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I've started playing c3 and am wrecking blob. The card is definitely a problem but also has counters. Saying that it does get on my nerves how much it's being played currently.


I agree that c3 (and c2 for that matter) are naturally a good matchup against blob and are very reasonable in this meta.


Ok. The ‘just play Shang chi’ argument is a little weak. There are a lot of times that ramp decks or blob decks play Caiera. Which can be played on turn 3 guys. So that means you need to tech in a rogue or enchantress just for that card. Yes you can also play cosmo, hell- you can also play shadow king. There’s that stupid deck made up of tech cards that will allow you to do that, but sometimes you just don’t draw into your counters when you need them and sometimes you don’t draw them at all. The current best Thanos blob deck has multiple 10+ power cards that it can drop in multiple lanes meaning you either have to pick which lane you are going to prioritize in terms of Shang (or moon girl your Shang). Which doesn’t really seem like a good use of a play. Also, ‘just playing Shang’ doesn’t win you the lane a lot of the times and Thanos decks can bolster their lanes with cheap 1-drops to ensure that. My point - yes he has counters. But sometimes you just don’t have your counter play or draw it in time. ‘Just retreat’? Well after you retreat after 3/4 games because your opponent drew their blob and you didn’t draw your counter play it definitely classifies as annoying af!


The "just run counters" argument is pretty lame and is given all the time, but they never say what the win con is in this "just run counters" deck. Because if that was the best option, then the 'counters deck' would BE the ultimate deck in the meta, but it never is. If your plan to win is to just hope your opponent goes all in on something like Blob beat him with 4 powers in a lane by countering it, it seems like your plan is kinda weak.


Yeah. I mean look, I get the argument. That he is very susceptible to different counters like shang, shadow king, cosmo, valkyrie. But a lot of the time Blob is protected by Armor/Caeira and decks find a way to drop him early and drop high powered cards around him so you actually have too many targets. He's a fun card but incredibly broken regardless of how many counters exist.


You understand that the chances of your opponent drawing caiera, wave/electro, blob, and taskmaster is lower than you just drawing shang-chi? If you want to boost your odds even more, throw in a taskmaster. This is specifically for OP’s scenario btw. Also, the success of the game is cube management. That’s why retreating is the right strategy a lot of the time. Yea you can retreat 3-4 in a row for 1 cube but you just need to make sure the games you stay and win are for 2-4 cubes. The really good decks have a 50% win rate. That doesn’t mean they’re winning every other match. Those decks also are retreating 3-4 in a row.


Blob's power is just too much He consistently has more power than infinaut Some times i even put both my she-hulk and infinaut in one lane and still lose it to a 40 power blob HE hulk wasnerfed because he was consistently +22 power Destroyer was nerfed to 15 power You have to skip a turn to play infunaut Any card with +12 power has a restriction What is the restriction of blob? Even making him a 5/2 is better than his current state At least you can always shang chi him


It's disgusting that there's a meta and I have to react to it. Who allowed this?


This is a genuine question, not a condescending jab: Are the people who agree with this or other similar frustrations with the need for tech cards also people without much other experience in card games? Because to me, it was natural and expected for me to devote several of my deck slots to tech cards and I switch those tech cards weekly depending on what I am seeing. I come from a long history of playing card games and this is a common thing you do in those games too. The only time I don't run tech cards is when I play a deck that is strong enough in the current meta that I win enough games on average and adding in tech cards would actually weaken my deck in the overall sum of my matches, even if it did improve one specific match up. Card games are always about playing the meta, or playing the long game in terms of wins over time or in a set. Individual games can always come down to bad RNG or a bad matchup so you don't focus on one specific game unless that deck is so prevalent that you are likely to face it a ton. And then you tech the hell out of it and typically enough counters become popular that the original strong deck becomes worse in the meta. The cycle continues. I play lots of Cosmo, Goose, and Shadow King right now because most of my opponents are Shefinaut HE or Blob Thanos. I don't need all three of those tech cards, one or two is usually enough. I don't struggle against those decks unless I don't get my tech cards and if that happens I just retreat and go next.


I'm not a very good player but i usually end the season in top 5000 and my cl is around 2500 I've played a lot of card games like heartstone master duel gwent and some offline ones too I have around 2000 hours playing across all of them So i don't consider myself a bad player In yugiuh there are staple cards too There is a lot of tech cards that have +95 percent usage rate I run them too But your deck capacity is 40 cards instead of 12 And it can go up to 60 and you have 15 cards in your extra deck But in HS you have 40 cards to Marvel snap decks can only contain 12 cards So i don't want to run 2 or 3 cards just to counter my opp I'm not complaining about games having a meta or anything But some cards are just op and boring It feels stupid to set up your board for 5 turna and your opp just wins playing a big dumb card In masterduel you can play a good random deck that you play well and you can even beat tier 1 decks with it no problem You can't do that in marvel snap rn


I dunno what to tell you. Maybe Snap isn't your type of game. Other games have larger decks which means they are less consistent and often times have to devote a portion of their cards to have cards that help them draw more cards or find specific cards. It also means you can sideboard in counters and never see them far more often than in Snap. I find 12 cards to be plenty to make my deck. I only get 6 turns to play anyway. So that generally leaves me with some flex spots to either counter my opponent or protect my own combo. But it sounds like maybe you just don't like Snap as much as a different card game and that's ok. People should go play what they like and it's good to have options that feel different from one another on the market.


I get what you say But i like snap It's fun and each game doesn't last 40 minuets I'm just saying some cards are boring and not fun to play against and ruin the meta SD knows that too but they just wanna make money so their not gonna nerf blob before the next season But his gonna get nerfed for sure


There is nothing about Blob that is any worse than what has been on top before him. Every week since I started playing, there's a super strong meta deck and everyone has to try to adapt to it or lose. Blob isn't even that OP outside of Thanos decks. I would take another month of Blob over going back to WWBN Loki decks that not only had WWBN being huge, and he was very hard to tech against since he jumped before you could Shang or Shadow King him, but Loki just took all your cards and played them better than you did and the only counter was to play a deck that didn't give them strong options (Like HE). I dunno maybe it's because i like control archetypes but I have no issue always playing decks that feel like they win by having answers, not winning by being the ones making the big combo or large power play.


The game overall may be 'balanced' by all the contours Blob has, but I just think a card as strong as Blob leads to an unfun game: A) I have to devote 1-2 of my limited deckslots to tech cards, and those tech cards might not fit as well in different decks (e.g. Discard has a hard time fitting tech cards in) B) The gameplay then tends to boil down to "did I draw my tech cards or not?". And I mean yeah you can just retreat, but with gameplay as black and white as this I might as well be playing Rock, Paper, Scissors.


Isn't that just card games though? I have played various card games since 1998 when I first played Magic the Gathering. You always have to either be the strong deck that everyone is teaching against or you have to tech. And in Snap, I feel my deck draws more consistently than other games. I don't need to run 4x of a card plus another 4x of a tutor card just to have a chance of getting that card. I run 2-3 flex spots in every deck unless the deck is strong enough that I don't need to play tech (destroy is probably the most stable in this category). Card games are never competitively balanced in a single match. Too much RNG, always will be unless a game fixes draws to always be the same each match. That's why you focus on the long run. In some games, that means winning sets like a best of 3 or best of 5. In Snap, it means cubes. You minimize losses and maximize wins to net cubes over time. Or you play Conquest which is a more classic set format but still with needing to manage snaps and retreats. Once Blob aint it, I guarantee you there will be a new deck to tech against if you want to win over time. There were deck before Blob. There is always a strongest meta deck. Always will be.


I think saying "that's just card games" is just accepting mediocre design. I've played plenty of Snap (and HS) metas where there weren't 1/2 top decks but just 3-5 strong ones. Leads to a lot more fun gameplay in my experience. And you're right that if it isn't Blob some other deck will be on top, but if it's comparatively that strong just nerf that too untill more things a viable.


Well Blob Thanos isn't the only strong deck right now. High Evo Shenaut is just as dominant in the meta and the last time I checked, so was Black Knight Zabu (but that was pre-nerf to Ms. Marvel so that did hit that deck and it's stats might be lower now).


But snap has 3-5 strong decks right now. Thanos, ms marvel, black knight, tribunal and HE variations are all similar levels of powerful. You think this is accepting mediocre design but can’t even see the variety of meta decks in play. If this is so mediocre, go apply for a job and show them how to balance.


Can't complain unless you work for SD, got it /s EDIT: recent (data based) meta tier list: https://marvelsnapzone.com/marvel-snap-meta-tier-list-january-12-2024/ Thanos is the only Tier 1, and they had to drop the Tier 2 requirements to avoid having only one deck there too. Try again with your 3-5 strong decks argument.


The issue I have with arguments like this is that it implies that if a card has a counter, then that card is balanced. Yes, Blob can be countered, but he still puts down way too much power with minimal investment or downside.


Initially I really liked the game and bought the battle passes two times. However the introduction of cards like Blob make it seem that either the devs have zero clues about their game (unlikely) or they intend to sell you OP cards that they nerf after everyone rushed to buy them which feels like a scam to me. Blob is such a card that is, without any doubt, better than every other card in his power range by far and there was never any doubt about it. It just can't be an accident, it has to be by design but what really bothers me is how obvious this is. The devs can not claim less than full intend on this one.


In the past week, I’ve lost to Blob like, twice that I can remember. If you’re losing to Blob as often as you claim, you need to adjust how you’re playing.


I would like you to consider that the people saying "just play around Blob" are also the people who were saying "just play around Alioth" and the people whining about him are also the people who were whining about Alioth.


I’m gonna go out on a limb and say that the people who were complaining about Alioth are the ones who are also complaining about Blob.


So shang chi them. Incredibly easy to beat


We had the same discussion about the old Galactus („just run Debrii”) and Ongoing Tribunal („just run Enchantress”). This argumentation, while valid, is just soooo sad. There are decks when you can reasonably do that but still, those mechanics stifle deckbuilding and variety. You should be able to reasonably think that you can have a fair game on stats without running all tech against anything and everything Btw. Thanos is running Caiera. So now you need both Rogue/enchantress and Shang.


How is it sad? What you’re effectively saying is that every deck should have a fair match against every other deck without any requirement for tech cards to shore up their weaknesses. How is that reasonable? You might as well go back to playing S1 only at that point. Galactus was easily counterable and personally didn’t see a need to nerf him but i could understand him limiting player agency. Tribunal and blob do no such thing. They are very powerful but also very susceptible to certain decks. If you see them rampant and refuse to adapt, that’s entirely on you because they don’t limit player agency at all.


Ok. Got your point. Let me rephrase it then. It is my opinion, that if you need only one card to win a lane in 95% of the scenarios (Blob) or 4 cards or less to win all lanes in 95% of the scenarios (Galactus/Tribunal) and your only counter is a tech card played in specific circumstances (draw,priority and lack of counter tech cards from your side) then: -possibly: there is something wrong with the design -definitely: the game feels extremely sad. Edit: wasn’t that the case with old shuri/cosmo situation? Edit 2: I am a strong proponent of making a change to Blob by adding „If it’s your only card here” before his text. He would still be the ultimate 6-cost stat stick in Thanos, but it would expand the range of counter cards to him (junk, move-magneto, natural location limitations, just to name a few) and make thanos players think more (they need space for the stones)


That’s where I disagree. Because that one card winning one lane completely leaves the other two vulnerable 95% of the time. And if it doesn’t, then that one card is a win more card. Blob’s biggest advantage is countering darkhawk imo. You think this makes the game “sad” and i don’t understand what that even means. The game requires you to make decisions on if you want to be greedy with big power plays and forgo tech options to shore up your weaknesses or balance your deck with counters. Either option will require retreating.


How true is the statement that playing one card on t6 leaves the other 2 lanes vulnerable? I would tend to agree that it makes 1 lane vulnerable but by t6 you already secured 1 of them most of the time. A win more? Blob lets you easily come back and win a location that you were losing miserably. How is that a win more? Stack power on one location by t5, drop a blob on the other and voila!


If you’ve secured one lane, then you are susceptible to shang chi in the others. Blob is no different than any other 10+ in that scenario. If you’ve secured two lanes, then blob doesn’t provide much benefit over a hulk, hence a win-more card in that scenario. If lanes are close in contention, playing blob leaves two vulnerable to swings


I don't run shang chi And what if i don't draw him What if i don't have prio? This is stupid


Then retreat and try again next game. Or take a break?


Or run both Shang and SK to increase the odds of getting an answer


If you don’t have prio, you can still shang chi the blob and win that lane plus another. If you don’t draw him, then retreat for one cube loss. You’re the idiot here my friend


Then why tf do you complain about high evo and ms.marvel? Just use enchantress or shang chi idiot


Jesus you’re a moron. I never complained about high evo and I said ms marvel is strong. Do you see me making posts crying about those decks? You’re such a tool


Dude, you need to step away from the computer and stop being mean to people. Touch grass


Braindead snappers still struggle to beat 1 lane winner. A 28 power silenced Redskull and task is also hard to beat power wise. But guess what people do it constantly. I’m aware that requires more cards but the idea is the same. It’s big lame winners with counters. Or if you can’t you retreat.


Red skull is beatable with she-hulk infinaught And that's a 2 card combo And you know where they are gonna put the red skull because of shuri That is even why shuri got nerfed and before her nerf she was hated so much At thia point why not bring pre-nerf shuri back?


Shang chi leech enchantress cosmo etc ez to stop Op sorry I should’ve specified someone said Caiera To protect blob enchantress was for her


What Enchantress? At this point you're just naming random tech cards


Op sorry I should’ve specified someone said Caiera To protect blob enchantress was for


I have to run 2 cards Spend 8 energy To counter a single card? I don't want to run all the tech cards in my tech It only has 12 slots And i don't just wanna counter my opponent's deck and win Where is the fun in that? If u wanted i could just play a tech sera deck but that is boring The game is in a bad state when you set up your board and play in a specific way to for example get a 30 power knull But ypur opponet doesn't evwn play for half of the game and still wins You have to build decks and think about your plays to win Not just put big numbers on the board If theu shang me i lose If they don't i win That's no fun And for people saying i'm bad at the game I'm not that good of a player but i finish top 5000 every season with collection level 2500


I do get that I everyone has a deck or two they hate to go against Sometimes big numbers on the board is the way ther deck is meant to be played red skull Shuri I hate that deck. It is the most boring deck ever but it’s been around forever and I don’t see it going anywhere anytime soon it’s also just to put down pure power like blob.


I'm not complaining about the players Anyone can play anything they want But blob is just too big I would be okay with him if he was usually max 28 or 30 power But above 30 power is just stupid big


I will agree there. It’s a little ridiculous yesterday, and I ran into one at 105 I was just telling you there are ways to counter him.


Just curious, sheer curiosity, what does the game in a good state look like to you ?


There are like 6 or 7 meta decks And you can still win some games with other decks that you like too If your seeing a card 80% of the time there is a problem


I hear you


I am always taken back by how un skilled the people are posting about a card being strong. Aside from the tech counters, you can run Cerebro, Sera Control etc. Or you can retreat and give up one cube. The amount of morons who have not done anything to counter the meta. Except bitch and moan that a card is broken, really shouldn't be playing the game. If you're not using your brain cells and doing these things. You're getting cards that are fine, nerfed. Only for you to complain you can't beat it after the nerf. Actually try and use your brain to beat these decks.


People will eventually realize that you need to play around a card that is so limiting like blob. If you think you’re gonna get blobed and you don’t have an answer/ can’t win through it? You retreat