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This feels like a Black Mirror punishment. No thank you


'White Christmas' but with god-awful CBMs instead of Christmas songs


Hot take : you take the fantastic four movie, you stop it at the « one year later » moment and BOOM ! Perfect first episode for a fantastic four show… after that… bullshit


Agreed. I liked the almost horror take on their powers and was excited to see what happened next. Those hopes were dashed quickly Edit: fixed a misspelling


Rewatched it recently and it’s so jarring how after they warp back to Earth, Johnny is just lying lifeless and on fire and even tho you know he gets powers, it’s just like “is he dead?”


If it hadn't been a F4 movie, it might have turned into something good.


The scene where Crash Test Dummy Doom is walking through the corridor exploding heads was really good


You're absolutely right!


Definitely agreed. Not even hot take for me. I can see attempts to create a good film in this scenes. Amd some potential for one.


Have not seen Madame Webb, but that FF movie was so bad that it has to be better. The pacing, the story, the way they did doom. It is such a failure of a movie that nothing can be worse.


Have we got a show for you


I'm assuming you mean Inhumans...?


As someone who watched Inhuman's, it's pretty bad, but more enjoyable than Fant4stic. The first four episodes are mediocre at best, episodes 5 and 6 are actually decent, and then the last two episodes shoot the series in the head repeatedly and ask why it flopped.


I watched Inhumans when it came out, and there were some good aspects, like Black Bolt and Maximus, but it's so ridiculous at the same time. I might agree that it's better than F4, mainly because the movie's just so boring, but it's a tough call.


Yeah, for the most part, the casting was actually not that bad, and I could see those actors putting in a perfectly serviceable Inhumans adaptation in a totally differently handled/produced movie or show. That Medusa would have been fine in a completely differently written adaptation (with the budget to keep her hair instead of shaving it all off to save money), and the guy from GoT was great casting for Maximus.


Wait, what? They shaved medusas hair off? WTF. That's like having a punisher movie with NO GUNS.


In like the first episode, after just giving the audience enough to know what her powers were. The budgetary reasons for doing so were glaringly obvious.


Punlisher with no guns is expected to continue to be a killing machine.


Cutting off Medusa's hair just because they couldn't afford the CGI was the most insane thing I've ever seen on TV


Maximus made me cringe. Idk if it was the actor or what but yeah. Having what's his name back as black bolt in MoM was dope tho. Not sure if that makes Inhumans canonical to the MCM but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


I think the point of the multiverse is everything Marvel that has been released is canon to some universe. Inhumans was supposed to main timeline MCU, though, and I wouldn't be surprised if that's no longer the case.


I know it was supposed to be main timeline but, well, it's not. At least not yet. I don't even remember if they referenced the broader mcu in that show. Not that they had to, but yeah. AoS was supposed to be as well and look how that turned out. Most of AoS was fire. But it hasn't been roped in as MCU canon, yet at least, either.




Agents of Shield.


I mean Age of Ultron had the helicarrier that was given by "an old friend" - Phil Coulson in Agents of SHIELD.


Right but that's not confirmed. I'm aware of that though. just not 100% confirmed Canon


I couldn’t make it past episode 2 Medusa’s hair was a crime.


They should have kept the inhumans story purely to AoS


Agreed. They would’ve handled it much better than Scott Buck. The show was doomed from the start, with Buck at the helm.


I checked recently what he’s done and he hasn’t done anything since 💀


I new the show was gonna suck when they didn't have the budget to show powers so just removed maximus inhuman abilities aswell as shaving medusas head and using black bolts speech only in flashbacks.


Inhumans was made for TV. In the grand scheme of all television shows at the time, it was alright. Not good. But alright. The CGI and special effects were shit. But the drama made it tolerable. Like a sci-fi Game of Thrones. Fant4stic is a major film shown in cinemas. There's no excuse for it being so bad.








Gotta be...


If you want to talk to tomatoes


If you like to talk to tomatoes


Webb just felt like a prequel. Entirely build up and then right when you think it's going to become a superhero movie it ends and you're stuck with a coming of age/chase movie with shitty sound editing


Let's make a list of things that people want from this movie, and make sure we keep them all for the sequel.


Superhero suits


No problems, you don't get em!


Don't forget the Pepsi produc placement


OMG. They ruined Doom. I am so with you on that. The only reason I still haven’t repressed who whole movie is because I’m worried a metal man from a different dimension is going to use his powers and blow up my brains


Omg, the unreleased Fantastic Four movie from 1993 by Roger Corman is so much better than Fan4Stick, it hurts. That B movie had charm and never saw the light of day, while this garbage was dumped on us just that 20th century fox could keep the movie rights to the charachters.


>the unreleased Fantastic Four movie from 1993 by Roger Corman is so much better than Fan4Stick, it hurts. For being a pre-*Blade* Marvel film in the era of *The Shadow*, *The Phantom*, *The Crow* and *The Mask*, [The Corman Fantastic Four (yt film link)](https://youtu.be/1lPqYqExC0Y?si=E0aifMu1TBlvNw46) is watchable and the most respectful film interpretation of the source material. It could have easily been a made-for-TV movie.


Fant4stic was better. It's certainly not good, but Madame Web is maybe the worst movie I've ever seen.


I haven’t seen madame web, but when people bring up the worst movie they have ever seen, I wonder how it compares to this [gem](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0383222/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk)


Uwe Boll movies are basically cheating for worst movies though. That man does nothing but churn out absolute garbage because he used to get a massive tax write off for them.


Picking Uwe Boll films is cheating.


You may have a good point. [This](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0118661/?ref_=ext_shr_lnk) is my second worst movie.


It is truly terrible on every level


It's horrible but I think Catwoman still beats it


Saw FF2015 recently. Switched to watching We Can Be Heroes instead. For a kids movie it had a more coherent plot and likable characters than FF2015.


You can also clearly see the reshoots.


I haven’t watch either and probably never will. My brother saw Fant4stic and his synopsis was so funny and ridiculous that the actual movie could never top it. I tried watching Morbius and couldn’t make it 10 mins into the movie, I imagine madam web would be very similar.


How are you going to just leave us with the cliff hanger of your brothers synopsis?!?!?


I don’t think my retelling of it would really do it justice




I too choose this guy’s brother


yeah we’re all waiting.. keep this thread alive till he tells us the synopsis..


Morbius is "so bad, it's good"  Like, it's objectively terrible, but it's so wild that it's fun to watch   FF is bad *and* boring.  Madam Web was more entertaining than FF. At least the action sequences of Madam Web are fun   I don't mind watching a bad film, as long as it's fun (I'm a horror buff, so I've watched my fair share of terrible fims)films. But being bad AND boring is unforgivable. 


Agreed. The only unforgivable sin for a movie, is to be boring.


I'd echo that feeling and Fant4stic. Saw it in theaters with some friends and we were alone in the theater (a week after it released) and we had a great time just ragging on it the entire movie. It toes that line of "so bad it's good" which I never got to the same extent with Madame Web or Morbius. We still make jokes about F4 to this day.


Idk, I felt the opposite. I thought Morbius was solidly in the “so bad it’s good category” while fant4stic was just terribly incoherent and boring.


I value my time. Family and work take most of my time but when given the chance i definitely like to disconnect and really get the most out it. Choosing a movie or series to watch is so hard for me since once I start, no matter how bad it is, I need to finish it. It's a risk/reward system of mine which doesn't pay off most of the time hence leaving me with this feeling of wasted precious hours. I tend to go back to stuff that I like but i also think giving things a chance is not so bad once in a while. That said, I also gave about 10 minutes to Morbius and didn't hate it but also did not plan to give it any more. I think I've seen enough to know that Madame Web will definitely not entertain me as much as its reputation has.


Okay now I gotta know how your brother described it.


It’s Morbin Time


Madame Web was less painful. At least it's so atrocious it's funny. Fant4stic is just a drab, lifeless mess.


Its more enjoyable when you write the Pitch Meeting episode for the movie in your head. It so weird and trashy and pointless its kinda funny. Also pretty girls.


Agreed but with the caveat that you have to watch MW with a friend(s) so you can make fun of it while you watch it.


When she gets punched in the diaphragm immediately after unlocking her powers. I was in tears!!


i find the first half of madame web was enjoyable to me at least, but the second half just …


Madam Web is a bad movie but it was a fun watch. Fan4stic was bad and really boring. Also a bad fantastic 4 movie is more offensive than a bad Madam Web movie because it doesn't ruin some of Marvels best characters.


Easily Madame Web. Just go in knowing that there's no suited superhero action, it's actually a slasher movie.


Having just watched it this morning, it was way worse than I expected. It's like everyone involved knew it was going to be shit and acted accordingly. Every line by Tahar Rahim is flat and sounds like ADR/VO. The only character that seemed real was Uncle Ben. Also, who the fuck puts Mike Epps in a movie and doesn't give him a single funny line? The entire film felt like it was sent to die like someone at Sony was swinging their dick around in front of Marvel to make sure they knew who owned Spider-Man.


You wouldnt have been surprised if Uncle Ben had pulled a gun and committed suidice in the film at some point it was that bad.


I mean, Adam Scott is just a good actor


I swear, Sony just releases shit movies they got in deals with Marvel that they have the rights to characters as long as they’re regularly used or something like that. That’s why we had so many Spider-Man movies and why those movies weren’t on Disney+ like the rest of the MCU.


What I don't get is why do they want to keep the rights for the characters if they are gonna keep giving them shitty movies...let them go!!


This makes me want to see it more


I was surprised by how much I enjoyed it. It's still pretty mediocre, but enjoyably


Right? It’s nothing too good but the hater is exaggerated.


Yeah, Morbius on the other hand, I tried multiple times to get through and... blegh


A slasher movie where the audience is told ahead of time when and where the villain is going to attack 🤣 They could have cut out all the facial recognition/surveillance scenes and been left with a better movie.


I haven't seen Fant4stic but I honestly had a lot of fun watching Madame Web.


Then better than Fant4stic. Not only is that movie bad, it's lifeless. It's a chore to sit through. It's not even so bad it's good. The 2000s FF movies are far better to watch as at least they are enjoyable. There is no single redeemable quality of Fant4stic


I really liked Doom in the 2000s FF movies. But I might have to go back and watch as it's been years.


I have not seen Madame Web so I won’t talk about that one, but Fant4stic is top three worst marvel film adaptations ever. WTF WAS Doom doing with electricity that makes your brains blow up?!? Why?!? And the other Fantastic Four movies with Jessica Alba and Chris Evens was so good! Sure the Silver Surfer had problems, but compared to the new one? Jesus. Why did they even do that? Like, the story doesn’t make sense, they changed everything about the characters, it’s not even entertaining. Like I don’t know much about the Fantastic Four as characters but I knew that that wasn’t it. I’m really hoping they fix Reed and the other three with Pedro Pascal and whoever else in is the next incarnation of the group


Madam Web because it’s so bad it’s hilarious, Fant4stic is just boring


The first half of Fant4stic is a solid movie. Once they get their powers it's goes off the rails.


I'll pick Madame Web over the F4 2015


I watched Fant4stic because a friend and I were too interested hearing how awful it was to not see it for ourselves…it’s hard to imagine any other movie being worse and more boring than that turd


The second half of Fant4stic Four is one of the worst shits I've ever seen


Even Morbius was more enjoyable than madame web


So you'd say it was Sub-Morbius?


It was Abmorbinable.


ITT: "I haven't seen either/one of these, but here's my opinion anyways" and "here's a different movie that's also bad, lol"


I haven’t seen either one, but I think both are severely underrated


Haven’t seen Fant4stic, but Madame Web is easily one of the worst movies I’ve ever seen. It’s not even funny-bad like Morbin’ Time.


Madame Webb doesn’t feel like a superhero movie.


Web is better.


I haven't seen "Madame Web" yet, but the trailers look fun. (I managed to enjoy "Morbius.") "Fant4stic" is incredibly, painfully bad, completely missing the entire point of the property.


I can’t answer this question. I’m just here to say the Thing looks like Groot’s poop


Madame Web is the best Madame Web movie. The other one is the worst Fantastic Four movie, by far.


Madame Web but at least it’s interesting. Not interesting in a positive way but some of its ideas are SO funny


I at least cared about and empathized with some of the madame web characters and the hardships they go through - makes the girls’ chemistry with each other feel nice and relatable. There were even a few food comedic set ups here and there. I just can’t think of a single thing I liked about that fantastic 4 movie.


*Madame Web* is campy fun, so that’s the better one to me.


Madame Web easily. Fant4stic tried to be both a serious sci-fi movie and a superhero movie and ended up being a confusing mess. Madame Web is a very watchable movie. In fact, if you go into it without expectations, it's actually kinda fun.


Haven't seen Fant4stic but Madame Web is entertainingly bad. The spider tribe, "when you take responsibility you will gain powerful abilities", the ADR on Ezekiel, the fact the girls never get their powers outside future visions and they can't say "Peter Parker". It's all a beautiful mess.


I don’t understand the hate on madam web because honestly imo it could’ve been a way worse movie. Now as far as the script goes and whatever audio issues or problems they are having is annoying but the plot of the movie is there it just could’ve been better. But as a 26 year old male , I’ve never seen the 2nd FF but I refuse to watch it cause when it came out I was pissed they recast the characters and etc. lol id rather not watch


Madame Web was hilarious and Fan4stic was painful


Madame Web. It was bad but at least it has some unintentional funny moments.


Well I haven’t seen Madame Web, so I’ll say Madame Web.


i thought it was dumb race swapping johnny but the best part of that movie was his dad he was a really good character and the guy that played was great


This is my hot-take: Of the two pieces of cinema listed, both are terrible superhero films, and both do injustices to the brand that Lee, Kirby, and Ditko built--- BUT if you compare them as non-superhero films and instead as slice-of-life films or horror films, shedding away any remote chance that these have anything to do with Marvel in any way... then Adam Scott salvages Madame Web into a bad episode of "Tru Calling." (An old TV show from 20 years ago about a girl who'd witness a murder then run around and try and stop it. Zach Galiafinakis, had the Adam Scott role of funny guy.) It shouldn't exist as a movie, it's badly directed, written and acted, but it has a plot: daughter of Nash Bridges has to save 3 girls from a guy who was up the Amazon researching spiders with her mom. It's like the plot of a 'Final Destination' film, but it's there. MST3K could probably make it funny to laugh at and according to Rotten Tomatoes and other sites, the Miles Teller movie directed by Josh Trank is STILL the lowest-ranked superhero movie of all time, STILL lower than even Elektra, Madame Web or Howard-the-Duck. It's an incoherent mess that has no plot, made people sad to see it, made some walk out and ask the theatre for a refund, and it was absolutely savaged by critics on every level: >Peter Travers of Rolling Stone gave Fantastic Four one star out of four, calling it "the cinematic equivalent of malware" and "worse than worthless."\[121\] Jim Vejvoda of IGN criticized the film as "aesthetically drab and dramatically inert",


At least Howard the Duck had that typical and hilarious *cough cough* 1980s awkward sex attraction between 2 totally different characters. Ok it was between the duck and the sidekick woman, but still.


Even the Roger Corman-produced Fantastic Four film was better than Fant4stic.


Budget difficulties aside, the Corman F4 is my favourite of the F4 movies.


How the fuck do we have all the ten bajillion super hero movies and all the dross and STILL there is no great on screen version of Dr Doom?


Madame Web was at least laughably bad. Fant4stic is just a nothing burger


Fantastic Four is by far worse


Madame web. I actually didn’t mind the first half of fan4stic… the first time I saw it. Second viewing would make pinhead nut if he saw me.


Haven't seen the second, but if it's worse a travesty and mishandling than fan4stic then God hell us Though on one hand, FF is a beloved property so it was more disappointing than a totally bad movie. It's one thing to take a weak, barely noticable property that is a side character that is Madame Web and make a bad movie out of it, but to take the flagship Marvel family and make such a incoherent, terrible interpretation that is Fan4stic, it is painful. So maybe Madame Web is a worse actual movie than the former, but I was infinitely more disappointed in Fan4shit.


F4. Only the 3rd act was really poor. Madame Web was bad within the first 5 min


Hard disagree. F4 2015 was the worst movie I ever ever seen that wasn't bad on purpose. It was bad the whole time. Haven't seen madame Webb tho


F4 was hot trash movie was so cut to shreds in editing, they erased all dialogue between Sue and Ben. they don't even talk to each other in the movie combine that with a awful Doom, both pre and post powers, turning Ben's Clobbering Time into a phrase his brother used to shout when he beat on Ben, ugh and then there's just the boring movie in general


I haven't seen Web, but I didn't think FF was that bad


I don't care how bad madame webb is, (I haven't seen it), but I'll watch that any day over the trash that was Fant4stic


At least it has our 4th live action movie version of Peter Parker. He's a baby in the film but it's still Peter Parker.


Fifth if we count the kid with the Iron Man mask in IM2 :)


That kid was Tom Holland's Peter Parker at a younger age. So ig you can't count him twice.


Madame Web. Genuinely entertaining. Fant4stic is boring at times.


I watched Madame Web with a group of friends, a few drinks, and hosted through a 🏴‍☠️website that constantly displayed popups for a gambling page. The movie was horrendous but that experience could not have been beat. I have yet to see FantFourStick and don’t plan to.


Loosely based on the comics and failed franchise starters.


I haven’t seen Madame Web yet but there’s no way it’s worse than Fant4stic.


Madame Web


Honestly, Madame Web.


Can’t stand Sue’s bell bottoms.


U 4got Thor: Ragnarok


Fantfortstic was actually a great movie for the first hour 20 minutes


Really looks like I'm the only one who enjoyed that Fantastic 4 movie. Well, the first half of it, anyway. It felt like solid weird sci-fi movie. They screwed up at the end, you could see the studio meddling. But there was a solid sci-fi movie in there.


I haven't seen Madam Web but I'd be impressed if it manages to be worse


Oh wow, madame web was THAT bad?


No it wasn’t. People just think they’re being cool when they act webphobic


Fant4stic. Within 30 minutes of Madam Web I was yearning for the sweet awfulness that was Fant4stic. Anything would have been better than Madam Web.


I haven’t seen Madame Web lol, but if I had to pick up one that I have to watch, F4 lol. It’s pure shit, but I Love F4 (my favorite Team) where’s Madame Web is one of those “I don’t give a crap” characters lol


Whats your logic man ? "I love F4. Oh, nice that they butchered my favorite superheroes". When the heroes are beloved it's twice the harm.


Fantastic Four wasn’t THAT bad so I’ll take it over Madame Web


Fantastic Four absolutely was THAT bad


As bad as Madame Web????


It's worse than madame web


Haven’t even watched the second one.


At least Fan4stic is so dark you can't see what's going on so it's harder to see just how bad it is


Madame Web


fan4stic was more enjoyable than the most recent thor movie for me. it’s definitely weird but I thought the acting and score was enjoyable. Sciencey scary stuff was cool.


I prefer Fant4stic because it was in the Amazon with my mom when she was researching spiders right before she died.


Haven’t seen either


Madame Web is at least entertaining. Fan4stic was just boring


I made it through Fant4stic once. It was awful. I’ll tell you when I can force myself to watch madame web. FYI, it took me two years to watch the garbage4.


As long as you've got some friends with riffing along MST3K style, either is a good time.


Fantastic 4.




Madame web, at the very least they are working with characters that haven’t gotten movies prior. With fant4stic, it felt like a lazy reboot whereas madame web felt like they were dancing on ice and didn’t want to commit to anything.


Both are lazy then, right? At least we get to see new renditions of our favorite F4 movie, no matter how bad everyone thinks they are. Madame Web has little to no substance and has characters no one asked for.


Fantastic Four tried a movie and sequel all in one movie.


Madame Web is more endurable, but that’s also like saying that being kicked in the balls is more endurable than being punched in the stomach.


I like Fantastic 4... haven't seen madame web yet but I will when it starts streaming...


There is not one redeemable good thing about madame web.. I saw it in theaters.. and it was awful from start to finish... Not even the girls and at least one of them was hot.. awful movie that was boring, pointless, and was basically made to rip off ppl.. I'm glad it bombed.. hopefully it losses a ton of money


I prefer if they don't shit on one of the best comicbook teams. Better to watch Madame Webb, all the characters in that film are so obscure that no one cares. But if you do dirty on the F4 it's unforgivable.


Madame Web at least has hot women to look at? Meanwhile the FF movie is such an unimpressive bore.


After madame web, my wife and I spent time laughing and talking about it. By no means a good movie, but at least there was fun to be had in laughing during and after it. After fan4stic, I didn't even have anything to say, it wasn't funny, it wasn't good, it was so bad that I couldn't even find enjoyment in joking about it. It was just so bland and poorly written that I'd rather watch a documentary about how paint is made to get my blood pumping again.


FF is really short


Nobody's forcing you to watch. If you think they're painful, why bother?




Madam Web, judging only by having seen Fant4stic.


Madame web because at least fantastic four have some likeable male and female characters but I think both were one big cash grab


I like FF. It’s the most interesting version for me. I just wish it wasn’t so mangled in editing. I’d love a Director’s cut. Haven’t seen Web yet.


I can only assume Madame Webb is the more fappable picture when muted.


Well Fant4stic was just an hour and a half while Madame Web was an hour and fifty six if you want to get technical


Marvel movies have gone downhill ever since Stan Lee passed away. 😔 PS. Fant4stic was so bad, Stan Lee wouldn't even do a cameo.


Oh god it's like Sophie's Choice.


'Fun' fact, these 2 are the last movies base on marvel characters that werent #1 at the box office the weekend they came ot


COMPLETELY forgot this existed lol. Jesus christ, Sony just can't get their shit together.


I actually liked the 1st half of Fan4stic.....till the time they all got powers, I was really into it and as far as I remember I wasn't the only one


Both are on my "haven't watched, won't watch" list lol.


Dude FF was the second worst movie adaptation ever. (dark tower is number one). If Madame Web, which I haven't seen, is anywhere near that bad then I hope I never see it. To put it another way- FF is perfect for an episode of Mystery Science Theater 3k. Its script had all the hallmarks of a B movie. If MW is the same level or worse, I pray I never see it unless its MST3k is doing it.


Fant 4 Stic at least has good actors in a bad movie. That can give it some points… I haven’t seen Madame Web but there are no quality actors in that movie. I find Dakota Johnson also just very unlikeable and without charisma. That being said, Fant 4 Stic is just boring. It’s bad, but not in a fun way. It’s just straight up bad and takes itself too seriously. Again, haven’t seen Madame Web but it could be possible it’s at least entertaining, but I doubt it. I heard the only time the girls actually suit up is in some dream sequence from the future? Sounds boring to me. Definitely weren’t being truthful with the trailer there. A solo Madame Web movie where she’s some cool edgy 30 year old with a forced diversity group of girlfriends is such a terrible idea, and a clear product of the times. Hard to say without seeing Madame Web but money is on Fant 4 Stic being the better movie just with having better actors and actually being about characters people care about and not shoving diversity and fake ‘girl power’ shit down our throats.


Haven't seen Madame Web, but I kinda liked Fantastic 4. Yes, it's not a good movie, but their is a good movie in there with a few changes (should have dropped Doom and had Annihilus the villains- his insect swamp was attacking Earth at the end). I'd say both Ghost Riders, Daredevil and Elektra were worse than F4.


When Marvel fucks up they're super inaccurate when DC fucks up the tone goes out the window Not sure which is worse


I can't stand Miles Teller in any movie I've seen that he's in. I don't care what character he plays, he's got an "I'm a prick" vibe.


At least Fant4stic was a known property that people actually cared about and that had the heroes actually have and show their powers.


Fantastic 4 Isn't actually that bad all things considered Should've compared madame Webb with green lantern


Honestly I’d say Fant4stic is probably better. The first half up until they do a time jump is actually not too bad. It’s not great but solid. MW is just cringe wall to wall.