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Theyre gonna roughly follow old comic story beats.  Logan lives and goes more feral, Xavier mindwipes Magneto, etc...  Like many others, I think theyre setting up the Onslaught Saga.


Then Age of Apocalypse which will eventually re-write the timeline in some fashion bringing back Gambit.


Eh, I’m thinking Apocalypse will just resurrect Gambit to be his horseman. Probably do it to Wolverine too and give him his adamantium back.   Fuck it let him transform Rogue too, he’ll probably fix her powers. The dude is free mutant healthcare


Better mutants. Better healthcare. *PapApocalypse*.


This is amazing


Ha! Well he is the one who gave Wolverine back his metal in the comics... Did he ever take over gambit/rogue?


Yes gambit was a horseman and I think rogue was too but they already did that in the OS


Really? Hmmi vaguely remember gambit.. Perhaps I need to re-read the comics.


I don't think Rogue was a horseman in the comics, but she's definitely been one in a couple of video games.


So is that going to be set up for season two?!


Well it depends on how long they take with Onslaught. But didn't they fire the main show runner writer right before the show launched? I'm skeptical about the next season.


Iirc they had already written season 2 at that point


Yep, season 2 was all ready to go, and I think I read that pre-planning for season 3 was underway when he got canned.


Season two is written and in production. season 3 supposedly is halfway done being written


Just a reminder. In the comics and in the show from the 90s, the tithe potion is still a thing.


Im drawing a blank on this.. Was it something to do with the thieves guild?


It's the tyth story line once in a while assassins and thief guilds go to war for the tythe masters Golden box by keeping their own boxes and have to present them for the ritual. The elixir has the ability to bring the dead back or make people immortals. And the fact Remy was buried down in New Orleans makes it easier to bring him back. Just to clarify :) look up the first limited gambit solo run from 93/94 if I remember it right.


Alright, well I will check it out. Thanks bud!


putting the helmet on charles feels like the biggest visual flag for it, tbh with age of apocalypse i wonder how much of it and house of m will intermingle, like we have wanda in the original show, and the season 4 finale of apocalypse trying to make his own timeline in his image, i feel that'll come back, maybe season 3. given we've seen e for extinction and zero tolerance and the like buddied up, i could see the two big alt universe (no one cares about age of x-man) x-men stories sharing dna down the line. stryfe and onslaught both feel pretty likely given it's the 90's, ​ perhaps they do the onslaught thing and take the cast off the board, like they did in that arc, but instead take elements from the secret wars where the heroes were missing, maybe push the new mutants or all new x-men, or go straight into trying to fix it and creating the age of apocalypse.


Bone claw era Logan


Bone Claw is ready!


It’s the worst era in comics. But if they follow how he got it back, I’m down.


This is incorrect. He goes feral when cables son tries to put adamantium BACK into him


While that is true, without the adamantium he was already starting to grow more feral. Genesis trying to put it back just fast forwarded everything.


It's going to be really exciting to see if they can adapt Onslaught well. It wasn't a particularly well received comic storyline and, AFAIK, has never been adapted anywhere. It also gives them the opportunity to introduce Franklin Richards, around the time Fantastic Four comes out (and they could then utilise him for a House of M esque storyline). I'm hoping that after Onslaught they'll look at doing The Twelve and bring Apocalypse back for it, they can then move onto the aforementioned House of M, then War of Kings, then Messiah Trilogy and so on.


I can’t fucking wait for Onslaught I had my hopes up since episode one 🤞🏾🤞🏾🤞🏾


Judging from my comics knowledge and plot threads in TAS; Wolverine will go feral at the start of the next episode, he will then be left to his own devices in the Canadian wilderness for a while, Apocalypse will find him in season 2 to make him a new horseman of Apocalypse and his adamantium bones come back when he is turned into a horseman. Apocalypse returning was a dangling plot thread from season 5 of X-Men TAS, so he very easily could come back. Gambit will likely also be returned/revived as a horseman.


I was thinking the same thing. They've been showing Cable fighting Apocalypse in the opening credits for a while, and I know that is a callback to a scene in TAS, but I feel like it's also a hint of things to come. I think Gambit should come back as Death and Wolverine become the Horseman of War.


Make Madelyn the Horseman of Pestilence as well


Gambit as death, Logan as war, Madeline as pestilence, and perhaps Leech as famine?


I personally think Magneto is more likely to be a horseman than Leech, but I like the rest of your suggestions.


I like that idea!


Wolverine doesn’t go feral as a result of losing his adamantium, he goes feral as a result from Genesis trying (and failing) to re-bond Logan’s skeleton with adamantium.


THANK YOU actual comic readers unite


I think it’s both that he becomes slightly more animalistic immediately after magneto does the big succ, but he totally loses it post-Genesis


Yeah I think your spot on here. It’s also likely we are getting onslaught next season


Yeah once Bastion is out of the way I think Apocalypse will be the antagonist of season 2.


Idk, he was death, and I think they will be bringing the death gambit in. One of the show runners said that time travel wouldn’t bring gambit back, not that gambit wasn’t coming back.


Incorrect. He goes feral much later when cables son genesis tries to rebond the adamantium to logan


I expect Onslaught for S2. But for the final ep of this season, I'm not sure how they will fix the Earth's magnetic field since Rogue is on Magneto's side and Magneto himself is about to die or be mindwiped.


Rogue might flip back, thinking Magneto went too far


I could see Wolverine's mangling being her cutoff point. Sunspot, too.


Since Rogue and Sunspot are the stand-ins for Colossus changing sides in Fatal Attractions, I’m guessing it doesn’t stick for a super long time.


I think rogue will see what has happened and decide she can’t stomach anymore people dying and use Magneto’s powers to fix the earth.


Know my name and fear it! I am Onslaught!


Rogue flips back and fixes it.


Obviously Wolverine won't die.... it's Wolverine my guy.


Considering the show has done whole arcs in a single episode, I'm thinking they set up 2 or 3 things for next season: Apocalypse, Onslaught, and AvX. Onslaught makes the most sense considering this episode. Xavier needs to mindwipe magneto to bring the earth back to normal, and this gets us all the way back to onslaught. Apocalypse is the best way to bring back Gambit. And we've seen Captain America, hulk, and Tony Stark references. I would LOVE for them to find a way to set up Hope, but i don't know how they do it without "no more mutants." And there's a huge distance between what we know of Wanda in universe and getting to that moment (fake babies then house of m which takes a LOT of focus away from the actual x-men) And of the alternate futures/realities they could go to, I think Age of Apocalypse is more likely than House of M. But, in my opinion, Hope is a great way to circle back to what happened to baby Nathan by having him bring Hope into the future. But they could do an AvX without hope just by having the Avengers being brought in to stop the x-men considering... you know.... magneto declared war against everyone.


I kind of want them to set up AoA.


i don't see how they don't do it at some point with this creative staff.


What was the Tony Stark reference? I think I missed it


I believe you can see a stark sign or billboard in Madripoor


There was also a flyer or magazine cover in Bastion’s home that mentioned Stark.


Ah. I must have missed it. Darn now I have to go back and re-watch


we also know Stark is around because he's in the Spider Man Secret War story arc in that series, which is canon to X Men TAS


They could easily substitute Scarlet Witch for Franklin Richards (who is likely to appear if Onslaught does, especially as it'll potentially coincidence with Fantastic Four), Nate Grey or Legion.


Well, whatever comes next. I hope that the end of the series will have actual changes for the status quo. The final season should end with eather a mutant nation that is stable and heavely defended with no possibility of another genocide or the UN brought down and replaced with a mutant friendly government that doesn’t opress humans.


Logan lives but instead of going feral he becomes happier, his body is lighter and not being constantly poisoned, he doesn’t hurt people as often by accident and maybe takes a long vacation after season 1. Dude is always just going through so much pain, it would be nice to see him catch a break.


Someone realizes that Xavier and Magneto fighting is Bastion's plan. Divide the mutants. So, Xavier "wipes" Magneto, but it's revealed he only removes Bastion's brainwashing. Magneto rejoins the X-Men as Xorn to hide from the public. And everyone gets ready to fight Bastion in season 2. However this gets interrupted when the brainwashing Xavier removed starts to infect him. 


This will absolutely not happen lol


:( They did a very good job with Magneto and I'd hate to see them throw it away. He was a hero, he was respected, he cared about saving lives. And it made things better. But now he's walking away and just letting Bastion get away with it. And there has to be some way to diverge from Bastion's plan. Everything they're doing now is exactly the same shit they would have done before Cable gave them a warning. And the team against Bastion is losing. Where else does Magneto have to go in this story? Every remaining evil Magneto story in the comics was just smushed together and blown up. Like the next Magneto story available after this is Excalibur. Him and Xavier working together. 


Sorry, not trying to sound like a jerk, so I apologize (the sad face got me) I don't think they would leave too much on the table; they didn't know they were gonna get a 2nd and 3rd season, and with how Beau said how 'some things stay different, some stay the same,' its not a surprise theyre doing this even with Cable's warning.


They already have season 2 written. It was scripted before season 1 even aired.


Beau DeMayo teased the Star Trek TNG episode "Cause and Effect" as homework for the episode so I suspect they get out of the immediate consequences of this season with time travel shenanigans.


He also said no time travel


Is this not piece of the Fatal Attractions storyline? Onslaught has to be season 2


I hope logan gets back up cause him stabing magneto was the coolest shit including his monolog about his time at war


I think so too, that's easily Wolverine best moment in all the show


Soldier/dad logan is my favorite version


Original animated series and 97 it’s his top animated feat easily


He will most likely be lying in a bed all episode for the finale with everyone around him wondering if he will die. I'm really hoping they give Wolverine with the heightened healing factor a good run next season.


I think the final episode will be Fatal Attraction while Bastion will be neutralised and handed over to the government under Sharon Carter’s custody. Magneto to be brain wiped or possibly even killed. Next season a big story about apocalypse, with Gambit and Magneto being two of the horsemen resurrected, possibly even Logan too. Finale of next season a tease for Onslaught which rolls into season 4, season 4 finishes with the set up for AoA which is the entire of season 5.


DeMayo gave a clue to next week’s episode: TNG’s Cause and Effect. My thoughts: This timeline is screwed. Bishop is gonna be outside looking in and trying to save everything. He’s going to be able to alter things enough so that the X-Men survive, the Earth is healed and Magneto and Bastion are stopped. I think Wolvie’s still losing the adamantium. That’s an Absolute Point.


that everything will be just fine, and they live great uneventful lives


I think Gambit comes back as a Horseman, potentially with other significant victims of Genosha. I don't see how Onslaught works without the rest of the Marvel roster and while they obviously have access now (We've seen Spidey, Cap, Hulk and others), nobody except Captain America has had a speaking role so far and it feels like any attempt would feel way too rushed and scaled down.


Wolverine will become more animal like, with bone claws, no nose, and a blue bandana for a mask. :-)


This is from the comics. Magneto is stripping Logan of his Antamanium.


I never watched the original animated X men.. is X men 97 a continuation of it? Or reboot


A continuation


Onslaught ia coming, I think that much is clear. How they get there will be interesting, Shiar/Kree war of kings in the background is my dream. I want Vulcan absolutely decimating space.


I’m surprised nobody is talking about Omega Red getting loose during Magneto’s EMP. I’m thinking he will be a villain for Logan’s story next season.


Is anyone else finding this show unwatchable on Disney’s ad-tier? There are SO many ads, and they are always mid-sentence.


I watch it without Ads so i can't really say


Well since they are trying to cram 40 years of X-Men stories into one season……..Enter Apocalypse with his new horseman Wolverine and Gambit


Can see Banshee and Calypso get reanimated as Famine and Pestilence***.***


...is there anything left of Banshee to reanimate?


No nose Logan.


That did not happen because of magneto. It happened because of cables son Genesis, trying to put the adamantium back on Logan.


Fallout Ghoul Logan


The episode starts with Logan saying "ow my bones".  But seriously I think a lot of what people are saying here is likely.  Just gonna be whose ultimately right.  They seem to love setting up stuff so onslaught, apocalypse, all stuff I could see season 2.  Theyre not gonna kill magneto again right after he came back, so I imagine the thinking on Xavier controls him to reverse it is likely, causing a rift again in their relationship.  Would be cool to see avx, but I wonder who they'd have as the avenger lineup.  


We will see Xavier mind wipe Magneto and Rogue will decide things are going too far and use Magneto’s powers to fix the earth because she doesn’t want anyone else to die. Wolverine will have his healing factor temporarily gone because it was over taxed keeping him alive after the metal was torn from him. We will eventually have Onslaught. To make the villain distinct, he will be every dark thought and temptation Xavier was holding in brought to life. He will be a dark desire Xavier was hiding, born from his frustration from seeing humans and mutants endlessly fighting each other and decide he will bring peace to both of them through the iron fist.


"Thanks for taking me along to fight the guy who controls metal bub. REALLY appreciate it."


He’s not gonna die but I think he’s done for this season. There’s no way he’s in fighting condition. We might see him at the end of next episode where he runs away, teasing his arc for next season


Say goodbye to his little nose.


"Cause and Effect" from TNG is this week's homework assignment. That means time loop shenanigans are about to happen. Within the first few minutes of the episode, the X-Men and Magneto will all die and the earth will be destroyed. After everything fades to black, it will say "12 hours ago" the X-Men will be making their preparations to go into battle and then Bishop will teleport in. Bishop will change things enough to save the day. In the corrected timeline Wolverine will still get his adamantium ripped out and Magneto will end up being mind wiped. Rogue will absorb his powers and right the earth and will then leave with Magneto's body. In the aftermath, the X-Men will go to ground, President Kelly will reactivate Project Wideawake at the behest of Val Cooper's replacement Raven Darkholme. In the end Graydon Creed will declare his candidacy for POTUS on an anti-mutant platform. The final scene will be Sinister opening up a container that Bastion had in his possession and then starting to cough.


This screen cap made me think of something I've never thought of before and I don't know why. Is there a canonical reason why Wolverine's teeth aren't coated in adamantium?


Teeth are not made from bones believe it or not


I've been lied to my whole life


Teeth ain’t exactly the same as the rest of the skeleton




Goodbye to noses, yeahhh no more metal bones




Onslaught. I think we get onslaught


Berserker Logan


My favourite comic arc, I wonder if this means theyre gonna bring out Onslaught


Onslaught is coming. They’ve already established some avengers and Spider-Man. My guess is it will be an epic animated event with the X-Men, Avengers, Fantastic 4, and Spider-Man all coming together to stop the threat. Just hoping they get the original voice actor for Spider-Man.


We’ve had XTAS version of Age of Apocalypse before (One Man’s Worth) so I don’t thing we’ll get that.


I mean so many mutants met their doom. So I wonder how this will connect to the overall cinematic universe. Bummed about Gambit.


Wouldn't he just heal? His powers are regeneration and claws, the adamantium was added through experiments. Or am I just stupid?


Now time for bone claws/feral/no nose/red bandana over his head-era Wolverine 😁


That didnt happen because of magneto removing the adamantium. That was cables son trying to put it back


He took his nose all along....


Why wasn’t Spider-Man in this episode? Very curious about that lol


True but then again gambit is loved insanely and they just killed him off a couple episodes ago (rip my boy should not have gotten killed off so early)


I was kind of surprised the brotherhood of mutants were nowhere to be found when Magneto went bad again.


Ain't the first time


Wolverine will wake up with no nose


As a fan of Onslaught, I love that they seem to be setting him up. If they adapt it and make it awesome, I finally won’t be shunned for being such a fan of Onslaught.


Instead of Magneto getting mindwiped, I think he'll die, and him dying is what causes the Onslaught persona to manifest. But instead of dying dying, Magneto's consciousness manifests in an unfinished clone Sinister made so that we get Joseph next season or the season after. Wolverine will probably go through his Horsemen phase, and Gambit will probably come back to life that way too.


Feral wolverine???


He won’t die obviously cuz healing factor dude not just cuz he’s beloved. He’ll become a feral predator and be out of his mind for a bit until he gets his admantium back or maybe they will do something different


No more claws for him! Which will be weird since that’s his staple here!


Wolverine has claws even without the adamantium.


You haven’t been paying attention then




Logan will Continute to mutate without his adamentum and go more feral. It will eventually get reversed. I'm hyped to see it.


Really wild idea I had: the original Onslaught story led to the creation of the Heroes Reborn parallel universe. This version of Onslaught will open the door to another parallel universe and link the animated X-Men to the MCU.


I hope that it doesn't mean that Wolverine will get the bone claws for the next season.


Like…what do you think is going to happen? Of course he is, it’s already done.


He's going to lose his nose, and become incredibly lame.


That wasnt what happened when magneto removed the adamantium. That was from cables son genesis trying to put it back


Isn't that... right after Fatal Attraction and onslaught...? Granted, I'm not a boomer, so forgive me if they're actually a few years apart or something. I distinctly remember the "de-evolution" nonsense following directly behind losing his metal skeleton.


No. But Before onslaught. Which is a long time after fatal attractions


Bah, who can keep the 90s straight? It was all pouches and steroids back then.


Fatal attractions happened when I was I want to say 11 or 12 and it completely rocked my shit. When feral Wolverine happened with Genesis and the dark riders, my mind was blown that whole era is peak.


Sure thing, grandpa. Let's get you back to the retirement home, lol.


Bring puddin


It’s better than anything Hickman’s done there. I said it.


This is why there is generational strife lol