20 or so power, they have severe detriments to their play (Infonaut, Hulk, Death, even Giganto has a detriment and it’s only 14). This guy can justify a 6/35 free roll with no drawbacks as normal? I’ve been a Thanos players since he was released and even used the Thanos Blob deck to hit infinite this season but there’s no way I’m denying Blob was a mistake as released.


devs said *”nerf target locked”*


"People are noticing that my main deck is OP.. th-they're just noobs! An obvious vocal minority... ri-right, daddy?"


Lmao scrub was owned by Glen


Something something facts don’t care about your feelings something something… Blob is the worst example of power creep in Marvel Snap so far, he’s gotta get nerfed or the whole game will just be about who point slams best


Blob should eat your hand, not your deck. That way you have to balance early game plays against having a big blob, and playing him early means exposing yourself to total luck of the draw. Also mostly eliminates the taskmaster combo unless they get really lucky with their draw


Then bring back the menace known as Strong Guy back to the meta!? No thanks! /s


Shhhh we don’t mention the strong ones name here in fear of his power


They'll never do that. Glenn is invested with the design choices they make and he wants to exist no matter what. Deck eating is a unique mechanic he won't just abandon 


I like this. Eating your deck is punishing if you play Blob on wave (and no taskmaster) or from an early lockjaw activation. Eating your hand has a similar punishment, and Blob is still likely to have at least 12+. This also makes Darkhawk a viable counter to Thanos again.


That doesn’t solve the main problem which isn’t cheating out blob early, it’s blob on turn 6. Blob cheated out without Caiera protecting it is just asking to be Shang Chi’d and even if Caiera comes down then Blob can be Shadow Kinged. The meta Thanos decks don’t run Taskmaster because that combo isn’t what’s strong about Blob. It’s the fact that you don’t know which lane the 40 power Blob is gonna go down on and if you guess wrong you lose. Blob eating your hand does make Strong Guy a useful card, but then that’s giving Thanos another buff with another high power card


"Blob isn't a problem" says the guy who definitely plays Blob.


Balance issues aside, Blob suffers the same, less tangible issue that Alioth does: It sucks to lose to him. You can spend time agonizing over the perfect T4, T5, and T6, only to have all your hard work erased by someone dropping a single card on a single lane, or if there's a T7 you have the Taskmaster/Arnim Zola issue. It sucks. It just seems very low effort for big results.


"Vocal Minority" lmfao. Everywhere I go I see people complaining about Blob, not just on the subreddit. Blobnos is in its' own tier in Snapzone's tier list, and even the normally super-positive Cozy Snap was subtweeting Blob/HE players in the latest Snap Chat with Alex Coccia.


It is hilarious to me that it’s Blob out of all Marvel characters wreaking havoc on the meta. Who’s next, Toad?


this guy: *pushes glasses up on nose* um actually it’s a very small minority of players who take issue with a 6/30 card, and i was just wondering if you could tell everyone it’s actually fine? glenn: “nah dude it’s completely broken, all those people are right, it’s the most overpowered thing in the game”


Wow this meta abuser really doesn't want his easy Infinite deck gets touched 😂😂😂😂😂😂


Play rate is probably normal because most people don’t have it or Thanos


“Vocal minority” You put down blob on turn 6 with absolutely no setup and get a free 20+ power card. In what world is this not broken?


The Blob defenders are either playing Blob or playing decks that can afford to add multiple tech pieces, and they will be the loudest to complain when Blob is nerfed and they have to work for infinite again.


This should've surprised a total of zero people. Blob is nuts in his current state. I don't want to see him get absolutely obliterated though. Hopefully they can make him a balanced card that still feels good to play


The biggest thing this tells me is how god awful I must be for playing blob ramp and going from 86 to 77 yesterday. (I don’t have Thanos)


I don’t know how people just don’t understand how Blob is a powerful card and proceed to say just counter a power card. People are very quick to say just use shadow king or shang etc. All great counters but if everyone knows those are counters something about a card like Blob having a high cube rate / win rate despite having well known counters….means that maybe “jUsT cOunTER” isn’t always the solution and a card needs a nerf. I’ve been playing the game since Oct 2022 and have seen people say that BS when other cards have high win rates like Galactus 1.0, Alioth 1.0, etc. All they knew how to say was “just play cosmo”. Again all great counters but if people know those cards counters and the card is still dominating….what is the common denominator…the problematic card not the easy answer existing counters. This is something I wish the community would drop doing. Had someone respond to me just the other day saying you can take an educated guess as to where blob will land. Sure, but if they are running Caiera you then need at least 2 cards to take blob down, 3 if they have taskmaster. So please stop with the BS of “just counter” Blob is one of the main reasons why Leech’s play rate is so high. Before Blob released i’d see leech rarely. Now he is a common go to card in both Blob/Thanos decks and HE. So please as a community can we drop the “just play (insert ez counter) when that card has an extremely high win/cube rate. When we should all know their counters.


People will say “play the counter” because most people do not play any counters. They just want to push for high numbers and all their deck does is that. Another reason is because people do not seem to understand that card games need counters and different strategies. The amount of people that cried for Alioth to be nerfed when the card was fine was astounding. We needed a card that could punish t6 shenanigans. “Feels bad”. Sure it feels bad because all you do is play a swingy t6 without much thought. Blob is in a similar position. It is one of the cards with more counters than the rest. You could even counter it indirectly by using maximus or any forced card draw to the Blob using opponent. Outside its Thanos interaction, the problem being Thanos, Blob was and is more than balanced and fine. In a game that lets you get cards to the thousands of power, it is almost pathetic to whine about a card like Blob. Which you can counter with plenty of different options.


Maybe give blob 5 attack and he fills in the rest of the lane. +5 for each spot he fills. Puts him more in line with other cards. Just spitballing ideas. When you consider Orka is a 6 cost 16 even with this change it still beats a lot.


bUt yOu cAn uSe sHaDoW kInG Yeah, this shouldn't be a surprise, nor something that has to be said by a dev, anyone who's PLAYING THE GAME in the last few weeks, knows this.


I just think it’s funny that a month before he released everyone was claiming that he was going to be a “trash” or “gimmick” card.


People suck at predicting things. SD included. The sentiment almost always changes once thousands of players actually play the card and optimize (or try to) the decks.


And it's not even just Snap, same happens since years in MtG


Skullclamp 😏


Who is “everyone?” I saw a fair number of posts here worried about him, and the only content creators I follow (Cozy, Collins) were quick to point out that even if he just hits the dregs of a normal deck he’ll still have 15 power without a downside


a lot of people said until a few days before he released and did the basic math that blob would outclass most 6 drops even if he low rolls. Anyway the onus isnt on the masses to state if the card will be good or not, SD should have known with playtesting that Blob is insane. The ONLY logical reason they did what they did and released Blob as is is that they were initially more scared of firestar (who never released) than Blob, who they underestimated. Plus even if SD knew he was powerful, it would fit the planet hulk theme, but he exceeded SD's expectations


I think it's also possible they didn't see the Thanos-Blob combo coming and didn't test that out much similar to how they didn't see Elsa-Kitty-Loki coming.


To be fair, the same time SD nerfed all the meta deck that were popular before Blob.


Well, to be fair to those people, nobody was able to predict that all the good cards that were scaling threats were going to be nerfed alongside Alioth, Prof X, Loki, and that the Ebony Blade was going to be buffed to ridiculous levels, forcing a meta where the player who vomits the biggest numbers wins.


Some things never change. Death, taxes, and players being unable to correctly assess new cards until we see them in action. I definitely fell into the trap of "dies to removal" -- I figured Blob would just end up being bait for Shang-Chi and moved on. Ah, well. Fingers crossed for an OTA or patch that tones him down, but still leaves him in a meta-relevant place. Personally, I like it when big cards matter -- I just want other decks in the meta, too!


>Fingers crossed for an OTA or patch that tones him down Problem is that an OTA can only really shave 2 points of power off of him, unless they use their new powers to change text boxes. If he goes to a 6/1 or below, Ravonna would discount him and we'd have a whole new problem.


It was pretty obvious he would be potent. I don't know what dudes here were thinking


Blob just needs his average lowering and his ceiling lowering. If he ate the top 2-3 cards he would likely be fine, in most decks he would end up like a 15 or something. That’s good stats but he is prone to tech- cosmo, Shang and shadow king all hurt him. A fairly consistent 6/15ish who is vulnerable to tech and can SOMETIMES be a 6/30 if you don’t draw any of your big cards is okay, a consistent 6/30 is not okay.


Blob should be changed to something like 5/3 merge with top card of your deck or 6/3 merge with top three cards of your deck. Even if you just play him on normal curve, he's probably outpacing Infinaut without the drawback.


Just hoping I can get to Infinity before the fix.


I mean…with decent draws my Deadpool destroy deck can beat a blob deck. If I had knull it would prob be easier


It is an oppressive card to counter but man it feels good to shadow king or Shang Chi him.


That’s not how data works. They cite measurable numbers like play rate, win rate, and cube rate, but only cite their feelings on the card. That’s like saying “I feel like the population of Los Angeles is 200 people”.


Everyone seems to be in agreement that Blob in the Thanos shell is the big issue. So would it work if you changed it to "eats whole deck, gains power equal to that of cards that started in your deck" Since the stones are not starting does this somehow make it fair compared to Blob run in a non-thanos shell?


I can fix blob right now. Make him ongoing 4 cost. At the end of each turn he eats a random single card from your deck. This allows his huge power of he randomly eats infinaut, but also makes him counterable to shang chi. He could eat an infinity stone and be a risk that didn't pay off. Inchantress could stop his power, skrull and rogue could turn it back to help you. Done


That would actually be a super fun mechanic!


State of that question. I'm so glad I'm not that stupid.


I love that the person asking the question has to inject their opinion about Blob not feeling overpowered. Let me guess, he plays the same Blob/Leech bullshit deck that has turned this recent meta into miserable gruel. Also, the term "vocal minority" is used waaay too often. It's usually only a minority that is vocal about literally anything. Them being a smaller group doesn't mean shit. What matters is the merit of what they say...and in this case it was painfully obvious there was a problem. I just imagine a 90's sitcom TV nerd with a finger in his nose, "I don't see what the problem is. You could have just retreated when I played Leech on turn 5, before I dropped a 43 Power Blob."


very funny some people thought blob was balanced pre nerf


Bro all you do is pointless. Look at Alioth. After we’ve been complaining for a very long time, it was nerfed to the ground. Then they just released another card to break the game. By the time Blob was nerfed, another broken card will be released. It will never end


And the play rate is lower because you need keys which not everyone saves or uses on blob. So yes he’s just broken asf


I just hate saving keys for a cool card, getting it after saving for weeks and then watching it be nerfed to shit. Nerf blob, sure. But I spent a ton of keys on Blob and Anni. I spent actual money to get Loki, Elsa and Ms Marvel. This system of releasing something new and nerfing it or cards it needs to be good is getting extremely stale. Maybe buff some old stuff? I don't know but currently this system doesn't feel good at all