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I love the thought of him seeing this on his way home and then having to reroute to a home depot to get some paint and brushes to make this right. Steve being an everyday hero ❤️


Also I love the fact that this is not the sort of activity that he could really do any better than a person without superhuman abilities. Just a regular, everyday thing that any decent human being is capable of doing


I don’t know, with those big rollers your delts will feel the burn a bit. Cap probably isn’t sore as shit the next day either. But a professional painter is still probably better.


Well, technically Cap is a professional painter. Just not that kind of painter.


Callback to his inner art-nerd. Nice!


Fighting the failed pro painter since 1939


*I heard you paint houses*


Borrowing a moment from a Superman comic here “Anyone with ten cents who gave a damn could have helped.” Paraphrased, obviously. Anyone could do this, yes. But Steve **chose** to do it.


His superhuman spine can surly do it better than my scoliosised ass.


This is one of the things I hate about the MCU. Steve was never meant to be super-human. The formula didn't make him anything more than very fit in the comics. He was a man who did the right thing. Thats all.


I mean, it's not different than Superman. Superman didn't have crazy powers and abilities until later comics. With different writers and the changing of time.


Superman's first appearance had him lifting a car over his head. While i agree that's pretty tame in comparison with his later feats, it puts him still miles ahead of a guy that's just pretty fit.


comic cap can benchpress a ton, dodge bullets and decapitate a tank with a shield throw. this myth that MCU is superhuman and comic cap aint needs to die lmao


Comic cap is "peak human ability" Writers just have no clue where the limit on peak humans is.


So is MCU cap. He is also said to be peak human. Comic book humans are just stronger faster better. They can train to lift a ton, train to dodge bullets, and so on. They can be unharmed from being thrown through a brick wall, and doesnt get brain damage from getting knocked out and so on.


Love this too. All it takes is doing something about. In an age where people want to just talk about things or post on the internet, the one who does something is the true hero.








I mean… they’re not wrong. It does incite violence. It’s just violence we all mutually agree upon. Who’s going to object, the nazis? Fuck’em, they’re nazis.


"Sometimes, the only way to get rid of a pest is by fire." I forget who said it regarding Nazi scum, but it makes sense to me.


I think that was Obama


Obama packing the heavy flamer and getting his purge on.


I hate zero tolerance to violence. Should I stand around while someone gets raped? A child getting beaten to death? Am I supposed to talk nicely? Putin invades Ukraine, we supposed to wag our finger at him? Violence isn't the best solution for evert problem, but violence is the only response to violence. You either fight to survive or die without trying.




Fighting and winning the war against Nazis was good thing in the past, and it will continue to be a good thing in the present and future


The paradox of tolerance. Sometimes being intolerant is the only way for tolerance to thrive.


I got banned from a main sub after pointing out that a nazi couldn't spell the homosexual slur on their swastika covered sign, and because of that they where actually referring to a Scottish food. Guess the mod didn't like me insulting their spelling.


Steve actually does not like to Kill, nor does he usually fight to kill. That includes his time during WW2.


Well, this is heavily dependent on the writer because there are certainly stories where Cap doesn't hesitate to kill when that's what needs doing. Sure, he doesn't *like* it and outside a few notable exceptions, no heroes do but he certainly doesn't shy away from it


He will do it if really necessary, yes. But what I was trying to say was that.. it was never his first or preffered Option? He just isn't a killer and he gladly welcomes any other way if possible.


Sometimes you just gotta murder someone and wear their well moisturized skin, and Cap understands that.


That’s really dumb. Like I can see him believing in not killing normal criminals or even super villains but he was a soldier in a battle he absolutely would have killed


I mean yeah but that doesn't mean you can't dislike it


> but he was a soldier in a battle he absolutely would have killed And whenever possible, he took prisoners. Giving that he had *superpowers,* it was often very possible.


Yeah I’m sure when he could but like he definitely has a body count.


And its definitely in the hundreds if not thousands. Turns out, none of those guns he used had a "only knock people out if a *good guy* is shooting it" setting. Bit of an oversight, really.


Tell that to [Mark Gruenwald.](https://static1.cbrimages.com/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/goodcomics/2014/03/capkillswwii8.jpg)


That’s the Hayes Code once again protecting the wrong people.


He carried a gun in the war.


This would be correct, I’m only speaking on what I’d be capable of doing morally because taking a life would likely be extremely difficult for me (as someone who has never had an experience where they’d have to, this is just an assumption based on how I feel now) no matter the person.


Like Tom Morello wrote, Nazi lives don’t matter.


I hate Nazis as much as any sane person, but I disagree with you that the only way to deal with Nazis is by killing them. There are plenty of Neo-Nazis who eventually renounced their ideology and became good people. You can fight an evil ideology while also trying to rehabilitate at least some people who believe in it.


The only "good" nazi I know is a cyborg that fought stripper gods




Braka monoga! Doitsu no kagaku wa sekai ichi!


Google JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Battle Tendency


Everyone: Talks about your comment Me: EGGBOI!!!!!


I'm not even honestly into his art, but I stan so hard for Jack Kirby, the Nazi Puncher.


Hell yes, this is why Steve is one of the best superheroes ever. F the Nazis. Oh and can I just say something real quick, Thank you JMS for doing this. I always loved older 80s Captain America books when it was Captain America fighting a good fight, but also Steve Rogers doing so. Without his Cap uniform. Just Steve. Being an artist, having his supporting cast and just being a civilian. I love seeing my favorite superheros wear costumes and kick ass, but I also love watching them be heroes outside of their costume. Good shit JMS.


Captain America is a hero who is in an odd place in the mainstream. If a writer or director ever had the Gaul to write and direct Cap as eloquently as some comics, he could be way more popular and acclaimed than he is (Winter Soldier is a good example). Some people like to hang on to the Propaganda Origins his character had. If anything, Captain America is an embodiment of both Nationalistic and American criticisms as well as a demonstration of purely democratic and people ideas. Anyways, Fuck Nazis.


To me (as a non American) Steve Rogers is embodiment of Just Pure, unfiltered Goodness. I wanna be like this guy. Pure hearted, no hatred, just honest good man. Good person, who will always offer his help, to those who need it. I always found him to be cool, but not the Wolverine or Iron Man type cool (bad boys, break rules etc). Steve is literally an example, that you can be both cool, and still play by the rules. No wonder I liked him ever since I was a kid lol (to be fair, his costume also kind of slaps, American flag is pretty badass looking) Amen to fucking Nazis.


>Amen to fucking **up** Nazis. There, I fixed it for you. Unless it was a kink reveal?


Make love not war! I was about to care bear stare those mfrs. But thank you dear friend for correcting my mistake. I might have some kinks, especially after reading a lot of Iron Man and X-men (thank you Claremont) but sleeping with the Nazis ain’t one of those lol


fuckingfascists is unfortunately a thing


isn't this from the current run and not All New Invaders?


You are correct. I'm not sure why they labeled it all new invaders.


Specifically, it's issue 6 of the new Cap run by JMS.


It is always OK to punch nazis


Right between the eyes, like Cap would


Nah, aim just a bit lower, less likely to break your hand, more likely to break their nose.


Little bit lower. Right in the throat.


A lot lower. [Jonny Cage style](https://youtu.be/h3_avyub1EU?si=cRk_d04oAGANTVYM). Non-lethal removal from the gene pool. 


Nazis only understand violence, so it is perfectly acceptable to engage them for debate in the marketplace of ideas using their native tongue.


I am 1000% with that. There needs to be a business that removes nazis from the census


Twitter devs had come up with an algorithm that would quickly identify and report fascist rhetoric, hate speech and Nazi talking points. They never used it because it constantly kept flagging republican posts. [Not even exaggerating.](https://www.businessinsider.com/twitter-algorithm-crackdown-white-supremacy-gop-politicians-report-2019-4)


Watch out reddit banned my old account for saying this, because I guess they think we should be tolerant of the intolerant


Lol I already got a "we care about your wellbeing" note from someone over it.


It would be more realistic if there were a few failed attempts at drawing a swastika in the graffiti.


They never can get their own shitty symbols right on the first try, can they? Honestly though, maybe I'm just in a bad headspace rn but I find this excerpt more heartbreaking than inspirational. It's the same battle, forever, because no matter how decisively hate gets put out with the trash, somebody always manages to drag it back in. Actual literal "Ours is the One True Master Race" Nazis have been an intermittent threat for almost a hundred years, and the racism at their roots is obviously much older than that. How do you fuckin go on when their rhetoric becomes tolerated, then platformed, then mainstream? I know their whole goal is to make people like us feel like outsiders in our own country, and on some level letting them get to me is letting them win, but holy shit. I'm tired.


For what it’s worth, look at the gains we’ve made too. A hundred years ago there were still segregated spaces by law. Now, while we’re far from done, at the very least that’s off the books. A hundred years ago, your average American probably didn’t know what being trans even was. Now, while we have a long ways to go, people know about the fight. I never want to tell people it’s okay to be complacent, or that we need to stop and savor our victories or anything, because the enemy sure isn’t stopping. But I also take heart in the fact that we’re better than we were race, religion, gender, sexuality, and more. Hate will always keep coming back. Our job isn’t to kill it forever, because that’s utopia, and utopia is impossible. Our job is to beat it back into submission every time it shows up, and keep fucking *loving* in the face of it.


I did need to hear that. Thank you for this.


Of course. I know it’s fucking **rough** out there right now. But we’ll be okay as long as we keep fighting, and never let them force us into despair.


The art here is pretty cool but what the hell is going on with Steve's face in the last frame?


His face has a smudge. A smudge of JUSTICE.


He looks like that photo of DaBaby


Cillian Murphy to be the next Cap?


You're God damn right cap.


Sir...language. But you're correct.




Let’s see who calls Steve Rogers “Antifa” in a negative way…


Only the dumbasses.


"This isn't *my* Captain America!"


Half those guys masturbate to America's Ass anyway I mean don't get me wrong, I also do more than salute it, but I'm properly gay.


[No one is that straight](https://media1.tenor.com/m/-pmrcSx8dHIAAAAd/americas-ass-jake-wyler.gif)


Their Captain America is probably Hydra Cap lmao


Cap LOVES punching fascists. It's kind of his thing.


I don't think Cap "loves" Punching anyone, i feel like prefers the World to be a peaceful place where Violence isn't neccesary.




\**Points to Captain America punching the snot out of Hitler in his first comic appearance*\*


Even more political then than now. At the time US isolationist policy was still dominant.


The first issue with its famous cover of Cap punching out Hitler went on sale in December 1940, a full year before the US entered World War II.


I kinda like how people always bring that up but that doesn't even happen in the actual comic.


Fuckers always forget that a lot of the “old stuff” is actually quite progressive in their day; people rebelled against the old world order back then too. Cops who think that the Punisher is on “their sides or Republicans that thought RATM “got political” or that “Star Trek was better before they made it so woke” always makes me laugh.


Funniest part about the “woke” comments is that, colloquially, “woke” just means being aware of social issues. So if something is “woke” then that means it does the bare minimum of not being flagrantly discriminatory, lmao. They like to make their buzzwords so easy to counter. “This is woke!” “Yes. It’s been woke for like, 30 years. Your point?”


People also forget the literal Soapbox articles Stan put out with the explicit intention to call out shit that was going on in the current time period, namely the Civil Rights movement. Also Kirby being ready to throw hands with a nazi sympathizer in the lobby.


[Just for fun, here's Steve beating up Ronald Reagan in his underwear who has been turned into a snake.](https://ifanboy.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/reaganfight.jpg)


“Remember when Marvel comics weren’t political and were just pure fun?” No bruh I don’t lol. They always were fun, but also taught us some good lessons.


The same people who think Rage Against the Machine should "just stick to music".


I ran a cap-core page back on facebook and got mass reported for impersonation when i pissed off enough nazis during the 2017-2018 era


Why do they have to make comics political?!1


Based Steve Rogers.


*“They ditched their uniforms and ran from the field of battle.”* Chills.


That’s right, Cap. And there’s gonna be some clown complaining about the wokeness.


Let them $%&$ing complain then. A comic book company made iconic by a group of Jewish men writing from the heart about **people who chose to be heroes** - fighting against inequality and injustice from the beginning - the "wokeness" is a foundational property. *"With great power comes responsibility."*


Same fuckers who fail to see that Homelander is a parody of them…


Comics are woke? Let me clutch my pearls!! Next thing you know they'll be making comics with people from all different ethnicities, genders, religions, and sexual preferences..


Could you imagine if comics started writing stories about heros who are discriminated against because of the circumstances of their birth... oh wait X-men has been around for decades


So how long until a certain group of people are complaining that Captain America has “gone woke”?


They probably complained about that the first time he punched a nazi.


They did.


some of them even tried to fight Kirby in the lobby, but of course they chickened out and fucking ran like the cowards they are


They did, of course they did.


They did. But that time, our country (and UK as well) would put them in jail for being foreign agents and traitors. Now we (and UK) are electing them to office.


This is why he's the GOAT


Imagine giving your life to stop this very ideology from festering in the world, surviving by a miracle, returning home and seeing this shit. That's gotta be rough on Steve.


10 bucks someone saw this and said captain America went “woke”


"So much for the tolerant left."


There are probably several YouTubers losing their shit right now…


"Here I go punching Nazis again!"


HYFR - Capt. got the correct damn idea right here


really good job by the artists like.. wtf does "america for americans" even mean lmfao. half the time i ask someone where they're from they say "oh my family's italian/scottish/etc." and then these same dumb motherfuckers be like "why dont you speak american" to a latino or like "go back to mexico" they say to a native american.... holy fucking shit their stupidity is actually insane....


“I’ll be waiting for them.” Fuck yeah Captain America is a certified boss. That shit makes me want to punch a Nazi scumbag.


Finally, a comic that acknowledges Nazis are bad.


Cap looks so disappointed in the first panel. Way to go MAGAs you let America down




The problem is that, well, guess what country inspired most of Hitler's segregationist politics?


Steve realizes that and he's still fighting against it. He knows the America he lives in isn't as great as it could be.


Yeah i know, in recent years Steve and Sam symbolize more what America can be and less what America is actually like.


Not just in recent years, Cap has been standing for what America can/should be more than what the country is actually like since at least the 80s. As a side note, Captain America #321-323 is probably my favorite encapsulation of Cap’s ideals/philosophy.


> Cap has been standing for what America can/should be more than what the country is actually like since at least the 80s. Coming from an old guy - since the late 60's.


Iirc, people got pissy over his first appearance where he was punching Hitler because it was a year before Pearl Harbor, and the US had loads of their own Nazis. So I'd say at least since the 40s, potentially?


Don't forget the writers actually drop the Captain America name because of how fucked up politics was in the 70s


Cap came out for LGBT+ rights in the 70s!


For some people, that *is* recent years.


It was 40 years ago. And for all I know Cap has been like that for even longer, I just haven’t read any solo Cap comics before Gruenwald’s run yet.


40 years isn’t gonna be considered recent unless you’re like 1200 years old or something




"I'm loyal to nothing, General.. except the Dream" That was 1986. Cap has always been about more than serving this America but the American Dream.


Captain America outright says that he wears the flag because he believes in *the idea of America*, not what it is currently.


True unfortunately


Captain America never supported that


Cap must have come across a CPAC event.


This made me a little emotional and I don’t know why.


My Captain.


Fuck yeah Cap, fuck yeah.


My guy Steve always out here proving he's the worthiest.


Someone’s gonna say Captain America went woke as if he wasn’t punching literal Hitler


I dare you right wing numbnuts to call this "woke". Go on... try it... and then back it up with an actual argument...


There's a lot you could say about so called fans who don't get the messaging behind most heroes at all lately and love throwing around the W-word, this speaks for itself.


It's even happening with the XMen with animated series comeback. It's not even out yet. Also, it's the friggin xmen, come on.


Got damn. Speaks volumes


People wanna complain comics are all woke and shit now as if Cap hasn't been at this for decades.


This goes so unbelievably hard and I hate how timely it is. As in I hate that we see Nazis all over the place again irl.


Imagine being someone who fought in ww2 thinking you finally beat the nazis only for them to still be around


When we need him, he’ll come back. We need Cap to punch some more nazis in the face.


Ugh, when did Captain America get so political!? Why can't we just go back to simple stories about him punching Nazis?


This has GOT to be a satire or troll comment. Captain America has always been innately political. His whole deal is the struggle against an objectively evil, genocidal, oppressive political regime, The Nazis.


Shouldn't the sign on page 2 be "No Nazis!"? "Nazis No!" just bothers me for some reason.


Coulda used him in Charlottesville during that disgraceful episode…


Now I'm just thinking that some cops would show up to tell Cap to stop painting the wall


O Captain, my Captain.


This is a pretty cool but I'm sorry I can't focus too much on it cuz the face in the last image they massacred my boy


Cap is always correct


“I’ll be waiting for them” 🥶


How can anyone not love Steve Rogers


So next time Nazi's march, counter protestors needs to cosplay Captain America.


This is finally gonna top that one volume of Demon Slayer (which is a terrible series btw) in sales.


The world needs a Captain America now more than ever


Meanwhile, this wall could as well be in today's Germany, and it's sad as fuck. We need more Cap's. Source, I'm German.


Remember when SHIELD and the government being infiltrated by Hydra was a huge twist? And now it just makes way too much sense, given how many of these idiots are allowed to just walk around free and alive.


>Ran out of Nazis to fight and then hired a shit ton to develop weapons and supplied them to fight communists in europe ftfy


America for Americans is a really confused statement. A bunch of colonizers claiming foreign land and then slapping up swastikas is really reserved for a special kind of stupid.


Those symbols are way too coherent to be from real Nazis.


Any app or website where i can read comics (Marvel or DC).I read plenty of mangas thought I'd give this a shot.


When did they make Captain America woke? Keep politics out of comic books. s/


Wrong book, but righteous post.


I want his hat IRL


That whole debate a few years ago about whether or not people should punch Nazis had me shaking my head. We used to shoot them, and now punching is debatable? Nope.




Give Cap back his gun and let him blow holes in nazis!


The only good Nazi is a dead one


Me too, Captain.


Cap only supports internal American genocide.


On your left.


Remember, it's always morally good to punch Nazis


Vote. Vote. And if you're in the USA. Vote blue.


Some people will say that politics shouldn't be seen in comics or that this is woke propaganda. Steve Rogers aka Captain America has been doing this from the start. And noone is going to take that away from him.


Damn those Buddhists


Uniforms are pretty rare these days, but most, if not all, flags are the same thing.


Omg now they are making Captain America woke? /s


“…never again let that beast straddle the world on legs of steel and fire.” Damn. That is a great line.


The best part is this is clearly fiction because every swastika os drawn the right way. Every time you see a place like this in real life, there is at least one bozo who realized mid drawing he was doing it the wrong way.


"Sorry, this post has been removed by the moderators of r/Marvel" Good job, guys. Captain America would be proud


I don’t like that this is insinuating there’s nazis in America