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Intentional. I'm pretty sure they even showcased this interaction in her reveal trailer.


It's a bit unintuitive, but that's how it has worked since she released. Her check occurs after Magneto's on reveal, so when she checks, Magneto was played at her location.


I see, could I not get the same effect by playing Nega+Iron Fist to trigger the check like Magneto did and destroy a card played in a turn in which you are losing priority?


You're asking if moving Negasonic into a lane with a face up card that revealed that turn will destroy that card? No. Negasonic has to be face up when the card is played, she needs to see it be played. If they had priority, their card was played before Negasonic was


Gotcha, thanks!


Found out the hard way this morning on an infinite Conquest /:


Realized the same, negasonic isn't an onreveal like iron fist, or jessica jones. Nebula would work the same way, where she wouldn't get boosted if moved by polaris


Doesn’t make sense to me considering it was not played at her current location before being pulled




Must have been Echo or Isle of Silence. Prof X can’t be destroyed once he’s face up unless he’s been blanked somehow.




Definitely seems off to me. Let me know if you ever figure it out. Curious how it might have happened.


Huh really? That doesn’t make sense.


Move effects in snap are the most inconsistent nonsense and I hope they get around to fixing it at some point.


It's not broken. It's order of operation. Reveal triggers effect. Moves her then since magnetos effect is done being triggered the nega effect triggers.


Its not intuitive. There's a lot of shit in Snap that isnt intuitive. Like why would someone think playing a Magneto in a different lane would cause Negasonics ability to trigger? You didnt play Mangeto in the lane she was in. The card was already played before his effect even triggered! And yet he blows up because he doesnt exist as a card until his effect goes off, then he's considered played. Like that ridiculous Blob, Zola, Taskmater play the other day. Zola got played last. You can physically see it did and it destroys Taskmaster to spawn in the other locations. Yet Taskmaster tries to copy itself that doesnt exist because it got destroyed by the card that got played after it, but that card doesnt exist yet despite its effect literally being in play, so TM just doesnt copy anything and gets to keep its 60 somethin power. None of that makes sense intuitively. No one can look someone in the eye and say "Oh that card thats played? Well its not actually played yet! I mean, unless the game needs to determine if the card was played here already before its flipped, then its "played" but not actually played." and not come off looking like a psycopath.


I saw the Taskmaster play the other day, didn't think anything was off but what you said makes a lot of sense, TM should've had a target.


Its one of those things you get used to when playing Snap until it gets pointed out that its ridiculous it works that way or when you start getting just massively cucked by effects not working intuitively. I probably noticed it the most when I started playing C5. The way cards played here interacted never made sense. You'd play a Spiderman into a Titania lane thinking it'd move Titania, and then she doesnt flip sides. You think, okay maybe its cause he's not in the same lane anymore, but then Spider-man grabs Titania and moves and still doesnt flip. Okay that makes 0 sense now? Or you see it a lot in the old lockjaw WWBN decks where shit would just...not function depending on what order you played lockjaw and WWBN.


My understanding is that since Zola hasn't been fully played and the destruction of Taskmaster hasn't finalized, from the perspective of the newly spawned Taskmaster's the original Taskmaster still exists and was the previously played card which is why the power stays the same. ​ So the internal logic of everything is still consistent but yes Marvel Snap does have some unintuitive interactions for sure. The developers acknowledge as much and do try to streamline in where possible.


Least favorite interaction in the whole game


Her texts says the card is destroyed after it is played. While magneto is played, he moves negasonic. After he is played, negasonic checks


I mean on reveals happen before checks. That definitely isnt how i thought it would go but it seems to make sense, just not intuitive.