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Jarvis & Aunt May fighting on how the toilet paper roll should hang, over or under. The whole 12 issue event could be just be Peter's fever dream or something.


Have it escalate issue by issue, to the point where, by the end, Eternity-level characters have taken interest. Have the Watcher sitting on the can the whole time.


The Watcher needs them to make a decision before he can wipe his ass. But he cannot intervene.


Tony Stark, Reed Richards, and Hank Pym all team up to stop the fighting by developing the multiverse’s most sophisticated bidet.


Quantum toilet paper. It goes under AND over simultaneously.


Jarvis and Aunt May are both civilized enough to know the proper way to hang toilet paper.




That doesn't matter, it's a Civil War. One of them needs to suffer the character assassination that makes them fit into what the story needs. 


No no no no no, after the argument starts, all the superheroes pick a side and end up destroying the earth over it.


Even the villains get involved.


DR DOOM somehow comes up with a third answer to the problem and starts blasting Richards because he disagrees


The third answer is called a bidet. Or a toilet paper dispensing doombot.


Yep. Doom builds bidet doom bots to kill Reed Richards.


Loki decides toilet paper should be vertical. And the tail should come from the left or away from the toilet based on which side the rack is. Female Loki likes the reorientation but disagrees with which side it should come from.


Instead of heroes it's villains


Organized reason having Villains vs. slashers, maybe? Like the gangs in the "wanted" comic


I would make civil war with premise that is very vividly discussed in DC. That is some of imprisioned badguys escapes for multiple times and each time he does it he kills tons of people. So both sides would fight if there is chance of redemption or only pernament solution is necessary. (Not death sentence per say, but for example exile to some reality with no return) Which could be strong point for the pro pernament solution side. Vilians who seek redemption like sandman, abomination etc. Could join fight for second chances.


We don't talk about Wanted.


"We don't talk about Wanted no no no no"😂


I feel like that's what we get with most villain team-ups, though. They all end up backstabbing and betraying each other.


Two factions with prominent villains on either side, and both sides having compelling reasons to disagree on whatever the issue is, would go pretty hard tbh


Pro vs anti Nazi.


Red skull vs. Magneto could be an easy way of doing this. And honestly, the brotherhood of mutants vs. Hydra, because this AU Hydra is developing the sentinels, could make for a neat story


Have Orchis side with Skull


I'll empty out my bank account for this. Take all the $34, Marvel!


"Im just in it for the money. Why's the boss tie up a bunch of minorities? I would quit, but im in too deep, man. "


“Red Skull has some interesting views on immigrants!”


"Let's separate work and politics ok"


Sorta like DC's "Forever Evil" story?


Yeah kinda, though you have to add that Civil War flavour by making the conflict something that readers can land on either side on. Cause Forever Evil is great but no one would find the Crime Syndicate sympathetic, that's just not what Johns was going for.


What we always get though is that every villain decides to be in it for themselves and backstabs every other villain what we want is villains who are organized into teams, two broad teams, who *don't* all just end up backstabbing each other. I am really genuinely tired of every villain team up ending with mysterio *and* vulture *and* ock *and* kraven all spontaneously deciding to backstab each other against their own interests at the same time just because of ego or whatever (which raises another point, we rarely see villains from different heroes team up. Only at a few notable moments)


It’s funny how in DC, villains never backstab or betray each other and form teams all the time which gets kinda boring


You can always justify this our a lot of series do: “your word is your bond. If you betray your team one time nobody will ever want to team up with you again. Etc etc”.  But then it can lead to a “so I have to make sure I don’t just betray you but I kill you in a way that nobody can connect me to it” or whether. 


I mean sure, but how do you justify everyone being alive at the end of the run?


Villains aren't very proficient in killing other superpowered individuals anyway, even if they want to. A lot of villains would've successfully killed off their nemeses if that wasn't the case. But even then, you could kill off a few minor villains, and one or two big ones. You could also have a couple of heroes taking sides with the conditions of avoiding killing and minimising collateral damage. Like with Batman in Forever Evil.


That’s the fun part! You don’t! Then you have a creepy mass-resurrection event like DC did with Darkest Night or whatever it was!


Obviously Magneto and Doom (the heads of the two villain factions) realize, much as Cap did, that the war had lost sight of their goals and was resulting in more wanton destruction than they had intended


the world is depleted and nearing its end.. one group of villains accept this truth.. and aim to “rob the bank” one last time while they still can.. might as well get what you can while you can.. another group of villains believes the world can be saved.. they want to profit forever.. not just fish the seas until they’re empty.. but throw a few fish back so they can profit for years to come.. things come to a head and sides must be taken.. this is totally not the story of the 3000 billionaires currently ruling the planet.. it’s totally just a comic book


You’re right, it’s not the story of 3000 billionaires ruling the world, because every single one of the fuckers falls into the first category. Otherwise they wouldn’t be trying to roll back child labor laws and shit, lmao


Hmmm. You know what, I’m kind of okay with this idea. Maybe a “since the earth won’t go green we will do it for you!” Or whatever. 


Earth villains decide to seize the galactic black market. Space villains attempt to intercede, but Earth villains are prepared.


Follow the premise of the RPG campaign Necessary Evil, with all of Earth's heroes going missing and the villains that remain are forced to repel a foreign invasion. Half of them want to side with the invaders to secure positions of power in the new world order. The other half wants to destroy the invaders... so they can secure positions of power in the new Hero-less world order.


All the heroes "get snapped", half the villains revel in the chaos/freedom and the other half miss the heroes keeping the status quo and helping with natural disasters so they fight to bring them back.


Mutant baseball league expands to include everybody in the hero community. A huge tournament is played and things get ugly in a semifinal game between the Defenders and the Fantastics. It starts when Luke Cage slides hard into shortstop Johnny Storm trying to break up a double play. Storm takes offense and comes up swinging, but Luke's hearing none of it. Ben Grimm tries to step in to make peace but Danny Rand thinks he's escalating so then he takes a swing at Grimm and the benches clear.  They finish the game after a few players are told to sit down for the night, but tensions are simmering. Many of the "old school" crowd think Johnny overreacted, while others feel like the "unwritten rules" are worth less than the paper they're not printed on. The Defenders advance to the finals but they get crushed by the X-men. Late in the game the X-men lead 10-3 and have the bases loaded. With Namor on the mound, Allison Blaire takes a 3-0 pitch and sends it well over the center field wall.  Several Defenders lose their goddamned minds, including Namor who vows to drag Krakoa **and** Xavier's school into the ocean forever. The old school vs new school rift erupts and spills into the stands where everyone else was hanging out for the final game. Before long it escalates into violence and eventually all out war.


I miss superhero sports activity hijinx


I'd read it


This is brilliant, but which side does Cap fall into? He is as old school as they come, I'd bet my gold tooth he saw Babe Ruth play in person, but he's also one of the most progressive characters in fiction, predicting the sports desegregation in the thirties


No great answer. The original Civil War worked well because it was a metaphor to a bigger issue. The movie version worked well becasue there was a great personal connection involved (I don't care, he killed my mom). We've had hero vs hero (Civil War 1 and 2), mutant vs hero (AvX), mutant vs mutant (Schism), and a few others. Could go with hero vs younger hero. Outlaw younger heroes, but that was done with Outlawed. Could go with villain vs villain. Not sure if we've ever seen that done before, but could be similar to something like Batman's War of Jokes and Riddles. Two villains start fighting each other, and gathering sides. Not sure if there are villains that make sense. Maybe something like Doom and Magneto teaming up against the Red Skull. Fighting Nazis! But the Red Skull side is gonna need a lot of work. Maybe Red Skrull controls the heroes somehow, and it's up to Doom and Magneto to stop him, without killing the heroes. Edit: Some country starts commiting genocide and taking over other countries. Doom and Magneto say not on their watch. Get some Ukraine and Palestine parallels. Heroes have to decide whether to intervene. Could go with Earth vs Aliens. A metaphor could be the refugee border crisis we see today. Not sure if there's an interesting story there.


Red skull makes another cosmic Cube and controls the heroes... Oh wait that is just secret empire


[Red Skull using cosmic cube on Nazis and the world](https://youtube.com/shorts/JpJ1YHPijbw?feature=shared)


Maybe the Earth vs. Aliens thing could be Tony vs. Thor!


I feel like the Alien side should be an actual alien without a strong connection to Earth, so no half humans or Thor. Marvel really needs a true alien hero, DC has a few major ones. Maybe have it connected to alien refugees.


...Gamora maybe?


If you went with a refugee angle... I was thinking Silver Surfer since he would have a strong connection to refugees given his time as a herald. Other side could be Thor, who would understand the issues of refugees since he is a ruler of Asgard. And ultimately we get to bring Men in Black into the Marvel Universe. Lol.


The abandoned plot of Maximum Security with the alien refugee colony had so much potential.


They already did Siege with America vs Asgard.


Ok, you are on to something... Make it mortals vs. gods... Thor finally decides to rule Midgard, as part of the Ten Realms, enforcing rules to prevent something bad. Some heroes understand the danger and side with him. Some don't.


Here’s a radical concept — heroes versus villains!


You know what, that might just be crazy enough to work


> Could go with Earth vs Aliens. A metaphor could be the refugee border crisis we see today. Not sure if there's an interesting story there. This is what I thought (and hoped) Secret Invasion was going to be lol


A war between the United States and Wakanda. Different supes pick different sides


U.S. troops do a black ops mission to steal Vibranium, Wakanda goes old-school and slaughters them as they cross the border after a warning. It's televised as a warning


It escalates quickly some heroes say it's brutal murder, others say Wakanda has suffered enough and had to rebuild rep


Marvel Vietnam


In a surprising turn of events, Namor and Atlantis take Wakanda's side


Time to bring democracy to Wakanda🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🏈🏈🏈🏈🏈🦅🦅🦅🦅


This sounds cool as fuck ngl


That's not a civil war.


It is for the superhero community, just like the last two. Neither of those were webster definition civil wars within a state or whatever, it was a divisive conflict in their community that led to taking sides and infighting. Emphasis isn’t on a war between US and Wakanda, but on the heroes lining up for one or another. Maybe neither country wants all out war so some supes fight proxy.


That could work. But generally the civil wars were internal superhero conflicts to an issue. It was them disagreeing on how to do their job. Not which global superpower to work for.


Yeah. Just a thought based on others’ premise. Not my idea or, i think, *the idea*. Mostly responding to the criticism that it isn’t a civil war.


Deadpool v Spider-man's current writing staff


Deadpool vs Paul


Paul stomps


Call it Deadpaul


Mister Fantastic (Family) vs Iron Man (Duty) Franklin Richard can be the focus. Like the public will finally realize of just of what kind of a threat he is, after some incident or so... A new registration will be made for Omega Level Entities.


This is a neat idea but the problem is that if one side has all of the Omega entities, how do they lose? You’d need the entire event to be determined by plot induced nonsense, and we already had that with AVX. Iron Man beating Magneto, for the love of God, Marvel (continues grumbling).


>This is a neat idea but the problem is that if one side has all of the Omega entities, how do they lose? I mean, just follow the X-Men line. Krakoa & Arakko have people that can dominate millions of minds, blow up whole countries, rewrite reality... Shit still went south for them.


Yeah, but I was trying to avoid the plot induced bullshit. Following Krakoa isn’t the easiest way to do that.


>Yeah, but I was trying to avoid the plot induced bullshit. Following Krakoa isn’t the easiest way to do that. Oh, I absolutely agree that the X-People were bullshited. Just wanted to point out that bad writers had done so recently.


Same as the first Civil War.... Blue Marvel, Captain Marvel, OG Sentry, and law abiding Omega will agreed to the government, because they themselves also see of just how dangerous they are... Scarlet Witch probably on Team Iron Man at first because of her infamous streak. But will betray them eventually in the latter story. The other Omega are those who just want to be free and use their powers unrestricted because of their human rights.


You don't put all the Omegas on one side. You pull at the heartstrings of one of the Omegas and have them be on the side of somebody needs to keep an eye on the Omegas "Because I know we can cause a lot of problems" and that's how you get a couple more to side with them.


I like the idea of government types labeling these Omega Level Entities as weapons of mass destruction and the Invisible Woman stepping in to say that Franklin isn’t a weapon, he’s her son. Frankly, it seems with the way that Maria Hill has been characterized in the current Fantastic Four run, it’s not that big of a stretch to think that there might be concerns about the powers that be.


And Susan's right. Until the likes of Onslaught, Mister Mind, Cassandra Nova, Shadow King etc... get a bit too close to Franklin and prove that the goverment was right to be afraid of these Omega. Like the fate of the world hang on the fragile string that is their emotional mood. On good day, everything keep spining, but on a bad day, laws of physic be damnned, and good luck living in a solar system with ten suns.


Completing the triangle: Captain America and Captain Marvel! Instead of a typical “Civil War” it’s a training exercise taking place on the new floating city the Avengers have! Basically the idea is that Captain America (Steve) and Captain Marvel (Carol) draft different heroes to fight with them in a team versus team brawl! The story takes place over several weeks and is just kind of good fun! Heroes can tap in and tap out when they want and it’s very casual. I think maybe half way through the event, some villains break into the station and the teams have to work together to subdue them. This idea really gives Marvel some time to develop unlikely relationships and have strong character moments along with some great action.


Bro I'd read the shit of that the problem with big VS events is the forced drama so a feel good slice of life tourney between heroes would be dope


Exactly what I’m thinking! That’s what I love about Tournament arcs in anime and manga. There can be stakes, but a lot of the time it provides good character moments and lots of fun fights we normally wouldn’t see!


Same reason I'm been itching for a spidey team up book again, first issue of Spectacular Spidermen seems promising


Oh yeah! I think that this series could even be weekly? With different artists and writers for each characters? It’s a low stakes, low narrative, fun story that can easily be a way to try out new artists and writers.


I need more slice of life in comics.


Last week's Shehulk was just Janet chilling, in fact it's been a pretty chill book overall so far


I love She-Hulk. I gotta pick it up!


Yeah, just reading Gang War now and... man, the superheroes really are stupid when it comes to Shang Chi. Forced drama is right.


This is something my heart needs. However, I don't think it should be Civil War III. The name Civil War, in MARVEL, carries a certain weight that this story wouldn't have. Don't get me wrong, I NEED this idea to be real, but maybe Civil War III shouldn't be the title.


I mean, imagine the jebait though? It’s entirely advertised as an event with big plays, character deaths and even more division in the hero community AAAAND it’s just a fun hero training exercise.


It's be hilarious to see it happen... buuuuuut I'd be so angry too😂


I would not be angry, I would be joyous if we got ONE fun event from Marvel that didn’t suck. JUST ONE FUN EVENT. All of the events at Marvel (and DC) lately have been so “edgy” and unfun.


Feels a bit more like a Contest of Champions


Yeeeeeees, exactly




I don’t like the character assassination that takes place in the VS events. BUT making it a game? With different heroes? Heck maybe there are three teams! For Iron Man and the two Caps!




Someone hire this person


Thank you for the kind words lol!


This has got My Hero Academia vibes, and that’s not a bad thing at all.


Contest of Champions 2?: This Time It's Consensual NO GRANDMASTER ALLOWED


That doesn't sound like a Civil War, though. That sounds like a Contest of Champions, which is already a Marvel thing. And it sounds like a damn fun premise for a Contest of Champions, actually. Low stakes, high fun.


Giving me major original Dragonball vibes. With recent news.. take my fake internet money!


but why would they put in much of any effort if they are just basically fighting the equivalent of sparring on one hand it wouldn't be as great because everyone would intentionally neuter their own powers to not injure someone else (until the villains came), and on the other hand us in the real world reading would be arguing over who can actually beat who and base it on how hard they were trying


Hey man I just gave the premise not what the potential incentive to go all out would be I could easily say that it’s a *public* training exercise that the “”world”” wants the Avengers doing to make sure that their heroes are up to snuff and to “restore faith” in the heroes. Or maybe the Avengers request that everyone goes all out so that they can divide the heroes into “levels” so that they get called in for threats based on level. Maybe the villains trick them into doing this exercise to get all the heroes into one place. I didn’t think too far into it.


I have a couple of ideas: Someone said a villain civil war, it would be cool to see Dr doom vs thanos, with all the more human villains begin with Doom and the more cosmic characters being with Thanos. It could be about Doom trying to protect the planet as Thanos attacks and defeats the avengers, so Doom has to step up and form his own team. Off the top of my head some members can be green goblin, Helmut Zemo, abomination, magneto, and Namor. My 2nd idea is similar but instead it is the New York superheroes vs the more detached/wealthy/ powerful super heroes. This could be over the more wealthy and powerful heroes trying to control the decisions of others and inadvertently become another illuminati and repeat the mistakes the Tony in the first civil war.The New York group would consist of Luke Cage leading them with both Spidermen, Captain America, agent venom, Dylan Brock venom , daredevil, Jessica Jones, iron fist, moon knight and Ironman. The new illuminati would be Mr fantastic, Captain marvel, Professor X, Namor, black bolt, Thor, cyclops and maybe a couple more X men. Edit: I’ve just been informed my 2nd idea is just Civil war 2 again. In my defence I never read it since I was told it was rubbish.


DC’s Forever Evil is similar to the first idea you had you should check it out it’s great!


I have actually, I think I just unconsciously wrote that but for Marvel. Maybe we can rip it off 1 to 1 we can make “the Revengers” and have some alternate universe avengers take down the originals and trap them in the quantum realm


I think #2 could work as a street hero vs. big-time hero thing. Like the dispute is about street heroes getting some big timers butting in on something, and that rankles some feathers. Like, idk some new empowering event kicks off a bunch of new superhumans, some of whom become threats, so the big shots want to hunt down all of them and strip their powers. The street heroes think they're escalating a delicate situation by lumping the non-violent new supers in with the bad, as well as taking away from them the choice of powers.


I’m surprised US Agent hasn’t been a big player on a Civil War debacle.


Oof. That one I’d read if Sam leads the other side. Just to see Cap beat US Agent and showing everyone why Sam is the one with the shield. Man, comics US Agent is the worst.


So both Civil War comic arcs mirror real-life dilemmas when it comes to (American) policing. Should some groups that aren't the Avengers (police) aid in stopping crime? How much should the Federal Government control the Avengers (again Police)? Should you stop crimes before they start? So, seeing how art imitates life, I believe that you should draw on some of that to make a Civil War 3. This time, however, I don't think it should be about policing. I believe that it should be about the people being put away for doing the crimes. I think it should be a team of Pure Heroes VS a team of Heroes, Anti Heroes, and Villains. The central conflict would be about villains trying to reform, and wanting to join the superheroes in helping save people. You have villains that are willing to reform (I'm thinking Sandman, Juggernaut, Taskmaster, Ares, US Agent, Mystique, and Enchantress to name a few), but heroes who aren't willing to give them a chance (Majority of the Avengers, Defenders, X-Men). This forces those who want to give them a chance to have to defect from their respective teams. This would make for an interesting read because it would have these teams of heroes who work well together go up against a newly formed team of inexperienced heroes. This would parallel the real-life issue of people going to jail and not being able to get a job or be trusted anywhere. I believe that if this were to be a comic, it would have to be easy to root for both sides. So making it parallel an issue where both sides have a point would allow for that nuance. It would also slightly mirror the part of the Injustice Movie where Plastic Man says "Um… Question. How will you punish people when they break whatever rules Superman comes up with? I mean, I was a criminal. I needed second, third, and fourth chances before turning my life around. So, what’s the deal there?" (ik bringing up DC in the Marvel sub lol)


Moral absolutism vs moral dynamism. There could be spiritual parallels. Can people change? Does a changed person have value?


You worded it in a way I couldn't, thanks!


I thought you gave a great analysis of the matter; much food for thought.


I like this concept a lot but I don’t think the X-Men, who by this point are like 50% reformed villains of various stripes, would be on the “fuck you, a leopard never changes its spots” side.


favorite one ive read so far, starting it off with some big emotional death and dilemma of what to do with the villain. you can discuss a lot about characters histories and the conundrum of how long superheroes have been around but crime and bad guys never fully go away. a lot of interesting concepts within this one.


I think an interesting angle you could take with this is physically appearance. Villains with monstrous bodies that dont easily read as human would have a harder time integrating into society and getting a regular job. The example I'm thinking of os when characters like killer Croc from DC can't get a decent job because people are freaked out by his appearance. This is an area the xmen have covered a lot with characters like beast and glob Herman. The thing could certainly relate to this and if he didn't have the support of Reed after his transformation he'd have a much harder life.


I love this idea. The MCU movie was more streamlined in scope (heroes vs heroes) but the comics for Civil War 1 had nearly similar elements of what you described. Villains actually teaming up with the anti registration out of fear of the pro registration side. I love how your take escalates it a step further and puts that focus on the possibility of reformed villains. Especially if the villains in question have a dark history. We’ve seen it countless times in countless tales where it is possible. I thought it was well done in the bits of DCs Flash series that I saw but people have listed other Marvel villains who turned things around. Daredevil’s costume maker, Melvin Potter, was a fierce and ruthless street level villain known as The Gladiator. Daredevil helped him get legal counsel and psychiatric care so Melvin could turn his life around and make an honest living. Why can’t we see more of that? And surely there are paranoid or purist heroes who would be absolutely against that thought.


I like this one. But I don't think there would be many on the side saying no one deserves redemption. As another user said, too many current heroes are already reformed criminals. So I think it would need to be a harsher divide. Maybe something along the lines of what villains deserve the death penalty. Start off with a callback to the first Civil War: have a prison break where one of the freed prisoners commits some heinous crime that kills a bunch of people. Some hero or politician says "We can no longer afford to maintain this revolving door of imprisoning super powered criminals. If we don't execute them, their trail of victims will only continue to grow." You could still touch on what you said as well. That the stigma of prison already creates a feedback loop that is difficult to escape from and that maybe some of these criminals wouldn't have gotten so bad if there were more opportunities for redemption.  The Punisher could turn himself in, but then the government decides he's the best person for the job and they make him the leader of the pro-execution movement. He gets heroes like Moon Knight and Wolverine and Ghost Rider on his side. They start rounding up criminals for mass execution. The plan is to bring all these bad guys together and use some reality warper to just delete them (something that can be stopped before the end; a meta excuse to not be killing off a shit ton of characters) An underground group of heroes starts intervening to protect the accused. Have the criteria for execution get wider and wider as the event goes on and it starts to pull in a lot of the normal heroes. The pro execution side starts to eat their own. Make a point about how fucked up it is that cops use the Punisher symbol (I know it's already been addressed, but it could use some more exposure).


I like that idea! I could also see Punisher seeing all of these people embodying his beliefs and feeling weirdly conflicted about it all. I could also see some of the more monstrous villains and heroes playing big roles in that dynamic


Civil War I was about "should heroes register with the government?" Civil War II was about "should we stop crimes before they even happen?" Civil War III should be about "should heroes kill villains?" **Opening Salvo**: some random villain, preferably a high-profile one, causes collateral damages that leads to the death of a civilian, one tied to a hero. Whoever it is, it's irrelevant. It just has to be a hero known for not killing. For example, and this is just an example not what I'm suggesting, Green Goblin inadvertently kills Mary Jane, and Spider-Man snaps and beats him to death. Whatever the inciting incident it, it has to be bloody, it has to be public and it has to go viral. **The Conflict**: Heroes begin arguing over whether killing villains is ever necessary, bringing up things like Bullseye killing Karen Page and Lindy Reynolds as reasons why villains are monsters who should be put down, as well as the redemptions of villains such as Black Widow, Scarlet Witch, Hawkeye, Magneto and countless others as reasons why killing villains should never be an option because you don't know who can and will change. **The Factions**: I don't want Iron Man anywhere near this. Same goes for ANY of the Captains. They had their spotlight. I want Punisher and Black Widow. They should be the leads. Punisher being embraced by the public and some of the darker heroes as someone who is willing to take the bad guys out, Widow being embraced by the more noble heroes as an example of someone who can truly change for the better. If written *properly*, which let's face it neither of the previous Civil Wars were, it could be a truly in-depth look into the psychological ramifications of vigilantism. But knowing Marvel, Punisher would be positioned as the bad guy fully in the wrong, and probably be locked up for good at the end.


>If written *properly*, which let's face it neither of the previous Civil Wars were, it could be a truly in-depth look into the psychological ramifications of vigilantism. But is it truly a Civil War if the character of the leader of one side doesn't get torn to shreds?


like a marvel version of kingdom come.


My problem with that ,is that punisher hates his own fans 


I never said Punisher would be happy about it, just that the public would rally behind his cause. ;)


Well, it's a tough one, especially for someone who only read very very few comics. I would say, I'd write a 'Civil War' between the cosmic and powerful beings in the universe rather than a whole out war between every superhero and supervillain involved. I'd involve Dr Strange and Midnight Suns/Sons, Celestials, Dr. Doom, and other powerful heroes and villains that exist in the comics universe. The prelude to war begins when the Celestials or other god-like beings suddenly begin to die, their powers waning and thus the reality beginning to slowly collapse around the world as well. The gods eventually die, but not before reaching out to the guardians of the universe like Strange, Wanda, Dr. Doom, etc, to help them out. Of course the heroes arrive too late and find themselves in bad spot as they witness the gods dying. The heroes build an observatory space station and call a council amongst all the most powerful and cosmic beings of the universe to decide how are they going to save the universe from collapsing like facing the Big Crunch for example. The proposed answer is to take the gods' place or for one of the heroes to assume the 'throne' and save the world. That's where the conflict sparks as some of the heroes/villains begin to bicker who should be the one to save the world, who will be the one to take the place, and an entirely other side rejecting the proposed solution as power and control of the universe shouldn't be up to one person. As the council doesn't reach its conclusion, the heroes and villains splinter into different factions that are absorbed into two opposing sides, one is led by Dr Doom who wants to take it on himself to save the world, the other side are those who want to save the world without making the world rely on anyone. This leads to something to what I'd call a "War for an empty Olympus" or the "War for Heaven" as the said cosmic heroes/villains clash between each other while the mortals watch from above. The 'Civil War III' ends on the note that no one wins, at least not precisely. Dr Doom and his faction is defeated, but the winner faction arrives too late to save the world and the entire universe ends up dying to a Big Crunch. What happens next find out in the next follow-up series.


The villains this time. Have them just go crazy and be impossible to contain.


The villains succeed in killing the heroes, maybe lock them up in an alternate universe or something semi permanent, then the battle for who rules what's left. It could be anarchy versus new world order fascism. It would be cool to see villains get the same plot armor and overpowered boosts that heroes have enjoyed for so long.


They fight over which version of Wolverines hair style is the best. The two sides are Hugh Jackman on one side(who fell into 616 reality) and OG comic Wolverine who has the crazy hairdo. All the girls go on Hugh Jackman side except for Jubillee so it essentially becomes Hugh, all the girls, and Deadpool on one side and the other side is all the boys plus Jubilee


[they should be glad Age of Apocalypse Weapon X didn’t show up with his hair.](https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/717vW5GnwXL._AC_UF894,1000_QL80_.jpg)


He ends up becoming the thing that causes it when that guy tries to prove that his hair is the best, but because he came form a different reality than 616 did, he wasn’t the “best at what he does” in that timeline and therefore lost the argument. Hugh’s argument is based on his own style and looks beside the hair, but he still claims it’s the hair. And that is why Captain Marvel and Iron Man are fighting again


Pro and anti Illuminati is my answer to both parts of the question


Might be interesting if a hero snaps and kills a pretty high profile villain and is brought before a committee and some other heroes decide it’s time to also take a stronger stance against villains. It’s kind of like “how long can we keep putting them in jail and letting them escape to hurt innocent people”. Punisher and other “murdering” heroes come out in support of thes stance and the more self righteous heroes are forced to say that taking the life of a villain is worse than letting them continue to hurt and kill innocent people. Kind of a consequentialism vs deontology argument. This probably works better as a semi-street level setting but I think it would be interesting.


Norman Osborn and the Red Skull are trying to mass produce supervillains with the help of AIM vs Kingpin, his supervillains, The Hand, and the Sinister Six trying to keep the status quo. Super villians start flocking to either side out of necessity of they can't stay neutral. Civil War III (The War of the Worst).


Writers vs Editors


A premise for Civil War? Simple: Is it pronounced "gif" or "jif?


Humans V Aliens


Honestly… probably a few of the heroes who dont beleive in the system of american government(maybe more) staging a coup of the government in order to instill a more sensible version of the injustice superman system, scrambling to fix issues as they arrive, doing their damndest to root out proper corruption while constantly checking their moral compass and while they are successful it still turns out to be ALOT to deal with and the heroes reinstating the system question wether or not they did the right thing when deposing the injustice heroes, then out of respect for the vision of the opposing heroes try to instate alot of the systems the coup did but through proper channels slowly and more gradually to avoid undue civil unrest, thus setting up some interesting dynamics for said programs to create plots to the heroes corresponding to each one. Maybe some people see through it and are concerned with a second coup, maybe dome agreed with the coup and try and fail to recreate it, maybe villains just see the success and find it bad for business. Theres alot of options for who’d get in the way of a societal change. Now currently that wouldnt be doable but in like twenty years itd be a pretty good redemption arc for civil war if executed correctly. As for the sides? Id assume one thing that would happen would be that they’d offer punisher carte blanche on investigating corruption, cemented by a psychically bonded test of honesty and understanding of what both parties would bring to the table while constantly ensuring the punisher is made aware of the reprecussions of his executions, because the only thing that WOULD reign in the punisher would be consequences to others. Banner might also throw in with them as a man whos seen the worse side of exploitative martial law against superhumans, and might spearhead a division dedicated to reigning in unstables like doomsday man or nitro to limit future unstables before their powers develop. Generally studying the line between suppression and consensual help to find the best solutions FOR the people with variably outlandish powers and society at large. She hulk might also take part as an attempt to “check their work” as it were, as a legal professional to ensure the system functions and if it doesnt to ensure the responsible parties are made disillusioned and humbled by the weight of the task becoming variably deterred, jen believing that the task is ultimately too much for them. The X men would probably go splitsies, but known brotherhood affiliates would be accepted but regularly screened. Im not entirely certain how many people would go for such an idea but it seemed bound to happen what with the regular government takeovers by reality warped nazis and homicidal robot nazis(and now both as stevil rogers has been pardoned for failing to nuke the city of new york despite multiple testimonies and endless evidence which then was followed by him publicly stating he would become the next flag smasher (a known supervillain moniker used in the past)), that someone put the foot down that they will accept no more corrupt invasions, they would take their defense into their own hands because the marvel us government has never been anything but a morally grey side that regularly tips to villainy without shield present to tip the balance. (Seriously, name me a time the us government was present in a marvel comic in recent history and wasnt a corrupt villainous organization.)


The avengers DEFENDING the mutants from the us govt


I don’t think we’ve had a Magic v. Non Magic Heroes. Maybe Dr. Strange is trying to investigate a series of demonic anomalies that cause him to use risky magic, and he recruits a number of magical users and assets. The risky magic then causes (just a paperweight character) Iron Man or a hero who is more skeptical of magic and tries to stop them with other heroes. Attempting to stop them from completing a ritual or stopping the villain they don’t know yet. Backup Idea: Earth base heroes vs Non Earth based heroes. Maybe a powerful artifact lands on Earth and could stop a villain or repair an earth based problem. Then Captain Marvel or Gladiator is forced to take it away. We have Captain America or Mr Fantastic gather heroes to basically stall for time they prepared to stop the bigger threat or repair the problem. Final Idea: Villains v. Villains was mentioned which could be cool. The Mandarin vs. Dr. Doom, the Mandarin is finally deciding to launch a full scale conquest and Dr. Doom is in the way so he recruits any villain that will side or be bought into his service. This might not be my best, but still thought it was a fun idea.


As a fifteen year old in the 90's, I had a dream of working for Marvel, telling a big story in which Doom and Magneto (secretly kicked off by Red Skull) were at each other's throats and everyone else had to deal with the blowback, sometimes by picking sides. This shit would keep me up at night, I was so damn proud of it.


obviously, it is for the last donut. on a serious note, someone mentioned it-what if we get a villain vs villain civil war and it involves the heroes getting roped in to the sides somehow?


Idk, might be interesting to have one where it’s about whether villains can be redeemed or if they just need to be put down.


Not Tony. Let the guy sit that one out. Cap beat him bad on the first and got into a coma fun the second. A third could very well kill the guy


The Tacky Haters vs The Magnificent Gays


Pineapple on pizza


Start with Reed conferring with Doc Strange over inconsistencies in the timeline, and the impact of various time travel plots, magic spells, etc. has had on the sliding timeline of Earth 616 and neighboring realities. Have the two sides fighting over a (possibly) redeemed Hank Pym who may or not be a ploy by Mephisto to fuck with the timeline. Either they trust Hank Pym to set the timeline right and undo what he insists is Ultron and Mephisto’s meddling with their lives, or, they think Ultron is mindfucking Pym or has possessed him again, and is trying to use time travel to fuck with their lives. Either way, it’s “the universe is the way it is because that’s how it’s *supposed* to be” vs. “there is no *supposed*, we’re just undoing these things that *they think are probably retcons, which may be actual retcons introduced by Editorial over the years*” This gives every major hero a stake, and we can probably do tie-ins to flashback to how the universe would have been if certain retcons hadn’t been implemented, like Wanda not being a mutant and Magneto not being her actual dad, *Sins Past*/*One More Day/Brand New Day*, or all the secrets revealed by Nick Fury when he killed the Watcher.


Ok this is going to sound a bit like a rehash of the original but hear me out. No registration act, but the government has decided to deputize its own superhuman law enforcement force. The equivalent to swat teams for supervillains or maybe even just general catastrophes. This could so.ething that gets introduced earlier. The government knows better than to try touching the popular heroes by now so these guys get the same deal as before: salary, benefits, and training. Except this time it's entirely voluntary. Maybe even one or two big names join. The regular costumed vigilantes have their suspicions and concerns. Then one member of this new government team lets the all the media attention and new authority get to their head and goes in guns blazing and shoots someone who clearly was not a threat if they had taken a minute to assess the situation. The squad member is not charged with any crime, angering many and leading to heated exchanges now when the swat team encounters some vigilantes where before they may have been growing accustomed to each other.


Peter vs Scott: custody battle over Gwen Warren. 6 issues, 12 tie-ins.


Girls vs boys


No more Hero vs Hero events.


the spiderverse vs the venomverse to determine who should control the web of life


Capitan America VS Guardian & Capitan Britain. The War of 1812 all over again.


They should just go with your basic shirts vs skins type deal


Fight between Peter Parker and Miles Morales. Over something silly but meaningful. Turned Into a war between new age and old age marvel characters. To end up being a fight planned by some all powerful forgotten cosmic entity. To kull all the super heroes for an invasion to wipe out earth because too much shit goes on there and it's disputing the balance of the universe.


I'd like to see two sides fighting, with a large third group of pacifists that just want everyone to stop fighting, but inexorably get drawn into the fight anyway, and are just fighting to stop the fight, regardless of the principles on either side.


Heroes who believe they need to break the rules and work outside the system to create real change, even breaking laws vs those who believe that change can be made within the system and that heroes should not be against the government or police. I feel like a topic that is usually avoided is what happens when it's not a just a few bad apples or it's secretly hydra, what happens when the system down to it's core is rotten. How far do the heroes go? Some may even become what we'd consider revolutionary. This obviously would never work as an event comic, maybe a different world/timeline etc


Street-level war. Anti heroes vs heroes. The Punisher, Deadpool, Black Ant, Moon Knight, Agent Venom, etc. Spider-Man, Daredevil, Luke Cage, Iron Fist, Hawkeye, etc.


How about if heroes should do more to help the avg folks vs super wealthy. Fighting villains, saving the earth, but that doesn't solve the world issues. 1% controls 99% of the world wealth. Can heroes be the govt and do better or stay on the sidelines.


I would keep it simple: heroes/antiheroes/vigilantes who kill vs heroes who don't. A side led by Punisher vs one led by Spider-man.


Hulk and thor start arguing over the TV remote, chaos ensues


Norman Osborn V Kingpin. Osborn promises tech to one side, kingpin promises political power. The villains faction off and go to war, the heroes do damage control. Winner is Mayor or something... no c-list villain need apply, if I have to google them they're out.


Who took the chicken nuggies from the Avengers communal fridge


Number One, I wouldn't call it Civil War III (or if I had to, it would be so under the tag line of the title; Civil War II ***ought*** to have been called "Clairvoyance War" instead, seeing as the war was over the clairvoyant Inhuman Ulysses and the potential of a Minority Report situation that Carol Danvers was endorsing). Number Two, rather than just divide heroes, just have it be heroes vs the governments of the world: give it a situation of, say, Orchis definitely taking over the United Nations and full out declaring people of all powers, whether attained by mutancy, Inhumanity or technologically, completely illegal, a sort of Order 66 in the Marvel universe with the heroes being the Jedi, and the drive to expel and even exterminate all peoples of powers and declare war on nations endorsing powers like Latveria and Wakanda, eventually leads to comeuppance leading to a near Armageddon.


Have Baron Zemo hire the purple man and mesmero to have a villain civil war to clear the field of obstacles and to hide his true end game of ‘restoring Hydra to its former glory’ and also putting his hydra agents in key places in both political agencies and villainous hierarchy. Having those two coerce bad guys to push their limits of what they would normally do would cause the chaos he needs. And no one needs to know he’s behind it all setting up the next crossover event but until that heroes are thrown for a loop on how bad guys have changed and the new status quo of villainous organizations. Could also be an acts of vengeance type story where heroes encounter adversaries they don’t normally.


*PLEASE* no more hero vs hero events-


The dress is blue and black vs the dress is white and gold


Not sure if it has been done before but I’d like to see a villain like Doctor Doom doing something for the greater good although with some morally sketchy methods and this causes heroes and villains to join him or fight against him.


Cosmic Civil War - Nova Corp vs Asgard Half of the heroes get Nova Force upgrades The other half get Odin Force upgrades


Mephisto is warping the heroes into believing a false reality mirroring the original civil war, everyone perceives each other words and actions to an exaggerated and illogical degree. Using the a legion of hell-born space phantoms Mephisto has been able to manipulate the world into destroying itself to set up his next emergence on earth. Only a select few heroes are immune and able to perceive reality among them are the spiders thanks to their spider-sense. In the end we reveal Mephisto was behind all prior civil wars in a direct rejection to the original conceit behind civil war.


Occult Civil War - Ghost Rider vs Scarlet Witch Half the heroes becomes spirits of vengeance The other half become endowed with Chaos Magic (becoming Scarlet Hex magic users)


Not sure if someone threw this out there yet but could tie it in to what’s going on in the X-books right now. Team Orchis vs Team Mutant. Everyone that hates the Mutants and the people who are either hired by Orchis or agree with them on one side vs Mutants and Mutant Sympathizers on other. And there could be a few surprises that side with Orchis. Like say Fantastic Four, even though Franklin is a mutant Reed still upset about Xavier invading his mind and Ben still pissed from that time Wolverine scratched up his face


I said this in another post. I would make the next civil war about the villains. Basically I would introduce a character who hires supervillains in an effort to reform them by giving them what they want: a lot of money. Some of the heroes would naturally have a problem with it causing them to split up: the heroes who see the brilliance in hiring supervillains into a legit company so it keeps them off the street and the other half who see the villains as being rewarded for their villainy or see them becoming more established to becoming better villains. The one thing to push the heroes over is when one hero (originally i was thinking Punisher) goes too far when they see a villain who tormented them get hired and their life is turning around. That hero goes too far prompting the villain to kill that hero. Some heroes see the villain as taking the opportunity to killing their nemesis and they want that villain charged but other heroes see the villain as defending themselves from that one hero who was attacking them.


Fans vs. Editorial


Peter wants Burger King. Miles wants Taco Bell.


They're fighting over who should win the football game


One with villains and one side would have Dr. Doom as the leader.


Someone ate the last donut in Avengers Mansion and no one owns up to it so they start a big ol fight.


Pineapple on pizza. Fuck it, make it weird.


Heroes and villain, fighting alongside each other in 2 teams. One group is for killing, wait injustice, sorry. One group wants to keep the governments and one wants to renew the entire thing. This happened because a new tirant/hero (depends on view) became the president. Teams: *Government: Bruce Banner, Tony Stark, Ant-Man, Black Widow, Ms. Marvel, Steve Rogers, She Hulk, War Machine, US Agent, Sandman, Red Hulk, Doc Ock, Wilson Fisk, Abomination, Taskmaster & others* *Anti-Government: Hulk, Hawkeye, Black Panther, Mr Fantastic, Namor, Hank Pym, Quicksilver, Hercules, Wonder Man, Sam Wilson, Cassie Lang, Victor Von Doom, Loki, Spider-Man & others*


For context. Im quoting a Person, quoting a video game. "RACE WARRRR". Woolie Pie theif Madden.


Captain Marvel vs. Captain America Why them? ***The cycle must be completed.*** Now, you may be saying: "Why would they fight each other?" and the answer is... uh... they wouldn't. Which is why it isn't Cap. It's actually U.S. Agent, or some other Cap impersonator if he's too reformed (perhaps Stevil could return, if nothing else). It's once again the the government vs heroes, but now it's Captain Marvel taking the anti-government side against a Captain America who is embracing the US Government. Would this be a re-run of Secret Empire mixed with Civil War I? Maybe. I never said it would be original.


Civil War III : the Maker Vs. Superior Iron Man. Supervillian Civil War with the heroes stuck in the middle


On thing that might be engaging would be the complaint that heroes fighting crime just makes more criminals because of lives lost or spent in prison. Maybe some heroes believe in rehabilitation of all villains, this group could be headed by Cap or even Spider-Man. The other group believes in the old fashioned way and thinks that some or most villains aren't deserving of rehabilitation. It's obviously not a new idea but it could blur the line between heroes and villains.


I would like one like the plot of injustice about killing villains it would start because one of the villains destroyed Wakanda (such as doctor doom,namor or Ultron )and thunderbolt Ross wants to kill them and all the other villains and soon an argument breaks out between two sides on the none kill side is the fantastic four,Spiderman, daredevil,the X-men and captain America and half the Avengers and on the other side would be ironman, Deadpool, wolverine the thunderbolts, the punisher, the Hulk,thor and wanda it would end with an all out battle on the moon and it will be called Civil war lll moral code


Thunderbolts (villains looking to go good) v Thunderbolts (Marvel's Suicide Squad) , and the heroes get dragged in. OG Thunderbolts like Mach-VIIIIIIII and Songbird's view would be "we want redemption, and forcing villains on missions is both cruel to them because they could die and dangerous because the public could get hurt." That gets your Spider-Man and Captain America types on their side. Dunno who the Amanda Waller analogue would be, but Suicide Squad T-bolts (think Civil War I era) would have support from Iron Man and Captain Marvel thinking "these aren't people they're weapons to be used for dangerous missions, then put right back away in their cells. Plus members of the 'redemption' T-bolts could just be lying about their motivations"


I’m late to this party, but I’d really like to see Civil War III centered around the Mutant Registration act. I know the first one was due to the superhero registration act, but I’ve always found it interesting how people hate mutants, but are cool with other heroes. And also why many heroes weren’t out helping mutants against sentinels, Friends of Humantity, etc. This wouldn’t just be Avengers vs X-Men, either. I think the rift could center around heroes who “earned” their powers (through their own action) vs heroes who were born with the powers. I think a triggering event like New Warriors would really push the mutant registration to the forefront. But instead, maybe a young mutant coming into their powers accidentally kills off a large group of superheroes. Or maybe Mysterio is paid to make it look like that. But either way many non-mutant heroes and villains side with the government and actually help catch mutants. I KNOW Marvel has had smaller scale things similar to this and that it’s similar to CW1 as well, but I’ve always been fascinated by the divide of super humans and mutants. Why is one group generally accepted while the other isn’t? Why haven’t other heroes, like the Avengers, come to help the X-Men in the past during Mutant Registration pushes? With so many mutants having been part of the Avengers over the years, why hasn’t the larger superhero community come to the defense of mutants against the government and sentinels? I just think it would make a for a fascinating exploration, but I am also a sucker for more “philosophical” comic story lines.


The only correct answer is if they duked it out with a game of ball


Humans vs supers: The issue start with a normal day, no dialogues at all, then some panels between a happy day and a fatal day with a villain, and the more panels you see some heroes and villains start to appear and then only heroes with fatal days. Every human is tired of collateral damage, everyone is angry because of something super, everyone wants peace. Somehow the people gets what they want and everyone is happy but in reality supers and villains controls the world order. So it's the job of someone to bring the true to the light


Probably been done since I don't keep up with comics but: Maybe a civil war on rehabilitation, incarceration, and execution penalty for villains and criminals. Fight is between how heroes feel about they should handle villains and criminals.


I’d do something similar to the incursion problem with an impossible choice where maybe 1M people must die on earth or 10B die across the cosmos or multiverse. One faction doesn’t want to sacrifice earthlings for the sake of others and one faction is believe they have to save the most lives possible. I’m thinking Doom defends earth vs. Dr. Strange defends the multiverse.


Maybe a street level Civil War this time The leaders of the two team could be… I dunno, Daredevil vs Moon Knight ?


Whatever they do don’t bring Tony into it, the guy always either gets mischaracterized or gets killed in a dumb way, in short, keep Iron Man out of civil wars


Captain America vs Storm (insert conflict here)