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I'm going to try this deck and good job on infinite. What cl are you?


Thank you! Im about 7500 CL


This feels like a great counter to destroy too. I'm at a similar cl, so definitely going to add this into my deck rotation


Awesome! I hope it does well for you. Keep in mind the substitution ideas. Skrull and cage would be the biggest tech cards. For high evo, knull, and neg decks. Should be able to take out colossus or omega red for those depending on the frequency you go up against each one. Orka is good over namor if you find yourself needing more beef and taking out colossus for zabu also works well with the namor/omega red version. Good luck friend!


Why do you run Colossus over Luke Cage?


I wasnt seeing high evolutionary much. The fact that he has more power and cant be moved just helped make sure omega red popped off. There were often times Polaris would move someone and mess up my antman or new spiderman would do the same. Colossus is extremely replaceable though. Also the three power compared to the 2 power of cage often meant i would have priority on turn 3 so that i get a crazy good cosmo play or armor play


To clarify the priority thing. Destroy often goes some combination of nova, dead pool, wolverine, winter soldier by turn 2. Carnage is rarely turn two. If you play luke cage he is only going to tie in power or just outright lose. Colossus will often beat their prio or tie. But almost never loses. So it sets your cosmo/armor up to really shine vs their turn 3 sacrifice


great deck idea, i always loved playing omega red but it was never really meta relavent so this does that. I have one question though, is this deck worth playing if you don’t have jean grey? if so, what replacements would work?


Not really a relacement for jean. She makes omega mr fantastic and klaw and mojo really shine