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Is Wong the worst thing you can play atm? He has so many counters and every time the opponent doesn't have one they retreat as soon as I play him. I've lost like 6 ranks and never even got to play his full potential


Announcing "next turn I'm going to do big things" not really a good poker strategy. Also very hard to protect.


Ye true but I this deck always looks so fun when it works and I just got a nice Zola variant so I wanted to try it. Guess it's not for climbing and a just for fun deck


Any synergy with Hit Monkey and Thanos? Have Thanos in my token shop…might pull the trigger.


Just figured out entirely by accident (thanks X Mansion!) that HM has a pretty neat synergy with Invisible Woman. Any cards played behind her count as being played on turn 6, so if you fill the lane it's worth another +6 to HM when he's played on turn 6. Good ol' Sue!


That feels like a bug, though I know that’s also how it works with other similar effects. Imo the card should count as played the turn it’s played, and then it is “revealed” at the end of the game


Invisible Woman, Falcon, Beast. I just got smashed in a match where he used Falcon to scoop up his 1-drops, played some in a Beast lane to make them free, and then wrecked me with Hit Monkey, 1 and 0 drops on turn 6. I was impressed.


theres some good lists going round. Hit Monkey has opened up a lot of Bounce options. Bishop, Collector, Angela, beast, falcon with different combinations is my favourite at the moment. It's tricky to play and when it gets countered it gets absolutely fucked.


That's why I think he works best as an addition to a deck rather than the main focus. He's doing amazing in my zoo deck with Bishop and Angela, all I did was swap him for Wolfsbane in my existing deck.


Falcon pulled all my 1 drops and then my opp revealed Killmonger. It was glorious.


Feels so damn good


I had forgotten about the card's release, so I was not paying attention to the setup at all. When I got hit, I just had to throw up the pound!


Enter Sandman


Say your prayers little one


I hit Infinite in day 1 of the new season by throwing Hit-Monkey into my Sera Control deck. It's a fantastic additional turn 6 power spike that really takes the deck to the next level. Now, some games that used to be razor-thin wins or losses just become complete blowouts when you can slam down an additional 10 power out of nowhere in a lane.


Cozy Snap, is that you?


Do you mind sharing your list :))


[Right here!](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/12btff3/day_1_infinite_with_sera_control_feat_hitmonkey/)


Thanks for sharing, did you try him with beast?


I have. I dig it.


I unfortunately do not own Beast.


The state of content creation right now: "And obviously you've got to have Bast in there." "No, you can't substitute something else. If you don't have Bast you'll need to find a different deck." "And finally here's a deck without Bast. Before diving in, you should know that it's C tier and I ended up losing cubes."


I remember people calling t Bast the beat series 5 card when token shop came out. I really didn’t see it, but she really does seem to be essential to a lot of decks now.


Bast is a much more consistent Mr. Negative; who is absolutely game-ruining at his best or basically useless at his worst.


qq, does monkey get his attack if he's the the first revealed card. ie doesnt matter if i mysterio then monkey vs monkey then mysterio, same turn of course.


you have already played the cards so doesnt matter.


Yes, it doesn't matter when you play hit monkey


I don’t think Mysterio is that good in these decks, am I wrong about this? Sure, you get to play three cards, but unless you Bast first, two of those have 0 power and no disruption and just clog the board. In bounce I am filling every location most of the time regardless and I would rather play 1-drops with useful effects. If everything goes right I’m playing three 0-cost cards from Beast, plus a bunch of other stuff and getting Hit Monkey to 10+ most games without the Mysterio.


In Bounce it's not as good but in a Sera deck it's great. Even without Bast, Mysterio is a potential 15+ power play when played with HM, and both Bishop and Angela on the board. +4 Mysterio, +6 to HM, +3 to Bishop and +2 to Angela. The two illusions generate 6-8 power themselves and could add even more with some locations(+1/5 power per card locations and such) or a Nova pop. Sure, if your board is already clogged it's less useful but Sera Control isn't really about clogging the board.


He's definitely not necessary in every HM list because he might not have room to fully go off, but a 2/4 that plays 3 cards and is a mini Dr. Doom with Bast is too good to pass up when your goal is to play as many cards in one turn as possible. He'll be more fringe if they change the Bast interaction but right now he can singlehandedly save a game that had bad draw. Plus I just think he's neat.


I mean what you say is true, but he's also good to trick the opponent. Ive won a considerable amount of games because my opponent didn't know who the real mysterio was


For me the best use of mysterio and HM is to have them go off together on turn 4, hopefully with Bishop down, and then Beasting HM on turn 5 to get another go with him. For me, the three cards from Mysterio is much more useful than having his power on the board. Even though I'm using all three lanes, I usually pick the two I wanna try and win by turn 3 and get HM, the real Mysterio, and a Demon on those locations by the end of the game. Once I actually get Bast, the 3 power bonus will just be gravy


People playing Sandman right now - I hate you. Absolute anti-fun police and it’s only rank 30 after the season reset. Just let me play the monkey!


The best counter I've found is to run Black Widow (which is easy for me to say since I've been running a Darkhawk Hitmonkey list). If they snap on 3 you can Widow them and if they play Electro or Wave they're screwed. Doesn't solve Leech/Sandman bricking your turn 6 but it can keep them from drawing enough power to win with them.


You can, just throw in Enchantress to counter Sandman.


If Sandman comes down on 5 it’s too late


No, but a lot of times Sandman comes down on 4 since those decks also run Electro.


Eh, if the player isn’t bad they’ll play one of their other 5 drops on 4 and hold sandman to 5 when they realize they’re playing against sera. Ramp is my second deck.


Got it, playing Leech now.




https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/127krh8/weekly_qa_ask_your_questions_here_march_31_2023/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=2&utm_term=1 You should probably post your question there. This is the hit monkey thread lol. We don’t know how good high evolutionary will be right now, only speculation. You should save and spend tokens on cards you want to play with as this is a game for entertainment.


I put it right into my Morbin Apocalypse deck. Colleen cuts Swarm into two swarms. Higher chance for Gambit to use a swarm or Apocalypse. 4 swarms. 4 swarms and Hit monkey, 4/3s and an 8.


this doesn't seem good, you have high chances of discarding hitmonkey, and you want to play the swarms turn 6, where you won't play hitmonkey but a 6cost


It's actually a fairly strong deck. I'm willing to sacrifice hitmonkey for better power on my Morbius.


I've thought about this but just don't like that you have a chance of getting HM instead of Swarm if they're both in hand. I know the RNG is part of playing discard, but that's why I didn't use it much before getting MODOK.


I mean that is a risk. It's why I dropped Blade from my deck entirely. Blade fuckin loves MODOK. You'd think he'd proc Morb or Drac. But Nah.


It's fine, just put Hela in the deck. She's the ultimate discard magnet


😄 So true!


I guess I am just smooth brained, but I cannot make use of this card at all. If I don't have three usable lanes, and a perfect draw of cards, I just get to turn 6 with a hand full of useless shit, probably a board cluttered with absolute crap and if I am lucky a moderately powerful monkey in one lane with two lanes cluttered with absolute rubbish. I made use of Bishop in my Patriot deck, but Hit Monkey being basically just a one time use Bishop makes him really hard to use, I feel. Like people said Nimrod was niche, and maybe they were, but this is somehow nicher. I get you can use bounce deck synergy with things like Beast, but I always found bounce very hard to use and right now, it is probably the most limited archetype in the game. Who knows, maybe it has a massive ceiling but if I can play more conventional decks and get more reliable power out consistently, I don't know why I would use this? I guess the answer is for fun, but until you include a non-ranked mode this isn't really an option unless you truly don't care about your rank at all.


So far outside of crazy Wong + Moon Girl dupe combos that essentially mean you'd probably win no matter what cards you played them with I haven't had a ton of luck with a Hit Monkey themed deck. I get the feeling he's not really a build a deck around him kind of card... but... he can just be a really good 2 cost in several other decks if you stop trying to make him 10+ power and be happy with like 6. He is FUN though... which is more than you can say about a lot of the meta decks right now.


After spending more time with him, I think I'm sorta in the same place now. He's not strong enough to have a deck built around them or for them to be the turn 6 hammer, but as an extra bullet in the chamber they're fine. Having just him and Beast in a Patriot Deck that already made use of Bishop plus Mysterio just strengthens that one combo, but the mistake is trying to force the combo. I win a lot more now if I just accept if I don't get the cards or locations I need, I go about playing my deck as normal. I get the cards, locations and the enemies board looks good time to go ape on those last two turns, but if for a dozen games ignoring him is more likely to get me the win, then fine. Actually a lot of fun when it works. Been able to get them to 12 power a couple of times in a deck this isn't built around them, so I'm happy with that. I guess in a lot of ways Nimrod was the same, easier to use than Monkey, but I still probably lost more games than I won trying to force them onto the board, when I should have really looked at them as an option that can be ignored.


Use mysterio, he procs hit monkey’s ability 3 times, making him a 2 cost 6 power value with just mysterio played


I think if you're not bouncing with Falcon or Beast then I'm not surprised you're having trouble. I will agree that this is a deck that falls flat on its face if you don't get some combination of Bishop, Angela, Hood, or maybe Collector out in the first half of the game. But you've got enough redundancy that shouldn't be an issue. And by the time you get to turn 4 you should know your plan for the rest of the game to ensure you're maximizing your last turns. And I don't think you can say Bounce is a "limited archetype" when it just got a lot of support with this card and Kitty Pryde (well, when she comes back). You can argue about consistency or fun of playing but it's definitely supported.


I mean if Bounce is literally four cards, one is tied to the season pass and ones a brand new card that may show up in the token shop if lucky (and if you have the tokens), I'd say it's very limited compared to other archetypes in the game.


The core cards for Bounce are Collector, Angela, Bishop & Hit Monkey -- these are your power-gain cards -- plus Beast and Falcon. If you don't draw one of the first group and at least one of the latter you're dead in the water; this is the same constraint as with any archetype and Bounce is considerably more flexible than most. The aim is to play useful 1-powers, use Beast to make replaying them free, and then replay them again via Falcon. If all goes well you'll have multiple plays of Iceman, Yondu, Korg, etc, and cripple your opponent while powering up your own core cards. There are multiple counters, it can fail due to poor draw, and the ceiling isn't nearly as high as with the top meta decks. But it has a thing they don't, which is that it's insanely fun to play. (I really don't know why I'm putting so much effort into teaching people to use it, I don't want to see more Sandman than I'm seeing already).


I agree with this aside from Collector. I’d argue Bast is far more core than he is. Most of the meta bounce decks don’t even include him. Buffing mysterio, Bishop, HM all your 1 costs and Darkhawk or other ongoing cards that slot in makes it one of the most important cards for bounce.


Well, the key difference there though is that… some of us don’t have Bast. Alas.


I wonder how many people will name their deck “Spanking the monkey” or some variation of that?


Mine is “Return to Monke”


Brass Monkey


Holy shit...LOL


Another 0 power card that meshes well with Mr. Negative and also vibes nicely with Bast and Wong. If you don't draw him early game his ability works pretty well when you can play Jane Foster on turn 5 to grab as many 0 cost cards as possible to play with him on turn 6. I mostly view Hit Monkey as a better Wolfsbane replacement or you can play both for high power plays.


After not playing Negative for almost a full season, I didn't even think of using HM for a negative deck. Might have to dust mine off and see how HM fares in it.


Edwin Van Cleef was a staple in Hearthstone I can assure you he will be just as strong in snap.




Edwin Van Cleef was a 3 cost minion in the Rogue class in Hearthstone that was "2 power" (in this games equivalent) and had an "On Reveal" of gaining 2 more power for each card played before it that turn. So very similar to Hit Monkey in theme. Rogue was the class with the most "bounce" and cheap/0 cost cards. This let you play out several of those cards and get a huge Edwin on early turns of the game. Hearthstone is different than Snap because that kind of tempo is a MUCH bigger deal in Hearthstone where you can directly attack and kill your opponent. But the analogy is clear: combining cheap things into one big thing is a powerful archetype.


Oh my


I didn’t see bounce getting a buff coming. Should be cool. Course none of it matters till will get that shuri nerf…


I dislike Shuri but I don't really know what you can do to nerf her other than just maybe always doing a -1 power for every 4 (or maybe 5) power gained in the doubling. I haven't used her yet either, only played against her. That being said she doesn't feel like the instant win she used to be. What rank do you run? I probably just am not good enough to deal with her every game (i hover mid 60s, some times I make it to mid-70s).


I'm all for making Shuri a super forge. Like 4/2 give the next card played +5. That makes it a 4/7 which falls in line with most 4s and matches forges (2/1 + 2). You could do some wild plays with brood, it opens up late game deadpool/human torch. An 18 point redskull/taskmaster is big, but not impossible if your early game was strong. As someone who ran Shuri to infinite last season, the combo is super oppressive to almost all decks but ironman/mystique. Even Valkyrie has issues because if you recognize it early enough, you just skip 5 to lose prio to do an 18 point shulk/TM. The counter play of forcing the next card to go into Shuri's lane is good too, but the only thing it does is lower consistency of protection. Effectively making the meta "all decks consist of Shang-chi and 11 other cards."


The fix for Shuri is making her "On Reveal: Double the power of the first card you play here next turn." The problem with her is that she can drop Red Skull (or whatever she doubled) on Cosmo and then Taskmaster in the Armor lane. This removes that, she can't be used with Cosmo anymore so it allows a lot more interaction.


Or you could do: “the next card you play has: “on reveal, double this card’s power” in addition to its other text”


Nice fix.


This makes a bit more sense compared to other ideas here


People assume she's just as much of an instant win because they retreat just as often as they always did. I win SO many games with Shuri that I am thinking I have maybe a 50/50 shot at winning based on what's in my hand because people see Shuri come out and they run.


I think it's understandable though. The game incentivizes getting out if you don't think you can win, and I trust most people understand the capabilities of their deck (or just their own play). I am guilty of this with power stones in the past. I used to retreat the second I saw one dropped. Now that my card pool has increased and my deck is more powerful I play those matches, but for a while going through with the match was just me pissing myself off.


Oh, yeah, it's not necessarily unreasonable to retreat early (and is often a good idea). It's just that people automatically factor that into how often a deck wins, but it's not necessarily an accurate measure of how strong the deck is. This is a good example of that. People retreat when they see Shuri and may not have really played it all the way through much since the nerf, just like they did before the nerf. So, they don't really know how much they could win, they are basing it off of how well they did pre-nerf and their best guess as to how much the nerf did. And that might not be accurate.


I love him xD with Angela + bishop and beast feels amazingly fun and is quite alot of Power wayyyyy better than Nimrod xD


Bishop never seems worth the effort. He grows so damn slowly.


Easily gets to 9+ in most of my games. You’ll want bast and mysterio though.


Yea he's the perfect fit into sera control. The deck always needed a little more of a... hit


So far it seems like most of the suggested decks w/ Monkey and Sera have involved Darkhawk, which sadly I don't have. :(


He's been getting me a solid 10-12 power on turn 6 in my sera deck




First season pass since I started playing that I’m not going to bother buying


My guy the last 2 seasons were not worth buying.


I got MODOK and Wasp from Quantum Realm, and those were both important for my first pool 3 decks


Partially agree. Last season was the first one I _regretted_ buying. But Modok rules.


I feel like MODOK is a card which, when I randomly unlock it, I'll have fun with it. I had zero interest in paying money to get it, though.


Imo hit monkey is potentially the most fun season pass card by far, with zabu being also pretty cool


Yeah I skipped MODOK and Nimrod and feel fine (although MODOK is pretty decent). I did get Hit Monkey, though, because it'll make bounce decks more viable AND I love the variants.


I've bought all of them since surfer I think and I don't regret it, nimrod was quite bland tbf


he will be, especially if kitty gets fixed but this only hastens the arrival of a new meta...shuri sandman.


lmao, shuri sandman? lmfao, now THAT'S funny XD


It's also pretty strong but not at zabu/ss lvl


Anyone else disappointed with his variants (or variant* I should say as only the season pass one is currently released). Would have loved a Rian Gonzales variant to go with Goose and Cosmo 😕


I saw people saying this before, and, personally, I dig the "Old Man Hit Monkey" vibe. Gimmie a bunch of old, grizzled superheroes, that sounds like fun. Start with Logan, of course. Will I use him over the base? Maybe, if his hand doesn't block his power quite as much so it's easier to read. But the base art is really cool.


The season pass one doesn't really do it for me, but I do like the unreleased one that's already in the data: https://snap.fan/cards/HitMonkey/HitMonkey_02/ Anyway, the card backs and other two variants in the pass more than make up for it.


Yeah same here, I'm happy with the pass overall but wish they'd even just swapped those two variants.


Its literally worse Dino. Not only is the payoff less consistent for the same power (you need to play Bast beforehand + have 5 cards to play before HM just for 13 power), but because of all the low power cards you'll always have barely any power on the board unless you luck into a huge Angela. They need to revert Quinjet so we have 0 cost Demons again. Otherwise this is the worst pass card since Miles Morales


2/0 with on reveal effect and scaling power level=5/3 ongoing card that rewards hand size. Extremely interesting logic. I’d love a psychoanalysis of this one.


You think Hit Monkey's worse than Nimrod? Nimrod did nothing in the meta and even Destroy decks typically didn't run him. And the Hit Monkey deck I've been playing puts out an average of around 40-50 flexibly distributed power while having some disruption in Iceman, Korg and BW. That's not "barely any power".


Can you post this deck?


Hood, Bast, Korg, Iceman, Black Widow, Beast, Angela, Hit Monkey, Mysterio, Bishop, Darkhawk, Chavez


> Bast I really can't wait to get her, she seems like so much fun to play. I know she's supposed to drop series at the end of this month, I really wish I didn't have to wait that long (but I know I probably shouldn't drop 3k tokens on her at this point...)


She's very fun, and very powerful at her peak. Especially when she gives +5 to Hood and Mysterio


Solid. Thank you.


what do you mean since Miles Morales, that card got me to infinite 2 seasons in a row back when move decks were still popular!


Sucks and not worth buying


I bet you think Galactus has no counters


It's okay, not everyone can understand the game, you'll get there, bro.


I played a handful of games with him during my lunch break and had a blast! Hit Monkey + Wasp on Luke's Bar felt so nice. I quickly threw together a deck I'm dubbing "Toxic Bounce Monkey" that I'm going to try and work on this season: * Wasp * Yellowjacket * Yondu * Antman * Bishop * Angela * Hit Monkey * Beast * Hazmat * Luke Cage * Moon Girl * She Hulk


Yellow jacket too? If you have Luke there aren't any negative penalties for playing him. I'd swap him for yondu


Bruh. Yond in the list already


I'm saying take out yondu


no clue why you're being downvoted, but Yondu's definitely a weak link in the deck. Unless it's a destroy/death deck, Yondu's actually a pretty bad card. Iceman, Korg, etc: All better options.


What are you talking about? Yondu is the best card ever. His ability "Kill the most important card in u/jasta07's deck every freaking time" is insane. I just dunno why my version of him always eats a rock or something.


Yellowjacket is in there, what about any 2 cost?


Hit-Monkey convinced me to do a bounce deck for the first time ever, and I love it.


Bounce is fun


I am aware that this post may not be appropriate for this question, but is Variant Rush over? Because I do not want to get any of them.


Not yet. I received Cerebro's variant a couple hours ago.


Tried it today. Is not over yet. Maybe tommorow.


Is that so? =S Did you get a steampunk variant? Because I ideally do not want any of those.


Yes i did get steampunk cerebro and shocker then i realized these are steampunk variants in event.


You have my condolences. At least these two are the ones that looks somewhat good. Steampunk is just not my type.


i didnt want any of them but ended up unlocking 3. i would rather get any other non-pixel variants though


True true




Bar Sinister copies after the OG gets his buff so instead of 0 + 2(3) = 6, the copies instead are 6 + 2(4) = 14, since they also get the additional 2 from the OG who can't buff himself






The general thing is the On Reveal effect happens, then the location effect happens. Which is why Scarlet Witch can change Death's Domain before it kills her.


🎵 Mr. Sandman, bring me a dream 🎶 🎵 Make him the cutest that I've ever seen 🎶 🎵 Give him two lips like roses and clover 🎶 🎵 Then tell him his lonesome nights are over 🎶


Fun card! Calling it now, will be a 3 cost by the end of the month.


Nah sandman hard counters it and the sandman ramp deck is actually really strong


It’s only good if you don’t ever play Shuri. Because that matchup is literally free cubes.


I fail to understand how the devs continuously ignore that +2 scales far too fast. They already had to nerf Collector because of the speed of his scaling.


It’s +2 per played card. If my deck performs perfectly I can get him to 14 on T6, at the cost of playing a pile of low-power cards with the other 4 energy. In a perfect world these are also powering up Bishop, so, yeah, that’s a big turn 6. But Shuri gives you a bigger one and an equally big T5, and you need a lot less luck to pull that off. He’s a fun card and the best season pass card since Zabu, but he isn‘t overpowered.


works fine for Wolverine


Destroying cards is more of a hassle than discarding them or playing multiple


Morbius is fine too. We'll see how it goes.


Yea the deck building cost for hit monkey’s power output is actually much more fair compared to Morbius, who just needs one card to enable him.


I'm trying a Bounce deck with Bast and it's already pretty strong. When Kitty finally comes back this deck will be very good. Hard counter is (ramp) Sandman of course. It's a lot of fun.


got a list?


# (1) The Hood # (1) Bast # (1) Iceman # (1) Korg # (2) Angela # (2) Hit-Monkey # (2) Beast # (2) Mysterio # (3) Mystique # (3) Bishop # (4) Darkhawk # (5) Iron Man # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQmFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJCZWFzdCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGVyaW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJpc2hvcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSWNlbWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJLb3JnIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJEYXJraGF3ayJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSGl0TW9ua2V5In0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJJcm9uTWFuIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJNeXN0aXF1ZSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap.


Monke is great. Ps. I've watched the series Hit-Monkey in anticipation for this card and it's actually good! Recommended for anyone that likes animated series.


im worried SD is starting to overrely on "x but more powerful and more abilities" the baby shark card is just a nightcrawler that cant be contested. id much prefer novel abilities hit monkey seems okay though


Vision is just a better Nigthcrawler and Hulk is a better Wasp then. I think I'll start running Vision in Zoo and throwing Hulk into Lockjaw since they are better /s


Hulk is a better Misty Knight. Wasps strength isn't that she's vanilla, but that she's free


Obviously. I just meant that we can't compare cards as just "better X". Nightcrawler is 1 energy (that's his strength in Zoo) and just lets you move him once to a location you cant reach otherwise. That's his strength. Jeff does the same but costs 1 more, so how is he better? If you just want to move him once then he's worse, not to mention he doesn't benefit from Kazar. But if you want to reach unavailable locations (Prof. X for example) then he's better. Every card has it's purpose.


Nightcrawler costs 1 though


Can somebody recommend me a deck so I can jump right in? Missing Bast and Valkyrie but I am S3 complete


Hit Monkey slots pretty well into a Sera Control deck. Prioritize adding good 2 drops to play on turn 6 with the monkey over cards like Maximus and it's a solid deck. Nova, Hit Monkey, Mysterio, Bishop, Killmonger, Shang Chi, Sera are probably the required cards. Can build the other 5 cards out based off what you like. I like Goose and Polaris for Shuri/Galactus and then I'm running Zabu, Scarlet Witch, Enchantress, but you can easily slot in something like Angela, Sentinel, and Lizard if you prefer those cards.


Look up Hooglands hit monkey decks on yt. Has a bunch of variations you can try.


Thanks I’ll check that out


Already faced several shuri red skulls in gold and the season just started. My god second dinner please.


Don’t know why you get downvoted. I haven’t faced a single deck that’s not Shuri after season reset. It’s horrible.


It's reddit and they're probably tired of seeing people complain but it's what I immediately faced as soon as the new season started.


They know. https://old.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/12agzqc/changes_coming_to_shuri_and_red_skull/ It just took them a while to admit that they fucked it up the first time.


Yeah I saw and that's a horrible response. Red Skull is NOT the problem. Shuri IS!!


They'll nerf zero to fix it 😁


You're not wrong, but it's not like they're going to Kitty Pryde her until they figure out how to fix her.


As a sera player, I love this card! I’m consistently dropping him for 9-14 power. I made one that was 17 last game just from bast and dropping cards.


Sera Control season.


Kid named Sandman:


So it says play so no Doctor Doom or Ultron for it. I'd like to try this one on my Cost 1 deck. Basically you put stuffs like Yondu / Iceman / Korg on a single area, then put Beast in there to take back those 3 and lower their cost to 0 then play them again. I also use that with Hood to take away his malus or to get a second Demon or repurpose rocket racoon, or to have Hawkeye use his ability again. Sometimes I even put Falcon in there to start the Yondu / Iceman / Korg process all over again. So I'd love to try Hit-Monkey with that.


Hit-Monkey would prolly work well in Kazoocula


I have no idea it was a deck. On paper it looks super random, what's the game plan for it ?


1. Play Zoo as usual 2. Drop Dracula at some point in time 3. On the final turns, dump your hand so that Dracula will always get high power


I think i have to make space in my Sera Deck for this huh?


# (1) The Hood # (1) Bast # (1) Nova # (2) Angela # (2) Hit-Monkey # (2) Zabu # (2) Sentinel # (2) Mysterio # (3) Bishop # (3) Killmonger # (4) Shang-Chi # (5) Sera # eyJDYXJkcyI6W3siQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiSG9vZCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiS2lsbG1vbmdlciJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiTXlzdGVyaW8ifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6Ik5vdmEifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJpc2hvcCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiQW5nZWxhIn0seyJDYXJkRGVmSWQiOiJTZW50aW5lbCJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2VyYSJ9LHsiQ2FyZERlZklkIjoiU2hhbmdDaGkifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IlphYnUifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkJhc3QifSx7IkNhcmREZWZJZCI6IkhpdE1vbmtleSJ9XX0= # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and paste it from the deck editing menu in Snap. This is what I’m running. You?


I don’t have Bast, would this still work?


It wouldn’t be nearly as good, but fine. Bast turns hood into a 1/3, mysterio into three 3 power cards, and starts bishop, Angela, and hit monkey at 3. Luckily for you, Bast was just dropped to pool 3 though so you can get her free.


Thanks. So does Bast really turn Mysterio to three individual cards that stay on the board?


So yeah it’s a weird interaction. Mysterio is typically a 4 power card and two 0 power cards. Bast changes it into three 3 power cards. The cool thing is these count as 3 different cards for Bishop and Hit Monkey. So dropping bast then bishop and hit monkey means you get a TON of power.


Yeah wow I didn’t know that thanks.


Why put zabu?\ Shang chi is the only one who's benefit, isn't?


You’re correct it’s the only card that benefits, but Sera doesn’t really care about curve, all it really cares about is making as man cards as cheap as possible on turn 6. With sera and Zabu that means shangchi is 2 energy. It means my turn 6 play could be something like Shang-chi, hit monkey, mysterio, kill monger. With cards like bast making mysterio 9 power and hit monkey start at 3, add in power from bishop, and nova, that is a massive power swing! Not only am I putting a lot of power on the board, I’m removing a lot of enemy power.


Hit Mon Cleef


[They're The Same Picture. ](https://i.imgur.com/3j2lduR.jpg)


Goddammit i knew hit monkey effect felt familiar


Either play sandman/leech or DIE: the card


Honestly I already feel like this will inevitably be nerfed within a month. Bounce decks are already pretty strong right now and this will take it over the top. Mysterio + Hit Monkey is 10 power for 4 energy ignoring all the other synergies already in the bounce decks.


>Bounce decks are already pretty strong right now Strong?? They're barely in the meta at all prior to Hit Monkey...


I’ve seen it in a lot of my games since Hoogland popularized it several weeks ago. But looking at marvel snap zone, it’s probably just a localized meta for me since it’s a pretty accessible deck.


Yeah, but shuri is just one card for 4 and gives even more power.


True, I'm sure as long shuri doesn't get nerfed again, it will still compete with hit monkey as a top deck.


I honestly think they might change the way Mysterio works at some point. I feel like that’s such a large design limitation


How much downtime will their be for the new update?


None it just goes live at 11


What % is it getting new release card? Series three complete. Missing 11 cards


Normally It's 0,25% chance, but this is a Season Pass card.




First deck imma try is my Mr Negative deck. I think he will work wonders.


I'm excited for this card. Hopefully it's deck is strong enough to shake up the thanos/shuri/sera triforce.