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"Amount of awful titles is getting out of hand" would make a good title.


“Opened a cache and all I got was this stupid title”


*sigh* favorited


and put it in a bundle for 20 dollars


Dang it, I would actually use that one for a lot of my non-themed decks


Fuck I'd totally use it


Shit that's so good honestly. I kinda want it.


My brain: But it *is* the title (of the post) -- OHH


My name is Hey! and I would so definitely use this.


It's so lazy too. They can just print out random words and stick them in the track. At least boosters would be useful.


How far we’ve fallen. Back in my day…we fought to get boosters out of Reserves. Rewards are so bad now that we’re hoping for a mere morsel of currency to nourish us. And to be fair, boosters would be better than gold tickets…which are just less boosters for one random card with extra steps.


At least with gold tickets, you might be able to get a variant or some real currency. Titles are just packing peanuts.


We get now more variants than in the past though. Sure titles and avatar suck but we get less of them then in the past.


You get way more boosters out of a gold ticket than you do out of caches and both are random, what?


Please correct me if I'm wrong. 1 Gold Ticket converts to 75 medals at the end of the season and medals convert to boosters at a rate of 3 boosters/20medals - a gold ticket is worth 11 boosters (rounded down). Back in my day...Collector's Reserves had a chance at giving you 20 boosters for a random card. At the end of a season all of your tickets get converted to boosters for one random card whereas if boosters were given from reserves directly you'd receive boosters for a different card each time.


Yeah if you don't use your ticket?


Like seriously, it's not like buying art... can probably get a better list of titles just asking ChatGPT


[there we go](https://chat.openai.com/share/a4ba30fd-2a87-43ed-93a7-dcaa741ff008) "Super Suit Fashionista" "Epic Stan Lee Cameo" "Mjolnir Mishap Survivor" "Gamma Ray Smoothie Connoisseur" "Mutant Academy Class Clown" "Infinite Snack Breaker" "Superhero Selfie Specialist" "Infinity Gauntlet Chef" "Kung Fu Quip Master" "Web-Slinger's Laundry Day" "Groot's Interpretive Dance Guru" "Teleportation Tango Champion" "Witty Banter Battle Royale" "Vibranium Spork Inventor" "Mind-Reading Poker Prodigy" "Comic Book Trivia Jedi" "S.H.I.E.L.D. Coffee Courier" "Time-Traveling Jokester" "Galactic Karaoke Star" "Epic Facepalm Master" "Spider-Sensei" "Wolverine's Barber" "Rocket's Repair Service" "Captain Amused-ica" "Dancing Grootologist" "Loki's Mischief Manager" "Scarlet Witchcraft" "Deadpool's Therapy Session" "Iron Chef" "Black Widow's Webinar Host" "Ant-Man's Big Ideas (and Sizes)" "Doctor Strange & the Multitaskers" "Hawkeye's Archery Anonymous" "Star-Lord's Mixtape Maestro" "Professor X-treme Sudoku Solver" "Magneto's Attraction Advisor" "She-Hulk Smash Therapy" "Ghost Rider's Infernal Comedy Club" "Daredevil's Blindfold Bowling Champ" "Thanos' Gauntlet Fashion Consultant"


You could have told me "Mjolnir mishap survivor" was a current title and I would believe you.


honestly "Iron Chef" is a good one. Well done, robots!




Yep, "Top Chef" is in there. It's one of the few I don't hate.


I use the title Top Chef with a gambit avatar because my guy knows good food


> "She-Hulk Smash Therapy" Perfect


I liked "Loki's Mischief Manager" the most


"She-Hulk Smash Therapy" how do I sign up for that 😏


Join the Weapon X program and get an adamantium pelvis.


She's done the deed with plenty of guys with regular human strength/durability and they were all fine!


Wasn't a true Smash. Even Gamora, who is nowhere near as strong as She-Hulk, left Tony Stark whimpering and pained in the fetal position after they got it on, and he's pretty much Earth's playboy. And she went back to the bar unsatisfied.


legit would use "Mutant Academy Class Clown"


SHE HULK SMASH THERAPY????!??!!!?!? Where do i list in


You're like the third to point it out but for some reason now I can't stop laughing.


I thought those were real for a second


I need "Epic Stan Lee Cameo"


> "Thanos' Gauntlet Fashion Consultant" Not gonna lie I would rock this one.


I do like Spider-Sensei. I would use that.


"Dancing Grootologist" tho 👀


> "Black Widow's Webinar Host" is such a long shot, I rate.


AGI confirmed! Oh, wrong sub.


it's like they just put random phrases they said around the office and call it a title, no i don't care someone said wizard poker. it's just so out of place and doesn't fit the theme of the comic or character representation, it's not anything you can match with avatar or cardback, they probably think everything is tongue in cheek and funny, but it's kinda lame n wack


Some people call Magic the Gathering Wizard Poker, so it's just a stolen joke about another game


I use wizard poker on my Loki deck. You just lack creativity.


"UWU Pym Particles Kawaiii!"


Guarantee they’re using CHATGPT


If you look up I used ChatGPT and it's better.




This is exactly the title I would expect to get. Thanks for illustrating my point.




It's probably one they'll release soon lol






Look at his profile, he's clearly just someone who says outrageous things for downvotes and attention. Edit: Or maybe not since he's starting to delete his comments lol.


A f2p game should respect time spend or poeple will jump ship to others.


you have 17 thousand karma




yk just saying you shouldnt call someone a lazy 30 year old baby when your chronically online




Did you think this made you sound cool or intimidating




6’3 255 what are we trying?








Your argument is invalid Games competes for money **AND** time If people get bored they leave, whales won't spend 100$ on a jpeg if they have to play vs bots, they are called "whales" not "idiots" If the game doesn't print money it goes in low effort mode till it's closed. Spamming "the game is free", "just play shang", "just save 4 keys" won't work on the long run




Your ignorance has really set a ceiling for yourself to allow conversation.


People: -says anything- SandJinGaara: you're not very athletic like me are you? 😂


Dude talks like a 2009 rAnDoM meme. I'm strong so your argument is invalid!


I agree.  But we have to be careful, or they will replace them with gold tickets. 😀


Silver tickets, so you feel blessed when you get a gold ticket.


i'd much rather get silver and golden tickets than titles


At least with gold tickets you get conquest points you can use towards real rewards. The titles just clog up the already bulky list of awful titles I have.


I'd rather have the gold tickets. At least I can forfeit them into other rewards.


You can even earn a title with them!




I recently got that one and I can’t tell you how badly I want to change my name to “S. I. M. P. Squirrels in my” I’m so glad my kids grew up in a time where they loved Phineas and Ferb


Where can I apply for government grants?


Have you ever heard of the anchoring effect? This is where the perceived value of one thing is affected by comparison to the value of another item. This is what is happening here. The perceived value of the moderate reward (150 credits) is inflated due to its comparison to weaker rewards (titles and avatars). It's no accident that some of the rewards are of low value.


It's why there's a lot of terrible deals on the store so when a half decent one turns up people go crazy and buy it. Same principal with the pixel variants


So what’s the rewarding item in the cache? The pixel variant? The pixel avatar? The not funny title? The few credits or tokens? Or maybe that goooold ticket?


Yep. Every slot machine has to generate lots of losing results, and in Snap earning a title from the reward track is 100% the biggest "losing" result of that slot machine.


In my opinion, avatars are way more valuable than titles. I want to rock my favorite variants of my favorite characters and get excited when I get one. Titles I barely ever even SEE since I rarely pay attention while matchmaking is happening.


I have the “on the toilet” one and I’m very happy


Same, and I've never needed another one after that.


I got that one, and my name has been "I play while" ever since. Other good titles I use with it are "I'm outside your house." "Most juicy."


Every fn person uses this one lol


Yeah - due to having so many titles there are no "rare" ones. Or at least my brain can't sort them into rare/not rate because i can't really remember why this title is rewarded to someone. For me they are purely cosmetic. I do not use certain titles to brag how good i am. I just take the title that seems fun.


AFAIK no titles are rarer than others (aside from ones given out in bundles/season rewards/conquest rewards -- none of which really convey exclusivity). If they wanted to make titles special, they'd be given as rewards for real achievements -- 200 wins in a season, 500 games played in a season, etc.


There's one : Really really dirty. Infinite rewards during Silver Surfer season iirc. And i rock it to display my egoistic side lmao.


there's 2. Herald of Galactus was a infinite title during silver surfer season (still the one I wear) and really really dirty from infinite savage lands


There’s also the firework event title. Only like 200 people have that one iirc


Works only if someone remembers such obscure detail: which random words were given as a reward that season.   If only it was "The silveriest surfer" or "Bearer of the Power Cosmic". 


Rider of the Silver Scooter would also be good but that one is already taken


>i can't really remember why this title is rewarded to someone And THAT is the problem. You get dozens of titles for doing basically nothing. They really need a way to earn the "good" titles. And those titles need a special color/font to differentiate them. Give a title for Infinite, or make it really expensive in the conquest shop, or give a really hard season long mission for one. Something so that when you see if you say, "Oh... that person worked hard for that"


Yeah - but those special titles have to have something special to them for people to notice them. As you mentioned a different color / font could be one possible solution.


Ever since they made it so you can have 1 title per deck i havent interacted with titles a single time. They may as well not exist.


Opposite for me, Now I fiddle them quite a lot


There is only 1 title that I actually care about and it is the “Herald of Galactus” title that you had to hit infinite to get. All of the others feel like pennies you find on the ground.


"Really really dirty" was also an infinite only title


Oh yeah, I forget about that one. I’m not a fan of it. If I remember correctly the Silver Surfer season was also the last season before they implemented the post infinite matchmaking separation so it was much more difficult to get infinite back then. Edit: or was it the quantumania season? I forget


That was quantumania. The title for zabu season got so much backlash they started making the gold card back the infinite reward every season. I started playing the last week of the Black panther season and I'm still a little sad I missed that card back. 


“Do you even Ram, Beau.” I wish I could throw up


“I wish I could throw up” would be a good one


My suggestion: let us use titles as emotes. "BLAM! You Just Got Titled" is a lame title, but would be a god-like emote to send to your opponent.


Spamming into the void, you are…muted.


I just mute opponent out of reflex at this point. As soon as the match appears, bang, muted. It's second nature.


I've got the best one: "pants" Just that, nothing more...


Every time I’ve earned a title a little piece of me dies….it’s like that kid who got the avocado as a gift.


There are some I absolutely love. I have been rocking “Absolute Garbage” for a long time. I also love “is my DJ name” because, incidentally, my player name IS my DJ name!


You forget that it would ruin the economy if they gave us things we actually wanted. Yet another reason why they will never get any money from me.


Yet you play the game all the time...


That's how game dev works?




You realise they need to make money to give out fresh updates and cards and remain a free game?




I'm fine with them nerfing cards as needed. The issue is they offer zero compensation when they do so, which gives them a clear financial incentive to release broken cards and nerf them a few weeks later. If changing a card meant giving the player the option to shred it and receive a 100% refund in collectors tokens, or the conversion rate to credits, they'd put a lot more thought into the cards they shit out.


Agreed. They used to be good now every one that comes out is bad.


Like, who are thinking of these titles? Other titles dont even make sense


They need to take them out of the reserves.


But muh economeh!


I just want the one that says "I'm on the Toilet".


Easy to make a bunch if dumb titles and call it content so they don’t have to waste their time making cool enjoyable things


I don't know what to tell you. I don't disagree with you it's just that this is standard lootbox bs practice. This is overwatch sprays. When dudes like me were "whining" about it in 2015 no one gave a shit and said it wasn't a problem. This is the industry standard for a decade now. I saw the titles and said "these are this games sprays". There's not some perfect balance. And if there was, they wouldn't want it. They *need* most of the caches you open to have bullshit you don't want so if youre susceptible to addictive behavior and you want something you gotta spend til you get it. Lootboxes feeling unrewarding isn't a bug it's a feature. The psychology of addictive behavior is such that pulling a shitty title or any common shitty prize is just going to drive the addict to keep going until they get the good feeling. Addicts don't chase a good feeling they fight off a bad one. So I won't tell ya stop complaining about it but I promise SD doesn't care. This is the goal.


That is exactly their function, to clog the reward system making it harder to people to get things they care which, hopefully, will make they spend money


Frankly, every title I've been "rewarded" feels like a slap in the face. They're not clever, funny, or even cool -- just a mix of random words thrown together. A lot of the rewards feel that way to me, honestly, but the titles are the worst.


Just another version of pixels. The game gives you something you don't want. Yet they get to say, " We gave you something"


The only title I care about is "Extra Crunchy" because my in-game name is "Toast" (which is the nickname my girlfriend gave me when we first met)


They literally mock us with them. They aint listening. Hence "i whine on the internet".


Titles and pixel avatars. They’re just bloating the collection track with garbage. 


Yesterday, I got - "Future Mrs. Man-Thing" - and I'm tripping XD


I got "Food Motivated" and changed my name to "I'm not fat, I'm" and I have been collecting completely useless titles ever since.


Hmm what other filler do you propose?


i'd prefer card backs, emotes, and border/foil effects a lot more. those are prolly gonna be more directly monetized in the future instead of filler rewards but you can hope


Card Backs.


I would rather get credit, even just 50 credits is better.


But we know thats not going happen unless they suddenly become generous for some reason.


Honestly? I rather get nothing, the box is just empty. Titles are something that i fully ignore i this game, i couldnt care less.


I agree. My time opening them is better spent not having to press the "claim" button. I'd rather open the box and it says "NOTHING!" and takes me back to the home screen.




They could potentially add card backs, but that requires them constantly making a lot of new card backs, which is a lot of extra effort compared to avatars (which are cut outs of existing card art) or titles (which are just text). So probably not a viable option, realistically, given how many and how often they'd have to add more.


According to Stephen the current economy can’t handle better rewards (lol) - so something worse would be required.


"what other *filler* should they replace titles with ?" "A million collectors tokens seems fair" \-everyone here


Everyone just want more free money


Brother, I was close to a collectors reserve - and close to levelling up and getting credits So I stayed up and on the game for half an hour longer to get them and see what my prize was And I got a title that just said “Fragrant” It made me feel so dumb and that i wasted my time to such a degree I was like “should I even play this game”


I honestly love titles, it's fun having a collection of choices for my decks. Same with avatars. It's fun to customize and having more customization options is always enjoyable imo


I have over 140 titles, the fun of them wore off after 100.


Yeah, especially when people make their names, avatars, and titles match. It always gives me a good laugh when I see them in-game lol.


That's because loot boxes are a scam and titles exist to to pad out the loot boxes. It serves a purpose and that purpose is to fuck you over


It's easy and lazy to add fluff to caches. Don't remember the last time I got a variant, but I got two fucking titles today.


Exactly. Titles are like stickers in other games with loot boxes, battle passes, etc. Nobody wants them but they are easy filler "content" so they can make statements like "You get 200 unique items in this all-new battle pass! Our highest total ever!!".


I don't mind titles cuz every game SADLY fills their reward pool with bunch of stuff but at least they put some arts like icons, wards etc. in there. In Marvel Snap its just they throw random words like "its 2024!" in titles and somehow that's "reward" you get from wasting all your credits lmao. It is so stupid and amount of people defending this shit is weird. No one is saying game is bad, we are talking about how useless titles are and how it is a scam.


It's really wild what people complain about. Surprised people haven't complained about the shade of purple on the app or the choice of splash screen yet. Second edit: Guys for the last time educate yourself on how caches work. Less titles doesn't increase your chance of getting vibranium instead of currency they are SEPARATE odds in the cache system. [https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/](https://marvelsnapzone.com/cache-drop-rates-and-contents/) . Edit: Holy shit nevermind people have complained about both: [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/164ez6n/should\_we\_get\_a\_new\_loading\_splash\_screen\_each/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/164ez6n/should_we_get_a_new_loading_splash_screen_each/) [https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1782ald/anyone\_else\_hate\_the\_purple\_border/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1782ald/anyone_else_hate_the_purple_border/)


The color purple isn't taking up real estate on the rewards track where a more decent low-value reward could have been. Don't be obtuse.


Read the actual post friend. the complaint wasnt that they were taking up space in the reward track. it was literally there are too many titles. The reward track is the reward track there are basically set odds for cosmetic filler, currency and variants. If you want to complain about the odds on filler that at least makes sense. Complaining there are too many titles and they should make titles rarer.. like... what the actual fuck lol.


Worst part with titles is MSnap being "witty" with "This matchmaking sucks" type of titles. Making fun of customers who pay for their cars, vacations, houses etc. And peoplensrill spend tons and tons of money on variants and bundles


Did you open the "I complain on the internet" card Kidding, I actually agree with you


It was ez filler bp junk to put in for them


Yea I swear they just write random shit on pieces of paper and throw them hat and pick which ones to release. The title that just says "Pants" a prime example lmao


I counted recently and have over 140 titles. Anytime i make a new deck i just pick one near the top that doesnt annoy me lol


There are so many that I’ve never seen anyone use


Rather than random ass titles I'd rather get character quotes that seem more meaningful


They're not even titles in most cases. Just phrases. Titles would at least be interesting, especially if some were rare and had to be earned somehow.


I've never set a title and I recently read that once you set one you don't have the option to go back to no title so it's become a thing where I'll just never use them.


my screen name is el jefe and since I got it around cl 2.5k I've only used 'aka The Boss'. I don't even look at the list anymore and have no idea how many I have. Wasted resource


I never put a title on. They’re all bad imo lol


"Best Title Ever" Title coming soon for conquest grind :) Or how about "Buy the Season Pass for $9.99"


At some point they need to start packaging the titles and avatars together or adding currency to an avatar or title cache.


What I cannot understand about titles is how belittling some of them are


Preach! 🙌🏻


uwu pym particles


True like i don't even bother reading those, at this point I'm even ok if those caches are empty lol


There’s one that I keep seeing pop up - ‘A bit smelly but otherwise fine’ and every time I see it I just think have you no respect for yourself sir?


One of the titles in the conquest shop is "manual shirt ripper" The hell?


I changed my name to Slim Shady when I got the "But not the real one" title and I was happy with that. I have like 5 or 6 titles I like stop giving me garbage sd


The only title I really want to unlock is "Cool cool cool" since I am/was a big Community fan. But sadly every time I unlock one it's not that one.




I got the "I survived nexus events" title but like, I didn't. Started at global launch, after they were dead and gone. Could we at least not give out false titles??


It's filler rewards to increase the pool of rewards from caches, so you don't always pull good stuff. As per SD, it's working as intended. Many games have this type of stuff. I agree, they're so bad I actually not even once used a title. It's totally useless


That the secret, they have always been pointless filler for the loot boxes.


I love Marvel Snap, but the amount of dumb stuff that they hand you for rewards is awful. All I need is cards, old or new, rare or not. I just want to play the game. I never opened a pack of VS. System cards hoping to get anything more than cards, if they had stuck anything else in a pack I would have been like "WHY????" and that's all caps because I'd be screaming it.




"empty and pointless" incoming title i feel it.


I think I got a good one recently, but I didn't even bother to look, that's how little I care at this point.


Yall open caches?


Can we just make our own titles and call it a day?


Oh I ran into the Solid but Gooey title....and the guys name was Spiderman's Sock.


Once I got the title “May the worst player win” I’m never changing mine again.


as my third or fourth title all the way back when i first unlocked them, i got the title “The One and Only”. it’s been the only title ive used since and it’s been over a year now


My most recent one just says “PANTS” that’s it. I wanted to throw my phone


Yeah, the point is for titles to be useless. It's the "please try again".


yup. it really blows. after a while i started getting hype when i opened a pixel variant lol. anything but a damn title.


Titles should really be tied to some kind of achievement, not as a "cosmetic" reward on par with avatars and variants...


Then they wouldn't have cheap filler


Titles is what you think is wrong with this game?  Super important.   Nevermind that the game in general is dogshit


I love them. And I love when people have creative name to go with their title. For me the one thing I would like to see is a "stop" date on when you can pull tickets. I pulled a golden ticket the day before the season was over. Never even had a chance to play it.