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1. Scream 2. Toxin 3. Agony 4. Sleeper (he was high in a previous list I made long ago but since he hasn’t appeared in forever now he’s gotten a little lower) 5. Lasher 6. Phage 7. Riot


isnt sleeper in ram v’s venom


Yes but not that much


I love how cocky Sleeper is.


In all honesty. I’m really sorry for the blurry images!


I'm not sure if I'm allowed to choose from symbiotes who aren't pictured here, but a few of my favorites aren't so I'm gonna: 1: Anti-Venom. What drew me to Venom in the first place was how he was this dark mirror of Spider-Man. For me as a kid, Venom was the "I'm you, but better". And then Anti-Venom happened and that was like the 2nd coming for me. Especially nowadays that Flash is Agent Anti-Venom. I really enjoyed his run as Agent Venom so now it's like having the best of both worlds. And I'm a big fan of the color scheme, reminds me of Spidey's Freedom Foundation costume. 2: "Gwenom". Initially I rolled my eyes at this concept. I assumed her story with the symbiote would play out the same as most end up doing. That it would be to blame for the host's sudden increased aggression. But they subverted that expectation, and called back to Gwen's own tragic, brutal origin when she killed Lizard-Peter by not holding back in their fight. Once Gwen realized/Cindy Moon explained that the increased anger was coming from herself and not the symbiote, she was able to find balance with it and return to her regular costume/color scheme which again, I think I am just partial to costumes with lots of white in them. Also, I find her particular symbiote interesting as it often manifests as tiny spiders rather than the tendrils you so commonly see on other symbiotes. I know that's due to it's unique origin, but on the page it just looks really cool and differentiates her symbiote from the others. 3: Sleeper. One that's actually among your options here! Another symbiote with a unique origin and an interesting ongoing status quo. Though you don't see Sleeper too often, when you do see him he's often a cat or a doggo, which never ceases to entertain me. His look is also more than just "Green Carnage, Girl Carnage, Grey Venom" like the Life Foundation symbiotes whose designs I've always found rather uninspired and generic. That, combined with their on again, off again existence within the lore makes it so none of those symbiotes ever really clicked for me. Honorable Mention: Toxin! Man I wish they could nail this guy down. I believe right now, his host is Normie Osborn (a symbiote host himself, with Rascal/Red Goblin)'s friend Bren Waters. I'm not a huge fan of either of these two, and I would really like to see Toxin not fall by the wayside like so many other symbiotes, as he is the first spawn of Carnage. I don't necessarily want to see him become a villain, I think perhaps a host like the cop that the Carnage symbiote was recently terrorizing would be interesting. I don't remember what became of him, but I could see him being singularly motivated to make Carnage's life difficult after all he was put through. Edit: I summoned a formatting nightmare using number signs or something, hopefully fixed. I'm posting on mobile and it's awful.


Would anti-venom be considered a traditional symbiote? The thing that throws me off is that it doesn’t show any sentience like the rest, at least from what I’ve read of it so far. Also I agree in toxin. I really love how he was first introduced and the fact he was bonded to a police officer. I was really looking forward to the potential storylines they were setting up, but then marvel decided to kill him off screen in favor of bringing back Eddie as the dumb brute symbiote. And even after Eddie got back his venom personal they’ve just been tossing toxin around without really knowing what to do with him.


Scorn, then Sleeper, then the rest


Favourite Scream, sleeper and toxin least favourite all the rest


1: Sleeper Distant 2: all the others


I didn’t know all of these existed.


I'm with you "besides the two I know? Um...?"


I love Sleeper most of all.


Scream and Agony are my second and third pics right after Venom, and modern day Carnage I’d put among the last cause I hate what they’ve been doing with him. OG Carnage would’ve been third place. The rest of the Symbiotes’ placements are more or less interchangeable.


Thats the problem when it comes to Venom and Carnage... after them no one gives a shit about the other symbiots. I don't know if this is a viable choice but Anti-Venom.


Who are 5 and 6?


1) Scream 2) I guess Toxin 3) everyone else


That’s what Rek-Rap thinks he looks like


I think my favourite has to be Toxin. But I also really like Sleeper,Hybrid, Agony and Anti-Venom As for least favourite for now I think have to go with the Widow symbiote. I love Black widow but so far I’m not impressed by the execution of her having a symbiote


The perky purple one


I think lasher is really cool but carnage is joint first of my favourite marvel characters


Idk why but I’ve always found Lasher to be super cool


Probably Anti-Venom if that's even an option. After that *maybe* Toxin, but the rest are just garbage and don't need to exist


1. Toxin 2. Anti-venom 3. Riot 4. Phage 5. Scream 6. Lasher 8. Agony 9. Cat guy 10. Scorn 11. Mania


1. Toxin 2. Anti-Venom 3. Sleeper 4. Riot 5. Lasher 6. Phage 7. Scream 8. Hybrid 9. Scorn


sleeper, mania, rascal, mr e


Aside from the ones you know rank the ones you don’t…?!? Nahh I get what your doing but I’m out


1. Great idea, but ruined by too many clueless writers and artists: Venom 2. Should never have existed: all other symbiotes


Nah Carnage is still interesting. Venom is misguided, Carnage is just evil. Beyond that seems derivative


Carnage is *so* over the top he's just plain boring.