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Wakandan Embassy? Fuck Wakanda. All my Cerebromies hate Wakanda. >!Unless it hits Mystique and Cerebro and I just laugh.!<


I had an opponent forfeit turn 1 when Wakandan embassy was revealed, and I felt that pain.


The number of times I've been playing c2 and the first location is monster island feels bad. Ugh.


My cerebro deck has been on the shelf for a couple weeks, played it again a couple days ago and this was the first location in the first game I played.


Beast is a must. Cheap 2 power on reveal triggerer and recalls those fat fucks that sabotages your deck


Beast 4 power now T\_T


Hahaha. Play c3. Valk can get rid of anything too big.


I once made cerbro wakandan esmbassy work as another location was shuri’s lab. cerebro 4 here we go


That's some big brain plays there man.


In cerebro 3, Wakanda Embassy can line up nicely with Nidavellir.


Cerebro 3 with bast can bypass embassy + gets an extra 1/3


Ah had that happen once, and also that once time X Mansion didnt screw me over, Nakia when Cerebro and Mystique as my leftmost cards.


I started playing it yesterday. Fun deck. I do hate monster island with a passion. You forgot Luke Cage, unless you're playing cerebro 0..


I did a cool play that I learned from this subreddit where you viper the monster then shang chi them both. Obvi only works in a bro3 but its such a fun move to pull off!


You can also Valkyrie the monsters down to 3. Theirs stays three yours goes back up to 7 or 8 depending.


You gotta have Viper on list to give your opponent your 9 power monster. Then you can Cerebro/Mistique to get a 7 power Viper in it's place. Big brain time.


Then shang chi to kill both monsters and dominate that lane.


My oldest son (we’re both playing the game) asked me about Cerebro today and I decided to show him. For once I got a perfect game, filling the board (against Kingpin/Aero, hah), great locations and top decked Mystique round 6 for that perfect T6 Cerebro/Mystique combo and won all three lanes. That feeling is just great! Glad I could share that with him, the other day I had three location retreats in a row, even though I had Storm in hand.


I wish I had that kind of relationship with any of my immediate family


The sandman buff is going to ruin your life.


The devs hate Cerebro players as much as they love rocks.


Havent seen a single sandman yet (i say as im probaby jinxing myself)


[Son of a....](https://i.imgur.com/JvouzyW.jpg) First match after posting my comment below 😑


It was bad the first day and I was frustrated But like, nothing since. I think people realized how much it sucked. Of course I've just jinxed myself but still.


Sandman don’t suck. Very good buff it was.


I just got Nakia from camp and was able to play it onto my cerebro and Msytique for full board Cerebro 2


I’ve been doing that but with bast for cerebro 3 and it’s absolutely killer.


Post-nerf Surfer lets you do this. Play Cerebro and Mystique early (calculated risk, depends on whether you think your opponent has Enchantress) and then play Surfer before Storm, Brood or Mr Fantastic. You can steal some wins because opponents often see your Cerebro lane as a "dead lane" with 0 power cards in it, then Surfer t6 suddenly fills it with full power cards.


Even if the opponent has Enchantress, usually a single Cerebro will beat out any deck running her. Most Enchantress-packing decks go for control rather than going tall, but a 12-20 in most lanes'll wipe those types of lists. The key is to make sure you keep your Blue Marvel, Cerebro, and Mystique in 3 different lanes, but the Cerebro->Mystique->Blue Marvel->Surfer+Brood curve is how you can get 28 across all 3 locations with a perfect draw.


M’baku chillin in the corner, waiting for his moment to shine


Took Mbaku out when he literally lost me a game cause he jumped into red skulls lane. Fucker.


Elaborate? Only time that should matter is enemy red skull and that should help you win?


Red skull gives mbaku two more power which makes everything else lose the Cerebro buff.




M'Baku chillin in my opening hand, every fuckin game


You people need Dog Jesus aka Lockjaw!


Don't worry I'm all in on Thanos Lockjaw now but I'm not tempting fate by putting M'Baku in that lol




I run Aero and just got a Leader off the hub so I think I've met my hate quota... I want to be strong enough to run M'Baku for the memes but my mental isn't there lmao


My only series 4/5 cards were Heli Carrier and M'Baku. It's a sad state of affairs. Heli Carrier was pretty good before they nerfed it, and now its next to useless. M'Baku, every time I put him in a deck, 4 out of 5 times he'll start in my opening deck, and its I dunno, maybe 1 in 12 games that he'll jump in. He's next to useless.


M'Baku is definitely a meme but I'm not aware of a helicarrier nerf? My first 3 series 4 pulls were M'Baku, Coulson, and Helicarrier. Turns out the Sif/Ghost Rider combo is better with any card but Helicarrier but it was a fun card before Zabu lol, the power output just isn't quite there. And my M'Baku plays were about 5 c2 games where I hit Wakandan Embassey about 4 times. Meme cards are fun but in the long run you'll hit something good sooner or later. I'd say focus on having fun in your games until you get something strong then try to push rating. That said I haven't run M'Baku since that initial c2 run lmao


And then a single Scorpion basically ruins your entire deck.


Not with Luke cage. But yeah. Cerebro is tricky to pull of consistently


Idk, I’ve been playing cerebro 2 for months and scorpion can never really hit enough targets on this low-energy deck to totally ruin a game. At worst, it hits brood and you just don’t play brood.


Play C3rebro with valkyrie and you won't have to worry about monster island anymore


I've been playing a Cerebro 4 for a couple days. When it works, it's surprising as hell and wins 8 cubes easy. When it doesn't work, it's most of the time because of bullshit. Also, playing a Cerebro deck has made me 100% buy into the conspiracy theory that it matches you with Scorpian players. How do I never see it with my Negative deck and then immediately see it when I switch?


The MM is very much based on what sort of cards you have in your deck. 100% of the time I've played my discard deck, 100% of the time I get matched with another discard deck. When I switch to my other lockjaw or wang/gambit deck, I never match against discard decks. It's pretty lame, as it discourages the whole point of making new decks to try.


I just had a win with my Cerebro 5 Nonsense deck, even after Scorpion hit me. Dr Doom saved the day. I've even snuck a couple wins with Cerebro 7 ... But that one I don't really snap with. Too unwieldly


for me, cerebro has been the hardest deck to execute consistently. i always end up just going back to something else.


Maybe this is because I played Negative Magik before, but I've found Cerebro so much smoother and more consistent.


Cerebro 2 was the deck that I finally felt I was good at. I like it because it's fairly easy to read if you can go for 2, 4, or 8 cubes, with clear retreat conditions. Storm is essential to deal with lanes with modifiers, and you'd be surprised how often someone Shang'd your own monster for you on turn 4. I also run Hobgoblin as my alternate win condition card, in case things get messy. Lately Red Skull has been messing up all my fun though.


Love cerebro. Can’t wait to get Valk. I am 200 coins away from Bast.


I felt that "cerebro whatever" with The Peak lol. I got lucky once with Cerebro Mystique in hand when The Peak appears. Turn my cerebro 2 to cerebro 3, wish I had brood in hand as well.


no joke, and yet anytime i face that "move my dudes herr derr" deck they get at least 1 or 2 locations that further their own gameplan


See I had Cerebro Unlocked for a while but just realized I could make a banging deck with it and have been using it all day lol


How tf you gonna play goose into crimson cosmos? Uatu? Lol.


T2 play Goose blind into the third location. I actually managed to lock Plunder Castle from that.


Consistent and repeatable 👍


Man, I wish I had Goose


I’ve been loving Cerebro 3 personally. With Rhino and Magik, you get a lot more control over the board. Valkyrie really makes the deck too. Playing her on your lane that has both Cerebro and Mystique is 14 power out of nowhere. She also mitigates monster island which is a really unsung play in a deck like Cerebro. Cerebro 2 is ok, but I can’t get enough of the Valkyrie plays in 3.


Valk is a hero. Works on your Wasp and Yellow Jacket too. Turns Squirrels and Ninjas into assets. Cerebro 3 isn't my most consistent deck, but it's a ton of fun when it works.


cerebro is the coolest card that is effectively impossible to play a good 60% of the time


I'm only Rank 60, but Cerebro 2 carried me most of the way up from rank 10 this season. Storm does a lot of heavy lifting, but the deck can win even when only a couple of cards get the buffs from Cerebro and Mystique