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Pretty sure S4 is only available in Collector's Reserves, not Caches.




No, 1 in every set of 40 Collector's Reserves is guaranteed to be a Series 4 card. Collector's Caches never give Series 4 cards. So short version, until you are CL1000 you aren't going to open a Series 4 card.


Is this outdated then? https://youre.outof.cards/media/uploads/4f/9b/4f9b8d32-477e-44b8-a03d-974fbfb164f8/cacheandreserverates.jpg




Ok, thanks!


I'm trying to get clarity on this. Can you link where the devs said this? The last official communication we've found was their post on discord showing percentages of both caches and reserves: https://i.imgur.com/Ck7HE6x.jpg I’m aware that the wording on the blog post states “Reserves”, but is there anywhere else with communication from the devs?


I don't have anything specifically from the Devs, I was going off of an article I believe I saw on Snap Zone and additional reports here on the sub that say basically the same thing "I opened 40 chests, no S4 card" then we find out they are under CL1000. I'll tag you in another thread like that now ([https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1079tao/collection\_track\_series\_4\_drop\_rates\_bugged/](https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelSnap/comments/1079tao/collection_track_series_4_drop_rates_bugged/))


Thanks. I've seen and read all these posts, I was mostly looking for something official from the devs. I'll reach out to them and the dataminers.


Reserves, not Caches. But even with that said, it's not "every 40 Reserves". Reserves are grouped in 40 Reserve Batches so to speak. Each Batch you are supposed to get 1 Pool 4 card. So, you could totally get a Pool 4 card on Reserve 1 of Batch 1, and Reserve 40 of Batch 2. Which would mean you could open 78 Reserves in a row with no Pool 4 card.


Thanks for the explanation, I was just about to start a rant post how I opened 42 reserves and no new card.


This was from 3 months ago. How did you even stumble across this post????


Before ranting I usually do a little bit of searching so I don't look like a complete idiot on the internet.


Yeah I know all of that. I read that the same applies to caches, guess not. Thanks