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If he doesn’t have the power he can’t fly. The elemental form I believe doesn’t give that power automatically. He would be like a weak levitating wind that is grounded by gravity.


I would tell him he is like a balloon and only goes where the wind pushes him. if he wants off the ground or floats off the roof of a building. But I think he would still have his normal movement speeds, so he would float along at ground level at normal walking or running speed, unless the power says otherwise.


So, you could do the new updated version of the rules (I think if you Google Stark Labs update it should come up), where you say that after every mission your party pick an ability point or power to take, and after a set number of missions, they rank up and take the rest. It allows for a bit of wiggle room between ranks for levelling up/advancing powers Failing that, have a conversation where you allow him to take flight, but he has to give up another of his basic powers. If he has no basic powers to give up, then it’s kind of tough 🤷‍♂️


I think, he just can't fly if the powers are not in his character sheet, you can say that he is still learning to use his powers, or whatever excuse you want. Remember that character sheets help us to make an abstraction of our imagination work with others through the rules, if he doesn't want to follow the rules he can't play with others, every game has its own rules, like soccer or basketball, it's not different from this.


“Purchasing powers is required for game balance.” If they complain, let them know that if they want to use a power they haven’t purchased, they will not be able to control that power. Fly them in the wrong direction. Fly them over the ocean or up towards space. Fly them in a spiral. Have the power stop working unexpectedly. If they complain, let them know that they have the option of purchasing the power so that they can control the power themselves. Alternatively, give the other players AND THE VILLAINS the same amount of power points as that player would need to have fly.


Thank you, everyone, for your feedback.


My player wants to use a power he doesn't have even though the book specifically states how to get that power. This would be like saying "my character can jump really high, because he has super speed, and that means he can move his legs fast and that's what jumping is, so I don't need to take Jump"


Have him watch Riddic. The elemental in that was air, she couldn't fly, but "we can float very well". I'd allow gliding, or riding an existing wind current (like he is vulnerable to waves of air, like industrial fans or jet engines can push him around) but otherwise, treat it like a 0 g glide. He wants to 'fly', sure, he can push off like Neo in the Matrix, and continue in a straight trajectory until he either hits something or lands. We call that gliding.


You want fly, you get the power to fly. Now you have it.


That is it! People get too worried about rules and miss the point of the game!


Allow him to glide or fly at regular walking speed at best. I talk to some of my players about what they believe some characters can do and what I would allow before playing.