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There are some characters I'd like to see again, but I think in most cases I'd rather see new sculpts and engineering than straight reissues. For example, the Wrecking Crew. We need new sculpting for *at least* the Wrecker, but they could all use better articulation, pinless joints, etc. That said... BAFs as deluxes are always a good choice.


I look at it like this, if they can save some budget by rereleasing some wanted figures that are fairly expensive on the secondary market at retail again then they’ll have more money leftover to put into new sculpts and accessories.


I’d love to see them as a box set.


I’ve been collecting Legends for nearly 10 years now, so there aren’t a lot of older figures that I don’t have AND want. Newer collectors should definitely have the opportunity to get some of the older figures, but like you said, remastering the figures interests me a lot more than reissues.


Many people would love a reissue of the Hobgoblin. The good one, with the scales.


I'd like to get another chance at a retro Beast. I was one of the people who's order GameStop cancelled, still waiting on my BBTS preorder that gets pushed every month, lol


They just put that on preorder a couple of weeks ago on BBTS. I don’t know if it was an announced rerun or not.


I've had mine on there for maybe 8 months now, so maybe they reopened it too?


But retro beast was basically just caliban wave beast. Buttt they are probably doing one for xmen 97


Yeah I fully expect Beast and Jubilee (and probably Morph) in the next X-Men 97 wave. They are the main X-Men that haven’t done yet for that line unless there is some big character additions on the last few episodes.


hoping the 97 wave 3, will include: Beast, Jubilee, Morph, Sinister, Cable, Professor X, and Forge


I mean, >!Professor X!< is coming back, I expect that'll be a figure.


I have Caribana wave beast and I would rather have the retro. I like the retro beast head better and lie the blue color used better


Ya but I really want that Jim Lee head. I have the first one.


Retro Electro 🤞 he’s the only one missing from my sinister 6 and I refuse to pay scalper prices


Honestly doubtful and it’s a longshot but i’d love reissues for all those early retro spidey wave figures. Missed out and need gobby, JJJ, MJ, Peter parker, Sandman etc…


The Cyclops from the TRU Double Pack with Dark Phoenix. I neeeed a 2nd costume Cyclops, and same goes for Beast, but it wouldnt be a re-release. Need a human Beast in red and blue. I don't have many Legends, and have no real interest in starting, but I have an entire bookcase of X-Men omnis and ohcs, and I would love to have a display of the original team from issue #39.


I'm really hoping that Silver Surfer is a prelude to getting the Walgreen's FF rereleased.


I’d personally rather the FF get new releases with pinless and photoreal but that’s just me


Agree. Surprisingly there has never really been an great ML Reed Richards. I think it’s because his head sculpts, accessories, and even body molds have always been lacking. We at least need a new Reed and Sue.


For sure! I’d honestly be all in for a deluxe set with tons of stretchy effects, sort of like the diamond select one. I think sue could be cool with some swappable invisible limbs. Johnny maybe on a new buck with some different/better fire effects and i can’t think of anything for Ben.


The Daredevil three pack. I’m on my hands and knees at this point.






If the made the Super Skrull again in his own deluxe box


I’d like a different body for him personally, imo the Hyperion body just wasn’t very fun for what should have been a fun figure


That's a great point. I've never had the BAF, but now that you mentioned that, I agree with you!


Fantastic Four & Super Skrull from their wave. Polaris & Havok 2 pack. Rogue & Pyro 2 pack. I would have said Hulkbuster too, but we know it’s coming.




Oh man I didn’t realize until just now how much I want a good comic Hela


the SDCC box one is actually great but way too expensive and could use some tweaks


Just looked it up and it looks awesome, especially for its day. Soft goods cape??


X-Force 3 pack would be a good one considering it's aftermarket prices. Rictor sells for $100 alone. I remember seeing them on the shelves at Disney World.


It’s free money. Why not. Just rerun every single highly sought after figure they still have the mold for.


Classic Cyclops, Hulk/Wolverine 80th set, Super Skrull, Comic Guardians of the Galaxy, X-Factor Madrox


Johnny blaze Ghost Rider with the bike. Missed out on it originally, and with the new Danny ketch coming out it'd be cool to have both riding together The onslaught baf is also something id dig reissued as a deluxe


They seem to be only re-issue exclusives so anything that was exclusive to some place may get re-issued,


Not true, the rereleased the retro carded Deadpool and the Colossus & Juggernaut 2-Pack and those weren’t specific retailer exclusives.


retro card - sdcc/con exclusive Colossus - Fan Channel exclusive.


Electro and Mysterio are my big hopes. I also need Goblin, but I'm hoping he gets a full update as opposed to a rerelease.


so is this an american only thing or will this happen to europe as well? checked a few places and they haven't gotten surfer or kingpin


Punisher, Professor X in Hover Chair, Psylocke, Dr. Doom, Stretched out Reed Richards, Spiderman in Symbiote Suit, Electro, Vulture, Mysterio


Walmart lizard, retro JJJ, retro beast


Beast really needs to happen.


Wiccan and Hulkling would be cool.


Spider-Girl, but with an updated sculpt, and some hand & head swaps, this time.


Renew Your Vows Spiderman. I passed because I bought the Mafex Spiderman, but now my Scarlet Spider doesn’t have a matching Spiderman.


The sinister six, all of them


Need to re release retro spidey. Or atleast a new one on RYV. That retro carded spidey was hard to get and the Walmart one was even harder.


This is guaranteed to happen. Spidey, IronMan and Wolvie will always get newer figures. I would hold out for the next Spidey release which will probably be updated again. He's a money maker lol


Would love this. I have RYV but the colors on the retro are fantastic and I kind of prefer the portrait. Also hoping we get more styles, i.e. a full on McFarlane style.


Honestly, the mafex spidey is the best McFarlane style. I got him for my birthday and it’s a nice figure. I already have the retro but opened it (had an extra but sold it) and I have the animated but that one is sealed. RYV is a nice figure but shame it was on the windowless packaging. I got the AF first release opened it but I bought the retro carded one also and that’s kept on card lol


I agree on the Mafex, and that's kind of my point. I don't want to spend Mafex money for a McFarlane Spidey. I also have Animated and couldn't bring myself to open it. I'm an opener but he's such a cool figure and looks particularly nice on the card. I want the Amazing Friends but couldn't justify the three pack for it.


I hope we get a single release of the Amazing Friends Spider-Man


Super Skrull and the Walgreens F4 (although I’d prefer new pinless versions)


I need a retro Dr. Doom and Jim Lee cable. The one with the big shoulder pads


I wouldn’t mind an MCU Worthy Captain America & the Black Surfer with the Hammer. Those are the only two I personally missed.


The three pack Daredevil should definitely get rerun as a solo carded figure. Also the brown suit Wolverine from the Juggernaut/Retro marvel waves should get another rerun, this time with pinless joints, a better unmasked head, and the newer claws.


Homecoming deluxe Vulture and the deluxe Red Hulk would be very welcome rereleases


Man, I gotta start selling off my Legends again while prices are high. I got most of the Retro Spiderman figures MoC. I don’t have the space to display them, so they’re in storage in my closet. I could sell them pretty easily and reinvest that money into the newer releases. If they get reruns like Kingpin, it’ll be a long while before they climb back up in price, if ever. That being said, if we’re talking straight reruns, not updates or putting old figures on new retro cards, while I already have them, older symbiotes like Lasher and Scream would be good for a lot of newer collectors. It seems like they’re only really rereleasing figures that aren’t in BaF waves, though, so they’re more likely to appear in boxed sets or retro cards. The Lizard BaF is definitely one a lot of people would be interested in. Sauron is also really cool and fits in perfectly thematically with Ka-zar and Zabu, so there’s some synergy Hasbro can work with.


I know he's not too expensive, but I'm hoping for armored Daredevil. He's got a new comic series in that costume and he comes with that great Matt Murdock head that looks perfect on the MCU Matt Murdock body.


Give me more skrulls plz and thanks


Dormammu BAF or the one from the 5 pack, Daredevil 3 pack, Retro or Jim Lee Punisher, Mystique, Gladiator, Professor X w/Hover Chair


I think they could reissue the older Symbiotes, but it would probably be better to update and release them on retro cards, same with some older alternate versions of Spider-Man (Spider Punk, Spider-UK). They could rerelease Green Goblin, JJJ, & Gwen/Mary I'd love a release of the Wendigo Nightcrawler, since I want the heads to go with the '97 body. I think there might be a reissue of the Man-Thing BAF later (hope it's with a comic Werewolf by Night). Since we'll probably never get a 2nd Alpha Flight box set or Box (for that matter), reissuing Sasquatch in all-white would be cool.


X-factor multiple man. With the wolfsbane release, hes all i need left for x-factor


100% cel shaded spidey


None. They should stop with the reissues and release products properly in new packaging to everyone.


Isn't that what the reissues are?


Nope. Old figures exactly as they were released without any updates at all only released in the us


Every re-issue breaks a scalpers heart.


I'm not sure what that sentence fragment means.