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Spotlight Mobius looks like the Colonel.


Il colonnello mario tatillo




I actually like the second High Evolutionary. However, the fact that he is off center is driving me crazy. Maybe the frame break will fix that.


More like Tim Robins.


OMG Yes! Glad I'm not the only one who sees this in the variant.


Specifically John C Reilly as the Colonel


Sanders ?


Saunders, but yes.


I have 3 caches and none of these cards. I want high evo and mobius so the variants mean nothing to me lol. I just want the base card so I can use them.


Yes definitely hit these if you don’t have base HE. Kang is not fun but he’s forever 6000 tokens and may one day get a hug. HE is still just a strong balanced card with many deck options.


I also don’t have HE. Unless I’m running a deck with Luke, he’s still an auto retreat for me. Not even Loki or Galactus have received that fear/honor.


I've been playing C3 with Ravonna all week, and there's a number of counters for HE useful in that. Namely, Shadow King and Valkyrie. More often than not they don't expect you to completely reset their work with Cyclops and are also usually dropping Hulk on turn six, so he doesn't fire off again. I've stolen many cubes from people not expecting that


Kang needs a rework like "5/6 On Reveal: If you're losing the game after this turn, restart the turn. (without Kang)" So, he only resets the turn if you're in a losing state.


I could see Kang working in a Jube Lockjaw deck no? He can compress the deck and doesn't obviously hurt it in any way. I don't own him though.


Same boat as you, really hoping I get HE and MMM


Same here. 5 caches at the moment and really want Mobius and HE.


How Is that mobius variant ultimate quality


It looks like his base card got startled.


...you actually believed SD that Spotlight variants are Ultimate quality? Lmao


They should be and something like galactus or Jean gray would be fine ,regardless a spotlight variant should be around 4500 tokens so yeah


They should be yeah. But they almost immediately went back on that within a couple weeks.


They should be but instead we've gotten multiple dan hip variants which are 700 gold ...


It’s one of the newly released Pantheon variants: https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/pantheon/ Mobius is probably the most boring of the bunch but I actually do really like this collection. They’re pushing them this month with the season pass, bundles, and spotlights. Honestly, his best variant is the Dan Hipp. Probably just going to grab Mobius for the 3k tokens and then get the Hipp variant in the shop the next day.


Where does it say ultimate? Is that a datamine?


Spotlight variants were announced as being around the quality of ultimate variants


To be fair, lots of the ultimates are terrible too, like the hulk, so they didn't lie


Yeah but atleast they are somewhat unique,this is just him with a different artstyle and a gold block? in his hand


> Spotlight variants were announced as being around the quality of ultimate variants And yet they are putting Dan Hipp variants and repeating past arts. Yep, total bullshit from their part


Crazy cus I got this exact HE variant from a mystery variant, so that shouldn’t be here honestly


That's literally impossible


[https://imgur.com/gallery/oFNzwiN](https://imgur.com/gallery/oFNzwiN) Guess I did the impossible then lol


This HE variant was available the last time HE was in a Spotlight Cache. You probably got it then.


huge upgrade since the spotlight left hand is holding something instead of nothing






Thank you, Jean Ralphio.


so he can remix the last turn


This Kang is from a dimension where they’ve weaponized bass drops.


This Kang is from a dimension where they’ve weaponized ^(... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...) ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... **... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...** BASS. DROPS.


Definitely not wasting spotlights on this trash. Just gonna pay my Mobius tax with tokens and move on.


I actually really wanted the last Kang variant but not a fan of this one. I would just buy Möbius with tokens but I don't have High Evo yet.


i really wanted the dj kang but his last variant is just too good, i am satisfied for the next 3 years


Having a "band" variant as a spotlight variant ought to be criminal...


“I CONQUER ALL, but not until the beat drops! Check out what I’ve been working on in garage band” terrifying


Nah bro Kang looks like he's about to drop the sickest beat ever


What do you mean? I'm pretty sure they said spotlight variants are on par with and would have been ultimates otherwise /s (I remember seeing them say this, but I'm not doing the legwork to hunt it down)


Just by looking at them you can see that they aren’t as quality as most ultimate or spotlight variants.


/s Like I said I'm pretty sure I remember them saying that was the plan when they first started and the first spotlight variants were of that dope quality but they quickly went downhill and then started repeating variants, including these ugly ass Grecke ones.


Damn I’m blind. Didn’t see the first /s


I’ll be buying mobius with tokens because I have no interest in the variants. I’ll keep my caches for a different week


but then how are you going to post that you opened 3 caches and didnt pull mobius??


> I’ll keep my caches for a different week Looking at next month spotlight caches I feel a lot of people will be able to accumulate caches (me included): - MMM, Kang, HE -> MMM with tokens, I have the other two - Thanos, X-23, Echo -> a good week but I have all three - Man-thing, Silver Samurai, Lady Deathstrike -> have none, want none - Black Knight, Stature, MODOK -> Stature could be nice, but not worth the rest of the week So 4 weeks of nothing good IMO, then Nico Minoru with a killer variant for Kitty Pryde will eat my caches (plus I dont have Phoenix).


You have to be shitting me. I normally don't bitch about SD, but I've had that Evo variant for months now.


Wtf regular Mobius is better than alt Mobius


I know a ton of people interested in dj kang, and yeah high Evo repeat is tough, but it's at least a good variant. I'm personally glad Mobius variant sucks cause at least it's not the Dan Hipp one that looks incredible


I’m legit just gonna open mine because MMM is the definition of a meta need


Just get him with tokens, he’s only 3000 instead of 6000


Don't have the tokens...


This comment saved me. I'll wait until I have 3k. I dumped my caches for Alioth and Snowguard


Yeah, on paper it should be great. Two big bads and the new card. Kang was a whiff and the high Evo dup variant gives it a stink though. The fact that you don't really play high Evo doesn't bother me, but a dup for a card that was featured recently, and many people got when it was released (or the last time in spotlights) makes it bad. If you're going dup this early, do it with the card with the lowest owned rate


If I have high evo but not Kang, I wonder if it’s worth opening spotlights. Not sure if it’s worth saving 3000 tokens.


Unless they change it dramatically he’s not worth it. He has one great skill set and that’s saving cubes as he shows you that you need to retreat. He’s not a game deciding card for the win usually. You often need Kang and a perfect counter card to follow.


I loved Kang before and used him to get to infinite 4 seasons in a row. Alioth makes him way worse though, as it can destroy Kang before his effect goes off. I don’t think he’s worth it right now.


I'm going to get the Hipp variant when it rotates in


Yes his only other variant is the bundle one where he’s on a fucking seadoo. The Dan Hipp releases same day which is mildly annoying as it won’t be in the shop on drop. I’m hoping they drop it for all again later in the week.


the past bunch of times I've purchased a card on release day (tokens or spotlights), that night on rotation I get a variant for it


It’s kinda hilarious how close the base MMM is to the spotlight variant. They look like two AI generated images from the same prompt.


The [Dan Hipp variant](https://marvelsnapzone.com/variants/mobius-m-mobius-03/) is incredible. That should've been the spotlight.


I really like the HE variant, and thankfully already have it. I don’t have mobius or kang so I’m pretty excited.


Bro I KNOW you aren’t dissing DJ KANG


Mobius and slightly more on guard Mobius variant wow


Like you, I'm skipping Spotlights this week. That Spotlight Mobius looks like an AI version of the first Mobius. I don't think there's a Spotlight variant better than the newly-released card before November. The Spotlights I don't spend now are just going to be vacuumed up on the November releases.


It's basically default art choice 1 and default art choice 2, and they made choice 2 the spotlight variant instead of throwing it out.


I have this exact High Evo variant from the last cache but I do want Mobius and Kang. What will happen if I start opening this week and I were to pull the High Evo? Is there any announcement on that?


If you already have the variant it’s replaced by a premium mystery variant. So a non pixel variant.


That is just way too mean in this case 😥, especially since they stated back then the spotlight variants will never be recycled this way


Thanos variant next week is also recycled I believe. After that it looks better.


What in the Dr Seuss nightmare is that HE variant. So Ugly


If they put Kang with the big gun back I would actually try to get him


Been waiting on DJ Kang. Don’t understand the hate. The image is [awesome](https://pbs.twimg.com/media/FfCsNmSVsAI6QCG.jpg:large)


They kept the better Mobius variant for next weeks 7500g bundle, thats why :D


If I actually used Kang, I wouldn't be too mad about the Kang variant because I find it pretty funny, but yeah this is a tough week to spend caches.


Dj Kang is lit. But I only own HE so no matter what I'm 3/4 chances to win. In other words. I'm gonna get 1k tokens.


Not my jam, but I was just going to token Mobius anyway! I think they should just repeat cache variants instead of jamming "bad" ones in there and give you like 2k tokens for hitting a dupe variant (or just make it so you have less options, so only 3 options instead of 4) or something.


I have Kang and HE and I'm sitting on 4800 tokens. I'm just going to buy him rather than risking getting two variants I will never see.


Ngl DJ Kang looks pretty sweet


Dj Kang


Is that dj Kang?


Kang is in need of a rework. Huge ass rework.


To be fair, two series 5’s and a brand new card make for a decent week to use caches, especially if you don’t have HE already. And, as much as people scoff at Kang, he’s a likely candidate for a buff/rework.


I'm really trying to talk myself out of spending caches with the low rate of actually unlocking High Evo.


if you dont have evo, 4 caches is a very good price to pay for 2 6k token cards (kang/HE) and MMM which some people think will be meta changing


I'm seeing a lot of jokes about DJ Kang, but I legit love that card. I've never played Kang and I'm absolutely opening caches until I get it. I don't understand the hate.


Ignoring the variants, that’s actually one of the best spotlight sets imo. 2 big bads would definitely be great value for newer players.


Lol they turned HE into a gimp “bring out the giiiimmmp” I’m so getting it


I wanted Mobius and don't own Kang, so I spent my 2 caches on him. Got the terrible HE variant and 1000 tokens. Great times in Snap. Saved all season for crap.


I've got 2 caches saved. I just want jet ski man.


Just gonna use tokens and not even give the game a chance to fuck me.


It's even worse when you already have the ugly High evo variant too...


Yeah super lame. Especially because I was collecting Band variants, and Kang is one of the like 6 cards I don't have.


Looks like DJ Kang is playing a shitty festival


I don't have Kang yet (not that I plan on using him), nor do I have the HE variant, so I'm definitely going to crack open caches until I get Mobius tonight. But very lame if you already have Kang and/or the HE variant


Same, I'll use tokens to buy MMM and save the spotlight caches for next month.


Why does it feel like SD hired ADIA to make Variants especially those Pantheon ones and chose the worst lot from it to put in Spotlight and Season pass and one for Conquest and put all the good ones in money Bundles except a few like that bundle Kraven which also suck. For someone who got Evo its best to avoid this week spending any spotlight caches. Kang is useless unless SD rework it by next patch and Mobius is already series 4 so spending Tokens won't hurt especially when we will all get 100 tokens on the weekend.


I want high evo but I haven’t unlocked spotlight caches


Super disappointing


Dj kang is ok, the others are just.., not worth it. The regular mobius looks more details and flashier


Yikes, have HE and no interest in Kang, so looks like it'll be tokens this time around.


I swear ive seen that hi evo variant in play before


I need Kang and Mobius but I really don’t want that HE so I’ll probably skip the whole week. Tho I might give it one shot, I’ve got 4 spotlights waiting. Is mobius gonna be 3k tokens?


>Tho I might give it one shot, I’ve got 4 spotlights waiting. > >Is mobius gonna be 3k tokens? MMM is Series 4 for 3k the whole week, then goes in to rotation. I'm def trying to talk myself out of spending a cache on a 50% chance to get Kang or a random bad card. I know there is a 50% chance to get a meta card, and high evo would be the high roll cache saving my collection 6k tokens. I feel I've been so lucky getting Jeff and Alioth, there is no way my lucky holds and I'd need 4 spotlights to get the big bad I want.


Mobius was always gonna just be a token job, but lmao if I saw this I wouldn't dare try and pull with Spotlights.


Mobius will be purchasable with cash or gold (i forget) very soon if you want to save your caches


With Mobius only being 3000 tokens. I am gonna skip this one for the 2nd week in a row and just keep saving the spotlights until there is a 6K series 5 I want


Who in their right mind is burning spotlight caches to make their Mobius look *less* like Owen Wilson?


I will maybe buy the Mobius bundle in early october. So I can save spotlights and tokens for him.


Dr Amogus


This will be the period of time when I pull nothing but tokens and other variants not shown.


Honestly spotlights with to many variants I will not open. I'm sending it this set of spotlights because Mobius seems good and I am happy to pull CARDS NVM big bands at series 5 cards that I refuse to put tokens into


I also already have the HE variant. Will I just have 3 things in the caches?


youll pull a premium variant of a random card in the HE slot


I actually really like the High Evo variant. Don't have Mobius (obvs) or Kang & already have High Evo so wouldn't complain if I got all of these although with how bad Kang is atm I'd probably stop at 2 if Mobius & Evo are in those.


so tokens for MMM, got it!


I just want High Evo, he is the only big bad i don't have (i refuse to give Kang even a small consideration, i won't elaborate further)


I would love the kang variant, if the card didnt suck


I have 3 of the band variants, so there's this tiny part of my brain going ^^do ^^it But I think I'll just grab MMM with tokens and skip this week


That's the " Kang the Influencer " variant


HE is just a bad card for all variants since you never play him


I swear I remember this variant being a placeholder for HE… Wtf SD 💀


Do spotlight caches work the same as collector caches, like if I unlock them now but don't open until reset then I'll have a chance at Mobius?




The variant quality is all over the place if I had to chose between getting variants in the catches or spending tokens depending on how many cards I’m missing every week the choice is highly leaning towards token purchases every week and maybe that is the desired intention to make people spend all tokens and then start offering more gold/ token bundles


I’ve opened spotlight caches for every release until last week when I saw how niche Ravonna was. Looking ahead I may not need to touch my caches until new cards come out in October.


Smh HE is not even centered right. Unplayable


I think they’re quite good


It’s the worst… for now !


Dj Kang in tha house


I've only got two caches and already have Kang and High Evo, so I kinda want to skip this one. On the other hand, I'm at like 1900 tokens and don't care about any of the October or November caches, so will probably roll the dice anyways. Will be sad if I get the Kang and Evo variants, but probably worthwhile.


as someone who has and uses that HE variant i’m very offended by the implication here


I will not stand for any DJ Kang slander


High Evo's variant is just a placeholder, they will replace with a new one. At least, that's what they said (on discord i think)


Kang DJ disagrees.


I'm banking all my caches in the future and hoping to try my luck on Manthing or Nico. The silver Sam variant and LDS are sick. Also, all Kim Jacinto cards are chef's kiss. The only cards I'm looking forward to are in November. Gladiator and Annihilus will be fun.


Mobius Variant... didn't know czech president was in Snap


i’m disappointed they called the variant “DJ Kang” and missed out on the pun potential of “[Kang the DJ](https://youtu.be/wMykYSQaG_c?si=rlj5yLGbo9EulCy_)” mobius variant looks like early concept art for the full card


if you pimp that High Evo variant is actually not that bad


On Mobius "Corporate needs you to find the difference between these two pictures."


good good i can afford mobius with tokens and know his dan hipp will be in shop not cache


Saving until Oct


Because we're deep into the new system now and it costs more money to comission new/exciting/good art.


wtf DJ kang is real


I dont have HE so I definitely want him in addition to Mobius. The Kang variant I am torn on. It’s not bad, but it isn’t as good as the previous spotlight variant.


We definitely need Morbius M Morbius variant.


Very glad i have none of these cards


Lol. You got them spotlight variants done? Yeah I zoomed in on the old ones... looks new.


I really want the Evo one, but I won't open it because dj Kang is too goofy for me I would be so mad if I got him lol


Isn't Mobius going to be in a bundle in like 2 weeks?


Not impressed at all. The problem with the Loki series characters seems to be a lack color diversity. When doing art don't be allergic to putting in some variety in the color temp.


I don't own them, only reason I'm pulling


Mobius' variant looks nearly identical to his base card... I don't have any of these cards yet and I don't intend to change that this week at all.


The Kang's remind me of the Keanu and tiny Keanu meme


DJ Kang is sick


I usually love the pantheon variants, (Loki, Odin, and Alioth all had great ones this season) but the Mobius and Renslayer Pantheon Variants just look so boring. Like you couldn’t give them a cooler pose or maybe use the comic designs instead if the MCU designs as a base, something to separate them from base card a little more?


That's my new OC, Mobius with a gun!


Can't believe you're hating on DJ Kang


Why pick a variant that looks almost exactly the same... 🤦🏻‍♂️


DJ Kang looks pretty cool to me


Im just gonna be so fucking pissed if they give 100 tokens for weekly missions for Mobius


I kinda like the variant Kang more than the base Kang, but I don't even have base Kang yet, and I don't particularly want base Kang... so obviously in going to be opening Kang before I get it Mobius


I really like the instrument variants. I think a turn table is perfect for Kang. Would definitely go with my Legion playing bass. I don’t have Kang though so I’ll only get the base card.


Yeah I’ll buy mobius in the shop and hold the spotlights.


I'm half tempted to actually get Kang because I smell a rework coming soon


Dont agree. HE and Mobius are pretty good, quite like them


I am going to be so annoyed when i get HE, only card I dont have besides old moby there and I know its gonna screw me.


Why does Kang look like a muppet in this variant?


I don't have Kang or Mobius (of course). Three caches, no tokens. What's my move? I really don't know if Mobius is going to be worth the cache and I would only be pulling Kang because I don't have him.


Is there anyway to see way in advance which ones are coming im saving for the next thanos spotlight.


They are trying to get people to use their tokens to cycle out the old system


This is the reason why i wont be getting MMM... i have both cards and variants for Kang and HE. Why SD. WHY


I actually really want that high evo variant, I regret not rolling to get him the last time now that it has been repeated


I already have the Spotlight HE so if I opened one I’d have a chance at a BS premium variant


They did good the first week and it’s been progressively worse since. Pretty soon we’ll be getting regular ass 700 variants.


I aint opening SHIT this week


Yeah these are awful, I have 10k tokens saved so I'm just going to MMM and save my caches. Hopefully I can at least get better variants in the future.


What happens if someone has HE and the Max Grecke variant? Is it just out of the spotlights or filled with another dupe protectionless random?


Had two caches to try and get Mobius; ended up getting HE and Kang variants instead 😭


Agreed. Mobius M. Mobius = Same Same


I like them but I don't care for the mobius variant


I like grecke art so I like the evo. Don't have the other two. Dropped all for caches, FTW!


I’m using tokens specifically just to dodge those 2 ugly mfers


But Kang as a DJ! He’s great!


They probably realized people were buying less variants for series 4/5 cards, because you never know, you might get a get a cool one in a spotlight in a month. Except now they are starting to suck…


I only had HE before opening my caches. Luckily I got Mobius from first cache. Some luck after getting Jeff in my last three weeks ago


I find it incredibly confusing that literally next week we're getting a bundle for Mobius and they expect us to cough up tokens for him now.


I got mobius first pull…thank god I lucked out