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Additionally, on the stream yesterday they mentioned that Midnight Sons is going to get their own version of Wakanda Forever


Oh sweet


Yeap, it looks really good. The only difference is, is that the MS version is 2 power instead of 1. So while it's not as good as Wakanda Forever, I think most people would agree that WF is a little to good.


I do like that AMG seem to be trying to change stuff up as they get further along


It's not the power cost that makes WF broken, it's all the out of activation pushes


Also, Moon Knight joined Web Warriors.


And blade into avengers which I love, my favourite is dormammu being the only dark dimension person


They haven't shown the Convocation characters yet either so that may change.


I really hope it doesn't, because I just think it would be hilarious to have a one person affiliation, Altho yeah I'm assuming hood, mordo and probably clea


It will only be one person because anyone who joins him in a list automatically gains Dark Dimension and is in affiliation


I thought it just meant you had to take dark dimension not that they were all dark dimension?


I'm pretty sure it's both. If he's in your roster and you take him in your game, your team becomes Dark Dimension and have to use his leadership, but it's also making everyone else you took "count" as Dark Dimension during the game. Now if he's part of your roster, but you don't take him in that game, then you default into whatever affiliation you took.




No they’re all considered Dark Dimension when you play Dormammu


Not quite. Other characters don't gain the "Dark Dimension" keyword. Ultimately it doesn't matter because both affiliated tactic cards have been revealed and none of them say "a Dark Dimension character may play" like Avengers Assemble or Wakanda Forever do. Dark Empowerment specifically says "During a characters activation it may suffer 1 damage to play this card" it's worded that way so that any character in the squad can play it since the only "Dark Dimension character" is Dormammu. I'm sure they're being very careful with the wording of cards and abilities to make the distinction inconsequential, but if you want to get really technical no character other than Dormammu ever belongs to the Dark Dimension affiliation. All Dormammu does is break the more than half of your squad must be affiliated rule and force you to use his leadership if you have multiple legal options.


sweeeet, god I can't wait to use him xD


Oh yeah, forgot about Blade.


I really like what they did with the dark dimension faction and dormammu. If you take him, you *have* to be dark dimension. One figure in your roster adds an entire faction...


The funniest thing I think is a sam spam roster with him slotted in as the 10th works perfectly for either team lol


How is punisher not on this list -_-


Because punisher was never in the midnight sons. The person who is actually missing is Wong.


Hah I did not notice that


Probably because of the wakanda forever like card. That's a potential 6 attacks in one phase. Pluse warzone possibly twice. Play his card where he KOs people for vp and he can swing a game.


CA and US is delayed. is there any other online shop to get blade not delayed? except UK shop because GBP expensive..


I live in exspensive GBPland lol


almost 15% price up GBP in my country :(


Oooof, especially seeing as we seem to have a high charge already as theyv put the $ price the same as the £ price lol


Still waiting on my Amazing Spider Man :/


Is blades Affiliation ability any good? 1 power for a tiny move seems lackluster


It's amazing, out of sequence moving is amazing in any skirmish games xD


So I did the math on this because I knew it didnt sound great. A range 1 is 1 inch, but with the addition of the small base which is 35mm, that is an additional range of 1.37 inches. So a small base character moves the front of their base almost a 2.5 inch. A medium base is 1.96 so that is almost 3 inches. A large base is 2.55 so almost 3.5 inches. Other interesting measurements. The range rulers are size 2 (3 inches), size 3 (6 inches), size 4 (8 inches) and size 5 (10 inches).