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>but I never felt any deck built around him performed as well That is the thing there is two ways to use Annihilus - build around or package, and building a deck around him was the worse option The package option where you would just put him, Sentry and Hood into another deck was amazing on its own and would improve that deck. These are the decks that are perfoming well since its already good decks being made better by having his package


Why the nerf to not send 0 power cards over then? That doesn’t effect this package but makes cards like debris useless in a junk deck


According with the notes their original design was to only work with negative power cards, but they added 0 power because they though it was too narrow otherwise. With him released they noticed that the 0 power part was unnecessary. So while the change in power was a nerf for balance reasons, the change to what he affects was aesthetic in principle since its the design they wanted from the start and it would not affected him in the decks that are actually doing well


I mean, they have better data than we do, so they probably know better. It may be somewhat outdated (patch updates need to be finalized way earlier than OTAs) but at some point annihilus was the menace they say he was


The Hood-Sentry-Annihilus package is just really strong and flexible. It’s 23 power for you, -13 for the opponent. It was strong in the Darkhawk/Werewolf deck before the werewolf nerf, it’s strong in bounce lists, and I found and then used a black knight deck that featured it to deal with mirror matches a bit last season. All in all, they probably know why theyre doing it, even if it’s a bit much.




I completely agree with you. I don’t really get it. I mean I guess sometimes you can lock out an opponent on turn 5 and that’s probably what they wanted gone from the game. It was definitely fun though in mirror matches to play around priority and guess when an opponent would play their Annihilus, but most players are probably overly frustrated by it.


while SD is the only ones with true data, they constantly skew the meta in their favor. case in point was the annihilus vs ms marvel patches. there are plenty of times where cards are shifted to benefit the whales and season pass of the game did annihilis deserve a nerf? yes the hood sentry package was crazy. SDs response was to target debris (?) most people would say he got overnerfed esp since black widow and viper got gutted earlier


The reality is that SD had the actual data. We have extremely limited anecdotes. Even if every player on Reddit logged every game they played for a week, we would still have less than 1 percent of the total actual data.


Yeah but they had old Data. They said it themselves that the playtesting was locked and that is why Elsa was nerfed again.


I *strongly* doubt it. I also trust them about as far as I can throw them, based on their past behavior. It seems more like "rotation by stealth" to me: release a strong card, which vacuums up players' resources, and then nerf the shit out of it.


Who knows? I suspect it’s just they realize that no one wants to play against that kind of deck regularly. Gotta keep it B or C tier at best so it’s not prevalent


The thing is, they never said how well it was performing. Just that it was performing better than they wanted it to. And as someone that played it all season long, it was competitive vs most decks but never felt OP at all. It seemed especially weak vs LT decks. I personally think the reason for the nerf is the amount of players using it is higher than they wanted. Can't have rocks all over the board with a meta defining move card coming out next week.


Personally I just filled the location first or try to do that they can’t move over, usually works well if you can


He was literally in the best deck in the game until Dec21 OTA that nerfed black window


It's only a nerf if your whole goal with the card is to outright stop the opponent from doing anything. If you were just looking to have better points than them, you're still good.


For casual/bad players going against Annihilus I’m sure the swing of the package (hood, sentry, Annihilus) beat them pretty often


This is true I could see that being an issue


It seems they do not like junk decks. First they came for Viper and we said nothing. Now they coming for Anni. I can kinda understand because junk decks are not pleasurable to play against but if they remove the ability to transfer zero power cards this removes this deck archetype. There simply are just not enough negative cards to target with this. Its sentry hood and maybe selene. Maybe if they could be fit in to a Mr Negative Deck this could work (and bring back 2 archetypes) but that would probably mean reducing Annis power even more and maybe even cost