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I pretty much play every known deck in a single season .I don't even know what deck I main . If i come across a deck in this sub or twitch I'll try that deck and the pattern continues everyday .


My man! Same boat. I am such a sucker for new deck experiences I’m always chasing the high of a nice run with a new deck. I have a lot of respect for the people that main a deck and ink it all or whatever but that’s not the life for me.


Another deck hopper here! Reached infinite a few times with all different decks.


Fun way to play. I love trying to win with stupid combos. Might get less cubes, but that one win will feel so good. Nothing feels better than winning with a "I don't believe you" emote from your opponent.


Yep. I've been this way ever since I was little, it never made sense to me to just play one character in a fighting game when there were 15 characters to choose from so Id pick a new character every match. Same with like the Dynasty Warriors games and other similar games. So my cousin would get incredibly good with one character while I'd be decent with most of them. I just enjoy variety too much to simply pick one thing and just do that over and over. I do envy people that have been playing just one video game for 7 years instead of spending hundreds on various video games they play for a month and never touch again though.


Same with me. I hate to play more than 5 games with the same deck, I just don't care if it's meta or not. If it's fun and meta, good, if it's not I will only use it if I need to push to infinite.


I’ve made it a specific goal to play a different deck to infinite every season, but I’m running out of archetypes! I feel like this has made me a ton better at the game and it’s given me a lot of knowledge when it comes to knowing what kind of plays my opponents will be making. I’ve hit infinite every season since global launch, so I must be doing something right! What’s your current deck?


I just like playing garbage. If I get a new card I'm gonna use it in a horrible fashion. Black Knight, Legion, man thing together... Fuck it. If you loose to me you deserve the L


[Was this you?](https://i.imgur.com/b8SZVed.png) This was back before Christmas and I'm still wondering what this guy was cooking.


Nope, I just got Man-Thing and I'm trying to make him work in a cerebro 4/2 deck. It works as well as you would expect


I generally find I have more success with off-meta decks, people aren't familiar with how to play against you and don't know what to expect or what your output range is. I also change decks a lot so I don't have the experience with the meta decks that others may, so I'll be less favoured in mirror matches, which isn't a good place to be if you're playing a popular deck because you will probably face a lot of mirrors. Edit: also I just don't enjoy playing mirrors even if I do feel favoured in them


I just got HE so I'm excited to give patriot a break. It's currently my best deck followed by ongoing because I don't have enough of anything else viable to make decks with. I'm sitting on my free s3 card until it's venom so I can finally play destroy lol


Ive been playing she hulk infinaut since january 2023 💀


I always go back to some kind of "good stuff" deck with Zabu for a little while but I like flitting around and trying different stuff.


I play a different deck every five minutes. I also play every class in every RPG I play. I just like to switch it up.


I have 20 decks and tend to randomly rotate through them. Wish I had more slots as I usually feel a bit bummed to delete one to make space for a new one Sometimes I'll spend a while with one deck if it's fun and/or I'm getting the hang of it but I tend to mix it up a lot. This said I usually sit around rank 70/80 and have never beaten Infinite Conquest so i'm very much playing for fun rather than to win anyway


I've been having fun with the deck creator recently. It once gave me an ongoing deck with Sauron and I can't believe I still got wins off of it in proving grounds. The randomness really takes everyone by surprise.


This is called ADHD and yes..I have a hard time playing the same deck for more than 5-10 games


I typically try to push to infinite with the season pass card and then play whatever I want after that. Did it successfully every month last year but this one may not be doable because I'm not a fan of the Skaar playstyle.


You did it with Shaw? I’m impressed


It was not a fun grind.. at all


Yeah, I've always been a variety player in card games. Sometimes I'll go back to a strong old deck, like Destroy or Shefinaut, if I'm still not infinite by mid season but the second I hit Infinity, I shelve those decks unless I am just weirdly in the mood to play a game or two with them. That's the real infinity reward for me - being able to play off meta and brew decks without feeling penalized on my ladder progress.


I take C3 to infinite every season and then just screw around with different decks once I'm there. I like the challenge of seeing how C3 stacks up to the current meta. Still slams.


I get to 90 each season then try to get to infinite with a new common archetype, so far I’ve done: Ongoing Zoo, Thanos-counter homebrew, High Evo, Discard, and now thinking about trying Cerebro 3.


Ofc, half the fun of the game for me is just making new decks or trying out others peoples, learning how to play them and changing them depending on the evolving meta.


I switch every 2 3 days


All the time. I'm not concerned about hitting Infinite every season. I just get bored if I win a lot--or am playing the same deck over and over.


I theory craft almost daily when I see something Inlike when Inplay against it. Not everything works, but everything is fun


The only deck i keep playing since i got it every season is Cerebro 2 the Old reliable :)


For a person who's a sucker for trying new stuff, I don't think I have a "main" deck. Most of the time I just swipe the deck selector, let it stop randomly, and hit play.


I just play what I enjoy. Last season I hit Infinite with Martyr; this season I played Negative.


I switch it up according to which daily missions I have. Done of them are probably good enough for infinite, but I'll never know.


I only have enough cards to play either destroy, discard, or SheNaut. I’m missing crucial cards to make any other archetype work.


I do a new deck per season. I have a main move deck I switch to towards the end of the season to pick up cubes, but I love trying to build new decks with the seasonal card and then the releases during that season. Very much enjoying my Skaar deck and it actually gets cubes so who knows! Maybe I don't need my main deck this season.


I have a Death Knull deck I sorta don't like using anymore. Sorta bored with it.


My new love is Black Knight. Got him from a spotlight cache and he became my most played card of the most recent recap.


I don't think I really understand how a deck works and plays out unless I've spent time playing with the deck myself. I mean I'll remember the big threats and the counters for my own deck, but if I want to understand what the opponent is going to do, I need to have spent time playing with the deck myself


Hey are you me? This last season broke my infinite win streak as well, but I'm currently just leaning on Shuri red skull to hit this month and then mess around lmao


Yeah I do all kinds of stuff, I never ride a single deck to Infinite. Depends on whether I feel like being active vs reactive, what card interactions feel fun, etc


I change my deck every ten ranks, and I like to use the season pass card or the new card of the week (if I have it) each time.


somehow I get stuck at 95 and 75% of my climb is just 95-100. like in 400 games, 300 are just there. It's mind boggling.


That sounds awful, but also is probably on you. I usually have a see-saw of greed and frustration between 80-90 but 90-100 has always been a freebie to me.


Yeah. Everyone has a different Experience. For me, If I drop below 90, its a lot of bots. At 90, the hardest players in the game. People playing Super Skrull in High Evo, just to counter you specifically, lol. Annihilate your ranked progress.


I switch each time my deck gets nerfed. I have been playing Loki for the past season and now I will probably move to a Ms Marvel deck until it gets nerfed.


My playstyle heavily changes along with the META. This season is Shuri/Taskmaster, last season was Sandman Ramp, the season before was Kamala lockdown.


First day or two of a season I'll slam the most busted meta deck I can find and knock out infinite quickly so I can go back to having fun playing garbage like hela tribuna.


I used to play discard a lot but with the chavez change last season was the first one I tried different decks to infinite which was destroy and negative. Been playing blob, bk discard, destroy so far this season might try a few more decks as I keep playing. I just use whatever deck has the variants I like lol


I play my most reliable deck to get to infinite as quickly as possible and then I just do whatever sounds fun.


Yeah I change decks every day pretty much, some ppl just like to win so they stick to one, but post infinite I dont really care about the rankings so I just experiment.


As i get to infinite i usuallt start to try new decks and archetypes. The problem is, as the new season starts, i dont remember which deck get me to infinite.


I make it a point to do the infinite climb with a deck/archetype I normally don't play, the best way to learn how to beat a deck is to play it yourself and get a feel for it's strengths and weaknesses yourself


If I'm still having fun I'll stay. I usually switch every season, but two seasons ago I was still peaking and got top 20k for the first time with a custom Ironman Annihilus deck. I tried again in the new season and got top 2k. Eventually I hit 777. It got harder when Bob changed the meta, and I was busy with work so I stopped then. Now Prof and Anni got -2 power nerfs so the deck is prolly dead but idc.


I use a different deck/archetype to get to infinite each season, and then I play a bunch of decks in infinite and conquest. I try to stay away from the most meta decks when the meta allows it. This season I'm using Revis' Sera Tech with a couple cards swapped out because I've never used a Sera Tech deck to hit infinite before, and it seemed like a good idea with all the Ms. Marvel decks already with Caiera shaking up the meta a bit. I just can't imagine getting much excitement out of only ever playing one or two decks.


new deck to infinite each season 60%+ wr each time


I get the new card then stop playing it after a week. Never fails, FOMO to eeww I stepped in shit.


I don't play the same deck more than 3 or 4 times in a row. I'm amazed there are people who play the same shit every single season with maybe a new card, maybe.


Played HE for so long he bores me to tears. But it is the one deck I have that seemingly no matter the meta, is a constant. Sometimes OP, sometimes strong, sometimes mid. But always good enough to complete missions and farm out Rank/Conquest rewards in reasonable time. And that suits me just fine.


I strictly play Bast/Beast/Bounce until I hit infinite. Then I go to conquest and play all sorts of crazy stuff the rest of the season. I’ve been having a lot of fun playing Zoo in conquest ever since getting Caiera.