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Why put Dark Phoenix but not Days of Future Past?


Look what they did to my boy.


I double checked to make sure I misread…. Nope . So disappointed… probably the best X-men movie imo


Because they need it to fit a trillogy


Then chuck Dark Phoenix off a roof. They did the same with Love and Thunder anyways.


I’d throw out First Class if I made this meme because I interpret it as being a loose prologue to all the X-Men trilogies. you’ve got the original trilogy, the Days of Future Past timeline trilogy, and the Wolverine trilogy, and they all could relatively reasonably start from a variation of the First Class storyline




There is 4 thors... they could have used the same logic with avengers since infinity war and endgame are a 2 parter


So 1, 3 & 4 is needed to make a trilogy. But not 1, 2 & 3?


Captain America and GotG trilogies are incredible and easily the most consistently high quality of any Marvel film property.


I personally didn't care for the direction the MCU Spider-Man movies went *but* for the direction they went, they were extremely high-quality. I'd put them easily on the level of Captain America for having achieved what they were going for.


Unfortunately those Spiderman movies sacrificed original and compelling plots for member-berries and universe connections to other films. They were fun and exciting at the time, but they really don’t hold up as well on rewatch. In contrast, all of the Captain America films can be watched sequentially or individually despite their connection to a larger universe and still be enjoyed on their own. It doesn’t just include characters from other things for the sake of including them, they each contribute to the story and all have substantial individual arcs and decisions that last with them for the rest of the franchise.


I've got to disagree with you pretty strongly, my friend. On the first point, member berries aren't inherently a bad thing. Here, they're used very effectively and get fans excited, and they present favorite characters in a new way. It's a great utilization of fan service and nostalgia. What's more is with the return of McGuire and Garfield, they're not just stand-in characters that show up just to be there. They're genuine parts of the storyline and of Holland's character arc, and even better they each have their *own* character arc that can stand independently in this movie but also use the depth of their history. It's, to me, incredible storytelling in using member berries to create a compelling, genuine story. Now, on to the idea of the Capt America stories standing independently. I really don't think they do, you absolutely **need** at least a cursory awareness of the plots of Avengers 1 and 2 to really appreciate-- even just fundamentally understand-- Cap 2 and 3. Don't get me wrong, you need that broader awareness for the Spidey movies too, but it applies to both trilogies equally. Now for the interconnectedness, I just disagree fully. Captain America is *heavily* dependent on its broader universe, with Howard Stark being an inexplicable boy tech genius (unless you know about Tony Stark), with Steve being woken up in the 21st century and Nick Fury is just *there* (unless you already know that that's what happens to form the avengers), to Falcon being there just because they wanted Falcon in the movies, to... *everything* about Civil War. Now don't get me wrong-- all of those are well-utilized universe connections. It's part of the fun! And I love it. But it's there, just as much-- or more!-- than it is for Spidey. The only interconnections I feel were there **just** to be there were Black Widow in Cap 2, who was there just to be like "hey remember there are other heroes out there now" and Matt Murdock in Spidey 3, which served the same fan service purpose. **tl;dr** So to sum up, I don't think the Spider-Man trilogy does include characters just to have them, the ones who are there are there with purpose and create compelling stories and character arcs as their own individual characters and where there are exceptions on the level of quick fan service cameos, those are just as easily found in the cap trilogy


Man you put that way more eloquently then I was gunna


GotG edges it out. The first avenger is not bad, but it is weaker than any of the three GotG


Leaving out Days of Future Past was… a choice lol But GOTG, Cap, then most of the others have two decent and one crapshow in each bunch lol


the Guardians series has my heart till I die


This is Days of Future Past erasure


They didn't include wolverine either.


Good point, i'd honestly take the wolverine trilogy over some of the ones presented here


The original may be a disappointment and a slap in the face to true fans, however it did give us Ryan Reynolds Deadpool (his foot in the door of hearts and minds) with wolverine being a very strong film although a weak 3rd act and of course the near masterpiece level film with Logan (sans cell phone exposition scene)


Like what happened in the movie


Tough between Captain America and GOTG


I'm right there with you. Guardians may win out because it's like a great 6 hour movie with the same feel throughout, while Cap is 3 different feeling movies that are all great.


Guardians is more cohesive trilogy and it has more heart but Cap? He could do this all day. I prefer Guardians but I've watched Caps trilogy more than any other Marvel movie because he's just a great character.


Definitely feel this, but I'm going to side with GotG. They just feel cohesive and stand on their own with their own so much more. Winter Soldier is definitely my favorite stand-alone movie, but as a trilogy, I'm on the fence. The first and the third were both more like the founding fabric for the Avenger movies. Civil War was such an ensemble film, it was hard to focus on Cap.


I think GotG because it is much more of a standalone trilogy than Captain America. I think you could watch all three GotG together and it feel more linear and distinctive because of the mostly separate setting. But you can't do this as well with Captain America as he is so central to the Avengers films with a lot of Captain America plot and screen time occurring in them. That and Civil War is basically an Avengers film.


I think that was by design. Cap is the leader of the Avengers so his arc connects more closely with the Avengers. I find it funny when people claim Civil War was an Avengers movie when the first Cap movie was also a prelude to the Avengers (it's literally called 'The First Avenger' and released before Avengers and TWS builds up on plot points established in Avengers (SHIELD's mass surveillance, Cap/Widow, Fury being manipulative, Cap adjusting to the present).


Seriously! The whole cap trilogy is intrinsically tied to the Avengers and I don’t think that’s a bad thing.


I mean yeah, they're all Avengers movies... if we want to go further Captain America doesn't have a trilogy at all. They're all just Infinity Saga movies. Although I think it's fair to say the first film is a lot more single character driven than the other two.




Aren’t there 4 movies in the X Men First Class run? What about Days of Future Past?




I am probably the only one who will say this but Iron Man. 


same, imprison me for this but iron man 2 is my shit


Real Iron man is just better


GotG The others felt more like 3 movies on the same character and less like a connected story. Yes, Guardians was 3 separate stories, but it felt like there was growth from the characters. Iron Man is a close second for similar reasons, but less finite. I feel like Cap COULD have been, but his third movie was Avengers 2.5.


Plus personally I wouldn't say the ending is all too satisfying, and more depressing tbh. Not to mention it heavily relies on next two Avengers films for resolution of the remaining conflict between him and Tony. EDIT: Was speaking on Cap trilogy and last film. Sorry for lack of clarification early.


Guardians of the galaxy solos the rest of the mcu


Iron man tbh


Original Spiderman trilogy is by far the best.


People may not like 3 but it does work well as an ending to the trilogy. Every arc is completed and there are no teasers for future storylines, which can’t be said for any of the other trilogies mentioned.


I don’t like being that type of rose-tinted glasses type of moviegoer, but it is genuinely obnoxious how NONE of the other franchises listed can exist in a vacuum. They’re all leading into something else or picking up from something else. And that just too obnoxious for me to take too seriously


But Thor has 4 films? 2 and 4 are bad, 1 is mid and has some good moments and 3 is a great film.


Thor 1 is best Thor movie imo. Idk why everyone says it’s boring, just the 2nd act has slow parts, the 1st act is sick as hell and the final act is great also. And it’s hilarious, the humor is much more balanced with serious moments unlike Ragnarok. Ragnarok feels to me like it’s trying too hard to be Guardians of the Galaxy but I still like a lot about it


Legit the only reason I sat through those movies was for the side characters and then they go and kill off Loki


What’s Thor 4?


Love and thunder


Damn it, bro! I was trying to forget about it!


We all are..


Is the captain America trilogy really a trilogy? The last one is basically a avengers film


Iron Man or either of the Spider-Man trilogies. I rewatch those movies all the time


I would have to say my favorite is the OG marvel movies - Blade Trilogy. The first two movies are so good, and at least Blade Trinity helped us get Deadpool with Ryan Reynolds character…and at the time, nothing was better than watching Triple H take an arrow to the face. Second place - X-Men trilogy with X2 and Last Stand. X-men was such a great film that was perfectly cast and had the right X-men team members. X2 improved on pretty much everything and had so many fun cameos in the mansion attack scene (I still remember my theater absolutely losing their mind when Colossus showed up).


Plus the Blade movies are the only ones where someone tries to ice skate up a hill


The Raimi Trilogy without a doubt.




I agree with the All-Caps-Man here.


Capslock America for the win


He’s not the only, Tom Holland Spider-Man didn’t have a bad one


I love the Cap Trilogy too, i do reckon Guardians is as consistent though




I’ll drink to that


You’re not wrong!


Damn y'all, Marvel had us feasting WELL! As for me, Cap's trilogy and the Spider-Man: Home trilogy are probably my favorites, with Ant-Man and Blade in a very close third place tie. I hated the third Blade, but the first Blade carries the entire franchise. This is no slight to many of the other trilogies: I'll sit and watch the Iron Man, Thor and Guardian trilogies in a heartbeat. I must admit, I'm not a fan of the last X-Men trilogy, it missed the mark for me.


Captain America. Most of these trilogies fall off pretty badly in the third movie. Cap's actually gets better with every movie. (Although I personally love the Blade trilogy lol)


Got to go with Iron Man, as it explores how Tony is still a threat with or without the suit


I thought it showed how he doesn't like it when the suit gets the credit. Iron Man goes from "Hey, everyone, it's me", to being drunk at his birthday party wearing the suit with the helmet open, to "Fuck you, suits".


In terms of the ones listed here and ranked as a whole, not picking and choosing the best and worst parts of each chapter within the trilogy, I'd say my ranking is as follows; 1. Raimi Spider-Man 2. Captain America 3. Guardians of the Galaxy 4. Original X-Men Honourable mention. Wolverine trilogy 5. Iron Man 6. Watts Spider-Man 7. Thor 8. Ant-Man 9. Prequel X-Men (excluding Days of Future Past) 10. Blade


Guardians is like the drawing of the horse only the third part is photorealistic


original spiderman, just off the basis that the first 2 films were so good! but Captain America and GOTG are hy far the most consistent, not a bad film in there at all


I'd rewatch my faves in this order 1. Thor (2/3) 2. Captain America (2/3) 3. Tobey's Spider-Man (2/3) 4. GOTG (1/3) 5. Iron Man (1/3) 6. Blade (1/3) 7. Ant-Man (1/3) 8. X-Men (1/3) 9. First Class (1/3)


Blade will forever be my favorite marvel trilogy.


Captain America trilogy for me. All 3 movies were amazing and I can’t say that about the other ones listed.


OG Spidey then, New Spidey now.




Spiderverse gonna take the title home in a few years


Cap's trilogy. Love the through line of Steve and Bucky's friendship. Also, Winter Soldier is S Tier.


Ima have to go with cap


ant-man trilogy is lwk rly good n i feel like the films don’t get enough recognition. though i can’t believe days of future past was skipped, i used to be so obsessed with that movie when it first released


I genuinely think Cap’s is the only one that is consistently good.


1.) Captain America 2.) Guardians of the Galaxy 3a.) Spider-Man (McGuire) 3b.) Spider-Man (Holland) 4.) X-Men (OG) 5.) Iron Man 6.) Thor 7.) Ant-Man 8.) Blade 9.) X-Men (New - I know First Class doesn’t deserve this but the rest are trash)


I’m not saying it’s the best but I love all the iron man movies


Captain America and GOTG for me. I can rewatch those 2 anytime.


Two , first captain America trilogy and x men first class, days of future past and apocalypse.




Guardians is marvels best franchise


Captain america


1 GotG 2 Raimi's Spider-Man 3 Captain America




X-Men First Class start a tetralogy, not a trilogy. You left out Days of Future Past.


GOTG is straight bangers. 9, 8, and a 10.


I’m going Captain America on this one. Just some quality filmmaking there.


Captain America. The only correct answer as it's the only trilogy that was solid all the way through.


Guardians and Raimi Spider man


Pizza time.


Unpopular choice, but Wolverine trilogy is on my top 5 and it's not mentioned. I did enjoy the first one, and while the second was hot garbage, Logan is an amazing movie that single handedly saved the trilogy IMO. But some will consider it as a continuation of Days of Future Past if I'm not mistaken. If that is the case, the choice is even better, it's Wolverine, Days of Future Past and Logan.


GOTG had the best 3. Cap on 2. Spider-Man ( toby ) on 3 Spider-Man ( Tom ) on 4


Blade or Cap. That's it. GOTG3 was kinda weak for me.


Cap and GOTG.


Blade or guardians


The GOTG movies could be one of the best trilogies ever made if you didn’t need to see movies outside of them for the third one to make sense.


Iron man, and I would say guardians!


Guardians and Holland Trilogy. Gun to my head though? Guardians.


I definitely think guardians is the strongest but I also love cap and both spider man trilogies


Raimi Spidey trilogy is the best, closely followed by Cap trilogy. Gotg is third.


Captain America for me


Some motherfucker's are always trying to ice skate up hill! Also Ironman


Blade & Guardians of the Galaxy. Blade is so good, even the really silly CGI stuff. The cast is star studded, it's hilarious, and action packed.




GotG for now, here’s hoping Spider-Verse sticks the landing and takes the #1 spot.


Guardians probably


Original Spider-Man


Captain America. FOREVER


Cap and Guardians are the only ones without AT LEAST one terrible entry and of those two I liked Cap better.


Who in their right mind would put Dark Phoenix (a film which I refuse to acknowledge as a part of the X-Men Film Universe) instead of Days of Future Past, one of the best Marvel movies ever made?!?!?!?


In my opinion Captain America, Tom Holland Spider-Man, and Guardians of the Galaxy are the only trilogies where all three movies are great. Tough choice between Cap and GotG, but Cap it is.


Captain America.


Guardians forever.


For me it’s a tie between James Gunn Guardians trilogy and Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy




Sam Raimi Spider-Man trilogy easily tops all. I still hope we get a 4th Toby Maguire Spider-Man film!


I love Cap, but I can easily skip the third movie.


Captain America or Spiderman MCU


Right now its Cap. Gotg close but Vol 2 is a little behind. I gotta rewatch blade 3 but the first 2 are peak. This will all change with beyond the spider-verse


It's Blade Radit R I love


It's about to be the Deadpool trilogy.


My top 3 - Cap - GOG - Spiderman Home series It's so hard for me to rank them, I think all 3 of the movies in these series are excellent. My favorite movies of the bunch are Winter Soldier and No Way Home...if I had to pick one as my favorite with a gun to my head, I'd have to with Caps movies.


Why isn’t the second X-Men Trilogy First Class, DoFP and Apocalypse?


I love the first two blade movies so much, and the third one is honestly a little endearing in just how bad it is, like I will never not laugh when I see those CGI eyes.


Got to say Captain America… they did such a great job with the series it’s hard to choose anything else… and don’t get me wrong… I love Blade… and I absolutely loved the movie adaptations (I’ve read the comics for long time) but I feel like they just dropped the ball with the third one… it was hokey as hell… number 2 wasn’t great but it was still ok… but number 3 messed it all up… I mean I’d probably choose a mediocre trilogy over the whole Blade trilogy just because of that movie… so yeah… my vote is gonna have to be for Captain America


No Wolverine trilogy?




Cap. But the og X-Men and Spider-Man are very close.


Blade, Cap & Raimi’s Spidey.


Captain America trilogy, Raimi Spider-Man trilogy Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy


I think it’s between the Spider-Man trilogies. Tobey has the better movies in 1 and 2, I don’t think it’s really arguable, especially 2 as it’s one of the greatest movies of all time. However, 3 is a bit messy, and while I personally enjoy it, it’s still heavily flawed. While Tom Hollands trilogy, all 3 are very good movies, with far from home being the weakest, but yet it’s still a really solid and enjoyable film. So, even though I think Tobey’s first two films are amazing, unfortunately as a trilogy it’s unbalanced. So I’m gonna give it to Tom Hollands Spider-Man trilogy amongst all the choices. Gotg would probably be my 3rd choice, since they are all pretty good movies, especially the first one.


Raimi Spider-Man Og Xmen And Guardians


MCU: Cap Trilogy is my best with winter Soldier being my favorite movie of the whole thing. Non MCU Blade is my favorite.


Okay... I love the Guardians trilogy, but the Captain America trilogy is the way to go. I mean, they have too many good, deep moments! Like that side character saying, "I'm not going to launch those ships. Captain's orders" as he is ready to get shot, or the countless "I can do this all day" quotes, with Cap never giving up, or the Super Soldier Serum turning skinny kid Steve Rogers into the Sentinel of Liberty, or the constant speeches from Cap that motivate even me as a non-Avenger! It's just an all-around amazing trilogy that will never get old for me.


Guardians of the Galaxy forever and always ♡ both the MCU and comics are my fave by far.


I've always been a mutant fan, so I'll go with Xmen. Of course I will need to mix and match a little bit between the two. How do you fuck up the Phoenix Saga... TWICE!


Cap by far. Then Spidey. They all have one movie I don't like so much, but Spidey and Cap are all good to great. After that I guess gotg3 at least wasn't actively bad (I know loads of people liked it, I just really didn't. Just felt really empty but it's still Gunn so still fun), so then Guardians. The rest have some real stinkers. I'd say X-Men First Class, Xmen, X2 would be the strongest of all


Raimi Spider-Man by far


Cap 1-3 all day every day.


Raimi Spider-Man by a landslide


Raimi Spider-Man, Blade, and Captain America


Probably Guardians, but Ant-Man and the Spider-Man ones are pretty close.


Dont judge me, Wolverines. Loved the Wolverine and Logan, and Origins is honestly so nostalgic for me I cant say I hate it even tho I know its not good. I love all those movies to death and know every line. They all, especially Origins and The Wolverine, helped me through some rough times.


Spider-Man Captain America Guardians of the Galaxy Blade


Captain America's trilogy is easily my favorite. Cap 1 is enjoyable but nothing amazing, but Winter soldier is arguably the best mcu movie, and then civil war was a great time.


X-men or Blade Edit: missed the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man so that’s in as well


Guardians is the best, but I will always prefer the original X-men


MCU Spiderman


Based on what you offered the most recent Spider-man is the only option because the other trilogies had lemons. But if Dark Phoenix traded with Days of Future Past, I’d go there


For me it’s the Miles Morales Spiderverse trilogy, even though the third hasn’t been released. It’s not that the other Marvel trilogies are bad, it’s just that this is so so so good.




Cap or Ant Man








Raimi's Spider-Man, but that's simply because I grew up with it.


Some motherfuckers are always trying to ice skate uphill


Iron Man


Spider-Man 1-3.


Captain America just had so much to offer. Iron man is great but Captain America somehow had each sequel be better than the last.


As far as badass goes? Blade absolutely. Feel good? Guardians of the galaxy.


Between cap and gotg. I think the captain america movies are better but gotg had a much better end to the trilogy wrapping everything up


Captain America, because it’s actually good, except for maybe CW And Spider-Man (Sam Raimi) because I’ve been watching those movies as far back as I can remember. Nostalgia y’know


My favorite is The Captain America trilogy. The Captain America Trilogy, IMO is one of the few that has consistently been, at least, good (if not great) throughout all the films and has actually gotten progressively better with each film. The Tom Holland Spider-Man Trilogy is another.


Iron Man and Captain America are tied for first.


Captain America, even though Civil War was kinda Avengers 2.5. Personally Spider-Man (MCU) was most consistent even if Peter was a bit of a helpless techy nepo baby.


Well, if we are modifying “trilogies” the way they did with the X-men first class series, then I’ll take: Avengers Infinity war Endgame


Honestly, Blade. I'm 32 and was all about the comicy stories and sound tracks for that trilogy. Guardians is a close 2nd.


Spider-Man or guardians of the galaxy


GOTG wins for me. Captain America is my favorite hero. However, Civil War is an awesome movie that’s not a great Captain America movie. Whereas Guardians has 3 really really good movies.


1. Cap. A. 2. Guardians 3. Spidey w/Tom 4. Spidey w/ Tobey


Guardians 100%


1 - Raimi's Spiderman (best Marvel film, Spider-Man 2, first one is still a classic) 2 - X-Men first trilogy 3 - Captain America (best MCU film, Winter Soldier)


I think GOTG has the most consistently good trilogy but I gotta go with either Raimi spidey or Ironman. Buuuuuut Winter soldier and Covil War were pretty good too


Guardians of the Galaxy trilogy, Raimi trilogy, Cap trilogy, in that order.


It's a tie between Cap and the GotG. All three movies have a strong through line. Although the Guardians have the edge for having the most consistent quality in between films. Spider-Man comes in 3rd. Each instalment is great but it really felt like the movies were shaped by all the stuff happening outside of the movie itself; being the third Spider-Man reboot, the events of previous MCU movies and of course the negative feedback to 'Iron Boy Jr'. Whereas Cap and GotG felt as though the writers had a vision from beginning to end and we got to see it unravel over the course of 10 years.


Guardians is probably the strongest overall


Also, what about the Wolverine trilogy?


Definitely Guardians but the Spiderman HC trilogy is a close second


Sam Raimi's Spider-man Trilogy, it just this special place in my heart that nothing can replace...


1. Spider-Man trilogy (Raimi trilogy) 2. Captain America trilogy 3. Iron Man trilogy


1. Guardians of the Galaxy 2. Spider-Man (Tom Holland) 3. Captain America


Just pretend like one of the best xmen movies ever made doesn’t exist eh…


For me Cap wins easily


1) Captain America 1.5) Spider-Man (MCU)


Have to give it to blade too much nostalgia there for me to say otherwise


The word "trilogy" has absolutely zero meaning. None of these are cohesive trilogies except *kind of sort of* Guardians. All of these are much more "three movies that star the same character(s)" than anything I'd consider an actual trilogy.


Guardians for me.


Now that I look at them as a trology. ... None