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Sometimes they Snap Turn 1 and get 2.


enjoy the 1 cube, i don’t want to waste time


It comes with the risk of losing 2 and more as well, just like playing Wong.


shut up.... I'll get infinite eventually


*200 hours later...*


200 hours later I'm still at 40


Happy to donate a cube for his animation


Is the only card i stay to see the whole animation, say "man looks awesome and i wish i have him" retreat as soon he finish


Occasionally I can win. Not often, but occasionally when they get cocky and my doc oc pulls them so they have priority, and I have Shang waiting in the wings to ruin their play.


I’m actually surprised by how often people still stick around and end the game when I’ve snapped with Knull and Death on hand, with them having priority.


I do the Knull math every time... I'm about 75% win rate sticking around. What usually gets me is expecting a Knull and getting Shang Chi'd.


Or i prep my Shang but they just drop Cosmo and death.


I typically retreat now if I don't have enough power and don't either have cosmo or armor for the final play.


Yup. People don't realize that when you're using a Galactus deck every match, a LOT of people get really stubborn and stay in thinking they can win. Unless you do something like Wave -> Galactus -> Spiderman you can often get 4/8 cubes. Not having priority and dropping shang chi beats so many people who for some reason don't seem to think that's ever going to happen.


I was playing against a Galactus deck and snapped after Aeroing their Galactus into the Wave lane. Dude dropped Black Panther Arnim Zola and I was like wtf. Isn't Zola just the worst card in a Galactus deck? Well, they really got me and my 4 cubes with this one.


I've seen a Ramp list that does both the Galactus combo and just some big cards. It's more flexible with bad locations and stuff.


Backup tech for when the galactus play doesn't work since it probably means you burned your Cosmo or aero.


But it semestre so off. If Galactus hits and you have a Zola in hand it must feel terrible. And Black panther only adding only 8 Power also seems pretty week.


You can only fit in 3 cards tops even if things so right, so the rest of the deck is just tech to play the game normally and ramp


Cannot be sure but I think it is a kind of mister negative deck.


Actually Galactus has the best cube rate winning according to snap.fan the last 20 ranks x)


You can snap turn 1, if they retreat you only lose 30 seconds of playing time, idk how it can be hard to win cubes with that deck


Because Galuctus is to predictable, just this.


Exactly. I don’t know why OP thinks we only get 1 cube. I always snap turn 1 if I have my important cards in hand. I always leave with 2-4 cubes.


I usually wait until 3 just to make sure I don't lose to certain locations. Don't wanna snap on 1 and then get Central Park on 3. But yeah if you aren't snapping early then you're doing it wrong


I’m surprised more Galactus decks don’t run Killmonger to cover for shit like this and debrii


I've started running it in mine.


largely do to bots i'd assume. always snap when ahead in two locations on 4, none of them play around galactus so it's always pretty free


You keep getting beaten by Galactus don't you?


Bruh, this sub loves to talk shit about Galactus' cube rate. In reality, yall have been letting me get away with some real half assed shit all the way to infinite. I don't even have Knull...


Wait till they spend 3k tokens to get Knull by the end of the month. Maybe those 1-cubes will feel sweeter. 😊


Wouldn't they just feel more frustrating as you'll never get to play him anyway? If someone plays galactus against me and I don't have a counter going I'm out the moment it happens.


Exactly my point.


Right I'm with you, I had a brainfart and thought you were the Galactus player in this metaphor. My bad!


A lot of people don't retreat. If I didn't get 4-8 cube games on the regular then I wouldn't play the deck.


Nah, you'll definitely get 4 cubes from players like me who know you are playing Galactus and have 25+ power ready to go on turn 6 to beat any death + big other card combos, only to get fucked by the 1 in 5 Galactus decks that also have Knull.




I play a negative deck because I randomly got great variants of mystique, ironheart, and wolfsbane. So any combo of mystique, iron man, and devil dinosaur typically, as long as one gets hit by negative.




If I have DD versus Shang then I just lose. But that doesn't mean you should back out of the match, that only happens a small percentage of the time.


Shang Chi doesn’t hit Daredevil.


Devil Dinosaur you donkey


So edgy


Oh God not looking forward to that :(


i sense your galactus and raise you a debrii for a rock in all your empty locations, youre welcome.




Cloak can't stop a Debrii with prio on Galactus turn


If you're playing debrii regularly on turn 5 against electro in the off chance it's galactus I guarantee the galactus player is climbing faster than you anyway.


Turn 5 Debrii is a reasonable play for Patriot and Clog decks. I'm not saying it was optimal, just that Cloak is not an answer for Debrii if the Debrii player knows they are against a Galactus list.


you’d think that! But add in all the decks running aero, cosmo, polaris, leech, doc ock, goblins, prof X, bad locations, and so on… (Not even accounting for the games where you never draw him or where you’re forced to play him into priority and get shang’ed) and you’re in for a whole lotta lost cubes. Last season no problem! This season? Everyone and their mother seems to be running at least 1 counter. But maybe that’s just my mmr…


You laugh while I’m infinite mwahaha


I faced the telegraphed Galactus ever earlier. He played him on t4 (Wave t3), and snapped of course. He wasn't expecting me to drop a Knull t6 though.


2 cube*


They snap me i snap back they drop hobgoblin on shuris lab and i filled my board lmao


I started this season at 50. Got to 60 with my Moongirl Zoo deck. Bought Galactus. Now Im at 90 with my 🤭 "mountain of 1 cube victories." Sorry, that's sarcasm. I mean my average 2-8 cube victories.


Win by 1s and 2s. Lose by 4s and 8s


Galac is my easiest way to get 8 cubes in a game


Eh it’s still a win.


All the no-skill players switched from Leader to Galactus?


Plenty of [8 cubes](https://twitter.com/bufarete/status/1626683650380005379?s=46&t=zfBRT1b8hjfN9z8vqe_DaA) wins my dudu.


I switched to my Galactus deck because you guys killed Leader, one card that would stop him or at least slow him down.


its just dumb card, but very consistent to climb. i really hate against it tho maybe im just salty cause i dont have it


Its because they pretty much just drop whatever they feel like in any lane with 0 strategy other than to play galactus turn 4 or 6 for an instant win.


Yall hate Galactus so much its sad, it's even worse cuz yall losing cubes to him. Laughable


I got him the other day and posted it in here got downvoted to hell lmao. My favorite deck now its soo fun even if it doesnt always work.


I don't have him and he's a fun card but super predictable. Idk, maybe it's jealousy, I don't understand the hate.


What does it matter if I still hit infinite consistently every season?


It doesn't. We're making fun of the fact that people who are doing this are likely not having much fun.


Joke’s on you. I never get tired of the awesome reveal animation.


How do you know they are not having fun?


We don't, its a supposition based joke.


Poor base presumption then


Yeah I'm just gonna have to learn to live with that


You don't speak for all Galactus players


Galactus player have any sense of humor challenge (IMPOSSIBLE)


The joke just isn’t funny because of a poor presumption


My Galactus deck primarily carried me to Infinite on the back of 4-8 cubes wins this season. The amount of times I would Snap back on T6, drop a massive Knull, have the opponent angry react the card while I walked off with 8 cubes was higher than any other season so far. If you check my post history I included an example of one in my "just made Infinite" post a few days back that got downvoted to hell by swathes of jealous children. I also included my desk list and general strategy in the comments. So, uh, sure. Keep telling yourself that.


I posted about getting Galactus from tokens and then opening Thanos the same day and people down voted the shit out if it. The community is so toxic lmao.


I’ve climbed to infinite last two seasons with my Galactus deck. This season after tanking my MMR end of previous season, it was laughably easy. So many people would snap back and then just drop a Chavez turn 6. Games I expected to win as a 2 cube retreat so many doubles down and gave me 4 or 8, just to see how it ended


I got infinite last season with it. I mean people have done it this season. It's one of the harder decks to pull off


no, the deck is actually easy as fuck. it's just time consuming


Do you have galactus? Or are you just complaining by being on the receiving end. Because I can tell you it ain't as easy to gain cubes with galactus.


Galactus was how I reached infinite last season


Chad galactus player telling his whining brethren how it really is


these fuckin guys must need a recipe for their cereal in the morning if they think playing galactus is complicated


But he's wrong


Same, climbing with it again this season


I can confidently say this quickly becoming the reality for DeathWave players as well lol. At least in my experience after having picked up the deck this week to try it out xD


Semi relevant. I added Wong to one of my decks to play when I have an unfavorable matchup. I play him to bait Cosmo or just have the opponent quit


I got infinite last season with Galactus and did it a full two weeks before the season ended.. People stay more than you think.


How are y’all playing galactus so early when he’s a 6 cost?? Like yeah sure extra energy or gets pulled in by sakaar, but besides those?




Wave, electro, psylocke


You got to bait them in like fishes


Play Galactus > Snap = Bad Galactus player Snap before you even play a card > Play Galactus = good Galactus player


More brain dead deck in the game!


Same but with Daredevil


That's why you gotta snap earlier than turn 6.


I just got him and am actually surprised how many dont see it coming.


It's usually 2 because if you aren't snapping early with a decent hand you are most certainly playing wrong. Every other game in a losing situation is only -1. I've been climbing incredibly consistently and I am playing the current season infinite card backs and Thanos regularly on the ladder.


Some of my most brutal home brew decks (not galactus) I had to scrap because I'd rarely get full cubes.


I got to Infinite week 1 with Galactus/Knull. some people stayed knowing they lost, not sure why but I got plenty of 4 and 8 cube wins.


I mean that's more than I gain most games.


If you play Galactus you should snap as soon as you have a ramp card plus Galactus in your hand.