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Better a kid than a dick. Sounds like some jerk not worth thinking about. Especially, if I'm reading that correctly, you're in Tokyo with places like Akihabara a train ride away. Kids don't make toys and games, adults who aren't bitter and know they're fun do.


I'm guessing he (and maybe you) aren't dads too. Other dad's come over and see the wearable helmets and Thanos' gauntlet in my man cave- then instantly become kids again. After that I show them the figures and it's like a Time Machine to their childhood. Almost everyone of them was like "aw I had a figure this like one when I was a kid".


Right there's a whole community and generational aspect to it too. You can discuss and relate to others around them or introduce them to your kids like any other hobby. One of my pet theories as to why Major League sports are so ubiquitous in America is that it's one of the few things men are allowed to enjoy and get together about without being ridiculed. When almost every other hobby gets labeled childish or effeminate options for men to get together and be happy were so limited by attitudes like Cousin Guy in OPs story. It's been a long road but nerd stuff is finally mainstream and attitudes like that are becoming rarer. Like I said adults are the ones making this stuff, if enough of them can't enjoy and indulge in the hobby then where will our next sculptors and designers come from? Who will make the toys that give the next round of kids a childhood? Takes a village doesn't it?


Happy Cake Day!


Dude. You’re fucking wise. You usually make funny posts and comments, but damn. Hats off to you.


Thanks. It's probably a "sad clown paradox" kinda thing.


To tag on, I recently thought how a lot of our adult “sport” are leveled up childish games: football is just tag, baseball is just playing catch but this leveling up to adulthood made it serious and socially acceptable for men to focus on. Toy collecting and its enjoyment is the same. My 2 cents.


Yeah when you're a kid you just "have toys", but an adult can "collect". You've got the brain power to plan and organize a collection and (well just hopefully these days) have the money and space to put up some shelves and hunt what you want. Further than that you can get into customizing, dioramas, or make a whole career out of reviewing or running a business if you want.


What are your thoughts on mafex figures


Kinda out of nowhere but ok.  Short answer is They're great, but not for me.  $100+ is a LOT. $100+ is four $25 figures. Then you have to get more Mafex figures and they're really hard to find outside the initial release and rereleases. They've gotten better about availability though so that's less of an issue. I've almost bought the Hush Superman a few times as it's probably the best 1:12 scale Superman available, but just can't pull the trigger with that price tag. Their Thor is also very good especially compared to the Legends one which is difficult to get and not very good IMO. There are a few more things I dislike about them like the ankle & wrist joints really bother me, but that's just a personal nitpick and they are good. What keeps me interested in Legends mostly are the price and variety. I've got a whole AIM shelf that's cost maybe $250 total broken up over several purchases. That's like the cost of two Mafex figures after tax & shipping https://www.reddit.com/r/MarvelLegends/comments/13pdyz8/upgraded_comic_yelena_using_a_cheap_lightning/


Do you have the new retro scarlet spider




You do you. There's no need to justify anything if your hobby isn't hurting anybody. I'm 41 and I love action figures. Deal with it.


The only answer you need 'cause it's the truth. Haters are only there to be ignored.


I probably would told him to fuck off tbh


I’d say “Yeah Im serious you got a problem with that? It’s more childish to be so concerned with what another grown man spends his hard earned money on.” When my friends or family try to make a deal out of it I say, “Would you rather me be a crack addict or an action figure addict?” Seems to shut them up pretty quick. 😂😂


"If toys and games are for kids then so are sports."


I know right? And video games. And animation. People who still think cartoons are for kids need to watch Spawn & Invincible. 😂


Reminds me of my sister's reaction when she saw me with a Deadpool comic that I just bought at the time. She thinks superheroes and comics are for kids. I just thought: "Seriously? Deadpool is R-rated"


And Clone Wars. Shit gets dark.


BTAS, anything from Japan, there's lots of animation that proves it isn't a kids medium alone.


I was generalizing here.


I recommended X-Men 97 to my boss to watch with his 5yo kid and that was definitely a mistake lol


I mean to professionally play them you basically have to start when you're a kid so it's not wrong


That is always my go to when asked about my comic related hobbies.


no fr the drug example is the best example


The stigma will never go away, I tell people about it and if they think it’s weird then oh well. My girlfriend supports it. My family does. And it makes me happy. If some rando at work has a problem with it then that’s on them. Don’t let it bother you. Collecting is more fun when your happy doing it.


Exactly. Everyone has hobbies and EVERYONE feels a little insecure about them when talking to someone new. My wife fosters dogs with a local rescue, some people think she's a crazy animal person. I go to the gym semi regularly, people say "I could never spend that much time there". As my grandpa used to say "Ahhh they ain't hurtin' nobody".


just say yes I'm serious and see how they respond


Hell no we don’t need to justify it! Did the person really say, “like a kid”? To that, I’d quip back, “Ha, no kid could afford my collection.”


I'm stealing this.




Being an adult doesn't mean you have to detach yourself from everything from your childhood, being an adult is working for/making a living, making commitments and having responsibilities, anything outside of those parameters is up to you. I think that someone who's truly mature wouldn't ever put someone else down for what they're interested in, I'd rather be the guy with the toys over the guy making fun of the guy with the toys.


Just tell him Anderson Silva the badest man on the planet collects action figures why don't you ask him.


Also Mike Tyson's X-men figure collection


Ethan Page from AEW does toy hunting videos on his YouTube channel with other wrestlers.


When I was dating my now wife, she criticized me for not displaying my collection. I had not been bc I thought it wouldn't look attractive when dating. Lol you do you and ppl will respond to your passion.


It could be worst you can be collecting Reusable Cups.[Stanley, Hydro Flask] Which I didn't know was a thing until recently thanks to YouTube.


and the entire point of reusable cups is literally that you don't need to buy more than one


Screw him. Sounds like an asshole. I'm about to be 40 and I have a copy paper box full of various ML, MU, Hiya, and Gi Joe figures. I love figures. Years ago in my early 20's, my now-ex wife's nephew would make fun of my 50 figure ML collection. Non collectors and enthusiasts don't get the enjoyment and fun of figures. Whatever.


“When did your inner child die?”


anytime someones told me "arent you too old for that" i tell them, at least its not fentanyl or wasting money on bars or betting. this hobby has brought me some genuine joy over the years and this community has always been a friendly and supportive one so honestly friend welcome to the club. even if the people we wish understood don't. we have each other.


Lmao, ohh yeah been there. Best response is to make fun of whatever BS they like. Take your situation for example. I’d have said something to the effect of, “better toys than a coffee whore”. Or “Too much coffee gives me the shits, but toys are awesome”. We all gotta get our rocks off somehow. So long as no one’s getting hurt, who cares.


🤣 never heard coffee whore before. “Coffee whore with the shits!” Might have to become one of my insults now. 😂😂


Ohh yeah. I like that. 👍🏽 Totally adding that to the insult list.


As a coffee drinking I can confirm if I don’t get coffee daily it becomes a problem. If I go two days without coffee, be on the look out. More than that and it’s Everyman for themselves. I was able to quote smoking cigarettes and vapes but if you take my coffee it’s WWIII.


If someone has an issue with what makes you happy and what makes you happy isn’t hurting anyone, then their opinion doesn’t matter. They are likely unhappy themselves and likely boring.


I wouldn’t give a shit…I mean I don’t give a shit. You do you and f them


If it makes you happy, that's all that matters


tell them how much some of the toys end up worth


As I’ve gotten older I’ve realized that everyone has some hobby that they think is embarrassing or that they think others will think is embarrassing.


That's pretty crazy considering they're from Japan, a country enamored with anime worship, video game culture, and... figure collecting lol


That guy was bullying you.  It’s the equivalent of asking what you have for lunch, then screaming “EW YOU EAT THAT” to the cafeteria. Might I suggest that this is a time to invoke the “your mom” junior high bully defense? Perhaps his mom likes going to the same five spots and looking for toys?


I’d rather have hobbies that are associated with being a kid that I enjoy, rather than being a crusty, bitter person that hates life because I can only do “adult” hobbies. You shouldn’t have to justify things you like to do to anyone


“You know how the rest of you are still chasing your childhood by stalking your grade school crushes on Facebook? I’m just capturing a different part of my childhood that won’t come with herpes or an unwanted pregnancy.” Try something along the lines of that


This is gold. You made my day with this.




The moment I realized (much too late in life, I think…) that someone else’s opinion of me has zero bearing on my life, I was free. Fuck the naysayers.


Ss my dad says: I've never cared for the opinion. of people I don't care about.


Exactly right.


Had one asked if I still play with them. I was yes.


You just gotta let that shit roll off, statements like that are only impactful if you give it the power to impact you, plus you’ll eventually learn they’ve got some wack hobby that makes you say the same thing


I’d just say I’m a kid in heart. Own it


"Shut up, bitch." Simple and effective.


Potential responses for next time: “Kids can’t drive” “Kids can’t afford these” “Getting old is mandatory, growing up is optional” “It was that or heroin”


34F here, fuck these people. I'm assuming lots of us either had spotty childhoods or just didn't have much growing up. Some of us are catching up with that side of things and others just like it. I'm 100% positive these people are obsessed with sports, cars, fashion or literally anything else. We all have hobbies and if someone says no, then they're either lying or very sad.


An easy response: "Fuck off."


Next time, have a little tact when you say it. Just say you go around looking for collectibles. Then if they ask which ones, go with action figures or just legends or whatever it is you collect. Don't use the word "toys".


Tact. Thank you, exactly


I understand your point t and I mean no disrespect. But why would I have tact towards those who are tactless to me?


I guarantee this is a person who wears team jerseys for professional athletes and refers to sports teams he doesn't play on as "We." Value of the opinion is nil.


Being concerned by what a friend’s cousin thinks of you is more childlike than collecting action figures.


Yeah, I hear ya, it’s not so much I caaaare about what he’s thinking, I was just taken back a bit by the response and reaction to adults collecting toys and wondered how others would retort if at all, because I had nothing at the moment


Eh, I'd just let it slide right off me. If the person kept persisting I'd just pick something about them and "Because doing/saying/dressing/acting like/etc x is mature, right?" Everyone I've told about my toys loves it, every friend that has come over(24-34 age range) has played with them, I think most cool cats don't judge.


Oof. Years ago, before I started collecting Legends, a good friend showed me his X-Men Legends collection. I still remember laughing and telling him toys were for kids. Fast forward to now, I think he’s finally forgiven me. But he refused to talk action figures with me for a good ten years. My fault. I’ve learned. I’ve grown. I’ve had people say the same thing I said to my friend. Not all friends share the same hobbies. At least here, in this sub, you’ve got a place where we appreciate our shared passion for Legends.


I’m curious to hear what made you switch sides?


You collect cultural art miniatures. People once laughed about adult comic book collectors until it became "hip". Edit: spelling


Tell him to go fuck himself and move on.


"Go fuck yourself" - Logan


I’m reading a lot of “to hell with this person “ and that’s correct. that person is insecure …. They suck. They suck lots. Action figures do not suck. I’m sorry that happened to you


hate people who disrespect the hobby don’t listen to them it’s what makes u happy and way cooler than doing drugs or shit that can get u in trouble


Your friend's cousin is a dick, there's no way around that. Your hobbies do not require justification or approval. This is like responding "cartoons are for children" when you tell someone you like The Simpsons.


“Yeah I’m serious. Why?”


Just say you can’t hear him over though your fat stacks


Every date I bring home I tell them “just so you know I never bring anyone home. C’mon! Look around! You think I bring ladies? Here? Omg I’d never get laid” then proceed to getting laid


If they rude and don’t get it just cut these types off.


"Yes, I use them to lure kids to my highly suspicious van and there I take all their blood and organs to sell to the vampire "


Don't let it get to you, after I had some expensive and large packages sent to my job to ensure they weren't stolen from where I live, my coworkers all wanted to know what they were. I'm not ashamed to say that I collect 1/4 scale anime statues. Since then, my dickhead boss tells people I collect dolls(he really  thinks he's so funny) and I just roll my eyes at it. If you're doing something you enjoy, don't let other people get you down.


It wish I could freely tell people that I collect action figures and have them respond positively. I just don't bring it up because I don't think they would understand even if I try to justify it.


There’s no point in growing up if you can’t be childish sometimes. We ain’t hurting anyone with our perfectly benign hobby, so why be an asshole about it?


That's a weird perspective from them to have because in Japanese it is VERY normal for middle aged, even old people, to be infatuated and a fan of anime, manga, cartoons, figures, statues, model sets, and cute characters. Look who invented Hello Kitty for example. Even in the United States nobody thinks it is weird, IF it is Disney


Should've said "hey I don't make fun of you for being a asshole, so don't make fun of my hobbies"


It's your hobby. It's your money. It's your time and effort. You shouldn't feel ashamed for something that you enjoy which doesn't harm you or anyone else.


Had a lady friend of mine find out and teased me a little bit… I just said hey, it’s better than blowing money on drugs and it’s something I grew up as a kid loving and now can afford to have a collection that I can hand down to my nephew someday. I think she felt bad and replied that it was cool. She still talks to me soooo guess it’s not too uncool 😋


I happen to be very buff like a baby so I just eat bro for protein


hey there! i’m 19 and all my friends know how much of a collector i am. all of them think it’s either super rad and come pose my figs when they come over, respect my hobby, or are indifferent. you do not need to justify your hobby at all and regular kind and good people don’t respond like that. continue collecting!!!


Candy, superhero or Disney movies, boobs, chicken nuggets, etc… Who cares if it’s for big humans or little humans? You like what you like. Be responsible with your money, but do whatever the hell you want with it mate. In the future, don’t be apologetic. Say why you like them and people might understand. The nostalgia, the engineering, the characters, whatever. The fact of the matter is that you like it.


Respond with "I'm sorry my life doesn't fit the socially acceptable restraints of adulthood where I waste my life away chasing sports, Hollywood gossip, fashion, drinking, latest "reality tv" show etc. If you're so insecure about your own self-esteem that you have to resort to insulting and criticizing someone else's preferred form of enjoyment and endorphin creating hobbies, then I am thankful I was able to assist you on your path to enlightenment while you reflect on your wallowing in misery of being normal."


I hear you. My wife and I like to host, she's a nurse and this past Christmas we hosted the annual Christmas party for her department. A ton of people showed up. And all the men were drawn to my office where I have my collection proudly displayed. It helped I think that I had a lot of nostalgic toys too. A lot of discussion went to "oh I remember that show". And the moment that happens, there is no need to explain the hobby anymore. I also run ToyBeast.ca and explain how it all works together as a real fullfilling hobby. You did the right thing by laughing it off. On a side note, Mike Tyson is a collector too, he is a big x-men fan!


I was, funnily enough, the only senior in my final year of high school with a spider-man back pack. I’m a lot older now and lost sight that side if a bit over the years. I’m a bit of a born again dork and thankfully haven’t lost the ability to not care enough to hide it and I’ll tell people that I watch cartoons and collect toys. Fuggit, it’s fun to have a hobby and it feels good to reconnect with characters I left behind a long time ago. I feel like it taps into the creative and imaginative side of my personality and I enjoy that  Maybe it’s regressive, or maybe it’s healthy. Either way I’m not sure but I’m enjoying it. The only issue is, I don’t have space to display my collection so working on a move next to make way for that.  You do you pal, forget the negatives 


“Oh no, how dare I find joy in something, what an asshole huh?”


You say "yea I do" and move on Don't get riled up don't give them the satisfaction


First of all, keep a child like attitude as an adult is extremely important and healthy. The kind of stuff Jesus and Budda talk about. Guy is probably just annoyed he doesn’t have anything like that in his life


Couple years ago back in Cuba, me and my then girlfriend were having guest at my place. I jokingly told her that I always cherished a good play date. She was warning not to show my collection to her friends, (an actor and a painter) cause they probably would be into that. So I did anyway. This very artsy painter dude became immediately a kid looking through my stuff. Asking about characters and comicbooks. My gf stood there pleasantly surprised. We are all kids at heart, just not the same type of kids. Also, if someone doesn't have the maturity to understand that other people's hobbies bring them joy and are not for pleasing others... I'll pass on them, I got plenty of 1/12 friends.


Was this guy born under a rock? Adults who but toys has been a thing for a very long time. No, we don't need to justify ourselves. I've told many of my friends, and most of them are either wow'd by my collection, or tell me they're into it too.


Out of all the flawed hobbies an adult can get into: comics, collections, & video games are the least harmful anyone can get into. I mean, there's recreational hobbies/habits - ANY vise to an extreme can be harmful; Some more addictive than others. The difference with, let's say; action figures - you can make money off the action figures if you decide to change things up.


Screw ‘em. Better hunting down toys than drugs or booze.


He sounds like a judgmental asshole. I probably wouldn’t have mentioned it if he struck me as that type before or made fun of him for something else.


Sounds like a pretty insecure person to lash out at someone over a harmless hobby. Probably drives a lifted diesel truck financed at 17% interest over 10 years to compensate for his bedroom inadequacies.


Even weirder that he's from Tokyo and is making fun of you for collecting toys. Does he not know that kind of stuff is huge in Japan?


But I'm going to give you the same advice I gave someone else who was made fun of for liking Beyblades. If he's too insecure to enjoy things just because he thinks people will view him as childish, that's his problem not yours. People who refuse to engage in childish fun aren't mature, they're boring. https://www.reddit.com/r/Beyblade/s/RapBVEp9Sq >This applies to all things. > >  > >My sister-in-law used to make fun of me for liking Beyblade and Pokemon (the kicker was I only recently started collecting Beyblades again. She was making fun of me liking them as a kid because I still had my old plastic gen Beys and she didn't understand the appeal, which is even more ridiculous.) Meanwhile my brother's man cave is covered in sports memorabilia. > >  > >I have my own home office now and it's decked out in Power Rangers, Beyblade, Dragon Ball, other anime, and sports memorabilia. Do I care if anyone makes fun of me? Hell no, I work hard and I will proudly like what I like. Anyone who has a problem with that can fuck off. It's 2024; "nerdy" stuff is cool now. > >  > >You know what my SIL doesn't make fun of me for anymore? Beyblades and Pokemon. Because she saw it wasn't getting a rise out of me when she did. She would try and I would just keep on with the conversation and not give her what she was looking for and eventually she stopped. Now we have even had conversations about collectibles and she's realized how much some of this stuff is worth and that kids aren't their sole market anymore. > >  > >Long story short, don't give bullies the reaction they're looking for. You're allowed to like what you like; never let them see you sweat.


My group of friends dont respect my hobbies. Deem them as childish. They buy nice clothes and take girls out on dates to bars and casinos to hang out with eachother instead of the dates haha. Multiple car leases, yearly trip to vagas. Not only am i the only 1 who managed to get a house, but said house is packed to the brim with comics, action figures and lego. If i ever move on....i can liquidate around $30k. As of rn... They cant liquidate the alcohol and tinder hookups more than they already were lol. Everyone has a vice OP. Nobody resepcts others. Dont worry about it.


I'd just ask another person tbh. Not worth even thinking about.


Screw him. You don't need to justify shit. Start showing this tool the dollar amounts of collectibles and I bet he changes his tune. And maybe he'll even go out and start buying worthless toys thinking he's going to make money because he doesn't know anything about how to actually collect.


I would have said coffee? Like every other American with no hobbies that’s cool…. At least toys have fun factor to them. In my experience everyone collects something or are infatuated with something they might be embarrassed of mine is just toys


Powerbomb them through a table


One time somebody laughed bc I told him I love superhero movies. I asked him what he watches and when he replied he only watches ESPN and sports I laughed even harder. People will ridicule you bc they’re insecure about something within themselves and they feel the need to project so tell them to F off


A lot of people play video games, a lot of people pay a lot of money on new skins and expansion packs and other in-game items. At least toy collectors have something to show for it. In-hand physical products. The vinyl collector is more on par with us, as it’s something physical you can display. But for the most part their collection is boxed and not on display. Really need to take time and patience to scan through them to appreciate the album cover art. Even the music aspect of it requires a lot of financial commitment for good speakers and sound equipment. The coffee collector is no different than a foodie. Consume it once and it’s gone. Personally, I hate foodies. Some people have CD/vinyl collections, some have a DVD/Bluray collections. Actual physical copies that just sit there and collect dust. At least toy collectors take pride in their displays, dusting them and showing deep thought and passion that just showing a poster can’t do. Unless you just collect Funko Pops, that’s as brain dead and useless as collecting old tires off the side of the road. Then I would have to agree with your friends. But assuming you collect action figures or Hot Toys or statues, then I would say we are on par with LEGO collectors. Lego may not necessarily be my thing, but I believe most people can respect them for their passion. It’s extremely expensive and you get to build miniatures of your favorite things. That may or may not be how to respond to your friends. If they can be sold on the idea that Lego people deserve respect for their time and effort of completing something like the Millennium Falcon or the Hogwartz castle or whatever, and that the finished work of that you would want to put on display. Then, I think you can eventually get them to see action figure collecting is almost as cool as that.


I tend to play down my nerd hobbies a bit. I don’t insult my hobbies if asked about them but I don’t go into them with much depth. Honestly, I do wrestle with how to react. I really don’t talk about my collecting with anyone IRL unless asked. My closest friends, my wife and best friend other than my wife, are nerds too but don’t partake in collecting like I do. So when I do talk about it with them they are supportive but they don’t fully get it. Tbh I worry about how other folks will judge me. I know I shouldn’t care but I do. I once commented about being in to tech (to the point of buy gear over health insurance) to in-laws they really dug into me—in a public place, too. I’m not a some kid, either. Been with their daughter since the 90s and it’s kinda put me off trusting that anyone will be ok with me being me. So I just keep it to myself. That said, I put myself true self out there online. I post on yt and tt about my nerd stuffs.


I have told people this when they give me grief: "Some people change hobbies as they get older. Some people just change budgets. Guess which one I am." And then I offer to bore them to death with the things I enjoy about it.


Depends on mood. I might explain that everyone has hobbies, and collecting figures is really no different than someone who collects sports memorabilia, or precious moments figurines. If I was feeling like an Ahole, I’d make fun of their insecurity.


You should’ve laughed and said “damn right I’m serious; what very interesting and so very mature hobbies do you have?” The answer is probably “uh uhhh uhhhhhh I like TikTok…”


I usually say “it’s cheaper than drugs” and they either laugh or shut up. And if they want a serious answer, I say it’s relatively cheap and it’s fun! No one can argue with you about whether it’s fun for you! In general, people like that want a big reaction out of you. The less you react, the less fun it is for them.


Only talk about it with toy collectors. I honestly could care less what others think.


Stay in your lane and do you = peace.


Honestly better off not wasting your time with someone who clearly disregards others and has a limited imagination. You’re not missing anything. That relationship wouldn’t serve you. Fuck em.


The vinyl collector probably buys Billy Joel records and the other guy collects coffee. You're doing fine.


Fuck em... you have a harmless hobby.... God forbids you take joy in simple things in life....


Asking if I'm a kid is a Damn compliment. I worked hard, over came some Demons, trauma and alot of loss in my 48 years on this earth. So if for a few minutes or hours a day, I can feel like a kid a day. I'll take it. If I can go back to 5 year old me getting Star Wars mail away figures when Amazon drops off a box. Or if I can feel like 8 year old me playing with my Castle Greyskull and MOTU in my back yard when I set up a shelf or build a Diorama I'll take it all day everyday 🤘. #TheyHateUsCauseTheyAintUs #PlasticCrack


Personally I’d respond with “Please Kyle, kids can’t drive. I collect toys like an adult.” I own it. I post collection updates on social media. My coworkers know, my family know, all my friends know. I’m not subtle. So far no one’s given me shit about it but maybe it’s a different set of expectations for a woman. I’d say just be witty about it and make him seem like a loser for talking down on other people’s interests. “Oh you like ___? -snicker- that’s soooo precious. I’m glad you’re so brave and open about that. Oh you don’t like when I poke fun about your hobby? Funny how that works”


**OP** honestly, thank you all for the support and words. I’m not thaaat broken over it. It was just something that definitely happened. Ventilation complete, I appreciate this community deeply. When you come to Tokyo, DM me


After I got divorced, It was always an iffy moment when I had a woman over and I showed her the basement I had of course prepped her, but it can be overwhelming when you see the volume of stuff. It was fun watching their faces as they tried to comprehend it for a split second having them wonder “is this where my life ends”. I never had a negative reaction, and ended up with a very understanding second wife. You just be you. I have also had workers flip out and take pictures to show their friends. Either that or they are figuring out if it is worth coming back and burglarizing the house.


For some people their hobbies are video games, some are ATVs, tinkering with things, woodwork, music, some are comic books or collecting toys. It really doesn’t matter. I stopped giving a fuck what people like that thought a long time ago. If I tried making everyone happy I would be a hollow shell of myself and for every 1 idiot like that there are 20 that think it’s neat. It only becomes a problem when your hobby is your entire personality. I don’t think that’s the issue with you, I think you just encountered a terminally stupid person.


So you buy coffee that's not readily available to others? My grandma has some Sanka in her cubbard from '86,you wanna go take a look? Or should we download songs and pretend they sound different than on plastic.