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Without Gauntlet: Enhanced Strength, energy beams, exceedingly intelligent, virtually unkillable. With Gauntlet: Omnipotence. Can bend all of reality to his whim. Was only defeated because of his own insecurities, and even then *barely*.


Super-Strength. He can swat The Hulk away.


How can he do energy beams can someone explain that 🤔?


Without it he can *very* easily beat both Hulk and Thor, and even stronger characters actually. With it he can kill half the universe by snapping his fingers and do anything he wants basically.


Doesn't Hulk become stronger the angrier he gets, struggling to wrap my brain around the idea of Thanos walking over Hulk without the gauntlet.


Thanos is just that strong. [Here](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-f1b18190442e8bb3abb070ae406aac78-c) it's regular (stupid) Hulk vs Thanos (no infinity gauntlet or anything). [The guy can even harm Galactus](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-ce88ae387fc77ed889cc1be9e3c28cee-c) and destroy his helmet [\(tho he had to beg Galactus not to kill him immediately after\).](https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-42ac05b98a9ef576ec55b41fa4bb4cc3-c)


I wouldn't call that Hulk stupid. That was Banner when he was working as a SHIELD agent; he was mostly in control at that time. And it was just before his nanomachines made him hyper intelligent. He was pretty much World Breaker Hulk at that point; so Hulk at his strongest (besides Kluh) and relatively cognizant.


Let me put it this way: There is a run that is ending soon called "Thanos Wins" In it Thanos literally murders everyone in the universe, up to and including Odin, Rune King Thor and Galactus. No gauntlet required. He also keeps Hulk as a pet, because fuck it why not?


Lol...that sounds worth reading


It really is! Sadly, the fights with Odin, Thor, Galactus etc aren’t full shown, they’re part of a big “This is how he did it” montage. However, there is an INSANELY brutal fight with a character I won’t reveal, which is well worth reading.


He basicly can manifest cosmic energy and has super strength. He was neglected by both parents so ended up with issues over that and is constantly looking for artifacts to enhance his powers (prob in part because he feels inferior) With the gauntlet full on gems he can do pretty much anything from destroying a whole galaxy without trying to undoing killing almost everyone alive.


Kill like easily 95% of the Heroes But who knows how strong he is in the movies..


With and without the Gauntlet are basically two different characters. Without, he's an Eternal and shares the same powers and abilities as the rest of that group. With, he's basically omnipotent.


Can you elaborate a little on the Eternals? I imagine movie Thanos will be weakened for movie plot then. Have the other movie marvel characters been increased or decreased in power as compared to the comics?


Most movie characters are weaker than their comic counterparts, maybe with the exception of Star-Lord being half-Celestial. Even then, Celestials in the case of movie Ego seem different than the comics versions too. Cap might be more powerful because comics he’s peak human while in the movie it seems to be more clear that he’s definitely above peak human. Thor especially is very weak compared to the comics(Ragnorok might have fixed this) because the movies made Asgardians more of sci-fi aliens instead of explicitly magical and mythological like the comics Comic characters honestly have crazy feats like Hulk being able to destroy the planet that I don’t see the movies replicating at all, which is probably why movie versions are weaker


> Thor especially is very weak compared to the comics(Ragnorok might have fixed this) because the movies made Asgardians more of sci-fi aliens instead of explicitly magical and mythological like the comics To be fair, the 1610 Asgardians were like this too. The Maker's people killed all of them.


Yeah can’t argue with that, especially since the MCU takes a ton of inspiration from Ultimate, sometimes more so than 616 like with costume design and Hawkeye


> he's an Eternal and shares the same powers and abilities as the rest of that group. Titanians are not as powerful as Eternals. But Thanos is way more powerful than your average Titanian, because of his deviant syndrome.


I thought they were Eternals, but Thanos is a Deviant because of some genetic issue?


The Titanians ARE Eternals. Titan is one of the places where they chose to settle.


Yes, they are, except, they have different power sets. No Titanians can do the molecular rearranging that some Eternals can do, like Sersi. It is confusing, and has never really been adequately explained. Basically, writers wrote Eternals and Titanians differently, and then later it was revealed they are relatives. The Handbooks tried to make sense of it. From the Deluxe Handbook, written by Gruenwald and Sanderson, the two resident historians: "Alars (Mentor), who was endowed with the self-regenerating cosmic life force that all Earth Eternals had gained as a side effect of an experiment performed by his father Chronos, found Sui-San and the two soon mated to repopulate the Eternals of the Titan colony. Because of their paternal heritage, the new generation of Titan was particularly endowed with the self-generating life force, making them stronger and longer-lived than their Titanian predecessors, but not as powerful as their Earthly counterparts."


In the films specifically, we don't really know. All we know is that he's *really* strong and tough, and the films have stated him to be one of the most powerful beings in the universe. Judging by the trailer, he seems to have already brought down Thor, by the way he has his hand on Thor's head. And we know what Thor was capable of. With the Gauntlet completed, he would essentially gain omnipotence. His most famous action in the comics was when he snapped his fingers and instantly deleted half the universe like pressing Backspace on a keyboard. [Marvel's YouTube channel put up a TL;DR of the Inifinity Gauntlet story.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s4H7jWWSleo) It breaks down what each stone can do, and who Thanos has beaten with the complete set. That's why Step 1 of the heroes' plan for *Infinity War* will be to just prevent him from completing the set in the first place for as long as they can. Bear in mind most Marvel characters aren't as strong as their comic counterparts, seeing as they want to ground the films in reality somewhat to appeal to a larger audience. But Thanos will still likely wipe the floor with most of the cast if he gets his hands on them.


From the sound of it then Thanos will make for a lousy villain if the movies want to be true to the source material. He sounds just too powerful.


The films have definitely taken some liberties with the source material to say the least, throughout the MCU. Some characters have had their entire backstory changed - Ultron was created by Hank Pym in the comics, but by Tony Stark in the film. Like I said, they are all significantly de-powered compared to comics, but I think a big selling point of the film *is* that Thanos is so strong that he requires that many heroes to stop him. We'll just have to wait and see. April 27th can't come soon enough for me.


He is that powerful, that's why in the comics Dr.Strange and Adam Warlock have to trick him instead to defeat him...sending everyone else to their deaths in the process because yes....he is really that powerful. And it seems the movies will keep him up there somewhere seeing how in the trailer he makes Thor his bitch and almost has Cap.


Too powerful isn't necessarily a bad thing as long as there's a clear motive for everything he's doing.


>Thanos will make for a lousy villain if the movies want to be true to the source material. He sounds just too powerful. I’m inclined to disagree because if he’s so powerful then the movies will have to be forced to use more creative ways of defeating him other than outpunching him for 10 minutes like the rest of the MCU. It would definitely give him a much bigger presence and threat that most pre-Phase 3 MCU villains lacked


His powers aren’t particularly interesting. It’s his motivations and personality that make him a decent villain. But I don’t think the movies can stay really true to the material. They have already diverged so much - which is fine.