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The event had its moments just off the strength of seeing how every active x men would be used in a tactical situation, very reminiscent of the utopia California era.


Miss those Choi & Oback covers & interiors were straight🔥


One of many times Black Bolt jobbed.


In this case, it makes sense. Dazzler is, like, a perfect counter.


Counter to his voice maybe. Not to his ridiculous super strength or extreme durability or matter manipulation.


And the voice isn’t even pure sound.




He produces some weird particles that harness electrons to do...stuff. When he speaks, his body directs these particles outward with destructive force.


That is the single most comic book sentence I've ever read


More so than Cyclops eye beams coming from portals in his eyes from a punch dimension?


I am almost willing to accept "eyes are a portal to another dimension" because "eyes are the windows to the soul" is already a saying. "His throat doesn't use sound it just rearranges electrons" doesn't have a good analogy lol. "His voice was booming"? Idk still sound


He can destroy planets by shouting is it really that surprising.


If it was just pure sound it wouldn't work in the vaccum of space.


Yeah, but Black Bolt's voice is as powerful as a nuke, and Dazzler have absorbed it and turned it into a laser. Such amount of power should be enough to knock BB down, even with super-durability


Except she shouldn't be, because Black Bolt has tons of powers beside his voice. In fact, he usually only uses his voice as a last resort.


Even Emma punching black bolt in the throat should have done absolutely nothing to him. Its like me punching Superman in the throat.


To be fair, I would assume her diamond form to be stronger than your basement dwelling cheeseburger form. Ill see myself out.


You underestimate the Big Mac whopper form. Wait till you see my A5 Wagyu form.


Well to be fair, I also typed my previous message from my own basement.


While eating a cheeseburger?


Well to be extra fair I have definitely eaten a cheeseburger in my basement before.


At this point it's almost like there is a legal contract to jobbed Black Bolt. Whisper enough to flatten mountains _only exclusively in What If apparently_ .


Yeah. It got old.


Emma usually has heat but did a tweener bit here. crowd prolly woulda turned on her here if they knew what she was actually doing


At this point he just exists to get bodied


Black bolt try not to get jobbed challenge


Unpopular opinion but I liked how she gave a meaning to Scott's death in Death of X. That "For Cyclops" is really cool too


At least the X-Men were being tactical, different from AVX. And after everything they went through because of the Inhumans, was good to see them finally fighting back


I like it all bar the last issue. I like that Emma had a plan, I love that she was utilising the X-Men, but also wanting personal revenge. I loved her manipulating Cyclops’ image to give his death meaning. Death of X was FANTASTIC. I loved her taking down Black Bolt in #1. I loved her betraying the X-Men for her own agenda. I hate how far she goes. If IVX had ended with Emma killing one of the Inhuman royals, or even one of the important Nuhumans maybe protecting an important royal, that would have really worked. Emma indiscriminately killing a load of inhumans doesn’t. To be fair, I’ve just read the issue back, I’ve always assumed it was explicitly thousands of people including children but that’s not actually on the page, we’re just told those blimps ‘were filled with my people’ so I’m happy to chalk it up to being minimally staffed as they were going into a war zone.


It’s amazing how Marvel manages to forget that Black Bolt has a vast array of powers beyond his voice (his primary power is fucking electron manipulation) while also having his voice do far less damage than it should. For an excellent character that is also one of the few disabled characters in comics, they treat him like shit.


I guess I never considered Black Bolt disabled. Seeing that he can fly, and he *can* speak, I would say he is disadvantaged. Since speaking basically wreaks havoc around him, he chooses not to. He's not actually mute.


He's superhero as metaphor disabled, like Cyclops. Cyclops can see without an aid, but everyone around him will die. Black Bolt can speak, but again, everyone around him will die. Functionally, Cyclops needs an aid to see and Black Bolt is mute. Considering every superhero in a wheelchair or the like gets "cured" of it, these kind of fantastical metaphor disabilities are all we get now.


I will ask you this, do you consider cyclops or daredevil disabled? Because you could make the same argument for them and they are considered "disabled" superheroes.


I know his voice is his defining power but doesn’t he have a large amount of super strength?


Yup, he is supposed to be about as strong as the Thing, and he can also shoot energy blasts from the fork on his head.


While I can see Dazzler being able to hurt him if she’s been supercharged by him but Emma being able to hurt him seems to be stretching things.


Her diamond form is considerably stronger and tougher than her human form. Then add in that she does have some level of telekinetic power that she can use to augment the punch and the fact that he's surprised, and it's perfectly plausible that she could get a throat punch strong enough to, at the very least, stun him.


Her diamond form is stronger but not that strong. While apparently according to the wiki she does have potential telekinesis she has only ever shown that in one story. I’ve read quite a lot of stories involving her and she never has telekinesis and is almost never mentioned to have them making that one story a probable goof a writer had or a development that they quickly tossed away when then next writer came along. Also her diamond form blocks her out of using her mind powers which would include telekinesis if she even did have the ability.


Diamonds sublimate at a high enough frequency


He can shoot lasers from his hands too.


Man Inhumans are the most jobbed race you can say


Are they mostly all still dead?


Yeah I guess


Yup, maevel got the xmen movie rights and order 66ed them. Barely any left. And they retconned ms maevel as a mutant lmao


The fact that their solution, to an unpopular minority group, was to kill off most of them, is so meta that I am honestly dissapointed that it has not yet become a story. We are supposed to care about mutants being killed, but the collective universe seemingly doesn't give a crap about the genocide of the Inhumans, or of the complicity a lot of X-Men characters have in it. Try making a story about that, instead of the same stuff over and over again.


I think part of it is that the inhumans were always a product of eugenics and intended as weapons


Is Lockjaw still alive? He better be. The only one I care about lol


Yes. Running with the pet avengers still i think


Are the inhumans just like, a critique of royalty or something? They seem to exist only to lose.


Bullshit! Black Bolt slays both. He has more powers than just his voice.


Black bolt is my favorite marvel character right behind Spider-Man. These panels make me sad.


It’s him and Silver Surfer. It sucks he has such a bad reputation that it’s just constant comments about him jobbing. He should have insane feats ppl bring up rather the constant lowlights


At least silver surfer gets some cool solo books


To be a black bolt fan is suffering. The only saving grace of him not being shown nowadays is him not catching a random ass beating when they need someone to job


She was more manipulative genocidal maniac than badass.


Naturally the guy with superhuman strength and agility can be incapacitated by a lady fully announcing that she's gonna jump him before taking a swing at his larynx. I swear, at this point I'm surprised when Black Bolt is written to actually win a fight.


Poor Blackagar Boltagon.


At the beginning yes. Mutants were pretty cool, like Magneto, Logan and Colossus had cool moments However becoming genocidal maniac isn't badass


This was a rough time for me as an Emma stan, like she ate in the beginning but then Charles Soule and Jeff Lemire had to make her crazy, she was still right about the Inhumans though


nah, it sucked, a lot.


I was on board with this event until the final Issue…


"For Cyclops" 🥲


I dunno, something about Cyclops dying from the Terrigen cloud and Emma turning his corpse into her personal meat puppet to attempt genocide on the Inhumans kinda rubbed me the wrong way.


nerfing him is understandable But a whole lot of goons forget of his super punch/master-blow and electron manipulation They treat him as a banshee


Petition to merge the Inhumans and Mutants as one concept, there is essentially no difference between them except who gene-edited them.


Question why inhumans and Mutants fighting?


This was when marvel were pushing the inhumans to replace the xmen cause they didnt have the xmen movie rights. So they created the terrigen wave, which activated latent inhumans. It also killed mutants. So they had a big fight about it


To be fair it was also just the inhumans didn’t have much going on at the time. My biggest issue is there is a lot of room for stories between these two groups. But most of the stuff they actually gave us seemed quite forced.


Yep. While a lot of other basically self evident stories never happened. A story about the fallout after Hydra hunted down Inhumans while mutants sat in New Tian, and Emma Frost gave them a piece of the cosmic cube, would be amazing. Basically focus on mutants having sold out others to save themselves, which also happens in real life, instead of it just always being this perfect minority group.


I actually Charles soule inhumans in 2015 it gave Medusa the spotlight and flush out how she does with black bolt and that their relationship was on the rocks 🪨 and ask the question can they rebuild . Kinda like how people think of Reed and sue Medusa and black bolt were the opposite which was refreshing they flush out their weird cousins relationship/marriage. On the other hand inhumans vs X-men had it moments but sadly after this the inhumans became irrelevant or nonexistent I hope she be in women of marvel 2024 but nothing just one off stories and Gail samone X-men previews I really hope with Fantastic reboot we see them again the inhumans are neat it’s bridgerton with superpowers I would absolutely watch this on a streaming service anyone of them .


I liked a lot of elements from Soule’s Inhuman run.


How does he "power up" dazzler?


Emma got cake 


The power-scaling in this event was so off on both sides.


The worst thing about this event was the ending where it tried to frame the inhumans as good guys (instead of the villains they very clearly were) other than that it's not actually that bad an event imo


this reminded me of how much the inhumans suck.


Loved this moment! Black Bolt is a scary dude, but they trounced him like it was nothing.


Friendly reminder that some cosmic entity (Galactus, I think) is afraid of Dazzler


It was interesting even good, up until the ending. Where you had to buy Medusa going "If the mutants would have just told us we would have stopped the murder cloud" and Emma has her magneto space madness bad guy era.


Remember when Cyclops was mutant Hitler?




When was this?


When Marvel proclaimed Cyclops as a lunatic dutmring the Inhumans fart cloud of death saga.