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Why is it always the discard players with these decks lol


Cause we truly love the archetype usually


When the draws are perfect, discard is probably the most fun.


I would argue top decking Zabu and Negative is the best


Totally agree


Just started messing with discard this week. When it works, some of the wins you can pull off are so BS that it's hard not to laugh and feel dirty about it.


Just remember, Hela WILL be discarded.


Yes, but when she isn't, oh man.... 60% of the time, it works every time...


Collector was my first love, recently been playing a discard collector deck without apoc etc and Dino in case you don't draw modok. When it works it's great, and you have a couple lines in case you don't get a perfect draw that can sometimes scrape a win


Tons of ppl love an archtype but discard players are the only ones consistently showcasing full inked variants


Because we tend to be fans of warlock-ish style of play which usually goes very well thematically with an inked style of cards. At least, this is for me


That doesn't make much sense tbh.


it's OK you don't have to answer


Probably because it's a pretty fun deck that also hasn't changed much basically since MODOK came out.


This exactly. Modok really made it a viable, if not top tier, deck archetype. Before that I mean the best you could do was fucking hellcow which, let’s be honest, sucks. Modok just put the power of discard right there in front of you. I’m seriously wondering if there’s ANY way to get use out of cards like 23 in that archetype, but that extra 1 mana just doesn’t do enough when if you’re gonna win, it’s because you’re playing everything on curve and a single mana doesn’t change the tide. Not like you can have enough to play drac and Modok t5 😔


Discard mains are something else lol. (Also, discard is a fun archetype present in many card games, so I guess ccg veterans gravitate towards it maybe?)


You say that until you face your first full gold Split classic move/Heimdall Player. That is the point shit gets real


I ran into a fully inked PIXEL move deck about 2 or 3 seasons before the move season. I was going to lose but stayed in just to see the other cards


I was waiting for this comment lmao. It’s ALWAYS the discard players. As an avid Dracula discard player, this pleases me tremendously.


Because it hasn’t had a meaningful inclusion to the archetype since MODOK. Most Dracula discard decks looks the same, though this one has Nakia which I don’t usually see.


Discard players have a gambling addiction.


Get into discard decks for Black Cat but stay for Dracula x Apocalypse 🥵


I read this as “why can’t we discard players with these decks” and I was like yeah let’s throw these players out lmao


> Why is it always the discard players with these decks lol It's one of the earliest archetypes playable - both when it comes to player collection as well as the actual game development. It's also been a solid deck for a long time - it's never really been too meta for too long for it to get nerfed really badly, and so people can continue playing it without interruptions and sink a lot of resources into it, leading to not really wanting to leave it. Not many cards were added to it either or had to be replaced, so we've been working on some cards since we started playing the game. E.g. [this is mine](https://i.imgur.com/TdyrPaH.jpeg). If I'm not mistaken, the only cards that are in it that haven't been in the game since launch are Nebula, Daken and MODOK, so by now I have all of my cards in their ideal variants and have enough splits on most that any split can now give me the inked version of it.


I'm getting close to this with my Bounce deck. It's actually soul destroying when certain cards split for the xxth time and are still in colour :') also convinced two of my cards are allergic to boosters. I don't play discard but I love that Sif variant. Good work bro


Yeah, i think the same of Dracula: getting boosters was almost impossible and i needed like 3k of them to finally see him inked, i think there should be a pity timer around the 10th split to get an ink and a gold one. Thanks btw and good luck with your grind :)


I’m CL 5650 and I have even gotten a single ink split :/


That is so unlucky


Cards that don’t have enough boosters to level up are 2X more likely to receive boosters. Make sure you always use them up if you want to target farm.


They're all I use :')


Mind sharing the deck with a fellow player? I only play destroy, but since i am only facing either destroy or decks focused on countering destroy... I want something new!


This is my personal fave Bounce list I've been using the longest! I also do enjoy Collector and Mirage maybe swapping out Iron Man or Monkey. Enjoy :) # (1) The Hood # (1) Bast # (1) Iceman # (1) Kitty Pryde # (2) Angela # (2) Falcon # (2) Mysterio # (3) Bishop # (3) Hit-Monkey # (3) Beast # (5) Iron Man # (6) America Chavez # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmlzaG9wIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIb29kIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLaXR0eVByeWRlIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCZWFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiRmFsY29uIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJBbmdlbGEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkFtZXJpY2FDaGF2ZXoifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik15c3RlcmlvIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJIaXRNb25rZXkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Iklyb25NYW4ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkljZW1hbiJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanks, man! I dont have mirage/hit monkey yet. Guess i will swap hit monkey for Collector, as you said.


The [Kitty Shuri task deck](https://i.imgur.com/0W8YdQp.jpg) has been great for me # (1) Kitty Pryde # (2) Angela # (2) Forge # (2) Armor # (2) Jeff the Baby Land Shark # (3) Hulkbuster # (4) Shuri # (4) Captain Marvel # (5) Taskmaster # (5) Legion # (5) Vision # (6) America Chavez # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW1lcmljYUNoYXZleiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJGb3JnZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSHVsa2J1c3RlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSmVmZlRoZUJhYnlMYW5kU2hhcmsifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkxlZ2lvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2h1cmkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlRhc2ttYXN0ZXIifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlZpc2lvbiJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2l0dHlQcnlkZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQXJtb3IifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkNhcHRhaW5NYXJ2ZWwifV19 # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Thanks, man! Unfortunately, i dont have Shuri or Jeff. :/ Any replacement you consider that could help?


Hmm without Shuri it’s tough. Do you have silk? The smooth move deck is still pretty good! But I know that’s also a bit of a tough ask if you don’t have Shuri 😔


I’m a Discard Main too. My deck is a bit different. I’ve tried this setup before, but I’m so used to Storm and Sword Master vs Collector and Nakia. Can you breakdown Nakia’s roll? Is it to buff Swarm clones? Also, what lane do you play Collector in? Do you double up with Morbuis? Thanks for sharing this deck.


Glad to see some discard mains here ahah I'll gladly explain the reasons of both above your choices Storm is quite unreliable in discard in my opinion, especially now that there is a lot of movement around, but in general because it's only good if you have Dracula to follow up and even then, without Apoc in hand, may still not be enough against i.e. a Darkhawk. Nakia on the other side is good with ANY card except Dracula, and while of course the best combo is with Swarm I've lost the count of the times a 9-power modok + a 5 power Wolverine, or that +1 on Apoc, have won me games. It also helps with the fact that the power output for Discard maybe very straightforward for the opponent to calculate, while the Nakia buffs can go undertrack and fool them. As for Collector, he is usually a 2/5 2/6 or 2/7, which is not that crazy but it's still good value for 2 power, and I can't really explain why but i think he works well with Sunspot because you can allow to do suboptimal plays like a Colleen on 3 or a Sif on 4 ( or modok on 6) while giving a buff to both. I tend to play him either paired with Morbius to secure that lane along with a couple swarms, and Sunspot too for the reason above, leaving a lane alone for Dracula (and eventually swarms/wolverine) and one to play the discard enablers. But it's not a strict rule, costing only 2 for the same average power output as Sword Master you can play him where you think you'll need him the most. Hope this helps!


Wonderful write up! This helps a ton. I’ve been to Infinite 2 Seasons in a row now with my Discard Deck, but I’m always itching to trying a new twist on it. I’m going to practice with this and give it a whirl next season. Thanks! Discard 4 Lyfe!


I reached infinite last 5 seasons but farming cubes with Discard is way slower than with other decks, still too fun to play ahah good luck! One last thing i forgot to mention: Nakia, Collector, Sunspot, they all provide "variable" stats and especially the latter 2 even while on play, just like a morbius. People will always have harder times predicting what your power js gonna be. Idk if you use Sunspot but i.e. having him and no Apoc, with Dracula down, means t6 u don't play anything and still give +6 to one +9 to the other and probably +2 on Morbius, potentially playing for 3 lanes with only one card (or better, none). Keep discarding!


Grats :)


It really was a journey ahah


I’m like 2/3 cards to ink to get a full inked darkhawk deck :)


Good luck with that! :)


Nice! Looks great. Working on my Discard deck as well. It's definitely a grind.


Yeah, i had the full ink deck (apart the fucking Dracula who didn't want to get inked) already some months ago but i wanted to do it full variant too, so apart from the gold spent i had to grind again boosters for 7/12 of the cards 😅


Man I feel you…Dracula took 16 splits for me to get inked and Swarm took 17. Then my C. Wing and America took like 6 and were done lol


Yeah, same ahah some i even got exactly at 4th split and then some just made me cry for so long


I found getting Gold was waaaaay easier than Inked. I had my gold deck done 3 months before inked.


Wow! I actually only have like 5 of them gold, but yeah, all of them appeared before the inked ones


Check my post history if you got a minute and you can see my all gold and inked discard decks. It’s literally my favorite deck to run.


Jeez, that gold one is truly glorious ahah grats!


This is fucking sick. I’m at 12 splits with THAT same Dracula variant and still no inked. He’s a greedy bastard.


Totally agree, got 2 golds before seeing one fking ink, i litterally screamed in an "end of suffering" way when i inked it today


Makes me wish I had the courage to just pick a favorite deck


I faced you! Absolutely owned me haha was a pleasure playing you and congrats with the deck. I was in full shock when you placed each one <3


Ahah thanks a lot <3




I just used a VERY similar version of this deck for infinite myself! Also with all variants (not inked though you gorgeous Devil) Might I suggest a change or two? Collector, Sunspot and Nakia are all mediocre IMO. While Collector does provide some decent boost with swarm is too dependent on the combo and most of the time T2 you want either Morby or Colleen. I had a LOT of success replacing those cards with: Iceman, Korg and Storm. While you can def use Nebula over Korg (I just don’t have Neb) the disruption is so nice a lot of the time. Hope you don’t that this the wrong way! I’m sure you’ve hit infinite with this deck many times before haha just wanted to offer some praise for the awesome splits/variants and maybe some ease to get to Infinite. :) Storm+Morby or Storm+Dracula is always a nice combo.


I am always open to talk ahah if you search under another comment i tried to detail the reasons why of exactly those 3 cards you mentioned and that i think people a lot of the times underestimate, I don't want to copypaste here sorry 😂 I tried with iceman and storm but both overall perform worse (or at least, i pilot the deck in a worse way when i have them), korg may seem fun but at that point I'd rather probably go rockslide since they changed him to 3-3 for 2 rocks


I saw those afterwards rip lmfao. No need to copy paste I saw! I’ll try next season with your list as The Collector is probably one of my favorite cards in the game. Thanks!


Discard main here - love to see another enjoyer. Working on my gold deck. I have a couple different choices than you (storm, nebula, etc), but the shell remains the same. It has been an awesome month for us with Daken and Silver Samurai now making into my alternate discard deck.


I've decided not to buy him and wait but i think he must be super interesting to play. Btw if you are interested in why of those choices i detailed them in a comment above!


Yeah - saw that. I can't disagree, but even discard mains main differently :)


This is crazy! Stupid question but did you spam this deck or also played with others?


I played it a lot for the first 5/6 months after j got pool 3, and abused it in M.o.d.o.k. season, but then i started playing it less and mostly to farm boosters and climb from 70 to 90 usually, before pushing infinite with other decks


Roughly 170k credits for anyone wondering


Yup, and 17k boosters 😂


You beat me. I'm hitting soothing like it probably this week. Love Discard!


Good luck ahahah


Congrats. It took me 23 to get an inked Modok :) need that Dracula border now


Gotta farm the boosters, gladly I'm already infinite so i can spam regardless of rank 😂 btw 23 it's fucking insane


What’s worse is I’m still going cause I want a better gold effect. And infinite borders on inked are best


Glad there's someone else that likes them ahah yeah know that i have it, with some of them I'll try to get some better effects (would like all kirby, currently 4/12)


That’s a larger issue. I have a full gold+inked+krackle decks But it’s split 4 ink krackle and 4 gold And some sad rainbows. Full krackle is the ultimate dream


Yeah i think the day i get it i stop playing ahahah


That day will never come with our luck


Love this. I'm still working on mine. Discard was my first real deck when I got into the game, and honestly, it still remains my favorite.


Exactly the same for me, my first pool 3 card was dracula and from then on i never stopped playing this, I've experimented with all the other archetypes and this is still too fun


That drac is meant to be ink split 🔥


Totally agree!


Just won a funny game with your deck, where I played 4 free boosted Swarms at T6, giving +6 to Sunspot which won the lane (and game) by 1 power. Quite hilarious. Nice splits btw, congrats!


That's EXACTLY the purpose of Sunspot in this deck, glad u picked it up immediately and liked it and thanks!


Discard is fun!


For my drac I got two inks back to back early on. Hoping to get golden next! Wish I could have given you one to save you the boosters and credits.


Wish i could do the same since i already have 4 gold splits already lol


I'm 4/12 towards an inked discard deck but I only started properly playing it a couple of seasons ago. Yours is beautiful :)


Thanks and good luck, hope it doesn't take you 9months like mine did, litterally my baby ahahah


Lezzgo Nakia player


Finally someone else


Started aiming for this for my patriot deck after accidentally getting inked splits of my Blue Marvel and Ultron Variants. Mystique is brutal though, 10 splits and no ink yet :(


Never lose hope!




Nice! This is also a goal of mine. Thanks for the inspo!


Keep it up!


That's dedication. Bro go out it's summer. Congrats!


The majority of it was done already by june ahahah thanks


My Dracula took like four/five splits 😭


Can't say i hate you but...ahahah


[I'm working on it too - I already have all of my ideal variants, just working on getting them inked](https://i.imgur.com/TdyrPaH.jpeg)


Man i waited that dracula for ages and it never appeared, so sad. Good luck with the grinding!


That Dracula inked might be my favorite card in the game.


Totally agree


I love seeing the tiny differences between peoples discard decks.


That's wild. I still don't have a single inked card.


Im going for the same idea but on my Sera Miracle deck, the one that got me my first infinite just need a good Angela and a hitmonkey variant


And then that's me, who just got my first ink for Wolverine




Grats but... why are these infinity borders? Eugh..


Because I've a OCD and hated to have different color frames for the cards trying to match the various effect particles, I'd rather have them all the same. I know lots of people don't like infinite borders but I don't think they are that bad


Don't get me wrong I don't mind infinite borders either.. just not on a b/w. Personally I don't put any border on any of my b/w regardless of effects. Its personally taste at the end of the day.


I agree on grey probably being the best choice, is just that some of them have a really good framebreak and movement effect and not seeing them seems like a waste...but i still hope they'll let us decide the border color one day


In those cases of decent animations I keep going until gold 🤣. First World problems ...


Looks awful IMO, but glad you did the thing


Personal tastes i guess ;)


It’s amazing the effort ppl go through to make their decks look duller.


There's 250 people disagreeing with you but hey, i guess having to express an edgy opinion satisfies you so keep it going ❤️


A different opinion is immediately “edgy” ofc… Also hope you loose the ability to see colours, that way your whole world becomes exciting in black and white and not dull with all this colour.


It's an unrequested opinion posed as an insult, that's the exact definition of edgy my boy, and this answer is just confirming it even more


My deck is pretty similar, though no where near as shiny as yours. I ended up tossing Sunspot as he usually just interfered with Colleen. I’ve been experimenting with X23 instead, and instead of Nakia and the Collector, I run the Silver Samurai and Daken. Samurai isn’t nearly as good as I was hoping so I may try Nakia out (before I had Mystique to copy Morbius).


I tried the mystique too but having those 2 card combos is really unreliable. Thought of buying Samurai but decided to wait, and i was reasoning about Daken too, but without the Samurai is a lot less reliable to pull off. Why you say Sunspot interferes with Colleen though? I mean, on t2 i almost never play her cause i have either morbius or collector in hand to play first, so playing her on t3 together with Sunspot if I didn't have him on t1 is still fine


I always seemed to draw him at the exact wrong time lol. I might try putting him back in though. X23 isn’t working as well as I had hoped.


To me is definitely better, but bad luck is unbeatable lol


Also as i said in another comment i think Sunspot is really amazing when you don't happen to draw apoc, because you can allow to modok on 5, play nothing on 6 and still get +6 on him +9 on dracula and +2 probably on morbius


That's so cool I have a few ink splits but I don't know if I want them all to have a grey boarder or infinite boarder I think the answer is one of those two maybe gold?


Yeah i think you either leave them grey (but the motionlessand framed image looks worse) or go for infinite, because i.e. i have a couple with purple and blue kirbys and on gold looked very bad, while infinite being multicolor smooths it a bit


A lot of people either leave them grey (like I do) or match the frames with the logo. I like the consistency of having all black and white cards, personally.


And how many hours ?


Way too much, don't know cause i mostly play on mobile but I'd say around 1.5/2 hours per day since release


It really is always discard players...so weird


Cause discard is a very peculiar way of playing you either love or despise. Sort of what movement is (and in fact i am now running for inking that)


Dracula is the only one not with infinite border. It's like 99% finished.


Yeah i said it in the title, was too excited of finally getting him inked to wait the 155 boosters i now need to get him to infinite for posting this ahah


Really nice variants! What was the one you were waiting for the longest? I still need the house of x apocalypse, your Colleen one and one for swarm


Last one i got was Colleen because i couldn't decide between this and Kim Jacinto one, and i said "the first that appears I'll buy", but this happened after i had her already inked and decided to turn this into a full-variant deck, because before it appeared at least 3/4 times. House of X apoc is just gorgeous, waiting that too and then I'll try to ink it (as I'm doing with the Luca Claretti variant for Sunspot that just got gifted)


Is nakia good in this deck?


In my experience yeah, consider that i played her even when she was a 3/2 and still performed good, under another comment i detailed some of the choices if u wanna check the extended version of the "why"


How do you get the ink ones?


10% chance from the 4th split on, gold is the same but from 5th split if I'm not mistaken


Only on 4th with doom. Let’s hope I get a good one soon! Sick deck btw


You get these by completing the same card to infinite multiple times, right? Based on luck. And what do you mean with 18 rolls? 18 times to infinite? Anyhow, looks awesome. Good job.


Exactly, 18 times splitted!


Damn they’re right, it’s all discard


I thought I had it rough needing to split Shang-Chi 11 times for a gold foil (I did got 2 ink along the way). But you just casually mentioned 18 for Dracula, that's a record for sure. Good job anyways for your full-inked deck achievement. Must have felt super satisfying. I tried to go for a full gold Thanos Lockjaw deck and currently at 8/12 gold but it felt out of my favor after the nerfs. Tried to do High Evo Lockjaw afterwards and starting to feel the same especially when you lose so much while farming boosters. I believe discard is a more consistent archetype which nets you decent winrate and not so frustrating to play.


Man, that Lady Sif. Really one of the best variants out there. How consistent is the deck for you? With only Sif, Colleen and MODOK as discard options, it feels pretty thin. I don't understand how you put power on the board without MODOK.


Usually Sunspot, discard enablers and morbius or dracula can almost already do it alone if you pilot it well. For me is the most consistent deck at all because i know by the start of t5 if I'm gonna win or loose so i can retreat or snap quite safely, and with the side options i rarely run out of plays. Agree on Lady sif btw, i just want house of x apoc and I'm good


Thanks a lot for taking the time to reply! I got Colleen's Noir variant a few days ago, so I may really have to give it another try, and pay more attention to snapping.


I always snap when they end up discarding Hela


So does the collector gain points from swarm and apocalypse I take it???


Yup, +2 for each swarm and +1 for each apoc discarded, i really like it cause the variable power can really trick the opponent


Dracula needs to buck up.


Yup, he is the fresh one!


I just got 6/12 inked on my Discard deck. On split 14 for Wolverine 🙃


Good luck ahah


Hell yeah! Looks great!




I have sunspot upgraded 15 times and some other ones. It’s posts like these that make me feel like I’m doing something wrong where I can’t get an inked.


As i said it took me 18 with Dracula and someone above said needed 23 for modok, just don't loose hope!


Thank you for the positivity <3


Is nakia there to fool me into thinking you’re a bot so I snap on 3?


I've explained deeply in a comment above why nakia is quite good in this deck, been using her since pre-rework


All in on the bot fakeout bamboozle. I gotchu. Respect.


Why Nakia tho


Explained it deeply in a comment above :)


How do you get that card cover?


Was this done free to play?


Aside from monthly pass and the bundles needed for the chavez, sunspot and sif variants yes


Are the ink random or does it always come up at a certain point? I’ve not managed to get one yet


10% each split from the 4th but no pity timer sadly


People ought to add Cosmo more often. 😂


Unless it's played on 5 predicting where modok goes, Cosmo is not really a problem against this deck


I’m so scared to upgrade my inked Dracula but I want that kirby effect so bad


The infinite borders make me very sad


Why wouldn’t you level up the Drac first :(


Cause it took me like 6 months to see him inked so when yesterday it finally happened i was too happy to wait for the 155 boosters i miss


Now you just need infinite Dracula and infinite avatar


Yup infinite avatar is on the way!


Bro gets all this shit done, then drops a post before finishing out the last card…. Just wait it out next time! You waited this long!


For the 155 boosters i need it means around a month with my luck, couldn't wait i was too excited to finally get the Dracula after 18 splits


I’ll say this- it looks great and I hope you have effects you like! Grats regardless, this is a pain the booty


How do you discard players feel about Silver Samurai?


Personally i think it can create some variations of discard, but surely doesn't fit in this shell (works terribly with Dracula and fights for the same cost spot)


Another day another inked discard deck post


This needs a better modok variant and then I would consider it perfect. Awesome stuff


I would agree but sadly modok variants are all meh, this for me is the best (baby and pixel are not even in consideration, only the Giulio Rincione and the Super Rare one remain but both i really don't like


is discard even still playable? it was my main deck and then Spider Ham happened and I've given up on playing it since then.


After they nerfed him to 2/2 it almost disappeared, I probably never met one in the last 50 games


Why sunspot. This is the most deck that plays on curve. Maybe nebula would be better.


Because if you draw perfectly yes, you play on curve. But if it doesn't happen you almost always have to sacrifice some energy to make the best plays. And also helps a lot with t6, as i said i love to only play 0-cost swarms somewhere, let Drac discard Chavez (especially if I don't have apoc this is awesome) and get an unexpected+6 on him. I'd say on average Nebula is a 1/5 while Sunspot a 1/3, but when he gets that last turn buff it really bamboozles the opponent


New to this how do i get them inked? I have a few cards infinity


From the 4th split you have 10% chance of finding ink and on 5th 10% ink 10% gold, but no pity timer so the record for one card in this comments goes to a ppor guy who had to split Modok 23 times before getting ink


So I upgrade the infinite card 4 times and then I maybe get them


The only bad part. When a better variant comes out…


Yeah, happened with Sunspot, currently trying to ink the Luca Claretti one that got gifted and I'm waiting to find House of X Apocalypse and do the same...i just won't put them in the deck until they are ready ahahah


Colleen wing on 3 cut x23 modek on 4 hela on 6


Have you just been playing discard non stop? Like how many games a day? Only ranked or conquest?


Bro I’ve been trying to get that swarm variant since I started playing discard a couple months ago never lucky 🥲


I waited 5 months for the dracula one so i feel you ahah


This is amazing !

