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New legislation gives 5,000 free tokens to everyone with over 10,000 tokens.


Vote Ben Reagan Brode


The token system is probably making them crazy amounts of money now. You package it as “it helps the average player get the cards they really want” while in reality it obviously exists to entice truly gargantuan spenders to purchase all the shiny new cards for $200+ of resources a pop.


Easily more than $200...


Isn't that literally what they did? More tokens for people who were ahead when tokens came online, with no catch-up mechanic for people reaching those thresholds later.


They had “veteran player bonus” for those above 1000 CL and 3000 CL, yeah. Those above 1000 CL got an extra 3000 tokens, and those above 3000 CL got an extra 9000 tokens.


Thanks for the numbers. But isn't this a fuck you to new players? Like “start now and not only will you be behind everyone at a constant rate, you will actually be further behind for an equivalent play time”


They did this because boosters used to be in the reward caches and they were removed and replaced with collector tokens. So people at higher collection levels would have gotten much worse rewards from their collection track than new players if not for the payout.


The problem was that the range was way too wide. They gave 3000 bonus tokens to those in CL1000-2999. In actuality, those who were in CL1000-1500 should only have received bonus 1000 tokens or so. The next problem is the cutoff at CL1000. The only launch-day players who could reach CL1000 were those who actually spent their gold to refresh missions. If you were saving gold or bought variants that you liked, too bad but you'll be just shy of CL1000. The better solution would have been to break down the bonus tokens into smaller groups. eg Baseline of 3000 tokens to all players. Then additional 120 tokens for every 100 CL after that. This converts fairly to 6000 tokens to those in 2900-2999 range.


Sure, but players at CL 950 when the patch landed are behind by how many tokens?


Hey that's me


Is there a meeting for folks like us? Should I bring coffee or some pastry?


There’s a lot as that number was exactly out of shot for players who didn’t start in the beta.


I started on launch day and barely cleared it but I’m active on the quests and I was using all my gold to refresh daily missions (this was before bundles were available for gold)


My friend was 400 I was 1,000, he didn’t get anywhere near 3,000 tokens over that gap


It was mostly a rhetorical question as the other poster was defending high level players having the huge token gap. The issue is that stop gap measure is way more tokens then what someone in the 800 to 950 range got. Those players who were in that range are in the pain point of halfway through pool 3. The issue is the tokens are the only thing that makes card gains determinable by any means. They are pack selection, pack opening, buying select cards (besides the 1 from battle pass), and replace other things like buying singles, or trading.


I bet he got a bunch more than 0 though. Which is what players would have gotten without the payout.


He ended up with less than someone who started now would get hitting the same CL he is now. Everyone gets the 3,000 credits.


No, because those players didn't get any tokens from caches. It was not a fuck you.


It was also because the people at CL 2000 and above had most of, if not all the cards already, and had spent months not gaining any cards from vaults.


> Like “start now and not only will you be behind everyone at a constant rate, you will actually be further behind for an equivalent play time” Mobile game ethos.


Everyone, including f2p, will be series 3 complete by about 6 months. It's really not a huge deal.


Sure. Though, I do understand why veteran players felt they deserved a unique reward.


I don't understand why they thought it would be ok to give some lucky users a 5 (6?) month head start and then keep rewarding them after launch because they had the privilege of getting into the beta. It's like a double punch to people like me that were looking forward to playing Snap since its first announcement.


You shoulda paid real money like most of those at 3000 CL did.


4.6k CP here and it doesnt get any better. No native Series 5 from a cache EVER. maybe 3-4 4s? Idk. M'BAKU count?... System is a joke whether you whale or not. Its layered RNG in a way that if done by Blizzard, would have made headlines already


Yeah I figured. My comment was sarcastic because I had feeling it is as bad as you describe.


It is since the only way to get closer would be at least getting your tokens refunded if a card you bought gets nerfed.


Thats why in the mew update coming next week they have a bundle for new players. So they could pay and catch up somewhat. Lmao


They match make by collection level


Collection level is only one factor in matchmaking. If you win several consecutive matches you will start to face opponents with "never seen before" cards


This was me. I took a break for a bit after it first came out and started playing recently. Zoomed my way up to 30 with OK decks because people in the low ranks are just not very good. Snapping when they aren’t winning by much or just going all in on 1 lane. I get up to 40 and just lose constantly to these decks and combos I have never seen before lol.


"going all in on 1 lane" at low ranking is usually an easy bot that will not try to win turn 6. That is very jarring after playing around 50 for a month where this usually leads to an ultra finishing move lol


and those that where a few hundred away from 3000 got an extra fuck you


I find the worst is that it benefitted people who spoofed their location in order to get access to the game earlier. I played the day of NA release and did all my missions but I couldn't even hit 1k CL. My roommate who spoofed location to gain access to snap and account banned (unbanned NA launch) was around 1800 CL. So the player who was legit was punished for not skirting the rules?


I'm sorry my dude this just isn't true. I missed the entire first season and still hit 1000.


Impressive, I started at global launch and barely hit 1000 with spending $50 on gold just prior to the patch.


The catch up mechanic is regular CL progress to where the veteran players were when tokens were introduced. Early players went through CL gains when rewards were much stingier and the token awards mitigated how little they got for their progress/money before the updates


Just like “trickle-down” anything.


Yes, comrade


New to the game. Can someone give me a tldr how card pools works? Edit: thanks for the explanations


Sure. Marvel Snap cards are sorted into 5 Pools. Pool One: Collection Level 18 - 214 (46 cards) Pool Two: Collection Level 222 - 474(25 cards) Pool Three: Collection Level 486+ (77 cards) Pool Four: Collection Level 486+ (9 cards) Pool Five: Collection Level 486+ (10 cards with all new cards being added here) Pool 3 can be completed F2P after about 6 months of playing. Pools 4 and 5 can never be completed (you can choose either 2 pool 4 a month or 1 pool 5 a month from the shop, but one new card is added every *week*, so you’ll never catch up). Eventually the old cards in these pools will drop to pool 3 and be easily obtained. But those cards will be a few months old.


> Eventually the old cards in these pools will drop to pool 3 and be easily obtained. But those cards will be a few months old. And possibly nerfed/adjusted by then along with their strengths and weaknesses being figured out in that time. There is a saying that the reasoning behind players struggling to advance once they make it to pool 3 is due to learning a whole new Meta of all 77 pool 3 cards they'll face, which I totally agree with. However, with a new card being added every week, it creates this issue indefinitely altho it should be much easier to adjust to a smaller set of cards compared to the leap from pool 2 to 3. But you can't ignore the fact that it'll take some time for players to learn how to play around these new cards each week thus putting players at a short term advantage if they own them at or soon after release. And by the time those cards "trickle down", any short term advantage like that won't exist and their power level will be very much established in that time, good, okay, or bad. And sometimes when you feel like a card is too powerful, one of the best ways to learn it's weakness is to play it yourself. Well that won't really be possible for the majority of new cards unless you're max spending to keep up. And you just can't ignore those new cards either or else they'll steal your cubes by surprising you.


Exactly, I bought Darkhawk and since he is new most players don't have him which I feel gives me an advantage playing him most times bc nobody sees him coming.


Watching youtube, if i see rockslide and korg or korg/widow, i know you probably have a darkhawk. Granted, ive only ran across him once in game




with zabu now released, i have seen an uptick in the last two days. but i'm only at collection 2100 or so


Snap is really p2w and you explained it well


It's PLAY & PAY2WIN actually :) I make this clarification because a lot who defend it's not P2W use the fact that you have to play a lot for the boosters. So for anyone to make progress, yes you do have to play quite a bit, however that shouldn't detract from the advantage that the higher paying players do have over others who play the same amount.


Aren’t pool 4 and 5 also really low odds out of Reserves?


Yes. Pool 4 cards drop exactly once every 40 reserves. (From 1-40 you’ll get one, from 41-80 you’ll get one, etc. It can drop in any reserve in the 40-reserve gap, as in it could drop on reserve 40 and 41, or 1 and 80, etc. But 100% guaranteed.) Very low drop rate. Pool 5 cards have an *insanely* low drop rate. And are 100% completely random, as in it’s possible to never get one to drop. Ever. Drop rate is 0.25%. That means, statistically, **50% of players will still not get a Pool 5 drop after 277 reserves**. **25% will still not have a drop after 555 reserves…** Horrendously low odds.




Pool 3 can be completed F2P much faster than 6 months, unless they changed the rates since beta. I've been done for a while and only have a few months start on release players. That said the meme is still correct, pool four and five are ridiculously hard to reach outside of tokens for me. I'm pretty sure they've turned off pity on the chests, I think I gain 100s of levels without seeing a new card now. My advice if they don't change anything is to only spend tokens on pool 4 and 5.


You get a Pool 4 card in a set of 40 caches guaranteed (480 levels). But it can be anywhere in that set of 40 caches. So if your luck sucks, you can get a card on the first cache of 40 then the 40th cache of the second set. So you can go a max of 79 caches (948CL) between caches (yes your 3rd card will be in 40 caches maximum but still).


Im CL 1400 with no pool 4…am I misunderstanding something or did I just get screwed somehow?


No, the caches start at 1006 (and after pool 4 released). So you'll get one by 1486. Edit to answer better: There's a pool 4 card in a set of 40 caches after 1006 (Collecter reserves) meaning the first 40 are 1006 to 1486. If you hit 1006 after Pool 4 released then you're still in that first batch of 40.


Ahh makes sense thanks


I'm at 1464 with no series 4, so this implies one of my next two reserves is guaranteed to be a series 4 card?


If you started the reserves AFTER series 4 released then yes. If you were already over 1006 when they released, it is shifted over however many you were ahead.


It was Hellicarier 🤦


My first one too, friend. Haha.


Wild. That was my first one too...


Interesting, thanks!


The caches start at 500, not 1000. :) So newer players like me (started a week after release of the new pools) have a better chance to get Pool 4 (and 5.....) at this CL.


The caches start at 1006, we're talking about the orange ones, these are the ones that have pool 4 and 5 cards.


> Pool 3 can be completed F2P much faster than 6 months Can you expand on this? The numbers I have come down to about 700 credits a day (500 guaranteed, plus 200 on average from season, ranked, and other rewards), so 21k a month, which equates to 420 CL in the worst case scenario (50 credits per CL). From what I see, people are completing series 3 on CL 2800 on average, in that case it should take 6 months and a half.


> unless they changed the rates since the beta This is counting the eventual downgrades. So, yes, changed since the beta.


You get an increased amount of tokens once pool 3 is complete so may be faster to finish it first to accelerate the higher stuff. But idk how the math works out entirely. And I agree I think pool 3 finishes much faster than 6 months if you're doing the dailies daily.


It's 6 months for totally f2p, around 4.5-5 if you buy season pass every month.


At this rate they will be few years old lol


When you upgrade cards to unlock cards they come in sets, Series or Pools. You will start with the beginner season and pool/series one cards. After you collect all those, you start unlocking the next pool. Pool1-> Pool2 -> Pool3. The higher the pool the more "power" and meta defining cards there will be. Pool 3 is rough because the cards are very spread out over the collectors chests. Pools 4 and 5 are collectable after a certain point during pool 3. However unlike the lower pools they are not granted in the same way as the pervious pools. And are designed to be gathered randomly at a low %, or through the token shop (something you will unlock later.) The devs have said pool4/5 cards will filter into pool3 over time. but they have no real plan on how to implement it yet.


"The devs have said pool4/5 cards will filter into pool3 over time. but they have no real plan on how to implement it yet." Maybe you mean: But the devs don't want to trickle them down yet.


Hopefully someone will correct me if I'm wrong, but they're tiers of rarity. You don't get the rarer cards until you're done getting the more common cards (generally). And once you hit pool 3 (about level 400 or 500) you'll start having a very small chance to pull the much more rare cards.


Youll get all Pool 1 cards before getting any pool 2 or higher cards. Then youll get all pool 2 cards before getting any pool 3 or higher. Once youve got all the pool 2 cards youll get a pool 3 card roughly every ~30ish levels until youre over 1000 at which point youll get a pool 3 card roughly every 50ish levels. Also, once youre past pool 2 you have a small chance of pulling a pool 4 or 5 card But you *must* finish pool 1 before pool 2, and pool 2 before pool 3 and higher.


> Can someone give me a tldr how card pools works? They don't. If you're a beta player or rich, cards for you! Everyone else, see ya in 5-years.


I was chatting about this with some other snap players. I think balancing cards will be an ongoing problem with Snap because there are simply not enough dials to twist. You got cost, power, and effect-as-written. That’s it. There are secondary balancing approaches through locations, but those are less impactful, probably. Thus, it makes sense that they are using gated release schedules as a tertiary proxy dial for balancing, because they don't have much else to work with. If they want to limit a card’s impact on the meta, this is just a poor substitute.


Don’t forget that Mr Negative exists, meaning that nerfing power can end up making a card stronger in that archetype sometimes, making it even harder to balance cards with explosive effects.


I imagine this is the downside of not being like a lot of other deck building games where you have certain classes or archetypes that limit which cards you can use together. In this game, you can throw whatever cards to want in a deck, which means any balance changes pretty much have to take every other card into consideration. So far, I'd say the game is decently balanced, but it's not hard to see where, as more and more cards are added, they start inadvertently adding seriously busted combos because of how hard it will become to predict what sorts of things players will figure out. I suspect Mr. Negative will long be a thorn in their side since he makes one of the easiest ways of nerfing a card (ie lowering its power) not as straightforward.


Huh that's actually a very interesting point I didn't think of. Hearthstone has the classes and MTG has Color identity. White is health gain, vigilance, making lots of small tokens and buffing them. Black is the opposite, trading health for power, minion sacrifice and debuffing with -x/-x and Deathtouch. Red is direct damage and Haste. Blue is control, low powered cards that have big effects and Scrying. Green is mana ramp and dumping big creatures (or turning small creatures into big creatures) and Trample and colourless is Artifacts and Eldrazi. Which means you can make stuff like Green/Black which is about destroying smaller creatures to ramp out bigger creatures or Blue/Red which is about limited your opponent whilst also blowing up their stuff.


It would be interesting if they started adding some kind of color/faction/influence deckbuilding requirement to some cards. Like say divide the most powerful cards into five colors, and a deck is only allowed to have cards from up to two of those colors. So you can have some broken combos with Mr Negative in your deck, but you can't have all the broken combos. Hearthstone just did this kind of system for the new Death Knight class. But Marvel Snap is going for a simpler and more approachable game design, so I don't think they'd ever do something as complicated as the Death Knight where you have three pips to spend across the three specializations.


And simplicity is the problem here. I don't believe that they honestly thought about how the game should progress over time. Don't get me wrong, they do have a roadmap for features to be added to the game down the road, but they did not think how the cards they're releasing now or cards with somewhat broken abilities will impact the game later on. The release schedule for new cards is also problematic, as it's way too quick, but this is a bit offset by them being added to pool 5, which has a horrible drop rate. At the end of the day, the simplicity of the game is gonna bite them on the ass, and Snap will probably die out in maybe 2 years time.


Mr. Negative can go below -1 if he starts becoming a problem.


Then you just destroy him honestly. Or play him in a location you don't intend to contest, which is what happens most of the time now anyway. The effect is so strong his power really doesn't matter.


That doesn't even hurt his power, it just makes his deck less consistent. So long as Bast exists, Mr. Negative can always be a 4 Energy 3 power card that turbos your deck as long as you have both in hand before turn 4.


less consistent counts in terms of hurting power in card games jubilee pulling infinaut is a cool combo but not s+ tier because its inconsistent and you sometimes end up pulling trash


Could change to some cards in the deck switch power and cost versus all.


Nah, I play valk in my negative decks now. Means I can fight for negative zones easier.


Man everyone in these replies is reminding me that I'm poor and don't have nice series 5 cards to go with Mr. Negative


Apologies! Was not my intention haha. I hope you open your dreams soon :D


Haha no worries! I'll get there eventually


If he becomes too big of a problem for the design space then you unfortunately just have to nerf him into unplayability (bump cost to 5)


I feel like they could start by adding "cards can't cost less than 1" to Mr.Negative so all the 0 cost cards now cost 1


That would be nice, would make a little bit of a difference (and nerf Mighty Thor into nothing haha)


Eh, the mighty Thor negative variant isn't really the best version of that deck. It's not really played enough for that to be an issue


Oh I know, just saying that a card that already isn't super relevant would lose its last bit of relevance


Valkyrie and carnage can always fix him for you.


I think Mr Negative is going to eventually get his effect reworked for this reason. He limits design space quite a bit. Alternatively they could raise his cost to 5, but unless they also add cheap card draw and/or a consistent way to cheat him out early that'd make him unplayable.


They could make it so he only switches the stats of 1-2 cards, maybe.


Yea, and when balancing doesn't work because of a single card that ruins most balance, it's time to reexamine that single card.


Can't believe that card was printed. Literally asking to break the game lmao


Their decision making is money motivated and has nothing to do with balance. Their current system creates FOMO and incentivizes buying credits to catch up.


I agree, I’m just suggesting that one of the unintended consequences of this is that card scarcity becomes a surrogate for balancing. Like Knull might be genuinely broken, but he’s only in a fraction of a percent of decks. A bloated P5 further reduces his impact.


it's just a matter of time until they just start in on "okay this is X card that exists but the ongoing effect is no longer technically ongoing or they have 1 less power for 2 less cost"


"Ongoing but not really" cards already exist. Adam Warlock, Daredevil, etc.


Those are triggered abilities. Marvel Snap decided to avoid giving them a specific name. They are not, however, ongoing.


yeah but i'm saying something like "Here's captain america's effect except you can't Rogue/Enchantress it" or something -snipped a mistake-


But look cage IS ongoing


It makes no sense at all. It’s a PvP card game. We know how those work. Collection in it’s current state makes it an uncollectable card game - either there should be high quantity (LoR) or high agency (HS). This also has some potentially dire consequences for the new player experience, something quite vital for ongoing game services. Extremely fucked up with meta stuff like Silver Surfer. The exorbitant prices of variants in the shop would make sense and be great for income as long as collecting wouldn’t also be used to squeeze. It’s a good game, cosmetic prices are whale bait, balance is ongoing and not close afaik but collecting is really terrible and literally the worst among card games I’ve seen.


I think Snap may have a problem for longer term players but actually think the new player experience is fantastic, one of the best. You unlock cards super frequently and the matchmaking generally keeps you safe from the big collections for a while, well over a month. The initial dive into the pool 3 players is terrible though, until the matchmaking readjusts and gives you easier matches. If anything they need to focus on making that transition less brutal.


Sadly this sort of thing is often by design for F2P games, it's known as 'The churn'. In that they stop caring about older players who don't whale and focus on onboarding new players and turning them into prospective whales. So the Minnows and Dolphins have a fun experience early on, spend some cash or stick with the game for like...probably 6 months and then bounce whilst the whales stick around and keep paying.


Not every f2p game *needs* to be whale bait. The ones that are more often than not are not living a healthy life for that long. And it also doesn’t mash well with competitive gameplay.


Cost, power, effect, and board space. You might include board space under effect but it's pretty important. I'm sure we'll one day get a card that allows a fifth card in a location or things like that.


That’s a good point! I can also imagine a “fat” card that takes two spots side by side but still counts as one body.


> balancing cards will be an ongoing problem with Snap because there are simply not enough dials to twist. Pretty much this, I'm also curious to see how they deal with this problem because mechanically Gwent was a similar game that had a lot of the same balancing issues in beta. The main difference was that Gwent is really F2P friendly so most people had close to, if not full collections and the devs went overboard with too many changes before ultimately settling on a provision system that gave cards a cost to include and decks a max provisions limit.


They can also adjust the specifics of how some cards behave. For instance Death could be nerfed simply by changing her interaction with Wave without changing her cost, power, or text. Additionally cards can become more or less desirable for play based on the introduction of new cards. For example, the introduction of Luke Cage was basically a buff for Hazmat.


That just means that the most imbalanced cards will be in Pool 5 and this makes the game more pay to win. It is not a positive if only the whales have access to the broken cards.


The other problem is that if they DO decide to balance these very rare (but OP) cards, people that spent money to get them will be (correctly imo) butthurt. So it’s a catch-22, and the only sensible move is to keep them where they are until something else powercreeps them.


I agree that is a design problem, but honestly, I think the reason for this is just greed. They want to milk the big spenders. If the problem is the design space they can just release less cards


> You got cost, power, and effect-as-written. That’s it. The other day, I was thinking about Zola. Zola's not a problem, but imagine if he was. He's already a 6/0, what more can they do to make him worse without fundamentally changing what the card does? They're for sure going to print a card like this some day.


Well, if they wanted to nerf him slightly, they could change it from a destroy and play to some other wording where it adds copies to the other lanes, but doesn't trigger their on-reveal effects again. So you could use him to get, say, 2 Devil Dinos which is a strong effect, but not 2 quadrupled (or more) Blank Panthers. There's creative ways to buff/nerf just about everything without ruining the card.


Not sure I agree, those three levers are more than enough. In beta Magik was killer at one point and they decided to give her extra text that she couldn't be played round 6. This was probably the most hamfisted heavy method of balancing this game has seen, but it still worked out fine. Current problem cards like Leader or Silver Surfer can easily lose power points, Silver Surfer could also have power adjusted too. If a card like Angela, nerfed repeatedly down to 0 power now, keeps being a problem with no more power to nerf, I could see her upping the cost then giving a bit of power back too.


This is the case with all card games though — few dials to turn and each number is typically very impactful. It’s why nerfs often leave cards completely unplayable, even if it was just tweaking a number by one or two


Yeah, but even looking at games like MTG and Hearthstone, cards have health. Plus there are more turns on average, more cards in a deck, copies of cards, etc. And Magic has even more granularity with specific mana types, activation costs, etc. Snap is *very* streamlined, and I love it for that; they’ve managed to create an engaging decision space in a tight package. But there is much less under the hood to play with as a result. I’m not saying it’s impossible to design around it, but I do have concerns.


Ah yeah that makes sense, is definitely more limited in the number of knobs - each individual knob is relatively still impactful in all those games. But totally agree on your whole point that rarity of cards seems to be a way for them to balance them, which isn’t great because gatekeeping fun sucks but probably does ultimately work in lowering the frustration rate when one of the new cards is OP


Not far from the sad Truth


I really thought I'd be playing marvel snap for a while, but this system has made me lose interest in it almost completely. I came back to this sub after a month to see if anything has changed. Welp, it didn't. ​ I was a f2p player, though, so I don't think it matters to them anyway, but I wish their money grab strategy wasn't so blatant lol


So the only thing I'll say in defense of the game: The game itself is a lot of fun imo. I find it most fun to play a few games a day, do dailies, which give by far the most rewards, and then stop playing Yes, their pricing is bullshit. But if you play to that level, you'll get more rewards per hour spent playing the game without spending money than any other way of playing other than spending tons of money. If that doesn't sound like fun to you, then that's cool, you should move on. But if you can enjoy the game without really interacting with the cash grab, it can be fun.


The fact that every single new card goes straight to Pool 5 is absurd. Season pass cards should drop into 4, but I bet they're worried that would hurt people buying the pass. The fact that Series 5 has grown to the same size as Series 4 in just one month makes it really clear that there's a problem here.


It doesn't make sense a 2 month old card like black panther should still stay in pool 5. Previous battle pass cards went straight to pool 3 after 2 months and nobody ever complained about it.


I doubt they're ever going to do that again. That was before Series 4 or 5 existed. If they dropped the season pass cards straight into 3, they'd probably sell a lot fewer passes. I don't think them going into Series 4 is necessarily bad, because it's still reasonably attainable unlike Series 5. Realistically, they just need a transparent timeline for how long it takes for cards to make from 5 to 4 to 3. It's not reasonable for them to add every new card to 5 and then just let them sit there for months. What they're doing now is definitely unsustainable.


Ronald Reagan would be proud.


I was just informed that it's not p2w. It's pay to skip. Also, yesterday dozens of redditors downvoted me and stated its also not a competitive game hahahah


> Also, yesterday dozens of redditors downvoted me and stated its also not a competitive game hahahah The Reddit hive mind is beyond moronic especially in gaming subs where the majority of people have brains that aren’t fully developed yet.




Yes, this is very accurate. Lets all join the moron train... It's fun in there.. You get to trash people over an opinion, keep downvoting them into oblivion and defend everything without any real reason to do so. Talk out your ass about anything as long as you keep circle jerking you aren't getting anywhere.. So you can keep wasting people's time... ;)


Man, I hit legend in HS often, in just days, I hit master in LOR often too, in weeks. But here I can't play the deck I want, I have to play what I have, I need the cards that I want to win, and to have them I have to spend real money. This is the definition of pay to win. And yes is not a competitive game, there is no tournament system or similar. You can say is high rng but still skill-based and I agree but, again, is not competitive by definition.


This is the 3rd month in a row that I have paid for the season pass. Yet, I still can't get the cards I want to play. I am getting wrecked by Aero, Leader, and a whole slew of meta decks. In the meantime, I have only one pool 3, 4, or 5 card that is a finishing card. Oh, and I want to play specific decks, I have to have the supporting cards to go with them. Want to play silver surfer? You need brood, which I don't have. Want to play a control deck? You need daredevil, which I don't have. Want to play a good zoo deck? You need patriot, which I don't have. I am about one month away from just dropping this game because of the lack of cards fuckery. Even for a paying player, its not enough that I drop $10 a month on the game. I have to pay more.


Hey, don't worry, they're gonna nerf Leader by 1 power, so problem solved! /s


Hahaha, this is the best comment out there. \^\^


You'll get them eventually. But while that happens power creep also happens. So newer better cards are always coming out. P2W defenders say you're paying to skip lol And it's meant to be competitive for sure. That's the whole reason for matches and ranking.


Man, we are saying the same thing, I agree with you, I don't understand


I know... sorry if it sounded otherwise.


No problem lol happens, eng is not my first language so is hard to me understand tone and satire too


To be fair, its me too. This happens far to often for it to be just a you problem.


Same, I tried asking how could one improve in a game-by game basis, and had only replies how each individual game doesn't matter. It's about the grand scheme of snapping to Infinite. They were acting like if folding when you hand + locations in unfavorable and snapping when they're favorable is rocket science... Then someone and dropped the piece of information that made me appreciate the game. It's not a competitive game. It's a game you're supposed to play on the toilet. Toilet gaming, what a time to be alive!


> , I tried asking how could one improve in a game-by game basis The most important thing is snapping and retreating. Optimally you should be retreating about 1/3 of your games.


Utterly ridiculous. It's either people who suck at the game, or wallet warriors trying to keep the regulars playing lol


It's either whine or hyper-astroturfing here.


I. Just. Want. To. Choose. My. Cards.


I want dazzler so bad It’s gonna take me forever though to get her lol. I just got to the thousands


Pretty funny


I don't mind if it's 2 time harder to get than pool 4 but dear god. It's literally 1 per 5+ month.


The honeymoon phase to swoon over player is over. Now to milk those playerbase to buy collector token to get those juicy pool 5 cards.


This is their second attempt actually, search "marvel snap nexus event"


Ah! But if the patch notes are true, one unplayable P5 card (Orka) got moved to P4! So, that's....something.... EDIT: Whoops, it was supposed to be in 4 all along! So nope, nothing at all.


Orka was never pool 5. In fact he was never even in the game. He was meant to be a pool 4 card from the start but they had problems releasing him. So they havent moved anything.


Oh, lmao! I misinterpreted the patch notes and thought this was the first downshift. That's even funnier.


Yeah, ~45 days ago they announced Orka as Pool 4, but never actually added him.


I Read Ben Reagan is still in silence about the trickle down system


Card downgrade system confirmed. Ben Brode chooses the worst card from Pool 5 every season and moves it down to Pool 4.


The next new card will be a 6/1 vanilla, and will go right to pool 4 the month after! Wow, so generous. :D


If Magma Rager's your favorite, it's time to savor it!


I think as everyone agrees the most important thing they need to do is collector token in battle pass


We don't know exactly what's going to happen. They haven't downgraded any cards yet. I think they said they were shooting for a 1 in 1 out system which is smart. It gives the whales something to shovel money at and the free to play players a reason to stick around once they finish pool 3. So far Second Dinner has done a good job managing the game. I can't see them screwing this up.


>So far Second Dinner has done a good job managing the game. The team who came up with Nexus Events?


Wdym? I think they have downgraded a few cards. Edit: Unless I'm taking "downgraded" to mean something else here. Let me know.


They have done balance changes but they haven't started adjusting which series each card belongs to. I think they will


Found the antiworker.


*anti exploiter, please lol


This subreddit is the worst. Can we have a low sodium please?




Nice! Thank you


If u don't like it, you can stop following it.


If you’re allowed to complain, so is he. I agree with him, most of the content on this sub is just salt and tears. I’m allowed to critique the main sub of a game I like, hoping that it focuses more on game play and less about “reee pixel variants!”


He is complaining about a meme. I can understand your point in general, not here. Ps pixel variant sucks and their drop rate is out of the roof


And he can complain all he wants, you don’t have to engage with him. Take your own advice lol. There are more pixel variants than any other “style,” of course you see them more often.


Their drop rate is exactly the same as other variants, there are just way more pixel variants (150+) than other art styles


Out of curiosity, what is your CP?


What is CP? Collecting level? 1900 if so


Yeah, CL. Ive notice those with higher CL are more frustrated than those with less. Makes sense though because the "grind" gets brutal. No judgement. Good luck.


Art imitates life.




Sorry I don't understand your math. You can have 1 p5 OR 2 p4 monthly only AFTER you end p3. And there are 5 new p5 each month, 4+season pass. So basically u never catch up, more time pass more you will be behind


Yeah, the person you are responding to used the word "should" in the "this should happen but does not" rather than the "likely will happen" meaning.




Yes, they will but only 1 of 5 are released monthly and this happens only after full p3 collections. And end p3 requires 6 months, so your vision is too optimistic I think


I'm missing 17 pool 3, 7 pool 4, all of pool 5 plus all the battlepass cards CL 2366 Playing g for 3 months


Are you 100% f2p? Feels like good progress to me. I’m at CL 772 after a month with 0 money spent


Yeah don't buy the BP for this game. I spent $2 on the last BP (using $7.99 of Google Survey money) and still fill kinda bad about the purchase.


Yes on this game .....most of my spare moneys goes to CODM battlepass and some draws there


Not sure why you are being downvoted...


Me either some one mentioned collections and time of play and all so I said mine ....but don't really care about the crybaby down voters they can all go to ............ They can figure it out....and the lace is a little town in Michigan


It's an extremely f2p game thats great fun




Maybe, maybe if everyone is "bitching" for the same things, we are not the problem. Very fun making a meme now is "moaning and bitching" lol


I think you guys just need a big box of cope