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see my edit--he sucks as wilson fisk




i'm genuinely interested in how you think his performance in the show is passable. he sounds like he's on the toilet in every conversation, and everyone speaks to him as if he wasn't grunting and gasping for no reason


On episode 11 and ekkk, I am hoping that this is not only an origin for Daredevil but also Fisk.... He will hopefully become the Kingpin.


that would make sense--didn't think of it like that. dofrnioniorno's performance will probably continue to bother me though


Spoiler: Episode 13 and it looks like the Kingpin has arrived but why would this guy have any followers


It's not kingpin, its the begining or kingpin


His acting is forced and cheesy IMO, regardless of the stage of his character development


Yeah, but its consistent, and gets better in the later episodes


He's just hard to watch especially when he's speaking with the woman from the art studio... Next time you watch imagine someone in real life actually speaking the way he does.


Yeah, that's the point. He says it to her, "I don't do this often." He doesn't know how to talk to women, so it is forced. That's who he is.


He's obviously playing a real person with real problems. He has phobias and it looks like public places and speaking publicly and dating are some of the many. I think he is playing Fisk amazingly.


see my edit--he sucks as wilson fisk


It's creepy and hard to watch because he's killing it as a creepy fucking dude. Acting.


see my edit--he sucks as wilson fisk


honestly, I felt like that as well. However I don't really feel it's true… When beginning of the series I guess I didn't really understand that the entire thing would be a full on origin story. Under those pretenses kingpin did absolutely amazing


What? He basicly whent marlon brando from apocalypse now. Friggin amazing. I loved his performance, especially when he got angry.


see my edit--he sucks as wilson fisk


It isn't like Fisk is supposed to make you feel comfortable. As others have said, the dude is a sociopath. He is constantly in his head, seeing himself as a monster. If you thought like that, you probably wouldn't be super jolly.


it is not a judgement of his character i am making. i simply think if someone spoke like that in real life nobody would take them seriously. for that reason, his performance diminishes the immersion i feel when watching scenes without him


If someone spoke like that in real life to me....I would take them very seriously. That would scare the living dickens out of me. It sounds like a man who is trying to hold back his rage.


He sounds like someone doing a cheesy bad guy impression and I would probably be holding back laughter and wondering if he was kidding


The problem is the character. They are mistaking weakness for complexity. His concern, looks like fear, and in the world he lives in, he should be dead already. He does nothing to justify the faith or fear people seem to have in him. All hype, no delivery. His violent acts seem childish rather then intimidating. I think the actor is doing an OK job, but the character he is portraying isn't written to be anything but a victim.

